Hellas - Greece Presentation 2004

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This wonderful statement is written at the beginning of the introductory handouts given to visitors of the Sixth Floor Museum at Dallas, a Museum in memory of the assassination of J.F. Kennedy. It is a statement that finds truth in every nation and absolute truth in the Hellenic world.

I am Lt. Col. (P) George Dimantonis, and for the next twenty minutes I’ll give to you a short briefing about my country, HELLAS. (C L I C K 1) Gentlemen’s, welcome to the country of Gods, to the country of History, to the country were Olympics were borne, welcome to the country of Sun, to the country of blue and white.(C L I C K 2) I hope you will afford me while presenting you: The Geography, The History, and The modern Hellas. GEOGRAPHY (C L I C K 3) My country is located at the southeast part of Europe (C L I C K 4) and its formal name is Hellas. It covers about 130,000 Sq. Km or 52,000 Sq. Mi. of ground, including about 3,000 islands, cover just a small percentage of the national land. (C L I C K 5) Hellas is slightly smaller than Alabama with a population of 10,5 million people approx.; (C L I C K 6) More than 4 millions Hellenics are estimated to live abroad, including over 2 millions in America. The country has 9,000 Nautical Miles coastline and the mainland is mostly mountainous. (C L I C K 7) People like to live at the most major cities of Hellas as Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Kavala, Heraklion, Alexandroupolis. Hellas is divided into 13 administrative divisions as you can see on the map, like western, central and eastern Macedonia. The next level of

administrative division is the Prefectures. (C L I C K 8) There are in total 51 kind of prefectures, (C L I C K 9) and one self-governed territorial division (Agion Oros, in the Mount-Athos). (C L I C K 10) Local Communities are named either "Demos" (City) or "Kinotita" (Community). A combination of the word “ΔΗΜΟΣ” (City), with the one of “ΚΡΑΤΟΣ” (State), gives us the global word: “ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ” or else “DEMOCRACY”. Since the very old times, the HELLENES believe in “DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS, PEACE and FREEDOM”. (C L I C K 11) Our national flag consists of white and blue stripes, with the Christian Cross on the upper left corner. Those colors are present in my country where ever you look around. (C L I C K 12)

HISTORY Prehistory Hellenic history can be traced far back in time. (C L I C K 13) According to archeological findings today we know that vast areas in Hellas have been inhabited since the Paleolithic era (C L I C K 14) - a time period that covers approximately (C L I C K 15) from 2 million up to 12 thousand years back as from today. In Hellas, the Neolithic Era (6800 BC - 3200 BC) is an era during which permanent settlements are organized in the broader region of Hellas. In 3000 BC approximately, Indo-European immigrating populations from the neighboring Minor Asia begin to arrive to the Helladic mainland and eventually succeed the old Neolithic populations. (C L I C K 16) Ancient Times Bronze Age During the Ancient Times, the Bronze Age civilization can be divided into three main civilizations. Trojan civilization

The first civilization (C L I C K 17) flourished in the region of the Aegean and comprises the Trojan civilization in Troy and the North Eastern Aegean islands and the Cycladic civilization that comprises the islands of Cyclades. The Cretan or Minoan civilization (C L I C K 18) The Cretan or Minoan civilization was the second important one, centered on Crete, an island of strategic importance in the sea route towards the ancient countries of Middle East. Cretan culture and trade dominate in the Mediterranean until 1500 BC when the reins are handed over to the Mycenaeans. Mycenaean or Helladic civilization (C L I C K 19) The third important civilization, which is called Helladic or Mycenaean, flourishes in the Hellenic mainland and particularly in the peninsula of Peloponnese concurrently to the Minoan civilization. Geometrical Ages (C L I C K 20) The three and a half century period that followed the descent of Dorians (C L I C K 21) and the collapse of the Mycenaean world (1100 BC - 900 BC) is called Dark Ages because it is period for which we know little apart from the information we have from Homer and Hessiodus. Homer is the great teacher of the Dark Ages and its epics were spread through out the Helladic world awakening the interest for the Mycenaean past. Archaic Period 8th - 5th century BC (C L I C K 22) The Archaic period is an epoch of intense activity and important social changes. (C L I C K 22a) It is the period when the Hellenic city - state emerges, artistic creation flourishes, new knowledge is produced and the idea of democracy appears for the first time attributing to the role of citizen a central position. These ideals centering on man are indeed the most important legacy of this period. Man is reflecting on himself and he is conceived as a carrier of values and of social change. (C L I C K 22b)

Freedom, justice, individuality and moderation were the elements of a moral universe of values that created the Ancient Man of Hellas. From the middle of the 8th century we notice as well the development of a new form of political organization that will dominate in the Hellenic cosmos for entire centuries. (C L I C K 23) Every single small city state had its own system of government, its own laws and the most important, its own cultural identity. The creation of urban centers allowed to the Hellenic tribes to expand and develop as an international commercial and naval force. (C L I C K 24) Monuments and temples of that period, dedicated to the Olympian Gods were spread throughout the Hellenic colonies and the Hellenic city – states. (C L I C K 25) The invention of the Hellenic alphabet - of Phoenician origin, yet with the addition of vowels - unified the peoples of the different city - states. Multifarious social, economic and state changes created the background image of what we call Hellenic Civilization. At the end of the 7th century (C L I C K 26) Pre-Socratics philosophers were the first to express, through their cosmological visions, human thought in a systematic form. They explored the chief cause of the creation of the world, as well as all those forces on which the universe and humanity itself are founded. Philosophers like Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Democritos, Empedocles, Zenon and Parmenides spread with their thought, the wings of civilization and philosophy. (C L I C K 27) All the concepts and sciences, which have been rapidly developing up to this day, are the spiritual issue of those philosophers. The concept of substance, the concept of infinity, the concepts of power, numbers, motion, Being, Atom and space-time are creations of this philosophical thought. Archaic Times ended at the beginning of the 5th century BC (C L I C K 28) when the external menace of Persian invaders obliged the

independent city - states to take an interest into common matters. Some cities succumbed to the power of the Persian "storm". Others entered into alliances and joint forces and resisted, giving heroic battles that became symbols of freedom, such as the Marathon's, the Thermopiles battle and the Salamina naval battle. Classical Hellas 500 BC - 336 BC (C L I C K 29) Classical Times in Hellas are justly considered as one of the highest expressions of civilization in the history of the world. Classical Times may be correctly considered as the most glorious moment of Hellenism in Historic Age. The ideas and concepts, the art and systems of governing that human mind created during this epoch, are of a diachronic value and remain a resource of inspiration for the future of mankind. (C L I C K 30) Athens was the city that gained the highest profit out of this triumph and became the leader of the Hellenic world at that time. Thucydides has written that: "our regime is called Democracy because power is exercised by the people and not by few people". Many city - state disposed of a certain form of democratic way of governing, yet Pedicles' Athens became the cradle of democracy itself. (C L I C K 31) The Democracy of Athens, regardless any restriction and contradiction whatsoever, created in fact the most open society that had ever existed until that time. Putting extremely confidence in its power, it attracted sophists, philosophers, scholars and artists from all over Hellas, gained glory, wealth and full glare. The Parthenon, the Erechtheum, the Propylaea and other important buildings and construction were created at that time, an epoch that was called "The Golden Age of Pericles". (C L I C K 32) Socrates, his student Platon and great other philosophers grew up in this atmosphere and exploided the knowledge and wisdom. Socrates education was based on the Presocratic philosophy and his figure changed the world. Socrates gave philosophy for the first time an anthropocentric, or human-centered, character. The absence of this element in previous thought is the main reason why the adjective 'Presocratic' is

attributed to the philosophers before Socrates. Socrates' moral philosophy sends the light of philosophy even further to Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus. (C L I C K 33) During the same period, history is born by Herodotus, known as "father of history". Yet the most cherish kind to the Athenians was theater, which reached the zenith of its expression and creativity with the three great dramatists, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides and the comedies of Aristophanes as well. (C L I C K 34) The rise of Philip B' to the throne of Macedonia in 359 BC changed radically the balance between the different forces in Hellas. Philip thanks to his great political influence did succeed in implementing a plan of political unity between the different autonomous cities - states within the Hellenic territory. Yet, his outmost ambition was to take revenge from the Persians, being a traditional enemy, a project that was finally undertaken and successfully realized by his son Alexander. (C L I C K 35) The conquests of Alexander the 3rd the Macedonian, known in history as Alexander the Great, spread the Hellenic influence, the Hellenic civilization and language through the Macedonian empire, reached the depths of Asia until India and Egypt to the South. Until the death of Alexander in 323 BC the Hellenic civilization had expanded covering the biggest part of the ancient world. Hellenistic Period 336 BC - 146 BC (C L I C K 36) In Hellenistic Period, the citizen's ideal is transformed into the ideal of a citizen of the world; the ideal of democracy becomes the ideal of personal aspiration and a quest for success. (C L I C K 37) Knowledge and culture generation continues over this period as well. Eminent personalities, such as Eukleides the mathematician, and Archimedes, in addition to the philosophers Epicurus and Zenon, and the poets Apollodor from Rhodes and Theokritos become trademarks of Hellenistic Period. In the domain of art, exceptional Hellenic sculptures of this period are distinguished for their beauty. Roman Period and Byzantine Civilization 146 - 330 BC

(C L I C K 38) In 146 BC Hellas fell to the Romans. (C L I C K 39) In 330 AD Emperor Constantine moved the Capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople, founding the Eastern Roman Empire which was renamed Byzantine Empire or Byzantium for short, by western historians in the 19th century. Byzantium transformed the linguistic heritage of Ancient Hellas into a vehicle for the new Christian civilization. Ottoman Period (C L I C K 40) The Byzantine Empire fell to the Turks in 1453 (C L I C K 41) and the Hellenics remained under the Ottoman yoke for nearly 400 years. During this time their language, their religion and their sense of identity remained strong. On March 25, 1821, the Hellenics revolted against the Turks, and by 1828 they had won their independence. MODERN HELLAS (C L I C K 42) Modern Hellas exists officially as a state since 1829. (C L I C K 43) During the last century Hellas suffered by wars, as first and second World War, Balkans Wars, as well as interior conflicts and dictators. (C L I C K 44) The country that lived the life of wars, had managed to have a stable democratic political and social system since 1974. The last 30 years, Hellas walking in a peaceful way, trying to gain loosens time. (C L I C K 45) Hellas is a member of UN, CSCE, and other major Western and European institutions like European Community, which she joined in 1981. System of government (C L I C K 46) Hellas since 1974 is a parliamentary democracy; the official name of the country is "Hellenic Republic". The supreme authority in the Hellenic Republic is the President, who is elected by the 300 seats Hellenic Parliament, to serve for a five-year period. The current President of the Republic is Mr. Kostantinos Stephanopoulos.

The Prime Minister of Hellas is Mr. Kostas Karamanlis, president of the New Democracy party. Economy (C L I C K 47) The growth rate of the Hellenic economy (C L I C K 48) remains higher than the European Union average with a GDP increase of about 4%. A strong increase in demand-from 3.1% in 2001 to 3.9% in 2002helped maintain the high growth rate and shield the economy from the adverse economic conditions in the world economy and the bearish stock market. (C L I C K 49) Experts predict that Hellas’s GDP growth rate for the next few years will continue to be significantly higher than the EU average due to preparations for the 2004 Olympic Games, the continuing flow of funds from the Third Community Support Framework, and a steady increase in private consumption. The privatization and liberation of markets and industries remains a top priority for the government. Hellenic Armed Forces (C L I C K 50) The responsibility for the defense of Hellas belongs in the government which determines the policy of national defense and applies the administration of armed forces. Main body for the decision-making is the Governmental Council of Abroad and Defense. The armed forces of country depended on the Ministry of National Defense. The Ministry of Defense focuses on issues related to defense policy, national defense design and planning, the structure of the Armed Forces, crisis management and the evaluation of intelligence material.

Hellenic Armed Forces divided into army, air force, and navy, with reserve components. The Military Budget of the country is the highest among NATO countries, about 5 percent of gross national. Equipment purchase and modernization targeted to specialized needs dictated by doctrine and defense posture. Hot Spots (C L I C K 51) The country has more than 3000 islands to offer, and the seashore with the warm summer climate, makes it, an excellent place for summer-life. (C L I C K 52) A country of beautiful places, sunshine, fresh sea food, summer activities, endless night life, harmonically tighten up with the environment. Either summer or winter, Hellas has its own Mediterranean spirit of nightlife. Hospitality is a tradition of the Hellenes from the ancient era (but avoid the tourist places). (C L I C K 53) Everyday music in modern Hellas is the hybrid of ancient Hellenic and influences from East and West music. The arts are mostly modern and the fashion has its own steps. A lot of designers are well known abroad, especially in Italy and France. Most of the people like to be well dressed. (C L I C K 54) Besides the national celebrations, the people celebrate within the Orthodox Church the saints and various religious events. Thus we have a name-day, in which we honor the name of a saint in a specific day, and this is something much bigger than the birthday. (C L I C K 55) Hellenes are fond of politics, and that’s why this is the #1 interest in Hellas. We have some tenths of political parties, mostly because everyone wants to be the president.

Olympic Games (C L I C K 56) Although the ancient Olympic games were first recorded in 776 BC, they originated at least a century before that and possibly as early as the 13th century BC. The Hellenes based their chronology on four-year periods called Olympiads, and the Olympic festival marked the beginning of each Olympiad. A truce (in Hellenic, ekecheiria, which literally means "holding of hands") was announced before and during each of the Olympic festivals, to allow visitors to travel safely to Olympia. A branch of wild olive was the only official prize for an Olympic winner, but there were also usually some unofficial prizes awarded by his city-state. (C L I C K 57) Athens was the site of the first Olympic Games of the modern era in 1896. This will be the second time that the Games will be held in Athens. The city won the 2004 bid in September 1997 overcoming strong serious competition from 10 other bid cities. Winning the bid brought great joy to the people of the Hellenic capital. (C L I C K 58) I will end my presentation of my country with the word of Historian Bertrand Russell :

"In all history, nothing is so surpassing or so difficult to account for as the sudden rise of the civilization in Hellas. Much of what makes civilization had already existed of thousand of years in Egypt and in Mesopotamia, and had spread thence to neighboring countries. But certain elements had been lacking until the Hellenics supplied them. What they achieved in art and literature is familiar to everybody, but what they did in the purely intellectual realm is even more exceptional." (Bertrand Russell, History of the western philosophy). (C L I C K 59) Thank you very much, questions please.

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