Hierarchy Of Religions

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  • Words: 796
  • Pages: 25
Hierarchy of Religions By Srinuthename

Hierarchy of Human Knowledge Conscience gathering

1. Direct experience or Transmission from directly experienced 2. From a teacher or guide 3. From a Great Man (through his life as example) 4. From a Miracle performer(and his teachings) 5. From God Himself(if there is someone)

Let me give examples for each of them

Direct experience or Transmission from directly experienced

• Touching fire will cause you burn. This we can experience directly or if somebody tells us

From a teacher or guide • A mathematics problem or a philosophy concept or as simple as mother asking to wash hands before eating.

From a Great Man (through his life as an example) • The leaders who influence us with their thoughts may be writer of a book or a establisher of a concept like communism.

From a Miracle performer(and his teachings) A miracle performer is someone who has done something which you think is impossible. Or a scientist who proved something or invented something. the proof exists there so you cant deny it even though you don’t like the person before. The difference between a great man and miracle performer is the great man need not prove anything to make you believe him. A miracle is doing something which we think is not possible with our existing knowledge.

From God Himself(if there someone) • Obviously unquestionable. This hasn’t happened recently in modern scientific world. However If we go to past “Sacred Vedas” given by god to INDIAN RISHIS(Sages), Ten Commandments to Moses, Gabriel’s vision to Muhammad and the list continues….

The Order of placement • I placed them in the following order because as the number increases the strength of belief increases……. (please accept this theory at this point)

Apply the same rule • As human knowledge and conscience follow the depicted hierarchy so do the religions of human mankind also follow the same hierarchy. After all religion is a belief. A path which is supposed to take us to God

Let us have a look at major world religious beliefs Judaism - Given by God(Ten commandments to Moses). Falls into category 5. Vedism(Early Hinduism) – Vedas are known as “Apaurusheyas” meanings not by Human. Which in turn says given by God. Falls into category 5. Christianity – There is a small coalition here. It is based on both the Life of a Great Man(Jesus) and his Miracles. Christianity is more prominent in miracles than the Jesus path. And it can be taken as category 2 also because there is always a guide “church”

Contd.. Islam – Entirely based on the life of a Great man(Mohammed(pbuh)) and less space for miracles. For Mohammed(pbuh)it is directly from god. But for Muslims it is through Mohammed(pbuh). Falls into category 3 only. Buddhism – Based on the Life of great man but more prominent in directly experiencing the God as Buddha himself rather just following his path. Falls into category 1 and 3 Jainism – Completely on the life of a

Contd… • Sikhism – Life of great man and he is the guide, prominently Falls into category 3.

Based on pure beliefs… • Taken the god exists and interacted to people directly. The hierarchy of followability they can be placed as…

Explanation • I put Christianity in miracles category because it is mostly based on miracles of either Jesus or evangelists or saints. It is not from god because Christ knew god but not Christians. There is a church or something is in between. Ten commandments are given to Jews not Christians. • Same thing is with Islam, Mohammed(pbuh) knew god but not Muslims, they can knew god only through Mohammed(pbuh) never by

From a Scientific point of view… • From a logical and scientific point of view, the followability is reversed. Based on the categories… because god cannot be proved neither the miracles, only the greart men are trustable and self experience is the ultimate lesson. This is when religion is considered as a path of righteous life.

If you add Born Hindu’s and Born Jews • Because they learn the god themselves as these so called religions cannot be converted into, but just be followed. • Note: There is no Japtism in Judaism or Hiptaism in hinduism as like Baptism in Christianity

If you consider • Born Muslim, Born Christian ,Born Sikh…… because they also see god from their parents and themselves…. They need not want any miracles to be performed to get the belief…

Moral of the story is • Stay where you are don’t change you religion or culture in the steps of your mind. Stick to your beliefs until they don’t hurt anybody or anything, love is the living nature of God. Peace is the living place of God.


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