Handbook Of Nuclear Physics And Reactor Theory

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 680
  • Pages: 4
download : www.artikel-software.com/blog volume 1 of 2 module 1 - atomic and nuclear physics introduces concepts of atomic physics including the atomic nature of matter, the chart of the nuclides, radioactivity and radioactive decay, neutron interactions and fission, and the interaction of radiation with matter. atomic nature of matter structure of matter subatomic particles bohr model of the atom measuring units on the atomic scale nuclides isotopes atomic and nuclear radii . nuclear forces summary chart of the nuclides chart of the nuclides information for stable nuclides information for unstable nuclides neutron - proton ratios natural abundance of isotopes enriched and depleted uranium . summary mass defect and binding energy mass defect binding energy energy levels of atoms energy levels of the nucleus summary modes of radioactive decay . stability of nuclei natural radioactivity nuclear decay alpha decay (a) beta decay (b) electron capture (ec, k-capture) . gamma emission (g) internal conversion isomers and isomeric transition decay chains predicting type of decay summary radioactivity radioactive decay rates units of measurement for radioactivity variation of radioactivity over time radioactive half-life plotting radioactive decay radioactive equilibrium transient radioactive equilibrium neutron interactions scattering


elastic scattering inelastic scattering absorption reactions radiative capture particle ejection fission summary nuclear fission fission liquid drop model of a nucleus critical energy fissile material fissionable material fertile material binding energy per nucleon (be/a) summary energy release from fission calculation of fission energy estimation of decay energy distribution of fission energy summary interaction of radiation with matter interaction of radiation with matter alpha radiation beta minus radiation positron radiation neutron radiation gamma radiation summary

module 2 - reactor theory (nuclear parameters) provides information on reactor theory and neutron characteristics. includes topics such as neutron sources, neutron flux, neutron cross sections, reaction rates, neutron moderation, and prompt and delayed neutrons. neutron sources intrinsic neutron sources installed neutron sources summary nuclear cross sections and neutron flux introduction atom density cross sections mean free path calculation of macroscopic cross section and mean free path effects of temperature on cross section neutron flux self-shielding summary reaction rates reaction rates reactor power calculation relationship between neutron flux and reactor power summary neutron moderation neutron slowing down and thermalization


macroscopic slowing down power moderating ratio summary prompt and delayed neutrons neutron classification neutron generation time summary neutron flux spectrum prompt neutron energies thermal and fast breeder reactor neutron spectra most probable neutron velocities volume 2 of 2 module 3 - reactor theory (nuclear parameters) explains the nuclear parameters associated with reactor theory. topics include the neutron life cycle, reactivity and reactivity coefficients, neutron poisons, and control rods. neutron life cycle 1 infinite multiplication factor, k� four factor formula fast fission factor, ( ) resonance escape probability, (p) thermal utilization factor, (f) reproduction factor, (h) effective multiplication factor fast non-leakage probability ( f) thermal non-leakage probability ( t) six factor formula neutron life cycle of a fast reactor summary reactivity application of the effective multiplication factor reactivity units of reactivity reactivity coefficients and reactivity defects summary reactivity coefficients moderator effects moderator temperature coefficient fuel temperature coefficient pressure coefficient void coefficient summary neutron poisons fixed burnable poisons soluble poisons non-burnable poisons summary xenon fission product poisons production and removal of xenon-135 xenon-135 response to reactor shutdown samarium and other fission product poisons

production and removal of samarium-149 samarium-149 response to reactor shutdown other neutron poisons summary . control rods selection of control rod materials types of control rods control rod effectiveness integral and differential control rod worth rod control mechanisms summary

module 4 - reactor theory (reactor operations) introduces the reactor operations aspect of reactor theory. topics include subcritical multiplication, reactor kinetics, and reactor operation. subcritical multiplication subcritical multiplication factor effect of reactivity changes on subcritical multiplication use of 1/m plots summary reactor kinetics reactor period (t) effective delayed neutron fraction effective delayed neutron precursor decay constant prompt criticality stable period equation reactor startup rate (sur) doubling time summary reactor operation startup estimated critical position core power distribution power tilt shutdown margin operation temperature pressure power level flow core burnup . shutdown decay heat summary


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