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Helen of Troy <新木马屠城记> PPT(C)[email protected]

character map Paris

Rivals in love






Helen Hector

? ?

Agamemnon Commander-in-chief



Troy War Odysseus

PPT(C)[email protected]

Paris- Prince of Troy • Paris • 帕里斯 (特洛伊王子, 因 诱走斯巴达王后海伦而 引起特洛伊战争) • Return

PPT(C)[email protected]

Agamemnon • The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia. He was killed by his wife Clytemnestra upon his return from Troy. • 阿伽门农:迈锡尼的国王,特洛伊 战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯 的儿子,俄瑞斯忒斯、伊莱克特拉 以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲。他刚从特 洛伊返回就被其妻克吕泰尼丝特拉 杀害 • Return PPT(C)[email protected]

Hector-Prince of Troy • A Trojan prince, the eldest son of Priam and Hecuba, killed by Achilles in Homer's Iliad. • 赫克托王子:据荷马 所著的伊利亚特 ,他 是特洛伊王子,是普 里阿摩斯和赫卡柏的 长子,被阿喀琉斯杀 死 Return PPT(C)[email protected]

Menelaus • 斯巴达王墨涅依斯 (Menelaus) • The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War; husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon. • 墨涅依斯:特洛伊战争期 间的斯巴达王;海伦之夫 及阿加门农之弟 • Return PPT(C)[email protected]

Cassandra-Princess of Troy • A daughter of Priam, the king of Troy, endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.

• 卡珊德拉:特洛伊国王 普里阿摩斯的一个女 儿,具有预知未来的禀 赋,但被阿波罗命中注 定不为人所相信 Return PPT(C)[email protected]

Achilles • The hero of Homer's Iliad, the son of Peleus and Thetis and slayer of Hector. • 阿喀琉斯:荷马史诗 伊利亚特 中的英雄, 是珀琉斯和忒弥斯之 子,杀害赫克托耳的 人 • Return PPT(C)[email protected]

Odysseus • Hero of Homer's Odyssey. According to Homer, Odysseus was the king of Ithaca. His shrewdness, resourcefulness, and endurance enabled him to capture Troy (through the device of the Trojan horse) • Return PPT(C)[email protected]

Helen • The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus, considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War. • 海伦:宙斯和里达的女 儿、曼尼拉斯妻子,被认 为是世界上最美丽的女 子。她被帕里司诱拐绑架 导致特洛伊战争的发生 • Return PPT(C)[email protected]


• “女色亡国论”?? • Compare Daji in Shang and Helen in Troy. How do you think? • Lust does not blind, one blinds oneself. PPT(C)[email protected]


Can you understand Agamemnon’s fury and revenge? What are differences between Menelaus and Agamemnon? PPT(C)[email protected]

References <希腊古典神话> 从多种不同的希腊文献中,将 凌乱复杂、矛盾百出的传说加 以整理,使之成为前后连贯的 完整体系。 * 作者:(德)施瓦布(Schwab, G.) 著,曹乃云 译 * 丛书名:译林世界文学名著 * 出版社:江苏译林出版社 * ISBN:9787805674995

PPT(C)[email protected]

References • 译者: 裴琳 作者: (英)麦克卡提 ISBN: 9787533866082 页数: 135 定价: 29.8 出版社: 浙江教育 装帧: 平装 出版年: 2006-9-1

PPT(C)[email protected]

References • Troy: Fall of Kings (Troy) • By David Gemmell, Stella Gemmell • Publisher: Ballantine Books • Number Of Pages: 464 • Publication Date: 2007-12-26 • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780345477033

PPT(C)[email protected]

References • The Rape of Troy: Evolution, Violence, and the World of Homer • Publisher: Cambridge University Press • Number Of Pages: 236 • Publication Date: 2008-04-21 • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780521870382 • Binding: Hardcover

PPT(C)[email protected]

In Next 2 Weeks • 《亚历山大大帝》 • Movie Review and Discussion • Lecture: Format of Movie Review • 电子资源: • http://forum.idoubt.net

PPT(C)[email protected]