Baske tball Skills Ass ig nme nt #2 -
Par t A
Uni t P lanne r & Le ss on Plan
Cont en ts Page
Unit Pla n Pag e: 4- 7 Developmental sequence of teaching/ learning Planning Assessment Topic concept Map
Fin al Le ss on Pla n Pag e: 8- 11
App en di x Pag e: 12 -2 1 Behaviour Management Cards Relay Station cards Page 2
PE and Health unit planner Developmental sequence of teaching/learning Term
Primary Years
Unit/topic outcome description Students work on refining their fundamental movement skills such as stability, locomotor and manipulative movement skills. Through working individually, in pairs and team activities, students will learn skills and strategies associated with a specific specialised sport. Ultimately acquiring these skills will increase self confidence and participation in physical activity now and in the future.
Essential learnings
Thinking skills/ processes, key competencies
Resources/ equipment
Digital camera
Computer/printe r
Basketballs Video camera Calculator
Appropriate clothing
CD player
Clock/stop watch
Teacher resources
Scanner Email
Key ideas
SACSA outcomes (verbatim)
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Physical activity and participation
Key Idea Students individually, in groups or teams enhance their selfawareness through developing, refining and expanding their movement abilities and strategies within an appropriate context of physical activities. Id In KC4
Outcome 2.1 Confidently performs and repeats movement sequences with control, balance and coordination that in turn enhance their ability to plan for and participate in a wide range of physical activities. Id In KC3
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Planning Key ideas Key Idea Students individually, in groups or teams enhance their selfawareness through developing, refining and expanding their movement abilities and strategies within an appropriate context of physical activities. Id In KC4
Focus of Learning Re-introduce students to equipment and appropriate handling. Students enhance their ability of foot and eye /hand movements and co-ordination. - Catching and throwing a basketball with preferred and un-preferred hands. - Movement: Students learn the fundamental movement rules in a basketball game. - Dribbling alternatively with both hands - Goal shooting with correct technique. - Boundaries: personal, team and physical. Students build upon self confidence and self esteem. Students are able to work cooperatively in pairs or teams by using effective interactive communication skills. Students confidently display basic leadership skills. All students dispel myths about gender bias in sports.
Sequence of core teaching events Lesson 1: Throwing and Catching - Students re-focus on previous skills o Chest-passing o Single arm throw o Lobbing o Bounce pass - focus on technique, preparation, propulsion and follow through Lesson 2: Dribbling - Dribbling whilst moving - Hand eye coordination - Alternate hands Lesson 3: Defence and Attack - Block, boundaries (personal space) Lesson 4: Footwork - Shuffle, sidestep, pivot, start and stop Lesson 5: Shooting - Accuracy, free throws, lay ups Lesson 6: Skill based games - Focusing on incorporating skill based movement
Resources -
Gym or outdoor basketball court
Basket balls
Appropriate clothing and footwear
Coloured bibs
Hats (if outside)
Water availability to keep students hydrated
Video camera (for assessment purposes)
Behaviour management cards
Clock / stop watch
Teacher Resource: Pick up & run vol. 3
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Assessment Criteria for assessment Lesson 1: Students display accurate throwing with correct preparation, propulsion and follow through. Lesson 2: Students display hand eye coordination and Explosive movement involving legs, trunk and arms. Lesson 3: Students strategically think in a forward motion whilst simultaneously understanding boundaries regarding personal space and respect. Effective communication with classmates should also be apparent. Lesson 4: Students must exhibit bodily kinaesthetic coordination Assess body position in regards to legs, arms and trunk Lesson 5: - Assess the ability students’ exhibit when shooting in relation to the preparation, propulsion and follow through. This also needs to be cross referenced with the accuracy of shots. Lesson 6: Assess students in relation to how they incorporate body movement and ball skills, as well as participation and contribution to their
Assessment strategy Observation: Observe students and note performance in relation to: Throwing & Catching Dribbling Defence & Attack Footwork Shooting Team work Product Analysis: Evidence of students performing according to the SACSA standards. Conferencing: Intervening with all students during a development al stage of a skill, reassess the skill and refine the action. Self assessment. Students will discuss progress and ideas with class and teacher. Students will also complete a reflection paper on their learning experience.
Who will assess? -
Physical Educati on Teacher
Self assess ment / reflectio n in relation to confiden ce and enjoyme nt of skills.
Taking photos and video footage to docume nt progres s during class perform ance to provide evidenc e of achieve ments.
SACSA outcome 2.1 Confidently performs and repeats movement sequences with control, balance and coordination that in turn enhance their ability to plan for and participate in a wide range of physical activities. Id • In • KC3 Examples of evidence include that the student:
performs refined movements using both sides of the body equally with maximum possible control in a range of activities (e.g. modified sports, dancing, swimming)
works collaboratively to create and plan movement sequences, and contribute successfully in teams In • KC3 • KC4 • KC6
develops a sense of reliability and responsibility while participating in activities (e.g. accepting the umpires’
Record of assessme nt Teachers have a record of individual students in a variety of media: o
Visual represent ation such as photos and videos
Informal notes involving a checklist of movemen t skills for each student
Formal written report
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team. The skills displayed by students should encourage a future ability of specialised sports.
decisions, packing up equipment) In
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Physical Education lesson planner Lesson outcome(s) Year level
To display the skills required for this specialised sport, basketball, by combining the fundamental movement skills learnt within this unit. Class size 30 students
Length of lesson 30 mines
Whistle, full size Basket ball court with 2 rings, basket balls, appropriate clothing and footwear, mobile phone, stop watch.
Specific objectives Introduction To revise skills learnt in the previous five lessons. The lesson is based on boundaries and the revision of dribbling.
Activity Introduction: (1 –2 minutes) 1. Introduce expectations in regards to behaviour management 2. When I speak students are expected to listen 3. When I blow the whistle it means stop what you are doing and eyes on me 4. Behaviour management cards will be visibly posted in the gym to prompt students Revision Activity (4 – 5 minutes) 5. Boundary Game 6. Using the familiar skill dribbling, students will proceed along any line of the gym until they come across another student. When “blocked”, students must turn in the opposite directing ensuring no contact is made. 7. After 60 seconds I will tell students that they can only dribble on specific lines (e.g. yellow) 8. Students will then be asked to alternate dribbling to their non dominant hand and continue. 9. Ask students to put the balls away apart from 3 balls and have them line up on the base line for the next activity.
Teaching points
Class organisation
It is important that the class is
Personal space
engaged and involved.
Refresh Dribbling
Specialised Equipment:
(basic skill point)
Approximately 30 basket balls.
The boundary lesson will look like
behaviour will not
be tolerated -
Skill, effort and good sportsmanship will be praised and students will be rewarded. Rewards include: a phone call home, happy grams and general praise and encouragement.
T ime 4-7 mines
Skill development
Instructions: -
Activity 1 Students use prior knowledge to apply defence and attack skills required to change tactical roles.
Students utilize problem solving skills to effectively change between attack and defence tactical roles.
Defence and Attack Activity:
1. Students will be lined up along one baseline of the basketball court. 2. Number students from one to six. The first three students are to collect a ball and place it on the ground in the centre circle of the basketball court. 3. When a number is called, the players with that number race to pick up the ball. The player who picks up the ball attempts to dribble it to the ring to score a goal. 4. The player without the ball: a. takes up a defensive stance b. tries to gain possession of the ball and is allowed to shoot for goal. 5. A point is scored by the player who: a. picks up the ball b. scores a goal 6. Students get one minute to score a goal at which the whistle is blown, they are to return the ball to the centre and start again. 7. The next number is called. Each number will be called once due to time constraints. 8. The activity ends with students lined up on the baseline.
Line up along base line When their number is called out they are to run to the centre of the court to collect a ball. Students that collect a ball take on the role of being an “attacker”. Students who do not collect a ball take on the role of being a “defender” to only one “attacker”. Students have a 1 minute time frame. Important cues: hands up, heads up, correct defensive stance Feedback: immediate
stop watch 3 basketballs
[5-7 mines]
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 …...
X = student = basketball
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Activity 2
a team to achieve this Beat the Ball Activity:
The ‘Beat the ball’ activity focuses on combining a variety of basket ball skills into a flow of movement. In particular catching and throwing, shooting, dribbling, running and team work. Student will be able to incorporate all these skills into this activity in order to reach the goal of winning. Students will be encouraged to use accurate hand coordination to shoot goals under the pressure of the timed activity. The focus of this activity is to build on skills which will help student gain a stronger grasp on specialised sport.
Students must work in
1. Divide class into four groups by numbering
Students have to work
movement skills and
lines up on opposites corners of the basketball
communication. -
3. The other two teams are the shooting teams who
Support must all be demonstrated for
line up in a zigzag formation in the middle of the
maximum participation. -
4. On ‘Go’ one member of both running teams run a
Points such as correct skill position and
lap of the court, whilst the other two teams begin
movement must be
shooting. Once reaching the back of the other
reinforced such as
team, the next team member goes and so on until
hand and stance
all team members have had a turn. Last runner
position when
calls ‘Stop’ once reached home.
shooting. -
Students must be
passing the balls down the line to the last person
aware of their team
(number 6) who runs/dribble the ball to the
members and predict
designated shooting spot (free throw line), has one
what they do next.
shot at a goal, while everyone moves up a spot. 6. The shooter takes number one’s spot and the
It’s important that the teacher reinforces
passing is repeated until everyone is back on their
student awareness of
starting position, or the running team calls stop.
the specialized
7. Shooting and running teams swap over.
12 cones number 1 to 6
efficiently thought fast
2. Split two of the teams into running teams who
5. On ‘Go’ one member of both shooting teams being
(7 mines)
collaboratively and
students along the baseline from one to four.
2 basketballs
activity successfully. -
movement skills.
8. The team with the most goals wins. Page 12
9. Ask students to line up along the base line
1. Use a lead in activity such as the snake (follow the leader) to have students moving around the court as you put out the markers. (see diagram)
2. As you place down a marker get one student to stay behind. this is their starting position
Evidence of skill based movement
Such as: o
Catching, throwing, grapevine, shuffling, dribbling.
Station 1
7 mines
Move ball over
Station 2 Shuffl e
Chest pass
3. Once all students have a position, go through the stations and what action needs to take place. Explain that green marker are not stopping positions, but rather passing through stations. (see Station markers for instructions)
Team work
Move ball between
Relay Activity:
Students’ legs
Team relay, which will use the skills the students have learnt to date. Including shuffle, grapevine, bounce pass, chest pass, dribbling, and ball handling, as well as team cooperation.
Station 3
Station 4 Grapevi ne
5. At the end of the game have each student pick up their cones and bring it back to one central pile.
Bounce pass
4. Once all students understand the movements and the rules, run game as a competition to see which team can complete the relay, with each student ending at their beginning position.
Station 5 Station 6 Shuffl e Station
Chest pass
Station 8 Page 13
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Appen dix A
Behaviour Management Strategies
Cards are to be on the wall throughout the lesson, and to be reinforced by the teacher
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Ap pe ndix B
Rela y Statio n Ca rd s:
Cards are to be displayed next to the corresponding cone or marker as shown in the diagram
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STATION 1 – OVER-UNDER TUNNEL BALL Pass the ball between the legs of the first person, then over the head of the second person, then between the legs of the third person etc. Until it reaches the person at station 2 **everyone moves up a position once the ball has left station 2***
STATION 2 – SHUFFLE Basketball shuffle to station 3
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STATION 3 – CHEST PASS Chest pass to the person at station 4 **once the person at station 4 has left, move up to station 4**
STATION 4 – GRAPEVINE Catch the ball then grapevine to station 5
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STATION 5 – BOUNCE PASS Bounce pass the ball to the person at station 6 **once the person at station 6 has left, move up to station 6***
STATION 6 – SHUFFLE Catch the ball then shuffle the station 7
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STATION 7 – CHEST PASS Chest pass the ball to the person at station 8 **once the person at station 8 has left, move up to station 8**
STATION 8 – DRIBBLING Catch the ball then dribble the ball back to station 1 where you begin over-under tunnel ball.
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