Health Lesson

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 642
  • Pages: 3
Candidate Name: Mariah Brashar School: Susitna Elementary Date & Time of Lesson: October 10, 2018 Topic of Lesson: Decisions

Host Teacher Name: Lindsey Huberty Grade Level: 4 # of Students: 29 Length of Lesson: (day or days) 30 minutes Content Area: Health Materials: Include all materials including types of technology used: Paper, pencils Alaska Content Standard: (One standard for the lesson) S.E.L. Standards ASD Self-Management 2C. Student uses effective decision-making skills. Transfer Goal(s) - Unpacked Standard (Transferability) Students can make appropriate choices for themselves. STAGE ONE: Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings (Meaning) Enduring Understanding(s) : (1 or 2 are Essential Questions to be Considered: (As sufficient) related to Enduring Understandings…) (1 or 2 are Students will understand that…. these are the BIG sufficient) ones! How does considering consequences help …thinking about a decision before you make it is you make appropriate choices? the easiest way to choose things that benefit you. STAGE ONE: STAGE TWO: Objectives/Learning Targets (Acquisition) Assessments/Acceptable Evidence Of Learning Knowledge and Skills: What knowledge and Sources of Evidence: Formative, Summative, skills related to content and/or content and/or Performance? language should students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson? Students should be able to name ways that Discussion - formative they make choices. Students should be able to explain how they Brainstorm – formative can weigh pros and cons to determine if a choice is going to be helpful for them in the long run. Students should be able to explain what a Essay response - summative consequence is.

STAGE THREE: Learning for Understanding: Instructional Activities, Products, and Strategies Pre-Requisites: What is the prior knowledge/learning students have to have before starting this lesson? Students need a basic understanding of the expectations in school. Vocabulary: choices, descisions, consequences, actions, positive, negative Overview/Introduction/Main Hook (Make a connection with students’ backgrounds and/or prior learning using an authentic situation to start them thinking about the objectives and the essential question the lesson addresses.) Who in this class has ever been told to “make a better choice” or to make a good choice? What do you think that means? What is a “good” choice? Process: Teacher Does/Student Product(s): Specific Strategies for Does… Assessment/Evidence of supporting diverse learner Learning. skills and abilities throughout the lesson Teacher: discuss the standard after Partner Discussion Partnering the principal announces it. Ask for feedback on the kinds of choices we Brainstorm map Verbal/oral component make every day in school. Written component Essay Students: partner discussions about the kinds of choices they make in their days. Teacher: leads a brainstorm (map on the white board) about how we make choices (thinking about what we want, what others want, what will happen if we do one thing or another) Explains what a consequence means (good or bad). Students write a short essay about one way that they can make a responsible choice in school. Answer the questions: What is something I can choose for myself in school? How/what do I usually choose to do? What do I base my choice on? What are the consequences of my choice? Are there other things I should consider?

Closure: Ask or one or two student volunteers to share their essay and discuss. If students are hesitant to share, ask about choices within friend groups: ie How can we choose to be kind and support our friends? Is this always easy? Why/why not? Reflection: This lesson went well. Students mostly met the objective, which was determined by the journal responses. Students struggled to come up with choices that they regularly made, but with prompting most began to popcorn out ideas. Students mostly did well, but some students seemed reluctant to participate, one in particular repeated that she "never made any decisions." In the future, the teacher will give an option to write about a choice that students would like to make.

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