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  • Words: 1,249
  • Pages: 21

HAARP PREPARED BY T.E. COMPUTERS SEM V YEAR 2008-09 SUBMITTED BY: 1. Aniruddh Paralikar(22) 4.Pooja Ghodke 2. Sandeep Bagul(90) 5.Sheetal Shelke 3. Priyanka Bagul (16) 6.Harshada Mane(27)

MGM COLLEGE OF ENGG. AND TECH. NAVI MUMBAI CERTIFCATE Certified that this project is submitted by: 1. Aniruddh Paralikar 2.Sandeep Bagul 3. Priyanka Bagul

4.Pooja Ghodke 5.Sheetal Shelke 6.Harshada Mane

Students of TE Computers as partial fulfillment of course in Engg. as prescribed by University of Mumbai for Academic Year 2008-09. As we have been instructed for the said work form time to time and found work was satisfactorily progressive. And said work is accessed and satisfied for the level of course.





ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We take the oppurtunity to express our profound gratitude to management for giving us the oppurtunity and facilities to accomplish our project work.In the completion of our project we are thankful to our project guide and the head of department who offered us the genuine guidance, sincere, valuable suggestions and continuous encouragement along with improvisation throughout the project.Without his inspiration and support we would not have assimilated so much and completion of this project would have been difficult task. Last but not the least we would like to thank our teachers and lab assistants of our department who directly or indirectly helped in completion of our project.

PREFACE Our Earth is surrounded by lots of unknown phenomenas. To study such phenomenas with scientific findings, we do research. HAARP is a research site that deals with such phenomenas. HAARP studies our ionosphere where no satellite or weather balloons reach. It caputres its movements right from Earth surface. This reaserch not only involves Ionospheric movements but also deals with other phenomenas occuring at Earth Poles regarding Auroral lights. HAARP is one of the finest research project ever done. Right from site of construction to the calculations. It also keeps online records of its observation, on its official website. This document contains the complete information about the HAARP project.

CONTENTS  HAARP Site  HAARP Research  HAARP Objectives  Critics on HAARP HAARP Supporters Conclusion

HAARP High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

 DEFINITION: The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an investigation project to "understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems.

Started in 1993, the project is proposed to last for a period of twenty years. The project is jointly funded by the United States Air Force, the Navy, the University of Alaska and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The system was designed and built by Advanced Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI) and since 2003, by BAE Systems Inc.

Aerial view of the HAARP site

 About HAARP Site: •The project site is situated in northen part of Alaska known as Gakona. • An environmental impact statement led to permission for an array of up to 180 antennas to be erected. •The HAARP site has been constructed in three distinct phases Developmental Prototype (DP) Filled Developmental Prototype (FDP) Final IRI (FIRI) • The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI) is the primary instrument at HAARP, which is a highfrequency (HF) transmitter system used to temporarily modify the ionosphere. •The HAARP IRI is an ionospheric heater, one of many around the world. It is comparable in function and power to most of them

> Ionospheric heating facilities

Current facilities The United States has three ionospheric heating facilities: the HAARP, the HIPAS, near Fairbanks, Alaska, and (currently offline for modifications) one at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT) operates an ionospheric heating facility, capable of transmitting over 1 GW [5] (1,000,000,000 watts) effective radiated power (ERP), near Tromsø in Norway. Russia has the Sura ionospheric heating facility that transmitts 190 MW. Diagnostic instrumentation •VHF radar •UHF radar •Digisonde •HF receivers •Fluxgate magnetometer •Induction magnetometer

 About HAARP Research:

• Ionosphere shows large variation in diurnal, sesonal, year to year changes. •Becomes more complicated at Earth Poles, showing auroral lights.

• Auroral Lights: o They are Effects caused due to changes of EM Field at Earth Poles. o They move very fast and are hard to capture.

Research at the HAARP includes: •Ionospheric heating •Plasma line observations •Stimulated electron emission observations •Gyro-frequency heating research •Spread F observations •Heating induced scintillation observations •VLF and ELF generation observations •Radio observations of meteors •Extraterrestrial HF radar echos: the Lunar Echo experiment (19 th Jan 2008). One hour cycle : Transmission 2 sec

Reception 3sec

•Polar mesospheric summer echoes: Anamalous radar echos found in polar latitudes from May to August between 80-90 Kms.

•Airglow observations:

Caused due to scattering of light. Showing illuminated Eart Horizon

Some of the main scientific findings from HAARP include: •Generation of very low frequency by modulated heating of the auroral electrojet, useful because generating VLF waves ordinarily requires gigantic antennas. •Production of weak luminous glow (below what you can see with your eye, but measurable) from absorption of HAARP's signal. •Production of ultra low frequency waves in the 0.1 Hz range, which are next to impossible to produce any other way. •Generation of whistler-mode vlf signals which enter the magnetosphere, and propagate to the other hemisphere, interacting with Van Allen radiation belt particles along the way. •VLF remote sensing of the heated ionosphere.

 Stated Objectives of HAARP: •The HAARP project aims to direct a 3.6 MW signal (pulsed or continuous) into the ionosphere. • Effect of transmission and any recovery period will be examined using radars. • Improvement in reliability and performance of communication in cvilian and military sectors. •Universities invloved in research are Alaska, Penn State, Boston college, MIT, etc. •This may lead to improved methods for submarine communication and terrestrial mineral sources. •It offers annual open days to permit general public to make their project crystal clear. •It holds summer schools for visiting students and give them oppurtunities to do research in HAARP.

 HAARP Critics: •Weapon •Became the subject of controversy in the mid-1990s, following claims that the antennas could be used as a weapon. •HAARP could be seeking ways to destroy or disable enemy spacecraft or disrupt communications over large portions of the planet. •Bernard Eastlund, a physicist who developed some of the concepts behind the HAARP in the 1980s stated that HAARP could be used to disable missiles and knockout enemy satellite communication. •It is a controversy that HAARP was used in triggering earthquake in China.

•Russian Parliament: •The Duma published a critical report on the HAARP written by the international affairs and defense committees, signed by 90 deputies and presented to then President Vladimir Putin. •The report claimed that U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves. • Russia owns and operates an ionospheric heater system as powerful as the HAARP, called 'Sura,' which is located roughly 150 km from the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

•HAARP's supporters: •For instance, HAARP generates 3.6 megawatts (MW) of power which is considered a very small percentage of the energy compared to all of the energy constantly injected into the Earth, and the ionosphere, by the sun. •Furthermore, supporters of HAARP argue that its activities have been, since its establishment, extremely open. • All activities are logged and publicly available. •Scientists without security clearances, even foreign nationals, are routinely allowed on site. •The HAARP facility regularly hosts open houses, during which time any civilian may tour the entire facility.

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