Healling The Bias Of 2012

  • May 2020
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Healing the bias of 2012

Mayan Pyramid

Conjecture about our near future is gaining momentum because of a very specific catalytic date: December 21, 2012. The ancient Mayans had a great civilization and astronomers who were able to calculate an astonishingly accurate, intricate astronomical calendar that lasted tens of thousands of years. It mysteriously concludes on December 21, 2012, thus creating waves of speculation. Yet many indigenous cultures around the world, including Native American, tell of the arrival of the Golden Age, one in which humanity evolves to its next level exemplified by harmonious and conscious relationships with the planet and with cosmic ancestors who will reintroduce themselves. In contradiction, there are new and old doomsday prophecy’s that ignore ideas of a new beginning to instead warn of inevitable collapse and disaster. Many wonder how to reconcile these contradictory viewpoints, and how to most wisely proceed into a future mined with falling financial markets, corporate corruption and global climate change. First, there is a common bias exemplified to various degrees that needs to be addressed. One year ago I spoke with a man at an international conference who is well respected, a community leader and considered very spiritually minded. He calmly told me that disaster is a necessary precursor to 2012 because five billion people in our world population need to be eliminated due to the fact that their lower consciousness is pulling down the illuminated minority. This individual strongly believes in a positive future and

coming Golden Age, but only after a massive cleansing by disaster of those still in servitude to their lower natures, those who stumble in the darkness, which unfortunately represents 5/6th of the population according to him. Another perspective, popular in channeling culture today is the idea that our world is splitting or has split into two realities and a sorting is underway with a fulcrum point of 2012. One reality will continue along without change for the majority of humankind who will continue to learn the lessons of destruction, duality, conflict and suffering. The graduating group, due to their diligent work and penetration of the illusions of separation from source and spirit, will ascend or find themselves changing in energetic frequency to merge with a splendidly peaceful new world. This graduation scenario for those who have awakened their consciousness, for those who have tirelessly held the light and love within for all despite the challenges, rise to a new level of experience defined by harmony and unity. Both scenarios hold degrees of a similar bias; accepting, fueling and even glorifying a grand separation. Transformative consciousness is based upon unity, not only for the illuminated, not only until a prophetic date looms only moments before us, and yet many are unwittingly crafting a future of separation. We are all one. There is no right time to concede and give up on any faction of humanity when a moment is left. Why has anyone accepted or chosen any future that leaves even a single individual in darkness and ignorance? Our thoughts are our engines of creation and literally manifest our reality. People joining together in common vision exponentially increase the potency and power to manifest. In this moment, we still can make a choice for the best, for everyone to succeed, for not one to be left behind to disaster and more suffering. Probability lines for our future hold highly likely outcomes given current collective choices, and less likely outcomes. One thing is certain; the favorite does not always win at the finish line. Despite a build up of undeviating actions along a specific path that would stack the odds in favor of a particular outcome, a new choice that overrides the old is collectively possible each precious moment. In one single moment of grace, enough people can choose peace and create the longest shot of all, a world of transformation and love for everyone. We have in this moment, right now, the choice. If your thoughts for the future are negative or isolate you in any way, simply change your mind and add your creative strength to that long-shot coo at the finish line of a world made golden for all. This article is the first of two parts. Next: The mechanics of prophecy and 2012

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