Herbal Anti- Microbial Agents

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 655
  • Pages: 22

Chemical anti-microbial agents  They

are drugs effective in treatment against infection due to there selective toxicity ability to kill an invading micro-organism.  They are selected on basis of:     

Infection Cost of therapy Safety of agents Sensitivity to particular agent and Patient factor

Classification          

Sulfonamides e.g.: Sulfadiazine, Dapsone Diaminopyrimidines e.g.: Trimethoprime Qinolines e.g.: Nalidixic acid, Ciprofloxacin B-lactam antibiotics e.g.: penicillin, cephalosporin Tetracycline e.g.: Oxytetracycline, Doxycycline Amino glycosides e.g.: Gentamycin Macrolids e.g.: Erythromycin Nitrobenzene derivatives e.g.: chlormphenicol Imidazole derivative e.g.: Clotrimazole Others e.g.: Rifampicin, Clindamycin

Problems arising with use of chemical anti-microbial agents       

Toxicity Local irritancy Systemic toxicity Hypersensitivity Super infection Because of above reason HERBAL ANTIMICROBAL AGENTS are used. These are drugs obtained from natural sources such as plant including roots, stem, flowers, bark etc.

St. John’s Wort

St. Johns Wort         

Latin name: Hypericium Perforatum Family: Hypericaceae Synonym: Hypericum, Millepertuis Parts used: Herb Chemical constituents: Hypericin is active chemical constituent Mechanism of action: by inhibition of metabolism Most effective anti bacterial anti viral effect Used in psycho vegetative disturbance, depression and nervous disturbance Side effects causes dizziness, tiredness, photo toxicity, photo allergy etc.


Melissa         

Latin name: Melissa Officinals Family: Labiatae Synonym: Lemon balm, sweet balm, bee balm, honey plant Parts used: dried leaves and flowering tops Chemical constituent: Geranial is an active constituent Active component is caffeic acid which shows anti viral effect Mechanism of action: by inhibiting protein synthesis It is used as mild sedative and as antispasmodic to treat menstrual cramps It causes burning sensation, irritation, drowsiness


Echinacea         

Latin name: Echinacea Angustifolia Family: Asteraceaea / Compositae Synonym: Black Sampson, cone flower Parts used: Rhizome, root Chemical constituent: Tussilagine is active constituent Mechanism of action: by inhibition of cell wall synthesis Shows anti bacterial activity by inhibiting enzyme hyluronidase Used as antiseptic, antiviral Side effects causes fever, nausea, vomiting etc.

GoldenSea l

Goldenseal      

  

Latin name: Hydrastis Canadensis Family: Ranuncul Aceae Synonym: Yellow root Parts used: Rhizome, root Chemical constituent: Berberine is an active constituent Mechanism of action :by inhibiting nucleic acid function and synthesis Used as somatic, oxytoxic, laxative etc. Side effects:nausea, vomiting, breathing failure or numbness It interacts with anticoagulant activity of heparin


Neem     

  

Latin name: Azadircalita Indica Family: Meliaccae Synonym: Neem, Nimba Parts used: Bark, leaves, branches, seed, latex Chemical constituent: Azadircalita is an active constituent Mechanism of action: by inhibiting metabolism Effective against E.coli, H. influenza, gonococci etc. Externally used in application of skin diseases


Cinnamon        

Latin name: Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Family: Lauraceae Synonym: Cinnamon bark, kalmi-dalchini, ceylon cinnamon Parts used: Inner bark Chemical constituent: Cinnamaldehyde is active constituent It shows anti microbial activity against cell wall of bacteria and cell membrane Used as carminative, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anthelmintic It causes irritation and sensitizing effect


Garlic        

Latin name: Allium Sativum Family: Lillaceae Synonym: Allium, garlic, lasun Parts used: Bulb(clove) Chemical constituents: Sulfur compounds are important chemical constituent Anti microbial action against gm positive gm negative bacteria Used as bacteriostatic, expectorant, anti viral, antiseptic, anthelmintic It causes loss of appetite nausea, vomiting etc.


Turmeric         

Latin name: Curcumin Domestica Family: Zingiberacea Synonym: Indian saffron, Haldi Parts used: Rhizome Chemical constituent: Curcumin is an active constituent Shows anti microbial, anti tumorial, antioxidant, anti inflammatory effects Metabolities are formed in liver Used for kidney inflammation, fever, headaches, colds, worms, itching, etc. It causes stomach complaints, epigastric distress and nausea


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