Hasan Raza

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Chapter # 1 (The strategic Role of Human Resource Management)

The Manager's Human Resource Management Jobs Management Process: The five basic functions of Management: •1.Planning: • •Establishing goals and standards; developing rules and procedures; •Developing plans and forecasting. 2. Organizing: Giving each subordinate a specific task; establishing departments, Delegating authority to subodinats, establishing channels of authority and communication, coordinating the work of subordinates. . 3. Staffing: Determine what type of people should be hired, recruiting prospective employees, selecting employees, setting performance standards, compensatingemployees, evaluating performance. 4. Leading: Getting others target the job done, maintaining morale, motivating subordinates. 5. Controling: Setting standards such as sales quotes, quality standards, or production levels; Checking to see how actual performance compares with these standards; Taking corrective actions needed. Human Resource Management (HRM): The policies and practices involved in carrying Thought "People” or human resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening,

Training, rewarding, and appraising. Line and Staff Aspects of HRM: All managers are, in a sence, HR Manager. Involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and training. Yet most Firms also have human resource department with its own top manager. How do the duties of this HR manager & his or her staff relate to “line” manager’ human resource duties? Let’s answer this question starting with a short definition of line versus staff authority. Authority: “The right to makes decision, direct other’s work, and give orders”. Line manager: A manger that is authorized to to direct the work o subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing the organization’s tasks. Staff manger: A manger who assist and advises line manger. Line authority: The authority exerted by an HR manger by directing the activates of the pole in his or her own department and in service areas (like the plant cafeteria). Implied authority: The authority exerted bye an HR manger by virtue of soother’s knowledge that he or she has access to top management (in areas like testing and affirmative action) Functional Control: The authority exerted by an HR manger as coordinator of personnel accivities. THE CHANGING ENVIRONMENT OF HR MANAGEMNT: Globalization: The tendency of firms to extend their sales., ownership, and or manfucturing to new marks aboard. Technology Advances:

Many of the improvements that make firms world-class involve technology. Exporting Jobs: Competitive pressures and the search for greater efficiencies are also prompting more employers to export jobs abroad. The Nature of Work: Technology is also changing the nature of work. Even factory jobs are more technologically demanding.

CHAPTER # 2 (Equal opportunity & the Law) EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 1964-1991 Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act: The section of the act that says an employer can’t discriminate on the basis of race,color,religion,sex, or national origin with respect to employment.

1) To fail or refuse to bier or to discharge an individual or otherwise to discriminate against Andy individual with r3espect to his compenstation,terms,condition, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race,color,religion,sex or national origin. 2) To limit, segregate or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way that would deprive or tend to deprive any interval of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his her status as an employee, because of such interval’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) The commission, created by Title VII, is empowered to investigate job decimation complains and sue on behalf of complaints. Affirmative Action: Steps that are taken for purpose of elongating the present effects of past decimations. DEFENSES AGAINST DESCRIMINATION ALLEGATIONS Adverse Impact: The overall impact of employer practices that result in significantly higher percentages of members of minorities and other protected groups being rejected for employment, placement, or promotion. HOW CAN SOMEONE SHOW ADVERSR IMPACT? 1) Disparate rejection rates: A test for adverse impact in which it can be demonstrated that there is a discrepancy, between rates of rejection of members of a protected goup and of other. 2) Restricted Policy:

Another test for adverse impact, involving demonstration that an employer’s hiring practices excludes a protected group, whether intentionally or not. 3) Population Comparisons: This approach compares 1) The percentage of Hispanic and whit workers in the organization with (2) the percentage of the corresponding groups in the labor market, where labor market is usually divined as the U.S census date for that Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. 4) McDonnell-Douglas Test: In this approach the applicant was qualified but the employer rejected the person and countiunued seeking applicants. BONA FIDE OCCUPATINAL QUALIFICATION: Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ): Requirement that an employee be of a certain rlegion, sex or national organ where that is reasonably necessary to the organization’s normal operation. Specified by to e 1964 Civil Rights Act. Age as a BFOQ: The age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) permits disparate treatment in those instances even age in a BFOQ. Religion as BFOQ: Religion may be BFOQ in the case of religious organizations or societies that require employees to share their particular religion. Gender as a BFOQ: Gender may b a BFOQ for positions requiring specific physical characteristics necessarily possessed by one sex.

National Origin as a BFOQ: A person’s country of national origin may bad a BFOQ. Business Necessity: “Business necessity” is defense created by the courts. It requires showing that there is an overriding business purpose for the discriminatory practice and that the practice is therefore acceptable.


THE NATURE OF JOB ANAYSIS: Job analysis: The procedure for deeming the duties and sk9ll requirement of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. Job Description: A list of a job’s duties, responsibilities reporting relationship, working conditions and supervisory responsibilities one product of a job analysis. Job specifications: A list of a job’s “human requirements,” that is, the requisite educating, skill, personally, and so on.. Another product of job analysis. STEPS IN JOB ANALYSIS: Step 1: Decide how you’ll use the information, since this will determine that data yon collect and how you collect them. Some date collection techniques like inter viewing the employee and asking what the job entails. Are good for writing job viewing the employee and asking job descriptions and selecting employee for the job. Step 2: Review relevant background information such organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions. Step 3: Select representative position.

Step 4: Actually analyze the job bye collecting data on job activates, required employee behaviors, working condition, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job. Step 5: Verify the job analysis information with the worker perfuming the job and with his or her immediate supervisor. This will help confirm that that information is factually cored and complete. Step 6: Develop a job description and job specification. These are tangible products of the job analysis.

WRITING JOB DESCRIPTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Job identification job summary responsibilities and duties authority of incumbent standards of performance working conditions job specifications

JOB INDENTIFICATION: There may also be a space to indicate who approve the description and perhaps a space that shows the location to the job aim terms of its facility division and department section. In which we infinity the job. JOB Summary: The job summary would be the condition on total job, in which we know the all information related to the job which includes all facts & figure of the job. It has general statement also. RELATIONSHIPS: There is occasionally a relationships statement; enrich shows the job holder relationships with other inside and outside the orgarinazation.

JOB ANALYSIS IN A “JOBLESS” WORLD From Specialized to Enlarge Jobs: Assigning workers additional as midlevel activities, thus increasing the umber of activities they perform. Job Rotation: Systematically moving workers from one job to another to enhance or them performance and to Braden his or her expire an identify strong and weak points to prepare the person for an enhanced role with the company. Job enrichment: Redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility achievement, growth, and recognition. Dejobbing: Broadening the responsibitlies of the company’s jobs, and engorging employees not to limit themselves to what’s on their job descriptors. Boundaries organization: Organization marked by the widespread use of teams and similar structural that reduce and make more permeable the boundaries that typically separate departments. Reengineering: The fundament retching and radical reusing of business processes to achieve dramat8ic improving in cortical, contemporary measures of personate, such as cots, quality, service, and speed. Competencies: Demonstrable characteristics of a person that enable performance of a job. Competency based job analysis: Describing a job in terms of the measurable, observable, behavioral competes and employee must exhibit to do a job well.

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