Hannover Poly Products Ltd

  • Uploaded by: Seth Leventhal
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 243
  • Pages: 1
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4 November

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Dear Attorney:

are pollrurethane company based in Hanover, Germany seeking for lega1 opinlon in the process of placing a l-ien on a Property/asset. of a debtor in your jurisdictj-on. We do not know what the requiremenls are, and what. is needed for us to engage your services in this regard. We

are aware of the need to reLain the services of an attorney firstly, that will help us t.o facilitate the processes. A court judgmlnt be required to enforce any lien on a debtor asset,, especially when Lhe debtor's consent is required Lo proceed with a l_ien. However we


Once you

indicaLe your willingness to handle this case of breach of contract, we shaIl provide al-1 necessary evidence/proof of transaction that wil-l enable us prove our case. NotwithsLanding the debtor's position we intend to proceed. with this case, there is need for your services if your schedule will permit you to work with us. If the process of your in-t.ake reguire a cal-l in or f ax in please advice.

Treat as urgent.

Hannover Poly Products

Gallbergweg 2I 59918 Hanover Germany

Te1/Fax : 49 -5I1-2L4-7 053 To11 Free Local: 0800-183-0755 E - Mai 1 - ni kol auskre j- ge r@hannoverpoly -produc t s . com

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