Hack Naruto

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 22
Naruto, The Keeper of the Twilight Revised A Naruto/ Dot Hack GU Cross over Summary: Naruto believes he's worthless and leaves his village. Five years later he returns for the chunin exam, at the same time a S-Class Missing Ninja named Tri-Edge is attacking Leaf Shinobi, sould there be a connection? Chapter One: Fleeing "I'm so sick of it. Why do they hate me so much? What did I ever do to them?' These were the thoughts of ten year old Naruto Uzumaki as he limped back to his apartment. Earlyer the villagers had attacked him, beating him till the brink of death and left him in an alley. The Anbu that were assigned to guard him didn't even bother to stop the mob, in fact they joined in hoping to kill him. "Stupid fox bastard, its all your fault!" Naruto screamed as he slammed the door shut. "I'm sorry your life is a living hell kit, but I wish I could help you, even a little" Kyuubi replied inside his mind. "My life is hell, I'm dead last in the academy, I'm poor, I live all by myself, and most of all I get the shit beat out of me every damn day for something I didn't do" Naruto sighed as he fell face first on the bed. "I know kit and I'm sorry, because of this seal all I can do is heal your wounds, I wish I could heal your mind and heart too" Kyuubi voiced. "Thank Kyu, at least someone cares about me" "Kit I think its time we left this god forsaken village, your not a ninja so they can't declare you a missing ninja and I dought anyone would notice your missing" Kyuubi explained. "Your right Kyu, the only one that would notice is the hokage but he'll just think I'm hiding out somewhere" Naruto replied. "We shall leave tomarrow Kit, rest and recover your energy for now. Don't go to the academy either, spend the day gathering supplies instead" Naruto fell into a blissful sleep, letting the foxes chakra heal his many wounds. From outside his apartment stood a young girl with blue hair, crying for her secret love. "Naruto-kun, I wish I could help you but my father would never aprove, I'm sorry" Hinata cried running back to her house in the Hyuga distract. The next day was strange, Naruto didn't show up for class. No one in the village saw him either, and the anbu assigned to watch said he never left his apartment. The hokage began to worry, Naruto was supposed to come in today to get his allowance and when he didn't show up he summoned the anbu. "Find Naruto Uzumaki now!" The anbu vanished, sprinting towards the blondes apartment. They kicked in the door to see Naruto standing there smiling before poofing into smoke, "A SHADOW CLONE!" Northern Fire Country...

"That shadow clone jutsu came in very handy, thanks Kyu" Naruto laughed as he sailed through the air."Well I had to do something to help, teaching you a jonin level jutsu seemed the least I could do" the fox replied. "For once I'm glad I have such high chakra reserves" Naruto smiled, as he cleared the forest. "You should head towards Twilight Country, leaf ninja's refuse to enter there for fear of starting a war" Leaf Village... "Hokage-sama we have searched the entire village and Naruto isn't here" a anbu with a hawk mask voiced, "According to the hunter ninja he has not been seen leaving the village either" another anbu added. "I have been unable to locate his chakra in the village or any of the outside training grounds" a anbu with a dog mask spoke. "This is really bad, if Naruto get's captured by one of our enemies we could be in big trouble" the hokage sighed. "We should declare him a missing ninja right away!" the hawk anbu shouted. "I'm afraid that's not possible, since Naruto never passed the genin exam he is not a ninja of the leaf, and we can't declare a normal citizen a tratior" the dog anbu answered. "Naruto where are you?" the hokage asked out loud. Village Hidden by the Twilight... "Naruto Uzumaki we welcome you to our village" the guards voiced. Naruto smiled as he walked pasted them into the large village. "It seems people here do not show hostility to demons or their containers" Kyuubi voiced. "What do you mean? those guys couldn't have known your sealed in me" Naruto replied. "Trust me kit they knew, I have a feeling that every ninja in this village knows I'm inside you and they are welcoming you with open arms" Kyuubi smiled from inside his cage. "Naruto Uzumaki?" a voice asked making Naruto turn around. There stood a tall man with long brown hair, he wore a unusal kimono and had a large broad sword on his back. "I am Sakaki of the Moon Tree clan, I am to take you to our kage" he voiced in a serious yet kind tone. "Thank you" Naruto bowed. The two made their way to a very large tower in the center of the village, several people stopped to wave or bow at Sakaki. Finally reaching the tower Sakaki bowed slightly to Naruto before leaving. Inside the building Naruto was met by a young woman with blonde hair and a beautiful smile. "Hello Naruto-kun, I am Shino the Kage's assistant" she bowed, Naruto returned the bow. "Please follow me to the kage's office" she smiled and led him further into the tower. Soon they came to a stop infront of a large brass door where Shino ushered him inside. The room was dark, there was hardly any light at all but he could still see clearly. "Do you know why this is known as the village hidden by the twilight?" a voice asked. Naruto looked everywhere but couldn't see the source, "whose there? Are you the kage of this

village?" he called out. "The darkness is a ninja's best friend, allowing them to move under the safety of its cover. But we here at Twilight Village can move in either darkness or light without being discovered" the voice continued. "Naruto can you tell me why you have come to my village?" the voice asked. "I was sick of my village, they treated me like crap and a demon when I'm just a container" Naruto replied, saddness in his voice. "I see, a vaild reason for leaving" the voice replied. It got brighter and Naruto found himself standing infront of a tall man with grayish hair, "I am the kage of this village, my name is Ovan" Chapter Two: Academy Two Days Later... Naruto walked into the building, a huge smile on his face. Today he joined the academy and begin learning to become a ninja to defend his new home. Ovan gave him special permission to join, Sakaki of Moon Tree agreed to take Naruto in and give him a home. When he needed advice he turned to Shino who was more then happy to help him. Walking to room 116 he opened the door and took in the strange site. There were only a few people in the room, they all starred at him as he took his seat. Soon the tension was broken when a man with greenish hair entered the room, "Hello everyone, I am Silabus and I will be your teacher for your time here" he smiled. "Greetings Silabus-sensi!" the class shouted. "Now why don't we all get to know each other shall we? I want each of you to tell me something about yourself" he smiled. "I want to know your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and goals" The first to stand was a blonde haired girl that looked just like Shino. "My name is Atoli, I like helping those in need, I dislike mean people who dislike others for cruel reasons. My hobbies are helping out the Moon Tree clan and studing medical jutsu, my goal in like is to become an expert medical ninja so I may help my leader Sakaki" Atoli voiced, stars in her eyes. Next a red haired girl stood up. "My name is Alkaid, I like fighting to improve my skills, I dislike cheaters, my hobbies include training and learning new jutsu. My goal is become ruler of the Twilight Arena" she said with a determined look on her face. Third was another blonde haired girl, she was smaller then all the others. "My name is Saku, I like my ideal Endrance, I dislike those who would challange Endrance, my hobby is watching Endrance at the Twilight Arena and my dream is to be on Endrance's team one day!" she cheered. The forth was a blonde boy that looked just like Saku. "My name is Bo and I like my friends Haseo and Atoli, I dislike mean people and those that step on other peoples dreams. I don't have any hobbies and my goal is to help others reach their goals" Bo smiled nervously.

The fifth was a boy with silver hair. "My name is Haseo, I like training and studying jutsu, also hanging out with Bo and Atoli. I dislikes people who kill other people for stupid reasons. My hobbies are learning jutsu and studying seals. My goal is to kill a certain man" he huffed and sat back down. Finally Naruto stood up. "I am Naruto, I like ramen and learning new jutsu. I dislike the three minute wait for cooking ramen and stuck up people who think their better then everyone else. My hobbies are training and studying jutsu, my goal is to become kage of the village and surpass Ovan" he cheered. "Well it seems you all will be an amusing class. Now before we continue will you all follow me to the weapons vault?" Silabus voiced. All the students filed out of the class and followed him to the vault at the back of the academy."You are to enter this room and choose a weapon that you believe will help you with your training to become ninja" Silabus smiled, unlocking the door. Naruto gazed in awe at the various weapons. Duel swords, steam guns, rune staffs, broad swords, scythes, katanas, guantlets, fans, pikes, every weapon under the sun was in this room. Naruto shifted towards the duel swords though, since he had more speed then power, duel swords would be to his liking. Going through various blades his eyes stopped at a unual set, a pair of duel swords with three curved ends. They were rather big which meant they were for defense then offense and they were as black as night itself. "Wow" Naruto spoke picking them up and trying them out. "Those are the rarest duel swords you'll ever find, they are know as The Twin Fangs of the Abyss" Silabus voiced as he saw Naruto wielding them. "Are they that hard to use?" Alkaid asked, "Yes, in fact not even Ovan can wield them easily" Silabus replied. "Then I choose these, if I'm going to surpass Ovan then this is a start" Naruto smiled. Soon everyone had chosen a weapon. Atoli had picked a defensive rune staff to help with her medical jutsu, Alkaid had picked a pair of duel swords meant for offense. Saku and Bo both picked offense rune staffs for ninjutsu, and finally Haseo against Silabus's suggestions picked a scythe with a deadly curved end both for offense and defense. Naruto however was the real talk of the class, wielding duel swords that have never been mastered. It was really going to be a unusal year at the academy. Chapter Three: Hidden Powers (Coming of the Avatars) It had been four years since the day Naruto started at the academy, today it was the final day and he had to pass the exam. Naruto had changed alot since then, he no longer wore those horrible orange jumpsuits. Instead he wore a black t-shirt and kakai cargo pants, he had black braces on his arms and wore the standard black ninja shoes. Equipped to his sides were his duel swords and around his head a normal black headband to keep his long spiky blonde hair out of his eyes.

His body was alot more muscular now thanks to his training with Sakaki and the other members of moon tree. His was much more intelligent thanks to his sessions with Shino at the kage tower and his new sense of style was from his new friends Haseo, Atoli, and Alkaid. He was second best in the class, next to Haseo that is who would surely be rookie of the year. He sighed as he waited his turn, Bo turned to him with a nervous grin, "don't worry naruto I'm, I'm sure you'll do fine." Naruto smiled and nodded his head wishing Bo luck as well. Haseo smiled at his two friends, before picking up his scythe as he was called into the next room for his exam. "I really hope I do well, if I don't then I'll never be good enough to be on Master En's team" Saku cried as she hugged Bo. "Relax Saku, I'm sure you'll do fine" Atoli smiled as she messed with her new forehead protector. "Naruto Uzumaki" Silabus called and Naruto left his friends to take his exam. Exam Room... "Ok Naruto the exam is in three parts. First you much show us a ninjutsu of any level, second you must show us a jutsu of your own creation and finally an attack using your chosen weapon" Silabus voiced. Ovan sat next to Silabus and Shino on his other side, waiting to judge the young blondie. "Alright here I go, Azure Clone Jutsu!" Naruto made a hand sign and twenty naruto's appeared glowing with blue light, all with smiles on their faces. "Impressive, a jonin level jutsu now show us your created jutsu please" Shino asked. Naruto took a deep breath and started gathering blue chakra into his hand, it spinned in high rotation forming a ball. "Azure Bullet Jutsu!" He yelled firing the chakra ball into a nearby dummy, tearing it to shreds. "Very impressive naruto, I'd say that's a kage level technique" Ovan smiled at the blonde, "now finally a attack using your chosen weapons" Slightly nervous Naruto unclipped his duel swords and got into a battle stand. "I'm really glad I got that scroll form Ovan's office now" he thought. Flash Back Four Years ago... Naruto walked into Ovan's office trying to find him to ask about more training. Sighing when he didn't find him he sat down to wait, that's when he spotted the scroll. It was just sitting there on his desk addressed to Naruto, he picked it up and read it. "Azure Jutsu? the only jutsu able to work with Twin Fangs of the Abyss? This is Awesome!" Naruto cheered and ran out of the office. End Flashback...

Naruto raised one of his duel swords, bright blue chakra began outlining it, "Azure style, Flaming Arch Jutsu!" he waved the weapon a wave of azure fire errupted, scorching everything in range. Ovan jumped of the way, Shino ducked for cover, poor silabus got caught, his hair slightly burned. "oops" Naruto laughed nervously. "That was the most impressive jutsu I've ever seen, you mastered the Azure Jutsu I gave to you and created your own. You pass Naruto!" Ovan smiled. "Yatta!" Naruto cheered before hugging his sensei and Shino. "Here naruto and well done, you've made me proud" Ovan smiled handing Naruto his forehead protector. "I'll continue to make you proud Kage-sama, after all I'm gonna surpass you someday" Naruto laughed and ran out the room to join his friends. "Good job Naruto-kun you passed the exam!" Atoli cheered hugging the blonde boy. "I'm glad you passed naruto" Bo smiled, "I wouldn't execpt anything less from my rival" Haseo smirked. "Alright time to celebrate, let's all go for dango, I'm buying!" Alkaid shouted. "YATTA!" Naruto cheered, everyone laughed and they filed out of the classroom. Kage Tower... "Now who shall take teams and who should be on them?" Silabus asked as the meeting began. "I believe that Pi has already decided to take a team, she will take Atoli, Saku and Alkaid" Ovan voiced. "Why all three girls on one team? why would you asign them to Pi anyway?" Silabus asked. "Its because of the other jonin instructor that is taking a team" Shino voiced. "Who?" Silabus asked. Ovan handed over a chart and Silabus's eyes went wide. "Why is he taking a team?" Next Day... Everyone filed into class and took their seats, Silabus stood in front of the class. "Now I will be assigning you to your genin teams, do not question why you are put on a team, look underneath the underneath" he smiled before taking out a chart. "Team One will be Atoli, Alkaid, and Saku. Your instructor is Pi, please report to training field 7B now" Silabus voiced and the three genin left the room. Team Two will be Bo, Naruto and Haseo, your instructor is Endrance" as soon as he said that several things happen. Bo fainted, Haseo face faulted and Naruto cheered. "Please report to the roof now and good luck" On the roof the three boys sat in a circle waiting for Endrance to arrive. "Where is he? He's an hour late already!" Naruto huffed and slashed the air with his duel swords. "May... maybe he's fighting at the arena and lost track of time?" Bo voiced. "He better have a good excuse or else my scythe will soon be coated in blood" haseo grunted. A few moments later Naruto noticed rose petals start to appear, seconds later a flash of light and their stood Endrance, a small white cat on his shoulder.

"YOUR LATE!" Haseo and Naruto screamed. "My, my you are far too loud for ninja's" Endrance's soft voice spoke over them. The two genin quieted down and waited for their instructor to speak. "I shall be giving you a test, if he you pass you become offical genin. If you fail you go back to the academy for another year" Endrance explained. "Bring it on, I'll take any test you throw at me!" Haseo voiced branishing his scythe. "I'll pass believe it!" Naruto shouted his duel swords clanging together, "I'll do my best!" Bo voiced, his rune staff by his side. "Come to the arena in an hour, if you are late you fail" Endrance vanished in a flash of rose petals. "Alright guys, let's have a quick lunch and head to the arena!" Arena... "I want you to push them to their limits my friend, all three of them have something special inside them, focus on Naruto the most though. I believe he maybe the one I grant my title to" Ovan smiled. "Very well, I shall not hold back otherwise she won't be happy" Endrance replied rubbing his cat behind the ear. "They have only a few minutes before I fail them though" Running through the streets, Naruto long with Bo and Haseo were sprinting towards the arena. Apparently they lost rack of time and were about to be late and being late wasn't allowed with Endrance. "Hurry or else we'll fail!" Haseo screamed, "we're hurrying we're hurrying!" Naruto and Bo screamed. They came crashing through the gate just in the nick of time. "I was begining to wonder if you wised up and quit" Endrance smiled leaning against the wall. "We don't just give up we're gonna pass your test and become full fledged genin shinobi!" Naruto voiced. "hahahahaha, that has yet to be seen little Naruto-kun" Endrance laughed. "That's it!" Naruto's duel swords sprag open ready to slash Endrance to bits. "Now, now Naruto if you kill me you'll never pass your test" Endrance smiled knowing he had the blonde cornered. "Bastard" "Fo your test you must all battle against me in the arena. Each of you must land a single hit on me in order to pass, your time limit is one hour and if one of you doesn't land a hit then all of you fail" Endrance smiled pulling out a short katana, "Now do as you please" he vanished in a whirl of petals. "Damn it, alright we need a plan, maybe if..." But naruto didn't get that far, Endrance reappeared and preformed a downward slash, Naruto barely had time to deflect the attack as he raised his duel swords. Naruto was forced to his knees by the sheer force of power, "damn and its only the tip of his sword, man is he powerful" "Lotus Flower!" Haseo's voice rang out as he shot across the field to Endrance, wildly swinging away with his scythe. Endrance poofed away revealing it was only a clone that attacked Naruto, "Damn this is bad" Haseo huffed. "You shouldn't be using such high level jutsu then, that is a jonin level technique after all" naruto voiced getting back up. "Fire Style, Pheniox Flower Jutsu!" Bo's voice screamed. Hearing the attack Naruto and

Haseo sprinted in that direction. Arriving they found Endrance gracefully dodging every fire blast that was sent at him with a smile on his face. "You'll never win with such weak attacks like that, let me show you a real jutsu" Endrance voiced, he leapt into the sky. "Flower Style, Blooming Rose Jutsu!" rose petals filled the sky and rained down on the three shinobi, Haseo thinking that they were just normal petals grinned and leaped up after Endrance. "Take this, Reaper's Touch!" His scythe glowed red and he sent energy blades at Endrance who just smiled, the petals swirled around him, deflecting all of haseo's attacks. "Is that all? your boring me" Endrance voiced in a sigh, "you bastard!" Naruto charged forward, his duel sword raised. "Azure style, Flame Arch Jutsu!" A wave of blue fire was sent at Endrance, reducing the petals to ashes. "Azure Strike!" Naruto slashed at him trying to land a blow, Endrance blocked each one without any effort. Endrance was so busy defending against Haseo and Naruto he never noticed Bo behind him. "Water Style, Shark Missle Jutsu!" a shark made of water appeared and flew at Endrance who got hit, only to poof away, another clone. "GOD DAMN IT!" Haseo screamed. "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU FUCKER!" naruto screamed with him. Endrance appeared a few feet away a smile on his face. "Not enough, not nearly enough. At this rate you'll never be shinobi" he laughed. His taunting was getting on haseo's last nerve, he was so angry that jet black chakra was rolling off him in waves. "YOU BASTARD!" PING! Endrance's smile faultered, he had heard that sound before. To his horror Haseo's form began flicker out of existing, his form being replaced by a large humaniod creature with a glowing red scythe. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Haseo's warped voice could be heard. "SAY GOODBYE!" The large creature charged foreward, ready to cleave Endrance inhalf. "DIE!" Endrace used his amazing speed and grace to avoid the attack, he could feel it all. The power, chakra, killing intent, it was the same as his now, getting into a defenseive stance he readied for the battle. "YOU BASTARD, YOUR STANDING IN MY WAY OF KILLING HIM!" Haseo in avatar form charged again, firing energy blasts all the way. Endrance deflected each blast with his sword, while avoiding the blow from the scythe. "You let your anger cloud your judgement Haseo, not very becoming of a future shinobi" he laughed. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Haseo's twisted voice screamed, even more power errupted from him. "The boy has amazing power but doesn't know how to use it. So sad that he is being controlled instead controlling the power. It seems his hatred for THAT man is far greater then his will to control himself" Endrance thought as the large creature came around for

another pass. Bo was terrfied, he was hiding behind Naruto as the large creature battled with Endrance. "Naruto what happened to Haseo? Why is he acting like this?" Bo screamed over the roars of Haseo. "I don't know Bo, prehaps we should get out of here" Naruto said pushing Bo farther behind him and the two began fleeing the arena. In his rage Haseo saw Naruto and Bo fleeing and roared. "SHIT!" was what came from Endrance as the creature's attention turned to the fleeing boys and charged. Endrance sprinted, hoping to reach the boys to interept the blow but he wasn't fast enough to keep up. Haseo raised the large scythe, and brought it down on the two, Bo screamed and covered his eyes and awaited his death. Chapter Four: Awakening, Naruto of the Azure Flames CLANG! Silence filled the arena, Endrance stopped in his tracks, Bo was wide eyed. Naruto was holding back the transformed Haseo's scythe with a duel sword, his eyes blood red. "You will not harm Bo, Endrance or anyone else Haseo. Your hatred has caused you to lose control of yourself and turned you into this monster" Naruto voiced slightly pushing the scythe back. "IT DOESN'T MATTER, I"LL STILL WIN!" Haseo raised the scythe again and slashed down with as much force as he could muster. CLANG! Naruto blocked again, not giving under the sheer force of power by haseo. Endrance could do nothing but stare at the sight, here a simple kid was holding back this powerful creature with ease while he had to use effort to fight back? This shouldn't be humanly possible. "I'm warning you Naruto, don't stand it my way!" Haseo shouted. "Revert back or I will be forced to defeat you" Naruto's unwavering voice spoke, blue fire began to envelop him. "I will never give up this power, you'll have to kill me before I let that happen!" "So be it" Naruto voice grew cold as ice, wildfires of blue flame were everywhere and Bo ran away screaming that his friends had become monsters. Kage Tower... "This power, it is the same as that cursed mans. Prehaps Naruto and him are related in some way" Ovan spoke as he saw the blue light from the arena light up the sky. Arena... Naruto was lifted into the air, flames errupting from his body. His form morphed, growing to the size of Haseo's form, four large wings of blue fire appeared behind him.

His eyes flashed red and energy gathered around him. "AZURE WILDFIRE!" What happened next can't be described, the arena was in ruins, Endrance barely escaped with his life, the entire village was on high alert and in the middle of it all was Naruto, standing over Haseo's passed out form. "Hatred can only lead to self destruction, remember that" Naruto voiced walking away, weapons at his sides. Endrance pulled himself out of the ruins and watched as Naruto walked off. 'Amazing, such power, such control and being able to use that much force. Oh he will be a wonder to teach even though they failed the test I have to pass them now after that display' Endrance thought as he picked up Haseo's limp form and began walking to the hospital. Kage Tower... "Ah Naruto-kun just the person I wanted to see" Ovan smiled as the blonde walked into the room. "Congradulations on passing Endrance's test naruto-kun, you are now one step closer to becoming kage" Ovan replied and Naruto smiled brightly. "I have called you here to let you know that I will personally training you for the chunin exams so that you may raise in rank more quickly, Haseo will be trained by Endrance and Bo will be placed with his sisters team for the time being" Ovan voiced and Naruto bowed, quickly leaving the tower to return to Sakaki's mansion. What Naruto didn't notice was several ninja watching him, all wearing leaf village protectors. "So that's the kyuubi brat huh?" one of the mystery ninja's spoke. "Yeah that's him, I still can't believe he's alive but then again he is a demon" another voiced. "Oh let's just kill him and bring back his body, the village will treat us like hero's" he said pulling out a katana. Naruto continued walking until suddenly he felt strange, everything was going dark and he saw what appeared to be a man wearing all red standing a few feet away. 'Genjutsu?' Naruto thought as he passed out. Seconds later a large explosion was heard, three of the leaf ninjas were killed instantly, nothing but ash remained. The last ninja was scared shitless at the enflamed shinobi in front of him. "No, please no!" he screamed as the figure raised his right hand, a bracelet shining brightly before aiming it at the anbu. Golden light filled the area and the ninja fell unconcious, the figure vanishing into thin air. Hours Later, Leaf Village Hospital... "You found him like this? Tsunade asked Kakashi as they looked at the trembling man. "Yes, the three that were with him were killed by intense flames from what look like a kage ranked flame jutsu" he replied, "also we found this at the scean" he added handling

over a leaf protector. "What could these mean?" Tsunade asked out loud as she looked at the headband, there were three slash marks on it in the shape of a misfigured triangle. Twilight Village, Hospital... "Has he been injured?" Ovan asked as Shino looked over the boy. "Aside from a mild case of memory loss Naruto-kun is in perfect health. He kept muttering something about a man dressed in red though" Shino voiced and Ovan along with Endrance instantly paled. Leaving the hospital, Ovan and Endrance returned to the tower where they began their private meeting. "An avatar, its so hard to believe a kid like Haseo has one" Endrance said shaking his head. "Yes the avatar you and your genin encountered is known as Skeith, the terror of death. According to our founders scrolls, Skeith was said to be a being capable of bringing death and destruction to any in its path. You will have to be very careful Endrance, your avatar is strong, but Haseo's is alot more dangerous" Ovan voiced. "A avenger with the power of an avatar, could it possibly get any worse then this? and what of Naruto?" Endrance asked. "It seems that tratior has shown an intrest in Narutokun. Its not to surprising however since he is the only other person capable of Azure Jutsu. Step up the security of the village and have Naruto meet me at the old ruins in two days" Ovan voiced, Endrance bowed and left. Two days later... Both Naruto and Haseo had fully recovered, Endrance would be teaching Haseo how to handle the power of his avatar, Bo was placed with Pi on his sister's team and Naruto would be training with Ovan in the ruins outside the village where they couldn't hurt any people. "Now Naruto what do you remember about that night you passed out?" Ovan asked pulling out his steam gun and loading a few chakra enhanced rounds. "I remember feeling really wierd and then my vision started to go black, finally I saw some person wearing all red and then blacked out" Naruto replied. "I see well we shall discuss this ore later, for now let's work on that agility of yours" Ovan smirked before firing at Naruto. Naruto cursed loudly as he was forced behind a pillar as Ovan continued firing. "Stupid chakra enhanced weapons" he voiced, springing open his duel swords. Pumping his chakra into them he jumped from behind the pillar and began deflecting Ovan's shots. "Impressive Naruto but what happens when I turn up the tempo?" he smirked and began firing more rapidly. Try as he might Naruto couldn't get them all, he got hit in the chest a few times, and now his left arm was limp at his side. Taking shelter behind a wall Naruto slid to the ground,

clutching his injured arm. "Damn it, I just can't win" he cried as the pain increased. "Are you giving up Naruto? prehaps you aren't suppose to surpass me after all" Ovan's voice spoke as he powered up his steam gun again for another volley. Sensing danger Naruto threw himself against the ground as the wall behind him blew up from one of Ovan's shots. However in the process, Naruto's head grazed one of the large stones on the ground and was out cold. Sighing Ovan slowly made his way to the blonde genin and got next to him only to be blow backwards. Azure colored chakra seemed to be all around Naruto as he lay there out cold, from the flames came a person dressed all in red, blueish green hair hiding one of his eyes as he snarled at Ovan. "Its been a long time you tratior" Ovan smirked, the large lock on his casket like left arm falling out and clanging on the ground. Chapter Five: Naruto Returns!, Mark of Tri-Edge! It had been months since that day in the arena, Haseo had mastered the first level of his avatar. Naruto somewhat learned to battle against Ovan without passing out. Bo's chakra reserves had tripled and he learned several jonin level jutsu's, Endrance had learned that his team along with Pi's had been chosen to be the first team in a hundred years to compete in the chunin exams of another village. The only problem was they were being held in hidden leaf. "No, I refuse" Naruto voiced. "But Naruto, if you ever wish to surpass me then you must go up in rank and the only way is to take the exam" Ovan said. "Not if its in that hell hole of a village" Naruto shot back. "Honestly Naruto I don't understand why you are being so difficult about this. They will not do anything to you and risk causing a war between our villages, and you have the myself and the others to protect you" Endrance replied. "Yeah and that's what I'm afraid of" Naruto thought. Naruto remembered all too well what happened to those leaf ninja who attacked him, someone killed three of them without a second thought. What if he showed up again during the exam? He'd cause a national incident and then those bastards at leaf village would know about the shinobi. "Fine I'll go to that crappy village and take the exam but then I'm coming right back to hidden twilight" Naruto voiced and walked out the room. Ovan smiled, Endrance sighed. "You do realize what's going to happen when he get's there right? They will try to capture him and make him rejoin their village to be a punching bag again" Endrance voiced. "I know but I also know that he is much stronger and alot smarter then he was when he left, also "HE" won't let them take his only challange" Ovan's smiled widened. Returning to the arena he was greeted by Bo with a small smile, Haseo was too busy flirting with Alkaid. 'Why is Alkaid on our team anyway? shouldn't you be with Atoli and Saku?" naruto asked. "Well blondie if you must know we got a new genin in the village lately, some girl named Tabby or something" Alkaid replied. "Another genin? oh well I

guess it was bound to happen" Naruto voiced. "So we're a four person cell now huh? Well the more them merrier right?" Bo shouted. "You got that right Bo and we couldn't get a more powerful ninja to help us" Haseo replied making Alkaid blush. In a whirl of rose petals Endrance appeared. "Now while we are in Leaf Village all of you have a mission, you are to protect Naruto at all times" he voiced and then got confused looks. "Why do we have to protect Naruto? he's stronger then most of us except for maybe Haseo" Bo asked. "Our kage is concerned that since Naruto is returning his old village may try to capture him despite the fact they may cause a war. So as a precaution one of you will have to be with him at all times" Endrance voiced. "Well at least I won't have to worry about being cornered by the villagers" Naruto smiled. "Right so we leave first thing in the morning, everyone pack tonight and meet at the gate at 800 hours understand?" Endrance smiled. "YES SIR!" They went off their seperate ways, Bo went off to pack right away, Endrance to the kage tower. Haseo and Alkaid went to go "practice their team work" and Naruto well he just wandered. Leaf Village... "Twilight Village?" Kakashi asked. "Yes this is the first time in a hundred years they will be competing in a chunin exam of another village. Normally they are very protective of their secrets and customs. But the current kage, Ovan has decided this will be the time to establish peace between our two villages and we will not do anything to risk war with them is that clear?" Tsunade voiced in her I am Hokage fear me voice. "Also there is a situtation you should know, according to that ninja who was attacked a few months ago, Naruto Uzumaki had been spotted wearing a twilight hitate just before he was attacked" Tsunade said getting really serious. "Do you think Naruto killed them?" Kakashi asked. "It is unclear what happened, but we do know that Naruto will be returning to the village for the exam, alert the anbu that they are not to do anything to him or else we may very well be going to war" "Do you think they know about they know about the Kyuubi?" Kakashi asked concerned. "Prehaps, but if we do anything we may end up losing Naruto so you will do nothing to endanger him understand?" "Yes Tsunade-sama" Now what Tsunade and Kakashi didn't know was Hinata was outside the office, ease dropping on the conversation. 'Naruto-kun is returning? I must tell the others!' Hinata thought and ran away heading towards the training grounds where everyone else was. Training Grounds.. "WHAT? NARUTO IS RETURNING?!" Everyone except for Shino and Sasuke screamed at Hinata. "It's true I overheard Tsunade-sama talking with Kakashi about it" Hinata voiced to the group of genin. Now after Naruto vanished five years ago, Tsunade decided against the council to tell the entire village about Kyuubi's sealing and Naruto's

burden. Well at first they freaked but then they realized that Naruto and Kyuubi were two seperate beings and treating Naruto like a demon was unfair. Sakura got kicked out of her parents house by calling Naruto a person and was forced to room with Sasuke despite his protests. Shino for once showed emotion and nearly scared the crap out of his parents, Kiba despite being a dog lover was sick to his stomach about his clan. Hinata already knew but she refused to be any part of the hyuga clan anymore. Her father still believes she is a hyuga though and constantly berates her for being a demon lover. Ino refused to speak to her parents for nearly three months, Sasuke didn't really care, he simply said "Naruto is Naruto and that won't change". Shikamaru said the entire situtation was troublesome and moved out of his parents house claiming, its such a drag living with liers for parents. Lee cried that Naruto's youthful flames had gone out, Neji had to be restrained from murdering the council, Tenten broke down crying, Choji nearly being a ninja, he didn't want to protect a village that treated one of their own so badly. As for the jonin instructors and Iruka well they felt horrible for all the times they could have helped the boy but did nothing. Nearly half of the village felt ashamed for taking their rage out on a small child and wished to somehow make peace with the burdened child. Search parties were increased, civilians to Anbu went to search for the boy, they stopped however when a anbu was found badly burnt and his three team mates dead. "We have to tell him how sorry we are all and ask for another chance" Sakura voiced from the group. "Yeah I may actually use effort, what a drag" Shikamaru sighed, "I MUST HELP RESTORE NARUTO'S YOUTHFUL FLAMES!" Lee shouted making everyone else deaf. "We start our new mission, Operation Kitsune apology begins tomarrow at the chunin exam!" Route Unknown... Walking along the old dirt path, Naruto and his team mates Haseo, Bo, and Alkaid were traveling along with Endrance. Pi along with her team would be leaving later in the week but Endrance wished to get there first to set up everything. Ovan wished for Naruto to get through the homecomming jitters as soon as possible and that was the major reason they had gone ahead. "Have you already sensed them Naruto-kun?" Endrance voiced. "Yeah, Anbu elite, they have been following us for the past five mintues" Naruto replied. "Are they spying on us or escorting us?" Alkaid asked, "They are most likely spying and waiting for a chance to take out Naruto however prehaps they are not" Endranced answered. It had been hours since they left and the sun had fallen bring night to the forest. The team stopped and set up camp, Haseo and Naruto setting up traps for enemies, Bo and Alkaid setting up tents, Endrance starting a fire. Naruto decided to take first watch, with his enhanced senses he could sense the anbu's presences easier then the other genin could. With Kyuubi enhancing his hearing and eye sight he could see and hear everything in the darkened forest. "We should attack him now, he's just a genin we can take him" one of them spoke. "What about the jonin instructor? won't he be a problem?" another asked. "Who cares, I say we kill them all and make it look like missing ninja did it, we can blame Itachi" a third spoke.

Naruto tenses, sensing the danger. "Not way I'm going to let them endanger my friends" Naruto voiced and ran from the campsite into the woods. Smirking the anbu went to search for him, they spilt up to cover more ground not knowing it would be a fatal mistake. Leaf Village... "Tsunade-sama we have just gotten a report of three anbu that have gone missing, they were last reported heading north away from the village!" Iruka voiced as he burst into the room. "Their going after Naruto! Get me Kakashi in here right now!" Tsunade shouted, seconds later kakashi poofed into the room. "Kakashi three anbu have gone rouge and maybe heading towards the twilight genin team to kill Naruto, you are to track and kill them now!" Forest... "Alright Kyuubi come on out and I'll make it quick and clean" the anbu ninja smirked as he slashed through some tall grass with his katana. From behind him ruby red eyes lit up, a duel sword sprang open and the painful cry of the anbu pierced the air. Hearing the scream the other two anbu rushed to the location to see a their commrad a bloody mess, three slash marks in the ground next to him in the shape of a disfigured triangle. "What the hell happened here?" one of them asked out loud. "Hey haven't we seen that sign before? it was on that guys hiate when him and his partners were attacked" the other voiced. Drawing their katana's they stood back to back, trying to find their prey, then they heard heavy breathing, almost growling sounds coming from all directions. "Where is he at? hey are you listening to..." the first one spoke turning around only to find his partner lying on the ground, a triple edged duel sword sticking out of his back. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He screamed, terrfied he began running, hoping to escape. He nearly made it back to the genin campsite when he felt a sharp pain in his legs. Two kunai had hit their marks, renerding his legs useless, a figure dressed in all red came out of the forest cover and dragged him back into the forest. "No please don't kill me I was just following orders!" he shouted. His second duel sword sprang open and he put it to the anbu's neck, "Please I'll tell you everything, EVERTHING!" The duel sword moved away slightly and the anbu began to relax. "My master Orochimaru commanded me to kill the kyuubi brat, he said he would be a hinder in his plans at the chunin exam" then anbu voiced. His duel sword closed shut and he walked away from the ninja much to his relief. Then he spotted a golden light coming from the direct the red clad stranger walked to, seconds later a huge blast of light hit him, rendering him unconcious. Several feet away Kakashi was wide eyed, this stranger had faught and killed three of his village elites in a matter of minutes and with very little effort. The figure had blueish green hair most of which was hidden by strange red hat. His outfit like his hat was also strange, a large collar with three belts wrapped around, hiding the lower part of his face. The entire outfit looked like it had been stitched together and those duel swords looked like the weapons a demon would wield.

The figure's eyes landed on kakashi making him nervous, the figure made his way towards him, weapons still closed. "Who are you?" Kakashi asked, still nervous. The figure walked closer till he was right in front of kakashi and leaned foreward, "Tri-Edge" his voice was harsh and cruel yet somehow soft and soothing at the same time. In a burst of blue fire he vainshed, in his place three slash marks in the gound in the shape of a disfigured triangle. Sub Chapter: Bridging the Gap So I've been asked alot of questions and some people have been banging their heads against desks to get the images out of their heads about Naruto having the bracelet so I'm going to explain the subjects of this story and the characters that will become clear in later chapters. The story is set around the mysterious Village Hidden in Twilight. Naruto ran away from his village at the age of ten at the request of Kyuubi and soon joined Twilight, meeting Ovan, Sakaki, Shino who he treated like his parents. Naruto began training in the forbidden Azure style in order to further his dream of surpassing Ovan. He lives with Sakakai, and is trained by both him and Shino the kage's assiant and head medic. He is friends with nearly everyone in his genin class and wields a set of duel swords that can't be mastered. Characters: Haseo - He is strangly similar to Sasuke, he is an avenger who wants to kill a certain man for doing something unforgivable in his past. What this man did and who he is I will not say but it was his anger towards this man that awakened his Avatar, Skeith the Terror of Death. His weapon of choice is a long black scythe that makes him feel like the bringer of death himself. He is the master of the reaper style and his techniques do not require hand signs. Bo - He is like Hinata, shy and timid until you threaten his friends. He wields a rune staff meant for combat rather then defense and is well versed in high level ninjutsu's. His best friend is Haseo and his biggest rival is Saku his twin sister. He doesn't really have much of a past and doesn't really like to commet on it either. He is capable of jonin level ninjutsu due to his high chakra reserves and has mastered all elemental styles. Saku - She is like Sakura, a crazed fan girl that worships Endrance the master of the arena. Like Bo she wields a rune staff and knows high level jutsu's, she's not really friends with Haseo but is with Naruto though they aren't that close. Alkaid - She is like Tenten and Temari, she is a strong willed person that believes in her skills with weapons. Her favorite are a pair of duel swords given to her from Haseo known as honeysuckle, Honey suckle repersents Devoted Affection in the eyes of lovers. She is close friends with naruto, often seeking him out for spars and duel wielder challanges around the village. Ovan - Current kage of Twilight Village. He is a very mysteroius and cunning person, he

wears a strange casket on his left arm to lock away a forbidden jutsu he used on himself. His weapon of choice is a steam gun for long and close rang combat. He is seen as a fatherly figure in the eyes of Naruto since he came to the village. Shino - Ovan's assistant, she is a medical ninja similar to Tsunade. She is a very loving and caring woman that treats Naruto like her own son. She wields a rune staff ment for healing and defense rather then offense. Naruto sees her as his mother and voices it by calling her mother every once in awhile since he is not used to it. Atoli - She's not really based on anyone, she's a medical genin that looks similar to Shino but them have no relation. She wields a rune staff for healing and defense a knows a few high chunin jutsu's. She has a crush on Haseo but refuses to make a move due to the relation that has developed between Haseo and Alkaid. She also is Sakaki's assiant and longs to be the leader of the Moon Tree Clan. Endrance - The ruler of Twilight Arena, a elite class jonin on the village and master and creater of the flower style jutsu's. His only love is for the arena and the small cat that is always with him, like Haseo he wields the power of an avatar. The Temptress Macha. He wields a short katana called Princess Thorn, a blade infused with the power of nature. He is cocky and has the skills to back up said cockyness until and avatar appears then he says shit and runs. Sakaki - another jonin of Twilight Village, he is care taker of Naruto as well as his personal trainer for several years. He is also the leader of the Moon Tree Clan and a major head of the village council. He wields a large broad sword and is capable of the death strike style. Pi - not much is known about Pi, she is a guantlet user because she likes getting her hands dirty rather then being a weak girl in battle. Tri-Edge - One of three S-class ninja that fled from Twilight Village and the only other person capable of Azure Style Jutsu. He wields duel swords similar to Naruto's and a strange bracelet that is capable os rendering its targets unconcious. He shows an intrest in Naruto and rescues him from being killed by Leaf Shinobi. Factions: Moon Tree - A very well known and powerful clan in Twilight Village. They are simialr to the Hyuga of the leaf but aren't as arrogant and willing to take others in and teach them their ways. Their leader is Sakaki Akatsuki - the group of S-class missing shinobi are in this story. They have a treaty with Twilight Village so they will not attack the village or anyone from the village unless ordered by their leader. Let's just say that Ovan and the leader of the Akatsuki have a very close friendship with each other and leave it at that. Twilight Village - A hidden ninja village that has known peace for nearly 100 years. It has rare bloodlines and even rarer forbidden jutsu's not known to anyone else. Since Ovan decided it was time to reconnect with the outside world he sends Naruto and his

team mates to the Chunin exam as a act of friendship to hidden leaf. They are the target of Orochimaru because they have forbidden jutsu's and not to mention the vessel of the Kyuubi no Kitsune. The village is also home to a rare power know as avatars, that only certain bloodlines can unlock, The two main ones being Endrance and Haseo. Hidden Leaf Village - A large ninja village that shunned Naruto for stupid reasons. They claim their village is like a family where everyone helps each other and yet at the same time they constantly attack one of their own. Naruto despises the village and so do all his friends and former friends back home. Avatars: Skeith, The Terror of Death A being capable of bringing death to all in its path, wields a large scythe similar to Haseo's and has a nasty temper. Born because of the rage in Haseo's heart for a certian man he hopes to kill. Azure Flame God A being made of azure fire capable of rendering anything in range to ash. Was born from Naruto when he faught to stop Skeith from killing Bo. Wields two duel swords much larger then Naruto's

Well I hope this has helped explain a few things to you and if you still have any questions then feel free to review and ask. Chapter Six: Operation Kitunse Apology!, Two Mysterious Figures appear! "Where am I?" Naruto asked as he opened his eyes, he was lying in the middle of the woods a few feet from the campsite. Endrance was standing over him concerned, "are you alright Naruto-kun? you gave us quite a scare disappearing like that" he voiced helping Naruto sit up. "What happened?" naruto asked, "that's what I want to know, I just found the bodies of three anbu class ninja in the forest" Endrance voiced. "I don't know, I can't remember anything" Naruto replied clutching his head. "Its alright naruto let's just get going we have to be at leaf village soon to set up" The group packed up and began traveling again, not aware they were being watched by a man with snake like eyes and pale skin, "You sure have made quite powerful a ally haven't you Naruto? Prehaps killing you is not in my best intrest at this time" he smiled. Leaf Village... Kakashi made his report to Tsunade, telling how this 'Tri-Edge" had taken out the three anbu and then scared the hell out of him from just speaking his name. "So this Tri-Edge is responsible for the attacks against the anbu a few months ago then?" she asked. "It appears so, the scars left at the scean match the one on the hiate we found. Also the last victim is in a coma similar to one from before" Kakashi voiced. "You say this person

only attacks those who seek to harm Naruto, could that be the reason why he didn't attack you?" Tsunade voiced sitting down at her desk. "Prehaps, he didn't do anything to me, it was almost like he didn't see me as a threat" Kakashi replied. "Regardless I want you to alert the anbu and warn the citizens, if indeed this Tri-Edge is protecting Naruto it is much more likely he will strike again should anyone try anything to harm Naruto while in the village or durning the exam" Tsunade voiced. Kakahsi left to alert the other jonin instructors and villagers, Tsunade sighed and took a sip of sake. "When did this become so complicated I'll never know" Training Grounds... "Tri-Edge?" Kiba asked in disbelief. "Yes Kiba, he is a very high class ninja that has been killing those who seek to do naruto harm. So far he has killed five elite anbu and put two others into coma's, it would be in everyone's best intrest if we leave Naruto alone during the exam" Kakashi voiced, his tone serious. "Fine we won't try anything to harm Naruto when he arrives" Sasuke voiced, obviously ticked off. "Whatever its not like naruto is going to let us get killed for messing with him or something right?" Kiba asked and silence went throughout the area, "right?" he asked again. "Don't take any chances, I would be no match against him, I don't even think Itachi could last very long against this ninja" Kakashi answered, Sasuke's blood boiled at the mention of his brother. Several feet away the three didn't notice a figure with silver hair breathing harshly, a moment later he was gone, white feathers were all that remained. Hyuga District... "Tri-Edge? who is he?" Hinata asked as she and Sakura stood infront of Kurenai Yuhi, Hinata's jonin instructor. "He is apparently a protector of Naruto since he only seems to kill those who want to harm him. Already we have lost seven elite ninja in a matter of months and with Naruto coming to the village is is likely that Tri-Edge will follow" she voiced concerned. "Well we're planning on welcoming him back with open arms instead of treating him like a tratior" Hinata smiled. "Naruto deserves so much better then what the village put him through and we want to try and make it up to him" Sakura added. "Just don't do anything foolish ok?" Kurenai smiled at the two girls. On a nearby building stood a figure with brownish hair and pupiless eyes, seconds later he was gone. Village Gates... "Finally we're here at this godforsaken village" naruto sneered. "Now Naruto put your hatred aside for a few moments to greet the hokage and then you can go right back to hating" Endrance lectured. "Fine sensei so who is watching me first?" Naruto asked. "Well I had picked Haseo but it seems he and Alkaid have already sprinted off, so I guess its you and Bo" he answered. "Let's go Naruto-niisan" Bo smiled taking naruto's hand. Walking into the village Bo and Naruto wandered, seeing the sites and mostly enjoying

the company of each other. Some of the villagers had taken notice of them however and sneered, "Vak Don!" Bo called and some small fire balls sent them running. Naruto laughed at Bo's childish ways against then nasty villagers, it reminded him of himself back then when he was the class clown. "I might just have to start pranking again huh Bo?" Naruto asked and instantly everyone around paled. Naruto before leaving was known as the prankster king of leaf for his dangerous and highly amusing antics. His greatest one being when every person in the village found all their clothing dyed pink and orange, Naruto laughed really hard that day at pink clad ninja's chasing him all over the village. "Those were the good old days" he sighed, "yeah you never pulled pranks at twilight village" Bo laughed. "Twilight Village?" a voice asked from behind, Naruto and Bo turned to see Hinata and Sakura standing there. "Hey Naruto" Sakura smiled slightly, "hello Naruto-kun" Hinata bowed. "Sakura, Hinata, nice to see you again" naruto grit his teeth and forced a weak smile to his face. "Listen Naruto I wanted to say how sorry I am for the way I used to treat you five years ago" Sakura voiced. "Tsunade told us about your burden and if we had known we would have helped you rather then push you away" she continued. "I'm sorry I never had the courage to help you Naruto-kun, I'm so sorry" Hinata cried. "So she told you huh? Well I'm glad you all feel guilty for your actions but you can't change the past. Come on Bo, let's go find the others" Naruto huffed walking away, Bo running to catch up. Hinata had tears streaming down her face and Sakura looked like she just lost her best friend when they felt a tap from behind. They turned to see a girl dressed just like Bo. "Sorry about his actions, he's felt alot of pain you now? I'll help you get him to be your friend again if you want?" Saku smiled. "Really? Well here's the mission" Sakura voiced explaining Operation Kitsune Apology to her. Naruto and Bo... "Naruto maybe you should forgive them, you can't really move on if you have loose ends to the past" Bo voiced. "I know Bo, I just can't believe they would accept me so easily after rejecting me my entire life" Naruto replied. "Time changes everything and everyone, it changed you didn't it?" Bo asked. "Yeah, I used to be the stupid blonde dobe of hidden leaf. Now I'm Naruto Uzumaki, Genin of Hidden Twilight" he smiled. "Come on Naruto, let's get something to eat, it won't belong before Saku and her team arrives" Bo smiled and the two made their way towards several food stands. Training Grounds... Saku was introduced to the rookies and helped give information on Naruto's likes and dislikes. "He hates ramen now?" Hinata asked, "yeah now he prefers anything else but ramen. He only ate it before because it was cheap and it was the only thing they would sell him" Saku huffed crossing her arms. The rookies hate for the village grew slightly and now they were even more digusted with their home. "Anything else Saku?" Kiba asked looking at the blonde. "Yeah he likes fox cubs!" she cheered. Hinata smiled at everyone, "that part won't be a problem" she winked. Naruto and Bo...

"I can't believe we had to pay double the price just to be served!" Naruto screamed before shoving some dango into his mouth. "No wonder you hated this place, I wouldn't be able to stand it" Bo voiced taking a bite of his ramen. "I should just destroy this place and everyone in it, I could do it with my avatar" naruto smiled. "No naruto, Endrance-sensei said never to use that power unless your in real life and death danger!" Bo exclaimed. "Alright, I won't use it, let's just hope haseo got that lesson too though" Haseo and Alkaid... Haseo and Alkaid were flirting as usual when they were confronted by a group of villagers. "Hey you! your with that kyuubi brat aren't you?" One of the villagers shouted. "What of it?" Haseo replied crossing his arms. "We don't want you here, we've had peace for five years and you bring that demon here with you? You should be killed for crimes against the leaf!" another villager shouted. "Whatever like you weak punks can do anything to us anyway" Alkaid smirked, hugging Haseo from behind. "Cocky little bitch!" a third shouted. Suddenly a huge and I mean freakishly huge amount of killer intent was in the air, Haseo was seething. Large amounts of black chakra were leaking out as he starred at the villagers. "NEVER CALL MY WOMAN A BITCH!" The villager able to duck just in the nick of time as Haseo's scythe was swung. They all screamed and started running away from the black armored clad genin. Moments later anbu and tsunade appeared. "what is the meaning of this? how dare you attack civillians of our village!" Tsunade shouted. "My, my isn't this a akward start isn't it Lady Hokage?" a soft yet deadly voice answered. Haseo turned around to see his village kage right behind him. "Ovan-sama" he bowed quickly, Alkaid following suit. "You are Ovan the kage of twilight village?" Tsunade asked. "Indeed and it seems your village does not treat visitors well, seeing how they provoked my genin with death threats to leave. I guess it was too soon after all to break tradition" Ovan sighed turning around. "Haseo, Alkaid, gather Endrance and your fellow genin, we shall be returning to the village" Ovan voiced. "Wait! As hokage I apologize for their actions!" Tsunade voiced hoping to be forgiven for her foolish villagers actions. "Oh, do you know the punishment for threatening a twilight shinobi in my village?" Ovan smirked. "I accept any punishment if it means fogiveness" Tsunade replied. Ovan pulled out his steam gun and out it point blank range to Tsunade's forehead. "The punishment is death" Seconds went by, the anbu and villagers around them were like statues as Ovan readied to pull the trigger. "hahahahah!" Ovan laughed and lowered the weapon. "Only a true leader would be willing to give their life for their people, you are indeed a excellent leader lady Tsunade" Ovan smiled. "You are forgiven but if this happens again twilight will leave the exams and I will not be held responsible for my genins actions should they be threaten again" Ovan voiced walking past the hokage and her anbu. "Ovan-sama is scary when it comes to the safety of his villagers huh?" Alkaid asked Haseo. "Yeah and don't forget about that

left arm of his, I heard Naruto barely survived it" Haseo replied.

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