Health Care In United States

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 583
  • Pages: 14
United States has both its positive and negative aspects. On one hand, people in the United States have access to some of the most cutting-edge medical treatments on earth; on the other hand, many people don't have insurance to cover the costs of even the most basic health care needs. By keeping a good eye on the fine print in their health plans and keeping their jobs, Americans can often cover their personal health care costs, but rising prices and changes in employment patterns make this harder to do.

care coverage; approximately 85 percent of United States citizens have health insurance. Most people pay for their health care through either a health insurance or government-sponsored health insurance, although the popularity of boutique medicine---in which patients pay a set fee for access to a doctor--is growing, and people who either cannot afford insurance or

receive insurance through their job or a spouse or parent's job; the employer covers some of the cost, and the employee then pays a monthly fee. The government covers medical insurance for the elderly, federal employees, military members and veterans and some people with low income. Individuals can directly

States is provided by many separate legal entities. More is spent on health care in the United States on a per capita basis than in

“good life” as it is define by any of the world’s people, is good health. “everyone should have the right to get the best possible health care as good as

Unit ed States have escal ated to the poi nt of a cri si s for all but the ri chest Am eri cans. The prob lem s i ncl ude the fact t hat many ci ti zens ar e uni nsured, heal th ca re costs are i ncreas ing faster than infl ati on and wages, and more of tho se costs are bei ng p assed on from empl oyers to em ploy ees .

Ma ny ind ic es of hea lt h c ar e eff ec tiv en es s s how tha t th e U ni ted Sta te s f ar es ve ry poo rl y in com pa ris on t o o th er dev el op ed cap it ali st

Alm os t a ll t he ot her dev el op ed cap it ali st c oun tr ies hav e un ive rsa l hea lt h c ar e. Al l the ir ci ti zen s ar e ins ur ed an d the ir per c api ta co st s are

The cost of American health care is straggering by any measure. Currently, society spends 13.7 percent of the gross domestic product on health care. This amounts more than a trillion dollars each year. While the use of high technology in the medicine has been continues to be miraculously dazzling, these miracles come with a heavy economic price.

Spending over 30% of the gross domestic product on health care. While health is priority ,it is not the only priority. Even in the face of clear evidence as to negative effects on personal health, there are competent adults who drink too much, eat to much, smoke to much, and exercise too little.

In general the health care insurance crisis is largely a middle class problem as the poor are covered by Medicaid. Working adults and their dependents constitute that vast majority 84% of the uninsured.

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