Help Wanted Crestwood Middle School is looking for parents and guardians who are interested in volunteering at our school. A volunteer workroom has already been established within the school with copiers, paper, tables etc…, all we need now is YOU!!!! Listed below are a few areas that volunteers are needed . Please check the program(s) which you have an interest in volunteering for: _________Work Room: This involves making copies, stapling, cutting, and or laminating items for staff. If you are interested, and need training on copiers and laminators we will set up a Training Date. Monday _______
Wednesday _________
___________Special Events: This is for any parent who is interested in volunteering at the Book Fair, Conference Sign Ups, Multi-Cultural Fair or Concerts/Plays. ____________Baking: You are able to volunteer to bake for Teacher Conferences and/or Teacher Appreciation Week.
Please fill out the following contact information and send this form back to your child’s Home Base Teacher. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer at Crestwood Middle School. Volunteers make a difference in the school. Name_______________________________________________________ Child (ren) Name & Grade (s) ___________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
Daytime Phone______________________ Evening Phone______________ e-mail:________________________________________________________ If you have any questions please feel free to contact Cindy Woodruff, Volunteer Coordinator, at 301-696-8317 or
[email protected]