Handout For Oral-project

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 314
  • Pages: 1
Part II - Project (60%) Present your project. (3 minutes) 1. What interests you about the topic? 2. What was the most interesting thing that you learned about your topic? 3. What new information did you gain from doing the project? 4. What new skills did you learn from doing the project? 5. Name two sources you used. 6. Where did you find your sources? 7. What did you enjoy about doing the project? 8. What did you find difficult about doing the project? 9. What was the most difficult part of doing this project? 10. How did you overcome it? 11. What else would you like to know about the topic? 12. What would you have done differently? 13. How did you present your project to your classmates?

a. Introduce your project: 1. What the topic is 2. Why you chose to do this topic 3. What you learned while doing this project about the following:  Doing a research project in English.  About the topic, itself.  Skills needed while doing a research project. 4. Did you know anything about the topic before you started working on it? b. Body of presentation: 1. What were the main issues that you researched with regard to your topic? 2. What did you learn about each issue? 3. What issues did you learn about from other members of your group? 4. Name two sources you used. 5. Where / how did you find your sources? c. Summary: 1. What is your opinion of your project? Did you do a good job? Why/why not? 2. What did you enjoy about it the most? 3. What aspect did you find the most difficult? 4. Is there anything you would change in the way you worked? 5. What else could you research / learn about your topic? 6. How did you present your project to your classmates?

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