Health Department Of Republic Indonesia The Health Polytechnic Department Of

  • June 2020
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Health department of republic Indonesia The health polytechnic department of health Semarang Environmental health department Purwokerto Environmental health diploma Scientific research, July 2009 Tasmiyati Study species of rodents as a laptospirosis disease reservoar in RT.01 RW.02 and RT.02 RW.02 Gayamsari sub district, the district of gayamsari semarang year of 2009. XIV + 79 = Table, image, enclosure Laptospirosis disease is a zoonosis which one of them transmitted through rat urine positive Leptospira bacteria. This disease occurs in many areas vulnerable to flooding disaster such as the Semarang city. Gayamsari sub district is one of area in the city semarang occurrence Laptospirosis. This research was conducted in sub district gayamsari with the goal to know the number of mice of the catch result and trap Success, rodent species, the comparison of male rats and female rats, the number of mice positive Leptospira, and its species, and the catch sex rat catch result of positive Leptospira. Method used in this research is descriptive by field setting. This research was conducted in three days. Catching rodents by live trap installed in each houses located in 2 sub district, those are RT.01 RW.01 and RT.02 RW.02, each house are installed 2 trap those are inside and outside of house. The number of houses that made the subject of this research was 80 houses, so that there were 160 traps that is installed a day. Research result shown trap success classified high i.e. 14.79%. Prevalence of Leptospira bacteria in rodents showed 25.35%. the species that found in the area Ratus-ratus diardi (60,56%), Ratus norvegicus (30,99%), Ratus Exculans (4,23%), and Mus musculus (2,81%), and also Bandicota indica (1,41%). Whereas mice were positive for the bacteria of Lestospira Ratus-ratus diardi (83,33%) and Ratus norvegicus. (16,67%). The comparison between male rodent and female rodent positive for Leptospira 1:2,6. The conclusion from this research is trap success in sub district of Gayamsari is classified high, dominant species of rodent was found and dominant toward Leptospira bacteria prevalence is Ratus-ratus diardi. Female rodent more dominant both of presence in environment and its prevalence towards Leptospira bacteria. From the result, so health local offices expected and sub district together their community more active to keep their environment. Reference Keyword Classification

: 22 (1984-2008) : Rodent, Laptospirosis :-

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