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Section. !87~~of the bmiptiOD @U.C;l.~o~iW .. A
~r.,a~····',·c:::=i~i~ HI. J1QLICY
IV. ASSIONlviiNTS Before ~~tmg
}!)~ r«ceive a,Uth0t'izatiGn to pctfQml~~'.
function$,~W\undertbis).lt>f\,tb~y m,ustsilCCle$S{U)ly ~t1lpIete l'tl.~ ·~weaJ.i~illJ,
as descrwedl.,S~;n vm" intl\benf~re~~ of,federal ~_ WW$,~)lOl~~:as: provi4ed by ICE tn$trU~Qts ,',and.,~~r p.~~ti01'lS ,equiV_ht'totb.os~ ~R/to l~ o~~oal¥ ~QiI~ ~, ~~twho are se~" ~tl amh~ ad ,,' ,,',''',.t, <';~i:':~~' .~;..: ;.....~_" .',', "'~iMOA" ..,;...' +Jri. i" " t.i/' SUf1~~,~_t ()-~.",UiW",~ ~ant 10- 1lJI S ." .k) ~ .UCtU.4~ ~'~
oftiQ,fJ: &ActiOns en~a-.tm*is.WOA.
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Participating HPD perswmelperi'0n:ning ~gration~l8!ted duties putsUa1lt totbisM,()4 Will be HPD ofticers assigJrleG to one of the followi1l8 units or a unit by anQther~ p~r~ the same functions: Violent FUSitive ApprehensiQil:Squad (VFAS), Crirntna!·,~nv.estigati($$ a~(.lll (CIS). Anti..Gang Unit, Drug Enforcement Unit, and Operations(OPS}fartiCipa,ti,~8 HPD personnel will' be exercising their immigration-related authorities during the ~e of cpiminal inves~gationsinvolvingatiens eDC(:)\IIllter,ed witbinketmd,on, VA. ~y oomW.tiPIl: !l'f~e offietrs or I;Jlay \,>, assigneq. ~dlor C.(),"k)~,. task force o:fi'ic~rs, to, assist ICE .~~ with .orimitJa[inv~gati~t1$. .
'The:~ oft;n~ ~.-:utA _"~nt$ .r~ s~Zethl$fotio:ws: - Violent Fugi1tive Appreb:en$ionSgpap (VB,A:$): The tEA pers<mbelassi;gned tQ;the,VFA$ unIt are charged with the respopsi~Uity of id~titYfug 'llilJh;..tisk felons who wanted for enmesor otIensesti1afrepresent asigntltcPillt(hreat 10 publicssety.
- Criminal l~ve~tigatio~. S-.iOn (CIS): Tbie LEA peJ;sonneL assigned to CIS bysmtllte 'are charged witP t,he. ~P'Onst"iii1ty of ~tifyit1ge,r;irrihm:l enterpdsesatid other for;ms of o~sanized
criminal actiVities. - Anti"Gpbl~ Unit: The LEApersotmel a$sJgned to the anti..gang unit engage in la.wemoreentent actions that are targeted against gang .ctivity.' .
- D~, in~_~n:~Un,tt: 1J1eWiA :pe"JllW~18ISSiUliU~d to fftese vaiiGlls dru&enibrc.imltmt ~nits are in\t.l~~:.tb ll~ ., .,',,' " hit ~~Qtiics t1lv.esfigatiOlit$~ Cluite ()ften they enQounter indiviaua1iS'Wi~lilU\~be $n Uter¢g~i~~U1,
- Operations Ubit The LEt\, ;P~l'Ulel'as:sign_ to tblsunit ate invt)lved.in the ,tmevcmti~:Ul0f general Cl'iminal aetivitJ: in'VOivin!' a~ ~er$ Gtnup ·J,.offeMe8 and ·aGrC»l.P II ~$e.d apprehension of c.titnm8ls who commit ,§uell crime.s. GroUp A crimes are listed in theA,ppu4llC D "Group A Offenses,"attached aild incorporated by reference amd ~e Group B o.nse of driving under the influence.
V. DESIGNATION OF AUTHOJUZED FUNCTI:QN$ For the purposes of this MOA, partici~g HPD personnel will be authQrized to .perfo$1the following functions pursuant to the stated authorities, subject to the limitations contained i:n.this MOA: The power and authority to interrQgata arlYp,erson believed to be an &lien ~ to his rig~t to be or remain in ~ llaited States (INA § 2i7(a)(1) and 8 C:f.R. § 287.5(a)(I) anak> .pt00eSS fot innnigratiQIl yioiaions tliWseiDdtvi4)ilals wh~ _ eOllvi_of s.te or Federal felon,y offessea, Group A offenses, or the Grotjp B otIense of driv_ under tlile inf:1uence.
The power and authQrity to arrest wIthout warrant any alien entering or atte~ptingto unlawfully enter the United States, or an;yalien in the United States, if the oft1¢er has reason' to believe the alien to be arrested is ,in the United States in violation oflaw and is likely to escape before a warrant ea,n. be obtained. INA § 287(a)(2) and 8 C.F.R.§ 287.5(0)(1); .
Thepovver and autht>rity to mest wiiwut warrant for felonies whieh have. ,~n committd and which are CO'goizable unier any law of the United States Ieg\llatilll"ibe admission, exclusio~expulsion,or removal of aliens. INA § 287(a)(4) and 8 C.F.lt§ 287.5(c){2). Notification off such arrest must be made to ICE within twenty..:follr (l4) hours; ,
The power and authority to serve warrants of arrest for immigration violations pursuant to 8 C.F.R. § 287.5(e)(3);
The power and authority te> administer oaths and to take and consider evidence (INA § 287(b) and 8 C.F.R. § 287.S{a)(2);' to complete required criminal alien processing" including fingerpriJlting, pnotogra.phin& and interviewing of aliet:lS" as well as the, preparation of affidavits and the,taking ofswom statements for ICE supervisory review;
The power and authonty to J)repSfe dllarging Goeuments (INA Section 239, 8 C.F.R. 239.1; INA Section 238, 8 C.F.R 238.1; INASeetlorl 241(a)(5), 8 C.F.a 241.8;1NA SectioIl23S(bXl),8 C.P.R. 23'5.3) incilldi. the preparation ofaNotice to Appear (NTA) applica.tion or Qther cBargin,g document. M llPpropriate, for the signature of an ICE officer ,tbr aliens' inaat~ie$ C0veted by thisMOA under the directions of ICE supervisors;
• The power and authority to issue immigration detainers (8 C.F.R. § 287.7) and 1-213, Record of Oeportable/lnadmissible Alien, for processing aliens in categories covered by this MOA under the directions of ICE superviso~; and •
The power and authority to detain and transport (8 C.F.R. § 287.5(c)(6» arrested aliens to ICE-approved detention facilities.
VI. DETENTION ISSUES The HeEttd~~;;,e'(?lic,eIl~~tJis ~~e!tIn the HP:O's custody of an iRdividual who participating HP.O personael have determined to be a removable alien, the alien will be transported. 'by theijpD ob the same day to an ICE designated office or facility, after noti:ficatlun to and <1(:)orclilJlatiou with ICEsup~rvisory officer, sO that no further detention costs will be incurred by rCE.
VB. NOMINATION OF PERSONNEL The Herndon ,P.olice Depart\1ilent will nominate candidates for initial training and eertifi.cation under this MOA. 'Forea¢h candidate, ICE may request any iId'onmation nec.essary for a background check and to evaluate a eandidate'ssu1tability to participate in the enforcement of immigration authorities U:Ilder this MOA. All pandidates must be United States citizens. All candidates .must have at least two years of work experience witq HPD. All candidates must be approved by ICE arrd must be able tocqualifY for appropriate federal security clearances.
Should aOIID~Id~:te .not o~~'t:0¥eA~ a. $\ltlistiYJte;~di_ nULy be subm'ittmd if timepermnssuoh substitt:t_B .~.·(lQ~Wi __l~J)l.a('!lac1i:n:~Il~ 5~ &f·,~ng. Arty ~e e;x.pansl<m ill the number of 1?$tti~fP~tinli{ltDpe.Q~~ Qt sGh~d~ ot,a4dttiional trainitlg elass:esmay be based on an oral agretUlent or·the.parti(gs:? but \NtH be subjeattl)aD the rer;tuiremems of this MOA.
ICE wiJliptfo;v;i~rl$U~D,,1D1~t)·fle.v~~1 ~tb;itbe ~tGty 5-week training tailored to the immigt'afiWlfun\itiM~.te·'e·,~i6ttned~ Trai.Iwi:~l take ,Nceat amtO:tlatily desigNated site in No~em Virginia, ,.<1 w.jltritilize Ics._signeatwriculum andOOIDl'etenoy testing. TrainiJag will incluQe, among other tbings: (i) discussion of the terms and limitations of this MOA; O(i) me scope or immigration oFficer aut)rori'ty; (iii) relevant immigration law; (iv) the ICE Use of Foroe .Policy; (v) Civil Rights laws; (vi) tke O.S. Department of Justice "Guidance Regarding tbe Use Of Race lB'y :Fed~ Law Enroroement Agencies." dated June 2003; (vii) pUblic outrea:okandcolllplaiint 'f':Q'cedures:; ~yi'ii~titl;@t1ity issues; Ox) cross,.cultural issues; .and (x) the obligalinn, lUll~er ~
Appr:oximat~" one~¢t\T~~th~.prtitriD~ltg ~iJ9. ,ers~el ar.e traiJilfaQ and certified, ICE may prov·ide adQi~io.t uP4~e~tl1almlr$. ·Qn;.·relevtm~ administrative, legal, and operational issues related to .1hep~o~atl~Qf it)l~~ion.,o.mttntfunctiMs~ unless either party terminates this
MOA pursuallittoSeelionXVll,t:>el(l)w. LG)oalU"a.ining on relevant issues will be provided on an ongoing basis by ICE supervisors or a designated team leader. IX. CERTIFICATION, AUTBORIZATION, AND TERMINATION The ICE 'Frail1ing nivisionwitl certiff in wdti~g to the ICE Speoial Agent in Charge and/or the ICE Field Ofiice' D~rect()r in Virgi,nia ~ n~ or those HPD personnel who successfully complete traillmgafJ.d pass all requitea tesjing.Upon receipt or Training Division certification, the ICE Speeial A:~t3nt inC_~e aadtor the IClE Field Office Director in Virginia will provide the participat~.$lmQ pe~~~lwith f;l sipd.autitorizatiofl to peli0mt specified functions of an immigration officer ror ail initWi period of 011eM¢~ from the date of the authorization. ICE will also provide a oOPY oftheautbori1latlon to the ffJ>D. The ICE supervisory officer, or designated team leader, will evaluCltethe activities of all pet.$ofmel oertified under this MOA. AuthO~ti~nofp~oi~til'l$ bEA,.SOtlnW,]oact pursuant to this MOAma:y be revoked at any ti~. bY!tI'Qr~1lel~~ . Stroh ~c~tiQ~~i:U require immediate notification to. theQther p$tty to tbisM'tl:A.1'he~hiefoft'~Hermton~oljoe Dep~rtlit'lentand the ICE S,eciai Agent tn Charge ant1¢()rthetCli~e:ld'O;.oe~_torin ~itginia wiD be responsible for notification of the appropriate per$Qnn~l tn {heirre$peQtJve agenci~. The termination of this MOA shall oonstitute revocation of all inm:tigration erUorcementauthotlzations delegated hereunder.
PartieipatingFtPD PQ{so®el will carry DUt ~~gnated functions at lIPD expense, including salruies and benefits. loc.at ttamsportation, anti aftfeiaUssue material. ICE will.provide.the il1smtcto.l\~·aNd trai.S ma.~mals. The HPD is respDnsible for the salaries 8l1e b~ts; il1lG1uat (}\t~1nQ,f<>r atlof i~ per~~l being trained Of performing duties under this MOA. @ct 10+ those~ers~llfleiJetIonBil1:lt'me regular funotions of the participati'rlg HPD persemtel Wntle~ they $e ~elving~ing. 'T'fte BPD wUl cover the oosts Df all HPD candidates' travef~lT0.111sitlg, ~. per diem amll~j witll the training re:q\lired for partic.ipatiO'n in this agreement. ICE isrespcJnslble for the swies 8l1d benefits Df all of its personnel, including . instructors and sUJPerviso.rs. If ICE aetennil1es that it is necessary, the HPD will enter into. an Inter-Go.vernmental Service Agreement (lGgA) with ICE pursuant to. which HPD will pro.vide, fo.r a reimbursable fee, translOO~ation for aU incarcerated aliens, upon the co.n'Ipletio.n o.f their sentences, or uPo.n oo.mpletiO'n ()f processing in tho.se circumstal1ces in which state Dr IO'cal prosecutiO'n is nO't available, to' a facility et l;ocafi;en desi~l1ated by ICE. If ICE determines that it is necessary, HPD wmpF()vi~etdE, at no cost, with an O'ft'h~e within each participating HPD facility fo.r ICE supervisery emp10'yees to \yf;)tk. ICE agrees to be resPO'nslble fer the purchase, installatiO'n, 8l1d maintenance O'f technO'lo,gy (cemputerIIAFIS/Pliletoat'ld slmtlar nardware/sohare) nec8Ssary to' suplOOrt the investigative functions O'f participating HPD personnel at each BPD facUity with 811 active 287(g) program. The use O'f this 0Cifwpment is to be limited to the perfO'rmance O'f resPo.nsibilities autho.rizea by this MOA umderseefion 281 O'f tke INA by ~icipating HPD persO'nnel. ICE alse agrees to' previde the neceSSarY teGWl 'al SUPPO'rt and software upaates foc use by participating HPD personnel to' acc()mpiSb the del~ated ftmotiO'ns,~tlch hardware.• sO'ftware, and o.ther technO' logy purchas~ O'r pr()vided by IC:E. shall remain tlJeprO'perty of ICE and shall be returned to' ICE uPO'n terminati<>n O'f thisa.greculmn:t, er when deemed necessary by the ICE Special Agent in Charge and/or th:eICE Field· Office Directo.r in Virginia. XL ICE SUPERVISION ImmigratiO'n enforoement activities conducted by the parth:;ipating HPD perso.nnel will be supervised and directed by ICE superviso.ryefficers or the designated team leader in Virginia. Participati.JagHPDpersolttlel arenetauthorjzed t~'perform immigration officer functiO'ns, except when worltillgttn.det the ~petV'.~ili>.a, ~f an :lC~ ([(ticer. or when acting pursuant to' the guidance provided bya:n 1<:E ~el1:t. tpattiicijllt1ing HPtl persO'nnel shall give timely nO'tice to' the ICE supervisO'ry 0ftieer within 24 ho.ursofany detainer issued under the authorities set fO'rth in this MOA. The actions dfJjattieipating FWD persO'nnel will be reviewed by ICE supervisO'ry officers O'n 811 O'ngO'ing basis toel1SUre compliance witliI the requirements of the immigratiO'n laws 8l1d procedures and to assess the needtO'r individualadditiO'nal training O'r gwd8l1ce.
For purposes of tki$ MOA, K:E officers will pr<M'tte supervision of participating HPD persrumel only as to immittati60 enfG:nement fttnetiOJls. Nib supervision of all other aspects of . the employment of.and pecl'OmJMGe of duties by participating HPD personnel.
In the absemee of a written a,reement to the COJ.!l'I'ary, the polieies and procedures to be utilized by the partici,atmg HPJ) peJSomtei in exercising _se authorities shall be DBS and ICE policies and procedwres, m.dios tlte I;C£ U&eof Force' Poticy. However, when engaged in immigration __ C~"' _ _ _"+ ~~.. '+~....... 1'\-+i~';"",,.. ... .rnD·· . I 'U 1.._...4-ed . .' ,_...I • I_~ ~...~ Uiuvt",""",,,DO Ii'-'~.,q;' nr . p~ W! : ~ exp""" . or reqU1l'~ to VIORlll.e or otherwise fait to lTl~ tJie RPD'sndes,~"" or p<»icies, or be required to fail to abide by restrictiOJllS at Ullmi.1tQS, as may ~e be _posed by law. If a contlict arises between an order or directional an ICE supervisory officer or a DHS or ICE policy and the HPJ;:>"s :rules, standards. Or policies., the conft.i:et shall be promptly reported to the ICE Speci,al Agent i.n Cllarge and/or me ICE Fie14 Office DiIecror in Virginia, or designees, and the C.hlef ofPoliee, or designee, wRen circwnstances safely allow the concern to be raised. The ICE Special APlllt in and/or the ICE Field Office Director in Virginia and the Chief of the Herndon Pelifle Depart-mMt shall attempt t0resolve the contlict.
XII. REPORTING lU1QU:rRlEMBNTS The HpJ) will be re$flQ;mtiblefor backing aad maintaining accurate data and statistical . infol'llU\tion for their 28f(&) program, including .y specific tracking data requested by ICE. Upon ICE's request" such data and iaformation small be provided to ICE for comparison and verification with ICE's own clata anel statistical information, as well as for ICE's statistical reporting requirements and to assess the progress and success of the LEA's 287(g) program.
XIII. LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY If any participating HPO persomelare the subjects of a complaint of .any sort that may result in that individual receiving wnployer dis¢ipUJae or _oroing the subject of a criminal investigation or ,civillaws.!lit, lIe HPD shall, to·tlm extent allowed by mrte law, i1t1mediately notify ICE of the existence and nature pf OOt'Jilplamt. The res0'lrutioo of the complaint shall also be promptly reported to ICE. Complaints ~ding the exereise of immigration enforcement authority by participating HPD peJisollJlel sliudl be handled as ~ribed below.
Except as otl:terwise noterd in tisMOA ot'alloW~d by federal law, the HPD will be responsible and bear the cQSts of ,.~.~ HPD Fts0UCI With Iteg8l'd to the1r pmperty Of personael ex:penses iDeumredby feaum at. . itYury, or ~ts giving rise to liability. Partici,pating HPD personnel wil1 o~ be treated as federal employees for purposes of the Federal Tort Claims AGt~ 28 U.S.C. §§ 2671-2680, and worker's compensation claims, 5 U.S.C. § 8101 et seq., wnen performiDg a fi:tfrotion asa.oozed by this MOA. 8 U.S.C. § 1357(g)(7). It is the understanding of the panies to this MOA tllat participating HPD personnel will enjoy the same defenses and immunities available to ICE officers from personal liability. arising from tort lawsuits based onactions conducted in compliance with this MOA 8 U.S.C. § 1357(g)(8).
Participating HPD personnel named as defcmdattt$ jn litigation arising from activities carried out under this MOA may request representation by 1!he U.S. Department of Justice. Such requests must be made in writillg directed to the Attorney General of the Ua;lted States, a.tld will be handled in c~ wbA the ICE Special Apnt in Charge and/or the ICE Field Office Director in V i ' " R:e:~llesu fol' reprfientatkm must be presemed to the ICE Office of the Chief CGwtsel at 901 N. ~ s.e~ 1h PlMr, Arlington, VA 22003. Any request for represett~.w, ~ ,'" " ,1ilde$e mum be dearly matked "Subject to Attomey~C1ien.t Privi." 'DieOtJke Gf.e ef CC):tmse1 wilfbrward th'O imliviEluaJ's request, tolether with a meIDOal" o~ the faetual basis uny all feEleral civil riBltts statutes and regQlations, inciudjng the U.S. Department of Justice "Ouidanee .Regarding The Use Of Race By Federal Law Enforcement Agencies" dated June 2003. Participating HPD personnel will provide an opportunity for subjects with limited English language proficiency to reCliuest an interpreter. Qualified foreign language interpreters will be provided by the J.lPD as needed.
·XVI. REQUIRED REVIEW OF ACTIVITIES The ICE Sl'eoiai Alent in Charle in Virginia and the Chief of the Herndon Police Department shaH establish a steering eomm:i~ee that will meet periodically to review and assess the immigration enfclrcement activities conducted bytbe participating HPD personnel and to ensure compliance with the terms of this MOA. The steering committee wUI meet periodically in Virginia at loc'ltions to be agreed ufJon by the parties, or via telecomereBce. Steering committee participants wiill be supplietl witll specitic infotmalion on case reviews, individual participants' evaluations, complaints filed, medi'fl coverage, and, to the extent practicable, statistical inmrmation on increased iJiDlt'ligration eniorcem'(!)nt activity in Herndon, V A. An initial review meeting wiU be held no later than nine months after certification of the initial class of participating HPD personnel under Section IX, above. XVII. COMMUNITY OUTREACH The HPD may, at its discretion, engage in community outreach with individuals and organizations expressing an interest in this MOA. ICE may participate in such outreach upon the HPD's request. . XVIII. RELATIONS WITH THE NEWS MEDIA The HPD may. at its discretion, communicate the form and substance of this agreement to organizations and groups expressing an interest in the law enforcement activities to be engaged in under this MOA. This MOA also tlescribes the complaint procedures available to members of the public regarding actions taken by participating HPD personnel pursuant to this agreement. The HPD hereby agrees to coordinate with ICE regarding information to be released to the media or the public regarding actions taken under this MOA. The points of contact for ICE and the HPD for this purpose are identified in Appendix C. XIX. MODIFICATION OF THIS MOA Modifications to this MOA must be proposed in writing and approved by the signatories. XX. DURAnON AND TERMINA TrON OF THIS MOA This MOA will remain in effect from the date of signing until it is terminated by either party. Either party, upon written notice to the other party, may tenninate the MOA at any time. A termination notic,e shall be deliveretl personally or by certified or registered mail and termination shall take effect immediately upon receipt of such notice. I
Either party, upon written or oral notice to the other party, may temporarily suspend activities under this MOA when resource constraints or competing priorities necessitate. Notice of termination or suspension by ICE shall be given to the Chief of the Herndon Police Department. Notice of tennination or suspension by the HPD shall be given to the ICE Special Agent in Charge in Virginia.
Except for the provisions contained in Section XII, this MOA does not, is not intended to, shall not be consti'ued to, and may not be relied upon. to create, any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceaDle at law by any person in any matter, civil Ol' criminal. By signiilg this MOA, eac:k party represents it Is fld'ly authorized to enter into this MOA, and accepts the terms, resporm"bmtiest obligations, .and limitations of this MOA, and agrees to be bound thereto to the fullest extent allowed by law.
2-/2-7/0 J
L. Myers by TousSaint E. Summers Jr. istant Secretary Chief of Police Immigtation and Customs Enforcement Department of Homeland S.ecurlty
.Ji...W. -b
MAc. I(.. L...{ U_ 3}'1" 1
APPENDIX A POINTS OF CONTACT The ICE and HPD points of contact for purposes of implementation of this MOA are:
For the Herndon Police Department: Chief Toussaint E. Summers, Jr. Captain BradfoFd C. Anzel\ll'Uber Lieutenant N. It 1l11mman Herndon, VA. For ICEDRO: Vincent~beque
Deputy Field Office Director Detention and Removal O~tions 2675 Prosperity Avenue, 3N• Floor Fairfax, VA. 22031 For ICE 01:
Robert Hines Assistant Special Agent in Charge 2675 Prosperity Avenue, 4th Floor Fairfax, VA 2~031
This MOA is an agreement between DHSJICE and the Herndon Police Department, hereinafter referred to as the "Law Enforcement Agency'" (LEA), pursuant to which selected LEA personnel are authorized t.o perf.orm immigration enforcement duties in specific situations under Federal authority. As such, the training, supervision, and perfonnance of participating LEA personnel pursuant to the MOA, as well as the protections f.or individuals' civil and constitutional rights, are to be monitored. Part of that monitoring wUl be accomplished through these complaint reporting and resoluti.on procedures, which the parties to the MOA have agreed to follow. The MOA sets forth the process for designation. training, and certification of certain LEA personnel to perform certain immigration enforcement functions specified herein. Complaints filed against those personnel in the course of their non-immigration duties will remain the domain of the LEA and be handled in accdrdance with the LEA's Manual of Policy and Procedures, or equivalent rules, regulations or procedures. The LEA will also handle complaints filed against personnel who may exercise immigration authority, but who are not designated and certified under this MOA. The number and type of the latter complaints will be monitored by the Steering Committee established under Section XV of the MOA. In order to simplify the process for the public, complaints against participating LEA personnel relating to their immigration enforcement can be reported in a number of ways. The ICE Headquarters Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and the LEA Internal Affairs function will coordinate complaint receipt and investigation. The ICE OPR will forward complaints to the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (DHS OIG) as appropriate for review, and ensure notification as necessary to the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division (DOJ CRD). The ICE OPR will coordinate complaints related to participating personnel with the LEA's Internal Affairs function as detailed below. Sh.ould circumstances warrant investigation of a complaint by the DHS OIG or the DOJ CRD, this will not preclude the DHS OIG, DOJ CRD, or ICE OPR from conducting the investigation in coordination with the LEA's Internal Affairs function, when appropriate. The ICE OPR will adhere to established procedures relating to reporting and resolving allegations of employee misconduct, and the LEA's Internal Affairs function will follow applicable LEA policies and procedures, personnel rules, state statutes, and collective bargaining agreement requirements.
1. Complaint Reporting Procedures Complaint reporting procedures shall be disseminated as appropriate by the LEA within facilities under its jurisdiction (in English and other languages as appropriate) in order to ensure that individuals are aware of the availability of such procedures. Complaints will be accepted from any source (e.g.: ICE, LEA, participating LEA personnel, inmates, and the public). ' Complaints can be reported to federal authorities as follows: 1. Telephonically to the 'ICE OPR at the Joint Intake Center (JIC) in Washington, D.C. at the toll-free number 1-877-246-8253, or 2. Telephonically to the Resident Agent in Charge of the ICE OPR office in Fairfax, VA, or 3. Via mail as follows: U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Immigrati()n and CUstoms Enforcement Office of Professional Responsibility 425 I Street, NW Room 3260 Washington, D.C. 20536 Complaints can also be referred to and accepted by any of the following LEA entities: 1.
The LEA Internal Affairs function
Any supervisor of the participating LEA personnel; or
LEA Internal Affairs function as follows: Chief Toussaint E. Summers, Jr. Herndon Police Department
2. Review of Complaints All complaints (written or oral) reported to the LEA directly, which involve activities connected to immigration enforcement activities authorized under this MOA, will be reported to the ICE OPR. The ICE OPR will verify participating personnel status under the MOA with the assistance of the Special Agent in Charge of the ICE Office of Investigations in Virginia. Complaints received by any ICE entity will be reported directly to the ICE OPR as per existing ICE policies and procedures, and to the Chief of the Herndon Police Department.
In all instances, the ICE OPR, as appropriate, will make an initial determination regarding DHS investigative jurisdiction and refer the complaint to the appropriate office for action as soon as possible, given the nature of the complaint. Complaints reported directly to the ICE OPR will be shared with the LEA Internal Affairs function when the complaint involves LEA personnel. Both offices will then coordinate appropriate investigative jurisdiction, which may include initiation of a joint investigation to resolve the issue(s). 3. Complaint Resolution Procedures Upon receipt of any complaint, the ICE OPR will undertake a complete review of each complaint in accordance with existing ICE allegation criteria and reporting requirements. As stated above, the ICE OPR will adhere to existing ICE reporting requirements as they relate to the DHS OIG and/or the DOl CRD. Complaints will be resolved using the existing procedures, supplemented as follows:
A. Referral of Complaints to LEA's Internal Affairs function.
The ICE OPR will refer complaints, as appropriate, involving LEA personnel to the LEA's Internal Affairs function for resolution. The Chief of the Town of Herndon Police Department will inform ICE OPR of the disposition and resolution of any complaints referred by ICE OPR. B. Interim Action Pending Complaint Resolution Whenever any participating LEA personnel are under investigation and subject to interrogation by LEA for any reason that could lead to disciplinary action, demotion, or dismissal, the requirements of the Herndon Police Department's policy shall be honored. If appropriate, an individual may be removed from participation in the activities covered under the MOA pending resolution of an inquiry. C. Time Parameters for Resolution of Complaints It is expected that any complaint received will be resolved within 90 days. However, this will depend upon the nature and complexity of the substance of the complaint itself. D. Notification of Resolution of a Complaint ICE OPR will coordinate with the LEA's Internal Affairs function to ensure notification as appropriate to the subject(s) of a complaint regarding the resolution of the complaint.
APPENDIXC PUBLIC INFORMATION POINTS OF CONTACT Pursuant to Section XVIII of the MOA, the signatories agree to coordinate any release of information to the media regarding actions taken under this MOA. The points of contact for coordinating such activities are:
For the Herndon Police Department: Lieutenant Jerry S. Keys, Herndon Police Public Information Officer Anne Curtis, Town Public Information Officer For ICE: Public Affairs Officer Ernestine Fobbs Office of Public Affairs and Internal Communication U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 425 I Street NW Washington, DC 21009
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