Healthy Way To Live To Prevent Cancer

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5

Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention We often hear the word antioxidant in magazines, in the news, and even on the labels of ketchup bottles! What are antioxidants and can they effectively prevent or slow down cancer? Antioxidants are substances that prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals. Free radicals are cells that have lost an electron, thus are unstable cells. These free radicals basically steal electrons from other cells in effort to heal themselves, ultimately creating new free radicals in the process. By stealing electrons, it can cause damage to DNA, leading to the possible development of cancer. Antioxidants search for these free radicals and lend them an electron. This stabilizes the molecule, thus preventing damage to other cells. Antioxidants also turn free radicals into waste by products, and they eventually get eliminated from the body. They also have the ability to repair previous damage to cells. What Factors Cause Free Radicals to Form Various factors constitutes for the formation of free radicals. Cigarette smoke, pollution, exposure to sunlight all causes the formation of free radicals. Other factors include normal daily processes like food digestion and breathing also play a vital role in the formation of free radicals. Where can I find Antioxidants? Best Sources of High Antioxidants Foods 1.Fruits Berries (Cherry, blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, crowberry, blueberry, bilberry/wild blueberry, black currant), pomegranate, grape, orange, plum, pineapple, kiwi fruit, grapefruit. 2.Vegetables Kale, chili pepper, red cabbage, peppers, parsley, artichoke, Brussels sprouts, spinach, lemon, ginger, red beets. 3.Dry Fruits high in antioxidants Apricots, prunes, dates. 4.Legumes Broad beans, pinto beans, soybeans. 5.Nuts and seeds Pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, ground nut, sunflower seeds. 6.Cereals Barley, millet, oats, corn. 7.Spices cloves, cinnamon, oregano


List of 20 Best Foods High in Antioxidants In the table below, the foods antioxidant power is given as per their serving sizes.

Rank Type

Food item

4 5

Red Beans (dried) Wild Fruit, Berry blueberry Red kidney Beans/Legumes beans (dried) Beans/Legumes Pinto beans Fruit, Berry Blueberry


Fruit, Berry



1 2 3

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



Artichoke (cooked) Fruit, Berry Blackberry Fruit Prune Fruit, Berry Raspberry Fruit, Berry Strawberry Red Fruit Delicious apple Granny Fruit Smith apple Nut Pecan Fruit, Berry Sweet cherry Fruit Black plum Russet potato Vegetable (cooked) Black beans Beans/Legumes (dried) Fruit Plum Fruit Gala apple

Total antioxidant Serving capacity size per serving size Half cup 13727 1 cup


Half cup 13259 Half cup 1 cup 1 cup (whole) 1 cup (hearts) 1 cup Half cup 1 cup 1 cup

11864 9019





8983 7904 7701 7291 6058 5938

1 ounce 5095 1 cup 4873 One 4844 One


Half cup 4181 One One

4118 3903


Scientists at the USDA have developed a rating scale that measures the antioxidant content of various natural plant foods. The scale is called ORAC, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.


Antioxidant Vegetables Antioxidant Value Value ORAC units ORAC per 100 units per grams 100 grams Prunes 5570 Kale 1770 Raisins 2830 Spinach 1260 Brussels Blueberries 2400 980 sprouts Alfalfa Blackberries 2036 930 sprouts Broccoli Strawberries 1540 890 flowers Raspberries 1220 Beets 840 Red bell Plums 949 710 pepper Oranges 750 Onion 450 Red grapes 739 Corn 400 Cherries 670 Eggplant 390 Kiwi fruit 602 Grapefruit 483 USDA recommends eating foods containing at least 3,000 ORAC units a day. Moral: For natural antioxidants "Eat Fruits and Vegetables!" Maintain your diet on vegetarian food and take non-vegetarian food once a week. Man is a natural vegetarian. How do we confirm this?

"The intestinal length of carnivores (meat-eating animals) is three times the body length to allow for quick removal of flesh wastes that putrefy in the intestines. Man's intestine length, like other herbivores, is six times his body length and is designed for digesting vegetables, grains, and fruits."


Vegetarianism in the Bible: Book of Daniel shows that vegetarianism is good to keep good health. Because of the taste, we want to eat meat. But there is nothing wrong in taking meat once a week. The daily uptake of meat should be limited 85 grams and it should be lean meat. The daily calories uptake should not exceed 2000 cal for women and for men 2500 to 3000 cal. The daily calorie uptake should never go below 1200 cal. However the calorie requirement is based on the following factors: • • • • •

age body size diet activity level lifestyle

The recommended amount of protein for a healthy adult is 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Since a kilogram is roughly equal to 2.2 pounds, that translates into 1.76 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. The Harris-Benedict Equation for calculating calorie needs. Use the appropriate formula for men or women.. Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 x W) + (5 x H) - (6.8 x Age) = Daily calories required Women: BMR = 665 + (9.6 x W) + (1.8 x H) - (4.7 x Age) = Daily calories needs Where: W = weight in Kgs H = Height in cms (1 foot = 12 inches, 1 inch = 2.54 cms) Age = Years An example for a 30 year old woman weighing 80 (176 pounds) Kgs and 5 foot 6 inches tall would be. 665 + (9.6 x 80) + (1.8 x 168) - (4.7 x 30) 665 + 768 + 302 - 141 = 1594 calories per day! The values in the above equation are based on averages within the population. Therefore the problem with this equation is it doesn't take into account the amount of lean body weight a person may have. For this reason people who are very muscular or those who are obese may not obtain a very accurate calculation of BMR. Muscular individuals may need more calories than the formula suggests and, very overweight people may need less than the calories needs from the calculation.


The above equation calculates calorie needs for the BMR; you still need to work out calorie requirements for the day including any activities. Multiply your BMR by an activity factor which more closely suits your lifestyle • • • • •

Sedentary - none or very little exercise = BMR X 1.2 Light activity for average of 2 days/week = BMR X 1.375 Moderate activity level exercising 4 days/week = BMR X 1.5 High activity levels exercise & sports more than 6 days/week = BMR X 1.7 Higher activity levels = up to 2 x BMR

Any extra calorie that we take are going to become a reserve fat in the body and while it becomes a stored fat, we also without our knowledge store the bio-accumulated pollutants in the body. Environmental factors play a major role for the cancer risk. The indiscriminate use of pesticides also poses a threat. Clean fruits and vegetables thoroughly and boil them and cook them properly. Being a vegetarian is advantageous in many ways. Many chronic illnesses like Diabetes, Heart problems, obesity and cancer are controlled in people who stick on to vegetarian diet. Daniel 1:11-16 Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief official had appointed over him:

"Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see." So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. So the guard took away their meat and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead. I wish you to strictly follow the dietary requirement to keep us healthy.

Shanthi Christian


Digitally signed by Shanthi DN: CN = Shanthi, C = IN, OU = Private Tutor - Health Science/Basic Medical Sciences Date: 2009.05.13 15:58:20 +04'00'


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