Habits And Routines

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  • Words: 1,288
  • Pages: 33
Lecture 4 Habits and Routines

In this week’s lecture… • • • • • • • •

MORE presentations Reminder to check the course homepage!!! Quick review of last lecture “Do you ever..?” vs. “How often...?” Frequency adverbs Time expressions Partner interviews New vocabulary

Are you Hungry?!!!

New Vocabulary B.L.T. home fries ingredients home fries paddy broth junk food

yo dude cheapskate hit up Let’s hit up Kimbab Chunkuk.


check out Let’s check out a movie at Yawoori.

informal English formal English

student style Kimbab Chunkuk is student style.

cash treat

can’t stand I can’t stand rock music.

Ordering from a Menu

Dumplings or Pizza? Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete:

Are you hungry? Hungry? I’m starving. Do you like pizza? Pizza? No, not really. Do you like Chinese food? Yes, I do. I love Chinese food! Let’s have dumplings. Great idea! OK! Let’s go!

Different Kinds of Food

Eating in Style Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam:

Yo Sammy, want to go get some lunch? You hungry? … for sure! I’m so hungry I could eat a horse! Really?! Ok, ok… let’s hit up Kimbab Chunkuk. Oh man, that’s student style. I don’t want that. I can’t stand fast food!!! Hmmm… ok, what do you suggest then? I say, let’s check out Mainz. It’s just down the street from Yawoori. Isn’t it expensive though? A little bit. Hmmm… ok, but you better bring your cash. What?! Ya… didn’t you ask me to lunch? Yes, but… … then it’s your treat. Sounds fantastic! Oh man… you’re such a cheapskate. Dude, I’m a student. What do you expect?! Fair enough.

Question Intonation When we speak, our intonation is ALWAYS going up and done, but when we ask questions, when does it go up and down???

Do you like kimchi? YES/NO questions = intonation goes up at the end.

What is your favourite food? Other questions = intonation goes down at the end.

Now on to today’s lecture…

What activities do you like?

Smart Choice Focus: Vocabulary Practice, #1 & 2, page 24

What’s the difference?!

- Things like swimming and jogging are used to mean activities but are used like nouns. eg. I go swimming on Tuesdays. - Team sports or activities that use equipment, like balls or bats. - Other activities.

What do you do to keep fit? 1: 2: 3:

I go ________. I play _________. I do _________. (Repeat…)

Smart Choice Focus: Vocabulary Practice, #3, page 24

Smart Choice Focus: Conversation, page 25

Keeping Fit Jeff: What do you do to keep fit? Lisa: I go swimming, or I do yoga. Jeff: How often do you do that? Lisa: Every morning. I love it! Jeff: Wow! And how often do you go to the gym? Lisa: Ugh! I never go to the gym. I hate it. It’s too crowded. Jeff: I see. Lisa: And what about you? What do you do to keep fit? Jeff: I usually go to the gym after work, and I play tennis about twice a week.

Keeping Fit Jeff: What do you do to keep fit? Lisa: I go swimming, or I do yoga. Jeff: How often do you do that? Lisa: Every morning. I love it! Jeff: Wow! And how often do you go to the gym? Lisa: Ugh! I never go to the gym. I hate it. It’s too crowded. Jeff: I see. Lisa: And what about you? What do you do to keep fit? Jeff: I usually go to the gym after work, and I play tennis about twice a week.

Frequency Adverbs X________X_________________X_________X 0% 25 50 75 100 never sometimes usually always

Do you ever ….?

How to use Frequency adverbs In affirmative (+) statements Frequency adverbs are used … … after the verb be Valdi is always hungry. Brittney is usually smiling. The students are often late for class. We are always getting homework. … before other verbs Jack always eats at school. Mickey never drinks milk. I often watch English movies.

In negative (-) statements We put most frequently adverbs… … after or before be + not They usually aren’t home. They aren’t usually home. … before do + not I sometimes don’t do my homework. … and always comes after be + not or do + not. I’m not always late. I don’t always eat rice.

BUT… sometimes and usually can also be used at the beginning or the end of a sentence. Sometimes I go to school early. Usually I play soccer. Do you go swimming usually?

In questions Frequency adverbs are used after the subject. (Subject = who/what we are talking about) Is your sister always crying? Do you sometimes go bowling? What do you usually do on Fridays?

Time Expressions Thurs

(day/week/month/year) Mon. Tues. Wed. .




once a week








twice a week








three times a week








four times a week








five times a week








six times a week








every day








every other day








How to use Time Expressions We usually use time expressions at the end of a sentence. I go jogging three times a week. Joe eats rice every day. We go shopping every other day. She watches a movie once a week.

Do you ever… How often do you… Do you ever…? - Frequency adverb never sometimes usually always How often…? - Time expression (day/week/month/year)

once a week twice a week three times a week four times a week five times a week six times a week every day every other day

… go swimming? … go clean your bedroom? … go to the gym? … go mountain climbing? … go to a club? … go to the movies?

Smart Choice Focus: Language Practice, page 26

Interview #1 A: Oh, sir? Sir? Can I ask you just a couple of questions? B: Why not? Ask me anything. A: OK. Well… what is your name, and how old are you? B: I’m Bobby and I’m…. uh, 29. Yeah, that’s it. I’m 29 years old. A: Really? B: Well, no, not really. I’m 39. A: Thirty-nine, wow. And how do you keep fit? B: Well, I don’t really exercise. I usually watch a ton of movies but I watch what I eat. I sometimes go golfing, too. Is golfing exercise? A: Oh sure. How often do you go golfing? B: Every Wednesday. A: Great, thanks.

Interview #2 A: Hey, everyone! We’re downtown today to ask people: How do you keep fit? OK, here’s someone. Hi! Can I interview you? B: Hmmm… I’m kind of busy. A: No worries, this won’t take long. B: … I guess so, go ahead. A: Cool. First, what’s your name, and how old are you? B: My name’s Jeff, and I’m 25. I’m a designer. A: And what do you do to keep fit? B: Well, I’m super busy and really don’t have much time but I try really hard to go jogging every morning. A: Every morning?! B: Yes, sir. It’s tough though. I can’t stand mornings but health is important to me. A: OK, thanks.

Interview #3 A: Excuse me! Hi there, can I ask you a some questions? B: ____________________. A: OK, great. This interview will be very short. B: _________________. A: Cool. First, what’s your name, and how old are you? B: _________________________ A: And what do you do to keep fit? B: ______________________ A: How often do you ___________? B: _____________________________________________ A: OK, thanks.

Key Vocabulary/Phrases keep fit cycling crowded martial arts aerobics watch your weight a ton

once twice

frequency adverbs time expressions


subject verb noun adverb

This Week’s Homework Smart Choice: page 21 (#1-3), 22 (#4), 23 (#7-8), & 24 (#1-2)

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