Hearing And Sound Lesson 4

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 4
Hearing and Sound

Class 4: Decibels and Hearing Loss

60 mins



3. Recognize that there are ways of measuring the loudness of sounds and that loud sounds pose a danger to the ear. 11. Describe changes in hearing that result from continued exposure to loud noise and from the natural process of aging.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson students will be able to: 1. Describe what the term decibel is. 2. Recognize that there are different levels of hearing loss. 3. Recognize how we can damage our ears and that different sounds can depend on the severity of the damage. 4. Identify different ways to protect our ears.


KWL charts ‘How Old are Your Ears?’ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxcbppCX6Rk Hearing Loss Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar1Dq-M2ok4 ‘How Loud is Too Loud?’ Interactive Activity: http://dangerousdecibels.org/virtualexhibit/3howloudistooloud.html Paper


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Have videos and websites loaded Have paper and tape for students

PROCEDURE Introduction ●

Introduce that we are going to be talking about hearing loss, how we lose our hearing and how to prevent it. Ask the class what hearing loss means. Meaning there is damage to the ear and prevents them from hearing perfectly Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxcbppCX6Rk Body

Time 4 min



1. Vocab Word: Decibels - a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound 2. Explain that in the video the different high pitch sounds had different decibels. When we are talking or whispering, they have different decibels as well. 3. Listening to sounds that have very high decibels can end up harming and possibly damaging your ears

5 mins

Hearing Loss

1. Define hearing loss: is partially or completely not being able to hear. a. There can be different types of hearing loss. It can range from mild to moderate to severe and then complete hearing loss, where you cannot hear anything. 2. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar1DqM2ok4 a. Hearing Loss Simulation b. This simulation will show you the different types of hearing loss. c. Explain that some people will hear the mild, moderate or severe all of the time and that is why many people get hearing aids. Especially when you are older. d. As we age it becomes more difficult for us to hear.

10 min

Ear Trumpet

1. Show students pictures of an ear trumpet. 2. An ear trumpet was like an old fashioned hearing aid. The trumpet would collect sound waves and lead them into the ear. 3. Have students make ear trumpets out of paper and show how sound gets louder when you hold it up to your ear. 4. There is more space to collect soundwaves making the sound seem louder. 5. Play the hearing loss simulation for the class again but have them hold up their ear trumpets.

10 mins

Ways we can Damage our Ears

1. Interactive Activity: http://dangerousdecibels.org/virtualexhibit/3howloudist ooloud.html 2. Allows students to see which sounds can damage our ears, even just a little bit, and which sounds are safe for our ears. 3. Pull popsicle sticks and have one student at a time come and choose a button. Talk about what the sound is and have the student choose if they think it is safe to listen to or not safe. 4. Explain why or why not a sound is safe to listen to up close.

20 min

How to Protect our Ears

1. Emphasize that it is important to protect our ears when there are loud noises around us to prevent hearing loss. 2. Ask: What are some ways that we can protect our ears from loud sound and from damaging out ears? a. Ear plugs b. Noise Cancelling headphones c. Turning the volume down

5 min

Conclusion ●

Get KWL chart out and have students write down one thing that they learned from this class. I will write something on the board for them to copy about the days lesson.

Time 6 mins

Assessment ● ● ●

Class Discussion: Helps determine prior knowledge about how to protect our ears from loud sounds and why it is important. Hearing Loss Simulation: to allow students to understand how our hearing can be impacted if we do not take care of them Damaging our ear activity: Gives students examples of everyday sounds that can possibly damage our hearing and how we can protect our ears from them.

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