Hamlet's Soliloquy

  • May 2020
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Tejada 1 Edgar Tejada Mr. Rousseve Shakespeare, Period 6 11 June 2009 Hamlet’s Soliloquy Perhaps one of the most famous quotes in literary and theatrical history, Hamlet’s Soliloquy, “To be or Not to Be?” (III. i. 55) as it is commonly known as, involves Hamlet’s reflection on the nature of his endeavors, revenge against his uncle and all of those who assisted him, with reality. Hamlet was driven a mad quest for blood by an apparition that appeared to Hamlet as his father, but here we see that Hamlet, being the only thing between his uncle Claudius and a dynasty following Claudius, contemplates not just suicide, but reflects upon the whole nature of existence. While Hamlet does describe death as “[A] sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir” (III. i. 60-1), he does not romanticize death. Hamlet quickly recognizes that while life is full of wrong doings and suffering, it is human nature to “[D]read of something after death, The undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will.” (III. i. 77-9). However, he makes a very clear point that is the suffering and “The oppressor’s wrong doing, the proud man’s contumely” (III. i. 70), negative stimuli of life, that drives positive human change. Hamlet, while trying to avenge his father and being torn in several directions by those around him (his mother, Gertrude, the vengeful Laertes, his uncle, and even his love Ophelia), is clearly showing the weariness of life and existence that echoes in his soliloquy. However, this is also a strong turning point for Hamlet. He ends his soliloquy with the point that those who allow this fear of death to control them “With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action” (III. i. 86-7). At

Tejada 2 this point, he affirms that he will go through with his plan to use a play of his own fabrication to alert his uncle that he knows of the murder he committed. At this very point, Hamlet makes up his mind in terms of his cost benefit analysis, and decides that action is key in his situation, regardless of the risks and collateral damage he was aware would ensue. Hamlet makes a valid point in that action for a righteous cause should supersede even the fear of death, but what makes Hamlet different from the proud man, or law that he criticizes? He sought revenge and took it, operating under the assumption that might makes right, without ever considering that it makes him no different that Claudius, who usurped the throne through murder. An alien concept at the time, perhaps justice and stability should have been Hamlet’s goals, not the immediate gratification of revenge.

Tejada 3 Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. MIT. 04 May 2009. .

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