Hans Urs Von Balthasar

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INDICAZIONI BIBLIOGRAFICHE SUL TEMA «DONNA» - XVII 2004 A cura di Mariarosa CIRIANNI - Marie GANNON - Maria Piera MANELLO Adultità. Semestrale sulla condizione adulta e i processi formativi. Istituto di Pedagogia. Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Università degli Studi, Milano. BRAMBILLA Manuel, Tempo famiglia per donne e mamme straniere 10(2004)20, 287-292. Angelicum. Periodicum trimestre Pontificiae studiorum Universitatis a Sancto Thoma Aquinate in Urbe, Roma. O’DRISCOLL Mary, Women and the Dominican Charisma, with Particular Reference to Catherine of Siena 81(2004)2, 445-458. Archives de sciences sociales des religions. Centre national de la recerche scientifique, Paris. RENARD Marie-Reine, Les Idées religieuses de George Sand et l’émancipation féminine 49(2004)128, 25-38. Attualità in Psicologia. Trimestrale di studi ed esperienze in psicologia, psichiatria e neuropsichiatria. Edizioni Universitarie Romane, Roma. MENEGUEZ Giorgio, La psicoanalisi e l’etica femminile 19(2004)34, 193-204. Australian Feminist Studies. Research Centre for Women's Studies. University of Adelaide, South Australia. ALLEN Margaret, She Seems to Have Composed Her Own Life: Thinking about Catherine Martin 19(2004)43, 29-42. BARTLETT Alison and GILES Fiona, Introduction: Taking our Breasts to Work 19(2004)45, 269-272. BARTLETT Alison, Black Breasts, White Milk? Ways of Constructing Breastfeeding and Race in Australia 19(2004)45,341-356. -, Things to Do with Books: Feminist Literary Criticism 19(2004)43, 125-128. BLACKBURN Susan, Two Views of Indonesian Women: Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy 19(2004)44, 241-243. BURKE Michael, Radicalizing Liberal Feminism by Playing the Games that Men Play 19(2004)44, 169-184. DEACON Desley, Cruel and Barbarous Treatment: the Marriage of Mary McCarthy and Edmund Wilson 19(2004)43, 103-116. DEVER Maryanne, (Other) Feminisms: an International Women’s and Gender Studies Conference, 12-16 July 2003, Brisbane, Australia 19(2004)43, 121-124. FRAMPTON Edith, Fluid Objects: Kleinian Psychoanalytic Theory and Breastfeeding Narratives 19(2004)45, 357-368. 1

FRANCES Raelene, ‘White Slaves’ and White Australia: Prostitution and Australian Society 19(2004)44, 185-200. GILES Fiona, ‘Relational, and Strange’: a Preliminary Foray into a Project to Queer Breast-feeding 19(2004)45, 301-314. GRENFELL Laura, Feminist Legal Academics Workshop, 19-21 June 2003, Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide 19(2004)43, 117-120. HAUSMAN Bernice L., The Feminist Politics of Breastfeeding 19(2004)45, 273-286. HENDERSON Margaret and REID Margaret, ‘It’s Not That Bloody Far from Sydney’: Notes Towards a Semiotic History of the Brisbane Women’s Movement, 1973-1983 19(2004)44, 159-168. HUNTER Rosemary, Fear and Loathing in the Sunshine State 19(2004)44, 145-158. KOSAMBI Meera, Tracing the Voice: Pandita Ramabai’s Life through Her Landmark Texts 19(2004)43, 19-28. MAGAREY Susan and ROUND Kerrie, From Autobiography to Biography: Roma the First 19(2004)43, 87-102. MICHLITSCH Gretchen, Dessa and the Crazy White Woman; Cross-racial Breastfeeding in Shirley Anne William’s “Dessa Rose” 19(2004)45, 329-340. PRINGLE Rosemary, Adoption in Britain: Reflexive Modernity? 19(2004)44, 225-240. ROE Jill, Changing Faces: Miles Franklin and Photography 19(2004)43, 43-54. RUSSELL Penny, Imagining Romance: Geneva 1816 19(2004)43, 9-18. RYAN Lyndall, Mother and Daughter Feminists, 1969-1973. Or Why Didn’t Edna Ryan Join Women’s Liberation? 19(2004)43, 7586. SCARPARO Susanna, Feminist Intellectuals as Public Figures in Contemporary Italy 19(2004)44, 201-212. SHAW Rhonda, The Virtues of Cross-nursing and the ‘Yuk Factor’ 19(2004)45, 287-300. SMITH Julie, Mothers’ Milk and Markets 19(2004)45, 369-380. SPECK Catherine, Nora Heysen: a Tale of a Daughter and Her Father 19(2004)43, 55-74. SPENCER Beth, The Milk of Humankind-ness: From “A Short (Personal) History of the Bra and its Contents” 19(2004)45, 315-328. WALSH Mary, Twenty Years since ‘A Critique of the Sex/Gender Distinction’: a Conversation with Moira Gatens 19(2004)44, 213224.


Bollettino UISG. Unione Internazionale Superiore Generali, Roma. AA.VV., Donne, Discepolo di Gesù Cristo, artefici di riconciliazione in questo nostro mondo. Riunione Plenaria delle Superiore Generali 2004 (2004)125, 2-76. Catechetics India. PATRAO Marina, Thérèse Shows How to Love 21(2004)3, 24-25. CEM Mondialità. Mensile di educazione interculturale. Rivista del Centro Educazione alla Mondialità (CEM) dei Missionari Saveriani, Brescia. RUGGERONE Lucia, Immagini femminili nella fotografia di moda 35(2004)9, 19-21. CENSIS Note e Commenti. Pubblicazione mensile del Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali, Roma. DINI Ester et al., Le Donne. L’inarrestabile rimonta 40(2004)9/10, 48-51. -, Le Donne. Le barriere al lavoro delle donne 40(2004)9/10, 52-55. Chrétiens et Sociétes XVIe – XXe Siècles. Bulletin de l’Équipe RESEA, Lyon. PIOCH Laurence, Féministes ou motables? Les dames de la Providence à Lyon (2004)11, 33-48. Christlich-Pädagogische Blätter. Katechetischen Institut, Wien. BADER Günther, “Steh auf und iss, sonst ist der Weg zu weit für dich”! Biblische Impulse für eine Spiritualität der Religionslehrerinnen und –lehrer 117(2004)3, 170-175. FELBERBAUER Maria, He’s got the whole world in His hands Akademielehrgang “A New Start”. Englisch als Arbeitssprache für Religionslehrer/innen 117(2004)2, 104-107. HABICHLER Alfred, Wozu braucht es heute ReligionslehrerInnen? Zu einem Berufsbild im Kontext fortschreitender Moderne 117(2004)3, 130-133. HUEMER Ute-BURGSTALLER Willibald, Wie werde und bleibe ich eine gute (Religions-)Lehrerin? Standards als Beitrag zur Professionalisierung 117(2004)3, 140-141. KOHLER-SPIEGEL Helga Was heißt es, eine gute Lehrerin, ein guter Leher zu sein? Anstöße auch für den Religionsunterricht 117(2004)3, 137-139. KRAML Martina, Mentor/Mentorin sein – Begleitung zum Leben hin!? 117(2004)3, 150-153. KROBATH Thomas, Schulentwicklung und Religion – eine Herausforderung (nicht nür) für ReligionslehrerInnen Thesen zu relevanz und Handlungsbedarf 117(2004)3, 163-167. LIEDL Rudolf, Kein Klagelied. Studie zum Befinden der ReligionslehrerInnen 117(2004)3, 168-169. METTE Norbert, Zum Beruf und Selbstverständnis von Religionslehrern und –lehrerinnen im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen in Gesellschaft und Schule sowie Religion und Kirche 117(2004)3, 134-136. PINZ Andrea, Grundlage zur Reflexion des Religionsunterrichtes. “Lehrer sein heißt: zeigen, was man liebt”. ReligionslehrerInnen in der kulturellen und religiöse Vielfalt 117(2004)3, 142-145. 3

Città di vita. Bimestrale di religione, arte e scienza, Firenze. CHINELLATO Eleonora, Del monachesimo femminile nell’altro medioevo 59(2004)3, 295-304. Communio. Strumento internazionale per un lavoro teologico. Jaca Book, Milano. MUSARDO TALÒ Vincenza, Per una fenomenologia del monachesimo femminile medievale (2004)198, 44-51. Comparative Education Review. Journal of Comparative and International Education Society, Chicago. ADELY Fida, The Mixed Effects of Schooling for High School Girls in Jordan: The Case of Tel Yahya 48(2004)4, 353-373. ASSIÉ-LUMBUMBA N’Dri and SUTTON Margaret, Global Trends in Comparative Research on Gender and Education 48(2004)4, 345-352. FREEMAN Kass, Looking at and Seeing Possibilities: The Compelling Case for the Use of Human Potential 48(2004)4, 443-455. KIRK Jackie, Impossible Fictions: The Lived Experiences of Women Teachers in Karachi 48(2004)4, 374-395. OBAKENG MABOKELA Reitumetse and NTWANANO MAWILA Kaluke Felicity, The Impact of Race, Gender, and Culture in South Africa Higher Education 48(2004)4, 396-416. SILOVA Iveta and MAGNO Cathryn, Gender Equity Unmasked: Democracy, Gender, and Education in Central/Southeastern Europe and Former Soviet Union 48(2004)4, 417-442. Compare. A Journal of Comparative Education, Liverpool. BULMAN Donna, COHEN Diana and NGUYEN VAN Anh, Educating Women about HIV/AIDS: some international comparisons 34(2004)2, 141-160. KHABAYA Judith and KONADU-AGYEMANG Kwadrno, Unequal access, unequal participation: Some spatial and socio-economic dimensions of the gender gap in education in Africa with special reference to Ghana, Zimbabwe and Kenya 34(2004)4, 395-424. MÜLLER Tanya R., ‘Now I am free’ – education and human resources development in Eritrea: contradictions in the lives of Eritrean women in higher education 34(2004)2, 215-230. PESSATE-SCHUBERT A., ‘The sky is the limit?: higher education, gender and empowerment in the Bedouin community in the Negev in Israel 34(2004)3, 329-340. Comunicazioni sociali. Scuola di specializzazione in comunicazioni sociali dell'Università Cattolica, Milano. MEO Antonella, Conversazioni e non solo 25(2004)3, 282-301. PATTONI Maria Pia - CARPANI Roberta, Sacrifici al Femminile. Alcesti in scena da Euripide a Raboni 26(2004)3, 277-558 Connaissance Des Pères De L’Église. Trimestrale. Edito da Novelle Cité, Montgrouge. LAURENCE Patrick, La vie de Malchus et l’Epitaphium de Paula par S. Jérôme (2004)95, 2-19. MARAVAL Pierre, La vie de sainte Mélanie (2004)95, 20-32.


Consacrazione e servizio. Rivista mensile delle religiose. Centro Studi USMI, Roma. CEDRONI Lorella, Le donne e l’Europa. Rappresentanza, lavoro e occupazione 53(2004)5, 20-26. FARINA Marcella, Le aspirazioni del mondo femminile di fronte ai valori dell’Immacolata 53(2004)10, 21-33. Convergência. Revista Mensal da Conferência dos Religiosos do Brasil: CRB. Edições Loyola, São Paulo. DOIGON VIERA Teresinha, A mulher escondida na Freira. A percepçaõ da identidade feminina na mulher consagrada 39(2994)373, 296-305. Credere oggi. Dossiers di orientamento e aggiornamento teologico. Edizioni Messaggero, Padova. BIGUZZI Giancarlo, Paolo, un apostolo contro le donne 24(2004)5, 95-107. Croire aujourd’hui. Revue bimensuelle publiée par les jésuites, Paris. BADETS Véronique, Maria Nowak «Seule la confiance paie» (2004)184, 8-9. DE BESOMBES Anne Marie, François et Angèle une histoire d’amour (2004)182-83, 6-7. MAZENOD Romain, Charlotte Dufour. “Les bons sentiments ne font pas tout” (2004)181, 26-27. FEINSTEIN Claire, Sylvie Bukhari de Pontual. Besoin d’agir (2004)180, 26-27. SOUCHON Michel, Madeleine Delbrêl. Une femme “ordinaire”? (2004)170, 28-29. -, Sœur Bénédicte. En toute liberté (2004)177, 26-27. WENIN André, Femmes de guerre: Déborah, Yaël et Judith (2004)167, 26-27. -, L’histoire de la fille sans nom (2004)168, 26-27. -, Ruth l’étrangère, nouvelle mère d’Israel (2004)169, 26-27. -, Anne, une mère singulière (2004)170, 26-27. -, Bethsabée: intrigante devenue reine-mère? (2004)171, 26-27. -, La femme de Cantique des cantiques (2004)172, 28-29. Cronache & Opinioni. Giornale delle donne cristiane. Centro Italiano Femminile, Roma. ANTONA Lina Rosa, Sardegna: Il 50% degli Assessorati alle donne 59(2004)9, 9. AA.VV., Inserto Donne e politica 59(2004)4, 3-24. BRIANTI Paola, Una politica a sostegno di donne, minori, famiglie 59(2004)5, 4-5. BRUNERO Maddalena, Le donne del Vangelo 59(2004)11, 38-39. DI PIETRO Maria Luisa, Una legge dalla parte del bambino e della donna. Procreazione medicalmente assistita 59 (2004)11, 16-17. DI PIETRO Maria Elisa, Il lavoro delle donne 59(2004)12, 30-31,32 DI GIULIO Paola, Occupazione al femminile. Dati OCSE 59(2004)10, 34-35. -, Parità Donna Uomo nella Costituzione Europea 59(2004)12, 11. 5

DINI MARTINO Alba, Le donne di fronte alle attese di pace 59(2004)1, 3. -, Le donne di fronte alle attese del mondo. L’impegno del CIF 59(2004)2, 10-12. FABBRINI Giuseppe, Inserto. Le donne del Vangelo 59(2004)12, 21-28. GENSABELLA Marianna, Parlare con le donne. Uguale dignità per l’uomo e per la donna 59(2004)10, 4-5,11. LOCONSOLE Michele, Il pellegrinaggio della donne 59(2004)9, 34-35. -, Le pellegrine cristiane 59(2004)10, 40-41. -, Pellegrinaggio al femminile 59(2004)11, 40-41. -, La donna e l’Islam 59(2004) 12, 18-19. LUNA Maria Grazia, Assenti le donne nel dibattito in corso. Riforma delle pensioni 59(2004)1, 12-13. LUVISO Elena, Il volto femminile della storia paleografica 59(2004)9, 36-37. -, Donne e leadership femminile 59(2004)11, 32-33. NOVELLI Laura, La pace è donna 59(2004)1, 20,29. -, Essere donna in Afganistan 59(2004)9, 30-31. PICCININI Liliana, L’impegno civile delle donne 59(2004)6, 17. RAVAGNANI Sabrina, Le donne di fronte alle attese di pace. Al di là delle parole 59(2004)1, 32-33. SABATINI Chiara, Ritratti di donna. Ricerca Eurispes 59(2004)6, 14-15. SERANTONI Laura, Donne e sport 59(2004)10, 12-13. TAZZA Alessandra, Donna è futuro 59(2004)1, 10-11. Cuadernos de Realidades Sociales. Instituto de Sociología aplicada de Madrid. MAYA FRADES Valentina, El uso del tiempo de la mujer rural: el caso de la mujer zamorana (2004)63/64, 71-100. Daimon. Annuale, Mulino, Bologna. LAST STONE Suzanne, Femminismo e concezione rabbinica della giustizia (2004)4, 49-80. Dimensioni nuove. Elle Di Ci, Leumann (Torino). BOSCO Teresio, Una mimosa d’or per Sara D’Mello 33(2004)10, 39-41. MAROTTA Maria & Elisa, Il segreto di Vera Drake 33(2004)10, 16-17. MATTEI Giampaolo, La ragazza che viene dal Nord [Lene Marlin] 33(2004)5, 20-21. -, La bellissima texana 33(2004)7, 22-23. -, Dal flauto dolce a Dido [Dido Armstrong] 33(2004)8, 20-21. 6

PATARINO Marisa, Donna. Il nuovo femminismo 33(2004)3, 12-13. RONCA Antonello, Il velo della discordia 33(2004)3, 14-15. -, Etty Hillesum. Una giovane ebrea che scelse di condividere fino in fondo la sorte dei suoi connazionali 33(2004)4, 34-36. DWF - Donna Woman Femme. Trimestrale. Editrice Coop. Utopia, Roma. BIZZOTTO Sara, Un esempio di autorità femminile nel Seicento: Elisabetta di Boemia (2004)3/4, 85-97. BLAU DUPLESSIS Rachel, Per la gente etrusca (2004)3/4, 58-84. BONO Paola, Invettiva (2004)1/2, 26-32. CHIAROMONTE Franca, E il modo ancor m’offende (2004)3/4, 22-24. CHITI Lori, I grandi classici (2004)1/2, 43-56. DEL MANSO Cinzia, I sensi della pubblicità (2004)1/2, 11-22. FIORI Maria Raffaella, Che la ragion sommettono al talento (2004)3/4, 41-45. GIARDINI Federica, La bufera infernal, che mai non resta (2004)3/4, 53-57. MAMBRO Francesca, Que’ due che insieme vanno / e paion sì al vento essere leggieri (2004)3/4, 28-32. MARCHETTI Sabrina, Le Donne delle donne (2004)1/2, 68-98. MODOLIN Cristina, Uno Spot tutto per sé (2004)1/2, 23-25. PALLOTTA Clelia, Prendere la mira (2004)1/2, 5-10. PANIGHETTI Irene, Rilanci: InVento (2004)1/2, 99-103. ROSSI Rosa, Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona / (…) Amor, ch’al cor gentil ratto s’apprende (2004)3/4, 51-52. RUSSI Valentina, Vuoti e trasparenze dell’etica preventiva: in margine a DWF, ‘L’algebra della prevenzione’ (2004)3/4, 98-102. SALLUZZO Cinzia, Soggetto in movimento: il cinema di Sally Potter (2004)1/2, 57-67. SCARAFFIA Lucetta, Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona (2004)3/4, 25-27. STELLA Rosetta - GIARDINI Federica, A partire dal canto (2004)3/4, 5-8. 7

STELLA Rosetta, La bocca mi baciò tutto tremante (2004)3/4, 9-21. TATAFIORE Roberta, Volentieri parlerei a que’ due che insieme vanno, / e paion sì al vento esser leggieri (2004)3/4, 46.50, TOTA Anna Lisa, Cornici mediali (2004)1/2, 33-42. VANTAGGIATO Iaia, Ma dimmi: al tempo d’I dolci sospiri (2004)3/4, 33-36. East Asian Pastoral Review. East Asian Pastoral Institute, Manila. THOMAS Mary, Down from Her Pedestal: Elizabeth A. Johnson’s Truly our Sister 41(2004)4, 355-386. VASQUEZ Amelia, Towards Fullness of Life: Women’s Resources For the Transformation of the Church 41(2004)3, 270-287. Educational Research. The Journal of the NFER, Berks. KLEIN Joseph, Who is most responsible for gender differences in scholastic achievements: pupils or teachers? 46(2004)2, 183-194. Educational Review. Faculty of Education of the University of Birmingham. JÓHANNESSON Ingólfur Asgeir, To teach boys and girls: a pro-feminist perspective on the boys’ debate in Iceland 56(2004)1, 33-42. Educational Theory. A Medium of Expression for the John Dewey Society and the Philosophy of Education Society, University of Chicago. THOMPSON Audrey, Gentlemanly Orthodoxy: Critical Race Feminism, Whiteness Theory, and the APA Manual 54(2004)1, 27-58. Enfance. Psychology - Pédagogie - Neuro-Psychiatrie - Sociologie. Press Universitaires de France, Paris. SEIDAH Amélie, BOUFFARD Thérèsa, VEZEAU Carole, Perceptions de soi à l’adoloscence: différences entre filles et garçons 56(2004)4, 405-420. Ephemerides Mariologicae. Commentarii de re mariali a C.M.FF. exarati, Madrid. GARCÍA-BARÓ Miguel, El mistero de la caridad de Simone Weil 54(2004)11, 185-202. Esperienze sociali. Rivista semestrale a cura della Scuola Superiore di Servizio Sociale «S. Silvia», Palermo. DE LA RED VEGA Natividad, Donne e occupazioni. Sostegno sociale, motivazione e significato 45(2004)2, 7-31.

Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista trimestral de investigación e información teológica, publicada por las Facultades de teología de la Compañía de Jésus en España, Madrid. ESTÉVEZ LÓPEZ Elisa, Mujeres sanadas, mujeres de virtud 79(2004)310, 433-355. Estudios filosóficos. Instituto superior de filosofía, Valladolid. LÓPEZ SÁENZ Maria Carmen, Interpretación feminista de la corporalidad. Merleau-Ponty revisitado 53(2004)152, 45-58. Études. Revue mensuelle fondée en 1856 par les Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus, Paris. LÉNA Marguerite, Edith Stein & Etty Hillesum: la trace d’une rencontre (2004)4, 51-64. 8

Evangelizzare. Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna. SIMONELLI Cristina, Sperato e Donata di Scilli. Intorno alle questioni di genere 34(2004)2, 82-94. Famiglia oggi. Documenti e ricerche in collaborazione col Centro internazionale studi famiglia. Associazione «Don Giuseppe Zilli», Milano. LIVRAGHI Renata, Differenze e opportunità. Le donne in Europa. Dossier 27(2004)10,39-50. VETRI Orsola, Dai cartoni una mamma esemplare 27(2004)5, 87-89. Familia. Rivista di diritto della famiglia e delle successioni in Europa. Bimestrale, Giuffrè Editori, Roma. MACIOCE Francesco, Sull’obbligo di coabitazione fra coniugi (parte prima) 3(2004)2, 225-247. Familia et Vita Pontificium Consilium Pro Familia, Vaticano. LACROIX Xavier, Paternité e maternité dans leurs différences et dans leurs liens 9(2004)3, 142-145. MORATALIA LOPEZ Natalie, El engendrar humano: el primer viaje de la vida en la madre 9(2004)3,158-170. Feminist Theory. Sage Publications, London. BAHOVEC Eva D. and HEMMINGS Clare, Teaching Traveling Concepts in Europe 5(2004)3, 333-342. BIRKE Lynda, BRYLD Mette and LYKE Nina, Animal performances: an exploration of intersections between feminist science studies and studies of human/animal relationships 5(2004)2, 167-184. CASTAÑEDA Claudia, Entering the dialogue 5(2004)3, 311-316. CHAMBERS Clare, Autonomy and equality in cultural perspective: response to Sawitri Saharso 5(2004)3, 329-332. CLARKE Danielle, Finding the Subject: queering the archive 5(2004)1, 79-84. CONLAN Anna Christina, The Whitla-Lucas archive: exploring the personal within feminist scholarship and questioning desire in women’s lifewriting 5(2004)3, 257-280. DAVIS Kathy, Between moral outrage and cultural relativism 5(2004)3, 305-310. GIFFNEY Noreen, Denormatizing queer theory: more than (simply) lesbian and gay studies 5(2004)1, 73-78. HEARN Jeff, From hegemonic masculinity to the hegemony of men 5(2004)1, 49-72. HENRY-WARING Millsom, Commentary 5(2004)3, 317-324. HERZIG Rebecca, On performance, productivity, and vocabularies of motive in recent studies of science 5(2004)2, 127-148. HIRD Myra J., 9

Feminist matters: new materialist considerations of sexual difference 5(2004)2, 223-232. -, Naturally queer 5(2004)1, 85-90. KOSTKOWSKA Justyna, “To persistently not know something important”: feminist science and the poetry of Wislawa Szymborska 5(2004)2, 185-204. LOVE Heather, “The right to change my mind”: new work in trans studies 5(2004)1, 91-100. NGARUIYA NJAMBI Wairimu, A Reply: A discourse in transition: extending feminist dialogues on female circumcision 5(2004)3, 325-328. -, Dualisms and female bodies in representations of African female circumcision: a feminist critique 5(2004)3, 281304. PHILADELPHOFF-PUREN Nina, The mark of refusal: sexual violence and the politics of recontextualization 5(2004)3, 243-256. ROSENGARTEN Marsha, The challenge of HIV for feminist theory 5(2004)2, 205-222. SCOULAR Jane, The ‘subject’ of prostitution: interpreting the discursive, symbolic and material position of sex/work in feminist theory 5(2004)3, 343-356. SHILDRICK Margrit, Genetics, normativity, and ethics: some bioethical concerns 5(2004)2, 149-166. STONE Alison, From political to realist essentialism: rereading Luce Irigaray 5(2004)1, 5-24. VAN LENNING Alkeline, The body as crowbar: transcending or stretching sex? 5(2004)1, 25-48. Fenomenologia e società. Periodico di filosofia a cura dell'Istituto di studi e ricerche socio-culturali «Comunità di ricerca», Milano. DE VECCHI

Francesca, Figure dell’empatia a partire da Edith Stein. Relazione, contrattazione e ascolto interiore in Etty Hillesum 27(2004)1, 100-117. Gender and Education. Rivista trimestrale di Taylor & Francis Ltd, Oxfordshire UK.

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DAVIES Julia, Negotiating femininities online 16(2004)1, 35-50. DENTITH Audrey M., Female adolescent subjectivities in Las Vegas: post structural thoughts on the intersections of gender, sexuality, consumer logic and curriculum 16(2004)4, 455-472. ELEY Susan, ‘’If they don’t recognize it, you’ve got to deal with it yourself’: gender, young caring and educational support 16(2004)1, 65-76. FENWICK Tara, What happens to the girls? Gender, work and learning in Canada’s ‘New Economy’ 16(2004)2, 169-186. GASKELL Jane, EICHLER Margrit, PAN Julia, XU Jieying and ZHANG Ziaoming, The participation of women faculty in Chinese universities: paradoxes of globalization 16(2004)4, 511-530. HARPER Helen, Nomads, pilgrims, tourists: women teachers in the Canadian north 16(2004)2, 209-224. HERZIG Abbe H., ‘Slaughtering this beautiful math’: graduate women choosing and leaving mathematics 16(2004)3, 379-396. JONES Susan and MYHILL Debra, Seeing things differently: teachers’ constructions of underachievement 16(2004)4, 531-546. KIT-WA CHAN Anita, Gender, school management and educational reforms: a case study of a primary school in Hong Kong 16(2004)4, 491-510. MAHONY Pat, HEXTALL Ian and MENTER Ian, Threshold assessment and performance management: modernizing and masculinizing teaching in England? 16(2004)2, 131-150. MOSS Dot, Creating space for learning: conceptualizing women and higher education through space and time 16(2004)3, 283302. NEDDAM Fabrice, Constructing masculinities under Thomas Arnold of Rugby (1828-1842): gender, educational policy and school life in an early-Victorian public school 16(2004)3, 303-326. QUINN Jocey, Mothers, learners and counter memory 16(2004)3, 365-378. RENOLD Emma, ‘Other’ boys: negotiating non-hegemonic masculinities in the primary school 16(2004)2, 247-266. ROBINSON-PANT Anna, Education for women: whose values count? 16(2004)4, 473-490. SMULYAN Lisa, Redefining self and success: becoming teachers and doctors 16(2004)2, 225-246. TAMBOUKOU Maria, Tracing heterotopias: writing women educators in Greece 16(2004)2, 187-208. THE LONDON FEMINIST SALON COLLECTIVE, The problematization of agency in postmodern theory: as feminist educational researchers, where do we go from here? 16(2004)1, 25-34. WHITEHEAD Kay and THORPE Stephen, The problematic place of a woman physical education instructor: an historical case study 16(2004)1, 77-96.


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