Hacking Pc-pursuit Codes

  • Uploaded by: Henri Ghattas
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  • November 2019
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________ __ __ ________ \_____ \ | || | / _____/ \ \ |\ | || | /| / / \ \| \| || |/ |/ / \ || / \__|\___||___/|__/ The Weenie Warriors Weenie Warrior # 1 - The Partier Tandy,MS-DOS Weenie Warrior # 2 - Psychedelic Harry - Apple //GS Weenie Warrior # 3 - Pirate King - C=64 Weenie Warrior # 4 - Leo The Hack - Apple //e,//c,][+,][ Weenie Warrior # 5 - The Thing - C=64 Weenie Warrior # 6 - Stainless Steel Kid - Amiga *)>--------------------------------------------<(* P R E S E N T *)>--------------------------------------------<(* __________________________________ _\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ _\\\ _\\\ _\\\ Hacking PC-Pursuit Codes _\\\ _\\\ _\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\OK, people... This is going to be all you need to know aboutPC-Pursuit and how to use it to the fullest extent withoutpaying for it.First let's look at what we need to know: 1. Functions of PC-Pursuit 2. How you can get your own PC-Pursuit account 3. How to use PC-Pursuit 4. City Codes for PC-PursuitLet's look at them one at a time, shall we?*)> 1 - Functions of PC-Pursuit <(*Basically, PCPursuit is a subsidiary of Telenet, which is asubsidiary of U.S. Sprint (ugh!). What PC-Pursuit is is a chain of modems that a registereduser can access to make long-distance calls for only $25 amonth.Sounds great, doesn't it? Of course, but there ARE somecatches, of course.Namely that you have do ONLY calls via modem, no voice.And that all calls must be made between 6pm (local time) and7 am, lest you get some hefty surcharges.BUT, my friends, there is a way that you can use PCPursuitfor less that the flat $25 a month... Namely for FREE...Which brings us to number 2...*)> 2 - How you can get your own PC-Pursuit account <(*Now, there are two ways to get around the fees. The easy way(laden with risks), and the hard way (fewer risks)Let's look at them one at a time.The EASY way to hack an account on PC-Pursuit isn't evenhacking, really...When you call the PC-Pursuit main bulletin board (more onthat later), you can sign up for PC-Pursuit. BUT you need amajor credit card...Again, we have two choices for this.We can either enter a bullshit credit card number with theproper format and a phoney name, or a valid credit card number that isn't your own...Either way, you have to give them YOUR address, unless youhave a P.O. Box or a mailbox at a private company or anotherlocation. They will send you a packet an a week to 10 days, and thenyou can just go fucking nuts calling all the PC-Pursuitablecities (25 at last count).That is the easy way... I told you it was risky...The HARD way is to actually hack out someone's code on aTelenet system (a complete national listing of all localTelenet access numbers is available on this board).When you log on to Telenet, you see NOTHING.. Press ENTERtwice. Simple, eh?Next you see the first prompt from Telenet, 'TERMINAL='Press Enter or type VT100, VT52, Dx (x = 0 to 9) orwhatever... I have not noticed any differences in any ofthem as of yet...Next you get the main Telenet prompt, the '@' symbol.From here, a PC-Pursuit user would type this:C D/SSCCC/BB,PCP12345,ABCD1234C is for Connect. With This command, you can also log on tomany of the major computer services such as Delphi,QuantumLink, and CompuServe.The D is for Dial. SimpleThe slash divides commands and parameters on TelenetThe SSCCC is SS= a two-letter state code and CCC= a threeletter city code (more on these later)The BB is either 3, 12 or 24, depending on the baud rates available for the particular PC-Pursuit accessible area code,and the baud rate you want (24, in most cases)Now the good stuff... The access codes and password.The Access codes are ALWAYS in the format of PCPxxxxx.Always.The PASSWORDS are varied. They are initially registered tothe user in the format of XXXXyyyy where XXXX are fourletters and yyyy are four digits...NOW, your saving grace from people changing their passwordsis that Telenet charges $5.00 for each password change...So this helps...Other commands available on Telenet are D (when not precededby a C) for Disconnect and HANGUP, which does just that.Now that you have gotten your very own PC-Pursuit account,you need to know how to use the damn thing.*)> 3 - How to use PC-Pursuit <(*Sure, you can issue the command from Telenet to dial the cityand baud that you want, but after it gives you the CONNECTEDmessage, you are as lost

as a blind lesbian in a fish market.No problem... From here on in, it's all peaches and cream.The modems use the Hayes AT command set...To dial your number all you do is type in this:ATDTxxxxxxx CRxxxxxxx = the phone number of the board you want to call.Easy, eh? And your other major AT commands are available:ATZ Zaps the modem back to default settingsATH Hangs up the modemA/ Repeats the last command givenATDP Dials pulse (WHY?!?)And so on.When you want to connect to another city, Type '@' from themodem command mode, and then 'D ' at the Telenet mainprompt. Easy as pie.So, now you are all set and take advantage of the generousservice that another stupid multi-billion dollar corporationhas bestowed upon us, the hackers of America.Telenet also has a couple of nifty goodies that are availableto the users of PC-Pursuit, and the general public. Theseare both modem lines.PC-Pursuit Registration & Information1-800-835-3638 or 703-689-5700On this BBS you can actually register for PC-Pursuit, andfind out a little about the system. It has no features, andis pretty boring. It might be fun to crash, though.PC-Pursuit Net Exchange BBSAt the Telenet '@' prompt, type: PC PURSUIT,YOURID,PASSWORDor call 703-689-3561.This BBS has new info for PC-Pursuit users (be they legal ornot). It is advisable to keep a low profile on there, as theyhave had a few hackers just go nuts and bring themselves inthe spotlight. Which is good, because the heat is on them,not the smart ones that keep a low profile and are quit.If for some reason there is a problem with your billing (hee hee hee) the Telenet network has their Customer Service &Billing numbers:1-800336-0437 or 703-689-6400 *)>--------------------------------------------<(* 4 - Telenet City Codes *)>--------------------------------------------<(* PC-PursuitPC-Pursuit City, ST | A C | Code | Bauds Available --------------------+-----+------------+-----------------Atlanta, GA | 404 | D/GAATL | 3/12/24Boston, MA | 617 | D/MABOS | 3/12/24 Chicago, IL | 312 | D/ILCHI | 3/12/24Chicago, IL * | 815 | D/ILCHI | 3/12/24Cleveland, OH | 216 | D/OHCLV | 3/12Dallas, TX | 214 | D/TXDAL | 3/12/24Dallas, TX | 817 | D/TXDAL | 3/12/24Denver, CO | 303 | D/CODEN | 3/12/24Detroit, MI | 313 | D/MIDET | 3/12/24Glendale, CA | 818 | D/CAGLE | 12 Hartford, CN | 203 | D/CTHAR | 12Houston, TX | 713 | D/TXHOU | 3/12/24Los Angeles, CA | 213 | D/CALAN | 3/12/24Miami, FL | 305 | D/FLMIA | 3/12Milwaukee, WI | 414 | D/WIMIL | 12Minneapolis, MN | 612 | D/MNMIN | 3/12/24Newark, NJ | 201 | D/NJNEW | 3/12/24New York, NY | 212 | D/NYNYO | 3/12/24New York, NY * | 718 | D/NYNYO | 3/12/24Philedelphia, PA | 215 | D/PAPHI | 3/12/24Pheonix, AZ | 602 | D/AZPHO | 3/12/24 Portland, OR | 503 | D/ORPOR | 3/12Triangle Park, NC | 919 | D/NCRTP | 3/12/24 .................................................................................. .............Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253

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