Ha Shem

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Ha Shem

Johann D Möller


Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning : The Name) A basic study of what Scripture teaches about the Name of the Almighty and that of His Son, our Saviour and Redeemer, who came in His Father’s Name.

The Riddle

? Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name, If you know it? (Proverbs 30:4 The Scriptures)

The Answer Revealed

YaHUaH (The Father)

YaHUShA (The Son)


Ha Shem

Johann D Möller

Contact Details E-mail : [email protected] Mobile : 27 82 930 7195

Copyright © Johann D Möller, 2007


Index Foreword Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24

Introduction................................................................8 What is a Name?........................................................11 The “Word” and Name Synonymous ........................13 The “Word” of Eloah (Elohim).................................15 Walking in His Name 21 His Name, Restored Truth 24 How Important is a Name, After All?.......................26 For His Name’s Sake................................................30 Adonai and Ba’al......................................................34 The Name in the Psalms...........................................38 The Name in the Old Covenant................................42 The Name in the New Covenant..............................47 Translating a Name...................................................51 The Ten Virgins and the Name.................................56 His Name and Protection..........................................62 Tampering with Scripture.........................................66 Persecution for His Name’s Sake.............................70 Paul (Sha’ul) and the Name.....................................73 The Anointing and His Name...................................77 His Name in the Blood Covenant.............................80 The Central Theme of Scripture...............................83 Focus of the Enemy’s Attack....................................85 Bless in His Name....................................................88 His name and Healing..............................................90


Foreword It is of utmost importance for every believer to understand that the awesome Being who demands our worship has only ONE Name. Because we are finite creatures, we can only know that which this PERSON reveals about Himself. In the Scriptures (Bible) He has very clearly revealed His Name to us. This book is a Scriptural study of this revealed personal or memorial Name of the Creator of the universe. Believers should know and embrace the Name of the heavenly Bridegroom (YeshaYahu Isaiah 54:5) in the sense that a wife knows and embraces the name of her husband. In nearly every culture today, when a marriage takes place, the woman adopts her husband’s name and it becomes her own. But apart from this essential embracing, it is also important for every believer to grow in the knowledge of the extreme significance of the Name in every area of our daily faith walk in terms of practically applying this powerful Anointing. (Song. 1:3 & YeshaYahu 10:27) Within Church circles in recent decades many books have been published on the subject of THE NAMES OF GOD. This is an unfortunate title for there is not the slightest intimation in the Word that the Creator has many names. Not once does Scripture refer to the Names (plural) of the Creator, but literally hundreds of verses refer to His Name (singular). These books have caused untold confusion amongst ordinary believers in that they are in actual fact studies of the numerous titles of the Almighty that are found in the pages of Scripture. Because of this many Christians are under the impression that the Creator has numerous names. This wrong teaching has had the effect of “hiding” the ONE true Name and its significance in a believer’s faith walk. Amongst humans there is a distinct difference between names and titles. In Scripture we also see that the Almighty has made a clear distinction between His ONE Name and His many descriptive titles. In this study the reader will notice that the familiar titles that are used in our English translations, i.e. LORD and God, are avoided, and are only used sparingly in brackets to explain the unfamiliar titles that are used in the Hebrew Scriptures when referring to the Almighty. The reason for the avoidance of these familiar titles is that they are of doubtful origin. Etymological research shows that these “translated” titles were in fact the names of pagan deities before being adopted by the Christian Faith as titles to be used when referring to the Almighty. The acceptance of these pagan-contaminated titles by the Church fathers has had the effect of “sanctifying” them amongst the laity. The truth is that anything pagan especially the names of pagan deities cannot be sanctified by man if the Scriptures strictly forbid believers to even speak these names. (Shemot - Exodus 23:13) Translations of the Titles: The Hebrew word that was “translated” as God in our “Bibles” is Elohim (the plural form of El or Eloah meaning Mighty One). This same title is also used in the Hebrew Scriptures to refer to false mighty ones (gods - elohim), and to men of renown. Therefore an accurate translation of this title when referring to the Creator would be: The Mighty One or Almighty. GoD or GaD (formed from the Hebrew characters Gimel-G and Dalet-D) is also the personal name of a pagan deity referred to as Ba’al Gad in the Scriptures! (Josh. 11:17, 12:7, 13:5) Amazingly our translations transliterate this correctly when referring to this demonic deity, but then lose their credibility when they “translate” the Name and Title of the Creator (YaHUaH Eloah) as LORD God = Ba’al Gad! The Hebrew word that was “translated” as Lord in our Bibles is Adonai. Lord is also a direct translation of the Hebrew word Ba’al, (see Strong’s Hebrew 1168) which is also the proper name of the sun deity of the Zidonians. (1 Kings 16:31) Ba’al was therefore a pagan mighty one - “god”. During the reign of Ahab, the official religion of Israel was Ba’al worship. They therefore worshipped the Ba’al mighty one or translated, the Lord God!! A “cleaner” translation of Adonai is either of the titles, Master or Sovereign. Translation of the NAME: In the Hebrew Scriptures the personal Name of the heavenly Father consists of the four characters: Y H V H (Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey), referred to by scholars as the Tetragrammaton. In the Hebrew alefbet (alphabet) these three characters function as vowels. The Jewish 5

historian Josephus made the following statement regarding the Tetragrammaton: “A mitre also of fine linen encompassed his head, which was tied by a blue riband, about which there was another golden crown, in which was graven the sacred Name {of the Almighty}. It consists of four vowels.” Weingreen (Oxford University Press, 1959) says: “However, LONG BEFORE the introduction of vowel-signs it was felt that the main vowel-sounds should be indicated in writing, and so the three letters Y V H (yothe, waw, hay) were used to represent long vowels...” (pages 7-8) Other scholarly works that verify this fact are, A Beginner’s Handbook to Biblical Hebrew, Marks and Rogers, Abingdon Press, 1958, p.7; How the Hebrew Language Grew, Horowitz, KTAV Publishing, 1960, pp.333-334. This is the reason why the Tetragrammaton is transliterated into English as YHWH. When writing the Tetragrammaton, my personal preference is to highlight the four Hebrew vowels by displaying them on the printed page in capitals, thus - YaHUaH. (Pronounced Yahoo-ah) Transliteration is carrying over the same pronunciation using the alphabet of the other language. That is why I use the “U” instead of the “W”. Writing it as YaHWaH will make people say “Wah” at the end of the Name instead of the more accurate “Oo-ah”. “The Yod is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alefbet and has the vowel sound of a long I (pronounced like a long E as in the word machine). The H (Hay) has the vowel sound of a long A, (aw or ah). The W (waw) has the vowel sound of a long U. The H (Hay) standing at the end of a masculine name has the vowel sound of a short E. The Hebrew long A sound (pronounced aw) is a feminine ending at the end of a name. Now if we combine these letters we have the English word in the letters I A U E. Pronounce them slowly and then rapidly.You will discover you are saying YAHWEH!” The Memorial Name YAHWEH. By Jacob O. Meyer. 1987 Assemblies of Yahweh. P.83. The custom throughout the world is that proper names of persons are always transliterated into other languages as opposed to being translated. Transliteration is the act of carrying over a name into another language so that the same pronunciation is retained in both languages. It is therefore most unfortunate that this same custom of transliterating a name was ignored when it came to the most important Name in existence - that of the Creator, YaHUaH. Many English translations have opted to “translate” the Tetragrammaton as LORD, using uppercase for all the letters to distinguish it from Adonai, also translated as Lord. In the Preface of most translations it is admitted that this practice is a tradition. Most modern translations have dispensed with making a distinction between the Name and the title through the use of all upper-case letters (LORD) when the Name appears in the original Scriptures. The following is an extract from the Preface of the NIV Study Bible: In regard to the divine name YHWH, commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the device used in most English versions of rendering that name as “LORD” in capital letters to distinguish it from Adonai, another Hebrew word rendered “Lord,” for which small letters are used. Wherever the two names stand together in the Old Testament as a compound name of God, they are rendered as “Sovereign LORD.” Like all translations of the Bible, made as they are by imperfect man, this one undoubtedly falls short of its goals... The Committee on Bible Translation. June 1978 (Revised August 1983) Here the Committee on Bible Translation of the New International Version admit that all translations are made by imperfect man, and thus falls short... So there is no doubt that this is the reason why the majority of ordinary readers of Scripture are ignorant of the Name YaHUaH. But in these last days in which we’re living, our merciful heavenly Father is, by His Spirit, restoring this as well as many other lost truths. In this study we will be looking at what the Scriptures have to say about the importance of the Covenant Name of the Creator of the universe, in the lives of all who are “called by His Name.” 6

If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now Mine eyes shall be open, and Mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that My Name may be there forever: and Mine eyes and Mine heart shall be there perpetually”. (2 Chronicles 7:14-16 KJV) Read these words in the context of the Renewed (New) Covenant, in which the house (temple) of YaHUaH is the Body of believers, both corporate and individual. (John 14:23, 1 Cor.3:16 & 6:19) May you be blessed as you read this study. But realize that what you are reading is also the writings and interpretation of an imperfect man. No doubt there will be aspects that fall short of perfect truth due to limited understanding at this time. However, every student of the Scriptures, including myself, should be open to Scriptural revelation by the Spirit of Truth. Johann Möller 10th Month, 2004


Chapter 1 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Introduction: And for this reason I have raised you up, (Pharaoh) in order to show you My power, and in order to declare My Name in all the earth. (Shemot - Exodus 9:16) YaHUaH knows that I am somewhat reluctant to introduce this series of articles on His authentic Name. The only reason why I am doing so is because I believe with all my heart that the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit has instructed me to. Since becoming a regular contributor on Themestream, (a Christian writers website) I have been satisfied to use the Father’s Name - YaHUaH, and the Son’s Name - YaHUShA in all of my articles. Because this is unusual in Christian writing I have always placed the English name - Jesus - in brackets whenever I had occasion to use the Name - YaHUShA. As a result of this I have received several comments, none of them negative. One reader out of curiosity e-mailed me to ask whether I was a Jewish Christian (Messianic), as it was unusual for gentile believers to refer to the Messiah by His Hebrew Name. It is amazing that Messianic Jews have an organization called, “Jews for Jesus”, but Christianity does not have an organization called, “Christians for Yahusha”. Sometimes I wonder whether the reason why it is so difficult to evangelize Jews is because Christianity has adopted a Greek/Latin hybrid name for the Messiah which does not even have the meaning, “Saviour” - let alone “Yahu is Salvation” which is the true meaning of Messiah’s Name. Shortly after His NAME and its significance in our Christian walk became a revelation to me, the Father impressed upon me that He expected me to be obedient to the truth I was receiving. He told me that I was to start using His real Name in all my preaching, teaching and writing. This was not something I was prepared to do, and as a result I lay awake many nights wrestling with Him over this matter. One of my squabbles with YaHUShA went something like this: “Lord, the name Jesus is precious to me.” “I know that Johann.” “But Lord, I was saved in the name of Jesus.” “Yes Johann, I know that.” “But You don’t understand Lord, Many miracles have happened in my life because of the name Jesus.” “Johann, I know that as well.” “But Lord, what will people think of me.” “JOHANN! ARE YOU ASHAMED OF MY NAME?” “No Lord but...” “JOHANN! I am not ashamed of your name.” This was a very real conversation one evening while I was having my personal quiet time. In my spirit I “heard” an audible voice, although my wife who was sitting next to me was not aware of what was happening. The point is that not once in that short conversation did I use His real Name, but He lovingly used mine five times. Forgive me YaHUShA for unthinkingly grieving You so often. Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I deny before my Father which is in heaven. (Mat. 10:32 & 33) Is it possible to confess someone before men without using their name? Can a person be properly identified without mentioning their name? With shock I realized that YaHUShA was not ashamed of my name. Yet I was ashamed of His real Name. My Saviour had 8

respect for my name, and I was not even willing to respectfully use His own Name with reverence and love, before others. Because the significance of His Name was genuine ignorance on my part, in His mercy, love and grace, by His Spirit, He came to me in this way in order to dispel my ignorance and so to bring me into a closer relationship with Him. Needless to say, I repented and told my Master that I was willing to start using His real Name - the Name above all names, no matter what the consequences to me. So I took the plunge and immediately started using the authentic Hebrew Name of the Father and that of the Son whenever I taught from the Scriptures. Because this was obviously new to the Church in general, I had to explain myself by teaching on the Name itself. It has not been an easy road. Some people receive the revelation with gladness and run with it, while others absolutely refuse to even listen and would sneeringly refer to; “That name business”. Sadly, the latter group is the majority. I have sought the council of other believing men regarding this teaching. One of them Henry Jackson, (Author and Bible Teacher) whom I hold in high esteem had this to say: Firstly, then, the teaching of the NAME. I have given considerable thought to this, though admittedly I have not yet studied it to very great depth. I am in the process of marking every occurrence of the NAME or reference to it in my Bible. In my spirit I have no doubt whatsoever that the teaching is absolutely sound. It does not contradict any other principle or doctrine of the Scripture - rather it enhances our understanding of God. Consequently I am in total agreement with the teaching, and desire to learn and understand more. But, secondly, the introduction of this doctrine into a Christian church, which is so strongly entrenched in a different train of thought, poses a major problem. And it is this problem that I want to address. I do not really have the full answer to this - I believe that only God can answer this problem. In fact it is God’s problem, not ours, and I am so glad about that. I therefore rest in Him. The mark of a doctrine which is being introduced by the Holy Spirit, is that He introduces it all over the world, and you cannot stop it. From what I see I believe this doctrine of the NAME (if I may call it that) carries that mark. Another Christian leader in whose church this teaching was taking hold, made the following statement during the Sunday morning service: There is a teaching doing the rounds about the Name of God. I just want to say that my Bible says that God’s name is “Father” and His Son’s name is “Jesus Christ.” As far as I am concerned this subject is now closed, and I don’t want to hear any more feedback in this regard. So it seems as though the NAME is dividing Christianity into two distinct camps. The question is; Is this a truth which is being restored to the Body of Messiah by the Set-apart Spirit, or is it just a pet doctrine a few have gotten hold of? I personally have no doubt that YaHUaH is bringing back the knowledge of His Name throughout the whole world, in these last days. If this is the case, then there is another question that needs to be seriously considered. If this important truth has been revealed to us, are we to just sit back and leave Him to it? Or are we responsible to preach the Word - in season, out of season? - 2 Tim.4:2 (See the chapter entitled, Is the Word of Eloah and His Name Synonymous?) Must we withhold the truth for the sake of unity? I am so glad that Martin Luther did not suppress the revelation he had of Justification by faith, for the sake of unity. As believers we are exhorted to: Prove (examine) all things, and hold fast to that which is good. (1 Thes. 5:21) Therefore as leaders I believe it is our responsibility to closely investigate this doctrine of which the Word of YaHUaH has so much to say. Having personally made a relatively deep study of this subject, I would go so far as to say that The NAME is the central theme of Scripture. There are more specific references to the Name in Scripture than there are to other great doctrines such as the Blood, Grace, Faith and Love. Yet this principle doctrine has not only been greatly neglected by the Church, but it is also the one theme that seems to provoke extreme resistance within the Body of 9

Messiah. Why? Why should YaHUaH’s real Name have this effect amongst His own people? In the text quoted above, we are told to hold fast to that which is good. Well, what is good? A good name is better than precious ointment. (Eccl.7:1) Wouldn’t you agree that the best Name in existence - the Name that not only contains the most good, but is also everything that is good, is the Personal Name of the ONE True Mighty One - YaHUaH? I conclude this introduction with the following thoughts. The Creator has only ONE Memorial Name. Words such as Yireh, (Jirah) Rapha, Shalom, El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai etc. are not His names as so many Christian writers teach. They are attributes of or titles pertaining to His Name and therefore to Him. I am a father, husband, pastor, writer, teacher, mister etc., but none of these are my names. I have only one name which identifies me and which is used on all legal documents pertaining to me. (To understand the importance of a name as regards identification, see the chapter entitled, What is A Name?) YeshaYahu (Isaiah) says; And His Name (singular) shall be called: Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty Eloah (God), the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (Is.9:6) Clearly Scripture is teaching that within His One Name - YaHUaH, each one of these attributes is hidden. His Name (YaHUaH) shall be called, or contain all these wonderful characteristics. “Wonderful” is not His Name, but His Name -YaHUaH is wonderful! “The Mighty El” is not His Name, but YaHUaH is the Mighty El. One of the attributes of our Saviour YaHUShA’s Name is Emmanuel, which means “Eloah with us.” (Is.7:14) The Name - YaHUShA - literally means; “YAH is our Salvation”, in other words: YaHUaH is with us in the Person of YaHUShA. Emmanuel, precious attribute and description of His Name that it is, is not the Messiah’s personal Name. There is no record in the New Testament of anyone ever calling YaHUShA, Emmanuel.


Chapter 2 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) What is a Name?: A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. (Proverbs 22:1) And they said unto him, From a very far country your servants have come because of the Name of YaHUaH your Eloah: for we have heard the fame of Him, and all that He did in Egypt. (Joshua 9:9) Let his (the wicked and deceitful) posterity be cut off, and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. (Psalm 109:13)

A Name as Identification: A name is important because it is the basis or foundation of identification. Nothing can be identified without putting a name to it. It is a thing’s name, which gives it identity. I was thinking about this in the car one day as we were motoring along the highway. “Look at all those things.” I said to my wife, pointing out of the window. “What things?” There was nothing unusual on the side of the highway, just the usual grass and trees and fence posts. “All those things.” I said again. “Well, I don’t see anything.” she said with a puzzled look on her face. “Don’t you see all the grass?” I said laughing. This may be a silly example, but it is a good illustration of the point I am trying to make. It is impossible to identify anything without naming it. My wife did not know what I was referring to until I said, “grass”. A person or a thing needs a name in order to be identified. It is impossible to identify a person without putting a name to him or her. When a body in the mortuary is given a wrong name, it has in actual fact not been correctly identified. That personal pronoun which is termed a person’s proper name, is absolutely essential for identification purposes. This proper name is also a legal requirement in virtually every country in the world. In almost every society today parents are required by law to register their offspring. Each individual person born of a woman has to be registered. It is impossible to register a newborn baby without giving it a name first. That new little person’s personal name is what will be written on that REGISTER OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS, and will remain that person’s legal identity throughout his/her life, unless legally changed by that person or his/her legal guardian. A person’s name relates him/her first of all to gender, then to a family, then to an ethnic group, then to a nation. Ultimately a person’s name relates him/her to the Creator - if it (the proper name) has been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Our names are most important to us, not only in this life, but in eternity as well. Each person will spend eternity either with the Almighty or without Him. It will depend entirely on whether he/she is identified by name in heaven’s Register of (new) Births - the Lamb’s Book of Life. (Phil. 4:3, Rev.3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12 & 15, 21:27, 22:19) When for some reason a person does not wish his true identity to be known, he will adopt for himself a nom de plume. This is an assumed or “other” name and if used on any legal document such as a Passport or Marriage Certificate, it would be regarded as an illegal 11

act and would be constituted as fraud. A nom de plume or a pseudonym serves the purpose of pointing people away from the true identity of the person using it. This “other” name, however, does not change the essential character of the person who has adopted it, but it does mislead others as to who the person really is. In other words it is a form of subtle deception. One thing that the Scriptures clearly teach is that there is NO deceit in the Creator. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Mal.3:6 & Heb. 13:8) Therefore it is inconceivable that He would sanction the use of any other name to be used in referring to Him apart from the Name that He personally revealed as being YaHUaH. Anyone who takes Scripture seriously will understand that this is the Name that He wants to be remembered by in every generation. ...this is My Name forever, and this is My memorial unto all generations. (Exodus 3:15b) Your Name, O YaHUaH endures forever, and Your memorial, O YaHUaH, throughout all generations. (Psalm 135:13)

Intimacy: When two people use each other’s personal or memorial names, the implication is that they know each other on a personal basis. It is possible for me to know a person without knowing his name. But there can be no depth of intimacy between two people without them knowing each other’s names. Physical intimacy between a man and a woman is wrong and sinful unless each has taken the other’s name as part of their own. A man and woman can only be husband and wife when they are in covenant relationship with each other through joining their names in the sight of YaHUaH. In essence that is what the marriage ceremony is all about. It is the joining together of two people through the joining together of their names. It is of utmost bad taste and unmannerly, when calling a person that you know: “Hey you”. When you’ve been introduced to someone, but have forgotten their name, don’t you feel extremely embarrassed when you meet them again and they greet you by your name, but all you can say is a sheepish “Hello”. It shows that even though they considered you important enough to remember your name, (and you felt good about it) you did not regard them as being worth remembering. It will be difficult for you, without great effort on your part to develop a real friendship with that person. That is exactly what happened to us in our relationship with YaHUaH. He knows each one of us by our names. In fact He has called us by our names. But now thus saith YaHUaH that created thee, O Jacob, and He that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art Mine, (Isaiah 43:1 KJV with the Name restored) Yet, even though He called us by our names and introduced Himself by His Name, and then continued throughout Scripture to refer to Himself by His Name, somehow most of us feel uncomfortable to use His real Name. When someone during free worship, unashamedly uses His authentic Name when singing praises to Him, most of us are decidedly uneasy and even squirm with embarrassment for that person. I know this is true because I often experienced shame on behalf of a person who was singing praises to and giving esteem to our Father by His Name. Now I am ashamed of myself for having felt this way. I realize now that I was actually ashamed of His Name. In fairness, I should say that the reason why we have lost confidence in speaking our heavenly Father’s Name with boldness and at the same time with reverence and love, is because His Name has been removed from most translations of Scripture and replaced with the title: LORD. Although He is King of kings, we (His children) have lost a certain amount of intimacy with Him because we are not on first-name terms with Him. We are very good at coming up with all sorts of unscriptural arguments as to why we should not use His Name, in spite of Him giving us a vast amount of evidence on just about every page of Scripture exhorting us to make use of this most precious Name. The NAME is the Source of everything we are and have in Him.


Chapter 3 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Is the Word of Eloah and His Name Synonymous?: I bow myself toward Your set-apart hekal (temple), and give thanks to Your Name for Your kindness and for Your Truth. For You have made great Your Word, Your Name, above all. (Psalm 138:2 The Scriptures) When the Set-apart Spirit, (Ruach ha Qodesh) through the Scriptures, was beginning to open my understanding in a small way as to the tremendous treasure that was hidden away in our Father’s Name, I immediately started sharing it. Many people with whom I shared it became as excited as I was, but there were also those who absolutely refused to even consider examining with an open mind what the Scriptures taught on the Name. One leader said to me; “Surely we are beyond this doctrine business.” Another said with disdain; “Stop confusing people with this name business, it’s not important.” Because of this, and not wanting to cause dissension amongst believers, I sincerely sought Father in this regard and asked Him for understanding and wisdom as to what Scripture taught on His name. (Proverbs 2:1-6)

The Vision: Very early one morning in meditation, I saw a vision of an extremely large three-legged pot, which was full of soup. By His Spirit I had the distinct impression that YaHUaH said to me that the soup represented the nutritious Word - His Scripture, every single word of which was anointed. Then the soup started boiling and eventually it had all evaporated leaving a concentrated essence in the bottom of the pot. When I looked closely at that concentrate I saw that it was a single Word, the four Hebrew characters of the Tetragrammaton - YHWH (Yod, Hey, Waw and Hey), that make up the personal Name YaHUaH. Then I “heard” these words; “All of Scripture can be boiled down to My Name.”

The Dream: About a week after this, a sister in the faith with whom I had not shared the vision told me that she had had a dream about me. In the dream she saw a large three-legged pot with a lid on it. I was standing next to the pot and trying to look into it, but someone whom she did not recognize was holding the lid down to prevent me from looking inside. Then she awoke from the dream and immediately asked Father what it meant. He said to her; “Tell Johann not to allow the enemy to prevent him from releasing what is inside the pot.”

The Interpretation: Well, the Spirit of YaHUaH couldn’t have spoken more clearly to me. I had already been shown what was inside the pot - the Word, in essence The NAME - and then, through a dream to an independent person it was confirmed that He expected me to share this revelation. It was also indicated that there would be tremendous resistance from the enemy who would do everything possible to prevent me from sharing the “Word” of our Father’s Name. During the vision I did not see the significance of the three-legged pot, but when the sister’s dream indicated the same pot, I sought understanding in this regard. This is what I believe the Spirit showed me. The three legs represented Elohim. (Plural form of Eloah) The pot cannot stand unless all three legs are there. Each leg is as essential as the other and they form a united base on which the pot stands. In the same way the Name also represents the Triune Elohim. 13

1. Father - It is the Father’s Name. (Ex.3:15) 2. Son - that the Son bears. (John 5:43) 3. Spirit - The Name itself is also the Anointing (Song 1:3) who is the Spirit. (John 14:26) The Body of believers is the pot (vessel) containing or bearing the Word (Name). The Father and the Son, through the Set-apart Spirit is literally inhabiting us. (John 14:23) We are His dwelling, and His Word (Name) has been written on our hearts or foreheads. (Rev.14:1) The Assembly of believers in the Living Eloah, is individually and corporately the temple of the Set-apart Spirit or Anointing. (1 Cor. 3:16 & 6:19) The temple of Elohim is the place which He has established for His Name. (See Solomon’s dedication of the temple in 1 Kings 8:14-61) We believe that the original Scriptures are inspired by the Set-apart Spirit. They are the very Words of YaHUaH written down by His prophets. From what He showed me, I firmly believe that if we could concentrate the thousands of words that make up the entire Scriptures into a single Word, that Word would be YaHUaH, the personal memorial Name of the Almighty. The memorial name - YaHUaH, is the single most important Word in Scripture. In fact, that Name is the most important Word - period! The entire Scriptures can be summed up or boiled down to one Word - YaHUaH. That Word (His Name) is the summary of everything He says to us. It is the very Source of Life! If that is true, then it is only logical to conclude that the Scriptures cannot be fully understood if we do not have an understanding of The NAME. Conversely, it can also be said that the extreme significance of The NAME (Hebrew = Ha SHEM) cannot be seen without an understanding of and a deep love for the Scriptures. In this context of the “Word” of Eloah and His Name being synonymous - the same in essence, meditate upon this very significant verse in YirmeYahu - Jeremiah 15:16. Thy words (plural) were found, and I did eat them, (placing then into the heart through memorization and meditation) And Thy Word (singular, therefore the Name) was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart, For I am called by Thy Name, O YaHUaH Elohim of hosts.

Identification: The NAME is His identification to and with His creation. It not only is the esteemed Essence of the Eternal Self-Existing One, but it also contains everything that Eloah is to us. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of Eloah, and of YaHUShA (YaHUaH is Salvation) our Master. According as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain unto life and uprightness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to His esteem and virtue. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, (Word, Scriptures, Covenant) that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature... (2 Peter 1:2-4 KJV with the Name restored) We can only be identified as being part of Eloah’s family, when we bear or partake of His very Nature. That happens when we are born (again) into His family by believing in and receiving the Divine Promise. (YaHUShA - the Word - Name - who became flesh, John 1:14) The Seed or Semen,1 which causes a spiritual conception to take place, is the Word of Eloah. Being born again, (conceived) not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, (Seed) by the Word (singular) of Eloah, which lives and abides forever. (1 Pet.1:23) This process of spiritual birth into the family of Eloah is described by Paul in Romans 10:13 as being the result of Calling upon the Name of YaHUaH. (Joel 2:32) “I AM THAT I AM” is how YaHUaH described (defined) His Name, and thus Himself, to Moses before sending him, in His Name, to go and deliver His people from the bondage of slavery. (Ex.3) His Name is the ever-present Source of everything He wants to be for us. Therefore we dare not regard His Name as of little or no significance. 1

For a very interesting study on our Saviourʼs Name being spiritual Seed or Semen, ask for my series of articles entitled: THE SEMANTICS OF HIS NAME.


Chapter 4 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) The “Word” of Eloah (Elohim): In the beginning was the “Word”, and the “Word” was with Eloah, and the “Word” was Eloah. (John 1:1 The Scriptures) What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the “Word” of life. (1 John 1:1 The Scriptures) So mightily grew the “Word” of Eloah and prevailed. (Acts 19:20 The Scriptures) This chapter is a follow on from the previous one; Is the Word of Eloah and His Name Synonymous? It deals with the same subject but in more depth. It is my opinion after much prayer and meditation that this aspect of our Father’s name needs to be understood by the Body of Believers in order for every individual believer to walk in victory. We will be looking at the well-known John 1:1 from a completely different perspective. We have always in the past interpreted the “Word” in this verse as referring to the preincarnate Son of Elohim, which of course is true. Yahusha is the Word of Elohim who became flesh. (John 1:14) In essence He is the Almighty’s Communication to and with His creation. He is literally YaHUaH’s SpokesMan - the Spoken Word. We could see Him as the negative photographic Print from which the written Word - the Scriptures originated. In no way do I want this study to detract from the importance of our Saviour. He should always be the Principal Subject of all our thoughts. In everything we do, He should be the Priority. In fact He should be our Prime or rather our only Motivator in every area of our lives. And whatever you do in word or deed, do ALL in the Name of the Master YaHUShA, giving thanks to YaHUaH the Father through Him. (Col.3:17) However, in this article I want us to look at the nucleus (kernel, seed or core) of it all - The Word. Which word? I am specifically talking about the Word singular, a specific Word, the Word, which is the source of everything. You may have noticed something unusual in the heading of this chapter. “Word” is in inverted commas. I purposely did that in order to emphasize that in this study we will be dealing with one specific “Word”. YaHUShA said: The seed is the “Word” of Elohim. (Luke 8:11) Again I pose the question, which “Word”? Don’t just take it for granted that He was exclusively referring to the Scriptures - the written Word of Elohim as a whole. The Scriptures consist of thousands of words. The verse in question is also referring to a single “Word”. It is referring to One “Word” within the thousands of words contained in Scripture. Which one? Is there such a “Word” in Scripture which is pre-eminent, the essence of it all? A “Word” which is the nucleus of the Seed of the Word of Elohim? Sometimes we miss so much by being set in our thinking. I believe we need to apply lateral thinking to the Word of Elohim as well. In my personal meditation of Scripture, I am amazed at what I discover when I set aside traditional methods of thinking about it and start to apply lateral thinking. After all, there is no greater lateral thinker than the Creator. We were created in His image, therefore in a limited way, we are to imitate Him in our thinking. It can only enhance our own creativity. In order to illustrate what I am trying to say, look at the following list of words. See if you can find a connection between them. What is the relationship between them? Then find the one word in the list which actually connects them all together. Apply lateral thinking. In other words don’t miss the obvious. 15

Pink Michael Table Count Tree

Lamb Because Handle Rose Cloud

Paper Words Dog Theme Horn

Fruit Round River Like Glass

Bush Speak Wide Lost Photo

Have you found the common theme? Have you found the one word connecting them all together? It’s common sense really. Think again. It’s so obvious. If you can’t see any connection between these words it may make you feel better if I tell you that so far whenever I’ve taught on this subject, very few people have been able to see the connection between these words. Even so, its staring you in the face. In exactly the same way, when we read Scripture we do not always see the obvious, and very often lose out on the inheritance which already belongs to us. Ignorance is a deadly poison stealing what rightfully belongs to us. It reminds me of the lady who had faithfully served her employer for many years as housekeeper and had lived in poverty for many more years since her employer had passed away. She was illiterate and had proudly framed a letter given to her by her employer just before he died. One day a friend visited her and was casually looking at this framed “letter”. It suddenly dawned on him that it was not a letter at all, but the Last Will and Testament of his friend’s deceased employer in which the entire estate of her employer had been left to her. Through ignorance she had lived in poverty for many years even though she was extremely wealthy. This is exactly what ignorance does, especially ignorance about the promises in Scripture. Have you found the relationship between those words yet? Well let me tell you. The connection between all the words above is quite obvious. They are all words. That’s right, every single one is a word, and the word connecting them all together is the word; WORDS. Shoot me down if you like. But it just goes to show that we so often miss the obvious. Its exactly the same with the Word of Elohim. We often miss the obvious to our own detriment. What is the point I’m trying to make? Just this, when Scripture speaks of the Word of Elohim, often it means exactly that - the single “Word” in Scripture which links every one of the thousands of words together. All of Scripture can be boiled down to that single “Word”. That “Word” is the central theme of all Scripture. It is the Core or Nucleus of the Word(s) of Elohim. Take that “Word” out of His Scriptures, and you’re left with an ordinary book with no power in it. Paul said that: YaHUaH has made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the Spirit: for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. (2 Cor.3:6) The Spirit that gives life to Scripture is of course the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit who is the Life and Anointing in that single “Word”. That “Word” is the Anointing, as we will see later on. Without it the “Bible” is an ordinary book just like any other. Hebrews 1:3 speaks of the Word of His power - a single “Word” which is the source of the power of Elohim. Of course, every word He speaks is powerful, but here He’s talking about a single “Word” containing all His power. That’s mind-blowing. Its that “Word” which is holding everything together. Let the “Word” of Messiah dwell in you richly in all wisdom... And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Master YaHUShA... (Col.3:16-17) Let’s play around with this concept, that a single “Word” is the source of everything. If that is the case, then that “Word” must literally be Eloah! Genesis 1:1 says: In the beginning Elohim created... John 1:1 says: In the beginning was the “Word”, (singular) and the “Word” was with Elohim, and the “Word” was Eloah. What is the alphabetical identification of that “Word” in the Scriptures? Another verse in Scripture in which we can apply this lateral thinking strengthens this interpretation. For the “Word” (singular) of Eloah is alive and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb.4:12) I am not saying that this verse is not also referring to Scripture as a whole. Of course it is, but only in the sense that Scripture is made alive by that one “Word”. That “Word” is identified as the Person of Eloah as the next verse implies. Neither is there any creature 16

that is not manifest in His (that Word’s) sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. (v.13) Here that “Word” is described as the living Personality of the Almighty Himself. In order for this to make sense, Scripture itself must give us the answer as to which one “Word” of the thousands of words it is referring to as the nucleus of it all, otherwise everything I’ve written so far is pure speculation. If all of Scripture can be boiled down to that single “Word”, then that “Word” must be the central theme of all Scripture. Then, more than any other doctrine, we should find this “Word” referred to throughout Scripture. That being the case, then obviously that one “Word” would also be the target on which the enemy will concentrate his attack. He will do everything in his power to try and destroy this single “Word”. If he can achieve that then he will have destroyed the power of Scripture. That is exactly what the devil has been trying to do all the millennia since the Almighty (Eloah) created man in His image. He has been fighting to obliterate from translated Scriptures the single most important “Word” in existence. He very nearly succeeded, and that is why we have been so ignorant of that one “Word” and its importance to every aspect of our faith walk. Later on you will see that children of the Almighty are to literally walk in that single “Word”. I hope that I have made you extremely curious as to the identity of that “Word”. In this context curiosity is good, because it causes us to search the Scriptures in order to see whether these things are true. Let us look at the following verse in the context of that single “Word”. It gives one a completely different and exciting perspective. These (Berean believers) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the “Word” (there’s that single word again) with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures (the thousands of words of Eloah - Almighty) daily, whether those things were so. (Acts 17:11) These Berean believers had received that “Word”. They had embraced it and believed on it. That meant they were using it for the specific purpose for which it was given to them. That is why Scripture refers to them as more noble than other believers. What was the difference? To the Berean believers this “Word” was not just a doctrine which did not matter all that much. To them it was their very life. They searched the Scriptures daily in order to strengthen their faith in that “Word”. The inference of course is that the other believers did not do so. To other believers that “Word” was just another word with no real significance. The same pattern is in the Church today with regard to that same “Word”. I invite you to come with me on an exciting journey of discovery through the written Word - the Scriptures. I have no doubt that this one “Word” will change your life as it has mine and many other believers who are discovering it.

The Name “YaHUaH” is that “Word”: And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns: and He had a Name written, that no man knew, but He Himself. And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His “Name” is called The “Word” of Eloah - (Almighty). (Rev.19:11-13) This is an awesome description of the Messiah, our Saviour. But in our usual interpretation of Scripture we have missed something very significant. We have always seen verse 13 as teaching that one of the Saviour’s names was “Word of Eloah”. But that’s not strictly what this verse is telling us. Why do I say that? Because the previous verse says: He had a Name written, that no man knew, but He Himself. That tells me that His Name was written (in the original Scriptures) but no man knew it because the devil, through religious superstition, and through literal erasure from translated Scriptures, had caused people to be ignorant of His Name. I would interpret verse 13 as follows. It says: His Name (YaHUShA) is called the “Word” of Eloah. In other words, a description of the Name YaHUShA, is, “Word of Elohim”. The 17

phrase; “Word of Eloah” is not His Name, it only describes His Name. In other words, it affirms very literally that the single “Word” in Scripture which is the nucleus of it all, is His Name. His Name is the “Word” (singular) of Eloah. In any case, “Word of Eloah” is a title or definition - not a personal name. Let’s paraphrase that verse: And His clothes were dipped in blood, and the only “WORD” within Scripture that truly identifies Him, is His Name. What I am saying in other words is that the single “Word” within Scripture, which is the nucleus of it all, is the Name of the Almighty - the One and only Creator of this awesome universe in which we find ourselves. His Name is the Seed of the written Word. His Name is therefore the single “Word” which gives life to Scripture. His Name is the “Word of His power.” The Anointing upon Scripture is His Name as Song of Solomon 1:3 so clearly teaches. Because of the fragrance of Your good ointments, Your Name is Ointment (anointing) poured forth, therefore do the virgins love You. Who (Yahusha) being the brightness of His (Father’s) glory, and upholding all things by the Word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: Being made so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they. (Heb.1:3-4 KJV) That excellent Name is the Name of the Father YaHUaH: O YaHUaH our Master, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth! who has set Your glory above the heavens. (Psalm 8:1) According to that verse, the “glory” (radiance) of the Father is His excellent Name. In John 12:28 YaHUShA pleads with His Father to “glorify” His (the Father’s) Name. Then in one of the few times in Scripture that the Father’s audible voice is heard, these amazing words are spoken from heaven: I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The Father’s Name is His “glory” that He promised to “glorify” again at some stage in history. That moment has arrived. He is “glorifying” His Name throughout all the earth today. YaHUShA is the Son of YaHUaH, bearing His Father’s excellent Name. He came bearing His Father’s Name. (John 5:43) He came to reveal or manifest the Father’s Name, and therefore the “glory” of YaHUaH. (John 17:4 & 6) The Father’s Name is YHWH in Hebrew, It means: The Eternal Self-Existing One. Most scholars agree that this Name is transliterated into other languages as YaHWeH. However many other scholars are beginning to discover the “closer to the truth” rendition YaHWaH - pronounced YaHUaH. The Son’s Name YaHUShA is made up of two words: YaH or YaHu, which is the short or poetic form of the Father’s Name, as in the word HalleluYah, meaning; Praise ye Yah, and Sha from the name Husha (Joshua’s name before Moses changed it to YaHUShA, Numbers 13:16) meaning Saviour or Deliverer. YaHUShA therefore means, YaHUaH’s Deliverer. Many believers prefer the contracted form - Yahshua. However, this form of His Name is not accurate according to the Hebrew spelling of the Name. The Name Yahusha is thus the Father’s Name personalized for the sake of humanity. We call upon the Name of YaHUShA in order to experience the salvation of YaHUaH. The Name YaHUShA literally means: YaHUaH is (the) Deliverer, (YaHUaH is Salvation) Hebrew scholars say that when a personal pronoun such as His, Thy, My etc. precedes the word “salvation” in the Old Testament Scriptures, then that word “salvation” is actually the Name YaHUShA in the Hebrew Scriptures. Unfortunately our translations have always placed the word “salvation” in the text in these cases. This is not strictly wrong, but at the same time it does not reflect absolute truth. It would also have been accurate in these cases to actually place the Saviour’s Name, Yahusha, in the text as the Hebrew Scriptures do. Let us look at a few examples of this and see how the richness of Scripture is brought out when the Name - the single “Word” that is the nucleus of Scripture - is given its rightful place. Let’s start with the prophet YeshaYahu (inaccurately transliterated into as Isaiah). Go through the gates: prepare ye the way of the people; (Yahusha is the Way - John 14:6) 18

cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; Lift up the standard for the people. (The Name is the standard - Ps.20:5) Behold, YaHUaH hath proclaimed unto the end of the world; Say ye to the daughter of Zion, behold, thy salvation cometh, behold His reward is with Him, and His work before Him. (YeshaYahu 62:10-11) Now place the Name of YaHUShA instead of “thy salvation”, and see how that Scripture is transformed. Behold, YaHUShA cometh; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him. The Name changes the whole perspective. Now it’s not just something vague that’s coming, it is a Person identified as the YaHUaH’s Deliverer. (YHWH Deliverer) What is more, His reward is coming with Him. What about Genesis 49:18? I have waited for thy salvation, O YaHUaH. What depth of meaning is imparted to that verse when it is translated as: I have waited for (thy Son) YaHUShA, O YaHUaH. YeshaYahu (Isaiah) chapter 12 is a very short chapter. It only has six verses. That is why I am quoting the whole chapter. Just look at the part His Name plays in this portion of Scripture. Note how essential the Name is in the life of a child of YaHUaH. And in that day you shall say; O YaHUaH, I will praise You: though You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. Behold, Eloah is my Yahusha; I will trust and not be afraid for Yah YaHUaH is my strength and my song, He also has become my Yahusha. Therefore with joy you shall draw water out of the well of salvation. And in that day you shall say: Praise YaHUaH, call upon His Name, declare His doings among the people, make mention that His Name is exalted. Sing unto YaHUaH, for He has done excellent things: this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, you inhabitants of Zion: for great is the Holy one of Israel in your midst. The subject of this whole chapter (Isaiah 12) is His Name. There is no doubt about that. Yes Father YaHUaH and His Son is the subject, but He is His Name and His Name is Him. On earth throughout history and at this time, His Name literally represents Him. If that does not make sense to you, I ask you to interpret the following Scripture verses slightly differently. Therefore YaHUaH Himself shall give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, And shall call his name Emmanuel. (YeshaYahu 7:14) Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, Eloah with us. (Mat.1:23) Both these verses clearly state that it is His Name, not Him, that shall be called Emmanuel. Nowhere in the New Covenant Scriptures is there a single instance where He was referred to by name as “Emmanuel”. Yes He was and is “Eloah with us”, but His Name was not Emmanuel, it is YaHUShA which means, Eloah with us in that when the Name is called upon, Eloah is present through His Spirit who comes “in” the Name YaHUShA. (John 14:26) The definition of His Name YaHUShA is Emmanuel - Eloah with us. Can you see the distinction? Thus saith YaHUaH, Keep ye judgement, and do justice: for Yahusha is near to come, and My righteousness to be revealed. (YeshaYahu 56:1) 19

He will swallow up death in victory; and Master YaHUaH will wipe away all tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of His people shall He take away from off all the earth for YaHUaH has spoken it. And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our Eloah: we have waited for Him, and He will save us; this is YaHUaH’s we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in Yahusha. (YeshaYahu 25:8-9) Death being swallowed up in victory are the familiar words which Sha’ul (Paul) wrote in 1 Cor.15:54. This victory is attributed to the salvation of YaHUaH - the Anointed Master YaHUShA. (v.57) O YaHUaH, be gracious unto us, we have waited for You: be their arm every morning, our Yahusha also in the time of trouble. (YeshaYahu 33:2) And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoices in YaHUaH, my horn is exalted in YaHUaH, my mouth is enlarged over my enemies; because I rejoice in Yahusha. (1 Samuel 2:1) Isn’t it amazing how the enemy has over the centuries managed to instill in the people of YaHUaH such an irrational fear of His Name? Hannah was an ordinary person. But she loved her Eloah, (Mighty One) and was not afraid to speak out His awesome Name in praise and adoration after He had answered her calling upon His Name in her time of need. (1 Sam.1:10-11) Let those that seek You rejoice and be glad in You. Let those that love Yahusha say continually, YaHUaH be magnified. (Ps. 40:16) According to this Scripture, those who love the Saviour are to continually say: “ YaHUaH be magnified.” His Name is to be magnified. After all, it is through faith in His Name that we obtained this Great Salvation - YaHUShA (John 1:12, Acts 3:16, 4:12 & 30) Space does not permit me to quote all the verses where our Saviour’s Name appears but has been left out of our translated “Bibles”. But here are a few more to meditate upon. Look at the difference made by giving our Saviour’s Name its rightful place. YeshaYahu 17:10, Ps.9:14, 13:6, 18:35, 20:5, 21:1 & 5, 40:10, 51:12, 69:13 & 29, 70:4, 71:15, 85:7 & 9, 106:4, 119:41, 81, 123, 166, 174, Luke 2:30


Chapter 5 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Walking in His Name: This is a concept that I have never been taught, neither have I ever heard it preached. Walking in His Name. What does that mean? Does Scripture speak about it at all? I have found two verses in Scripture concerning walking in His Name. The first is an affirmation by the people of Eloah that they will walk in His Name forever. The second is a promise spoken by YaHUaH Himself that He will strengthen us in His Name, and as a result of it, we will walk in it. For all people will walk in the name of his mighty one, and we will walk in the Name of YaHUaH our Eloah for ever and ever. (Mic.4:5 KJV with the Name and correct titles restored) And I will strengthen them in (the Name) YaHUaH; and they shall walk up and down in His Name; says YaHUaH. (Zech.10:12 KJV with the Name restored) This verse in Zechariah is YaHUaH Himself speaking. Don’t you think the way He speaks here is most significant? He doesn’t say, “I will strengthen them in Me - and they shall walk up and down in My Name”, which would be the grammatically correct way of speaking. YaHUaH Eloah speaking says: “I will strengthen them in YaHUaH and they will walk up and down in His Name”. So obviously He is directing our attention to His Name. He is zooming in on His Name for our sakes. We will be strengthened in His Name! HalleluYah! What does Scripture mean when it says that believers will walk in His Name? Practically what does that mean? How does a person actually “walk” in His Name? I want to use many other Scripture verses that also talk of walking, which I believe can be used to interpret the above verses with regard to walking in His Name. Remember that the safest way of interpreting Scripture is to let it interpret itself. Compare Scripture with Scripture. YaHUaH appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I AM El Shaddai; walk before Me, and be thou perfect. (Genesis 17:1 KJV with the correct Name and titles restored) And he said unto me, YaHUaH, before whom I walk, will send His angel with you, and prosper your way... (Genesis 24:40 KJV with the Name restored) And he blessed Joseph, and said, Eloah, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the Eloah which fed me all my life long unto this day... (Genesis 48:15 KJV with the correct title restored) After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein you dwelt, shall you not do; and after the doings of the land of Canaan, where I bring you, you shall not do: neither shall you walk in their ordinances... (Lev.18:3) You shall do My judgments, and keep My ordinances, to walk therein: I AM YaHUaH your Eloah. (Lev.18:4 KJV with the correct Name and title restored) And if you walk contrary unto Me, and will not hearken unto Me, I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins. (Lev. 26:21 KJV) And if you will not be reformed by Me by these things, but will walk contrary unto Me, then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times for your sins. (Lev. 26:23-24 KJV)


You shall walk in all the ways which YaHUaH your Eloah has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess. (Deut. 5:33 KJV with the Name and correct titles restored) Therefore you shall keep the commandments of YaHUaH your Eloah, to walk in His ways, and to fear Him. (Deut. 8:6 KJV with the Name and correct titles restored) And now, Israel, what does YaHUaH your Eloah require of you, but to fear YaHUaH your Eloah, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve YaHUaH your Eloah with all your heart and with all your soul... (Deut. 10:12 KJV with the Name and correct titles restored) And he said, YaHUaH Eloah of Israel, there is no El like You, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keeps covenant and mercy with Your servants that walk before You with all their heart. (1 Kings 8:23 KJV with the Name and correct titles restored) For You have delivered my soul from death: will You not deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before Eloah in the light of the living. (Ps.56:13 KJV with the correct title restored) They kept not the covenant of Eloah, and refused to walk in his law. (Psalm 78:10 KJV with the correct titles restored) Teach me Your way, O YaHUaH; I will walk in Your truth: unite my heart to fear Your Name. (Psalm 86:11 KJV with the Name restored) I will walk before YaHUaH in the land of the living. (Psalm 116:9 KJV with the Name restored) O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of YaHUaH. (YeshaYahu 2:5 KJV with the Name restored) Thus saith YaHUaH, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. (Jer. 6:16 KJV with the Name restored) And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you shall keep My judgments, and do them. (Eze. 36:27 KJV) That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Romans 8:4 KJV) But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the Blood of YaHUShA the Messiah, His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7 KJV with the correct Name and title restored) Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh: if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:16 & 25 KJV) And this is love, that we walk after His commandments, this is the commandment, that, as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it. (2 John 1:6 KJV) I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth. (3 John 1:4 KJV) I AM the light of the world, he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12 KJV) His Name is Ointment or Anointing, (Songs 1:3) and therefore the Oil which will burn in the lamp of our spirit enabling us to walk in the light.2 I also believe that walking in the light, walking in the Spirit, walking in the truth, walking in His commandments, walking in His ways and walking before Him is basically the same thing. All these concepts can be grouped together as “walking in His Name”. Therefore when believers are strengthened


See Proverbs 20:27 & Psalm 18:28, also the chapter entitled: The Ten Virgins and His Name.


by YaHUaH to walk in His Name, then they will be walking in the light of the Spirit of YaHUaH in obedience to the Truth of His Commandments, Laws and Ways. On a practical level what would walking in His Name entail? How would a believer actually walk in the Saviour’s Name and thus walk in the Spirit? These are important questions that need to be answered. In writing to the Colossian Assembly Sha’ul gives some practical teaching on walking in the Name. Let the “Word” (singular) of Messiah (the Anointed) dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Master. And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Master YaHUShA, giving thanks to YaHUaH the Father by Him. (Col.3:17-17 KJV with the correct Name restored) These are very practical instructions. First of all, believers are to let the “Word of the Anointing” dwell in them richly. “Word of the Anointing” apart from referring solely to the Scriptures as a whole, can also refer directly to the Name.3 In this case I believe Sha’ul is alluding specifically to the Name of YaHUShA because after he instructs us to, in faith, allow that single Word to permeate our whole being, he leads directly into verse 17 with the word and. He is just expanding on the theme. If the Name is so rich in us, then literally everything we do will be done in that Name. Everything? He says whatsoever you do in word must be done in the Name. Not just your praying words. Not just your words of praise and worship. Not just your preaching and teaching words, pastor. But also your joke words, your disagreement with your spouse words. Every word you speak at your place of work. Every word you speak during your leisure time or sporting activities. Every single word you utter twenty-four hours a day - seven days a week, are to be spoken in YaHUShA’s Name. Words that are read are also words that are spoken. Can everything we as believers read be done in that setapart Name? If we take this Scriptural principal to heart, then the words that we speak would probably be cut by 80% or more! Then we would also take the instruction in Jakov (James) 1:19 more seriously; Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. But Sha’ul’s instruction to the Colossians also says: Whatsoever you do in deed must also be done in YaHUShA’s Name. Not just your religious deeds. Not just your ministry deeds. But every deed at your work place, every deed done in your leisure time. Literally everything you do - eating and drinking, driving your car, cooking the food, studying, playing - everything, is to be done in the Name of YaHUShA. One thing I am learning to do practically in His Name, for example, is when I am driving. I literally pour out the Anointing of His Name into the area through which I am driving. I say something such as: Yahusha, Yahusha, Yahusha, Your Name is the yoke-destroying Ointment. (Songs 1:3 & YeshaYahu 10:27) I pour it out in faith upon every home in this street. Saturate the total being of every person who lives here, Master. Let Your Spirit destroy every bondage of evil and corruption. Let the balm of Gilead (Jer. 8:22) bring peace and healing into every home. Praise His Name! I believe that those who accept His Name and walk in it are in for the time of their lives. Miracles are going to be the order of the day as faith in His Name grows. I am so excited about this that I can hardly contain myself. I want to encourage you, dear reader, to study this doctrine. Ask our Father to make it real to you. Ask Him to reveal it to you. He wants to. But He is also seeking for unprejudiced and seeking hearts that are willing to accept truth, and are also willing to suffer persecution for His Name’s sake. Are you willing to pay the price for honouring His Name?


See the chapter entitled; The “Word” of Eloah.


Chapter 6 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) His Name - Restored Truth: Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name? Surely you can tell? (Proverbs 30:4) What an intriguing list of questions. Of course we all know the answer to the first four, but have we ever really thought seriously about the fifth question? What are the personal Names of the most important Being(s) in the universe? Have we just taken for granted that the answer is God and Jesus, or Lord and Christ? He demands an answer of us. He wants us to know His Name, and His Son’s Name. That is clearly inferred in the last question - Surely you can tell? Other translations have rendered that question as: Tell me if you can? (If you can’t, find out! It is in your interests that you do. These two Names are the very source of Life itself.) One of my e-mail friends with whom I am debating this issue of the Name is very concerned for me. I am thankful for that concern, for brothers and sisters in Messiah should love each other enough to speak out against error. In one of his letters to me he made the following comment on my interpretation of Proverbs 30:4. “Your use of Proverbs 30:4 to strengthen your argument is out of context. This Proverb is challenging anyone who can be named, who is able to gather wind in his fists, bind water in garments, etc. If you know of such a man, What is his name and even if you think he might have a son, what is his son’s name? No man, not any mere creature, not any man or set of men, it is not in the power of any, either men or angels, to restrain or let loose the winds at pleasure, nor has Satan, though called the prince of the power of the air. This power God is telling us in a round about way, belongs only to Him. The one and only Triune God. The verse deals with this and has no relation to God trying to prove what His name is or the name of His own Son.” My friend claims that my use of this verse with regard to the Name of the Creator is out of context and has no relation to His and His Son’s Names. His interpretation that this proverb is a challenge to name any man and his son who is able to gather the wind in his fists... etc. is quite plausible. But it is utter foolishness to say that in answering this question correctly by identifying the ONLY true Creator and His Son by Name, is using the text out of context. The context of this verse is the identity by name whoever is able to gather the wind, bind the water in a garment etc. The truth is that there is ONLY ONE PERSON who is able to do such things. Who is this Person? What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name? Do you know? In His mercy He has revealed these two Names more than 7000 times in His Word. In fact His Name is the one Word that makes of Scripture an Anointed Book. (Songs 1:3) In any case, several translations that I’ve looked at have interpreted this text as referring to the Father and His Son by capitalizing the personal pronoun; His. Why is our Father’s Name so important? Isn’t it just an inconsequential doctrine that a few believers have gotten hold of and are now making a major issue of? Was the restored truth of “Justification by faith” of no consequence? What about the restored truth of “Immersion”, (baptism) by faith in the Name (singular) of the Father, Son and Set-apart Spirit? Or the restored truths of “Holiness” - (set-apart as a pure vessel for YaHUaH’s use), the “Gifts of the Spirit”, and the “Faith Message”? Were they all of no consequence?


Regarding each of these restored truths, the question to be considered is: Did any restored truth come about without tremendous persecution from the traditional established religion? The answer of course is a resounding No! Persecution has always been the order of the day whenever YaHUaH has brought revelation to His people. Sadly this persecution has mostly come from within His own Body, or apparently so. I find it impossible to conceive that true believers would persecute their brothers and sisters to death because of Scriptural truth. Therefore the persecutors were not true believers who love the Shepherd, they were wolves in sheep’s clothing who had very subtly infiltrated the Father’s fold in order to destroy it from within. Believers were murdered literally and figuratively, by the millions in the name of the “Christian” religion. Yea, for thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. (Psalm 44:22 & Romans 8:36) Our Saviour Himself, who is the personification of Truth, (John 14:6) was rejected by the people of YaHUaH, (who had been deceived by the religious system) and killed, when He revealed Himself as the Messiah - the Anointed One who came in the Name of the Father. The part of His ministry that incensed the religious establishment so much was the fact that He was not only using the Father’s Name freely, but was also teaching His disciples to do the same. To the religious Yahudim (Jews) this was blasphemy. Apart from persecution, one of the methods used by the “Christian” religious system of the Anti-Christ to destroy, scatter and cause confusion amongst true believers, was to twist the prophetic Scriptures. Another method was to introduce different interpretations on the basic foundational doctrines of Baptism, Communion etc. These methods were very successful and even though the true doctrines were restored to the true assembly of believers, there is still much confusion and division amongst believers regarding these basic doctrines. A large portion of Protestant Christianity still hold to the twisted teachings that were introduced by the Anti-Christ (Roman Catholic) system. The Greatest Deception: But I am of the opinion that the most successful ploy of the enemy so far in his endless fight to destroy the people of YaHUaH for whom he has such hatred, was to change the Name of the Redeemer. It was a brilliant stroke at the very core of our faith, and we were not even aware of it. Even though we (true believers) were worshipping the Father through the Person of His Son, (the Lamb of Eloah) we were doing so not with His true Name, but a Greek/Latin hybrid name. It was a name that our Father never used when referring to His Son. It was a name that His earthly parents had never heard of. It was a name that the original disciples did not die for. They died for the authentic Name and would, I am sure, turn in their graves if they knew how many thousands of believers would be dying for a false name. I was very hesitant to make such a radical statement concerning a name that has been so precious to me. If you my dear reader are as shocked and angry as I was when I discovered the deception under which I had been all these years, please direct your anger towards your real enemy. Bear with me, for in subsequent articles I am certain you will better understand the extreme subtlety of YaHUaH’s arch-enemy. However, I am convinced that in these last days the Father is in the process of restoring the knowledge of His and His Son’s Names throughout the earth. As with every revelation of a truth from Scripture that YaHUaH restores to His Body, this one will not be easily received. The enemy will certainly not take this lying down. It will be a tremendous controversial clash between religious tradition and the Truth. But the Truth is there, and will be found by anyone who sincerely seeks for it. When found, the reward is real (true) freedom, which will enable the “finder of the truth” to worship the Father in spirit and in truth. (John 8:32) Our Father has not just left us to our own devices. He has not left us to blunder about in darkness. He has given us His Word, the Scriptures, which not only point us to the Truth, but are in themselves also the essence of Truth. (2 Tim.3:16 & 17, John 8:31-32, 17:17) Furthermore, Father is also seeking. He is seeking for “seekers of the Truth”. It is an absolute certainty therefore that there will be a GREAT FIND. The Seeker (TRUTH) and the seekers (after Truth) will be found of each other. (John 4:23, Jer. 29:13-14) 25

Chapter 7 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) How Important is a Name - After all?: And YaHWaH descended in a cloud, and stood with him (Moses) there, and proclaimed the Name YaHUaH. And YaHUaH passed by before him, and proclaimed; “YaHUaH, YaHUaH Elohim, merciful and gracious. Longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.” (Exodus 34:5-6 KJV with the Name and correct title restored) If a name is not important, then I and many other believers, who love Father YaHUaH our Eloah (Mighty One) with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, (Mat. 22:37, Deut.6:5, 10:12 & 30:6) are barking up a wrong tree. I have highlighted; with all our mind, because I believe thát command also refers to loving YaHUaH intellectually through knowledge of Scripture. Yes! A hundred times Yes! it is the Spirit of YaHUaH who takes that knowledge of the written Word and brings revelation to the seeking heart. Because this is such a contentious issue, I have many times gone to Father and asked Him this question: “Is a name important, is Your Name that important Father? I also believe that I recognize my Father’s voice, and He has answered my sincere question. I really believe that this is what His answer was: Yes My son, a name is important, and the importance of My Name is much greater than My children can imagine. This fact is confirmed by YaHUaH Himself in the verse with which I started this chapter. He personally came down and proclaimed (spoke) His Name over the stone tablets that were replacing the ones that had been destroyed by Moses when he had thrown them down amongst the Israelites worshipping Him through the golden calf. Why would YaHUaH literally place His Name upon those “Covenant Documents” by speaking: YaHUaH, YaHUaH Eloah merciful and gracious... over them if there was not a tremendous significance in His Name? It was as if He was actually putting His Signature upon the First Covenant. Yes, I believe that is exactly what He was doing. It became a legal contract personally signed and sealed by the Almighty. Even today a contract between two parties is a most important document. Have you ever thought about the following?: What is the most important aspect of every contract? Is it the content? Obviously that is important and is the reason why a contract would be drawn-up in the first place. But the content is not the most important aspect of a contract. Is it the legal jargon within the body of the contract? That also is important otherwise a flaw could be found which would make the document unbinding upon one or both parties. But again, that is not the most important aspect of a contract. What about the names of the two parties between whom the contract is being drawn up? These names usually come right at the start of the document. Yes, this is important otherwise the contract would have no purpose. However, it is still not the most important part of the contract. What is then? The signatures! Yes, this is the most important aspect of every contract. Both parties need to sign the contract. By signing, a person agrees to what is inside that document. Your name may appear on a contract, but until you’ve appended your signature you are not bound by any of the terms in that document. Furthermore, when a contract consists of more than one page, every page has to be initialed (signed) by both parties. A contract only becomes legally binding on both parties (lawful) when it has been signed by both parties. The signatures make the contract complete and then only do both parties get their own copy of it. During the last five years the Father has slowly been revealing to me through Scripture, the wonderful revelation of His Name. I enjoyed what the Spirit was teaching me, and my relationship and joy (of YaHUaH - Nehemiah 8:10) deepened in exact proportion to the revelation I was receiving of His Name.


During the last six months the Spirit of YaHUaH has been accelerating this revelation concerning His Name. It seems as if He is trying to bring urgency to our hearts as to the significance of His Name in these last days. Whenever and wherever I open the Word, His Name shines out of the pages of Scripture and burns into my heart. It is a treasure that I have discovered, and I find it very difficult not to share it with every brother and sister in YaHUShA with whom I come into contact. In fact, I believe that the main responsibility of every believer is to introduce to people, by His Name, the One who loves them so much that He sent His Son (what is His Name?) to die for them. *John 3:16) This truth is borne out by Sha’ul in his letter to the believers in Rome. For everyone who calls on the Name of YaHUaH shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without one proclaiming? (Proclaiming what? His Name and its significance, maybe?) And how shall they proclaim if they are not sent? As it has been written, “How pleasant are the feet of those who bring the Good News of peace, who bring the Good News of the good!” (Romans 10:13-15 The Scriptures) Nicknames: When I was a toddler my parents gave me a nickname or a pet name - Lammie. To them it was a term of endearment because of their love for me. But it was not my name. As I grew older, this pet name literally became my name. Everybody called me Lammie, (little lamb) and I took on the character of a “little lamb”. I was the most bashful little boy you can imagine. I became an introvert, and even today I still struggle against the shy inferiority that was bestowed upon me by this so-called name. I know that my feeling of insignificance was as a result of my family and friends calling me and knowing me as Lammie. I can still clearly remember how hurt and inferior I felt every time my “name” was called. It was like a stab in my heart from the age of about six to thirteen every time my brothers and friends called my “name”. Because of this I had to prove to them that I was not a “lammie” and was compelled to always take the lead in all sorts of “daring” boyhood exploits. Like climbing a tree faster and higher than the others. Or scaling the security fence of the Birchenough suspension bridge in order to cross the Limpopo river over the arch girders of the bridge. Or to descend down granite gorges to the point where it became so sheer that it was almost impossible to go either up or down. While on holiday in South Africa, I even climbed onto the roof of the Voortrekker Monument. At the age of thirteen, when I went to boarding school away from home, I decided that now was the time to get rid of “Lammie” - my inferior identity. My elder brother, Charl, was already at that boarding school, and so I was christened “Little Charlie”, (Charl’s little brother) which obviously did nothing for my own self-esteem. I still could not develop my own identity. The words of our house matron still rings in my ears, “Your brother is a man, you’re a mouse!” It was only after I left school at the age of eighteen that I insisted on my own personal name - Johann. I share this in order to emphasize the importance of a name to the one bearing it. Does it really matter? Recently a sister in Messiah shared this with me. She said that whenever she and her husband had a quarrel, he would in malicious anger call her by their maid’s name. She says that he couldn’t do anything worse to hurt her. She had nothing against her maid, but when her own husband disregarded her own name - which represented her very being - and substituted it with her servant’s name in order to insult her, it was as if he was literally cutting himself away from their oneness as husband and wife. In this way he was destroying their covenant relationship. She says that those times were the closest she came to divorcing her husband. We are in a Covenant relationship with Father YaHUaH through calling upon His Name, the Name which His Son bears. Therefore the question I ask is: Is His real Personal Name, (memorial Name) the Name by which He wants to be remembered, important to Him in this relationship? Or doesn’t it matter to Him?


If He reveals to us His real Name, does it matter to Him if we continue to disregard it? How does He feel when His own household persists in calling Him by a name that was bestowed upon Him by a religious establishment that had no intimate relationship with Him? Does it grieve Him, I wonder, when His Bride refuses to speak out His real Name in adoration and love, the Name that He made available to us at the cost of His very Life? We are in the time period where the Bride is preparing herself for His return to fetch her away to the place He has been preparing for her, in His Father’s house. (John 14:2) Part of her preparation is to get to know His Name and its significance so that she can reign in the authority of that Name in this world. If His real or true Name really doesn’t matter, then why does it matter so much to those brothers and sisters who say: “It doesn’t matter what you call Him,” when other believers who have discovered His real Name, start using and exalting it in love and adoration? For if it doesn’t matter what we call Him, then obviously it doesn’t matter that we call Him by His true Name. Sadly, it matters very much to those believers who use this argument when we use His real Name. I wonder why? I am not talking about the “name” Abba Father. Yes, He is our Daddy, and we have the right to call Him that. Our Saviour is also our elder Brother, and He gave us the right to call Him that. But “Daddy” and “Brother” are not their personal names, and we will never achieve anything in the Kingdom in terms of healing, deliverance etc. (Mark 16:16-18) by calling “Father” or “Brother”. We are the Assembly of believers, (the called out ones) individually called by our names. But now, thus says YaHUaH that created you, O Jacob, and He that formed you, O Israel. Fear not: for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name: you are Mine. (YeshaYahu 43:1) It matters very much to me that my Father called me into a covenant relationship with Him by calling me by my personal name. I believe it matters very much to Him when I respond to that calling of my name, by calling upon Him by His personal Name by which He made Himself known to us. His Name - What is the Truth? What is the truth concerning the Names of the Father and the Son? Let me put that question somewhat differently. What is the true Name of the Father, and what is the true Name of the Son? Does it matter? Is it a question of splitting hairs? If you sincerely think so, let me ask you a few questions. Please consider them very seriously and honestly. • • • •

Is your name important to you? Are you proud of your name? If your name is pronounced or spelt incorrectly, does it matter to you? Do you make an effort to correct the mistake?

If you answered affirmatively to these questions, then I’m sure you will agree that our Father has the right to feel the same about His Great Name, only infinitely more so than you or I do, for He is the Creator, who is infinitely greater than our finite minds can conceive. But possibly you do not feel so strongly about your name. When I was discussing this with Kathryn, a dear sister in Messiah, she said to me: “I really don’t have a problem with this, I believe you are splitting hairs. I love God, and I really don’t think it matters to Him whether I call Him Lord or Yahweh, or Yahusha or Jesus.” Kathryn really has a deep relationship with the Father, and the point she made is valid and I respect it. But I recalled that when I had occasion to correspond with her through email, I had addressed her as Catherine. When she replied to me I saw that I had missspelt her name and corrected my mistake immediately. When I reminded Kathryn of this incident she said that she had noticed, but it had not bothered her at all because the wrong spelling of her name did not change who she was as a person. That may be true. But she did notice my wrong spelling of her name and had corrected my ignorance of this fact by using the correct spelling of her name in her reply to me. I wonder why? Is it not possible that deep down in our sub-conscious our real names truly matter to us, whether or not we realize it? In this case it is really not a serious matter, but I am just using this example to illustrate something. When her friends or family greet her 28

with; “Hello Kathryn”, or “Hello Catherine” they are saying her name correctly. The pronunciation of both forms of that name is exactly the same. However, I am certain that if I started to call her Koytroon, Citroen or Katrina, it would matter just as the correct spelling of her name would most certainly matter on any legal document concerning her. Are we making a mountain out of a molehill when in love we seek to write, say and use the correct form of our heavenly Father and His Son’s Names? I sincerely do not think so. I honestly believe that knowing, loving and using this most beautiful Name, the Name above all names that He revealed to us will only serve to deepen our relationship with Him. That is after all what we are continually striving for, a more intimate relationship with Him. Any “instrument” of worship, which He reveals to us from the Word, which will assist us in our striving after a deeper relationship with Him, is surely a worthwhile thing to utilize correctly according to His instructions. I believe that His Name is the most important “instrument” to this end. In the next chapter we will examine what YaHUaH has done for His Name’s sake. The Scriptures teach clearly that the whole of Redemption was accomplished for His Name’s sake.


Chapter 8 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) For His Name’s Sake: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. (Luke 11:2 KJV) Isn’t it interesting that when the disciples asked Yahusha to teach them how to pray, He commences this model prayer by focussing on the Father’s Name? That focus puts the searchlight on the very purpose of YaHUaH’s Name in the whole scheme of things. Hallowed be Thy Name. The word hallowed is an old King James word, which stems from the word holy. Literally, holy means to be set-apart in purity for YaHUaH’s use. The Good News translation puts it this way: Father, may Your Holy Name be honoured, may Your Kingdom come. YaHUaH’s first concern for His people is that they honour His Name. The opening phrase in that prayer is not just a figure of speech. It is not just pretty words with which to fill our prayers. His desire is for us to honour His Name. We have to set it apart. When we do, then His Kingdom will manifest in our lives, and when that happens, then His perfect will which is done in heaven will also be done on earth. The secret therefore for YaHUaH’s will to manifest on earth lies in us honouring His Name - His real Name. How do we do that? We use it in faith for the purpose for which He made it available to us. It is a holy Name - a set-apart Name given to us by our Father so that His purpose will be accomplished in the world. So that His Kingdom will come. But what has religion actually done with regard to His Name? Instead of setting it apart for and using it to bring about YaHUaH’s will on earth, it has literally been taken away from His people. Firstly the religious leaders fanned into flame a superstitious fear of the Name and prohibited the people from speaking it. Secondly when the original Scriptures began to be translated from the Hebrew into other languages, the Name was almost totally eliminated from the written Word. If YaHUaH was not the instigator of this deliberate eradication from Scripture of the single most important “Word” in existence, then who was? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. In his article entitled: WHY WE CALL HIM YAHSHUA, Graham Barlin had some very interesting things to say in this regard. There are many, many other scriptures that clearly illustrate how important and powerful the Name is. This being the case, how anxious do you think Satan would be for us the church to foul up in this regard? If he is the sucker who gets kicked around and is obliged to bow the knee at the mention of this awesome Name, don’t you suppose it would be in his best interest to get the thing ‘rearranged’ somehow? Putting it another way: If you or I were looking down the barrel of a lethal weapon, wouldn’t we do everything we could to get it pointing in another direction? A common strategy of Satan is to plant a misconception in people’s minds at bedrock level, to cover it up for however long it takes for it to become a presumption (ie generally regarded as indisputable truth) then to sit back and watch the carnage. Over the centuries he’s done it successfully with critical issues like eternal salvation, water baptism, baptism in the Holy Spirit, faith, divine healing, financial prosperity, five-fold ministry, church structure etc. etc. With every doctrine that is of any practical benefit to the church we see the same pattern emerging time and time again: pervert the truth, cover it up for a while and leave the erroneous presumption to emasculate future generations. For instance, even today there are some denominations that regard charismatic manifestations (particularly speaking in tongues) as works of the devil. To many Christians the notion that God would want His people to be financially prosperous is akin to blasphemy; just 30

mention divine healing in some church circles and before long you may very well end up needing it! The list goes on. If we accept that this is the case, when we consider the incredible power that God attaches to His Name throughout all of Scripture, why would Satan’s strategy be any different? Is it conceivable that the church has accepted presumptively the name Jesus all these years without making very sure about where it comes from? (End of the quote from Graham Barlin’s article) I will attempt to answer that last question Graham asks in a later chapter. The point is that YaHUaH’s enemy and our enemy does not play fair. He will obviously do anything he can to deceive believers at the very core of their faith in order to make them ineffective in the Kingdom of YaHUaH. If I were him, I would focus my attack on two fronts; The Word and the Name. He’s not stupid, that is exactly what he did. His one act of eliminating the Name from translated Scriptures, dealt a severe blow to Christianity on both these fronts. Now we need to be just as clever and come back at him with the Name above all names on our lips, and faith in it, in our hearts. That is what David did when he faced Goliath; “I come to you in the Name of YaHUaH of hosts” with awesome results. (1 Sam.17:45) But why is this so important? Because it is vital for every believer to have an understanding of the relevance of, and therefore to exercise faith in the true Names of the Father and the Son. Why? The simple yet profound answer to that question is : For His Name’s sake, and therefore for His sake. If it is for the sake of His Name, it is ultimately for our sakes as well, because everything the Father did was for us - for our sakes - so that ultimately He will get the esteem. That is the essence of the Good News; “For YaHUaH so loved us...” (John 3:16) The Almighty Himself defined His Name (YaHUaH) as “I AM THAT I AM” (The Eternal, Ever Present, Self Existing One - Exodus 3:14) Understand that “I am that I am” is not His Name, it is a definition of His Name. YaHUaH (erroneously “translated” as LORD in most Translations) is His Personal Memorial Name as He Himself tells us in Exodus 3:15. Scripture teaches that the source of everything we have, the source of all YaHUaH’s dealings with this world is literally His Name. His Name is the Source, because He is His Name (YaHUaH) and His Name is Him! It represents Him. We cannot, we dare not drive a wedge between our Father and His Name. If we, His people, the ones bearing His Name do this, how would the world distinguish between the True Mighty One and the numerous other mighty ones (gods) and other lords? What has happened or what has been done for His Name’s sake? Let us see what the Scriptures say: We are saved for His Name’s sake that His mighty power might be known. We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly. Our fathers did not understand Your wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of Your mercies; but provoked You at the Red sea: Nevertheless He saved them for His Name’s sake, that he might make His mighty power to be known. (Psalm 106:6-8) We are made righteous for His Name’s sake. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. (Psalm 23:3) Our iniquity (sinful nature) is pardoned for His Name’s sake. For Your Name’s sake, O YaHUaH, pardon my iniquity, for it is great. (Psalm 25:11) Our sins are purged for His Name’s sake. Help us, O Eloah of our salvation, for the glory of Your Name; and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for Your Name’s sake. (Psalm 79:9) He leads us and guides us for His Name’s sake. For You are my rock and my fortress; therefore for Your Name’s sake lead me, and guide me. (Psalm 31:3) He delivers us for His Name’s sake. But do thou for me, O YaHUaH Master, for Your Name’s sake; for Your mercy is good; deliver thou me. (Psalm 109:21) 31

He quickens us (gives us life) for His Name’s sake. Quicken me, (make me alive) O YaHUaH, for Your Name’s sake; for Your righteousness sake, bring my soul out of trouble. (Psalm 143:11) We forsake (lose) and yet receive (are blessed) for His Name’s sake. And every one that has forsaken houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands; for My Name’s sake, shall receive a hundred-fold, and shall inherit everlasting life. (Mat.19:29) In other words YaHUaH gave us literally everything, including a relationship with Himself, for His Name’s sake. His grace and mercy was extended to us for His Name’s sake. He loved us for His Name’s sake. He sent His Son into this rebellious world, in order for Him to be offered and His precious Blood to be shed, for His Name’s sake. Therefore we are to continually esteem His Name by lifting it up, exalting it, magnifying it, praising it, trusting in it, boasting in it, making it known etc. We should never be ashamed of speaking or confessing His Name in the midst of the congregation, with reverence and love. (Psalm 22:22) The Name in Scripture: About five years ago I purchased a computer “Bible” program, and one day as I was looking around in it I discovered that the Personal Memorial Name of the Father (YHWH) had been replaced by the translators with the title LORD. In the original Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures (The Tanak) the Name YHWH appears more than 6800 times, that is an average of about 8 times per chapter. In some chapters in Genesis and Numbers for example, which contain long genealogies of tribes, the NAME does not appear at all, or sometimes only once or twice. But then in other chapters in Deuteronomy, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, YeshaYahu, YirmiYahu, Ezekiel and especially the Psalms, the NAME appears twenty, thirty and sometimes forty times! In several chapters the NAME appears more times than there are verses in the chapter. That is an astounding fact. But we have not noticed it because, well intentioned, but misguided men have replaced the Name with the title: the LORD. This has been done at own initiative, not at YaHUaH’s instruction. Several times in Scripture He specifically forbids any tampering with His inspired written Word. The original written Word (Hebrew Scriptures) is literally saturated with the Name. Is that not the reason why the Word of YaHUaH is Anointed - because His Name is the Anointing? (Songs 1:3) That’s just a question that comes to my mind. The questions posed by the Word, with which I also started the chapter entitled: His Name - Restored Truth? What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name, if you know it? (Proverbs 30:4), is put in such a way as to encourage the reader to seek the answer. Here the Word gives us an open invitation. It is a call to anyone who will, to seek these two Names that have been suppressed, and substituted in our modern Scripture Translations with other names and titles. The original Scriptures contain the Name, whereas the modern-day translations of the Scriptures do not! That is an undisputed fact. The Name has been taken out of Scripture and replaced with the title: the LORD. Today in modern English Lord is a title. But a very sobering, if not frightening thought is the following: The English word Lord is an accurate translation of the Hebrew name Ba’al. (See Strong’s Hebrew reference 1168) Ba’al was the Phonesian sun deity. So modern day Christianity is worshipping YaHUaH by using the name of a pagan deity! The following paragraph concerning the Covenant Name of the Almighty is from the Preface of the Revised Authorized Version of the Bible: The Covenant Name of God was usually “translated” from the Hebrew as “LORD” (using capital letters as shown) in the Authorized Version Old Testament. This tradition is maintained, In the present edition the Name is so capitalized whenever the Covenant Name is quoted in the N.T. from a passage in the O.T. (My emphasis) Here it is clearly admitted that the Name was substituted with the title LORD. Admittedly some translations capitalize all the letters of that title, and therefore those who know this can identify whenever the Name appears in Scripture. But many modern translations do 32

not even bother with this capitalization anymore. Amazingly this paragraph also admits that this is a (man-made) tradition that is maintained in the present edition. YaHUShA said: Why do you transgress the commandment of Eloah by your tradition? Thus have you made the commandment of Eloah of no effect by your tradition. (Mat.15:3 & 6) Here is a paragraph from the Preface of another modern English translation calling itself Good News Bible. It certainly is not good news to any reader that the translators, following the tradition of other equally misguided people, took it upon themselves to erase the Name that the Almighty specifically revealed to mankind so that they could call upon it, and therefore upon Him in order to be saved, delivered, healed, provided for and not least, to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Following an ancient tradition, begun by the first translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Septuagint) and followed by the vast majority of English translations, the distinctive Hebrew name for God (usually transliterated Jehovah or Yahweh) is in this translation represented by “The LORD”. When the Hebrew word Adonai, normally translated “Lord”, is followed by Yahweh, the combination is rendered by the phrase “Sovereign LORD”. Several times in Scripture YaHUaH commands us NOT to add to, or take away from His written Word. This substitution of His Name with the title LORD, is a deliberate disobedience of His commands not to tamper with Scripture. In a following article we will look more deeply at this. The tragic result for me personally is that for almost fifty years as a child of YaHUaH, I never knew the precious Name of my heavenly Father. Now that I have discovered it, and my love for it grows by the day, I find that my relationship with Abba (Father) is also growing in intimacy day by day. I cannot contain myself - I just have to share it with my brothers and sisters whenever I get the chance. I page through Scripture and see how virtually every page is saturated with His Anointed Name. Then I cannot but conclude that the Eternal, Self-Existing One, (which is the meaning of the Hebrew Name YaHUaH) wants His NAME to be known and made known. He wants it to be remembered, declared, exalted, glorified, rejoiced in, blessed, feared, revered, sworn by, called upon, believed in and loved, throughout the world, in every tribe and nation. There are numerous Scripture verses which bear this out. Here are just a few to meditate upon. Genesis 4:26, 12:8, 21:33 Exodus 3:15, 15:3, 33:19, 34:5-6 Numbers 6:22-27 Deuteronomy 4:7, 10:8 & 20, 28:10, 32:3 Joshua 7:9, 9:9 1 Samuel 7:8, 12:22, 17:45-47 2 Samuel 6:2 & 18, 7:26 1 Kings 18:24 Psalms 8, 22:22, 23:3, 25:11, 33:21, 62:5, 83:18, 91:14-15 Song of Solomon 1:3 Isaiah 12:4 Jeremiah 10:6 & 25 Ezekiel 20:9 & 44, 36:22 Hosea 12:5 Zechariah 3:16, 10:12, 14:9 Micah 9:5 Zephaniah 3:12 Malachi 1:11, 3:16, 4:2 Did I say just a few? There are so many verses in Scripture concerning the Name that it is difficult to select just some of them.


Chapter 9 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Adonai and Ba’al: And in all things that I (YaHUaH) have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other (elohim) gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. (Ex.23:13) And you shall overthrow their altars, (false elohim) and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire: and you shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place. You shall not do so unto YaHUaH your Mighty One. But unto the place which YaHUaH your Mighty One shall choose out of all your tribes to put His Name there, even unto His habitation shall you seek, and there you shall come. (Deut.12:3-5) Our Mighty One is jealous. He is jealous over His Set-apart (Holy) Name. Is it because He is petty and thinks that He is better than others? No, He is not petty. He is the Mighty One. He is the only Creator. He is the only Source of Life. He is the only One who knows what is best for His creation. He is I AM, and what He says goes. Outside the grace and mercy of YaHUaH extended to us through His Son YaHUShA, all people are foolish even though they think they are wise. Because that, when they knew Eloah, they esteemed Him not as Eloah, neither were thankful: but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the esteem of the incorruptible Eloah into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. (Rom. 1:21-23 KJV with the correct title restored) Sad what man becomes when he deliberately refuses to acknowledge his Creator in spite of all the evidence that points to His existence not only in His Word, but also in this wonderful creation. Even His own people - the nation He chose to make His Name known throughout the world, has a history of rejecting Him and going after the false gods of other nations. There has always only been a relatively small remnant of people who acknowledge Him as YaHUaH, the Eternal Self-Existing One. His Titles and His NAME: I have encircled and highlighted in my translation of Scripture every time LORD, and sometimes GOD, (all in capitals) appears, for that is where the Name YHWH has been replaced. As a result of this substitution (nowhere in Scripture sanctioned by YaHUaH) we have forgotten the Name of our Father. YaHUShA taught us to pray: Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. How can anyone revere, respect and love - not to speak of using His name in faith, if it is not even known to them? I do understand that the title LORD is used in sincerity and reverence by Christians when they address or refer to YaHUaH and His Son. This word has become a title that is also used to address persons of stature. In that regard I have nothing against this title. Our Father, the Almighty El Shaddai is the Sovereign of all. But that title promotes severe formality which can and very often does develop into religious hypocrisy, whereas His personal Name, by which He revealed Himself, when used with reverent love, promotes intimacy. My personal preference when using a title is to refer to Hm as Master or Sovereign. For LORD, apart from having evolved into a title, is also a translation of the Hebrew word Ba’al, the Phonecian sun deity. So even though we use Lord as a title in English, we are referring to our Father by the name of a pagan deity. I wonder how He feels about that? 34

While studying this subject I discovered something very interesting, which absolutely verifies the fact that our Father regards His Name as of utmost importance. As I was in the process of highlighting every occurrence of the Name in the Scriptures, I decided that I might as well do the same for the titles Master (Adonai), and God (Eloah). I discovered an amazing fact. The table below reflects the number of occurrences of these words in the different books of Scripture. Remember that these statistics are according to the Hebrew Scriptures. It has obviously been completely reversed in our translations. On whose authority? BOOK




































1 Samuel




2 Samuel




1 Kings




2 Kings




1 Chronicles




2 Chronicles
































Song of Solomon

















































































I don’t know about you, but when the memorial Name of YaHUaH features in His Word more than double the times that the titles Adonai (Master) and Eloah (God) combined does, I sit up and take note! Is He trying to tell us something? Or maybe we should rather ask: Is that old snake, the devil, trying to hide something? Of course He is, and of course he is! I have yet to come across a single instance where the Almighty refers to Himself as Adonai. Every time He comes on the scene, He introduces Himself as YaHUaH Mighty One, I am YaHUaH the Eloah of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, or simply, I AM YaHUaH. Don’t you think that is significant? Should we not follow the same pattern? Ba’al: Did you know that the Babylonian deity, Ba’al, was referred to as Lord? In fact Ba’al is a Hebrew word that means Lord or Master. (See Strongs Heb. 1168) The Explanatory Notes of The Scriptures translation has this to say about Ba’al. This word, it seems, gradually became a proper name. A similar Semitic word derives from the Aryan root Bhal, which means “to shine,” according to some. According to W.H. Roscher’s well known lexicon of mythology, Baal (Bel, Belos) was the ancestral and national deity of the Semites, and says that Baal was the founder of Babel (Babylon), according to secular history. He is identified with Zeus, Jupiter, Ammon, Asshur, Assur, Kronos, and Bel-Marduk. Morris Jastrow, Max Muller, and W.H.Roscher all three agree; Baal is the Babylonian sun-deity, The Baals of the nations were sun-deities, and Baal worship means sun worship. There are many gods, lords and deities mentioned in Scripture, but the one and only True Eloah, who is the Sovereign of sovereigns (LORD of Lords) revealed or introduced Himself as YaHUaH (the Eternal Self-Existing One). He said to Moses: Thus shall you say unto the children of Israel, YaHUaH the Mighty One of your fathers, the Mighty One of Abraham, the Mighty One of Isaac, and the Mighty One of Jacob, has sent me unto you; this is My Name forever and this is My memorial unto all generations. (Ex.3:15) Yehosha (Joshua) succeeded Moses as the leader of the fledgling nation that had miraculously been delivered by YaHUaH from bondage in Egypt. He led a very troublesome and rebellious people into the promised land in spite of great difficulties. Near the end of his career he had this to say to YaHUaH’s people. Be ye therefore very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, that ye turn not aside therefore to the right hand or to the left. That ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their mighty ones (gods), nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them: But cleave unto YaHUaH your Mighty One, as you have done unto this day. (Jos.23:6-8) The people of YaHUaH had a very short memory. During the reign of Ahab, king of Israel, EliYahu (Elijah) was the prophet of YaHUaH the Mighty One of Israel. Ahab did more than any other Hebrew king to provoke YaHUaH. (1 Kings 16:33) He married Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and together with his heathen wife, perfected the worship of the sun deity Ba’al. Ba’al worship became the official religion of Israel, and this false deity was referred to by the Hebrews as Adonai. (Lord) Unbelievable! 36

When we understand this, then EliYahu’s conflict with the 400 Ba’al prophets on Mount Carmel takes on greater significance. The honour of YaHUaH’s Name was at stake. This well known account is recorded in 1 Kings 18:20-40, but I only want to quote a few verses which prove that YaHUaH wants and expects His people to know and call upon His Name. He does not want them to refer to Him by any titles that are also used to call upon false deities. Then you call on the name of your mighty ones (gods), and I will call on the Name of YaHUaH, and the mighty one who answers by fire, He is the (true) Mighty One. (v.24) Then follows the pathetic unanswered cries of the prophets who worshipped a dead deity. Eliyahu gave them all day and nothing happened. At last his turn came and there was great expectation. And it came to pass, at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Eliyahu the prophet came near and said, “YaHUaH, Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are the Mighty One (Eloah) in Israel, and that I am Your servant, and that I have done these things at Your word. Hear me, O YaHUaH, hear me, that this people may know that You YaHUaH are the Mighty One, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.” Then the fire of YaHUaH fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice...(v.36-38) Please read very carefully what I am now going to share with you, and check it out in your own Scripture. Again I believe it to be extremely significant. Actually everything in Scripture is significant. In the seven chapters of 1 Kings - 16 to 22, the True Mighty One of Israel is referred to by His Name - YaHUaH - 101 times. Only once in those chapters is He referred to as Adonai, (Lord) and that once was by the false prophets of Ba’al, who also referred to him as Adonai. (1 Kings 22:6) Only three of the 101 times that He was referred to by His Personal Name - YaHUaH, false prophets were falsely prophesying in His Name. Those three times were during a confrontation with a true prophet, and they were virtually forced into using the Name in order not to lose face. That entire confrontation between the false prophets (of Ba’al) under the leadership of Zedekiah, and the one true prophet of YaHUaH, Micayah, makes very interesting reading. (1 Kings 22:1-40) Again I want to stress the significance of our Father’s real Name in this portion of Scripture. Hasidism and the Name: The Jewish religion has always had the tendency to flirt with other mighty ones (elohim) by ignoring the Name of their true Mighty One, YaHUaH, and using substitute names in place of the Name. They were blatantly disobeying YaHUaH in this regard. Hasidism is a good example of this. It almost copied the pattern of Ba’al worship of Ahab’s day. Hasidism became one of the most powerful movements in modern Jewish history. The founder of this movement was Israel ben Eliezer (1700 - 1760). He was known as: Ba’al Shem Tov. The Hebrew words baal shem, which means master of the name, refer to any person believed to be a miracle worker. The name Baal Shem Tov means Master of the Good Name. Jews believed a baal shem could perform miracles by reciting and writing the various names for God. A baal shem was thought to be able to heal the sick through the power of those names. (Quoted from The World Book Encyclopedia) HalleluYah, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of YaHUaH: Very often the shortened form of the Father’s Name - YAH - is used in Scripture, as in the term, HalleluYah, which means “Praise ye Yah” not “Praise the Lord”. Husha (Joshua’s name before Moses changed it to YaHUShA - Num.13:16) means Save, Saviour or Salvation. When the angel Gabriel appeared to Joseph he told him that Miryam (Mary) would bear a son and they were to call Him Yahusha for He would be the Saviour sent by Yah. (Mat.1:21) YaHUShA literally means: Yah is Salvation. Therefore YaHUShA is the Saviour sent by YaHUaH. He came bearing the Name of His Father. (John 5:43) His Father gave Him a Name which is above every name, that at the Name of YaHUShA every knee should bow, of things in heaven, in earth and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that YaHUShA the Anointed One is Sovereign to the esteem of YaHUaH the Father. (Phil.2:9-11) 37

Chapter 10 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) The Name in the Psalms: Let the Word of Messiah (Anointed One) dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Master. And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Master YaHUShA, giving thanks to Eloah and the Father by Him. (Col.3:16-17) This is my favourite Book in Scripture because the Psalms are songs of praise and worship. In the 150 chapters of this wonderful book, the Name YaHUaH appears an average of once every third verse. In these Spirit inspired songs, designed to exalt and bring esteem to the Almighty Eloah, His Name plays a very important roll. He is exalted when His Name is exalted. It is impossible to worship Him in spirit and in truth without lifting up His Name. He may be worshipped sincerely and in love, but if the true Name is not used, that worship cannot be in truth. YaHUShA did not teach that the Father was seeking for sincere worshippers, but for true worshippers. The truth is most important to Him for He is TRUTH. The above New Covenant verse encourages the believer to continue with the pattern of praise and worship laid down so many centuries ago by the psalmists. If the “Word of Messiah” is synonymous with His Name, (see the chapter entitled: The “Word” of Eloah) then according to the above verse of Scripture the Father’s name and the Son’s Name is to continually be on our lips. The Name has to dwell in us richly. What the heart is full of, the mouth will speak. Not only during times of formal worship, but whatsoever we do in word or deed has to be done in the precious Name of our Saviour. In the Name: I wonder if we haven’t always missed something in our interpretation of that little word “in”. What does this word mean? It literally means to be inside something. Like inside a container. The water is in the glass. So when Scripture talks of doing all things in the Name of Yahusha, can we not therefore also say that we are to do these things while we are inside the Name, it being a “protective container”? Proverbs 18:10 is most interesting in this regard. The Name of YaHUaH is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and is safe. A person is only safe when he is inside the Name. The Name is to be Esteemed: So many of our modern praise and worship songs exhort the worshipper to lift up, glorify, exalt and praise His Name. But then sadly fall short because the Name - the real authentic Name - is never mentioned. The worshippers are not in (inside) it. In this regard our praise and worship songs do not strictly follow the example of the praise and worship songs of Scripture. The Name was very much a part of the innermost being of every psalmist. They were “inside” the Name, and the Name was “inside” them. It was the central theme of their worship. By lifting up and exalting the Name, they were in truth worshipping the One whose Name it was. They were worshipping in Spirit and in truth. (John 4:23) They couldn’t worship without using the Name. It was literally the fuel of their worship. This is true because the Name in itself is the Anointing or Oil, (Songs 1:3) and at the same time the Spirit of YaHUaH is also the Anointing of YaHUaH. The two go hand in hand. The Set-apart Spirit works where the Name is used in faith. 38

Scripture says that out of the mouth of two or more witnesses truth shall be confirmed. The bulk of the Psalms were written by David, the man after YaHUaH’s own heart. (1 Sam.13:14 & Acts 13:22) The rest were written by approximately ten other men of Elohim. Bearing in mind that the Psalms are part of the Scriptures, and therefore inspired by the Set-apart Spirit, we have more than enough witnesses vouching for the absolute necessity of liberally using the authentic Name in our times of worship. Following are a selection of verses from the Psalms which I believe adequately illustrates what I am trying to get across in this chapter. I will praise YaHUaH according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the Name of YaHUaH Most High. (7:17) Notice how the will of the worshipper is involved even though he is worshipping in spirit. Both the spirit and the soul of each worshipper is involved in the act of worship. O YaHUaH our Sovereign, how majestic is Your Name in all the earth! (8:1 & 9) What a majestic Name. HalleluYah! He is restoring it to His people all over the world. Don’t let religious tradition rob you of this wonderful revelation. And they that know Your Name will put their trust in You: for You YaHUaH have not forsaken those that seek You. (9:10) Who will put their trust in Him? According to the Word - those that know His Name. YaHUaH hear you in the day of trouble, the Name of the Mighty One of Jacob defend you. We will rejoice in Your Salvation, (YaHUShA is YaHUaH’s Salvation) and in the Name of our Mighty One we will set up our banners. YaHUaH fulfill all your petitions. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: (this worlds weaponry) but we will remember the Name of YaHUaH our Mighty One. (20:1,5 & 7) Whatever you do, do not forget to remember His Name in times of trouble. Forget your own wisdom, forget the world’s wisdom, forget your natural weapons - but remember His Name. I will declare Your Name unto My brethren: in the midst of the congregation I will praise You. You that fear YaHUaH, praise Him. (22:22 & 23) Notice again the part the will plays. Are you willing to make known His real Name to your brothers and sisters in the faith who are still ignorant of His true Name and are using a name that brings no esteem to Him? He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. (23:3) When YaHUShA said: Seek first the Kingdom of YaHUaH and His righteousness... (Mat.6:33), it was for His Name’s sake, that it might be exalted. Give unto YaHUaH the esteem due unto His Name, worship YaHUaH in the beauty of set-apartness. (holiness). (29:2) Whatever we receive from Him, whether it is salvation, protection, healing or prosperity, we are to testify in order to give the esteem due to His Name. Our soul waits for YaHUaH, He is our help and our shield. For our hearts shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His set-apart Name. (33:20 & 21) Trusting in His Name is the source of our joy. Joy is a most important spiritual fruit, for: the joy of YaHUaH is our strength. (Neh.8:10) O magnify YaHUaH with me, and let us exalt His Name together. (34:3) The whole purpose of this book is to encourage the reader to magnify YaHUaH by exalting His Name. In these last days a vast army of believers is being raised up for the specific purpose of together exalting that awesome Name. I will make Your Name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise You forever and ever. (45:17) O Father, help me to play my part in making Your Name remembered in this generation. According to Your Name, O Mighty One, so is Your praise unto the ends of the earth: Your right hand is full of righteousness. (48:10) Do all people praise Him? Is His praise unto the ends of the earth? Why not? Because according to His Name, so is His praise unto the ends of the earth. As knowledge of and faith in His true Name is established in the earth, so praise towards the true Creator will increase.


I will freely sacrifice unto You. I will praise Your Name, O YaHUaH: for it is good. (54:6) Amein my Father, I also use my gift of freedom of choice to freely bring my sacrifice of praise to Your Name. Sing forth the honour of His Name, make His praise esteemed. All the earth shall worship You, and shall sing unto You: they shall sing unto Your Name. (66:2 & 4) Only when His true Name is truly honoured will He be truly honoured. Sing unto Eloah, sing praises to His Name: extol Him that rides upon the heavens by His Name YAH, and rejoice before Him. (68:4) His instructions are that we are to sing praises to Him by singing praises to His Name. Let us be obedient to Him. So we will not go back from You, quicken us, and we will call upon Your Name. Turn us again, O YaHUaH Eloah of hosts, cause Your face to shine, and we shall be saved. (80:18 & 19) We will not go back! We have set our faces as a flint. We will always call upon Your only Name. Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek Your Name, O YaHUaH. Let them be confounded and troubled forever, yes, let them be put to shame, and perish: That men may know that You, whose Name alone is YaHUaH, are the Most High over all the earth. (83:16-18) That phrase can also be translated, whose only Name is YaHUaH. Yes, the Word says YaHUaH (YaHUShA) is His only Name. Teach me Your way, O YaHUaH: I will walk in Your truth: unite my heart to fear Your Name. I will praise You, O YaHUaH my Mighty One, with all my heart: and I will esteem Your Name for evermore. (86:11 & 12) In Your Name shall they rejoice all the day: and in Your righteousness shall they be exalted. (89:16) It is a good thing to give thanks unto YaHUaH, and to sing praises unto Your Name, O Most High. (92:1) Amein! It is so good to sing praises to that Name above all names. O Sing unto YaHUaH a new song: sing unto YaHUaH all the earth. Sing unto YaHUaH, bless His Name; show forth His salvation from day to day. (96:1 & 2) In our assembly the Spirit has blessed us with about twenty new songs that uplift the Names of the Father and His Son. Through these songs we regularly enter into a greater awareness of His presence. YaHUaH is great in Zion, and He is high above all the people. Let them praise Your great and majestic Name, for it is set-apart. (99:2 & 3) Bless YaHUaH, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His set-apart Name. (103:1) O give thanks unto YaHUaH: call upon His Name: make known His deeds among the people. Glory in His set-apart Name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek YaHUaH. (105:1 & 3) Thank You, thank You, thank You Father for revealing Your esteemed Name to Your people. Praise ye YaHUaH. Praise, O you servants of YaHUaH, praise the Name of YaHUaH. Blessed be the Name of YaHUaH from this time forth and for evermore. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same YaHUaH’s Name is to be praised. (113:1-3) Are we missing something here? This is a command that His Name is to be praised from sunrise to sunset. Every believer who literally obeys that command is literally praising the Creator continually. Not unto us, o YaHUaH, not unto us, but unto Your Name give esteem, for Your mercy, and for Your truth’s sake. (115:1) For the sake of TRUTH His True Name is to be esteemed. All nations (enemies) surrounded me, but in the Name of YaHUaH I will destroy them. They completely surrounded me, but in the Name of YaHUaH I will destroy them. They surrounded me like bees, they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the Name of YaHUaH I will destroy them. (118:10-12) There is no doubt that the Name is not only our defense, but very much an offensive weapon in the hands (on the lips) of the believer. 40

Look upon me, and be merciful unto me, as You do to those who love Your Name. (119:132) Because I love Your Name Father, I can rely upon Your mercy. Our help is in the Name of YaHUaH, who made heaven and earth. (124:8) Amein and Amein! Praise ye YaHUaH, praise ye the Name of YaHUaH, praise Him O ye servants of YaHUaH. You that stand in the house of YaHUaH, in the courts of the house of our Mighty One. Praise YaHUaH, for YaHUaH is good: sing praises unto His Name; for it is pleasant. (135:1-3) It sure is pleasant and so uplifting to praise His Name. Your Name, O YaHUaH, endures forever, and Your memorial, O YaHUaH, throughout all generations. (135:13) It is still the same Name, always has been and always will be, in spite of the enemy’s attempt to change it. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Your Name. (142:7) The Name releases the imprisoned soul. HalleluYah! YaHUaH is near all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. (145:18) Is it possible to call upon Him in truth by using an untrue name? Let them praise the Name of YaHUaH, for His Name alone is excellent, His esteem is above the earth and heaven. (148:13) His Name alone - His only Name - is excellent, and is His esteem above the earth and heaven. There is therefore nothing higher than His Name. The verses that I have selected above are by no means all that refer to the Name in the book of Psalms. My personal prayer is that I will never be ashamed to sing praises and esteem my Father’s Name - YaHUaH - in the midst of the congregation. I conclude this chapter with an interesting snippet that I received through e-mail the other day. It is not a very scientific or recognized form of Scripture interpretation, but it sure puts the focus on the centrality of the theme of our Father’s Name in Scripture. The Verse in the Center of Scripture is...? What is the shortest chapter in Scripture? (Answer - Psalm 117) What is the longest chapter in Scripture? (Answer - Psalm 119) Which chapter is in the center of Scripture? (Answer - Psalm 118) Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalm 118. Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalm 118. Add up these numbers and you get 1188. What is the center verse in Scripture? (Answer - Psalm 118:8) Does this verse say something significant about YaHUaH’s perfect will for our lives? The next time someone says they would like to find His perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His Word! Psalm 118:8 (NKJV) It is better to trust in YaHUaH than to put confidence in man. Now isn’t that odd how this has worked out (or was YaHUaH in the center of it?) But look a little closer. The Word right in the center of that verse is Ha Shem - Hebrew for The Name! Amazing!


Chapter 11 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) The Name in the Old Covenant Scriptures: And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: for Eloah, said she, has appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. And to Seth, to him also there was born a son, and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the Name of YaHUaH. (Genesis 4:25-26) As early as the third generation after creation, men began to call upon YaHUaH, the Covenant Name. The context of this verse infers a calling upon Him for help in times of trouble. Man who had been created in the image of the Creator, became a sinner through disobedience to His Word. The only way, and I emphasize, only way, to get back into a relationship with Him was to call upon His Name in faith. It is still the same today. There is a New Covenant in place. It is actually the Old Covenant that has been renewed. It is not a totally new Covenant in the sense of being different from the Old. It is the same Mighty One, with the same Name and the same method instituted by Him for reconciliation to take place - call upon His Name in faith. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power (authority) to become the sons of Eloah, even to them that believe on His Name. (John 1 :11-12) For whosoever shall call upon the Name of YaHUaH shall be saved. (Romans 10:13) Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) None other name! None other name? There is no other name under heaven by which to be saved! I wonder if YaHUaH meant what He said? No, actually I don’t. I know that He means every word He speaks. I also know that He will stand by every word He spoke. One thing about our Father is that He is faithful. Even though we are so often unfaithful to Him, He remains faithful, He cannot and will not deny Himself. He will stand by His Word. He will honour it because of His Name. He will remain faithful to His set-apart (holy) Name. Anyone who calls upon His Name can be absolutely sure that the Creator will intervene on his or her behalf. Why? For His Name’s sake! He swore an oath on His own Name (The Blood Covenant Oath between the Father and His Son) that anyone could become part of that Covenant simply by calling upon His Name in faith. It is really as simple as that. I want to invite you my dear reader, if you are not already part of that unbreakable Covenant, that you call upon the Name of the Saviour right now. He has even kept the Covenant on your behalf, which means that by His grace, through faith, you will be transformed day by day into His likeness as you walk in obedience to His Word. (Ephesians. 2:8-9) The Name Removed from Scripture: The inspiration for this book came when it dawned on me that our modern-day translations of Scripture had substituted the title LORD in place of the Name YaHUaH more than 6800 times in the Old Testament alone. (Lord is actually an accurate translation of Ba’al a pagan sun deity - see Strong’s Heb. 1168) In the Hebrew Scriptures the Name is written a total of 6855 times. However, when read, because of extreme fear of and reverence for His Name, the religious Hebrews would say; Adonai (Master) instead of daring to vocalize the Sacred Name itself. 42

The Old Testament is literally saturated with His Name, and teems with examples of the effectiveness of His people using it in faith. His Name on their lips represented His very presence with them. His Name spoken by them was His tangible presence with them. It was the substance of His proximity, and although they never “saw” Him, they always experienced His reality in their daily lives when facing an enemy or other problematic circumstances of life in the Name of their Mighty One. The enemies of YaHUaH’s people also knew the Name, without knowing the One whose Name it was. They always heard it on the lips of the Israeli armies. He was known as YaHUaH of the hosts of Israel, and they feared that great and terrible Name whenever they heard it. They had good reason to because they were always routed by the Israeli army when they went out in that Name. David and the Name: And the Philistine (Goliath) said unto David, Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks? And the Philistine cursed David by his mighty ones (gods). And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air, and to the beasts of the field. Then David said to the Philistine: You come to me with a sword, and a spear, and a shield: but I come to you in the Name of YaHUaH of hosts, the Mighty One of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day YaHUaH will deliver you into my hand, and I will kill you, and take your head from you, and I will give the carcasses of the hosts of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth: that all the earth may know that there is a Mighty One in Israel. And all the assembly shall know that YaHUaH does not save with sword and spear, for the battle is YaHUaH’s and He will give you into our hands. (1 Samuel 17:43-47 KJV with the right Name and title replaced) Well we all know how that confrontation ended. When David had said: I come to you in the Name of YaHUaH... he did just that. Scripture says he ran towards Goliath. He had no choice, he had to run to keep up with the Covenant keeping Mighty One of Israel who always goes ahead of those who call upon Him. I have no doubt that as he ran the long drawn out shout: “YAAAAUWAAAH!” was clearly heard by both armies on the sides of the valley. That terrible and feared Covenant Name had a different effect on the two armies. It injected an anointing of courage into the hearts of the army of Israel, and it literally put the fear of YaHUaH into the hearts of the Philistines. The reputation of the Name went before the Israelite armies. They really had an unfair advantage. The reason? They were the only nation who had a BLOOD Covenant relationship with YaHUaH the Almighty One (El Shaddai). All the other nations had created their own mighty ones. They were serving dead idols. But YaHUaH had established this covenant with His people for the sole purpose of introducing Himself by Name to all the nations of the world. (Exodus 9:16) Even though His people did not remain faithful to this great calling of theirs to be worthy bearers of the Name (Shemites = Semites = Name-ites), He remained faithful for His Name’s sake. And in that day you shall say, O YaHUaH, I will praise You. You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. Behold, Eloah is my salvation (Yahusha), I will trust, and not be afraid: for YAH YaHUaH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation (Yahusha). Therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation. And in that day you shall say; Praise YaHUaH, (HalleluYah) call upon His Name, declare His doings among the people, make mention that His Name is exalted. Sing unto YaHUaH; for He has done excellent things: this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, you inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Set-apart One of Israel in your midst. (Isaiah 12) Throughout the Old Covenant Scriptures we see that YaHUaH turns away His anger from His rebellious people, for His Name’s sake. He always remains faithful to the Covenant even though His people don’t. Ezekiel was one prophet who saw this very clearly. He saw how YaHUaH was always acting for His Name’s sake on behalf of His people who were always polluting or bringing shame to His set-apart Name. 43

And the word of YaHUaH came to me saying; Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel, and say to them, ‘Thus said Sovereign YaHUaH, “Have you come to inquire of Me? As I live, I am not being inquired of you,” declares the Sovereign YaHUaH. “Judge them, son of man, judge them! Make known to them the abominations of their fathers. “And you shall say to them, ‘Thus said the Sovereign YaHUaH, “On the day when I chose Israel and lifted My hand in an oath to the seed of the house of Jacob, and made Myself known to them in the land of Egypt, I lifted My hand in an oath to them, saying, “I am YaHUaH your Mighty One. “On that day I lifted My hand in an oath to them, to bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land that I had searched out for them, flowing with milk and honey, the splendor of all lands. And I said to them, “Each one of you throw away the abominations which are before his eyes, and do not defile yourselves with the idols of the Egyptians! I AM YaHUaH YOUR MIGHTY ONE.” “But they rebelled against Me, and would not obey Me. All of them did not throw away the abominations which were before their eyes, nor did they forsake the idols of Egypt. So I resolved to pour out My wrath on them to complete MY displeasure against them in the midst of the land of Egypt. “But I acted for My Name’s sake, that it should not be profaned before the eyes of the gentiles among whom they were - before whose eyes I had made Myself known to them, to bring them out of the land of Egypt.” (Ezekiel 20:2-9 The Scriptures) Time and time again YaHUaH complained that His own people rebelled against Him and served the idols of the gentile nations. Even though He always threatened to pour out His wrath upon them, He very seldom did, but always stood by the oath He had sworn never to desert them. He did it for His Name’s sake. He was protecting the honour of His Name. (See also Ezekiel 20:13-17, 22, 39-44) Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Sovereign YaHUaH; I do not this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for Mine set-apart Name’s sake, which you have profaned among the heathen, where you went. And I will set-apart My great Name, which was profaned among the heathen, which you have profaned in the midst of them. And the heathen shall know that I AM YaHUaH, says the Sovereign YaHUaH, when I shall be set-apart in you before their eyes. (Ezekiel 36:22-23) So will I make My set-apart Name known in the midst of My people Israel; and I will not let them pollute My set-apart Name any more: and the heathen shall know that I AM YaHUaH, the Set-apart One of Israel. (Ezekiel 39:7) I do not want to make this chapter too lengthy, but when one is dealing with the subject of YaHUaH’s Name in the Old Covenant Scriptures, then its almost impossible to keep it short. Virtually every Old Testament prophet has something important to say about the Name. I will only select one verse per book. And Abraham planted a grove in Beer-sheba, and called there on the Name of YaHUaH, the Eternal Mighty One. (Genesis 21:33) YaHUaH is a man of war, YaHUaH is His Name. (Exodus 15:3) And you shall not swear by My Name falsely, neither shall you profane the Name of your Mighty One. I AM YaHUaH. (Lev.19:12) And they shall put My Name upon the children of Israel: and I will bless them. (Num. 6:27) Because I will publish the Name of YaHUaH: ascribe ye greatness unto our Mighty One. (Deut. 32:3) And they said unto him, From a far country your servants have come because of the Name of YaHUaH your Mighty One: for we have heard the fame of Him, and all that He did in Egypt. (Joshua 9:9) And behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem, and said unto the reapers, YaHUaH be with you. And they answered him, YaHUaH bless you. (Ruth 2:4) For YaHUaH will not forsake His people for His great Name’s sake: because it has pleased YaHUaH to make you His people. (1 Samuel 12:22) 44

Therefore I will give thanks unto You, O YaHUaH among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto Your Name. (2 Samuel 22:50) And, behold, I purpose to build a house unto the Name of YaHUaH my Mighty One, as YaHUaH spoke unto David my father, saying, Your son, whom I will set upon your throne in your place, he shall build a house unto My Name. (1 Kings 5:5) Remember, YaHUShA is also the Son of David. But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought he will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the Name of YaHUaH his Mighty One, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper. (2 Kings 5:11) Give unto YaHUaH the esteem due unto His Name, bring an offering and come before Him: worship YaHUaH in the beauty of set-apartness. (1 Chronicles 16:29) And Asa cried unto YaHUaH his Mighty One, and said, YaHUaH, it is nothing with You to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power. Help us, O YaHUaH our Mighty One, for we rest in You, and in Your Name we go against this multitude. O YaHUaH, You are our Mighty One, let not man prevail against You. (2 Chronicles 14:11) And the Mighty One that has caused His Name to dwell there destroy all kings and people, that shall put their hand to alter and to destroy this house of the Mighty One which is at Jerusalem. I Darius have made a decree, let it be done with speed. (Ezra 6:12) O Sovereign, I beseech You, let now Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, who desire to fear Your Name. (Nehemiah 1:11) Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. YaHUaH gave, and YaHUaH has taken away, blessed be the Name of YaHWeH. (Job 1:21) The Name of YaHUaH is a strong tower, the righteous run into it, and is safe. (Prov.18:10) Because of the fragrance of Your good ointments, Your Name is Ointment poured forth. (Song.1:3) For your Maker is your husband: YaHUaH of hosts is His Name; and your Redeemer the Set-apart One of Israel, the Mighty One of the whole earth shall He be called. (Is. 54:5) Your words were found and I did eat them, and Your Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by Your Name, O YaHUaH Mighty One of hosts. (Jeremiah 15:16) I called upon Your Name, O YaHUaH, out of the low dungeon. (Lamentations 3:55) And Daniel answered and said: Blessed be the Name of YaHUaH for ever and ever for wisdom and might are His. (Daniel 2:20) Even YaHUaH Mighty One of hosts: YaHUaH is His memorial. (Name) (Hosea 12:5) And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the Name of YaHUaH your Mighty One, who has dealt wondrously with you, and My people shall never be ashamed. (Joel 2:26) For all people will walk everyone in the name of his mighty one, and we will walk in the Name of YaHUaH our Mighty One for ever and ever. (Micah 4:5) For then will I (re)turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the Name of YaHUaH to serve Him with one consent. (Zepheniah 3:9) And I will strengthen them in YaHUaH, and they shall walk up and down in His Name; says YaHUaH. (Zech.10:12) For from the rising if the sun even unto the going down of the same My Name shall be great among the gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto My Name, and 45

a pure offering for My Name shall be great among the heathen, says YaHUaH of hosts. (Malachi 1:11) And now, O you priests, this commandment is for you. If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give esteem unto My Name, says YaHUaH of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yes, I have cursed them already, because you do not lay it to heart. (Malachi 2:1-2) The Temple and the Name: Solomon, David’s son who succeeded him to the throne of Israel, was commissioned by his father to build a house for YaHUaH’s Name. (1 Chronicles 22:6-7) When this fantastic building is completed Solomon prays a wonderful prayer of dedication. We find this lengthy prayer in 1 Kings 8:22-53 and in 1 Chronicles 6:12-42. But I quote a few highlights in order to show the importance of the Name in the whole temple set up. Remember that we (believers in Yahusha) are, individually and corporately, the real temple of YaHUaH. Therefore we can and should apply this scriptural prayer of dedication to our own body which is the temple of the Set-apart Spirit. (John 2:21, 1 Cor.3:16-17, 1 Cor.6:19, 2 Cor.6:16, Eph.2:21, Rev.3:12) And he (Solomon) stood before the altar of YaHUaH in the presence of all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands and said, O YaHUaH Mighty One of Israel, there is no mighty one like You in heaven, nor on the earth, who keeps covenant, and shows mercy to Your servants, who walk before You with all their hearts. (2 Chron. 6:12 & 14) Have respect therefore to the prayer of Your servant, and to His supplication, O YaHUaH my Mighty One, to listen to the prayer and the cry which Your servant prays before You. That Your eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof You have said that You would put Your Name there, to listen to the prayer which Your servant prays toward this place. (2 Chronicles 6:19-20) And if Your people Israel be put to the worse before the enemy, because they have sinned against You; and shall return and confess Your Name, and pray and make supplication before You in this house, then hear from heaven, and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them again to the land which You gave to them and to their fathers. (2 Chronicles 6:24-25) Concerning the stranger, who is not of Your people Israel, but comes from a far country for Your great Name’s sake, and Your mighty hand, and Your stretched out arm, if they come and pray in this house, then hear from heaven, even from Your dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calls to You for, that all the people of the earth may know Your Name, and fear You, as Your people Israel does, and may know that this house which I have built is called by Your Name. (2 Chronicles 6:32-33) Solomon’s prayer of dedication goes on and on, and throughout it he emphasizes the fact that the temple is the place where YaHUaH has placed His great Name. Also that He should answer every prayer that is directed to Him in His house, for His Name’s sake. Remember that although this is Solomon’s prayer, it is also Scripture and therefore inspired by the Spirit. He wants to come to our aid no matter what the situation. All He requires is that we call upon His Name in faith. His Name, through faith in His Name has done this great thing... (Acts 3:16)


Chapter 12 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) The Name in the New Covenant Scriptures: YaHUaH, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, has is these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds. Who being the brightness of His esteem, and the express image of His Person, and upholding all things by the Word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. And being made so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they. (Hebrews 1:1-4) O YaHUaH, our Master, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth. (Psalm 8:1) The Son Inherited the Excellent Name of His Father: One of the things that struck me in the Scriptures is that inheritance is always linked to names. It has always worked that way all over the world. People inherit what belonged to their fathers. The bulk of the book of Joshua deals with the children of Israel taking into possession the promised land. The whole land was divided amongst the tribes and families of the twelve sons of Israel - the Patriarchs. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Judah according to their families. (Joshua 15:20) And the lot of the children of Joseph fell from Jordan by Jericho, unto the water of Jericho on the east, to the wilderness that goes up from Jericho throughout mount Bethel. (Joshua 16:1) And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance. And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are you slack to go to possess the land, which YaHUaH Mighty One of your fathers has given you? (Joshua 10:2-3) And YaHUaH gave unto Israel all the land which He swore to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein. There failed not aught of any good thing which YaHUaH had spoken unto the house of Israel, all came to pass. (Joshua 21:43 & 45) The inheritance was according to what belonged to the fathers. The same is true with the Father and the Son. In fact the whole thing of inheritance originated with YaHUaH, not man. For example in Psalm 2 the pre-incarnate Yahusha is speaking: I will declare the decree, YaHUaH has said to Me, You are My Son, this day have I begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the heathen for Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession. (Psalm 2:7-8) YaHUaH declares that YaHUShA is His Son, and therefore the heir of all His possessions. Why is He Elohim the Son? Because He has inherited the excellent Name of His Father. (Hebrews 1:4) The angel of YaHUaH appeared to Joseph (Mat.1:20) with this fantastic message, And she (Miryam) shall bring forth a son, and you shall call His Name YaHUShA: for He shall save His people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of YaHUShA by the prophets, saying, Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, Eloah (YaHUaH) with us. (Mat.1:21-23) 47

YaHUShA is the Father’s Son, and as such He bears the Father’s Name. The Name YaHUShA literally means, Yah (short for YaHUaH) is our Salvation. That is what Gabriel actually said to Joseph: You shall call Him “YaHUaH is Salvation”. (Yahu = YHW, and Sha = Husha = Joshua = Deliverer = Save = Salvation) The Son’s Name is also synonymous with “ YaHUaH with us” - Emanuel - because it is the Name which, when called upon, makes Him a present tense reality - YaHUaH IS Salvation. Calling upon YaHUShA makes YaHUaH our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1) In YaHUShA, YaHUaH of hosts is with us, the Mighty One of Jacob is our refuge. (Psalm 46:7 & 11) HalleluYah! There are different variants of our Saviour’s Name: Y’Shua, Yeshua, Yahshua, Yehoshua, Yahushua and of course Yahusha. The “Y”, “Ye”, “Yeh”, and “Yah” all represent the Father’s Name - YaHUaH. Amongst Messianic Jews (Yahudim) the most common form used is Yeshua. That form is spelt with only the three letters: Yod, Shin and Ayin. They prefer this form because they do not want to give offense to Orthodox Jews who do not recognize Yahusha as the Messiah, and this form of His Name does offend them because it is spelt with the same three letters that the Father’s Name is spelt with: Yod, Hey and Waw. The five letters of the Son’s Name - Yod, Hey, Waw, Shin and Ayin, correctly pronounced is YaHUShA. That is the way it is spelt in the Old Testament. Moses just prefixed Husha’s name with a Yod, and it became Yahusha. (Numbers 13:16) When praising Eloah using the term HalleluYah the Father and the Son are both being honoured. The Better (New) Covenant - Believing in Yahusha’s Name: Since I’ve been studying this subject of “The Name” in depth, I’ve come to realize that faith in the Name is what the New or Renewed Covenant (Good News) is all about. It starts of course after the so-called 400 silent years when the messenger Gabriel arrives with that sensational announcement that it was time. YaHUaH was about to enter human history in Person through His Son Yahusha, making of human history, His Story. An important aspect of that announcement, as we’ve already seen, was the instruction given to the earthly parents of the Messiah, regarding His Name. A Name is most important because it carries within itself a meaning. We already know the meaning of the Name of YaHUShA. Therefore when a person believes in a name, they believe in what that name signifies. You cannot call a Rolls Royce motor car by the name Ford Bakkie (Pickup). It just does not make sense. Although they are both motor vehicles, they are worlds apart. In the same way you cannot call Yahusha the Messiah by a name that just does not have the meaning Eloah with us, or YaHUaH is Salvation. In ignorance mankind has called Him by another name for many centuries, and YaHUaH will not hold it against them. However, when He starts to reveal His real Name to His people, then I for one do not want to regard this precious revelation as unimportant. In a future article we will look at the origin of the name Jesus. Faith in YaHUShA and faith in His Name is the same thing. Consider these Scriptures. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become sons (children) of Eloah, (therefore fellow heirs of the Father, together with Yahusha) even to them that believe on His Name. (John 1:12) Receiving Him in faith means believing in His Name. Now when He was in Jerusalem at Passover, in the feast day, many believed in His Name, when they saw the miracles that He did. (John 2:23) Now thát is a Scripture that cannot be disputed with regard to the importance of believing in His Name. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For Eloah so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For Eloah sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believes on Him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed IN THE NAME of the only begotten Son of 48

YaHUaH. (John 3:14-18) John 3:16 is probably the most well known portion of Scripture. However I think John 3:17-18 is probably the one Scripture that the most people are completely ignorant of. It is Yahusha Himself speaking here, and He makes faith in Him and faith in His Name Synonymous. The next verse I quote is again YaHUShA speaking. Here He is in confrontation with the religious leaders. I regard these words as extremely serious. And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has borne witness of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His shape. And you have not His Word abiding in you: for whom He has sent, Him you believe not. Search the Scriptures: for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they which testify of Me. And you will not come to Me that you might have life. I receive not honour from men. But I know you, that you have not the love of Eloah in you. I am come in My Father’s Name, and you do not receive Me: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. (John 5:37-43) Then they said unto Him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of Eloah? Yahusha answered and said unto them; This is the work of Eloah, that you believe on Him whom He has sent. (John 6:28-29) I like the following verse. A young man who had been born blind was sitting on the side of the road minding his own business. Then YaHUShA (Eloah with us) came on the scene and changed that man’s life without even being asked, and for the first time in his life he enjoyed the wonder of sight. When he was asked how this had happened, by the religious leaders of course: He answered and said; A man that is called YaHUShA (Yah is my salvation) made clay, and anointed my eyes, and said to me; Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight. (John 9:11) Obviously this young man didn’t know the Man YaHUShA, but he knew His Name, and he had faith in what that Name stood for - his salvation, in this case - sight. It reminds me of Luke 4:18 where YaHUShA is speaking again: The Spirit of YaHUaH is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach... recovering of sight to the blind. His Name is the Anointing. (Song 1:3) The Anointing is the Spirit, therefore it would not be incorrect to quote that verse as follows: The Name of YaHUaH is the Anointing upon Me to bring deliverance to whoever needs it. In the words of His mother Miryam; For He that is mighty has done great things, and set-apart is His Name. (Luke 1:49) Whosoever shall receive one of such children in My Name, receives Me: and whosoever shall receive Me, receives not Me, but Him that sent Me. (Mat.9:37) For YaHUaH is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have shown toward His Name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. (Hebrews 6:10) The labour of love that believers have shown towards His Name is ministering in that Name. When any believer uses the Name of YaHUShA with which to minister to the needs of people, then they are literally demonstrating their love for the Father. Here the Scripture refers to it as a labour of love towards His Name. YaHUShA said: If you love me, keep My commandments. (John 14:15) This is a direct quote from a portion of the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:6b. His last commandment to us before returning to His Father, was the Great Commission in Matthew 28 and Mark 16 in which He authorized us to go out with the Good News, in His Name. In His prayer in John 17, YaHUShA, no less than four times mentions the Father’s Name and its importance in the work which He sent us to accomplish; • I have revealed Your Name to the men whom You have given me out of the world. They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, and they have guarded Your Word. (v.6) • And I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You Set-apart Father, guard them in Your Name which, You have given Me, so that they may be one, as We are. (V.11) • When I was with them in the world, I was guarding them in Your Name, which You have given Me, and I watched over them, and not one of them perished except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be filled. (v.12) 49

• And I have made Your Name known to them, and shall make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them. (v.26) The Evangels are full of references to the Name of YaHUShA. Obviously the Person YaHUShA is who is important, but His Name and His Person cannot be separated. In the same way He cannot be separated from His Word. He is His Word. (John 1:1) He is also His Name. The physical presence of Yahusha is not with us today. He is present through the Set-apart Spirit of YaHUaH - the Anointing - and His Name is the Anointing. (Song 1:3) As part of their training for the ministry, YaHUShA sent out the twelve disciples two by two. This is what Mark has to say about that: And they went out, and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them. And king Herod heard of Him: (for His Name was spread abroad) and he said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works are done in him. (Mark 6:12-14) Later on towards the end of His ministry, when YaHUShA entered Jerusalem, and before the religious leaders had turned the people against Him, they honoured Him: And they went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; blessed is He who comes in the Name of YaHUaH, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, who comes in the Name of YaHUaH, hosanna in the highest. (Mark 11:9-10) Speaking to His disciples about the end times YaHUShA had this to say: Take heed lest any man deceive you. For many shall come in My Name, saying, “I am the Anointed, and shall deceive many. And you shall be hated of all men for My Name’s sake: but he who endures to the end shall be saved. (Mark 13:5,6 & 13) In the Revelation of YaHUShA the Anointed One, (Rev.1:1) the Name also plays an important roll in the life of the Assembly: I know your works, and where you dwell, even where Satan’s seat is: and you hold fast to My Name, and have not denied My faith. (Rev.2:13) I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have little strength, and have kept MY Word, and have not denied My Name. Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of My Mighty One, and he shall no more go out: and I will write upon him the Name of My Mighty One, and the name of the city of My Mighty One, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My Mighty One: and I will write upon him My new Name. (Rev.3:8 & 12) This chapter deals with the Name in the New Covenant Scriptures. We haven’t even looked at the book of Acts and the apostle’s letters to the Assemblies. That will be dealt with in subsequent chapters. However, the next chapter deals with the very important aspect of “translating a name”, and how our Saviour’s Name was affected by so-called translation.


Chapter 13 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Translating a Name: You shall not take the Name of YaHUaH your Mighty One in vain, for YaHUaH will not hold him guiltless that takes His Name in vain. (Exodus 20:7) For all people will walk everyone in the name of his mighty one, and we will walk in the Name of YaHUaH our Mighty One for ever and ever. (Mic.4:5) His Name shall endure forever, His Name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in Him, all nations shall call Him blessed. Blessed be YaHUaH Mighty One, the Mighty One of Israel, who only does wondrous things. And blessed be His esteemed Name forever: and let the whole earth be filled with His esteem. Amein and Amein. (Psalm 72:17-19) And YaHUaH shall be King over all the earth, in that day shall there be One YaHUaH, and His Name One. (Zech.14:9) And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on mount Zion, and with Him a hundred and forty and four thousand, having His Father’s Name written in their foreheads. (Rev.22:4) After writing all those verses, is there anything left to say? After reading those Scriptures, can anyone still have the rashness to try and justify their non-use of our Father’s authentic Name as well as the Name His Son bears? The Father’s Name, which is also our Saviour’s Name, shall be in the believer’s foreheads. Regardless of how anyone wishes to interpret that, the truth is that Eloah’s Name shall be on our foreheads. Whether it will literally be written on the forehead, or whether it will be continually in the mind, is not the point. The point is it will be His Name YaHUaH - that will be in the forehead of every believer. YaHUaH in His grace and mercy has overlooked our ignorance concerning the true Name of His Son, our Saviour. We have through the centuries placed our faith in the name “Jesus” which is not even the Greek translation of Yahusha. (Yah is Salvation) His Name was given to Joseph by the angel Gabriel because He would save His people from their sins. The Hebrew term for “save” is HUSHA while the Greek term is SOTER, and the Latin is SALVARE. Therefore the real Greek form of the Saviour’s Name is either Yahsoter or Soteryah, depending on Greek grammar. The question is: why do we have the name JESUS in our English translations? This is not a Hebrew name, and has no meaning in Hebrew. It is not a translation either, because it is supposed to mean: YaHUaH IS SALVATION, and it doesn’t. It is ironic that whereas the Name of our Saviour was neither translated nor transliterated, the title Mashiach (Messiah) was translated into Greek as KRISTOS. Although Kristos is the Greek word meaning rubbed with oil, it has a close relationship to the term light bearer. Then that title was transliterated and not translated from Greek into English as Christ. The Hebrew word Mashiach means the Anointed One or the Anointing and the Greek word Kristos could mean Light bearer. Although we know that Yahusha is the true bringer of YaHUaH’s Light, (Psalm 80:1) Lucifer (Satan’s name), was the anointed cherub before he fell, and means light bearer. So the translators were completely inconsistent regarding the Names and titles of the Father and His Son. Sometimes they translated, sometimes they transliterated and sometimes they mis-translated by using a completely different title. Sous is the name of the mythological son of Jupiter the Greek sun deity. (Sous was transliterated into English as Zeus) Therefore it is clear that Iesous Kristos (Jesus Christ) 51

can more accurately be referring to Zeus the Sun, than to YaHUShA the Son. This is out and out cunning from the deceiver which we have swallowed hook, line and sinker. I have no doubt that the translators were motivated by a sincere zealousness to protect the Name, or maybe to protect the people of YaHUaH from using the Name. But it was misdirected zeal which only resulted in total ignorance and confusion amongst the people of YaHUaH. Incidentally, we all know who the author of confusion and deception is. By the Spirit of YaHUaH we also know that the Truth sets free and therefore we are not ignorant of the devices of Satan, (2 Cor.2:11) especially the plan he has devised to attempt getting rid of the authentic Names of the Most High YaHUaH and His Son YaHUShA. Now, when the Spirit of YaHUaH is starting to restore the truth about the Names of the Father and the Son, obviously there is going to be a certain amount of confusion. This is not surprising, for after all there has been almost 2000 years of deception with regard to the Son’s Name and almost 3000 years in which the Father’s Name has not been used at all because of religious superstition. But I don’t think we need to be concerned. The Setapart Spirit is gentle, and the truth sets free. However, I do think that we should be open, and not just shoot something down because it rubs against our religious traditions. YaHUaH is in control, and if this revelation is not of Him, He can handle it. The following quote is from the PREFACE of The Scriptures translation of the Word published by INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH. I quote from the sub-heading, THE RESTORATION OF THE NAME: “The Scriptures” differs radically from most other translations in that it does not continue in the tradition of substituting the Name of the Father and the Son with names ascribed to gentile (pagan) deities. All the names of deities which in the past have been ascribed to the Father, the Son, and even used when engaged in worship, have been avoided. One of the post-exilic-apostasies of Orthodox Judaism was the avoidance of the Name of the Almighty, the so-called Tetragrammaton, (the four lettered Name, YHWH). Because of this and a similar and continued suppression and substitution of the Name by the Church, much harm was done to True Worship. When anyone inquires about this he is told: “The Name has been translated into English as LORD, as was similarly done in other languages.” This argument does not hold water. Guiseppe in Italian corresponds to Joseph in English; however, Guiseppe Verdi cannot be translated as Joseph Green in English, even if that is what it means in English! The proper name of any individual is not translated; it is always transliterated or transcribed in order to approximate its original pronunciation. We repeat: the proper name of any individual is simply not translated, more especially when we are dealing with the most important Beings in all the universe: the Most High YHWH and His Son YHWShA.” Guiseppe Verdi the Italian composer is known by that name throughout the world. He is not known as Joe Green in the English speaking world. In our ignorance YaHUaH has still honoured our faith in the name “Jesus”, for we have always equated that name with the Son of the Almighty, the Lamb that was slain in our stead. But I am convinced that as He restores the knowledge of His Name and the Name of His Son to His people, miracles will again become the order of the day, as it was in the early Assembly. John 1:12 says: But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of YaHUaH, to those believing in His Name. We become children of YaHUaH when we receive YaHUShA into our lives as Sovereign, but we can only do this if we understand the meaning of His Name and the significance of that meaning. With that understanding comes knowledge and wisdom concerning the use of His Name in our daily walk as believers. In my opinion we cannot believe or, have faith in His Name if we do not even know His Proper Name. And if we don’t know it, how is it possible to live the life of faith if we are commanded: And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Sovereign YaHUShA, giving thanks to Eloah and the Father by Him. (Col.3:17) I am sure my reader has, from the beginning of this book, been wondering about the real meaning of the name we have been holding dear throughout our Christian lives. It was a great shock to me as I am sure it will be to anyone else. Notwithstanding, I would personally prefer to know the truth than remain in ignorance, which destroys according to Father YaHUaH. (Hos.4:6) 52

I quote from FOSSILIZED CUSTOMS by Lew White - page 18. So what does the name ‘Jesus’ mean? The beginning part in Greek, IE is the sound ‘Yeh’ which is ‘hail’. It is not ‘Yah’ because it was changed! Now, we’re left with the ‘SOUS’ part. It may be significant, so I should tell you that the word we sometimes see in the Latin, ‘YESU’ (yeh zoo) has been traced to a Hebrew word meaning; ‘a curse be upon’. According to the Dictionary of Lore and Legend by J.C.J. Metford, page 126. It is known that the Greek name endings of sus, seus, and sous (which are phonetic pronunciations for Zeus) were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as a means to give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus. Examples are Pamassus a sacred mountain in Greece, the Greek deity of wine and son of Zeus, Dionysus. The Greek hero of the Trojan War was Odysseus, and the Greek deity of healing was Ieusus which is a variant spelling of Iesous or the Latin Iesus/Jesus. They also changed the names of the prophets EliYahu (whose name means ‘My Mighty One is Yah’) and Elyesha (whose name means ‘My Mighty One saves’) to ‘Elias’ and ‘Eliseus’. (whiuch means ‘My mighty one is Zeus). This was done so often that it later was the basis for their rules of grammar which followed the common or vernacular spoken language. There are plenty of other Greek words that end with ‘sus’, like the city of Tarsus (meaning ‘sweat of Zeus’), and Pegasus. How can we explain the Spanish ‘Hey Zeus’? Even the name ‘Yosef’ was corrupted to ‘Joseph’, then Guiseppe, but they didn’t tack the name ‘Zeus’ on it. As a syncretism, the Greeks had to hear ‘Zeus’ in Messiah’s name! If you stop 50 people walking out of a church service and ask them what the Name of the Creator of the universe is, you will usually hear them respond with GOD, The LORD, or JESUS. The fact is, the word ‘Jesus’ has no meaning in Hebrew, and the closest Hebrew word to the Greek ‘sus’ is ‘soos’, meaning HORSE. (End quote from Lew White) Just an observation from the above quotation. If it is true that the Latin name YESU which is sometimes ascribed to our Saviour Yahusha, has been traced to a Hebrew name meaning ‘a curse be upon’, then in many worship songs He is being cursed every time Christians sing those songs. It is true that according to 2 Cor.5:21 He became a curse for us. That means He took the curse of our sins upon Himself when He died and shed His Blood on the stake. That does not mean that we are to continually place a curse upon Him by calling Him that name. It is a sobering thought that Christians who love Him are doing just that in ignorance. The whole point of this chapter is that names are just not translated in normal life. My name is Johann Möller, and that is exactly how it will be written on legal documents throughout the world. Charles disagreed with me in a comment on one of my previous articles. He said that if he went to Spain he would be known as Carlos. I beg to differ. If he became a citizen of Spain, his name would remain Charles on every legal document in that country, unless he legally changed his name to Carlos. Budda remains just that in every country. Mohammed has always been Mohammed. The Islam mighty one Allah is known as Allah in every tongue. Krishna has remained that since he came into existence. Zeus has always been Zeus, and Ba’al’s name has never changed. Isn’t it amazing therefore, that the Name of the only True Mighty One has changed in every tongue. His followers give Him hundreds of names, which differ in every language. And yet He has only introduced Himself by one Name. Just as amazing is the fact that His Son should be known by a different name in every language. Jesus, Yeesis, Jesu, Jesosi, Geezus, Isu, Insa etc. It might be argued that every language would have a different pronunciation of YaHWeH’s Name. Again I beg to differ. I believe our Father chose a Name that would be pronounceable in every tongue. I’ve noticed that the word HalleluYah (Praise ye Yah) is spoken exactly the same in the far east, the middle east, Africa, Europe and the Americas. So there’s no excuse. When YaHUaH reveals His Name to us, we can all say it with reverence and love, and it will be recognizable as The Name (Heb. Ha Shem) everywhere in the world. I conclude this chapter by quoting from a publication of the United Bible Society. This article explains how they go about “choosing” a name for the Almighty when they translate Scripture into a new language. It is shocking beyond words what learned men are doing with this Most Important “Word” in the Scriptures of the Almighty.





TRANSLATING THE NAMES OF GOD: HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT NAMES IN THE TARGET LANGUAGE Dr.Jacob Loewen is a recently retired UBS Translation consultant resident in Canada

During my early years as translation consultant with the Bible Society in South America, I had the privilege of checking the translation of the New Testament into the Maquiritare language spoken in south western Venezuela. As we neared the completion of that New Testament, I began to feel increasingly uneasy about the word for “God”, Diyo, which the team was using. Each time I voiced my concern about the fact that the name was borrowed from a European language and not a Maquiritare name, the translators assured me that they too, felt uncomfortable about that name, but there was nothing they could do about it, because the Maquiritare language just did not have an adequate word. There was, they said, a culture hero called Wanaari. He was spoken of as having done some of the things the Bible ascribes to God, but he was also the “lyingest”, “cheatingest” and most immoral character in tribal folklore and hence totally unfit for the divine name in the Bible. When we had completed checking the New Testament I still could not shake off my uneasiness about the divine name, so I asked the team to take several months to pray and to listen carefully to see if there really was no local name for God that could be used. I promised that if after three months of honest search on their part, they did not turn up an adequate answer, I would authorize the printing of the New Testament using the loanword Diyo to express God. Before two months had passed I received an excited letter. The translators, true to their promise, had accompanied a team of evangelists to a remote corner of Maquiritareland. The evangelists preached and taught and the translators listened. To the surprise of the translators the evangelists, all Maquiritare church elders, dropped the name Diyo and preached only about Wanaari as soon as they got into the previously unevangelized area. The trip lasted several weeks and during the whole time the name Diyo was never used. On the way home the translators confronted the evangelists with the question: “How come you always use the name Wanaari among these people while in our churches at home you always use Diyo to speak about God?” The answer: “These people know no Spanish, so they have never heard the name Dios or Diyo. The only name for God they know is Wanaari.” “But what about all the deception and all the acts of immorality which Wanaari committed? How could he be the God of the Bible?” The answer: “Oh, those things? Don’t you know that they are all bad gossip stories that the devil invented so that the people would not follow Wanaari’s way?” With one bold stroke a whole tribal mythology of the now “bad” stories about Wanaari had been reinterpreted. And the end result was that the church decided to use Wanaari rather than Diyo to express God in the New Testament about to be printed. Just as these Maquiritare translators had to ask some pointed questions before they could reach the right answer in their situation, so I want to raise a series of questions in this article with the hope that they will help translators everywhere in making better choices of words to express the divine names in the languages in which they are working. When may a translation use a loanword to express God’s name? During my years of overseas service I have been surprised at how many groups I have met that either began to hear or are still hearing a gospel in which God’s name is a loanword. Sometimes God’s name has been borrowed from a neighboring or a related tribal language. Sometimes it has been borrowed from a trade or a colonial language. With my anthropological back ground I had a bias against loanwords from a different language in such important areas as the name of God. (End of quote from the United Bible Society publication) Don’t you find that absolutely shocking? That learned people and theologians decided what name to “choose” for the Almighty when He has throughout Scripture in the original language made His Name known approximately 7000 times. What is even more shocking is that the name they choose is usually that of the “lyingest”, “cheatingest” and most immoral deity of the people into whose language they are translating the Scriptures. What the translators are then literally doing is to substitute the set-apart (Holy) Name of the Almighty with the names of pagan deities. 54

What they did many centuries ago, they are still doing, and feel justified in doing it. Our Mighty One emphatically commanded in Exodus 23:13 “And make no mention of other mighty ones, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.” He further commanded His people to destroy the names of the mighty ones of the pagans - Deuteronomy 12:3 - not to use them!


Chapter 14 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) The Ten Virgins and the Name: Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. (Mat.25:1-13 KJV) I have always been fascinated by this parable. We understand that the Bridegroom represents the coming Saviour, and the ten virgins the waiting bride. The bride has always been interpreted as being the Assembly of believers. This Body is often referred to as the Bride of Messiah, which means, the Bride of the Anointed One. This interpretation is correct because at the end of that parable YaHUShA, speaking to His disciples, refers to Himself as the Son of Man for whom believers had to be ready when He came again. The point that YaHUShA was trying to make was that His Bride had to be prepared, so that when He came, they would enter into the marriage ceremony immediately. The sad thing is that 50% of the waiting believers were not prepared when eventually the Bridegroom arrived. They were there waiting with all the others, but they were not ready. Unfortunately they missed the marriage. This is a hard word. But we cannot ignore it because Yahusha Himself told this parable as an illustration of what it was going to be like when He returns. We have to heed His words and make sure we understand exactly what He meant. Anyone who is not ready will hear those devastating words from the mouth of the loving Son of YaHUaH: Truly I say to you, I do not know you. (Mat.25:12 The Scriptures) In order to understand this parable properly, we need to let Scripture interpret itself. What are the essential ingredients in this parable? 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Bridegroom. The Ten bridesmaids. The lamps. The Oil.

We already know who the Bridegroom represents - the coming Saviour. We also know the the bridesmaids represents the universal Body of Believers. But what does the Scripture say about the lamps and the oil? In Proverbs 20:27 we see something very interesting: The spirit of man is the lamp of YaHUaH. Every person is a spirit being created in the image of Eloah who is a Spirit. (Gen.2:7, 1 Thess.5:23, John 4:24) What we must not miss in this verse is that our spirits belong to YaHUaH. But He has a very specific purpose for our spirits. They are His lamps. The sole purpose of a lamp is to shine. If it does not provide light, it is useless. Our spirits have to shine for YaHUaH, otherwise we are useless as far as He is concerned. David understood this and therefore allowed YaHUaH to light his lamp. For You will light my lamp, YaHUaH my Eloah will enlighten my darkness. (Psalm 18:28) When the Father lights our lamps, He enlightens our darkness. We need our lamps to shine in order to provide light for ourselves in the dark world in which we live. YaHUaH does not need the light our lamps produce. He is the Light of the world. But we need light in order to show us the way to Him. The point is a lamp cannot burn by itself. It needs fuel. A modern day torch or lamp uses batteries in which fuel in the form of electrical energy is stored. But in biblical times, the fuel needed by a lamp was oil. What oil is YaHUaH going to use to burn in the lamps of 56

our spirits? The Oil or Anointing of His Spirit. In Scripture oil or ointment is always a type of the Set-apart Spirit. It is easy to see therefore that our spirits (lamps) are dark unless filled with the Oil of YaHUaH’s Spirit. In order for our lamps to be ready to be lit at any time, they have to be kept fueled at all times. When a lamp was full of fuel, that lamp was regarded as being ready to be used by the owner whenever he needed it. Now let’s get back to the ten virgins waiting for their Bridegroom. They all had their lamps, which belonged to the Bridegroom. Everyone had a spirit belonging to YaHUaH. He had supplied each of them with a lamp of their own. Each bridesmaid was responsible for her own lamp. Each one had to ensure that there was enough fuel in her lamp to burn brightly for whenever her Bridegroom arrived. That was her responsibility. There was no excuse, for He had also supplied sufficient fuel for them all to keep their lamps filled to the brim. Without fuel in her lamp, she would not be able to light her way and would stumble around in darkness, eventually losing her way. Sadly that is exactly what happened, only five of them made sure their lamps were fueled and ready for the long awaited arrival. The Missing Dimension: What is this fuel? It’s imperative that we know. Obviously, it is the Set-apart Spirit. But is there a dimension that we’re missing? The truth is that according to YaHUShA, 50% of the waiting Assembly (called out ones) will be unprepared. They were all believers. Most Christians today would argue most vehemently that every believer has the Spirit within him. I personally agree with that. Is the missing dimension then being “filled” with the Spirit and speaking in other tongues? Many Christians would argue to that effect. I also believe in being filled with the Spirit and exercising His gifts. But I am still of the opinion that there is something that we’re missing. Let’s look at this essential Oil or Ointment (Anointing) from a different perspective. Let’s put a different Scriptural slant to the usual way we’ve interpreted this parable. In doing this, please understand that I am not introducing a theory here. I am going to use Scripture to interpret itself. Because you have never heard this parable being interpreted in this way, does not make this interpretation invalid. It is valid as long as Scripture backs it up. The ten virgins are waiting for their Bridegroom. Who is He? If we were to ask them that question, how would they answer? Obviously any bride who loved her bridegroom would lovingly say his name. They would identify their husband by name. Otherwise no one would know who they were waiting for. It could be anyone. The Marriage Proposal: One thing is certain, the Bridegroom knows who He is coming for. He knows His bride by name. In fact it is by name that He has identified His bride. How did He do that? He called her name. (Isaiah 43:1 & 45:4, John 10:3, Acts 2:39) The calling of her name was His marriage proposal to her. The word assembly is a translation of the Greek word EKKLESIA meaning called out ones. She heard her name being called. Then the Caller said: You are Mine.

You belong to Me.

I have chosen you.

I want you for My bride.

Will you marry Me? In responding to that call, she became His lamp. How did she respond? The truth - which is well documented in Scripture, is that there is only one way to respond to His calling or proposal. That one way is to reciprocate to His call by, in faith, calling upon His Name in return. Her answering His call, with her own call, is her acceptance of His proposal. Call unto Me, and I shall answer you, and show you great and inaccessible matters which you have not known. (Jeremiah 33:3 The Scriptures) 57

A wonderful thing that I see in this Scripture is that only when we respond to His calling by calling on His Name, will He start to reveal wonderful truths to us. This translation calls it inaccessible matters. Anyone who has the key of His Name will be able to access these matters, which until then had been inaccessible. Is it not possible that when we recognize and in faith call upon His true Name, which He has revealed to us, then only will He reveal the wonderful truth of His Name as the Central theme of all of Scripture, which will then also unlock other wonderful truths? Through the enlightenment of the Spirit’s Anointing (Oil), many believers who have embraced the Name are beginning to see the significance of our Mighty One’s authentic Name in virtually every Scripture upon which they meditate. Conversely, I have come across many religious leaders who refuse to see the significance of His authentic Hebrew Name, and I am amazed by their ignorance concerning His only Name and its importance. These great and wonderful things remain inaccessible to them. In Psalm 91 YaHUaH also says something extremely significant about His Name. He is speaking: Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high because he has known My Name. He shall call upon Me, (My Name) and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him My Salvation. (Yahusha) (v. 14-16) YaHUShA said: Whosoever therefore shall confess Me (My Name) before men, him (his name) will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven. (Mat.10:32) It is not possible to confess someone without mentioning that person’s name. How is YaHUShA going to confess a believer who confesses Him before men? Is He going to say: Another person has confessed Me father? or is He going to say: Johann of Philadelphia Fellowship in Pretoria, South Africa has just confessed Me as the Anointed One before a colleague at his place of work? I am convinced that He will confess me in the latter way. And a recording messenger (angel) will accurately record those words of the Saviour in a book which has my name on the cover. HalleluYah! I believe He will honour His Word and confess me by my name. He won’t use my nickname either, it will be my proper legal name. (Ask for my article entitled: Names in the Heavenly Books.) So then we see that the Bridegroom’s marriage proposal, and the bride’s acceptance of that proposal is literally calling upon and accepting each other’s names. No potential bridegroom will ever propose to a person whose name is unknown to him. Neither will any potential bride accept a proposal from a person whose name she does not know. Legally, in the whole matrimony setup, the most important aspect of the ceremony are the names of the two who are being joined together. The Illuminating Oil of His Name: Apart from the proposal and acceptance through calling each other’s names, how else do the names feature in this interesting parable? I mentioned earlier that there was a dimension that we were missing in our interpretation of the oil in the bridesmaid’s lamps. What exactly is this illuminating oil? I submit that the Oil, which brings the Light of the Spirit into a believer’s spirit, is the Name of the Saviour - the Name of the heavenly Bridegroom - YaHUShA. In the chapter entitled: The “Word” of Eloah, I concentrate on the truth that the Word (singular) is literally the Name of the Saviour. Yes obviously “Word of Eloah” also refers to the Scriptures, and to the Person of YaHUShA Himself. But if it is so that the most important single word in the Scriptures is the Name of the Almighty, then it makes sense that whenever Scripture refers to the “Word of Eloah”, then that “Word” can be narrowed down to His Name. The whole of Scripture can be boiled down to the single “Word” of His Name. The Name is the Signature legalizing both the Old and the Renewed Covenant documents. Getting back to the oil in the bridesmaid’s (virgin’s) lamps. In Song of Solomon 1:3 we read these wonderful words: Because of the fragrance of Your ointments, Your Name is ointment (oil) poured forth, therefore do the virgins love You. The virgins or bridesmaids love the Bridegroom because of the Ointment of His Name. It’s her calling upon His Name that enables her to become His bride. It is literally calling upon the Name of 58

YaHUShA (Rom.10:13, Acts 4:12 and John 1:12) that has brought the Ekklesia (called out ones) into a covenant (marriage) relationship with the heavenly Bridegroom. An important word in the above verse is therefore. Therefore do the virgins love You. Why do they love Him? Because of His Name. But don’t they love Him for who He is, and for what He did for them? Yes of course. But it all happened - the whole of salvation was made possible - only because of His Name. His Name describes every saving attribute of our loving, merciful and gracious Father. His Name, which is the only legal Signature of both Covenants, means: The Salvation of YaHUaH. No one can come into a relationship with Him without believing in and calling upon His Name. This is the method YaHUaH Himself initiated and then instituted and is the clear teaching of all of Scripture. This relatively obscure verse in Song of Solomon proves that His Name is literally the Anointing. That’s exactly what it says. In Isaiah 10:27 we are told that it is the anointing which destroys the yoke of bondage. The Hebrew word used there for anointing is SHEMEN, which also means oil, ointment or salve. The same word, SHEMEN was translated in Songs 1:3 as ointment. Therefore we can say that when His Name is poured forth (spoken out of believing lips) it (the Name) is literally the Anointing that will destroy the works of the devil and bring healing. Yahusha commanded His bride to do exactly that, to destroy the works of the devil with the ointment of His wonderful and powerful Name. (Mat.28:19 and Mar.16:17) Read the book of Acts and you will see that the early Assembly literally took the Saviour at His word. It was His Name on their lips, which caused those early believers to blaze in that dark and unrighteous world. I notice something else in the Hebrew word SHEMEN. (ointment or anointing) The root word of it is SHEM, which is the Hebrew word for NAME. Now isn’t that interesting? The Word of the Almighty is so rich. I don’t believe this is coincidence. His Name is the Anointing poured forth! Ha Shem is Shemen. I submit therefore that the oil that the bridesmaids (virgins) need in their lamps is a love for and faith in the real Name of their Bridegroom. Whenever and wherever they pour out this Ointment of His Name, they bring light to a dark world. In Psalm 119:89 we read: Forever O YaHUaH, thy Word (singular) is settled in heaven. The essence of that “Word” remember, is the Saviour’s Name. It is that Name which brings illumination. It is that “Word” which burns in the lamps of our spirits. The entrance of His “Word” brings light. (Psalm 119:130) The Bridegroom Arrives: The ten bridesmaids were asleep because the Bridegroom tarried. But eventually at midnight the call went out: “He’s coming! He’s coming!” What excitement! At last the long wait was over. They all hurriedly get up to prepare themselves and to light their lamps. Alas, only five of them had enough oil in their lamps! Only five of them could light their lamps. When the Saviour returns I believe that those five will represent those in the Body of Messiah who have a burning love for and faith in His true Name, and what is more, they are using it effectively to bring light wherever they are. YaHUShA revealed to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) that Salvation was of the Jews. (Yahudim - Name people) In Hebrew His Name means: The Salvation of YaHUaH. He is coming back as a Yahud (Jew), and He will be using the same powerful Name that He gave to His Body to use in establishing His Kingdom when He left two thousand years ago. He is going to be ruling this world from His throne in Jerusalem for a thousand years. But fifty percent of believers will not be ready. They will not have the Oil of His Name burning in their spirits. They will not have a love for and faith in their Saviour’s Name YaHUShA. They will not be able to obtain this love for and faith in the Name from other believers, and so they will miss out on the marriage ceremony for which they had been waiting so long. Eventually they arrive at the closed door and call out hopelessly: “Master, Master let us in.” Even then they do not lovingly speak His Name, but continue to refer to Him informally by a title. In this writing I said that they call Master, Master. However, according to the translations they will call out: Lord, Lord. That is exactly what they will say. They will continue with the indoctrination that the translations have brainwashed them with over the years. If only they had the key of His Name they could unlock the door. He hears the call 59

(as He always does) and comes to the door. “Please Lord, let us in.” What does He answer? “Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.” Be on First-Name Terms with YaHUShA: Generally speaking, when a person does not know another person intimately, it means that they are not on first-name terms. I know the name of the President of South Africa, but I am not on first-name terms with him. If I was it would mean that when I say; “Hello Thabo” he will answer; “How are you Johann?” Obviously YaHUaH knows the names of every professing believer. He knows the names of every person who ever lived and everyone who is still living today, but are they all on first-name terms with Him? Most are not even interested in knowing Him, let alone to be on first-name terms with Him. When He says to that fifty percent who know His Name but refuse to make it their own by using it lovingly; I do not know you, then He is saying; I am not on first-name terms with you because you do not want to know and use My Name. This is a more serious matter than most people think. According to Scripture, YaHUShA is busy courting us. He visited this world and is only present there where two or three are gathered together in His Name. (Mat.18:20) Where believers are gathered and purposely reject His true Name, He will not be found for the Anointing will not be there. I beg of you dear reader to seriously consider this teaching. All over the world the Father is in the process of restoring the knowledge of His Name. Some are receiving it with a great excitement because they know that His coming is just around the corner. But some are rejecting it and many in the Church are even militantly opposed to it. Don’t be found in their number when the trumpet sounds. It is almost midnight. Be prepared and develop a love for and faith in the Name above all names. The Relationship between the Spirit and the Name YaHUShA: At the start of this chapter I said that the oil in the lamps represented the Set-apart Spirit. Then later said that there was a dimension that we were missing and then proceeded to show from Scripture that the oil was represented by His Name. Is the oil then the Spirit, or is it the Name? I believe that there is such a close relationship between these two Elements that we cannot really make a distinction. According to Scripture the Spirit will not be present and working if the Name is not used in faith. Can this statement be backed up with Scripture? Well, let us look at a few verses that are the words of Yahusha Himself: And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever: Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: but you know Him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you. (Joh. 14:16-17) He is the Spirit of truth. That means He will only reveal truth and no lie will ever be propagated or accepted by Him. (eg. a false name) Why can the world not receive Him? Because they cannot or will not see (believe in) Him or know Him. You can only know someone closely if you know their name. But the Comforter, which is the Set-apart Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said unto you. (John 14:26) Can it be said any clearer? The Father will send the Spirit IN YaHUSA’S NAME. In other words, only if a believer uses the true Name will the Spirit work (be sent) in a specific situation. Remember, He is the Spirit of truth, He will not come in a false name. You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you. (Joh.15:16) How or when does the Father give us what we ask? Only if we ask in YaHUShA’s Name. How does He fulfill the prayer request? By sending the Spirit in YaHUShA’s Name. 60

But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeds from the Father, He shall testify of Me. (John 15:26) Of whom shall the Spirit of truth testify? Of the Person who bears the Name YaHUShA. He will only accept the true Name in which He was sent. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you. (John 16:7) Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that He will speak; and He will show you things to come. (John 16:13) YaHUShA is the Truth (John 14:6) and only ever spoke the truth. That is exactly what His Spirit will also do - speak and reveal the truth, in YaHUShA’s Name. I bless you, dear reader, in YaHUShA’s wonderful, precious and powerful Name.


Chapter 15 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) His Name and Protection: And call upon Me (My Name) in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. (Psalm 50:15) If you love Me, keep My commandments. (John 14:15) These are the words of our Sovereign Yahusha. He did not say them in order to place a legalistic burden upon us. Rather, He said them for our own good. If only we would heed (hear and obey) His Word, then every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, (Eph.1:3) which has already been made available to us in Messiah, (the Anointed One) is ours to enjoy. Every spiritual blessing? This would include eternal (abundant) life, which starts the moment we call upon the Name of YaHUShA in faith, and is also sustained in His Name. It includes a good relationship with our Father, and therefore good relationships with all people. It also includes good health, healing, (if and when required) prosperity, (financial and otherwise) and protection from all evil that seek to harm the children of YaHUaH. All these blessings we have in and through the Name - Yahusha, the Name above all other names! The Name meaning; YaHUaH is Salvation. This is the good news that the Church seems to have lost sight of.

The Ultimate Insurance Policy: For the purpose of this chapter I would like to zoom in on what Scripture says about protection from physical harm through the Name. I am talking about the whole spectrum of physical harm, whether it comes in the form of sickness or disease that “eats up” the body, natural disasters, accidents or criminal violence. I believe it is all covered by our Eternal Life, Blood Covenant Policy, signed in the Name of YaHUShA, the Anointed Son of YaHUaH, and sealed with His Blood. Physical protection is an area of our inheritance which has been much neglected in the Body of Messiah, mainly due to a lack of knowledge as to what is rightfully ours. Although many children of YaHUaH know that protection is theirs, they very often lose that portion of their inheritance simply because they don’t know how to receive it by faith and then continue to live within it. They have never been taught how. Religious tradition is unfortunately so deeply ingrained in their thinking that when the truth comes along, it is just not acceptable. If you love Me keep My commandments. The most frequent command in the Scriptures concerns the absolute necessity for His Covenant people to call Him by calling upon His Name when in need. These commands and their purpose are summed up in Psalm 50:15. 1. And call upon Me (My Name) in the day of trouble: 2. I will deliver you, 3. and you shall glorify Me. Calling upon Him in the day of trouble is ultimately for His Name’s sake, for He will receive all the esteem (glory). But it is also for the sake of the one calling that Name out in faith, for he/she will be delivered by the Covenant keeping Mighty One of the Hebrews. There is no doubt about that, for He is faithful to His Word.


Psalm 91 and the Name: For believers this is the well-known, much loved protection psalm of Scripture. Whenever Psalm 91 is referred to, believers know that this is the chapter in Scripture promising ultimate security in the here and now. We don’t need protection in heaven one day, for there will be no evil there. However, it appears as if many believers do not always experience the protection benefits promised in this wonderful psalm. Why not? I believe the answer lies in the fact that believers have “forgotten” His Name. David says: But we will remember the Name of YaHUaH our Mighty One. (Psalm 20:7) Because this is a truth that is so close to my heart, I have often asked believers what the first thing is that they would do in a life-threatening emergency. Emergencies such as: • • • • •

Waking up in the night and coming to the realization that there are intruders in the house. (A great possibility in every home in South Africa today.) Traveling down the freeway at high speed and suddenly one of the tires of the car blows. A mother alone at home with her toddler who for no apparent reason collapses and stops breathing. Being attacked by a vicious dog or other wild animal. A Hijack.

The only answer for the believer when confronted by such a situation - Call upon His Name in times of trouble. Yet not once in all the times that I have asked this question, has the correct answer been given. The correct answer that YaHUaH Himself gives us over and over again in His Word, and commands us to implement in times of emergency. Is it any wonder that believers (Anointed ones because of the Anointing - the Name Song 1:3) suffer defeat again and again at the hands of an already defeated foe? Surely our defeat brings no honour to YaHUaH who has given us the weapon that will always cause us to triumph over the devil if used in faith. The secret lies in using that weapon His Name - in faith. Getting back to Psalm 91, how does His Name feature there? It starts off by stating very emphatically that only the person who dwells or continuously lives in the secret place of the Most High (In Messiah - the Anointed One) shall experience complete protection. He/ she will live under the shadow (protection) of the Almighty. Then the psalmist says: I will say, YaHUaH is my refuge and my fortress, my Mighty One, in Him will I trust. He then goes on to describe, in fine detail, the whole range of that protection. It encompasses every area of a believer’s life in this world. The important thing to understand here is that the one needing protection has to do something. What? I will say, “YaHUaH!” Literally saying (calling upon) the Name of the Most High is what brings the inheritance of His protection into manifestation. Calling upon His Name is a teaching which has been much neglected. The Word of YaHUaH means exactly what it says, and says exactly what it means. To call upon His Name means to literally shout out (with a loud voice) His Name in faith. There are so many verses confirming this and the following is just a small selection. They cried unto You: and were delivered. They trusted in You, and were not confounded. (Psalm 22:5) Calling upon Him is trusting in Him. To trust in Him is to call upon Him. In the Afrikaans translation the word cried is rendered as roep, which means to call or cry out in a loud voice. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His set-apart Name. (Psalm 33:21) The eyes of YaHUaH are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry. (Psalm 34:15) Save me, O Eloah, by Your Name, and judge me by Your strength. (Psalm 54:1) How does YaHUaH save? By His Name. So when people are not delivered it is because they have not used (called upon) His Name, which He has made available to them. 63

Pour out Your wrath upon the heathen that have not known You, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon Your Name. (Psalm 79:6) But unto You have I cried, O YaHUaH, and in the morning shall my prayer go before You. (Psalm 88:13) Then called I upon the Name of YaHUaH; O YaHUaH I beseech You, deliver my soul. (Psalm 116:4) I called upon YaHUaH in distress: YaHUaH answered me, and set me in a large place. (Psalm 118:5) In regard to this teaching of literally crying out the Saviour’s Name, Psalm 20 is my favourite. YaHUaH hear you in the day of trouble, The Name of the Mighty One of Jacob defend you. We will rejoice in Your Salvation, And in the Name of our Mighty One we will set up our banners. YaHUaH fulfill all your petitions. Now I know that YaHUaH saves His anointed, He will hear him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the Name of YaHUaH our Mighty One. Save YaHUaH! Let the King hear us when we call. Let’s go back to Psalm 91. The last three verses is YaHUaH responding to the faith confession of the psalmist, which commenced with His personal Name upon his lips. Now YaHUaH Himself speaks. Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him. (Remember, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” - the most prevalent being - “Call upon My Name when in trouble”) I will set him on high, because he has known My Name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him My salvation. (Psalm 91:14-16) When tragedy occurs in the day-to-day lives of believers, (I am not talking about them suffering persecution for His Name’s sake) it is not because it was the will of YaHUaH. When “good” Christians die at the hands of criminals, or other acts of the devil, and we say it was YaHUaH’s will, I believe it is a slap in His face. When Christians lose their lives in this way it is because of ignorance or lack of knowledge. It is because they did not call upon His Name. However, He is always true to His Word and the promises He made. One of these promises is that He will cause all things (even tragedies that happened as a result of ignorance) to work together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) Often when I’ve said this in the past, I have been hauled over the coals by indignant believers. “How can you say that? How do you know they did not ask God for help?” Because if they had called upon His Name in faith, and still have been killed, then the Word of YaHUaH - and the hundreds of promises concerning deliverance from the situation for which He was called upon - is not true. If that is true then we have no hope or assurance regarding any promise in the Word. After all, His Word is all we have. If we cannot trust in what He has said, then we have nothing to hold on to! But I know that He is true to His Word, therefore I know that He could not have been called upon in faith, by the person who lost his life. We cannot have it both ways. Either the Word is true in its entirety, or it isn’t. We cannot justify our ignorance of the Word by explaining away what we don’t understand with; “It was His will.” In any case, YaHUaH did not say; Ask Me for help in time of trouble, He said; Call upon My Name in time of trouble. There is a difference. The Name is what makes the difference. A Scripture verse that is not very popular with many believers is YaHUaH Himself stating the reason why His children are being destroyed (killed) by the enemy. The sadness in His voice is almost tangible as He says: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being priest to Me: 64

seeing you have forgotten the law of your Mighty One, I will also forget your children. (Hosea 4:6) This is an extremely serious accusation from YaHUaH to His people. What knowledge is on the whole being rejected by the Church today? His revelation of His authentic Name. What is one of the main duties of the priesthood? (Every believer is a priest - Rev.1:6) The placing of His Name (not the title Lord) upon His people so that He can bless them. (Numbers 6:22-27) So I encourage you dear reader to start using, in faith, this tremendous weapon of protection that our Saviour has placed at our disposal. I guarantee that He will come through for you every time. I know, because He has come through for me every time. HalleluYah! Bless His wonderful Name.


Chapter 16 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Tampering with the Scriptures: The law of YaHUaH is perfect, converting the soul: The testimony of YaHUaH is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of YaHUaH are right, rejoicing the heart: The commandment of YaHUaH is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of YaHUaH is clean, enduring forever: the judgements of YaHUaH are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is Your servant warned: and in keeping them there is great reward. (Psalm 19:7-11) In these five verses the Name of our Father in mentioned six times. The Name and Eloah’s Word go hand in hand, they cannot be separated. In fact they are synonymous. (See chapter entitled: IS THE WORD OF ELOAH AND HIS NAME SYNONYMOUS?) This Psalm together with Psalm 119 emphasizes the absolute importance of the Scriptures in the life of a believer. Scripture is essential, we cannot live without it. It is spiritual food. It is the Bread of Life. (Mat.4:4) It is the Feast (table) that our Shepherd has prepared for us in the presence of our enemies. (Psalm 23:5) Therefore we have the responsibility to make certain that our spiritual food is not contaminated by the enemy. As I was doing my research concerning the most important Name and therefore the most important “Word” in existence, it occurred to me that there are basically two fronts on which the enemy is fighting his war of deception. 1. The written Word. (The Scriptures) 2. The Names of the Father and His Son. Firstly he is trying his utmost to bring confusion to YaHUaH’s people regarding not only the integrity of the Scriptures, but also how absolutely essential Scripture is in the life of every believer. Secondly, he has from the beginning and still is doing everything in his power (to a large extent succeeding) to take the Father’s Name out of the translated Scriptures. He is fighting to destroy knowledge of the Name, and to erase the Name from the vocabulary of the human race. But our Mighty One reigns and He is busy restoring to His people the knowledge of both His and His Son’s Names. As I was meditating on this, one morning, a verse at the end of John’s gospel fairly jumped out at me, again underlining the importance of this three-fold doctrine of His Name, His Word and faith in it. But these are written that you might believe that YaHUShA is the Anointed One, (Messiah) the Son of YaHUaH, and that believing you might have life through His Name. (John 20:31) In his article: Why We Call Him Yahshua, Graham Barlin has the following to say with regard to the “translation” of the Almighty’s Name in Scripture. “In almost every Bible these days, God’s covenant name is rendered as “The Lord” despite the fact that this is not in any way a transliteration of this name. Furthermore, neither can it be regarded as an accurate translation of the word. 66

(Translation is the process of carrying the meaning of something from one language into another whereas transliteration on the other hand, is to change the letters from one alphabet into the corresponding letters of another. For example: the name Guiseppe Verdi, if transliterated from Italian into English would remain Guiseppe Verdi. An accurate translation of this name however would be Joseph Green.) “It has been argued that due to the absence of vowels in ancient Hebrew, the Covenant Name of God in the Old Testament can’t be transliterated into a word that can be pronounced with absolute accuracy in English. So to do would end up with the word YHWH which, as such, is unpronounceable. However, Hebrew does apparently have a system of suggesting vowel sounds, hence the debate as to the best way of pronouncing and writing a transliterated version of the Covenant Name of God. Early transcribers of the sacred texts, due to an irrational fear of contaminating Almighty God’s Name by using it, opted for the less direct yet partially descriptive noun ADONAI which translates accurately into ‘Lord’. Hence our current tradition of replacing the original name with ‘The Lord’. “But traditions can be dangerous, as they tend to render Almighty God powerless here on this earth as Yahshua Himself once attested. (Matthew 15:6) The truth is: there is a lot more to a name than we rational humans might like to think and no earthly language has a word that in any way could express the all encompassing and timeless magnitude of YHWH. ‘The Lord’ by comparison, leaves a lot to be desired,” (End of quote from Graham Barlin’s article) Immediately following those questions in Proverbs 30:4 regarding the Names of the Father and the Son, this statement of truth appears in the Word: Every Word of Eloah is tried. He is a shield to those taking refuge in Him. (v.5) Then follows this serious injunction which is at the same time a solemn warning: Do not add to His Words, lest He reprove you and you be found a liar. (v.6) Is it co-incidence that YaHUaH has chosen to place that warning immediately after the question He asks in respect of what His and His Son’s Names are? I don’t think so. In fact I know that there is no co-incidence in His Word for He says that every Word is tried. Therefore believers need to seriously consider their attitude towards the single most important Word in the entire Scriptures - YaHUaH, the Name of the Only True Mighty One! I say the single most important Word because the Father’s Name is in the Son’s Name and the Son bears the Father’s Name. It is basically the same Name. I believe that the most serious warning that YaHUaH gave us with regard to the Scriptures is that of tampering with it by adding to or taking away from His Words. You shall not add unto the Word which I command you, neither shall you diminish aught from it, that you may keep the commandments of YaHUaH your Mighty One which I command you. (Deut. 4:2 KJV with the Name and correct title restored) Whatsoever I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. (Deut. 12:32 KJV) When we replace one word with another word, which has a completely different meaning, then we commit the horrendous sin of adding to and taking from His Word at the same time. One simple action - substitution - accomplishes both. Has this been done? Yes it has! No matter how we try to justify it, substitution has taken place. In the Preface of many translations this is admitted. No matter how you look at it, substitution is exactly that, one word has been taken away, and another word has been added. What is even more serious is that the one word which has been deliberately taken out of the inspired Scriptures, is in my opinion the single most important “Word” in the entire Scriptures, His NAME. (YHWH) What is even more astonishing is that it was done not once or twice, or even a couple of hundred times, which would be serious enough. His Name was eradicated from Scripture close to seven thousand times! The sad thing is that the vast majority of His people are not even aware of it. Most of the few that do find out, simply brush it aside as unimportant and of no consequence, and continue to live their “Christian faith” in deception of the most serious kind - that of the true identity of the One they profess to worship. For I testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book; If any man shall add unto these things, Eloah shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this 67

book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Eloah shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Rev.22:18-19) Now hear this. Take note and highlight it in your heart and mind. Our part in the Lamb’s Book of Life is the fact that our names are written there. In the above verse YaHUaH warns that He shall take away our part (our names) out of the Book of Life when we have the audacity to remove His most set-apart Name from the Scriptures and replace it with a title which is commonly used by the followers of other deities. Our Father regards His Name as exceedingly meaningful in the lives of His children. He also regards the names of each one of His children as exceedingly important to Him. Our names are written in the Book of Life. That says so much to me. But another Scripture that I have never noticed before shows the high regard YaHUaH has for our names. And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty)... (Acts 1:15) The Word does not say: number of persons or number of disciples, then it would have given an impersonal impression. But when Scripture says: number of names, it infers very strongly that He is aware of every individual by their name. Is a name important to YaHUaH? There is no doubt about that. Is His Name important to Him? There is even less doubt about that. The leadership of the Church needs to seriously re think their attitude towards the Name of the Person they profess to serve. I specifically mention Church leadership, because my experience in sharing this revelation is that where a pastor rejects this teaching, his flock also rejects it. But where the pastor accepts it and starts to teach it, the flock follows suite. I would plead with any person in Church leadership who is reading this book, to prayerfully consider this teaching and if you come to the honest conclusion that it is unscriptural and therefore not of YaHUaH, then the right thing would be to leave it alone. If it is not of Him, it will die a natural death. But if you are convicted by the Spirit, and know in your heart that it is true, then you have a responsibility before Him and toward your flock to follow the example of your Master and make His Name known to your people. (John 17:6) I have personal knowledge of a medium sized church which was really flourishing. Every worship service was well attended and the people were growing in spirit. Then three people in the congregation received the revelation of the Name completely independently of each other. It was shared with the pastor and the leadership. Although it was not rejected, neither was it received. In fact the pastor admitted to one of the people concerned that it was the truth, but that he would not allow it to be taught in “his church”. The second person was told to stop using the Name because it was confusing the people and that it was legalistic. The third person was threatened that he would be asked to leave if he did not desist from sharing about the Name. Within six months of the Set-apart Spirit introducing this revelation to that church, the following happened. The pastor and his wife divorced. Several other couples in the leadership also went their separate ways. Many in the congregation started having serious marital problems. About 70% of the people left the church. A congregation that was vibrant and growing six months earlier was virtually destroyed. (Since writing the above paragraph, that church is not in existence any longer. I have been told that eight couples who were strongly involved in leadership there, have divorced.) There must be a reason why this happened in that church. When I see a Scripture such as the following, then I wonder. And now, O you priests, this commandment is for you. If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My Name, says YaHUaH of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings, yea, I have cursed them already, because you do not lay it to heart. (Malachi 2:1-2) My personal knowledge of that church is based on the fact that I was in leadership there, and was one of the people concerned. YaHUaH is certainly not mocked. A leader was lovingly handed a book in which the doctrine of the Name was taught. The lady who gave the book was rebuffed with the words: “We’re not into that.” Another leader who had 68

embraced this teaching, was mocked at a leadership meeting with the words: “Surely we are beyond this doctrine business.” All Scripture is given by inspiration of Eloah, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of Eloah may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:16) YaHUaH is my Shepherd, I shall not want, He makes me to lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. (Psalm 23:1-3) I was completely ignorant of what had been done by translators through the ages, and the seriousness of this act of substitution. But now that the Spirit has revealed the truth to me and many others throughout the Body of Messiah, we have a responsibility before Him to pass on the knowledge of His Name to other believers. After all, “lack of knowledge” is the one thing Satan uses to destroy the children of YaHUaH. (Hosea 4:6) I find it extremely difficult to understand how great men of Eloah, and scholars of the Scriptures, could not see the seriousness of this deed of getting rid of His set-apart Name in their otherwise wonderful work of translating the Scriptures into the languages of the world. It just goes to show how subtle the enemy is in his work of deception.


Chapter 17 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Persecution for His Name’s Sake: And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple. Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the Name of YaHUShA the Anointed One of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising Eloah. (Acts 3:2-8 KJV with the correct Name and titles replaced) The religious leaders recognized that a “notable” miracle, which they could not deny had been done by Peter and John in the Name of YaHUShA. But they were desperate that this “Name” doctrine that had already taken on dangerous proportions in the city be nipped in the bud. It was a threat to their comfortable way of life. They were the ones who, according to Scripture, were supposed to make the Name known to the nations. But through the centuries they had suppressed knowledge of that Name and laid unbearable burdens on the people for their own profit. Therefore they threatened Peter and John and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the Name of YaHUShA. Of course the disciples of Messiah refused, and after more threats were released and they returned to the other believers. And reported all that the chief priests and elders said unto them. And having heard that, they lifted up their voices to Eloah with one mind and said: YaHUaH, You are Eloah (the Mighty One), who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them, who by the mouth of Your servant David said, Why did the gentiles rage, and the people plot in vain? The sovereigns of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against YaHUaH and against His Messiah. (Anointed One) For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your set-apart Servant Yahusha, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the gentiles and the people of Israel to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose decided before to be done. And now, YaHUaH, look on their threats, and give to Your servants all boldness to speak Your Word, by stretching out Your hand for healing, and signs, and wonders to take place through the Name of Your set-apart Servant YaHUShA. And when they had prayed, the place where they came together was shaken. And they were all filled (anointed) with the Set-apart Spirit, and they spoke the Word of Eloah with boldness. (Acts 4:23-31 The Scriptures) Notice how the believers were boldly using the Name of the Father in prayer. This was unheard of for many centuries in Israel, but Yahusha had come to make known the Father’s Name, (John 17) which he also bore. He taught them that it was the Name which carried the Anointing, (Luke 4) and that the same Anointing which was on Him would be on them as well through faith in His Name. Great miracles continued to be done by the apostles in the name of Yahusha, and eventually the religious leaders could take it no longer and re-arrested Peter and John and jailed them. (Acts 5:12-18) But YaHWaH sent an angel, who set them free and told them to continue preaching in the temple. They were re-arrested and brought before the High Priest and the council who said: Did we not strictly command you not to teach in the Name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, (of the Name) and 70

intend to bring the Blood of this Man upon us! And Peter and the other apostles answered; We have to obey Eloah rather than men. (Acts 5:28-29) Eventually after beating them again and commanding them not to speak in the Name of YaHUShA, they let them go. Then indeed they went rejoicing from the presence of the council, because they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name. And daily in the set-apart Place, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and bringing the good news: YaHUShA the Messiah! (Acts 5:41-42) I quote from Lew White’s book FOSSILIZED CUSTOMS, from the chapter Turning the World Upside Down, page 83. “The Book of Acts records how the early students of Yahusha ‘turned the world upside down’. Put yourself in that life setting. The Name of the Creator had been concealed from the common people for centuries, since the Babylonian Captivity. Learning this truth, everyone was astounded, and a natural curiosity swirled among everyone. When Peter stood up and addressed the crowds at Acts 2, he quoted Joel 2 and told them to be immersed into the Name. Today, just as before the end of the ‘times of the Gentiles’, the world is being turned upside down once again by the growing knowledge of the Name, which had been concealed for many centuries by the religious merchants. Like today, it was the Name of the Creator that caused the religious established to be turned on its head.” The Same Pattern Repeated Today: It is absolutely true. Again today, people who have discovered the true Names of the Father and the Son, and are starting to use it for the purpose for which YaHUaH gave it, are being ostracized. The pattern is exactly as it has always been. The persecution is coming from the religious leaders. The sad thing is that the very people who profess to know and believe in the Name - Christian leaders, are preventing their people from using it. The result is that the “Name users” are being blamed for causing disunity and splitting the Church. A pastor said to me, “I believe that YaHUaH is the Father’s Name, and that YaHUShA is the Son’s real Name, but I cannot believe that God has allowed us to use a wrong name for two thousand years. If you continue teaching in this Name I will have no option but to remove you from leadership.” If YaHUShA is the correct Name of our Saviour, and it is admitted, then I really cannot see why leadership has a problem with their members using it. Compromising the Truth has always been acceptable to the enemy, but it has never been acceptable with YaHUaH. Once Truth has been revealed it cannot be compromised by those who have received the revelation. That would be tantamount to denying it. If my Saviour reveals His Name to me and I refuse to confess Him by Name before men, then in His own words: Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven. (Mat.10:32-33) I know of several couples who were in church leadership, but because of the Name, were pushed aside and ignored by their own brothers and sisters to such an extent that eventually they were forced to leave their assembly. That is nothing else but suffering persecution for His Name’s sake. I continue quoting from Lew White’s book. “The overlooked issue here is this: at the time our Saviour came, Whose Name is Yahusha, the Name was concealed, and any who spoke it aloud could be stoned to death for saying it. He said He revealed it to those given to Him out of the world, and that we be kept as ONE (in unity) by it. Are we in unity? He criticized the Pharisees for withholding the ‘key of knowledge’ (Luk.11:52), and what they withheld was the Name! Why did they constantly want to stone Yahusha? He kept saying the Name. At Luke 19:38, the crowds were crying out a verse from Psalm 118:26 which contained the Name, and the Pharisees told Yahusha to rebuke them - because they were using the Name. Why were the disciples called to stand before the Sanhedrin? The Name! Why was Stephen stoned (Acts 7)? When he said the Name, they screamed and put their hands over their ears, 71

and killed him. Yahusha Himself was condemned because He spoke the Name before the Sanhedrin, which caused the High Priest to tear his clothes, saying: “He has spoken blasphemy!” Blasphemy only involves one thing - the Name. Why was Paul on his way to Damascus to arrest Nazarenes? To carry them back to the Sanhedrin to see if they would say the Name and be similarly condemned to death. Taken as a whole, the main controversy in the New Testament seems to be the Name issue, and the announcing of the Kingdom of YaHUaH. YaHUShA’s own Name contains the Name. Revelation 7 and 14 connect together, because the ‘seal’ in the foreheads (minds) of the 144,000 is this Name of the father. Taking the Name ‘in vain’ means to bring it to nothing, missing it or wiping it out. The ‘Sinai Autograph’ of the original Name YHWH written by His own hand was in what is called paleo-Hebrew (ancient Hebrew). All the prophets wrote it in this script. Much more can be said about persecution for His Name’s sake, and much more will be said in later articles. No one likes to suffer persecution, but if I have to suffer, then I would rather suffer for the Truth than for a lie. What is Truth? YaHUaH is Truth, and Yahusha came to reveal that Truth.


Chapter 18 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Paul and the Name: Wherefore YaHUaH also has highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name: That at the Name of YaHUShA every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that YaHUShA the Anointed One is Sovereign, to the esteem of YaHUaH the Father. (Phil.2:9-11) Paul the apostle wrote three quarters of the New Covenant Scriptures. The gospel (Salvation message - YaHUShA) which he preached, and wrote down in his letters to the different assemblies, make up the greater part of Renewed Covenant doctrine. The sum total of his teachings, amount to more than all the other apostles put together. He received all this revelation directly from Yahusha. (Gal.1:12) Sha’ul (the real Hebrew name by which YaHUShA always called him) was a Hebrew of high qualification, and belonged to the strict Pharisee sect. He had a zeal for Elohim, but not according to knowledge. (Phil.3:6, 7 & Rom.10:2) Therefore that which motivated him to take the lead in persecuting the Assemblies of YaHUShA, was exactly the same as that which motivated the religious leaders to persecute and eventually kill the Lamb of YaHUaH. They thought that they were protecting His Name from a bunch of uneducated sectarians who were following a false Messiah who had introduced Himself as the One bearing the Name. Ironically, in thinking that they were honouring YaHUaH, in trying to destroy the people of “The Way”, for His Name’s sake, they were in fact persecuting the very people who were now truly suffering for His Name’s sake. I wonder if it ever occurred to these religious persecutors that a Scripture such as Isaiah 66:5 could only be applied to the people they were hounding because of their love for YaHUShA. Hear the word of YaHUaH, you that tremble at His Word; Your brothers that hated you, that cast you out for My Name’s sake, said, “Let YaHUaH be glorified.” But He shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed. (Is.66:5) Sha’ul in his religious fervour, hated the followers of YaHUShA. He was present at the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr. (Acts 7:58) He made havoc of the Assembly. (Acts 8:3) He obtained letters from the High Priest in order to go to Damascus to arrest any believers in Yahusha. On the way a bright light blinded him and a voice from heaven said: Sha’ul, Sha’ul, why are you persecuting Me? And he said, Who are You Master? And the Master said; I am YaHUShA whom you are persecuting, it is hard for you to kick against the pricks. (Acts 9:4 & 5) In a split second he realized that he had been wrong all along. Absolutely sincere in his zeal for YaHUaH, but dead wrong. He was in deep shock. Verse 6 says that he trembled and was astonished. The first word he uttered was “Adonai”. (Master) Yes he saw it now, YaHUShA was the Master. He really was the Messiah - the Anointed One bearing the Name of YaHUaH. Significantly, when Sha’ul was sharing this testimony before king Agrippa, he was speaking in Greek, the lingua franca of the day. He said: At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them that journeyed with me. And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Sha’ul, Sha’ul, why are you persecuting Me? - And I said, Who are You Master? and He said, I am YaHUShA...


YaHUShA was speaking in the Hebrew tongue. Sha’ul made very sure his hearers understood that. Why was it so important? Because he wanted it known that YaHUShA did not identify Himself as IESOUS. (the Greek name that our Messiah was saddled with) Neither did Sha’ul, while testifying in Greek use the Greek name Iesous with which to identify his Master whose Name he was now bearing before kings. (Acts 9:15-16) Iesous is neither a translation nor in any way a transliteration of the Hebrew Name YaHUShA. Moreover the English name Jesus, which only came into being about 500 years ago when the letter “J” was introduced into the English alphabet, is even further away from YaHUShA as regards phonetic pronunciation. Getting back to Sha’ul, YaHUShA then instructs him to go and find a disciple called Ananias who would pray for him. He had also instructed Ananias about Sha’ul, and told him to pray for him. Now listen to this interesting dialogue between Ananias and YaHUShA: Then Ananias answered, Master, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he has done to Your set-apart ones at Jerusalem: and here he has authority from the chief priests to arrest all that call on Your Name. But the Master said unto him, Go your way, for he is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My Name before the gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how greatly he must suffer for My Name’s sake. (Acts 9:13-16) Ananias delivers this message to Sha’ul and exhorts him to be immersed and to call upon the Name of YaHUShA. He does so, and when Ananias lays his hands upon him in the Name of YaHUShA, he receives his sight as well as the Set-apart Spirit - the Anointing. (Acts 9:17-18 & 22:10-16) And straightway he preached Messiah (Anointed One) in the synagogues, that He is the Son of YaHUaH. But all that heard him were amazed, and said: Is this not he that destroyed them which called on this Name in Jerusalem, and came here for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests? (Acts 9:20-21) It is understandable that after his conversion, Sha’ul had much difficulty in making contact with the believers. Obviously they thought that this was a new tactic he was using to try and infiltrate the body of believers (the Assembly). But a believer by the name of Barnabas knew that Sha’ul was a changed man, and he made it his task to bring Sha’ul into fellowship. He took Sha’ul to the apostles in Jerusalem and informed them that Sha’ul had boldly proclaimed the Name YaHUShA in Damascus. (Acts 9:26-31) The First Believers in Messiah who were called Christians: After the martyrdom of Stephen, the young Assembly in Jerusalem underwent such severe persecution that they were forced to flee for their lives. They were scattered all over South Eastern Europe. Some of them ended up in Antioch, and of course a congregation of believers developed there. The Jerusalem Assembly sent Barnabas to help establish the new Assembly, and he in turn went to look for Sha’ul to come and help him. That Assembly grew to such an extent that it was the place where the term Kristianos - “Christians” was first used. (Acts 11:19-30) What is the meaning of that term? Well, Kristos - “Christ” is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word Mashiach - “Messiah”, which means, The Anointed One, and should have been so translated into English. Therefore “Christian” literally means an anointed one following (believing in) thé Anointed One. According to Song of Solomon 1:3, there is a very close relationship between the Anointing (Who is the Person of the Set-apart Spirit) and the Saviour’s Name. In fact, that relationship is so close that the Name and the Anointing is virtually the same Entity. Why were the Antioch believers called Christians? Because the Anointed One (Mashiach) was preached. In other words the Name was preached. Faith in His Name - Yahusha, was preached. Miracles took place in that Name, because it actually means YaHWaH IS SALVATION. Whenever they heard the Name of the Messiah they literally experienced YaHWaH as their SALVATION, because, through faith in His Name, they were operating in the same Anointing YaHUShA had.


The whole world saw this. They saw hundreds, no thousands of anointed ones (Messianics) who were turning the world upside down in that powerful Name. What a difference between then and now. What a difference between the original believers and the believers of today. The difference is in the Name. Most Christians today are totally ignorant of the real Name of their Saviour. They have no idea what His Name means and stands for therefore they cannot operate in faith, using that powerful Name. When the gentile assemblies were exploding through faith in the Name of YaHUShA, the Jewish assembly at Jerusalem became concerned. They were uncertain as to whether the gentile believers should follow the “Jewish” law of circumcision. A Council was held at Jerusalem which Sha’ul and Barnabas were invited to address. After they shared what the Master was doing amongst the gentiles, (Acts 15:12) Jakob (James) the leader of the Jerusalem assembly said: Men and brethren, hearken unto me; Simeon (Peter) has declared how YaHUaH at the first did visit the gentiles, to take out of them a people for His Name. And to this agree the words of the prophets: as it is written, “After this I will return, and build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down: and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up. That the residue of men might seek after YaHUaH, and all the gentiles, upon whom My Name is called, says YaHUaH, who does all these things.” (Acts 15:13-17) Isn’t it amazing how the Name features in His building of His Body? It can be likened to cement which holds the individual bricks together into a single unity of a house. The tabernacle of David that YaHUaH says He will re-build is nothing else but the Temple, (not made with hands) the Body of Messiah - which is us who believe in His Name. We are the temple of the Ruach (The Anointing). We are the place He is establishing for His Name. Then the Council sends a letter with Sha’ul and Barnabas to the gentile believers to encourage them in their faith. Part of that letter contains the following words. Notice that it was for the sake of YaHUShA’s Name that these apostles put their lives on the line. It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Sha’ul. Men that have hazarded their lives for the Name of our Master YaHUShA the Anointed One. (Acts 15:25-26) Hazarded their lives for the Name YaHUShA! Is His Name important in the life of a believer? Are modern believers willing to give up their lives for His Name? Of course the Word of truth implies the true Name. Would the Spirit of truth inspire a name other than the absolute true Name after the Messiah Himself said: He that believes not is condemned already because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of Eloah. (John 3:18) The Unknown Mighty One: Preaching at Athens on Mars Hill, Sha’ul, seeking to introduce the True Mighty One, started his sermon with these words: Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you too are superstitious. For as I passed by, and saw your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN MIGHTY ONE. Whom therefore you ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you. (Acts 17:22-23) “To the unknown Mighty One” can also be translated, To the Mighty One whose Name is not known. Well, the Athenians listened to Sha’ul until he mentioned the fact that YaHUShA had risen from the dead, then they were not interested any more. Later on at Corinth in the Synagogue of the Yahudim (Jews) Sha’ul was in trouble again, when he preached that YaHUShA was the Anointed One. (Acts 18:5) The Jews took Sha’ul to the gentile magistrate Gallio in order to lay a charge against him. After hearing their story, Gallio said: If it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, O you Jews, reason would that I should bear with you. But if it be a question of words and names, and of your law, you look to it, for I will be no judge of such matters. (Acts 18:14-15) 75

Words and Names? It was the most important word in the Scriptures (the Law) - YHWH, and the Names of the Father and His Son, which were infuriating the Jews so much. Sha’ul was really suffering for the Name’s sake just as YaHUShA had prophesied. An interesting event concerning the Name that Sha’ul was preaching, took place in Ephesus. And certain vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the Name of the Master YaHUShA, saying, We adjure you by YaHUShA whom Sha’ul preaches. And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. And the evil spirit answered and said: Yahusha I know, and Sha’ul I know, but who are you? And the man in whom the spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. (Acts 19:13-16) I think I will end this chapter on that humorous but serious note. It does not pay to play around with the Name above all names, especially if you are not on first-name terms with the One who bears that Name.


Chapter 19 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) The Anointing and the Name: And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (YeshaYahu - Isaiah 10:27) His Name is ointment poured forth. (Song.1:3b) Or; His Name is the Anointing poured forth. And these signs shall follow those that believe in My Name. They shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mark 16:17-18) And whatsoever you shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask anything in My Name I will do it. (John 14:13-14) But the Comforter, which is the Set-apart Spirit (the Anointing), whom the Father will send in My Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26) For some months now Song of Solomon 1:3 has been the basis of my meditation concerning the Father’s Name. (Remember that the Son was the Anointed One, bearing the Father’s Name) Through this relatively obscure Scripture I have received the most precious revelation so far in my faith walk. However, I believe that there is far more to come. I am only just starting to scratch the surface, but that “scratching” is already beginning to produce wonderful fruit in my ministry, including genuine miracles. I know that miracles are not what we are striving for. We seek to know our Father more intimately, and in that intimacy a life of miracles is part of the norm, or should be. It was so in the case of YaHUShA. He did not go around doing all those wonderful things in order to impress the people. Neither did He do them in order to prove that He was the Messiah. He performed these works (miracles) in the power of the Spirit (Anointing), solely on the Word of His Father, and through them His Father was glorified. He did not do anything except that which His Father told Him to do. He never said anything except that which His Father told Him to say. (John 8:28) For that He was always in trouble with the religious authorities. Absolutely nothing that YaHUShA did, whether it was preaching, or healing the sick, or raising the dead. Walking on water, or multiplying bread to feed thousands, or stilling the storm. Or rebuking the religious leaders and calling them “a brood of vipers”, was ever done on His own initiative. He was walking in love, and was one hundred percent obedient to His Father’s voice. For that reason He suffered, and was ultimately killed. We (believers) are supposed to walk the same road He did. We are supposed to be followers or imitators of Him, and walk in love (through obedience to the Father’s voice) thus becoming an offering and a sweet-smelling fragrance (ointment) to our Father. (Eph. 5:1-2) The miracles in the life of YaHUShA proved that He was sent by YaHUaH. Nicodemus recognized that. He came to YaHUShA one night and said: Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from Eloah: for no man can do these miracles that you do, except Eloah be with Him. (John 3:2) YaHUShA did not do those miracles in order to be seen by men. They were just the natural outflow of His intimacy with and obedience to His Father. Often after a healing miracle, He would tell the person to whom He had ministered not to talk about it. 77

But let me return to the ointment of His Name. His Name is ointment poured out. You will notice in most of our translations, that Songs 1:3 is written; His Name is as ointment poured forth. A “good” translation would have the word “as” in italics, which means that in the original Hebrew Scriptures that word does not appear. A word in italics has been added at the discretion of the translators in order to make better sense of a passage in the opinion of the translators. Sometimes, however good the intention, the real meaning of certain passages have become veiled through this adding to the Word of the Almighty. This was and is never His purpose. He has given us His Word in order to enlighten us. His Word reflects His desire to reveal Himself to and show His infinite love for us. That’s why The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) and, The entrance of Your Words give light, it gives understanding to the simple. (Ps.119:130) The simple? That speaks to me of being humble before YaHUaH - being teachable - and taking what He says at face value in simple, child-like faith. That attitude pleases Him and brings honour to His Name. So according to the original Scriptures, His Name is literally Ointment poured out. When Scripture speaks of ointment or oil, it is referring to the Person of the Set-apart Spirit. He is the Anointing. The Spirit or Breath of YaHUaH is the Anointing, which produces LIFE. (Genesis 2:7) YaHUShA is the “Anointed One” (Ha Mashiach - the Messiah). As a Man He could do nothing until He had been Anointed with the Ruach of YaHUaH. This is a lesson that every believer needs to learn. We can do nothing in terms of the Kingdom of YaHUaH, without the Anointing - the empowering of the Set-apart Spirit. (See Acts 1:8) YaHUShA was Anointed on the day that He was immersed (baptized) in the river Jordan. When He came up out of the water, the Spirit (Anointing) in the form of a dove came upon Him, and the voice of the Father came from heaven; This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. (Mat.3:17) The inference in the Father identifying Yahusha as His Son, was that His Name was upon Him. A son always bears his father’s name. Immediately after that the Spirit led Him into the wilderness where He was tempted by and overcame the devil. Then only did He start with His work of ministry in obedience to His Father. One of the first things He did was to go into the synagogue at His hometown of Nazareth and take the scroll of the prophet YeshaYahu - Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written, (Is. 61) The Spirit (Anointing) of YaHUaH (His Name is the Anointing) is upon Me, because He has Anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor, He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of YaHUaH. (Luk.4:17-20) In other words, He was saying that it was the Anointing upon Him that was going to destroy the yoke the enemy had placed upon the people. In the next chapter I will give a bit of background in respect of the Judaic religion’s regard for the Name of YaHUaH the Eternal Self-existing One. It used to be a Name that was well known, revered and loved by the people of YaHUaH. As a people in Blood Covenant relationship with Him, His Name was constantly on their lips. But through religious superstition they became so afraid of the Name that they dared not speak it. Being fearful of their Mighty One’s Name has always been and still is today the cause of the Jewish nation’s downfall. They refused to use the one weapon that had been made available to them with which to overcome their enemies. But let’s look at the very practical way believers of today can use the Anointing of His Name. I just want to say that it works. His Name is most definitely Anointed. It is the Anointing that destroys any yoke or burden the enemy tries to put on us. (Isaiah 10:27) If then His Name is that yoke destroying Anointing, then it is literally His Name that does it. This is true because His Name represents His Authority. So then, the Name (the authentic Name) of the Deliverer - YaHUShA - must be on the lips of the believer when he/she confronts or is confronted by the destroyer. His Name, which is also the “Word” of YaHUaH (Rev.19:13) must in faith be wielded as a two-edged sword out of the mouth of a believer. A word of warning though. His Name is not some sort of magical formula much like agrakadabra. The seven sons of Sceva found that out to their dismay, when they tried to throw around the Name above all names out of unbelieving lips. Before any person can 78

use that Name effectively, they first need to have a genuine relationship with the Saviour the Name bearer. Then they need to develop faith in the Name. That is of utmost importance. Peter said: And His Name through faith in His Name has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith, which is by Him, has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all. (Acts 3:16) I was a passenger sitting in the back seat of the car. When we arrived at the meeting place my wife who was sitting in the front got out first. When I got out I grabbed the pillar between the doors to lever myself out. At that moment my wife slammed the door shut onto my hand. Two fingers got caught. It was tremendously painful, and the first thing I did was to apply the healing balm of His Name. I put my fingers to my mouth and said; “Yahusha, Yahusha, Yahusha I anoint these bruised fingers with this precious and powerful ointment. Thank You that healing is immediately taking effect.” It was still very sore and there were already black marks in the centre of the two nails. Outside the building our group stopped and chatted for a while. Because of the pain I sucked on my two fingers. Ingrid noticed it and immediately took hold of my hand and prayed; “Father in the Name of Yahusha I ask that You heal these fingers right now. We believe You for it and thank You that it is done, in Yahusha’s Name. Amein.” The throbbing pain subsided there and then. A week later the marks were still there, but that was proof that my fingers had in actual fact been slammed in the car door. HalleluYah! Praise His wonderful Name.


Chapter 20 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) His Name in the Blood Covenant Ceremony: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Heb.4:12) This ancient ceremony between two people, two families, two tribes or two nations was quite involved and extremely serious. Once two parties entered into blood covenant with each other, it was forever. This is its significance. Neither of the parties could at a later stage withdraw from it without losing their life. They were thus eternally bound together. The blood covenant was usually consummated in the following sequence, and both parties would; 1.Exchange coats. With this symbolic action, each one was saying; This coat represents me, therefore I now give myself to you. My whole being, my whole life is now under your ownership. Everything I am and have now belongs to you. 2. Exchange Belts. The belt was where a person kept his weaponry. Symbolically then they gave each other all their strength, support and protection. 3. Cut the Covenant. They would take an animal and cut it in half. They would then stand in the middle of the two bleeding halves and walk around and through the pieces in a figure of eight, meeting again in the centre. This signifies two things; Firstly that they die symbolically, thereby giving up all their rights. Secondly; because the blood covenant was so serious, the dead animal signified that; the Almighty do so to me, and worse, if ever I break this covenant. Nobody entered into such a covenant without being absolutely sure (faith), sincere, and with a determined resolve to keep faithful to it, to the point of death. 4. Mix blood. A representative from each party would cut the palm of their right hands, then clasp their hands together allowing their blood to mingle. Then they would swear allegiance to each other. Symbolically then the lives of the two parties are joined together because the life of the flesh is literally in the blood. (Lev.17:11) The two parties then share their lives. They both share the one life. The two covenant parties become one. 5. Exchange Names. As the blood mingles each party takes on the last part of the other’s name. (In the covenant between Abram and YaHUaH, Abram became Abraham and YaHUaH always introduced Himself as; I am YaHUaH, the Mighty One of Abraham. 6. Making Scars. The two parties rub their palms together in order to produce permanent scars. These scars are “witnesses” of the covenant between the two parties, and serves to remind each other of his covenant responsibilities and commitment to his partner. The scar also signifies the covenant guarantee. 7.Making the Covenant Agreement. Before witnesses each party in turn speak out the terms and conditions of the covenant agreement. “All my assets belong to you. All my money, all my property is yours. Should you need anything, come and take. What is mine belongs to you. If I die, my family becomes your responsibility. But at the same time all my liabilities and burdens are also yours. Before witnesses the parties have in actual fact made a list of all their assets and liabilities, and then legally shared them. 8. Eat the Covenant Meal. This meal consummates the two parties becoming one. It consists of bread and wine. In Scripture wine is called the blood of the grape. (Gen.49:11) It represents the two partner’s - now one - own life blood. The bread represents the flesh. (body) A loaf is taken and broken in two, then fed to each other while saying to each other; “This bread symbolizes my body which I now place within your body. Then they serve each other with the wine and say; This wine symbolizes my blood which is now your blood. We are now in each other. We are one person with a new nature.” 80

9. The Memorial is set up or planted. This solemn ceremony must always be remembered by both parties. So they either build an altar of stone, or plant a tree. This memorial is then sprinkled with the blood of the animal that was slaughtered. The memorial together with the scars become “eternal” witnesses of the covenant. A truth that needs to be understood is that this blood covenant ceremony between men, is a picture of the Blood Covenant ceremony, which took place between YaHUaH and mankind. It was not initially a covenant between YaHUaH and individual men, but between YaHUaH and the Son of Man - Yahusha. He is at the same time Son of YaHWaH and Son of Man. In that Covenant ceremony He was at the same time the representative of the Almighty YaHUaH, and the representative of Mankind. What makes this ceremony even more unique, is that the Person Yahusha, (The Representative) was also the Sacrificial Offering - The Lamb of Elohim! I find that absolutely mind-boggling. Both parties entering into this eternal covenant had the same Representative, and that Representative was the Offering as well. In the Person of YaHUShA, Eloah (the Almighty) entered into covenant with Himself. For that reason it is an unbreakable covenant. In order for this Covenant to be broken, The Eternal One would be obliged to destroy Himself! That is an absolute impossibility, for He is YaHUaH the Eternal Self-Existing One. In establishing this Covenant, Elohim invoked His own Name. He swore by Himself, thus making the Covenant absolutely immutable. (unchangeable) For Eloah, having promised Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, swore by Himself, saying, “Truly, blessing I shall bless you, and increasing I shall increase you.” And so, after being patient, he (Abraham) obtained the promise. For men do indeed swear by one greater, and an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dispute. In this way Eloah, resolving to show even more clearly to the heirs of promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, confirmed it by an oath, so that by two unchangeable matters in which it is impossible for Eloah to lie, we might have strong encouragement, we who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the expectation set before us, which we have as an anchor of this life, both safe and firm, and entering into that within the veil, where YaHUShA has entered as a forerunner for us, having become High Priest forever according to the order of Malkitsedeq. (Heb.6:13-20 The Scriptures) As individuals we have been given the privilege (choice) of becoming partners in that unbreakable Covenant by making use of a very simple yet profound gift which Father YaHUaH has made available to each one of us. The gift of faith (Eph.2:8) That if you shall confess with your mouth the Master YaHUShA, and shall believe in your heart that YaHUaH has raised Him (the offered Lamb of Eloah) from the dead, you shall be saved. (Romans 10:9) It must be stressed that there is no other way of becoming an integral part of this great Covenant than exercising faith in Yahusha’s death and resurrection on your behalf. It is as profound and yet as simple as that. Each one who has heard this Good News has exactly the same opportunity, for we’ve each been given the same measure of faith. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as Eloah has dealt to every man the (same) measure of faith. (Romans 12:3) But those who have not heard do not have the same opportunity of becoming children of the Father through calling upon His Name in faith. That is why we have such an awesome responsibility to go into all the world and preach this message to all people. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and that bring glad tidings of good things. (Rom.10:14-15) What tremendous assurance for the believer. We are in a Blood Covenant with YaHUaH, through calling upon the Name of His Son Yahusha in faith. He was the Lamb of Eloah who was slain upon the altar. (stake of Calvary) But what I want you to notice in this ceremony of nine points, is that right in the centre - the focus of the entire ceremony, (point 5) is the exchange of names. 81

In all His dealings with mankind, YaHUaH’s Name has always been the focal point. His real Name, not titles such as Lord, God or Almighty. Not the words describing the attributes of His Name such as Emmanuel, Father, Healer, Provider, Wonderful, Prince of Peace, etc. Not endearing and sentimental “nicknames” which we have in love, but in ignorance given to Him, such as Jesus, Yeesis, Geezus, Iesus, Jesu, Jesosi. All these titles, describing attributes and affectionate nicknames are good, (or are they?) but should never displace the authentic “Signature” on the New Covenant Document which complete the Scriptures. It is this Name - YaHUShA, that we have to believe in (John 1:12, 3:18, Acts 4:12, Heb. 1:4, 1 john 3:23, 5:13) and the same Name that we have to walk in and use in our daily lives. And whatsoever you do in word or in deed, do all in the Name of the Master YaHUShA, and thank Eloah the Father through Him. (Col.3:17)


Chapter 21 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) His Name - the Central Theme of Scripture: Not unto us , O YaHUaH, not unto us, but unto Your Name give esteem, for Your mercy, and for Your truth’s sake. (Psalm 115:1) Because He has inclined His ear unto me, therefore will I call upon Him as long as I live. Then called I upon the Name of YaHUaH, O YaHUaH I beg of You, deliver my soul. I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the Name of YaHUaH. I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the Name of YaHUaH. (Psalm 116:2, 4, 13 & 17) O Praise YaHUaH, all you nations: praise Him, all you people. For His merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of YaHUaH endures for ever. Praise you YaHUaH. (Psalm 117) I call upon YaHUaH in distress: YaHUaH answered me, and set me in a large place. It is better to trust in YaHUaH than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in YaHUaH than to put confidence in princes. All nations (enemies) surrounded me: but in the Name of YaHUaH will I destroy them. They surrounded me, yes, they completely surrounded me: but in the Name of YaHUaH, I will destroy them. They surrounded me like bees; they are quenched like the fire of thorns: for in the Name of YaHUaH I will destroy them. Save now, I beg of You, O YaHUaH: O YaHUaH, I beg of You, send now prosperity. Blessed is He that comes in the Name of YaHUaH: we have blessed You out of the house of YaHUaH. O give thanks unto YaHUaH; for He is good: for His mercy endures for ever. (Psalm 118:5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 25 & 29) All these verses were taken from the page right in the centre of my King James translation. The four Psalms on this page are 115, 116, 117 and 118. It is not coincidence that the middle chapter in Scripture is Psalm 118 which is sandwiched between the shortest chapter 117 and the longest chapter 119. (See the end of chapter 10) If one studies these verses one can clearly see how important His Name is. On this one page alone the Name YaHUaH appears a total of sixty (60) times. There are a total of sixty nine (69) verses on that page. Almost every verse contains the Covenant Name of the Creator. The page is saturated with the Anointing. (His Name is the Anointing) We can see then that the central theme of the Word of YaHUaH is His Name. He is His Name. His Name represents Him. After the fall, YaHUaH could not fellowship with man anymore as He used to when He came into the garden and talked with Adam in the cool of the evening. Man was spiritually dead, and for their own protection YaHUaH withdrew His personal presence (Shekinah - glory) from them. But after the birth of Enos, Seth’s son, men began to call upon the Name of YaHUaH. Seth was Adam’s son who replaced Abel who had been murdered by Cain. (Genesis 4:25-26) Men could again make contact with YaHUaH through calling upon His Name in faith. Calling upon His Name in faith was what brought them into covenant with Him. Even today, 6000 years later, the essential requirement for becoming children of Eloah and therefore being in covenant relationship with Him is to call upon the Name of Yahusha in faith. (Romans 10:13, Acts 4:12, John 1:12) But as mankind multiplied and began to spread over the face of the earth, evil multiplied and spread with them. And YaHUaH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the 83

earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And YaHUaH was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. And YaHUaH said; “I am going to wipe off man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping creatures and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favour (grace) in the eyes of YaHUaH. (Genesis 6:5-8 The Scriptures) That last statement is very significant. YaHUaH’s favour or grace, which is undeserved, is the product or consequence of the Covenant, which He established. This Covenant was made available to all men. But not all men were interested in such a relationship with Him, for this meant commitment to Him, and the vast majority wanted to, and did, go their own way. However, the method ordained by YaHUaH, by which any man could enter into this Covenant was simply to build an altar and offer an innocent animal in sacrifice upon it to YaHUaH, while calling upon His Name in faith. A successful offering, in other words, one that was accepted by YaHUaH, always had three essential elements or ingredients: 1. The flesh and blood (in that order) of an innocent animal offered upon an altar. 2. Calling upon the true Name of the Creator in faith. 3. Faith in His acceptance of this offering. (This faith is based on His Word or promises) Such an offering containing these three ingredients was a sweet-smelling fragrance to the Almighty, and He always accepted it by extending His favour (grace) upon the one making the sacrifice. In any offering, if one or more of these three elements were missing, then He always rejected it for it was a stench of self-righteousness on the part of the one making it, and YaHUaH hates such an attitude. The offerings presented to Him by the two brothers Cain and Abel is a good example of what does and does not please Him. But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our unrighteousnesses are as filthy rags, and we all do fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. (Is.64:6) And there is none that calls upon Your Name, that stirs himself up to take hold of You: for You have hidden Your face from us, and have consumed us, because of our iniquities. (YeshaYahu - Isaiah 64:6-7) His Name and Favour (Grace): Obviously then Noah walked with YaHUaH by practicing the YaHUaH-ordained method of developing a relationship with Him. His obedience to YaHUaH in this regard is what made him a just and perfect man. But Noah found favour in the eyes of YaHUaH. This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with Eloah. And Noah brought forth three sons: Shem, Ham and Yepteth. (Genesis 6:8-10 The Scriptures) I find it most interesting that Noah called his firstborn “Name”. That is the meaning of the Hebrew word: SHEM. It is pure speculation on my part, but I believe that Noah wanted to honour YaHUaH when his first son was born. He could not give his son Eloah’s Name because it is a Name which He reserves for Himself, a Holy (Set-apart) Name. So he chose to acknowledge YaHUaH by naming his son Shem, in honour of Ha Shem. (Heb. The Name) After the flood, we see that Noah continues his lifestyle of worshipping YaHUaH in the way He ordained right from the beginning; And Noah built an altar unto YaHUaH, and took of every clean (innocent) beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And YaHUaH smelled a sweet fragrance. (Genesis 8:20-21 The Scriptures) Later Noah blesses Shem by placing YaHUaH’s Name upon him; And he said: “Blessed be YaHUaH, Eloah of Shem...” In this way he placed His Name upon Shem. (Num.6:27) Through the descendants of Shem, (Semites) YaHUaH chose to bless every nation of the world. He used the Hebrews to bring His Word (Scriptures) into the world, and through the Seed of the Scriptures, He brought the Living Word into the world - YaHUShA, the Lamb of Eloah (John 1:29) who takes away the sins of the world. (Salvation of YaHUaH) 84

Chapter 22 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) His Name - Focus of the Enemy’s Attack: For they speak wickedly against You, and Your enemies take Your Name in vain. (bring Your Name to nought) (Psalm 139:20) They have cast fire into the sanctuary, they have defiled by casting down the dwelling place of Your Name to the ground. (Psalm 74:7) O Eloah, how long shall the adversary reproach? Shall the enemy blaspheme Your Name forever? (Psalm 74:10) Remember this, that the enemy has reproached, O YaHUaH, and that the foolish people have blasphemed Your Name. (Psalm 74:18) Pour out Your wrath upon the heathen that have not known You, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon Your Name. (Psalm 79:6) Behold, the Name of YaHUaH comes from far, burning with His anger, and the burden of it is heavy. His lips are full of indignation, and His tongue as a devouring fire. (YeshaYahu - Isaiah 30:27) I AM YaHUaH: that is My Name, and My esteem will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images. (YeshaYahu - Isaiah 42:8) So shall they fear the Name of YaHUaH from the west. And His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of YaHUaH shall lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19) They surrounded me like bees, they are quenched as the fire of thorns, for in the Name of YaHUaH I will destroy them. (Psalm 118:12) The central theme of Scripture is the Father’s Name. That being the case, (adequately confirmed by the many verses mentioned above) it should not surprise us in the least that this is where the enemy of the Almighty and of His people has focussed his attack right from the beginning. If His Name is so vital in the whole Blood Covenant set-up, then it is understandable that the devil will do everything in his power to eradicate it. He used religious tradition, superstition, fear and ignorance of the Scriptures to accomplish his purpose. He almost succeeded. But he is dealing with El Shaddai - the Almighty One - whose Name is YaHUaH, the Eternal Self-Existing One. The verses quoted above confirm without a doubt that the enemy is focussing his attack on the Name of the Creator. He is blaspheming it, he is causing His people to forget it, and he is doing everything he can to delete it from Scripture translations in every language. He knows very well that the very thing which he is attacking, is the weapon in the hands (or in the mouth) of believers, which will destroy him and his works. As the centuries passed, the jews had developed such a fear of The Name that they never used it anymore. Eventually it was never spoken by anyone - not even by those standing in the office of priest. To dare pronounce that set-apart Name was regarded as the highest form of blasphemy. Notwithstanding, the Name was still written in the Scriptures by the scribes. They did not dare to take it out or replace it with another word because of the stern warning of 85

YaHUaH not to do it. However, when the Scriptures were read in public, and the reader came to the Name, (YHWH) he would substitute the Hebrew word Adonai. (Master) In this way, as time passed this religious tradition became entrenched in the worship of the true Eloah (Mighty One). His Name was “forgotten” by the people, and they developed a tremendous superstitious fear of it, aided and abetted by the religious leaders. In many cases today, religious Jews use the term Hashem (Heb. the Name) in place of the actual Name. Today also, Christian believers, almost without exception, during their times of fellowship, refer to Elohim (Father, Son and Spirit) as Lord. Very seldom, if ever, do they use their personal Names. Take note of this next time you are at a church or fellowship gathering. Phrases such as; What has the Lord done for you? Praise the Lord! The Lord is so good. I love the Lord, etc. are the order of the day. Please don’t get me wrong and misunderstand what I am trying to say. YaHUaH and YaHUShA are Sovereign, but somehow tradition, eliminating the authentic Names of the Father and the Son from our translated Scriptures, has caused us to lose a certain intimacy with our Creator. The very fact that believers feel uncomfortable to use these precious Names, even amongst themselves, indicates that something is very wrong. In comparison to the Name YaHUaH, the title Lord (Adonai) was very seldom used in the original Scriptures by either men or by the Almighty Himself. I believe thát should still be the pattern. I also believe that He is busy restoring that pattern in these last days all over the world. But when YaHUShA came into the world, the Name had all but disappeared from spoken Hebrew and thus from the rest of the world. YaHUaH, the Sovereign of hosts, the Eloah of Israel was not known and feared by His Name any more. Enter the Long awaited Messiah (The Anointed One): Now picture the scene that day when YaHUShA walked into His hometown synagogue right at the start of His ministry. Bear in mind that it was probably more than a thousand years since the Name of YaHUaH had been freely used by the Yahudim. (Jews - the people of the Name Yah) This young man, a local boy, known and well-liked by everyone, calmly receives the scroll of the prophet YeshaYahu - Isaiah and unrolls it almost to the end. There was a hushed silence - the people had great respect for the Word of Eloah, and it was about to be publicly read. In a clear voice that carried to every corner of that place of worship - the Living Word who was made flesh, started reading from the Written Word - the Scriptures; “The Spirit of YaHUaH is upon Me because He has anointed Me to preach the Good News to the poor...” (Luke 4:18) The people could not believe what they had just heard! The forbidden Name had just been spoken out in their hearing! I believe it was the first time in their lives that they had heard that Name spoken. Possibly, very probably, as religious Hebrews, some of them must have from time to time thought about that Name. Then it must have evoked a mystical and fearful curiosity with most of them. But even in their private thinking it would have brought fear and trepidation to their hearts and thus their thoughts about it would have been verbalized as Hashem or Adonai, never YaHUaH. To every Jew it was inconceivable to ever think about speaking the actual Name. The amazing thing to them was that YaHUShA spoke the Name fearlessly and with absolute confidence. He spoke it with a familiar intimacy that could only come from a loving knowledge of the One addressed by His Name so boldly. He spoke as one would speak the name of one’s own respected and well-loved father. Calmly He closed the “Book” and handed it back, then sat down. There was utter silence. The entire congregation was in shock. They had no idea what was coming. YaHUShA was alone, remember. It was the start of His ministry. As yet He had only chosen a few of the twelve disciples, and had not yet started teaching and preaching. That this young man was the long-awaited Messiah, (the Anointed One) was a possibility that did not even enter the minds of the people sitting in the synagogue that Sabbath morning. It was 400 years since the last prophet of YaHUaH (Malachi) had spoken. All they could think about 86

was that the son of the local carpenter, Joseph and his wife Miryam, whom they all knew, had calmly stood up in the synagogue and uttered the NAME, not only once, He did it twice! Had YaHUShA just invited the wrath of the Almighty upon Nazareth? Was fire and brimstone about to rain down from heaven and destroy them all? Was He going to avenge this blasphemy of an insignificant carpenter’s son, daring to speak His NAME? They didn’t know what was going to happen. One thing they did know, and that was that even ordinary priests never dared speak the NAME. Only the High Priest was permitted to speak the Name, and that was only once a year during Yom Kippur. (Day of Atonement) So it was not surprising that this little congregation of Nazareth was extremely fearful and hardly dared to breathe. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on Him. They were waiting with bated breath. What was going to happen? And He began to say unto them, “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. (Luke 4:21) In other words; “I AM YaHUShA Ha Massiach! I AM the Salvation of YaHUaH! I AM the Anointed One, the long-awaited Deliverer of Israel! I AM the King of Yahudah! I AM THAT I AM.” At first hope was kindled in the hearts of that congregation for the Word testifies; And all bare Him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. But immediately the enemy came and stole those words of hope out of their hearts again. And they said, “Is not this Joseph’s son?” (Luke 4:22) Therefore at first there was a small spark of hope kindled in that congregation. But tradition fueled by the religious leaders killed that spark. Then came unbelief, then shock, and now indignant anger. At least he could have torn his robe and pulled out his beard and repented before the Almighty for daring to utter His Name! But no, he compounds his blasphemy by boldly declaring that He was the fulfillment of that Scripture - that He was the Son of YaHUaH the Almighty, and Anointed because of and for the sake of the Name. And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up, and thrust Him out of the city, and led Him into the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast Him down headlong. (Luke 4:28-29) But no-one could take away the life of the Son of YaHUaH who was LIFE. (John 14:6) It was not His time. Three years later He willingly laid down His own life in a selfless offering for everyone of those people in the synagogue that day - and for all of us. Even so, most people still reject the innocent Lamb of Eloah who because of His love, shed His precious Blood for each and every person who ever lived. What amazing love! Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against YaHUaH and against His Anointed, saying; Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. (Psalm 2:1-3) Hopefully someone from His hometown, in pondering about these things, would recall the words that the psalmist wrote down when he quoted the literal words of the Messiah who was to come; I will declare Your Name unto My brethren, in the midst of the congregation will I praise You. (Psalm 22:22)


Chapter 23 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) Bless Each Other in the Name: Neither do they which go by say; The blessing of YaHUaH be upon you: we bless you in the Name of YaHUaH. (Psalm 129:8) Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto Your Name: the upright shall dwell in Your presence. (Psalm 140:13) Psalm 129 is the Saviour speaking, for in it one can see the tremendous physical suffering that He underwent on behalf of His people. Through His suffering we have been made righteous, and yet that psalm ends off on a very sad note. Those that pass by see the terrible suffering of the Son of Eloah and if they are not even willing to extend the blessing of YaHUaH upon Him, how will they ever extend His blessing upon their own brothers and sisters? We have missed so much by not using His Name in order to bless others. When we see this one day many tears will be shed, and in His wonderful love He will come and wipe away every tear. But there is no need to miss out. His Word clearly teaches that each one of us can bless and be blessed in His Name. His Name is the Anointing: This is what is taught in that precious love letter shared between the heavenly Bridegroom and His Bride in Song of Solomon 1:3. That is why His Name is so essential. It is the Anointing. Without the Anointing (the Set-apart Spirit of YaHUaH) we will strive in vain to develop a living, vibrant and lasting relationship with our Father. Without the Anointing we serve the Almighty in vain, for such service is of self and therefore absolutely worthless in His sight. Without the Anointing our ministries will continue to lack life-changing power. According to Scripture - His Name is that Anointing! If I believe thát Word and start acting upon it in faith, then I can expect to see Him confirm His Word with signs following. (Mark 16:20) If I believe that His Name is the Anointing, then, by simply speaking that Name above all names in simple child-like faith, I can anoint myself, my family and my brothers and sisters in Messiah - The Anointed One. In doing that I literally place His Name - the Anointing or Spirit upon me and my loved ones, and He will bless us. (Numbers 6:27) That is His promise, and He is faithful to every promise, for every promise is “Yea and Amein” to those who are in Him, the Anointed One. (2 Cor. 1:20) Because He desires so much to bless us in every area of our lives, He has made it so easy for us. His simple instructions on how to continually live in His blessings through continually living in His Anointing is set out so beautifully in the following portion of Scripture. And YaHUaH spoke unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying; This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them; YaHUaH bless you and keep you, YaHUaH make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. YaHUaH lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. And they shall put My Name upon the children of Israel: and I will bless them. (Numbers 6:22-27) It is important to note that YaHUaH said: They shall put My Name upon My children. He did not say that a title was to be placed on them by the priests. A title in itself does not 88

identify a person unless it is accompanied by the authentic name of the person to whom it refers. Aaron and his sons were the priesthood in the Old Covenant. Each and every believer in the New Covenant is also a priest unto YaHUaH the Father. And has made us kings and priests unto YaHUaH and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amein. (Rev. 1:6) We are a holy and royal priesthood. You also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Eloah by YaHUShA the Anointed. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:5 & 9) In terms of these verses, it is therefore part of every believer’s service or ministry unto the Father to place His blessing upon His household. How? By anointing each other with the Name above all names - YaHUShA, the Anointed One. How do we do that? We say: YaHUShA bless you and keep you. YaHUShA make His face to shine upon you, and show favour to you. Yahusha lift up His face upon you, and give you peace. Bless in His Name: I am convinced that as the Assemblies of YaHUaH begins to faithfully practice that, we will be practicing the very presence of the Almighty, for the Spirit (Anointing) is His presence. Then we will be overwhelmed by the goodness, which will flow from the throne of our Father to us, and through us to the community in which we live. And the Name of our Father will be esteemed! Did He not promise that if we in faith placed His Name upon each other, then He will bless those upon whom His Name was placed? Of course He did, and He is always true to His Word. As the priest of my own household, I am personally placing His Name upon my loved ones on a daily basis. To make it even more effective I speak each individual’s name as well. I say to my wife: “Talana, YaHUShA bless you and keep you...” The same goes for each of my children and their families: “Andrew and Yulanda, Jason, Mandy and Brandon, YaHUShA bless you and keep you...” “Marius and Adel, Markus, Demee and Tanya, YaHUShA make His face to shine upon you...” “Riaan and Linda, Ruan and Lyné, Yahusha lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace...” “Pieter and Louisa, Eduan and Tané, YaHUShA bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you and show His favour unto you...” He is faithful to His Word, and blesses my family and loved ones in every area of their lives, spiritually, physically and materially. HalleluYah! A wonderful by-product of this obedience to His Word is that I find my love for Him is growing by the day. Actually, it is not my love, but very literally, the love of YaHUaH which is shed abroad in my heart by the Set-apart Spirit. (Anointing) (Romans 5:5) ~ His Name is the Anointing ~ ~ the Anointing is the Spirit ~ ~ the Spirit is Eloah ~ ~ Eloah is Love! ~ How can we lose when we choose to regularly use His precious, true, powerful, authoritative and Anointed Name in faith? O YaHUaH, our Sovereign, how majestic is Your Name in all the earth. (Psalm 8:1) 89

Chapter 24 Ha Shem (Ancient Hebrew meaning - The Name) His Name in Healing: He sent His Word, (Name) and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. (Psalm 107:20) Bless YaHUaH O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His set-apart Name. Bless YaHUaH, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits. Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases. (Psalm 103:1-3) And He said; If you will diligently hearken to the voice of YaHUaH your Mighty One, and will do that which is right in His sight, and will give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes. I will put none of these diseases upon you, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I AM YaHUaH who heals you. (Exodus 15:26) And all these signs shall follow them that believe in My Name... they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mark 17:17-18) “With Healing in His Wings” and the Name: I have recently become involved in a hospital ministry called; WITH HEALING IN HIS WINGS. Our purpose is to visit hospitals on a daily basis and lay hands on the sick in the name of YaHUShA. The way I personally go to work when visiting the sick at hospital is as follows. I introduce myself and say that I am there to pray for them with their permission. So far I have not received a single rejection. Most people welcome all the prayer support they can get. Then I very briefly share with them that the Name of the Saviour is Ointment poured out. (Song 1:3) I explain that the ointment refers to the Holy (Set-apart) Spirit, and that saying the Saviour’s Name over them in faith is to literally Anoint them with the Spirit of YaHUaH. As their sick body is the temple of the Set-apart Spirit, He will then minister healing and life to their body according to Romans 8:11 which says: But if the Spirit of Him (YaHUaH) who raised up YaHUShA from the dead, dwell in you, He that raised Messiah (the Anointed One) from the dead shall also quicken (make alive heal) your mortal body, by His Spirit (Anointing) that dwells in you. When I’ve explained that, I say to them that I will be using the Messiah’s Hebrew Name YaHUShA, meaning: YaHUaH is Salvation. (Salvation literally means; complete wholeness in spirit, soul and body.) Then I say; “I am now going to lay my hands on you and anoint you with His Name, and your body will recover perfectly.” I am still amazed by the wonderful reaction I get from these people. As I share this Word, I see how their eyes light up with hope. They have never heard this good news before. Most of them say that this is the first time it has been explained to them in this way. One lady said to me; “I can’t wait for you to anoint me with His Name.” Another said to me after I had anointed her, “This is the first time in all the prayers that I’ve received, that I really believe that I am healed.” She couldn’t stop thanking me, and I felt very humbled before the Master that He also chose me to minister His love in this way. When I first became involved in this ministry, the Set-apart Spirit was just beginning to reveal to me through the Scriptures the absolute importance of using His authentic (true) Name in ministry to the sick. To date I’ve had no negative reaction at all to using the Name YaHUShA. The people simply receive it as the natural thing to do. I interpret that as the Spirit of YaHUaH preparing the hearts of His people for the restoration of His true 90

Name throughout the world in these last days. It excites me tremendously, and I don’t want to miss out on what He is doing in this regard. The phrase “with healing in His wings” is found in Malachi 4:2. One day just before my time to visit the hospital, in preparation, I read Malachi 4. Imagine my excitement when I read that phrase in its context and saw that the Name is the foundation of His healing work amongst His people. But unto you that fear My Name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings: and you shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. Those who fear His Name are the ones who will experience the Sun of righteousness arising with healing in His wings. Obviously He is speaking about His Name, His real Name. He is referring to the Name by which He introduced Himself. He is talking about the Name which saturates all of the Scriptures. We need to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Assemblies of YaHUaH in these last days. His Wings?: And YaHUaH spoke unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes (tassels - Hebrew = Tzitzit) in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribbon of blue. And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that you may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of YaHUaH, and do them; and that you seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you used to go a-whoring: that you may remember, and do all My commandments, and be set-apart unto your Mighty One. I AM YaHUaH your Mighty One, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your Mighty One: I AM YaHUaH your Mighty One. (Numbers 15:37-41) You shall make for yourself fringes (tassels) on the four corners of your robe with which you cover yourself. (Deuteronomy 22:12) The healing is in His wings according to the phrase in Malachi 4:2. What does this mean? We already know that His Name is the Ointment that needs to be applied so that healing can come. But how does this relate to “His wings”? In Hebrew idiom, the flaps of a person’s robe hanging down his sides was known as his wings. In the verses quoted above YaHUaH gives instructions that the children of Israel must plat tassels (tzittzit) and one of the threads must be blue. Then these tassels must be attached to the four corners of the hem of the robe. In the King James translation these tassels are translated as fringes. These are then to be a constant reminder, when they see them, of the Torah (Law) of YaHUaH. On each of these platted tassels were four knots representing the four characters of the Name YHWH. According to tradition the blue thread represents the Messiah who would come in the Name, and also bear the Name of His Father. And, behold, a woman, who was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of His garment: For she said within herself, If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole. (Mat.9:20-21) This woman who had the flow of blood, and had spent all her money over the years to try and get healing, without success, (see Mark 5:25 & Luke 8:43) placed her faith in the “healing in the wings” of Messiah YaHUShA when she said; “If only I can touch the hem (tzitzits) of His robe, I will be healed.” She was healed, for she touched (believed in) His Name which was represented by the four knots on the tzitzits she touched. YaHUShA actually felt the power of YaHUaH flowing out of Him and into that woman. And besought Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment and as many as touched were made perfectly whole. (Mat.14:36) Of the word translated as “hem” Strongs G2899 says: kraspedon. Of uncertain derivation; a maryin, that is, (specifically) a fringe or tassel - border, hem.


Some Testimonies concerning His Name: Abscess disappears: Some weeks ago my wife developed an abscess under a capped tooth in her lower jaw. The pain started on the sixth day, and by the first day she was in such severe pain that she could hardly place her tongue on the gum of that tooth. Painkillers did nothing to help, and she just lay on the bed and suffered. Red streaks appeared from her jaw up to her ear, and down her neck, which indicated blood poisoning from the infection. On the morning after the weekend we got ready to go to the dentist for an emergency appointment. before we left a brother with whom I work in the hospital ministry arrived at our home, and when he heard about the situation, immediately said; “Let’s pray for her.” I agreed and asked whether he had brought his anointing oil. He had, so he anointed her cheek on the spot where the abscess was and gently placed his hand there. I placed my hands on her shoulder and simply said; “Yahusha, Yahusha, Yahusha I anoint Talana with Your precious Name. Thank You that Your Spirit is destroying that abscess and bringing healing.” Graham said; “Pain be gone in the Mighty Name of Yahusha!” Then we got into the car to go to the dentist. On the way Talana said; “You know, something happened because the pain is gone.” We could only get an appointment for the fourth day morning, so we went back home. That whole day there was no pain. On the third day morning I asked her how her tooth felt. She took a raw carrot and chewed on that tooth. On the fourth day the dentist took an x-ray and said that there was absolutely nothing to indicate an abscess. So they just polished her teeth for her. The Ointment (healing balm - Jer. 8:22) of His Name had destroyed that abscess immediately. HalleluYah! Praise to His wonderful Name! Ears Opened: At a home-cell meeting I was sharing on the Ointment of His Name. There was a dear old lady of 81 who was a first-time visitor. As I shared I could see that she was listening intently. Afterwards she asked me to anoint her with the Name. When I asked what the problem was she said that her ears were giving her a lot of trouble. Although she could hear with some difficulty, it sounded as if she was in an empty drum, and any sound reverberated in her head. It was almost unbearable. So I just placed my hands over her ears and spoke the Name; “Yahusha, Yahusha, Yahusha.” Nothing apparently happened, but about ten minutes later as we were drinking tea, she came to me with tears in her eyes, hugged me and said; “My ears are open, my ears are open! Praise His Name!” Needs met in the Name: I frequently shared at a congregation in a community where poverty still has the upper hand. Recently I have been sharing this revelation about the Name with a lady who is in leadership at that fellowship. She saw the truth immediately, and started using the Name in praying for the needs of the people in the congregation. With excitement she says that testimonies abound of people who say that financial as well as other needs are being miraculously met. The wonderful thing is that through what is happening, the people are beginning to see the reality of YaHUaH in their day-to-day lives. Their relationship with Him is thus becoming more intimate. What about the name “Jesus?” I want to conclude this book with the following comments. Maybe many who have read these chapters have gotten the idea that I am attacking the name Jesus. That is not the case. I am simply proclaiming the indisputable truth that YaHUShA is our Saviour’s Name. Anyone who wants to know the truth will see that Jesus is a false name which religion gave our Saviour. I know that this is very difficult to accept, but it is the truth. I was saved in the name Jesus. In later articles I will be sharing personal testimonies concerning deliverance experienced in that name. Our Father, in His mercy, honoured that name because we used it in ignorance, sincerely believing it to be the Messiah’s name. My whole Christian walk of over 50 years has been in the name Jesus. 92

However, because of this revelation, I will not be able to use that name any longer as it is not His real name, and I know it. I will share this truth with anyone who cares to listen, but will never try to force them to abandon the name they have grown to love. At the same time, I want to assure you, dear reader, that for my family and I, this transition to using our Saviour’s correct Name has not been difficult at all. It has been the most natural thing and what a difference it has made in our spiritual lives. But although the transition for us personally has been easy, the persecution and rejection we experienced from friends and fellow believers has not been easy. The most difficult part for me personally was to use the Name YaHUShA in public prayer amongst other Christians who use the name Jesus. To be honest, the condemnation comes from those in Christianity who are unable to accept this teaching. If you have difficulty with this, I would suggest that you ask the Father to reveal the truth to you. He will do so. After all, He is more concerned about us walking in the truth than we will ever be. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. (1 John 3:22) This is an amazing scripture. It seems to go against the concept of grace, which is undeserved merit. Yet this verse clearly teaches that our prayers are answered because we keep His commandments. But this verse does not just tell us that YaHUaH answers our prayers. I have often heard preachers say that the Father always answers prayers, but sometimes He says “Yes” sometimes “No” and sometimes “Wait”. That may be true, but this verses teaches that when we keep (are obedient to) His commandments (the Law - Torah), then he gives us whatever we ask. Isn’t that a fantastic promise? But that word does not just end there. It actually zooms in to a specific commandment. In fact it seems to highlight this one commandment as the most important one. It is called His commandment. As all the commandments in the Word are His, by singling this one out, He gives it a place of prime importance. What is this commandment which will ensure that our Father will give us whatever we ask? And this is His commandment, That we should believe on the Name of His Son YaHUShA the Anointed One, and love one another as He gave us commandment. (1 John 3:22-23) Believe in the Name of YaHUShA, and love one another. When we believe in His right Name, then only are we really able to love one another effectively, because then only are we able to literally place His Name upon each other in blessing. Numbers 6:27) In the context of this whole series of the Name of our Saviour, please read the second letter of the apostle John with which I conclude this study. See “the truth” as being His Name YaHUShA - the Anointing, and walk in that truth. Thank you for taking the time to read this book. I am sure you will be blessed for it. The Elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth: And not I only, but also all they that have known the truth. For the truth’s sake, which dwells in us, and shall be with us forever. Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from Eloah the Father, And from the Master YaHUShA Messiah, the Son of the Father, In truth and love. I rejoiced greatly that I found of your children walking in truth, As we have received a commandment from the Father. And now I beseech you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto you, But that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. And this is love, that we walk after His commandments. This is the commandment, that, as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it. For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that YaHUShA Messiah is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti-Messiah. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have gained, But that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresses, and abides not in the doctrine of Messiah, 93

Has not Eloah. He that abides in the doctrine of Messiah, he has both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house nor greet him. For he that greets him is partaker of his evil deeds. Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: But I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full. The children of your elect sister greet you. Amein.

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