Herman Kaufman

  • December 2019
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The Transition of Herman Kaufman

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Julien Green 4551 Whispering Inlet Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32277-1138 (904) 744-7604 [email protected]

The Transition of Herman Kaufman He woke up. Got out of the bed and walked to the computer workstation. It was before sunrise and the early morning light dimly lit the room. He could see his way without turning on any lights. “I’m feeling good this morning. “ Last week he had his annual physical examination and the usual complaints: The continuous backache, swollen ankles, shortness of breath, low water pressure when he pee-ed, and lack of energy. Dr. Margoles usually dismissed them as part of aging and simply advised, “You should get more exercise. And try to lose some weight.” But they both knew it was hopeless. But this time the doctor added, “ Your PSA is very high. We’ll have to watch that. I’ll give you a prescription and we’ll check your blood in three weeks.” “Prostate cancer now. Oh boy. What next.” he thought as he left the doctor’s office. But this morning as he got up to work there was a different feeling.

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“The pain in my back is gone.” “I really feel like working. This is going to be a good day.” He clicked the mouse and the monitor screen lit up. He brought up his email. “5 unread messages” it blinked. “Nah. I don’t feel like doing the mail. Let’s get to work. I’m feeling good this morning. My head is really clear. Should it be the program or my story?” “The story.” He opened Word and when the blank document appeared he started to type: ‘H’, ‘ e’, ‘Space’, ‘ w ’, ‘o’, ‘k’, ‘e’, ‘Space’, ‘u’, ‘p’, ‘Period’, ‘Space’, ‘G’, ‘o’, ‘t’, ‘Space’, ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘t’, ‘Space’, ‘o’, ‘f’, ‘Space’, ‘t’, ‘h’, ‘e’, … The characters flowed on to the screen. He was not a touch typist and was surprised by the way the text unfolded. The rhythm and speed was not his. Then an unnerving feeling began. “This is too easy. What’s going on?” And the realization came to him. “I’m not doing the typing. Something else has taken control. What is happening?” The image on the monitor screen began to fragment as though it was doing a screen change in a slide show, where the image breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces that then reassemble themselves into the next picture. This time the fragmentation did not stop at the screen image. The monitor screen itself, the computer, the desk, the bed, the furniture, the wall, the room, and world began to fragment into smaller and smaller distinct pieces, revealing some dark shadowy mist behind the disintegrating reality. He was moving. Rotating slowly around the axis of his navel, arms and legs outstretched, a rimless wheel. There was no physical sensation, just the visual impression of the fragments as they approached him and then retreated into the shadowy mist. “Is this one of my Floating Dreams?” When he was young he would have difficulty breathing and falling asleep on hot evenings. He would then lie on his back and visualize himself getting lighter until he was floating above the bed. Softly drifting into sleep when the image became a Floating Dream. “This is no dream. I am too awake to be dreaming. Even in my dreams, when I am self aware, I still know it is a dream.”

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The knotting of his stomach was the last physical sensation he had as it brought him to the realization, “Oh my god. This is it! “

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Interview <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< He arrives. It is a large waiting room. The cathedral like interior looks like an enlarged Grand Central Station. There is row after row of benches with people sitting quietly. It is very quiet. ”There must be an information booth”, but he doesn’t see one. Without consciously selecting a seat he knows where he should sit. He does not speak to his neighbors; they did not speak to him; just sit quietly with hands clasped on his lap. He is still in his body in a way because his senses seem to be working. He can move his hands, walk, hear, smell and see his surroundings but there is something different. He feels weightless; no energy or effort is required to move. Instead of controlling his muscles he can make things happen and yet he seems to be under the jurisdiction of set of laws similar to the physical laws that have always limited him. He did not feel free or that he had new powers. “Herman Kaufman.” Mr. Helm walks towards him. Without thinking about it, Herman knows the small bureaucratic bespectacled clerk is Mr. Helm, the Interviewer, who turns on his heels, without offering the acknowledgement of a handshake. “Follow me,” he says, and leads Herman into a corridor that was not visible from the waiting room. The lighting is diffuse, neither clear nor opaque, just sufficient to see the unmarked doors which are distinguishable even though the doors and the walls were the same color as the light. Mr. Helm knows where he is going as he leads Herman, without hesitation, into a small conference room with two chairs and a small table between and no space for any additional furniture. After they sit down the Interviewer adjusts his glasses and asks, “Do you know why you are here?” Herman could only focus on Mr. Helm’s face because now Herman is certain that Helm is not wearing glasses. He knew that a response was expected so he said ”I’m Dead?” and as he spoke he realized that speaking was similar to the previous experience with his computer monitor. The words just came out. He heard them but he did not feel the vibrations in his vocal chords. “You are not dead”, Helm insisted, adamant but still calm, “at least not yet! This is merely the preparation for your Judgment”, he said emphasizing the word, preparation. “You will receive a description of

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your present spirit state, the overall process, the Judgment process, and a brief preview of what happens after the Judgment.” “How long will that take?” Herman thought it interesting that he could feel a growing irritation with Mr. Helm. “Herman, that is one of the first things you will have to learn. You are now a spirit in the spiritual reality and time does not exist here.” “What do you mean? Didn’t you just take me from that waiting room and didn’t that take time!” Herman’s words shot out like shotgun pellets. “Herman, one, you were in the waiting room; two, you followed me here; and three, we are in this room. You see, there are only events: one, two, and three. And there is process, which is a sequence of events. “ The concept ‘Time’ is something that was developed in your world,” the Interviewer continued, “and is based on the relative position of the Earth and Sun. Then it was used as a dimension applied to events. However, the Earth and the Sun don’t exist here. ‘Time’ is not a dimension in our Reality, Herman” “Baloney! I don’t believe it,” insists Herman, belligerently. “What time is it!” demands Helm without losing his calm manner. He looks at his wrist. “Damn. They have stolen my watch. Sylvia will kill me. I remember when we bought it. I was just made vice-president and she wanted to celebrate by buying me something.” The occasion was memorable. He remembered her insisting, “You need something better than that Casio. A Movado”. “We went to Lord & Taylor’s in Princeton to shop for my new timepiece; I wanted a chronograph; She wanted an Allia, a museum piece.” He insisted, “Sweetheart, I have always used a chronograph, since my Navy days. It is a waste to have a watch that only tells you the local meridian time and costs $830.” “But you’re an executive now; we are getting you a timepiece; and you save $250 because it is on sale”, The Law was handed down.

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“ She always got her way. But I did feel reborn into a new, greater being. I paid with the American Express Card. ” Herman snaps out of his reverie. “My credit cards!” He doesn’t think it proper to feel his pocket in front of Helm so he surreptitiously pushes back in the chair to feel for the backpressure of his wallet. It is gone. “Damn, they stole my wallet also.” “Herman… Herman… Herman” Helm repeats until he sees Herman’s eyes refocus. “I asked you what time it was.” “ What time?” in a rising voice, “ You stole my watch.” Still louder. “ And my wallet.” Almost shouting, “What kind of a place is this? “ Herman is now shouting. Mr. Helm now had his attention. “Herman, that is exactly what I am trying to explain to you.” “Well I don’t believe you. All I know is that I got out of bed and something peculiar happened. And you stole my watch and my wallet. This could be a dream. Yea, How do I know that I am not dreaming?” “You don’t have your watch and you don’t have your wallet!” Mr. Helm announced conclusively. Herman knew that Helm was right. “Now, can we get on with it?” Helm asks as he adjusts his glasses and continues slowly, “You are here to prepare for The Judgment, which is the next step and will determine the disposition of your spirit.” “Do I have to defend myself or do I get an attorney, or whatever you have here?”

Helm, a specialist in processing souls from Common Law societies, continued patiently, “This is not a trial. You see. Your lifetime on Earth was the trial. There are no questions of fact to be determined. Everything is known. All your actions and all your thoughts are already in the record. Herman has a rising feeling of anxiety. He remembers the time he deliberately killed a dog with his car because another car cut in front of [Herman Kaufman.doc]

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him and his anger was uncontrollable. He was sorry at the time and he still regretted it. “Don’t I get a chance to defend myself? To tell them I’m sorry. It’s not fair.” “It’s not fair,” he said to Helm “you can’t do that.” “Herman, I am here to brief you on the way things are, not how you feel about the process. You must be properly briefed before you can go to the Judgment. It is required.” “Well I don’t like it. I should get a chance to defend myself. To explain why I couldn’t drive Harry to the emergency room when he had that attack. I had an important meeting and who knew how serious the attack was. If I knew he was dying I certainly would have taken him when his wife, Muriel, called. “I’m telling you, this is not fair. Suppose I don’t go along. There must be alternatives.”

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As a response to his outburst, he was in a snowstorm. Herman could barely make any progress in the deep snow. Behind him the polar bear was steadily gaining, using big loping bounds to his single struggling steps. He could see the snow as it fell off his boot with each difficult step as he slowly extracted one foot at a time from the suction of the snow. With each step he drew a painful breath. As the bear pounced he sank into the snow. Down. Down. * * * * * It was now water. He could see the bubbles as they floated up in front of him. They were moving up so slowly, gracefully, while he was being pulled down so rapidly. He struggled to get control of his descent but his lungs were about to burst, to expel the spent air in exchange for the watery atmosphere. He did not want to drown. * * * * * Instead of losing consciousness he was now swimming through the air inside the mouth of some very large monster. He could see the backside of the teeth on his left as he swam over the tongue. On the right there was there was a cavernous entrance to the esophagus. The jaws were slowly closing as he did a very strenuous breaststroke, rapidly fluttering with his feet to get through the jaws before they closed. He barely escaped the snap when he heard Helm ask, “Were you asking about alternatives?” Helm recognizes that Herman is coming out of denial and is ready to listen. “Let me continue the explanation about the spiritual reality. There are none of the dimensions of your material world. …” “What about me? I still have a body. ” “You are now a spirit” Herman knew Helm was wrong. “No I’m not. I’m talking to you. And I see you.” “Herman,” Helm continues, “ you are a spirit. You see me and communicate using your spiritual senses. But you are still thinking in terms of the material concepts. As you develop you will make the transition to the spiritual reality and use the appropriate concepts.”

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“OK. I am not convinced, there are a lot of points to clear up, but I’ll go along for now. Maybe it would be better to start with an explanation of the overall process.” Helm is relieved. He presses a button on the keyboard and a video display panel slowly rises out of the desktop. The screen shows earthly images of butterflies, babies, ocean scenes, and various life forms. “A training film”, Herman thought. The screen shows how a new species is created. First design a Life Cycle to include growth, nourishment, and reproduction. And then select the ecosystem to support the life cycle. For Herman’s benefit the first example was from his world, the Butterfly, showing the egg, caterpillar, pupa stages. Herman is about to doze off. Then the specification for a new spiritual being is displayed. It is to be in the standard image but it should be capable of multiplying, reproducing. There was no such thing in the spiritual reality. Therefore a new reality has to be created to support a life form that could reproduce and make the transition to the spiritual realm. Thus ensuring a self-sustaining supply for the spiritual reality of the specified spiritual beings. “Wait a minute. Wait a minute.” Herman yells. “You mean we are just Angel larvae! ” “Well that is not precisely true. But it is a reasonable analogy,” Helm continues. “There are many examples in your world of larvae being used as device to solve a life cycle design problem. One is that of sponges or oysters. They are stationary and there would be a problem if they reproduced in place. Therefore their larvae can swim. “ “Well. I can’t believe that the Earth was created as a breeding ground to supply spirits for your spiritual realm just because you can’t reproduce in Heaven. I’ll have to chew on that a while. What’s next?” “Well, the fact that you’re here should mean something. But now let me explain how the Judgment works. Herman, feel free to ask questions at any point. The Judgment is handled by a staff specialist.” “Will I be alone?” Herman asked.

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“No. It is done as a continuous process. You will go in as part of a group; you will know when it is your turn; there will be a guide to explain the process; and you will be told to which region in the spiritual realm you are assigned. It is just that simple.” “Will they ask me any questions?” He felt that the briefing was coming to a close and he wanted to prolong it. Helm resumed, ”Rarely. Since everything about you is already known. Now after the Judgment your spiritual form will be dominant and the physical be carried interiorly. In each of the environments you are may be sent to there is an indoctrination, which depends on the state of your spiritual health when you arrive. “ “What do people do there?” “We call the populace, souls. They do the same as they do in all realities. They maintain it. You will have an appropriate function. But you will be getting more details in your indoctrination.” He was becoming apprehensive about letting the interview end. “How many people, I mean souls, are there?” Helm was very experienced and he knew all the ploys; he was polite and calm. “Well, from Earth alone I estimate 50 billion and there are other realities although I don’t know them all. So the total spiritual realm is much larger than 50 billion. You will not be lonely, Herman. Goodbye”

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Judgment <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The group assembles at the exit door under the Judgment sign. The doors open to a huge room filled with desks. Not in any orderly arrangement but scattered in a random pattern. On each desk there are three computer monitors; and above each desk is a white plastic sign with a name embossed in blue letters. The signs hang from a ceiling that is too high to be visible. The room has the feel of a very crowded people-processing center. It is not what Herman expected. He was anticipating an impressive room like the United States Supreme Court, only more awesome. With God and Jesus and maybe some Angels sitting in huge thrones on a high dais. More like Saint John’s or Isaiah’s description. Herman heads toward the “Herman Kaufman” desk because he could not read the other signs, either they are too blurred or written with strange looking characters. As he approaches the desk a middle-aged buroeaucrat moves him with a downward motion of her left hand to a seat at her left facing the desk. He knows her name is Thompson. “How do I address her,” Herman thought as he sat down. “Do I call her ‘Miss’,’Mrs’, or ‘Ms’? I’ll just say ‘Mam’ or ‘you’.” he decided. “I have Helm’s report on your interview.” Thompson begins. “Your interactive classification is ‘Argumentative ’.” “I am not!” Herman snapped. Their eyes lock. She had blue eyes that are not unfriendly and yet not friendly, but seemed to be deep as though she knows everything. “Well, Mam, I just didn’t agree with what he said about Time not existing here; and I didn’t like the fact that they stole my watch and my wallet with all my credit cards.” “You will now receive an explanation of the region to which you belong.” She continues. Herman realizes that she is not going to be drawn into any discussion. She is all business. But he is not ready for her explanations. The discussion on the existence of Time has not been resolved to his satisfaction; He can think of more reasons, which will prove the existence of Time; the larvae model is too strange; and he doesn’t agree with the whole process.

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“ There should be some sort of trial where I get a chance to explain. I’m entitled to some defense attorney. Isn’t Jesus supposed to be my ‘mediator’? After a lifetime of manipulating people, I’m accustomed to talking my way out of difficult situations, and with Jesus’ help I expected this to turn out pretty well.” “ …And therefore since everything you have done or thought is on the record, “ the Bureaucrate was saying, “the only thing remaining to be done is tell you to which region you have been assigned.” “Wait a minute.” He interrupted. “What record? what regions?; am I ever going to get a complete explanation from you people of what is going on? ” “I can see why Helm gave you such a low rating in attentiveness. I just told you how the regions of the spiritual reality are classified but you were thinking about ‘Time’ and not paying attention. “ “How do you know what I was thinking?” Herman challenged. “Look at these screens,” Thompson pointed with her right hand to the three computer monitors on her desk. “The first one, on the left, is a visual of your exo-form in its environment; it is like a cinema of your life. The second shows your thought process in images or audio. The third, on the right, shows your endo-form, or spiritual state. That one may have images that look like a bunch of expanding and contracting spirals to you because it takes specialized training to understand them, also they are being transformed from the spiritual to the material reality but more of that later. Please look at the first screen, the cinema, and tell me what you see.” “Me talking to you.” “Good. And now the second screen, the thought screen ” she indicates the middle screen with her forefinger. The screen has system diagrams of monitors and central processing units with text boxes just like subtitles of the thoughts he has about the technology necessary to put together a system like this. The little cartoon bubbles has texts like: “what is the bit resolution of the screens? “Where are the cameras and recorders?" And “what kind of chip drives a system like this”. The screen, in its special way, presents exactly what he is thinking as she is talking. “I have the audio turned off,” she interrupts his fascinated absorption. “It is complicated to interpret actions simultaneously with their [Herman Kaufman.doc]

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occurrence. Now with the controls on this panel I can bring up any event in your life.” She manipulates the dials and the earlier portion of the interview comes up on the first screen. He could see Thompson and himself in the room. The image on the screen was clearer than the reality. The other tables were clearly visible in the screen whereas when he looked directly at them everything was in a blurry haze. “That’s because we use image enhancement“ she was reading his thoughts, probably on some other set of screens. “But look at what the thought screen recorded during our interview“ and sure enough, there were images of the interview with Helm having the discussion on Time and he heard the speakers broadcasting his inner voice, ”There should be some sort of trial where I get a chance to explain. I’m entitled to some defense attorney. Isn’t Jesus supposed to be my ‘mediator’? And with Jesus’ help I expected this to turn out pretty well.” “They do have a record of everything I thought and did.” Herman realizes. “OK. I agree. You have a record of my actions and my thoughts.” “You don’t have to repeat yourself. Herman. Now I want you to look at the cinema screen again. Notice the other desks?” The other desks have interviewers very much like Thompson. She was wearing a light gray casual style jacket with a golden brooch on the left lapel. At the other desks the interviewers resembled her, not clones. But they looked related; and they were all dressed differently. Now that he looked more carefully he could see that, some the interviewees were dressed as though this was a costume ball. There were people from different countries so the outfits did not look out of place. There were people from different time periods: medieval clothes; Roman togas, even people dressed like Star Trek characters. “Yes, they are ‘for real’.” She no longer waited for Herman to speak. “Remember, Time does not exist here, only events. Your Judgment event will continue until the process is completed. “Yes, the ‘guy’, we call them souls, in the toga is from Rome.” She was still reading his mind. “And the soul in the Star Trek suit is from your 25th century. That should give you something to think about. But for now let’s get back to my explanation. I’ll start the replay and you watch the cinema screen. Her manner of speech made Herman realize that he better pay attention this time. “I wonder if that Star Trek guy is from some kind of [Herman Kaufman.doc]

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parallel universe. And if they don’t have sexual reproduction here, why is Thompson a woman and Helm a man?” But he reengages his attention to the screen. The screen shows the following explanation of the Judgment process: First, the data of everything you ever did, thought, or felt is a matter of record. Therefore there are no questions of fact to be determined. The evaluation of that data determines where you belong in the spiritual realm. Where that is, is determined by your spiritual being. Your spiritual being, or endo-form, was developing as part the composite ‘I’ which your consciousness recognized as consisting your person, your being. The ‘I’ also includes your spirit, whether you recognize it or not. Second, you are now in the spiritual realm. The dimensionality of your material reality does not exist here, only your endo-form, or spirit, has reality here. The former body, or exo-form, with which you were associated, only exists as data or a memory. You do retain part of your memory and your worldview or prejudices, they are non-material you see. The concepts in your memory that are offensive to the spirit are purged. There are some souls who do not believe in the material world or that the exo-form exists. There are also some souls who do not believe in the spiritual world or that the endo-form exists. Needless to say, those extremists have a difficult time adjusting. Third, in the interest of maintaining the maximum harmony and the minimum strife, you will be initially placed in a region of souls who have similar MDF indexes. The MDF (Magnitude Direction Factor) is an index based on the degree, intensity, or magnitude of your love for your belief and the degree to which that belief is directed to the Creator, God. Here are some diagrams to illustrate the MDF and how it used to determine the placement of the soul in the spiritual world.

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Spiritual MDF Positioning System

Spiritual Dimensions

Monday, October 27, 2003

There are two dimension in the spiritual world: 1. Spiritual health or magnitude of desire 2. Direction of desire. Every soul can be mapped to a point in the spiritual world based on the direction of its desire and its magnitude.

Direction of Desire

Direction of Desire

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The direction is toward God or against God and is deflected by the dominance of the mind or heart.

Brain, Mind Logical

Heart Intuitive

Spiritual Growth The spirit can change its position by changing magnitude or direction

Magnitude of Desire This is the dimension of strength or health of a spirit. It may be considered as analogues to height or stature.

Julien Green Monday, October 27, 2003 (c)

MDF: Magnitude Direction Factor 10/27/2003 Matures


Julien Green Monday, October 27, 2003 (c)

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Spritual Regions defined by MDF Indices Monday, October 27, 2003 Toward God



Against God

Julien Green Monday, October 27, 2003 (c)

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Herman responds with all the energy of a compressed spring that is suddenly released. “What about Heaven and Hell? Where do they fit in? How come you are a woman and Helm is a man? You haven’t told me where I will go and what I will be doing. I don’t understand this MDF business.” “Wait a minute” “Gotcha!” flashed through his mind. “I thought minutes, time, did not exist here.” It is possible for spirits to get angry and spirit power compared to material power is like an infinite line compared to a dimensionless point. Herman is pinned. He is in the grip of a force, which immobilized him. There is no pain. It is as though time, which does not exist, has stopped. He is conscious of being inside a shell, like a deep-sea diver in an under water suit. He can look out but cannot control any motion or communicate. Even in his predicament there is a feeling of satisfaction for having gained a small victory. “Herman”, the jailor continued, “you will require a very extensive indoctrination period. You cannot learn anything if you ask a new question before the explanation of the previous question is completed. I will answer your questions, in order. “Heaven and Hell are worldly concepts of regions that do exist in the spiritual reality. Hell is the area labeled “Against God” on the map. The souls there are turned away from God. Their hatred, jealousy, and anger at the other souls are a continuous torture. They have no peace. “I am a spirit, not a woman. It is a coincidence that in my previous exo-form, in the material world, I was a woman. Helm was also a woman. What you see is the result produced by our personal identification signal on your exo-form thought transformation matrix. You will learn about that during your indoctrination. Just understand that you have been conditioned to identify certain characteristics as ‘Feminine’ and others as ‘Masculine”. That conditioning will determine how you translate the visual signals for a while. As you develop your spiritual senses you will learn how to use them to interpret the spiritual reality. “Lastly, where are you going? The position is “0.6@45 ”. Your magnitude is 0.6. One point zero is the minimum for a mature spirit, capable of taking care of themselves and being schooled. You are a [Herman Kaufman.doc]

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spiritual child, a ‘premature’ and will require special nursery care. On the other hand your spiritual direction is not bad. On the borderline between looking toward God and your own reason. “Now the Transition to the spiritual reality is completed. You have been informed of the Judgment and you are ready for your indoctrination.”

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