Hall Of Records

  • June 2020
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HALL OF RECORDS [47,884 files, 209 GB]

>AUDIO [audiobooks, radio interviews, lectures, etc.] >CONSCIOUSNESS Aldous Huxley - Brave New World - Audio Novel Coast 2 Coast AM [many shows] Carl Sagan - Contact Carlos Castenada (4 audio books) Deepak Chopra (8 audio books) Dr John Mack Handbook for the New Paradigm Joseph Campbell Native American (9 audio books) Thomas Moore - Original Self SETH - Speaking from the Other side Stuart Wilde - The Matrix The Alchemist Dalai Lama - The Universe in a Single Atom Unseen Forces that Affect Our Lives Dr. Wayne Dyer - Your Sacred Self >CYBERPUNK Lawrence Lessig - Free Culture [audiobook] Neal Stevenson - Snow Crash [audiobook] Orson Scott Card - Ender Series [audiobook] Philip K Dick - A Scanner Darkly [audiobook] William Gibson - Neuromancer [audiobook] Joseph Matheny - A Great World Mind Billy Idol - Cyberpunk - Interlude Electronic Piracy Debate 1985 Lawrence Lessig - Code is speech Microsoft Calls Hacker of XBOX (20020) Napster 9th Circle Oral Argument Quantum Hologram - Gregg Braden on Laura Lee >ECOLOGY Bill Mollison - Aquaculture A Permaculture Perspective (12 hours mp3) Bioneers - Gaian Wonders of the Co-Evolutionary Dance Mycelium Running Saving the World with Paul Stamets Paul Stamets on Living Green podcast -2007 >ENTHEOGENS Graham Hancock - Supernatural (C2C - Nov 1, 2005) Jack Herer James Arthur Jan Irvin Jonathan Ott

LSD - A Documentary Report (Audio rarity from the 60s) Rick Strassman - DMT - The Spirit Molecule Terence McKenna >FASCISM David Icke [43 files, 491 MB] MK-Ultra [11 files, 151 MB] Moon Hoax George Orwell - Animal Farm [audiobook] George Orwell - 1984 Leo Zagami Ex-Illuminati interviews Weather Warfare & Modification [8 files, 46 MB] + 46 files on Banking 911 Drugs Iran Contra Sovereign Citizenship CIA + more >HEALTH & WELLNESS Kevin Trudeau - Mega Memory [audiobook] Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About [audiobook] Emotional Freedom Training Course Dr Richard Schulze - How to Create Powerful Health Hypnosis & Relaxation Morgan Spurlock - Don't Eat This Book Open Mind with Bill Jenkins Robert Cohen on Rense - Notmilk.com Yoga >OCCULT Astral Projection [C2C] Astro-Theology - Jordan Maxwell - Manly P. Hall [428 files, 2.57 GB] - Michael Tsarion [78 files, 1.76 GB] - Edgar Cayce Evocation of Barzabel Hermeticism - J Newcomb Peter Carrol - Chaos Magick Qabalistic Meditation Series (1979) The Bornless One The Great Beast Speaks - Aleister Crowley - 1920 Audio >SCIENCE 2012 - Ian Lungold - The Mayan Calendar - The Evolution Continues

Crystals Free Energy - Joe Newman, John Bedini, Tom Bearden, Ike Muller Geomancy [49 files, 930 MB] including: Graham Hancock Michael Cremo Stephen Mehler Zecharia Sitchin + more H.G. Wells - Outline of History Metaphysical The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot Alan Watts Stewart Swerlow [40 files 519 MB] Paranormal Dreams OBEs Parapsychology Psychic Philosophy Aristotle Socrates Psychology John Trudell Carl Jung Remote Viewing Sociology Arundhati Roy Howard Zinn John Trudell Noam Chomsky Space NASA - Voyager Recordings NASA - Space Recordings of Earth Stephen Hawking - The Theory of Everything UFOlogy [45 files, 171 MB] Self Help Ekhart Tolle - The Power of Now [audiobook] Getting things Done Fast Hypnosis Survivalism Sexuality Theology >TEXT [43,576 ebooks, 44.6 GB]

(too many to name, but here's an overview:) Anarchy Archeology Current Events Entheogens Fascism Fun Geomancy Guides Health & Wellness History Language Magic & Mentalism Neuro Linguistic Programming New Age Occult Philosophy Psychology Science Sexuality Sociology Theology Unexplained Unsorted >VIDEO [dvds, lectures, youtube, etc.] 60s Hunter S. Thompson The Weather Underground The US v. John Lennon Alt. History Annunaki Zecharia Sitchin Immanuel Velikovsky Eric Von Daniken Ancient Astronauts Chariots of the Gods Alien History of Planet Earth Art Grant Morrison - The Invisibles Consciousness Deepak Chopra OSHO The Illuminated Chakras [dvd rip]

+ many more Current Events End of Oil Age Katrina etc Cyberpunk Bit Torrent - Piracy is Good - Mark Pesce The Cyberpunk Educator Future of BitTorrent - TV is Dead Google on 60 Minutes HACKERS Philip K Dick Steal This Film Don't Copy That Floppy - Propaganda 1992 etc Energy Free Energy Convert Water to Energy Nikola Tesla The Energy Non-Crisis Entheogens Fascism 911 1984 Alex Jones Alt 3 Anthrax Aspartame CIA Drug running Sex Slavery Michael Moore movies Globalism HAARP Hitler Jim Marrs Lindsey Williams Media Control Mind Control Terrorism CIA Secret Wars Freemasonry David Icke State Sponsored Terrorism Guides Poi & Hooping Health & Wellness

Chakras Kundalini Qi Gong Raw Milk Reiki Yoga Metaphysical Healing Ayurveda The Energetics of Healing Health Freedom Occult Crowley Michael Tsarion Manly P. Hall Frank Heimans - The Occult Experience Freeman Perspective Gurdjieff Israel Regardie Qabalah Rosicrucian Satanism Aldoux Huxley - the Gravity of Light Carlos Castaneda - Enigma of a Sorcerer Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Flow (Thinking Allowed) Poke Runyon - Dark Mirror of Magick (DivX) Secret Lives - L Ron Hubbard Paranormal UFOlogy - Contact Has Begun (2008) Lucid Dream Course Near-Death Experiences Reptilians 5th Dimensional Ghosts Annunaki Researchers Aldous Huxley Dr. Richard Boylan - Indigo Kids David Icke Jordan Maxwell Ken Wilber Robert Anton Wilson Jerry Smith Michael Tsarion Science Forbidden Archeology Carl Sagan - Cosmos Series

Creationism Cymatics - Bringing Matter to Life with Sound Double Helix - The DNA Years Earth Rising Ecology Evolution From Here to Andromeda [dvd rip] Geomancy Velikovski Egypt Crop Circles Mayan Calendar Terrence McKenna Musical Geometry Lost Civilizations Itzhak Bentov - From Atom to Cosmos Jacques Vallee - The Software of Consciousness Life on Mars Metaphysics Nuerology Phil Schneider Psychology Quantum Revolution Sacred Geometry Weird Nature Spirituality Theology Zeitgeist The Pagan Christ (2007) The God Who Wasn't There Scientology Orientation Video

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