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December 2009 | Kislev - Tevet 5770

HanukkaH happenings


Chizuk aMuno

Get Your Game On! Musclejews, Wimps, and the Soldiers in Between Sunday, December 6, 3 p.m. Professor Mark Epstein, Director of Jewish Studies, Vassar College What is a just war, who is an ethical soldier? And what kind of job is soldiering for a nice Jewish girl or boy? This program is co-sponsored by the Goldsmith Museum and the Stulman Center for Adult Learning.

Friday Evening, December 18, 6 p.m. Pray, Play, and Shabbat Dinner, Too Adults After Kabbalat Shabbat services and dinner – over wine and drinks – enjoy Hanukkah fun with your friends. Compete in the ultimate game show challenge. Are you smarter than a Chizuk Amuno clergy member? Compete in the “History of Chizuk Amuno” showdown.

Hanukkah, You, and Israel


Thursday, December 10, 1 p.m.

Join us for a family service, Shabbat dinner, and participate in a Hanukkah game show. Appropriate for all ages – grandparents are invited too! Games • Dreidel • Latkes

Haim Aronovitz, Director of Israel Seminars of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School Institute Join us for an informative and very enjoyable talk, followed by sufganiyot, jelly-filled doughnuts.

Tweens (Grades 5-8) After dinner, play the ultimate Maccabee All-Star game show battle against your friends. Get your game on and compete in this winner take all competition!

Shabbat Yahad Songs, dreidels, latkes and lunch December 12

Adults: $14 • Children 5-12: $7 • Children under 5: free RSVP by Wednesday, December 9 to Chizuk Amuno Congregation, c/o Congregational Life Committee, 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 with your check enclosed.

10 a.m. Family Service – Families with students in grades K-4. 10 a.m. Simhat Shabbat – Students in grades 5-7. Parents are invited. 11 a.m. Torah For Tots – Families with children birth - 5 years old. Lighting Up Hanukkah Learning with Rabbi Shulman after lunch.

For more information, please contact Alex Weinberg, Director of Congregational Education at 410/486-6400.

a M e r i C a n J u D a i s M to D ay

sisterhooD JuDaiCa shop

Tuesday January 12, 7:30 p.m.

Currently Featuring Our Huge Selection of Hanukkah Items

Please join us when Chancellor Arnold Eisen of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America returns to Chizuk Amuno for the fourth time to speak and meet with our community. A dynamic and insightful teacher, Dr. Eisen will think with us about challenges present in American Jewish life, and the different approaches that respond to them, and our unique position as Conservative Jews.

Menorahs • Candles • Dreidels Lots of Popular Gift Items for the Youngsters and Young-At-Heart on your List Books • Toys • Kitchenware Collections (aprons, cookbooks, serving pieces) Shop Hours: Sunday: 9:15-11:30 a.m. Monday: 10 a.m.-noon, 2-7 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 10 a.m.-noon, 2-6 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m.-noon 1

Chizuk Amuno Congregation 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 www.chizukamuno.org

Synagogue Office 410/486-6400 Synagogue Fax 410/486-4050 Synagogue E-mail [email protected] Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410/486-8642 Krieger Schechter Day School 410/486-8640 Rosenbloom Religious School 410/486-8641 Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410/824-2055


President Dr. Anne L. Young, [email protected] First Vice President Richard Manekin, [email protected] Vice President Michelle Malis Vice President Louis E. Sapperstein Secretary Dr. Andrew Miller Treasurer Alan Mogol Assistant Treasurer Sandra Moffet


Schedule of Services

Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

This schedule indicates the weeks when our Chizuk Amuno Choir participates in services, as well as study themes, or other service features including family and Shabbat Yahad activities.

Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-YEISHEV, GENESIS 37:1-40:23 Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Lewis Shabbat Yahad – Shabbat Together Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Family Service 10:00 a.m. Simhat Shabbat 10:00 a.m. Torah for Tots 11:00 a.m. Learning with Rabbi Shulman after lunch “Lighting Up Hanukkah” Study Session 4:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 4:30 p.m. Havdalah 5:12 p.m.

Join with us to express yourself in the presence of God, to nurture your soul, and to connect your life with the life of our synagogue family. Babysitting is available beginning at 9:15 a.m. every Shabbat, except holiday weekends.

Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Unless otherwise noted: Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Friday Minhah: 5:50 p.m.

Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman x230

Ritual Director Emeritus

Rev. Yehuda Dickstein

Headmaster, Krieger Schechter Day School

Dr. Paul D. Schneider | x226 | [email protected]

Director, Congregational Education

Alex Weinberg | x234 | [email protected]

5:50 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

December 18/19 Shabbat Hanukkah II | Tevet 1/2

DaiLy serViCes

[email protected]

Rabbi Deborah Wechsler x231 [email protected] Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman x296 Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman x233 [email protected] Ritual Director Dr. Moshe D. Shualy x243 [email protected]

December 11/12 Shabbat Hanukkah I | Kislev 24/25

Each Friday evening and Shabbat morning we enjoy celebration, prayer, and Torah study with Rabbi Ronald Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Hazzan Emanuel Perlman and our synagogue community.

Beginning friDay, January 1, 2010

Daily Services Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. (previously 6 p.m.) Shabbat Services Fridays Oneg Shabbat/Minhah: 6:00 p.m. (previously 5:50 p.m.) Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:15 p.m. (previously 6:00 p.m.) Saturdays Shabbat Morning Service: 9:15 a.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv: varies weekly

Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat Hanukkah Dinner Get Your Game On! Hanukkah Games and Fun for All Ages

5:50 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: MI-KETZ, GENESIS 41:1-44:17 B’nei Mitzvah of Frank Pakula and Matthew Rosen Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service

9:15 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:14 p.m.

Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center

Michelle Gold | x238 | [email protected]

Director, Stulman Center for Adult Learning

Judy Meltzer | x287 | [email protected]

December 25/26 | Tevet 8/9

Candle Lighting December 4

4:25 p.m.

Miriam Foss | x281 | [email protected]

December 11

4:25 p.m.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator

December 18

4:27 p.m.

December 25

4:31 p.m.

January 1

4:36 p.m.

Director, Gemilut Hasadim Program

Debby Hellman | x290 | [email protected] Youth Educator

Isaac Woloff | x305 | [email protected] Curator, Goldsmith Museum

Dr. Susan Vick | x291 | [email protected] Choir Director

T. Herbert Dimmock

Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

5:50 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: VA-YIGGASH, GENESIS 44:18-47:27 Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Gordon Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon No Family Service

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:18 p.m.


DECEMBER 2009 | Kislev/Tevet

Ronald N. Millen | x224 | [email protected]

December 4/5 | Kislev 17/18

Director of Congregational Advancement

Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

5:50 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Oneg Shabbat/Minhah Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: VA-YISHLAH, GENESIS 32:4-36:43 Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Sopher Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Family Service Simhat Shabbat Torah for Tots

9:15 a.m.

Shabbat Morning Service TORAH PORTION: VA-Y’HI, GENESIS 47:28-50:26 Rabbi Shulman’s Torah Study for 2010 No Family Service

9:15 a.m.

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:23 p.m.

Executive Director

Laurel Freedman | x275 | [email protected]

January 1/2 | Tevet 15/16

Synagogue Administrator

Jenny Baker | x227 | [email protected] Controller

Rick Bernard | x256 | [email protected] Information Systems Manager

Bruce P. Yaillen | x284 | [email protected] Cemetery Director

Barbara Lichter | x248 | [email protected] Assistant Cemetery Director

Marsha Yoffe | x309 | [email protected] Communications and Membership Coordinator

Cheryl Snyderman | x300 | [email protected] Graphic Designer

Study Session Minhah/Ma’ariv Havdalah

10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:11 p.m.

Rachel Levitan | x282 | [email protected]


Milestones In Our Synagogue Family B’nei Mitzvah We proudly celebrate with these students who will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to their families. DECEMBER 5

Hannah Brooke Sopher Yosefa Sarah daughter of Jane and Keith Sopher DECEMBER 12

Caroline Sarah Lewis Batya Sarah daughter of Randi Lewis


Holden Matthew Powers Ori Gavriel son of Diane and Jeffrey Powers

Lucy Rosa Rapkin, daughter of Jenn and Andrew Rapkin, and granddaughter of Henne and Harvey Rapkin.

Gemilut Hasadim Volunteer Programs

Steven King

If you live within walking distance of the synagogue, and are able to host visitors for Shabbat, please e-mail Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, [email protected].

was an aliyah on the Shabbat before the race to honor and support breast cancer survivors and race participants. Special appreciation to Rena Lapidus, chairperson, and Kelly Blavatt, advisor and to all those who took part in the race and donated to this important cause: Teresa Alpert-Leibman; Ann Andorsky; Jenny Baker; Amy, Jason, Jared, Jeffrey, Rachel, Ronald, and Susan Blavatt; Arianna Brown; Rachel Brown; Sarajane Brown; Evelyn Brager; Nancy Diamond; Brett Diamond; Iris Friedman; Joanne Felton; Miriam Foss; Susan Frieman; Linda Freud; Megan Hodes; Sandy Guthorn; Janet Jacobs; Margery Kates; Debbie Kramer; Ari, Ben and Jacob Lapidus; Abigail and Brian Lerman; Barbara Lichter; Sara and Shari Malinow; Amy, Lily and Tylor Massouda; Betty Medalie; Margery and Michael Moranz; Pamela Platt; Kathy Posner; Janice Perlman; Jennifer Rozenberg; Alex Rozenberg; Mel Schehr, Douglas, and Susan Schehr; Bobbi Schulman; Judy Spector; Rebecca, Eli, Yonny, and Ian Raich; Randi Rombro

Dr. Barry Lever

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden

Ronald McDonald House

Daniel Marcus

We are looking for flower and plant enthusiasts of all ages to help tend the garden. Double community service hours are available through the GH office. To sign up for winter maintenance, please call Miriam Foss. Todah rabbah to master gardener, Allen Brown, for planning, planting, and mulching.


Volunteers Urgently Needed! Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood will perform the mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the earth, by cleaning a segment of Greenspring Avenue. Meet us at 9 a.m. on Sunday, December 6 (rain date December 20) by the front office. All supplies will be provided. To volunteer please call Irwin Golob at 410/560-7422. Special thanks to Irwin Golob and Bruce Lewbart for the October clean up.

Jeremy Ryan Senker, son of Tara and Benjamin Senker, grandson of Polly and Allan Senker, and great-grandson of Lorraine Pugatch. Sage Alexis Vogelstein, daughter of Rachel and Jacob Vogelstein, granddaughter of Ilene and Dr. Bert Vogelstein and Joan and Abe Brauner, and great-granddaughter of Shoshana Cardin.

Chicken Soup for Our Sick

Thanks to the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, we now have a supply of homemade chicken soup for members who are ill or who have just returned from the hospital. To receive some delicious “liquid penicillin,” please call Miriam Golob at 410/5607422 and it will be delivered to your home.

Gideon Shai Wielechowski, son of Alison and George Wielechowski.

Birthdays We wish Happy Birthday to these members of our synagogue family who each celebrate a birthday milestone this month.

Hakhnasat Orhim — Welcoming Guests

Joannie Friedman

Nadia Massuda Dr. William Smulyan


Margot Zipper

Engagements We congratulate these couples and their families as we wish them much happiness. Frank V. Sutland Pakula Ephraim son of Laura and Louis Pakula Matthew Casciola Rosen Moshe son of Drs. Livia and Antony Rosen

DECEMBER 26 Jacob Max Gordon Yaakov son of Randi Zell and Marc Gordon

Anniversaries Mazal tov to the following members of our synagogue family who will be celebrating their wedding anniversaries in the coming weeks. 55th: Marion and Walter Straus 50th: Barbara and Thomas Steinhardt 35th: Beverly & Stuart Sagal 35th: Jill and Dr. Michael Weiss 30th: Marsha and Jay Gamerman

Chizuk Amuno Supports Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake

Chizuk Amuno has four volunteer spots remaining for an Interfaith Build on Sunday, December 6. Volunteers will meet at 8:30 a.m. for an orientation and should expect to be at their work site until approximately 3 p.m. Volunteers should bring a sack lunch and water. No construction skills are needed and there is always a construction supervisor on site. A variety of tasks are available and will be determined based on need. Teenagers over the age of 16 are encouraged to participate. This is a great opportunity to represent Chizuk Amuno while building homes for families alongside great volunteers from around the area. To sign up, or for more information, please contact Bobbi Schulman, 410/561-5967 or [email protected]. Todah Rabbah to the energetic volunteers who participated in the November Build: Forrest Foss, Ellen Friedman, Tyler Paulk, and Rabbi Deborah Wechsler

Jonathan Haar, son of Miriam and Dr. Richard Haar and grandson of Esther Zabludoff, to Mary Drey. Jessica Greenwald, daughter of Nancy and Robert Greenwald, to Scott Athen. Sara Madoff, daughter of Saundra and Dr. David Madoff, to Max Shapiro. Jonathan Madoff, son of Saundra and Dr. David Madoff, to Lital Rashi.

In Loving Memory In sadness, our synagogue community mourns the the passing of: Dr. Alan Marc Levine Eileen Sacks Our synagogue community offers sincere condolences to:

Our Daily Bread

Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to hungry men, women, and children from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on upcoming Sundays, December 27, January 31, and February 28, To sign up, please contact Wendy Davis at 410/358-5979, [email protected] or Jenny Baker 410/6029885, [email protected]. Todah Rabbah for the dedicated volunteers who served in October: Jenny Baker, Carole and Noah Buchman, Barbara Cohen, Janice Perlman, Dawn Reznik, Jeffrey and Karen Zale

Dr. Alan Friedman, Dr. Robert Friedman and Bunny Naiditch, on the loss of their mother and sister, Dolly Friedman. May their memories bring comfort and blessing to their loved ones.

Births We congratulate the following families on the birth of their children and grandchildren. Shaya Miller and Gefen Miller, twin daughters of Huppit and David Miller, and great-granddaughters of Bette Miller Sherman.

Chizuk Amuno Races for the Cure

The Chizuk Amuno team joined the Susan B. Komen Maryland Race for the Cure for it’s third consecutive year. A special addition this year


Join us as we cook and serve dinners at Ronald McDonald House for families with seriously ill children. The families look forward to home cooked meals to ease the strain and pressure that come with seeking medical treatment far from home. Our upcoming dates are Wednesdays, December 9, January 13, and February 17. Todah Rabbah to those who volunteered in November: Andrea and Nancy Bookoff; Janice Brodsky; Harriet Brown; Adam, Karen, and Rachel Cohen; Arlene Dalcin; Cory Dalcin; Joanne Felton; Laurel Freedman; Garth Gerstenblith; Debbie Gilbert; Joan and Michael Gottlieb; Carol Gratz; Jessica Grosman; Janet Kantor; Jody Moskowitz; Janice Perlman; Dawn Reznik (hand crocheted blankets); Shari Rosen; Alanna and Rebecca Sereboff; Marci Scher; and Frada Wall Transportation Service on Shabbat and Holiday Mornings

Need a ride to shul on Shabbat morning or on holidays? Rides for members who no longer drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis. Just call Miriam Foss by Monday or Tuesday of the week you want to attend services. For questions or to participate in any Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Miriam Foss at 410/486-6400, ext. 281 or mfoss@chizukamuno. org. Please refer to www.chizukamuno.org for more information on all of these programs. We express special gratitude for funding from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc. BBQ Chicken Preparation for Our Daily Bread

We invite you to join Chef Annie Hood in preparing large quantities of BBQ chicken for the guests at Our Daily Bread on Thursday, January 7. Choose from two shifts: 5-7 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Dinner will be provided for all participants. We will take a special study break with Rabbi Wechsler at 7 p.m. RSVP to Miriam Foss, 410/486-6400, ext. 281 or [email protected] .

Terumot HaKodesh – Sacred Tribute Gifts

S isterhood – O n T he R oad B ringing H anukkah to the residents of C ourtland G ardens

We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. In our sacred community each contribution is understood as terumat hakodesh—a sacred tribute gift. These different offerings sustain and enrich the life of our community, and are a meaningful way to acknowledge occasions and milestones. Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, 410/486-6400. If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Laurel Freedman, Director of Congregational Advancement, ext. 275.

Sunday, December 6, 9:15 a.m.

We will meet at Chizuk Amuno to prepare crafts to be completed by the residents. Then we’ll carpool to Courtland Gardens, 7920 Scotts Level Road. We will share snacks and also visit room bound residents. RSVP to Linda Levy at 410/484-4015 or [email protected].

Contributions In Honor of Ann and Gil Abramson on the birth of their granddaughter, Sami, by Bobbi and Aron Perlman; Dr. Anne and David Young Ann and Gil Abramson on the birth of their granddaughter, Sami, and on Gil being honored as Hatan Maftir by Kathy and Bruce Posner Ann and Dr. Michael Andorsky on the birth of their grandchildren by Michael Sanow Dr. Arthur Baitch on his 80th birthday by Fritzi and Bob Hallock Alice Leibowitz Bickoff on her special birthday by Bobbi and Aron Perlman Chizuk Amuno Congregation in honor of their aliyah on Rosh HaShanah by Karla and Stanley Schulman Leah Helman on the birth of twin grandchildren by Joan and Dr. Saul Gurney Margi and Steven Hoffman on their 40th wedding anniversary by Marsha and Richard Manekin Harriet and Alan Kanter on Lauren’s engagement by Joyce and Louis Kaplan The Kramer family on your new home by Beverly and Stuart Sagal Joanne and Dr. Edward Kraus on their 30th wedding anniversary by Dr. Anne and David Young Ilene and Stephen Mackler on their 35th wedding anniversary by Marsha and Richard Manekin Ilene and Stephen Mackler on the marriage of their son, David, to Melissa by Marsha and Richard Manekin Saundra and Dr. David Madoff on the engagements of their daughter, Sara, to Max Shapiro and their son, Jonathan, to Lital Rashi by the Gratz family Betty Miller Sherman on the birth of twin great-granddaughters by Ruth Rom Sheila Rosen on the marriage of her daughter by Joan and Dr. Saul Gurney Sheila and Howard Sandbank on their retirements by Carole and Gil Schechter Erika Schon on being honored as Kallat Torah by Naomi and Dr. Larry Amsterdam Judy and Dr. Bob Schwartz on the engagement of their daughter, Rachel, by Carol and Dr. Ed Gratz Rabbi Stuart Seltzer on receiving the Covenant Award by Jenny Baker; Dr. Anne and David Young Lisa Shuman and Jonathan Silver on Elyssa becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Sylvia Gimbel Marion and Walter Straus on their 55th wedding anniversary by Dr. Anne and David Young Lynn and Nelson Tucker on the naming of their granddaughter, Hannah, by Dr. Anne and David Young

L ife, D eath , and the H ereafter : the M ysteries of J udaism Sunday, January 10, 1 p.m.

David Kraemer, Ph.D., will introduce the Phyllis and Louis Friedman Scholar-in-Residence program. Please join us for the luncheon and lecture, which are free and open to the public. During his four days in residence, Dr. Kraemer will teach congregants and the students and faculty of our schools. We are very grateful to Phyllis and Louis Friedman for making this Scholar-in-Residence program possible.

T he E thical C hallenges in H ealth C are R eform Wednesday, January 20, 7:30 p.m.

Dr. Ruth Faden, Director of the Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University, will deliver the Paul J. Fineman Jewish Ethics Lecture. The lecture will be followed by a conversation with Rabbi Ron Shulman and a question and answer session.  The lecture is free and open to the community. A dessert reception will follow. We thank the Fineman and Cohen families for funding this wonderful program.

C hizuk A muno S upports

C ommunity M itzvah D ay Friday, December 25

Feed the homeless • Visit the elderly

In Memory of Beatrice Brown and Jules Savlov on their yahrzeit by Mr. and Mrs. Miner Brown Hilda Buchman by Bonnie and Joseph Parnes Manuel Cohen by Susan and Dr. Harvey Cohen and family Morton Eisenstein by Beverly Berman Douglas Fox by Edye and Steven Abrams Dolly Friedman by Naomi and Dr. Larry Amsterdam Jerry Gottesman by Ann and Dr. Michael Andorsky; Beth and Albert Blumberg; Sharon and Irv Caplan; Adele Curland; Eena and Arthur Feld; Sondra and Marvin Feld; Miriam and Forrest Foss; Hadassah and Leon Gordis; Serene Israel; Sandy and Harold Klapper; Barbara and Bruce Lewbart; Eileen Marks; Betsy and Lou Narrow and family; Dr. Anne and David Young Jessie Jones by Bonnie and Joseph Parnes Leo Lamm on his yahrzeit by Edith and Walter Lamm Marla Lerner on her yahrzeit by Irving Lerner Maurice Leven on his yahrzeit by Stephen Leven Leroy Levenson by Joan and Dr. Saul Gurney

Krieger Schechter Day School O pen H ouse Sunday, January 10, 2 p.m.

Assemble winter survival kits For times of specific projects and to register, visit www.jvcbaltimore.org, call 410/843-7490, or e-mail [email protected].

Rosenbloom Religious School O pen H ouse Sunday, January 31, 9:15 a.m. 4

Dr. Alan Marc Levine by Sharon and Irv Caplan; Janet and Dr. Jim Conway; Daina and Dr. Ira Garonzik and family; Bonnie, Joseph and Eric Parnes; Susan and Douglas Schehr Samuel London on his yahrzeit by Myra Gershen Dr. Solomon Love by Betsy and Lou Narrow and family Eleanor Miller by Denise and Carl and family Verstandig Mother Morrison by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner Sidney Pats by Dr. Albert Pats Rita Pfeiffer on her yahrzeit by Edith and Walter Lamm Herbert Rochlin by Carole and Noah Buchman Josephine S. Sutland and Dora Kaplan Pakula by Sheila and Dr. Lawrence Pakula and family Helen Wasserman on her yahrzeit by Irene Friedman Pack On the yahrzeit of her loved ones by Shirley Parker In observance of yahrzeit by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Silverman Refu’ah Shelemah to Tammy Heyman by Shirley Matz Marilyn and Stanley Heyman by Shirley Matz William Kolodner by Sharon and Irv Caplan Dr. Paul Schneider by Susan and Douglas Schehr; Denise and Carl Verstandig and family Frada Wall by Miriam and Forrest Foss

Ezrine Library and Glazer Media Center In Honor of Anat Lang and Yuri Gimberg on their marriage by Faith and Allen Friedman Rabbi Stuart Seltzer on receiving the Covenant Award by the KSDS Library Staff Gideon Wielechowski on his birth by Barbara Cohen In Memory of Jerry Gottesman by Sonia Kozlovsky, Laurie Margolies, and Esther Miller; Esther and Louis Miller; Esther Silverman Naomi Prostic by Barbara Cohen and Faye Pollack

Gemilut Hasadim Service Initiative In Honor of Richard Crystal and Rick Wasserman on their anniversary by Hillary and Jack Crystal

Krieger Schechter Day School Tuition Assistance Fund

Refu’ah Shelemah to Jeffrey Fader by Phyllis and Leonard Attman

In Honor of Dr. Arthur Baitch on his 80th birthday by Beverly and Dr. Arnold Feldman

David M. Bloomberg Memorial Scholarship Fund

Prayer Book Fund In Honor of Richard Crystal and Rick Wasserman on their 30th Anniversary by Larry and Kenny Leonard Fox on his special birthday by Natalie Jeffrey Saundra and Dr. David Madoff on the engagement of their daughter, Sara, to Max Shapiro by Ilene and Mark Janofsky Saundra and Dr. David Madoff on the engagement of their son, Jonathan, to Lital Rashi by Ilene and Mark Janofsky Meta Oppenheimer on her 95th birthday by Edythe Feldman Henne and Harvey Rapkin on the birth of twin grandchildren by Harriet Dubansky Sheila and Howard Sandbank on Jonathan becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Natalie Jeffrey In Memory of Dolly Friedman by Ronnie Kleiman Jerry Gottesman by Amy and Bruce Chapper; Lee Egerton; Dr. Karen Garaber and Andy Sandler; Toba and Bill Grant; Anne and Steven King; Saundra and Dr. David Madoff; Sonia and Ed Obstler; Ruth and Don Shein Dr. Alan Marc Levine by Gail and Jerry Kurman Michael Levy by Barbara and Tom Steinhart Bernard Manekin by Harriet Dubansky Mildred Zemel by Lisa and Dr. Brad Trattner Refu’ah Shelemah to Marcia Buxbaum by Harriet Dubansky Joanne White by Barbara and Paul Natkowitz

Stulman Center for Adult Learning In Memory of Irving Lubich on his yahrzeit by Bruce Lubich

Zaiman Educational Alliance

Inscribed Humash Etz Hayim

In Honor of Sandra and Harold Klapper, with appreciation by Charlotte and Morris Straitman

In Honor of Gary Attman for being a great friend by the Gaber family

In Memory of Jerry Gottesman by Isabel Pinson

Krieger Schechter Day School

Phyllis and Leonard Attman Music Fund

In Memory of Dolly Friedman by Judith and Hersch Langenthal; Beverly and Jon Myers

Krieger Schechter Day School Scholarship Fund In Honor of Carolyn Helfman on the birth of her grandson by Lisa and Dr. Brad Trattner In Memory of Dolly Friedman by Lisa and Dr. Brad Trattner Refu’ah Shelemah to Dr. Paul Schneider by Lisa and Dr. Brad Trattner

In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kremen on the engagement of their daughter, Peggy, to Joshua Cohen by Phyllis and Leonard Attman In Memory of Raymond Blank by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Ethel Chase by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Sylvan Goldman by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Dr. Alan Marc Levine by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Rabbi Mark Loeb by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Bernard Manekin by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Clarisse Mechanic by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Max Mendelsohn by Phyllis and Leonard Attman James Nolan by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Gilbert Rubin by Phyllis and Leonard Attman Mignon Talkin by Phyllis and Leonard Attman


In Honor of Elaine Alpert on her special birthday by Estelle Bloomberg Estelle Bloomberg on her 80th birthday by Susan and John Abosch; Elaine Alpert; Patsy and Hal Gilbert; Selma and William Klein; Sylvia and Allan Lassen; Annette and Bernardo Rozencwaig Eric Scherr on his engagement to Rebecca Pollack by Estelle Bloomberg In Memory of Sylvan Goldman by Estelle Bloomberg A. Stewart Wilder by Pauline Luntz

Bronfein-Nathan Scholarship Fund In Memory of Dr. Alan Levine by Jessica and Michael Bronfein Bernard Manekin by Jessica and Michael Bronfein A. Stewart Wilder by Jessica and Michael Bronfein

Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Endowment Fund In Honor of Harriet and Alan Kanter on the engagement of their daughter, Lauren by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Marcia and Richard Manekin on their new home by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Beverly and Jordon Max on their granddaughter, Samantha, becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum In Memory of Dr. Scott Lesser by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Max Mendelsohn by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Dr. Paul Schenker by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Refu’ah Shelemah to Suzanne Cohen by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum Dr. Paul Schneider by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum

Goldner Ramah Scholarship Fund In Memory of Dr. Alan Levine by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner Mary Rosen by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner

Jared Scott Levy Memorial Scholarship Fund In Honor of Ann and Dr. Michael Andorsky on the birth of their granddaughter, Dalia Ronit Arch-Andorsky by Dorothy Yankellow Ileen and Henry Dickman on their 60th wedding anniversary by Dorothy Yankellow and family

Stanley I. Minch Scholarship Fund In Memory of Bernard Manekin by June Minch

The Reznik-Frier Scholarship Fund In Memory of Scott Lesser by Janine and Robert Frier A. Stewart Wilder by Janine and Robert Frier

Discretionary Fund Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational causes. Janice and Norris Brodsky, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the wedding of Shelley Brodsky and Garrett Zimmerman Gerry Feinglass and family, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the unveiling of Mayme Oberfeld Dr. Alan Friedman, Dr. Robert Friedman, Steven Friedman and Bunny Naiditch, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Dolly Friedman Bracha & Peter Lang, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the wedding of Anat Lang and Yury Gimburg

Bimah Flowers Friday & Saturday, December 4-5 | 17-18 Kislev In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Brooke Sopher, daughter of Jane and Keith Sopher, and granddaughter of Suellen and Morton Poland, Lisa and Jerry Sopher and Joyce and Paul Rochlin. In Memory Of: Nathan Blum, father, by Elke and Arnold Neuburger and family. Evelyn Fishlin by Alita and Ron Millen and family. Lilyan Sayer, mother, by Suzanne and Gerald M. Katz and family. Sidney Tucker by Sally and Arthur Grant, children and grandchildren. Miriam Sokolow, sister, by Jeanne and Jack Luskin and family. Beatrice Kraus, mother and grandmother, by Joanne and Dr. Edward Kraus and family. Irene Levin, mother, by Sherrie and Carl Polsky and family. Esther Sapperstein by her children and grandchildren. Morris Jacob by daughter, Barbara Wallenstein, and family. Lee B. Cooper, mother, by Pamela and Joel Fradin. Baracat Elgamil, father, by Lily and Dr. Warren Massouda and family. Rebecca Bobick, mother, by Anita and Herman Raynes and family. Robert Schwaber by his wife Judy and children. Jeanette Friedman, mother, by Joannie and Dr. Harry Friedman and family and Neil Friedman. Leon Weiner, brother, by Miriam and Arnold Kahn. Rita Helzner Silverman, on her birthday, by Marian and “Chuck” Klein and family. Stanley I. Minch, on his birthday, by his wife, June Minch and family.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, December 11-13 24-26 Kislev In Honor Of: The Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Sarah Lewis, by her mother, Randi Lewis, and her grandparents, Peggy and Bill Lewis and Flora B. Horowitz. The Bar Mitzvah of Holden Matthew Powers, by his parents, Diane and Jeffrey Powers, and his grandparents, Ilene and Alvin Powers and Margie and Dr. David Golub. In Memory Of: Helena Powers, grandmother of Holden Matthew Powers, on the occasion of Holden’s Bar Mitzvah. Isadore Stern by his wife, children and granddaughter. Sophia Mendelson, mother, by Maxine and Dan L. Mendelson. Jeanette Finkelstein, sister and daughter, by Susan Macht and family and Henry Finkelstein. Rebecca Spevak, mother, by Estelle Bloomberg and family.

Bonnie and Douglas Zimmerman, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating at the wedding of Shelley Brodsky and Garrett Zimmerman Ruth and William Gann, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the wedding of Lauri Gann and Dan Greenberg Myra Levy and Joyce Kaplan, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the unveiling of Alvin Levy Harriet and Richard Udell, in appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the unveiling of Benjamin Preissman Janice and Norris Brodsky, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for officiating at the wedding of Shelley Brodsky and Garrett Zimmerman Robert Friedman, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for conducting shivah minyan for his mother, Dolly Friedman Ruth and William Gann, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for officiating at the wedding of Lauri Gann and Dan Greenberg

Dorothy Gold and Dr. Jim Wolf, in appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for officiating at the wedding of their son, Benjamin, to Cydny Bracha and Peter Lang, in appreciation of Dr. Shualy for reading the ketubah at the wedding of Anat Lang & Yury Gimburg Susan & David Witte, wishing a refu’ah shelemah to Dr. Schneider Leslie Levy and Jolene Oppenheim Fabricant, in honor of the 50th anniversary of their B’not Mitzvah Saundra and Dr. David Madoff, in honor of the engagements of Sara Madoff to Max Shapiro and Jonathan Madoff to Lital Rashi Judy and Warren Michelson, in honor of Freedom’s Feast Erica Orbach, in memory of her mother, Barbara Weisman, on her yahrzeit

Morris Sacks, father, by Pauline Luntz and family. Julius Leiter, father, by Ruth and Allen Brown and family. Anna Yoffe, mother, by Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe and family. Louis Keiser by Harriet Keiser. Martin S. Blum, son, by Mitzi and Fred Nochumowitz. Anne Picower, mother, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family. Jacob Donick, father, by Faye and Howard Pollack. Herman Glanzman by Joel Richmond and family. Geraldine Shane by her husband and family. Judge Albert L. Sklar, on his birthday, by his family.

Lenore Snyder, mother, by Arthur J. Wasserman and family. Carl Morstein, father, by Dee and Lewis Noonberg and family. Mollie Putterman, mother, by Sharon and Irvin Caplan and family. Marcia Lee Selko by Mildred and Soll Selko.

Friday & Saturday, December 18-19 | 1-2 Tevet In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Frank V. Sutland Pakula, by his parents, Laura and Louis Pakula, and his grandparents, Sheila and Dr. Lawrence Pakula and Norma and Conrad Barnes. The Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Casciola Rosen, by his parents, Drs. Livia and Antony Rosen, and his grandparents, Enid and Josh Rosen and Reana Casciola. In Memory Of: Gianni Casciola, grandfather of Matthew Casciola Rosen, on the occasion of Matt’s Bar Mitzvah. Jerome S. Cardin by Shoshana S. Cardin and family. Frank Diskin, father and grandfather, by Suzanne and Dr. Sheldon Diskin and family. Marion L. Goldman, by her children and grandchildren. Ethel Wolf, mother, by Donna and Robert Wolf and family. Leonard Jachman, father, by Sally and Michael Cooperman and family. Lillian Kurman, mother, by Gail and Jerry Kurman and children. Oscar Levy, father, by his family. Nathan L. Cohen by his wife Suzanne F. Cohen and family. Mary E. Mogol, grandmother, by Ellen, Alan, Jonathan, Andrew, Sarah and Sophie Mogol. Mollye Hamburger, sister, by Ina and Calvin Hamburger. Abraham Weiner, father, by Miriam and Arnold Kahn and family. Anna Miller by Beverly and Jordon Max and family. Rebecca Kwastel, mother, by Shirley Deiner and family. Nathaniel Jacobs by his wife Ethel, children and grandchildren. Rose Shapiro, mother, and Simon Levinson, father-in-law, by Bernice Levinson and family. Beulah Oppenheim, mother, by Rosalind and Samuel Oppenheim and family. Morris Pines, father, by his family. Florence M. Friedman, mother, by Drs. Deborah and Lawrence Weber, and grandchildren, Staci and Nikki.


Friday & Saturday, December 25-26 | 8-9 Tevet In Honor Of: The Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Max Gordon, by his parents, Randi Zell and Marc Gordon, and his grandmother, Lana Gordon. In Memory Of: Janet and Al Zell and Herb Gordon, grandparents of Jacob Max Gordon, on the occasion of Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah. Joseph Tucker by his children and grandchildren. Mitzi Chasin by her sister, nieces, nephews, great-nieces and greatnephew. Esther Kahan by Ann Kahan and family. Gabriel Massouda, father, by Lily and Dr. Warren Massouda and family. Harry Crystal by his family. Joseph L. Shor by Shirley Shor and family. Yetta and Issy Cooperman, parents, by their family. F. David Cohen by Rose Frank and family. Louis M. Schlimer, father, by Carol and Gilbert Davis and family. Sarah Rosenberg, mother, by her children and grandchildren. Tmima Sibel, mother, by Carole and Hanan Sibel and family. Alexander Silverman, father, by Jackie Glassgold and children. Abby Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family. Harry Blumberg by his children and grandchildren. Florence and Paul J. Fineman by their children and grandchildren. Maurice M. Kaplan, father, by Joyce and Louis Kaplan. Rose Max by Beverly and Jordon Max and family. Evelyn King by Anne and Steve King and family. Manuel M. Malman by his wife and children. Bruce Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family. Shirley Solomon by Marvin Solomon and family. Friedel Lobe, mother, by Evelyn and Gary Brager and family. Beatrice Diskin, mother and grandmother, by Suzanne and Dr. Sheldon Diskin and family. Edward Gamson by Irma Gamson and family. Theodore Waranch by his children and grandchildren. Ada Levin by Rosalie Levin and family. Sylvia Levine, mother, by Barry, Stuart and Lisa Levine. Donald Levinson by his wife Bernice Levinson. Cheryl Rimerman, on her birthday, by her parents, Marlene and Dr. Stuart Brager and family.

Perpetual Memorials We observe the yahrzeits of these loved ones this month. May their memories bring blessing and goodness to those who remember them. 18 Kislev | Dec. 5

* * * * * * * * *

Allan Blankman Bessie Cohen Sylvia Feldman Dolly Fish Simon Hoffman Louis Lipsitz Nathan Lobel Nathan Lurie Lawrence B. Miller Dora Schnaper Mary Weisberg Thomas Wolfe Irvin G. Wyman

* * * * * * * *

Nathan Blum Meyer Mickey Cohen Mary L. Joseph Rose Kleiman Annie Levin Norman J. Levin Rosalie Melnick Henry Pflaunlacher Sarah Sachs Joseph Schmuckler Howard Saul Wolfe

* * * * * * * * * * *

Jerome Asch Lee B. Cooper Joseph Friedenwald Bertha Krieger Goldberg Hyman Greenspan Jacob Jacoby Tara Michelle Katzner Gertrude Landsman Rachel Plotkin Mark Schechter Sophia Schloss Fannie L. Simon Max Yerman

* * * * * * *

Mary Lee Edelstein Jeanette Friedman Celia Goodman Joe Krizman Jack Mark Irene R. Robinson Robert A. Schwaber Sylvia Wolman Tossman Anna Wolman

* * * * * * * *

Clara Abramson Alan E. Cheskin Jack Horowitz Nathan Janney Dr. Solomon C. Katzoff Sadie Kopelman Rose K. Levin Harry A. Rosenblatt Albert D. Safro Michael Skalovsky Isadore L. Stern

* * * * * * * * * * *

Isaac Chor Lillian Schiffer Cordish Morris W. Denkin Sonya Ezrine Anna W. Fink Jeanette Finkelstein Wolfe Kravitz Bessie Levy Sadie Rothenberg Loeb Maurice B. Merrill Betsy Novey Rebecca Spevak

23 Kislev | Dec. 10

25 Kislev | Dec. 12

20 Kislev | Dec. 7

Belle Altman Evelyn Fishlin Charles M. Hoffberger Abram Milton Levin Sydney R. Traub Etta Hoffberger Weinberg

21 Kislev | Dec. 8

* * * * * * *

Irene R. Levin Lester Needle Henry H. Sagner Maurice Salganik Esther Sapperstein Joseph Teitelbaum

24 Kislev | Dec. 11

19 Kislev | Dec. 6

* * *

* * * * *

Herman Adler Celia Cohen Rhoda S. Cramer Paul H. Garber Samuel Goodman Gladys Lurie Harry Polansky Lilyan Sayer Ronald M. Sidle Sidney Tucker

22 Kislev | Dec. 9

Rev. Aaron Baida Shirley M. Blumberg Beatrice Kraus

26 Kislev | Dec. 13

27 Kislev | Dec. 14

* Ruth C. Goodman * Jacob Milliman

W i ll Y o u B e



* Morris Sacks Zena Sanders * Joseph G. Yaffe

28 Kislev | Dec. 15

* * * * * * * *

Isaac Adleberg Benjamin Barr Maurice L. Berger Hannah Joffe Bloom Irma K. Davison Betty Ginsberg Louis Gottesman M. Budd Kolker Dora Conn Winston Anna G. Yoffe

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Martin Blum Jacob Donick Frieda Greifer Louis Keiser Bernice H. Kolodny Dorothy Kravitz Dr. Morris H. Levine Louis W. Miller Anne Picower Ruben M. Rosen Martin Sagel Irvin Spector Beverly Wolfe

* * * *

Dora Berman Leonard Friedman Joanne Lee Jacobs Albert J. Kerbel Dr. Stuart A. Perkal Sadie Straus

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Bessie Cohen Marc Gambel Herman Glanzman Rubin Kipnis Helen B. Kleiman Dora Needle Adolph Pariser Morris Polansky Molly Roffman Robert Seff Geraldine T. Shane Annette Silverstein Isadore Snyder Rosa Sussman Edward Taft Sadie Wagner

* * * * *

Jerome S. Cardin Frank Diskin Aaron Fink Meyer Goldberg Marion Goldman

* * * * * * *

Bertha Baumel Emily Davidov Pauline Greenfeld Ella Grossman Eva Katzner Ephraim Macht Alexander Smith Ann R. Wasserman

* Joseph Wolman 7 Tevet | Dec. 24

* * * * * * * * * *

* Louis Berman * Mannes F. Greenberg Carl Morstein * Henry Naiditch * Mollie Putterman * Marc Steven Schwartzman Marcia Lee Selko

* Reverend Herman B. Abramson * Selma Blumberg * Bernard Caplan * Hilda N. Cohen * Hyman Cohen * Nathan L. Cohen Robert R. Cohen * David B. Kirsner * Oscar Levy Mary E. Mogol Samuel Rosensweig * Deborah Witteh Sachs * Thomas Scherr Louis Silbert * Rebecca Wallenstein

9 Tevet | Dec. 26

5 Tevet | Dec. 22

1 Tevet | Dec. 18

* * * * * * * * * * *

Mollye Jane Hamburger Louis Kleinman Louis Lesser Herman Mandel Anna Miller Nathan Naiman Pauline B. Oshrine Sarah Rodbell Lee Rosenstock Hyman Rosenthal Harry B. Schapiro Bertha Straus Louis Weinberg Dr. Andrew Weinfeld

* * * * * *

Sarah B. Bereston Hannah Buxbaum Nathaniel J. Jacobs Jacob Kres Phillip “Buddy” Leibowitz Matilda Slatkin Neuer Mark Schneider Evelyn Semer



* * * * * * * * * * *

Harry Eli Balk Ann Berman Mitzi Chasin Alvin Julius Coplan Irving Dworkin Katie Finkelstein Esther Kahan Charles I. Lebovitz Leon Parson Samuel L. Preissman Jacob Raffel Anne Salganik Harold W. Siegel Bernard M. Silesky Phyllis Verner Nathan I. Yaffe

* * * * * *

Clarence (Larry) Brull Jacob Castleberg Manfred Cohnen Harry Crystal Laura Ehrlich Sadie Engel Joseph Louis Shor

* * * * *

Edith Kres Alperstein Milton Berman Martin Fine Louis Freedman Bertha B. Horowitz Isaac Potts Sarah Rosenberg

10 Tevet | Dec. 27

11 Tevet | Dec. 28

6 Tevet | Dec. 23

2 Tevet | Dec. 19

Hershel Brown Meyer Michael Cantor David E. Kaiser Beulah Oppenheim Morris Pines Rose Raffel Celya J. Robinson Ida Salzman Isadore Schwartzman Rose Shapiro

8 Tevet | Dec. 25

4 Tevet | Dec. 21

30 Kislev | Dec. 17

We Are Looking For You!

Max M. Helman Leonard K. Jachman Rosalie Lesser Florence Sedell Siff Julia Steinberg Bertha Fuld Stern Joseph Waldman Ethel N. Wolf

3 Tevet | Dec. 20

29 Kislev | Dec. 16


* * * * * *

12 Tevet | Dec. 29

* Etta F. Abramson * Rae L. Clarke Louis Eagle


* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Selma Feldman David Freedman Oscar Goldfein Morton Goldner Jacob Greenthal Bertha B. Horowitz Charles Levinson Rose L. Moses Harry Pierce Rose Rosen Abraham Schloss Tmima Sibel Alexander Silverman Ella F. Speert Rosa Straus

* * * * * * * * *

Henry Becker Harry Lowe Blumberg Florence Eisen Fineman Paul J. Fineman D. Sylvan Friedman Charles Hoffberger Maurice Kaplan Evelyn King Rose S. Max Rabbi Solomon Zaiman

13 Tevet | Dec. 30

14 Tevet | Dec. 31

* Bruce Blumenthal * Beatrice Diskin * Max Fleischmann Morris R. Forman * Maurice Glassman * Marjorie Hope Greenbaum * Trude Korzyn Rosalyn K. Kress * Dr. William Kress * Nettie Harris Macht * Manuel M. Malman Shirley M. Solomon Arthur Varsubsky 15 Tevet | Jan. 1

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Benjamin Erkes Tanchum Shabse Fox Edward Gamson Deborah Hopkins Sylvia Levine Donald S. Levinson Hannah Lewis Edith R. Oppenheim Roberta Rosenthal Jessye M. Seidler Mendel Silverman William (Phil) Sussman Theodore M. Waranch

* Memorial Light

S t . V i n c e n t ’s C e n t e r

Sunday, February 21, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Join Rabbi Ron Shulman, CAC president Anne Young, and Foundation president Alan Kanter for dinner on Thursday, February 18, 6 p.m. at B’nai Torah Congregation in Boca Raton. Invitations will be mailed late January. If you would like to be included, please contact Marci Scher, Development Assistant, at 410/824-2057 or [email protected]. This gathering is sponsored by the Chizuk Amuno Foundation, Inc.

The Gemilut Hasadim Committee will be sponsoring an afternoon of crafts, cooking, and educational activities at St. Vincent’s Center, a therapeutic group home based in Towson. To volunteer, contact Susan Straus in the evening, 410/356-6284. Because advanced preparation is needed for this activity, please register as soon as possible. Made possible by the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund and Jewish Community Services





410/486 - 6400 |

www.chizukamuno.org Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid Baltimore, MD Permit No. 544

Chizu k Am uno Con g re g at i o n

8100 S T E V E N S O N R D, B A LT I M O R E , M D 2 1 2 0 8

T I M E S E N S I T I V E M A T E R I A L please deliver promptly

h a h oDesh ~ This Month at Chizuk Amuno

B rotherhooD a MeriCan r eD C ross B LooD D riVe Wednesday, December 9, 1 – 7 p.m. To make an appointment to donate blood or to volunteer your services, please contact Jack Kiner, 410/833-0374.

Give the gift of a professional look ...

For details on all our events, please visit our website w w w.chizukamuno.org.




D E CE M B E R 2009 • K I S L EV - TE VE T 5770 Sunday Musclejews, Wimps and the Soldiers In-between • p. 1 Adopt-a-Road • p. 3 Habitat for Humanity • p. 3 Sisterhood at Courtland Gardens • p. 4 I.O.U. Clothing Drive • p. 8

9 10 12

Wednesday Brotherhood Blood Drive • p. 8 Ronald McDonald House • p. 3

SUUNDAY, DEECEMBER 6, 2009 9 A.M. - NOON Ple Please drop off cleaned, gently worn pro professional clothing on hangers and acc accessories for men and women. Vol Volunteers will be on hand in the Lou Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby to accept donations and help unload cars. Re Receipts will be available.

Thursday Hanukkah, You and Israel • p. 1 Shabbat Shabbat Yahad • p. 1

18 20 25 27

Friday Shabbat Hanukkah Dinner • p. 1 Get Your Game On! • p. 1 Sunday Club Hatikvah • p. 8

Friday Community Mitzvah Day • p. 4

Sunday Our Daily Bread • p. 3

CLuB HatikvaH Sunday, December 20, 2009

Vol Volunteers are needed to transport items. Do Donations take place on weekdays and Sundays.

Presenting “Thirst ‘n’ Howl” for your listening pleasure...

If you y drive a SUV, van, or truck and would like to do a mitzvah, ple please contact Miriam Foss.

You’ll want to sing along with this entertaining three-some as they recall musical memories of the decades.

Qu Questions? Call Miriam Foss, [email protected] mf or 4410/486-6400, ext. 281

The evening starts with a delicious catered dinner. RSVP by December 10 to Norma Surosky, 410/653-0484. To become a member of Club Hatikvah, call Leonard Fox, 410/484-6260.

A service se initiative made possible by the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund Gem


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