Halo Deeper We Go Chapter 9

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 4

Joshua stared towards the Relic center entrance behind his container. The number of soldiers had only increased; it was clear that the Covenant was expecting them to attack it. He started to doubt that Thomas’ team’s diversion tactic would pay off in any way. A few explosions would perhaps get the attention of a few scouts, but the current numbers in front of the structure would still be too many even if some moved away. “Hey Josh!” He activated his radio, realizing it was Randal. “What is it?” he asked, making sure that the TEAM channel was on and not the OPEN. “You may not see us” Randal began “but we’re in position to help you guys. Thomas is also here somewhere. We just need your team to take the first shot, then we’ll follow up.” ‘Just’? It wasn’t that simple. They might take out a lot of the enemies, but they would eventually be able to fire back, and then they’d be done for. “Don’t worry” he continued “Lieutenant Keyes and Ped have promised to send two dropships to help; they’ll be inbound any moment, but we need to make sure that they don’t focus on the skies. They’re our ride out of here too.” “Got it.” Joshua said and sent an acknowledgment sign. He turned and whispered the orders to the ODSTs. Most appeared happy by the announcement, perhaps because of the fact that they would finally fight. Joshua sneaked as quietly as he could behind his cover and aimed with his rifle. He adjusted until the crosshair pointed on a Grunt minor’s methane tank, which was conveniently close to an Elite carrying Plasma Grenades and a deployable energy shield. He breathed once, then pulled the trigger. ___________________________________________________________________________

Councilor Kavar ‘Vadumee touched a few holographic buttons, and a small safe in the wall opened, revealing an energy sword handle. He picked it up, rolled it in his hands; it still felt comfortable, even though he hadn’t used it for several years. The weapon had been through a lot; initially crafted by distant ancestor Rtas ‘Vadumee, from whom Kavar’s nephew - whom he had raised since his childhood - had received his name. After that, the ancestor’s son had used it during the Unggoy Rebellion, where he died wearing the sacred armor of the Arbiter in a ring of enemies. A few generations later, it

belonged to F’vak ‘Vadumee, who used it to slay followers of the heretic Kig-yar Pirate Prince. Then, upon his death bed, he had given it to Kavar. Kavar had in turn used it in a campaign against Heretics. After that, he had become a Council of Masters representative and placed in charge of Iloom. It had been a boring assignment. He’d rather fight on the front alongside his nephew. But he still didn’t like that the humans had managed to take a foothold on Iloom. It was one thing to fight and die on the enemy’s territory, but another matter entirely to have the enemy on your own. And humans no less. Those who willingly burned Forerunner relics couldn’t be allowed to move on grounds where true worshippers lived. He wouldn’t let them burn Iloom’s relics. The door to his office opened, and his Helios Ultra entered, his pike attached to his back. “Report” he said, attaching the Energy sword to his belt. “All of our available troops have taken position in front of and inside the relic center” the ultra started “and the humans have already attacked. A foolish decision.” “Yet somehow honorable” Kavar added. Humans’ actions were perhaps blasphemous and horrifying, but in battle, they fought fiercely and honorable. Stronger than the Unggoy and Kig-yar, and more tactical and strategical than the Jiralhanae; the humans were powerful foes. And if they were able to attack Covenant worlds, they might be more powerful than initially thought. “Sire, are you sure that you should join the fight yourself?” the ultra asked. “Of course I am!” Kavar said, while chuckling quietly. “My skills have not left me; I will slay these demons, one way or another. That is the path of an honorable warrior.” “I apologize, sire” the ultra replied, drawing his pike from his back and raising it high. “I and my guardsmen will always stand by you, and it will be a great pleasure to see you slay the heathens!” Kavar moved out of the office and down the corridor. His ten Helios Guards followed up behind him, pikes at the ready. ___________________________________________________________________________

Randal placed the cannon he had retrieved from one of the dead orange creatures in position, and pushed what he believed was the trigger. His assumption turned out to be right, as a green beam fired into the enemy formation down on the ground. What once had been a red-armored elite was reduced to a pool of melted metal and organs after taking the full hit. Several Elites and grunts turned and fired with needlers and plasma pistols towards his position. He ducked under the roof edge as needle projectiles passed by. Lavernius fired a few bursts with his battle rifle, and the incoming projectiles got slightly fewer. Michael fired a few rounds with his assault rifle and then threw a plasma grenade. Randal took the opportunity and took aim with the cannon again. A new green-colored beam fired away, tearing down a row of three grunts. Joshua and his ODST teammates – barely

visible on the ground in front of the structure – quickly rose above their cover and fired a combined salvo. Grunt blood and bodies filled the plaza and Elite energy shields blistered brightly. As some elites started to build covers using dead grunts, the others fired more intensely than ever in all directions, forcing Randal and the others to once again take cover. Suddenly, Randal heard Lavernius shout in pain and fall down to the ground, holding his shoulder. Three needle rounds had penetrated the armor and buried itself in his shoulder. Although he couldn’t see it, Randal also guessed that the tips of the needles had – upon contact with Lavernius’ flesh – exploded, with shards of them probably being spread throughout his entire shoulder area. Randal prepared to go help him, but he shook his head and signed (with his non-injured hand) to him to focus on the battle. Randal pulled two plasma grenades from his belt, pushed them, and threw them over the edge and down into the plaza. As he rose up and aimed with the cannon, the two grenades exploded, spreading the bodies in one of the grunt piles, revealing three elites. Randal fired, and the beam overloaded the shields of two of the elites, while damaging the third. Michael followed up by firing with Lavernius’ battle rifle, killing the two shield-less elites with headshots, and taking down the third one’s shields. Randal pulled out his sidearm and fired three rounds. The rounds pierced the remaining Elite’s chest. As it slowly fell to the ground, blood oozed out of its back.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of Spirits closing in. He instantly turned around, spotting two dropships getting close. The crafts’ turrets started to fire on the enemies below, burning through the covers and quickly taking down those hiding behind them. As it continued to fire its turret, one of the dropships descended until it stopped a few feet above the ground. It opened its prongs and jackals jumped out, forming a shield wall and firing towards the remaining enemies. After a minute, all enemies in front of the plaza were dead. Randal and Michael lifted Lavernius in between them and moved down to the plaza, joining Joshua, Thomas, the ODSTs and the jackals. After putting Lavernius down against a wall, Randal joined Thomas and Michael in scavenging the dead bodies for grenades and weapons. He checked his sidearm; two rounds left. He dropped it and instead picked up a plasma pistol and four plasma grenades. Seeing that his battle rifle was also out of ammunition, he threw it away and picked up a needler. He then returned to Lavernius, who was – sadly – being treated by the ODST medic Rourke. He could hear Lavernius groan and curse in pain as Rourke dug with a simple pair of tweezers inside his scarred shoulders for needle splinters. Randal suddenly noticed that the jackals were moving back to the dropships. “Hey!” Randal shouted to them. “Where do you think you’re going?” “We’re ignoring the mission” one of them replied “Ped and your commander ordered us to stop all we’re doing and move back to the fleet so that we can leave this place.” “Why?” Randal shouted back. They had come this far, would it all be for nothing?

“The Covenant fleet will be upon us any moment” the soldier replied. “We must flee, they outnumber us too greatly, and-“ He didn’t have time to say more, as an Elite with a massive headdress emerged from the opposite building and ignited an energy sword. Behind followed several elites in ornate armor wielding large pikes. The Jackals tried to organize themselves, but they were cut down too quickly. Randal, joined by Thomas and Joshua rushed towards the position. The elite in the headdress noticed them, gave up a roar and charged. The three Spartans fired, but their combined fire wasn’t enough to take it down, and they had to duck as it swung its sword. “Josh, Thomas, help the others take down the pike dudes” Randal said while barely avoiding a second slash from the large elite. “I’ll take down this guy.” The two nodded and rushed towards the elites with pikes, while Randal avoided yet another charge from the headdress-elite. He swung the bottom of his needler and hit the creature on the side of its head, throwing it slightly off-course. He aimed and prepared to fire into the creature’s throat, but it kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fly over eight feet over the plaza ground. He rolled away as it attempted to sting its sword through his chest, and threw his needler aside. He pulled out his plasma pistol, got up to his feet, and pulled down the trigger. A large green bolt focused in front of the weapon, and he aimed towards the elite. It charged, but Randal released the trigger, and the bolt struck the creature in its chest. Its shield collapsed with a bright light, temporarily stunning it. He pulled out a plasma grenade from his belt, ignited it, and – while grabbing the elite’s head – shoved the light orb down its throat. He removed the arm and jumped out of the way just before it burst into a ring of whiteblue light. Randal breathed slowly and sighed as he got up on his feet, watching the various body parts spread throughout the ground in front of him. He walked slowly and confidently towards the dropships, where the Spartans had defeated all the pike elites and already jumped onboard. Michael offered his hand to Randal as he closed in. He took it, and Michael lifted him up into the troop bay. The hatch closed behind him, and he could feel the craft moving up into the air.

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