Halloween 2

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 5,348
  • Pages: 24
Haddonfield, Illinois EXT. Myers House. Night 1995 Halloween Laurie Was that the bogeyman? Laurie Strode (17) and Dr. Sam Loomis (49) are sitting in a police car. Laurie is crying. Dr. Loomis As a matter of fact, I do believe it was. Then Michael Myers (27) smashed the passenger's side window and dragged Laurie out. Dr. Loomis Jesus Christ! What the hell!? Loomis gets out of the car. Dr. Loomis Michael no!...Michael...Michael Michael continues to drag Laurie across the lawn to his house with Loomis chasing them. Dr. Loomis Michael stop! For God's sake, listen to me. Michael stops and looks at Loomis. Dr. Loomis It's not her fault. Michael it's my fault. I failed you. Please let her go. Please Michael lets Laurie go and charges at Loomis while Laurie runs inside the house. Michael grabs the sides of Loomis' head and lifts him off the ground. Then we are in a room. Laurie is standing in the middle, her back to a window and in her a hand is a gun. Michael is facing her. He runs toward her and tackles her throwing them out of the window and off the balcony. Laurie regains consciousness and is on top of Michael, the gun still in her hand. She sits up and shoots Michael in the head. Then she screams hysterically. One Year Later INT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Night October 30th Laurie screams and wakes up from her nightmare. She looks to the door and sees Dr. Loomis watching her. Dr. Loomis Bad dream?

Laurie nods Dr. Loomis About him? Laurie nods again Laurie It's the same one every night. Loomis sits down next to her. Dr. Loomis It is only a dream. Laurie No...he's coming...I can feel it...he's coming for me. INT. Haddonfield Memorial Center Dr. Casta (37) and his new nurse Jean (31) walk into a patient's room. Dr. Casta Well Ms. Rust this is Michael Myers. We see a man in a bed. His hair hides his face. Across the room we see another patient lift his head up. Jean What happened to him? Dr. Casta Severe head trauma caused by a bullet to the head. Jean He was shot? Dr. Casta raises his eyebrows. Dr. Casta You've seriously never heard of Michael Myers? Jean shook her head. Dr. Casta Well 16 years ago he killed his older sister when he was only six years old along with her boyfriend and his mother's boyfriend. He was taken to Smith's Grove for treatment by a Dr. Samuel Loomis. Two years later his mother shot herself. Then last year somehow he escaped and came back here, to Haddonfield, to find his baby sister. He killed three teenagers and two cops. He almost got his sister but somehow she got a gun and shot Michael in the head and he's been here ever since. Jean has tears in her eyes. Jean How is he alive? Dr. Casta The girl was shaking. The teenagers were her friends. The bullet hit him hard enough to make him brain dead but not enough to kill him. Jean What happened to the sister?

Dr. Casta She was taken to Smith's Grove for treatment by the same doctor who treated him. Then Michael's hand shoots up and grabs Dr. Casta by the throat and throws him out of the window. He sits up and grabs a scalpel from a tray. He stabs Jean straight in her forehead and then brings it down. He walks outside as guards rush toward him. He kills them all. Then he walks outside. EXT. Laurie's Room. Day Mrs. Alves leads the new interns to a door. She points through the window in the door. Mrs. Alves This is Laurie Strode. We see Laurie through the window watching something outside the window on the opposite wall. Mrs. Alves She is a paranoid schizophrenic. Nice girl, completely harmless...until you get on her bad side. Budd leans in Karen's ear. Budd (whisper) She's hot. Karen (whisper) Shut up Budd. Budd (whisper) The three of us could have a lot of fun together...even if she isn't willing. Karen slaps him as he chuckles. Mrs. Alves Cut it out Karen. Karen Sorry Mrs. Alves. Mrs. Alves We're moving on. Let's go. They all leave except for Jimmy Lloyd. He stays and watches Laurie. EXT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium INT. Garden Loomis walks outside and into the garden to meet his colleague, Terence Wynn (36). Dr. Loomis Hi Terence. Sorry I had to keep you waiting. Loomis sits down next to Wynn at the table.

Dr. Wynn It's okay. I got coffee for you. He pushes a mug towards Loomis and takes a drink from his own. Dr. Loomis Thanks Wynn nods. Dr. Wynn How's Maria? I haven't seen her in a while. Dr. Loomis She's fine. She just finished her book. It should be out by next February. Dr. Wynn I remember her talking about it. It has to do with the study of dreams right? Loomis nods Dr. Wynn Great. Can't wait to read it...and Rachel? How old is she now? Dr. Loomis She's nine. You were at her party last week. Dr. Wynn Oh...right. We went to the fair right? Dr. Loomis The zoo. Dr. Wynn Oh... Loomis laughs. Dr. Loomis And people say I'm over worked. You can't even remember a little girl's birthday. Wynn rolls his eyes and checks his watch. Dr. Wynn So, I'm guessing it was Laurie that kept you. Loomis stops laughing and nods. Dr. Loomis She's been having nightmares and it's starting to disturb me. She thinks Michael is coming for her. Dr. Wynn What do you think? Loomis shakes his head. Dr. Loomis I don't know, Terence. I don't know Haddonfield INT. Cemetery The caretaker, Chester Chesterfield notices a long haired man in a hospital gown taking a tombstone from the ground.

Chester Hey what the fuck are you doing? He runs toward the man. The man stands. It's Michael. He notices Chester is wearing black coveralls and his holding a bag. He tilts his head. Chester notices this. Chester Hey don't you even think of robbing me. It's a mask for my kid. Michael advances. He grabs Chester's throat, lifts him off the ground, and snaps it. Michael drags him over behind a tree so no one can see. He puts on the coveralls and picks up the bag. He takes out the mask. It is his mask but it is a clean version of it, brand new. He goes back to the tombstone. The name on the it is Judith Myers. INT. Laurie's room Loomis walks in Laurie's room. Dr. Loomis You have a visitor. Laurie looks up. Laurie Who? Loomis motions to someone outside. Annie Brackett (18) walks in. Annie Hey Laurie. Laurie Annie, what are you doing here? I thought visitors weren't allowed. Dr. Loomis They haven't been for 16 years but I'm bending the rules a bit. Now I'll leave you two alone. He walks out and closes the door behind him. Annie You know, sometimes I think that doctor is crazier than most of the people here. Laurie laughs. Annie sits down next to her. Annie There, you smiled. He says you haven't done that in a while. Laurie stops laughing and looks down at the ground. Laurie You wouldn't be either. Annie, he's coming for me. I can feel it. I have to get out. You have to help me. Annie puts her arm around Laurie. Laurie How are things? Annie It's been pretty chaotic. Some red-necks tried to burn the Memorial Center down.

Laurie Why? Annie To kill...just revenge. I think they also tried a house. Laurie Wow...how are my parents? Annie What? Laurie My parents. I want to know how they're doing. Annie They're great... Laurie And the business? Annie Better than ever... Laurie That's great. EXT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium Loomis is walking Annie to her car. Dr. Loomis How did it go? Annie What do you mean? Dr. Loomis Talking to Laurie. Any strange behavior? They stop at her car. Annie Be straight with me. What is wrong with her? Dr. Loomis The trauma of nearly killing a man along with this same man killing her family and friends was too much to bear and she cracked. Annie Don't give me that bullshit therapy talk. I want it straight. She doesn't even think her parents are dead. She thinks everyone is fine and Haddonfield is the happiest place on Earth. Dr. Loomis She's living in denial...The only time she faces reality is at night when she... Annie What? Dr. Loomis Has nightmares... Annie So what? I have them too.

Dr. Loomis My wife...she's been studying dreams for her book...I think I can reach Laurie through her dreams. Annie You're out of your mind. Dream therapy? Dr. Loomis I have to try. Nothing else has worked. Annie Fine...oh and there's something else. She thinks that Michael is coming for her. Dr. Loomis I know. Annie So...it's like a paranoid delusion or something? Dr. Loomis No...he's coming...I can feel it. He points to Laurie's window. Dr. Loomis So can she. Annie You're out of your fucking mind! She shot him. Dr. Loomis And he lived. I shot him six fucking times! The police shot him even more. He takes a step toward her. Dr. Loomis Michael Myers is alive and well. Annie When did the lunatic start running the asylum? Annie gets in her car. Tears are in her eyes. Annie Thanks for letting me see her. Then she drives off. INT. Laurie's Room Laurie watches Annie drive away through her window. Someone enters her room. Jimmy Hello. I have your lunch. Laurie Okay. Laurie turns around to see a boy around 27 walk in. He sets the tray on the desk and extends his hand. Jimmy I'm Jimmy Lloyd. Laurie refuses to shake his hand.

Laurie I'm Laurie. Jimmy sits down. Jimmy So if you don't mind me asking what are you in here for? Laurie Why? Jimmy Well I just can't believe that a girl as pretty as you could be stuck here. Laurie Thank you. That's very sweet. Jimmy You're not going to tell me are you? Laurie shakes her head. Jimmy stands up. Jimmy Well, it was nice meeting you. I'll see you later. He walks out. Laurie smiles to herself. INT. Loomis' office Loomis sits down at his desk in his office as the phone rings. He answers. Dr. Loomis Hello Sheriff Brackett Sam, it's Lee. We have a problem. Dr. Loomis Michael. Sheriff Brackett I think so. Every member of the staff at the memorial center was killed, even a patient. Dr. Loomis Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Sheriff Brackett No! Stay there with Laurie. His roommate said that the doctors mentioned a sister in Smith's Grove before they were killed. Loomis stands up. Dr. Loomis Fuck! He's coming here! Laurie can't handle that. Lee I need you to bring every officer you can down here and I'll contact the local police. INT. Myers House Basement. Michael is standing in the basement. His hair and the darkness hide his face. He is looking around until his eyes catch something. He looks down and sees the picture of him as a kid

holding baby Laurie. He picks it up and puts it in his pocket. INT. Cafetaria Dr. Loomis faces five people: Mrs. Alves, Jimmy, two girls, and a boy. Mrs. Alves Dr. Loomis these are the new interns. Loomis nods. Dr. Loomis Excellent. Mrs. Alves goes down the row naming everyone. Mrs. Alves Jimmy...Jill...Karen...and Budd...Everyone this is Dr. Loomis, your new boss. The interns nod. EXT. Winchester Drive. Night Laurie and Lindsey Wallace are walking down a street. They reach Lindsay's house. Laurie Annie we're coming in. You better be decent. Laurie and Lindsey enter the house. The first thing they see is a boy hanging from the ceiling with a pumpkin on his head. Lindsey screams. Laurie looks down and sees Annie covered in blood and barely able to speak. Laurie Annie! She turns to Lindsey. Laurie Lindsey go back to Tommy's and call the police! Go! Lindsey runs out screaming. Laurie runs to another room to call the cops. Michael grabs her. We see Michael carrying her down the street. Then we see Michael, unmasked, holding a picture shoving it in Laurie's face as she cries hysterically Next we see Loomis shooting Michael down in the pool. Then we see Laurie sitting on top of Michael and she shoots him. Then we see Michael killing Judith Myers in the hallway. Then we see Deborah Myers holding a gun to her head. We hear it fire. The last thing we see is boy Michael kissing baby Laurie on the head after he killed Judith. INT. Laurie's Room Laurie wakes up screaming her head off. Loomis, Jimmy, and Mrs Alves run into the room.

Laurie HE'S COMING! Loomis runs toward her. Dr. Loomis It was just a dream. Laurie GET AWAY FROM ME! She pushes him down on the floor. Laurie HE'S COMING YOU STUPID FUCK! Dr. Loomis Mrs. Alves take Jimmy and get out of here. I can handle this. Mrs. Alves takes Jimmy's arm and drags him out. Loomis stands up and grabs Laurie's shoulders. Dr. Loomis Laurie please you need to calm down. I know how to help you. I know how to make you better. Laurie I WANT MY FUCKING PARENTS! Dr. Loomis They're dead Laurie! Michael killed them and you have to accept that. Laurie starts crying and sinks down to the floor. Laurie Why?...Why did this happen to me? Why did he have to kill them? Dr. Loomis They were a threat. Like Annie, Lynda, and me. Laurie But you're alive! Dr. Loomis I know Loomis takes a notepad and a pen out of his pocket. Dr. Loomis Laurie, I am so sorry but I need to know exactly what you dreamed. Can you tell me? Laurie nods. Laurie It was just my memory...finding Annie and Lynda, you shooting him in the pool, and me shooting him...but there were other things. Dr. Loomis What things? Laurie A girl, she kind of looked like me. I think she was the same age too. I saw a boy with Michael's mask on kill her. Then I saw a woman with a gun kill herself then a little boy with blond hair kissing a baby.

Dr. Loomis Michael. Laurie Why am I seeing these things? Dr. Loomis I may soon know. INT. Hallway Budd waited until he was sure Loomis was gone. Then he unlocks Laurie's door and walks in. INT. Laurie's Room Laurie turns away from the window. Laurie Who are you? Budd God. He turns off the lights. Budd Have to make sure no one sees us. Laurie Get the fuck out you perverted mother fucker. Budd Now that's not very nice. He grabs Laurie's wrists and with one hand pins them over her head against the wall. Budd Let's teach you some manners. He rubbed his other hand against her vagina. Budd Now I'm gonna have some pussy, you fucking cunt. Laurie In your dreams. She headbutts him. He backs away and laughs. Budd That hurt! But Laurie isn't finished. She punches him in the eye knocking him to the ground. The she sits on top of him and wraps her hands around his throat and chokes him. Budd(choking) Lynda... Laurie LAURIE! She punches him again and slams his head against the floor. The security guards rush and grab Laurie with Loomis right behind them. They grab Laurie and pull her off. Morgan Walker rushes in.

Morgan Take her to the quiet room! Now! Mrs. Alves walks in with a sedative. She injects the drug into Laurie. She quiets and drifts off into sleep. The guards pick her up with ease. They carry her out. Walker then turns to Loomis. Morgan In my office, now! INT. Morgan's Office Morgan and Loomis enter Morgan's office. Morgan sits behind his desk. Morgan Sit! Loomis sits down in the chair opposite him. Morgan This is the last straw Loomis. Changes must be made. Dr. Loomis I agree and I have a proposition. Morgan Really? And what is that? Dr. Loomis I want to adopt her. Morgan What? Dr. Loomis This isn't a good environment for her. Morgan Even if I wanted to I wouldn't let you adopt her. She is 18. A legal adult. Dr. Loomis Then just let me check her out of here. She needs to be with a family. Morgan No patient that has not been cured will ever be released from here again. He pauses. Morgan You failed Loomis...again...Dr. Wynn will start his first session with Laurie tomorrow. Morgan stands up. Morgan Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very important meeting to attend to. He walks to the door and opens it. He turns around. Morgan Oh and Loomis. You're fired.

He walks out and slams the door shut. EXT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium Two security guards are standing outside the front door on Loomis' orders. They see a man with a white mask and a black jumpsuit on walking towards them. Security guard 1 Hey, what do you think you're doing? He doesn't answer. Hes stops when he reaches them. Security guard 2 Oh my God! It's him! He reaches for his gun. The man grabs his arm. Man Boo! He takes off the mask to reveal Budd. Security guard 1 What the hell is wrong with you? Dr. Loomis will kill you if he sees that. Budd just laughs. Budd Whatever. I can take the old fuck any day. Security guard 1 Like you took that poor Strode girl. Budd Fuck you! Security Guard 2 Just get inside hotshot Budd waves the mask in their faces and then walks inside. INT. Garden. Night Loomis is again meeting with Wynn in the garden. Dr. Wynn Sam, slow down. You were fired? Dr. Loomis Yes Dr. Wynn Why? Dr. Loomis Because of what happened with Laurie. Wynn puts his hand on Loomis' shoulder. Dr. Wynn I'm sorry Sam Dr. Loomis There is something I need to show you. He pulls out his notepad and hands it to Wynn. Dr. Wynn What is this?

Dr. Loomis My interpretations of Laurie's nightmare. Dr. Wynn What does this mean? Dr. Loomis I can't be specific on love or the baby but I know that an unwanted change and an injustice signals the return of Michael. Dr. Wynn I think you're becoming obsessed with him....Last year you gave Michael up for Maria and Rachel. Don't lose yourself to him again...These are just words on a paper and you probably didn't even interpret it right. Dr. Loomis I called Maria for them...You're Laurie's doctor now. I need your help. She needs your help. Dr. Wynn Still...words on paper. He hands it back. Loomis stands up angrily and leaves. INT. Break Room Budd, Karen, and Jill are watching TV in the break room. The news reports the release of a book. News Reporter Last week the hit book Death in Haddonfield was released. It is the sequel to The Devil's Eyes: The Story of Michael Myers. Both books were written by Dr. Samuel Loomis, who was Myers' psychiatrist. The book is an account of the events of last year's Halloween massacre in Haddonfield. Jill turns the TV off. Budd And people say I'm an asshole. God, this guy is exploiting everything he can about this fucked up freak. I bet he's not even trying to help that poor Strode girl. He's just planning his next book. Karen I know. He's such an asshole and so full of himself. He was Michael Myers' doctor and look what happened. Jill Maybe you guys shouldn't talk so loud. He is our boss. Karen smiles. Karen No he isn't. Walker just fired his sorry ass. Budd No shit? Karen Just on your face. Budd

As long as it's not my dick. Jill If Laurie didn't tear it off. Karen laughs. Karen I don't think it's big enough for anyone to grab. Both girls laugh. INT. Loomis' Office Loomis walks into his office. Brackett is at the desk. He stands up. Sheriff Brackett It's definitely Michael. Dr. Loomis Are you sure? Sheriff Brackett I got a call from the cemetery. Judith's tombstone has been taken again Dr. Loomis Shit! I knew it...I knew it. He shuts the door. Dr. Loomis We can't let Laurie know...We have to stop him. EXT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium They walk outside to meet twenty officers. Sheriff Brackett All right everyone needs to search every inch of this town until we find even the slightest bit of evidence of Myers. Understood?...Okay. Let's go...Loomis you're with me. He nods and turns to the guards. Dr. Loomis Don't let anyone in or out until we get back. Then they get in Brackett's car and drive off. As soon as all the police leave a shape emerges. The guards see this. Security Guard 1 Budd, not again. Security Guard 2 Yeah, come on. This is serious. The man slits both of their throats. It IS Michael Myers. He takes their keys and opens the door. INT. Basement Karen and Budd are walking down the stairs into the basement. Karen You know we could get fired for this.

Budd I hope not. This is a great place for getting laid. They reach the middle of the room and start kissing. Neither of them see Michael over their shoulder. INT. Quiet Room Laurie jolts awake as Jimmy enters the quiet room. Jimmy Hey, are you all right? Laurie Considering I just strangled Dr. Loomis and was carried across the sanitarium, yeah. Jimmy chuckles and sits down next to her. Laurie shivers. Laurie It's so cold. Jimmy puts his arm around her. Jimmy I know. There is an awkward silence. Jimmy Do you want to talk about it? Laurie Talk about what? Jimmy You know what. Laurie looks at Jimmy. Laurie I shot a man. Jimmy waits patiently for her to go on. Laurie Have you ever heard of Michael Myers? Jimmy No. Laurie 18 years ago he killed his older sister and two other people on Halloween. He was taken here so Dr. Loomis could treat him. Last year he broke out and came to my home town, Haddonfield where the first murders were. He killed some of my friends. He tried to kill me but I...got a gun...and I...I...shot him. Jimmy Oh my god. Laurie And I've been here ever since...waiting for this day. He's coming. I can feel it. Jimmy takes her hand. Jimmy I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.

He stands up and walks her outside. He turns to the guard. Jimmy If it's all right, I would like to escort her back to he room. She seems quite fine to me. Security guard 3 All right. If you're sure. Jimmy Thank you. They walk off. After a short walk in silence they reach her room. Jimmy unlocks the door and they walk in. Laurie immediately lies on the bed. INT. Laurie's Room Jimmy Can I get you something? Like a coke? Laurie nods. Jimmy Okay. I'll be right back. He turns to leaves. Laurie Jimmy, wait! Jimmy turns around to see Laurie standing right in front of him. She kisses him and he kisses back. They stay lip locked for a few moments and then split apart. Laurie I still want that coke. Jimmy Oh...right...sorry. Jimmy, confused, leaves. INT. Police Car Loomis talks out his cell phone. Dr. Loomis I forgot. I need to call Annie. Sheriff Brackett Why? Dr. Loomis Laurie needs someone to look after her and no one there will. Annie answers the phone. Annie Hello. Dr. Loomis Annie...it's Dr. Loomis. Something came up and I had to leave the hospital. Could you keep Laurie company for a few hours? Brackett glares at Loomis. Annie Sure. Dr. Loomis Thank you.

INT. Annie's Living Room She hangs up. She walks over to a counter and looks at a picture of her, Laurie, and Lynda Van Der Klok together. EXT. Street (Flashback) Laurie, Annie, and Lynda are walking down a street. Annie Hey, I heard about your little cheer leading incident. Lynda Yeah, I'm totally famous. Annie You're totally a slut. INT. Annie's Living Room She smashes the glass and takes the picture. Then she walks over to a desk and opens the drawer. Inside there is a gun. She picks it up. EXT. Laurie's Room Jimmy walks up to Laurie's door and knocks. Jimmy Laurie, it's me. I've got your coke. Can I come in? There is no answer. He knocks a few more times. Jimmy Laurie. He opens the door and walks inside. Laurie is nowhere to be seen. Jimmy Shit. INT. Police Car Loomis and Brackett are in the police car. Brackett picks up the radio. Sheriff Brackett Has anyone found anything yet? Deputy Meeker Yes...at the hardware store across the street from the sanitarium. Dr. Loomis Across the street...Fuck! INT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium Jill is walking down to the break room. Jimmy runs after her. Jimmy Jill! Wait up! She stops as he catches up to her.

Jill What's up? Jimmy Laurie's missing. Jill What? Jimmy That's not all. I can't find anybody else. Not Budd, Karen, Mrs.Alves, or even Dr. Loomis...We have to find Laurie INT. Hardware Store. Loomis and Brackett walk in the hardware store. The first thing Loomis notices is a lighter on the counter. Sheriff Brackett What happened? Deputy Meeker Whoever it was stole a knife and a few ropes. Dr. Loomis It's him and he's at the hospital. We have to go! An officer whispered something in Brackett's ear. Sheriff Brackett There's a body. Dr. Loomis And there will be plenty more across the street and one of them could very well be your daughter. INT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium Basement Jill is walking down the stairs to the basement. Jill Laurie. She reaches the bottom. Jill Laurie, are you down here? She hears a noise coming from the closets. She walks over and opens the first one. Nothing happens. She opens the second one. Nothing happens. She opens the third one. Budd and Karen's bodies fall out and behind them is Michael. He stabs Jill in the heart and she falls to the ground. He takes off her shirt and carves the word Samhain on her chest. INT. Hardware Store Officer Do you know what Samhain means? Dr. Loomis Yes. Why? Officer It's carved on the store owner. Dr. Loomis Let me see.

They take Loomis to the back and show him the body. On his stomach is the word Samhain. Loomis crouches down to take a closer look. Dr. Loomis It's a Celtic word. The festival of Samhain. Halloween. Loomis stands. Dr. Loomis In order to please the gods, the druid priests held fire rituals. Prisoners of war, criminals, the insane, and animals were burned alive in baskets. By observing the way they died they believed they could see elements of the future. 2000 years later we've come no further. Samhain is not spirits, it's not ghosts, goblins, or witches. It's the unconscious mind. We're all afraid of the darkness within ourselves. He turns to Brackett. Dr. Loomis Now that we are clear on this subject I want every officer available at that hospital. Then he runs out. We see that the lighter is no longer on the counter. INT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium Hallway Laurie is walking down the deserted halls. She hears liquid drop from inside the door next to her. She opens the door and walks inside. INT. Patient's Room On the bed is Mrs. Alves. Samhain is carved on her forehead. The blood is dripping onto the floor. She was about to scream when someone covered her mouth. Jimmy Everyone is dead. He removes his hand. Laurie I know. Jimmy We have to leave. They turn around but Michael is in the doorway. He raises a knife but someone shoots him in the back. Three more shots are fired. Michael falls to the ground. The person with the gun is Annie. Laurie Annie. Annie Come on. They run out and lock the door. INT. Hallway

They start walking down the hallway. They hear a crash as Michael smashes through the door. Laurie What do you want with me?! Jimmy Run! The three of them run into the basement. INT. Basement Annie turns on the lights. Hanging from the ceiling are Jill, Karen, and Budd. Laurie collapses to the floor. Laurie Why me? Annie sits next to her. Annie There's something you should know. Michael is your brother. Jimmy That's impossible. Annie You were just an infant when he killed his older sister. You were adopted by the Strodes after his mother, your mother, killed herself. Then someone knocks on the door. Dr. Loomis Hello. Is anyone down there? Annie Yes. Dr. Loomis, he's out there. Sheriff Brackett Annie? The door opens and Loomis and Brackett run down. Brackett hugs Annie. Dr. Loomis Thank god you're all right. Sheriff Brackett Are there any other survivors? Jimmy Just the patients. Loomis nods. Deputy Meeker Sheriff, he's here! Sheriff Brackett Stay here. He runs upstairs. They fire hundreds of bullets into Michael. He falls to the ground.

Officer He's down. Laurie, Annie, Jimmy, and Loomis slowly walk up the stairs. INT. Smith's Grove Sanitarium Hall They see an officer reach down to touch Michael. Dr. Loomis Don't touch him! Sheriff Brackett Sam, relax. He's dead. Dr. Loomis No, he's still breathing! He turns to Laurie. Dr. Loomis I'm sorry I left you. Laurie Why won't he die? Loomis turns back to Michael in time to see him sit up and slit the officer's throat. The officers raise their guns. Dr. Loomis No! I can handle this! Sheriff Brackett Sam, we have to shoot! Dr. Loomis No! He grabs Laurie and turns to Michael. Dr. Loomis Come on Michael. Come get your little boo. Michael stands up. Dr. Loomis Run! The two of them run down the hall. Michael goes after them. The officers try shooting him but nothing affects him. Loomis and Laurie run into a room full of gasoline tanks. INT. Room Dr. Loomis Pour it everywhere. The walls, the floor, everywhere. They pour gasoline all over the room. Dr. Loomis When I tell you to, get out of here. Understand. Laurie doesn't answer. Dr. Loomis Laurie, do you understand?! She nods. Then Michael simply opens the door and walks in the room. Loomis pours gasoline on him. Dr. Loomis Laurie, get out. She doesn't move.

Dr. Loomis NOW! She runs to the door as Michael stabs Loomis. She stops at his scream and turns around. Laurie Michael. Michael turns from Loomis to Laurie. Laurie My...sweet older brother. Michael tilts his head. Laurie That picture was us wasn't it? The one you showed me at your house. Our house. Michael reaches into a pocket and pulls out the picture of baby Laurie and himself as a boy. Laurie Let me have it. Michael hesitates. Laurie Please Michael. Michael hands her the picture. Laurie steps outside and rips the picture. She shuts the door and locks from the outside trapping Michael and Loomis. Then she runs. Dr. Loomis Michael. Michael turns around to face Loomis who can barely stand. He has a lighter in his hand. Dr. Loomis It's time. He throws the lighter at Michael who is engulfed with flames. Soon the entire room is on fire. The fire reaches an electric cable and the room explodes. We see Michael on the floor. The fire burning him away to nothing. Haddonfield, Illinois. One Year Later. INT. Lloyd House Kitchen Jimmy walks down into the kitchen. Laurie Morning Jimmy. Jimmy Good morning Laurie They kiss. Jimmy And good morning to you Jamie.

We see a baby that's only a few months old. Jimmy kissed her forehead. The camera freezes on her face.

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