Ma. Niña M. Datuin BS NURSING CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE it is also called CHF because it decreases pumping pressure in the systemic circulation, w/c in turn causes the body to retain fluid. Also causes congestion of the blood in the pulmonary circulation (Pulmonary Edema) leading to “right side heart failure” LEFT – SIDED HEART FAILURE Is the inability of the left ventricle to pump blood effectively. RIGHT – SIDED HEART FAILURE Results from the progression of disease that begins in the leftside of the heart.
It occurs when weak heart function is accompanied by a build up of fluids in the body. This occurs because blood flow slows, thus decreasing the amount of blood pumped from the heart. Blood returning to the heart backs up in the veins & forces fluid into surrounding tissues, (most often feet and legs). The feet, legs and ankle begin to swell under the increased fluid volume (Edema)
CAUSES: Disorders in which cardiac output is decreased, with fluid accumulation in the body tissue accompanied by increase right and left ventricular pressure.
Inadequate emptying of blood from the ventricles due to decreased contractility, vascular disease & other defects.
Shortness of breath Fatigue Weakness Inability to perform physical activities. Weight gain from the excess fluid Some people begin to cough up pinkish, blood-tinged sputum.
Therapy for heart failure consists of reducing workload of the heart by measures such as evacuating the accumulated fluid (reduce preload) w/ diuretics, slowing the heart rate & strenghthening cardiac function (increases
stegrengthening) drug, & reducing afterload w/ vasodilators.
IMPAIRED LEFT Dyspnea, Orthopnea, Productive cough, Frothy Sputum, Crackles, Pallor, Elevated Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure
IMPAIRED RIGHT >Jugular Vein Distention, Edema, Hepatomegaly, Fatigue, Elevated CVP