Hamsta_change Management W1

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  • Words: 474
  • Pages: 19
Welcome to The Zone of Change Hendri Andi Mesta Materi 1 : Pengantar Manajemen Perubahan Syawal 1430 H / Oktober 2009

What Is Change • To cause to be different, to alter • Move from steady state to another state • Alterations in people, structure, or technology

Management Coordinating work activities so that are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people

(Stephen P. Robbin)

Change Management

A structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state.

The current definition of Change Management includes both organizational change management processes and individual change management models, which together are used to manage the people side of change

change is an organizational reality managing change is an integral part of every manager’s job [complicates the jobs of managers]

Organizational Change Forces • External Pressures Political







• Internal Pressures Need for improved performance In current or new markets

Need for integration and collaboration E.g., alliances, synergies, economies of scale

Power and politics E.g., changes at top management and board level

Changes in surrounding organizations E.g., key customers, suppliers, partners

Karakteristik Perubahan • Misterius • Memerlukan change maker(s) • Tidak semua orang bisa diajak melihat perubahan • Perubahan terjadi setiap saat

• Membutuhkan waktu, biaya, dan energi • Diwarnai banyak mitos – Menimbulkan ekspektasi – Menimbulkan ketakutan

• Memiliki dua sisi perubahan (soft side and hard side)

Two Sides of Change Change Leadership

Change Management

The WHAT The ‘hard’ edge: Systems, processes, structures, and business strategy

The HOW The ‘soft’ side: Culture, behaviours, values, and people

Strategi Perubahan • Perubahan Strategis (radical change) vs Perubahan Operasional (incremental/partial change) • Perubahan Antisipatif (anticipatory change) vs Perubahan Reaktif (reactive change) vs Perubahan Krisis (crisis change) cHaNgE! – Rhenald Kasali

Three Categories Of Change Structure

Work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization, formalization, job redesign, or actual design


Work processes, methods, and equipment


Attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and behavior

Change is the only evidence of life --- Evelyn Waugh

“ ….Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah apa yang terdapat pada (keadaan) satu kaum (masyarakat), sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang terdapat dalam diri (sikap mental) mereka….” QS Ar-Ra’d (Guruh) : 11

paradox of change Pada saat perubahan harus dilakukan, orang orang merasa tak ada kebutuhan sama sekali, sebaliknya, pada saat anda dituntut untuk berubah, anda sudah tak punya daya sama sekali.”

When you change your thinking (pikiran) You change your beliefs (keyakinan diri) When you change your beliefs You change your expectations (harapan) When you change your expectations You change your attitude (sikap)

When you change your attitude (sikap) You change your behavior (tingkah laku) When you change your behavior You change your performance (kinerja) When you change your performance You change your destiny (nasib) When you change your destiny You change your life (hidup)

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