Helderberg Sa 295 Crew Photographs

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 215
  • Pages: 1
\. C0ptain/Kzptenr DJ UYS

F lwhrE ngt'ut r ().tt tt;t O.l.l't si er br.nn,li u t nt; ut J BEI-1..\G.\RD.\

F it'st OIl tccr I: t r:tto./ l tsrct G BIRCH.\LL



F light Engineer Officerl Off isi er boonlin geni ew' ADANIEL

SentorCabhConnoller., SeniorKajuitkonnolenr N M VAN SCHALK\\'YK

C abm ControI lerIK ajui t honn'oIen' H L K BURGER

C ab tn C onn oLlerl Kttj u i tkonn'olett F STRIJDOi\I

C abin ControllerIK ajuithontroleur JAAVANZYL

C abin,4 n endant I Kti Lti tan Ipt ena al P L CRAI'IB

C a bh,l t t end an tI Kaj u i t ctn p t cttttttr

C ab i n,1,tt end ant/ K aj td tantp t enaar' A R KELLER,\TAN


Fi !\


P t

C ttbit Attendant/Kajuitarnptenaar MMKRUGER

C abh A ttendurtt/ K ajui tanp tenaar S LAURBNS

C tt b irt,\ tt en tl u n t i K ttj u i t tt ntp t erttr trt J A.\'lcE\\rEN

C ab in At tend ant/ K aj td tan tp t enaar LO'BRIEN

C a bin,|tt endantl Kaj Ltitantp teno ol

Manager(Inuntiz'e Trat:el)l B est uurder (A attsp oringsreise) J SHARE


CabinAttendantlKajuitamptenaar AE SCHALEKAMP

Cabin .\ ttentlantI Kq uitantptenuat EL SCHALEKAMP


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