Guild Rules

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,706
  • Pages: 10
Guild Rules, Policies, and Regulations The proceeding compilation of guild rules has been assembled by Nubiest and Sagerauru in order to assist in maintaining a homeostatic environment within the guild and its community, as well as to enforce rules, policies, and regulations set forth by Nubiest and the fellow officers of Eternal Legends in order to also assist in maintaining the sought-after stability.

Guild Rules: 1. General I. Guild Statement II. General Expectations 2. Joining Eternal Legends I. Application Process A. Required Readings B. Other Requirements 3. Guild Website I. Member Expectations II. Forum Usage 4. Raiding I. Attendance A. Signing Up B. Absenteeism II. Raid Procedures III. Looting A. Extremely Rare Drop Policies IV. Loot System 5. Guild Bank I. General Usage II. Material Usage III. Guild Repairs 6. Guild Rankings I. Guild Master II. Officers III. Core Raider IV. Raider V. Member VI. Recruit/Applicant VII. Alternative Characters 7. Ventrilo Usage I. General Rules 8. Final Notes

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1. General Rules I. Guild Statement Eternal Legends strives as a guild to complete the currently offered raid content to the best of our ability possible, as quickly as we possibly can. We as the officers of the guild try our best in order to keep the guild’s environment stable while keeping a fun atmosphere so the guild is an enjoyable place to be. Our personal belief is that real life should always take a higher spot on anyone’s priority list than World of Warcraft. You should not allow the game to entirely consume you and completely block the rest of the actual world off from you- this is why “real life comes first” is our motto. However, with the above motto, that does not necessarily mean that if something is going to be coming up in real life every time we are going to raid this is the guild for you. While we follow our motto as much as we can, we will not use that as an excuse for not showing up for every guild event scheduled.

II. General Expectations As a member of Eternal Legends, we will expect a few small things from you. The first of these small expectations is that you are relatively active in the guild. This means checking the guild’s website regularly throughout the week, participating in the guild’s forums when asked to (Or on your own prerogative), and speaking with others in the guild chat. Those things will all help to maintain a stronger guild environment. Second, we will expect you to sign and show up for at least one raid per week. Seeing as we plan to raid as a guild three nights per week (All of which fall on the weekend), being able to devote one night is not asking a whole lot out of you. If you sign up for the first night, there is a good chance you will want to return to continue the raids on the other nights, so plan to make it your goal to sign up for the Friday night raids. Lastly, we ask that you maintain proper behavior wherever you go inside the World of Warcraft. Be it inside a heroic instance, battleground, or a PuG raid, it does not matter. Your actions will give others an image of what Eternal Legends is like. That being said, being a good sport and just being kind overall will give others a positive image of our guild, which is the image we would like to sustain with the community of Alleria. However, acting up all of the time and being outright rude everywhere you go will give others a negative image of the guild. Giving others a bad image of Eternal Legends is something that all of the officers frown upon and will jeopardize your status within the guild.

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2. Joining Eternal Legends I. Application Process Currently, the preferred method of joining Eternal Legends is to apply through our guild’s website forums. This shows us that you are already somewhat dedicated to the guild in that you would take the time to fill out an application in order to join. As with any application for anything (Such as a job, for example), the applications are not a place for you to use as much internet language as you possibly can. If you were to apply for a job and use “u” in place of the word “you” and “r” in place of the word “are”, I am almost certain the interviewer would not even consider your application. In Eternal Legends, the same holds truewe will not consider applications from people who are extremely lazy typers and show very little to no understanding of the English language. Deciphering a mumbo-jumbo application is not something that we are going to do.

A. Required Readings As a member of Eternal Legends, we will require you to fully read through and understand this list of rules. Nearly everything you need to know is contained within this document, so reading all of this and comprehending it is a necessity. It will be blatantly obvious if you did not read this, so be warned. Also, when required, important news posts regarding the guild will be posted on the website’s forums that may be a required read. Said posts may include polls regarding decisions for the guild or may just be a general feedback report of a guild event. Nonetheless, whenever these posts are created and you are asked to read them, do so.

B. Other Requirements Eternal Legends does not necessarily have many other requirements aside from having a decent understanding of how to play your class and the important things that go along with that (I.e., What gear you should be looking for itemization-wise, proper rotation(s) for your talent specialization, etc.). We also require that in your application you include a link to your official WoW Armory page, as well as a link to your character on WoW-Heroes. This will allow us to check your gear and other important information regarding your character, as well as show us a gear score for your current gear set so we can get an idea of which raids you should be focusing on progression-wise.

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3. Guild Website I. Member Expectations As a member of Eternal Legends, we require that you regularly check the guild’s website that we manage and update as frequently as possible with all recent guild information. This allows us to communicate with members who may not have time to log in to World of Warcraft to get a news update from a fellow member or may have been away and/or not logged in whenever something was announced. Also, we require that each member of the guild to register with their character’s in-game name so we can easily identify you on the website and claim your character in the guild’s roster as soon as you possibly can. This will once again help with identifying you on the website and will make the experience between guild members much nicer on the forums.

II. Forum Usage Our guild’s website has a forum built-in that allows us to contact each other outside of the game, as well as provide us a space to post about various happenings within the guild. We ask that anything posted on the website is kept PG-13 and under. While some of the members may be beyond that content, some of the members may not be, so the forums should be able to be accessed by anyone, anywhere, without risking any kind of punishment for visiting it. Also, please maintain the same respect you would have for other players you would have in the game on the forums: just because it is not in-game does not excuse poor behavior towards other guild members and fellow Allerians outside of the game.

4. Raiding I. Attendance Eternal Legends’ primary goal as a guild is to successfully complete the currently offered raid content together as a guild. This is not possible unless as many members of the guild sign and show up for as many raids as possible in a week. As said earlier, you are required to attend at least one raid per week that is scheduled by someone in the guild officer rank or above. Not signing or showing up for raids habitually will result in a review of your raider status in the guild and may lead to demotion or a more severe punishment based on the number of times you are not there.

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A. Signing Up Currently, the only official and accepted way to sign up for a guild-hosted raid is to do so through the in-game calendar. Each week on Sunday, the next week’s raids will be posted as a guild event that you will need to sign up for. Not signing up for them on the in-game calendar may result in losing a chance at a raid invite if someone else who is signed up is on that could fill your spot.

B. Absenteeism Being habitually absent from raids will, as previously stated, result in a review of your status in the guild as a raider. Demotion is only one possible punishment for being constantly absent. General rules of thumb for punishments are listed below: -

Absent from one raid: Warning Absent from two raids: Second warning Absent from three raids: Demotion for two days to Member rank Absent from three or more raids: Punishment to be determined by officers

As is obvious, you most probably joined Eternal Legends to do one thing- raid as a guild. This, however, is not achievable if people are constantly absent, so being absent when you are depended upon in the guild has serious repercussions. However, in the event that you previously know that you will not be able to attend a raid, we require you to post a thread in our “Absent” forum on the guild’s website giving a brief explanation of which date you will be absent on, as well as why you will be absent. This will let us know ahead of time that you will not be able to make it and will prevent us from thinking you are purposely not showing up for raids.

II. Raiding Procedures Currently, Eternal Legends raids on Friday and Saturday nights from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM server time and Sunday from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM server time. In order to be qualified for a raid invite, you must be logged on 15 minutes prior to raid invite time, which is always 30 minutes before a raid (I.e., in order to qualify for a raid invite on a Friday night, you would need to be logged in and ready to go at around 7:15 PM). This will allow us to start raids quicker and raid longer once we are in the instance. Inside of a raid, everyone is permitted to offer their own positive criticism to any situation that would assist with helping down the boss. Ventrilo is open to freely talk during trash enemy pulls. However, during any boss fight, Ventrilo is to be silent and only to be used by the raid leader and raid members if they need to announce something important during the fight. Under no circumstance should a random conversation be going on during a raid boss. In the event that the guild is on a progression run and we wipe, Guild Repairs will most probably be available to all of the raiders inside of the raid that night. This eliminates the excuse of Page 5 of 10

leaving due to not having repair money (Which is a terrible excuse to leave a raid at that). Also, please not that unless there is a repair vendor within the raid instance, you should not repair after every wipe since that will only end up wasting time in the end.

III. Looting After a boss has been killed, the designated Master Looter for the run is to be the first person to loot the dead boss. Under no circumstance should anyone loot the dead boss before the Master Looter is ready to distribute loot and everyone who was dead and may have released their spirit is back to the boss’s corpse to qualify for the loot. All items that drop from a boss will be linked to the raid through a raid warning so everyone can see what dropped. This is also helpful on bosses such as Kologarn in Ulduar where only one person can see the loot the boss dropped at a time. Following the announcement, the first item dropped will be rolled off in this order: -

1st rolls: Main talent specialization 2nd rolls: Off-talent specialization 3rd rolls: Vendor/Disenchant

In the event a Bound on Equip (BoE) item drops from a boss and no one needs it as an upgrade for their main talent specialization, the item will automatically be given to the Master Looter to be deposited in the Guild Bank (Note that this applies to full guild runs only).

A. Extremely Rare Loot Policies On those rare occasions that something such as the Grand Black War Mammoth should drop, every person that is in the raid will have an equally fair chance at rolling on the item. If you win the item, however, and leave Eternal Legends soon after for another guild, your new guild will be informed of your action and any further disciplinary response will be carried out by your new guild. A rule of thumb to use is if you are not planning to stay in the guild much longer, do not roll on it so that it does not remain within the guild.

IV. Loot System Currently, Eternal Legends is developing a modified DKP system that will award those more loyal to the guild than those who do not attend guild events as much. Further information will be added to this section when it is available.

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5. Guild Bank I. General Usage Our guild bank is provided to you as a member of the guild to be able to use it to get some help with materials you may need to get an enchant and allow you to give back to the guild by depositing various materials, consumables, and even gold for guild repairs and the likes. We currently limit the amount of items you may withdraw from the guild bank across all of your characters in the guild by making all of your alternative characters an “Alternative Character” rank that does not have permission to withdraw or use anything supplied from the guild bank. As long as you are willing to contribute back to the guild’s bank every now and then, you are more than welcome to use what is offered to you through it.

II. Material Usage Materials used in enchants or crafted gear that are taken from the guild’s bank are to be obtained from a member of the guild ranked officer and above for half of its regular price on the auction house (I.e., if an Abyss Crystal costs 40 Gold on the auction house, you would be able to purchase each Abyss Crystal for 20 Gold each). These materials are only to be used for enchants or crafted gear that you will use only. Anyone found abusing this system will have their material privileges suspended immediately for a period no less than two months before they are permitted to purchase materials once again.

III. Guild Repairs Guild repairs for your gear are offered on progression raid nights at a limit of 80 Gold per night per raid member. This can definitely be a helpful thing to use if you are low on money and cannot afford your repair bill. However, we do encourage you to try and pay for your repair bill using your own money and not the guild’s so that the system is not abused. The repairs are already restricted to progression nights since they should really only be necessary on those nights. In the event that you do use guild repairs, we encourage you to donate back to the guild bank, either in the form of raw materials or gold, to help replace the money that you used up. By doing so, guild repairs will be made much more possible since one night of raid progression will cost the guild bank 800 Gold if everyone uses their guild repairs. If you are found abusing the guild repair system, you will have all guild repair privileges immediately suspended for a period no less than two months before you are permitted to use them again.

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6. Guild Rankings I. Guild Master The Guild Master of the guild is the overall leader and decision-maker for the entire guild. He represents Eternal Legends as a whole when needed and will always do his best to try and please all of the members of Eternal Legends with positive changes to the guild for its better. There is only one Guild Master and the position will not be changed unless an extremely dire emergency comes up and the rank must be passed to an officer.

II. Officers The Officers of the guild exist to help run the guild just as the Guild Master when the Guild Master is unable to and also exist to help the Guild Master with various tasks to spread the load of responsibilities across the Guild Master and the Officer so not one person has too many jobs to perform for the guild. There are only to be up to five Officers. The position is given to people who are responsible, reliable, organized, can keep their cool, and have exceptional leadership skills.

III. Core Raiders Core Raiders are exactly what they sound like- the core raiders of Eternal Legends. These are raiders who show up to 80% or more of all of the raids Eternal Legends does in one month and are always prepared and on time for each of the raids they do attend. They are generally the role models for raiders who are working to better their strategies inside of raids. They also have a higher priority than regular raiders when it comes time for raid invites. There are only to be up to twenty Core Raiders. The position is given to people who show up for 80% of Eternal Legends’ raids in a month, are always prepared and on time for each raid, and understand nearly every boss encounter currently available to raiders (Minus Algalon).

IV. Raiders Raiders are also exactly how they sound- raiders of Eternal Legends. They are the raiders who attend a minimum of 30% of all of the raids Eternal Legends does in one month. They are generally prepared and on time, but may be off a day here and there. Raiders are second in line to Core Raiders when it comes time for raid invites. There can be an infinite number of Raiders. The position is given to people who show up for at least 30% of Eternal Legends’ raids in a month, are generally prepared and on time for each raid, and know some of the currently available boss encounters.

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V. Member Members are general members of Eternal Legends. They are people who choose to join the guild either to do occasional raids or heroics or just join for fun. They are last in line for raid invites. There can be an infinite number of Members. The position is given to most “casual” players of the guild who can only show up for a raid here and there.

VI. Recruit/Applicant Recruits /Applicants are people who are new to the guild who were recruited through applying on Eternal Legends’ website. They are joining the guild to start raiding, as well as so we are able to see how they perform during a raid. Generally, a person will only remain a Recruit/Applicant for about two or three raids before being promoted to a Member or Raider. There can be an infinite number of Recruits/Applicants. The position is given to newcomers to the guild who have applied for the guild through the website and are interested in joining the guild for raiding.

VII. Alternative Characters Alternative Characters are current members’ alternative characters that they choose to have in the guild for whatever reason they choose. Currently, a limit is put on the number of alternative characters a member of the guild may have (Which is two alternative characters). They do not have access to the bank, however, aside from being able to deposit things into the bank. There can only be two alternative characters per member of the guild.

7. Ventrilo Usage I. General Rules Ventrilo is almost a necessity when it comes to being able to quickly communicate with fellow raid members during a boss fight where typing is not possible. Therefore, being sure to keep the Ventrilo channel clear during a boss fight is crucial so anyone who needs to announce something important is able to do so and be sure everyone else in the Ventrilo heard them. The rest of the time, however, may be used to talk about whatever you choose to speak of. Also, as with the forums, please keep all content on the Ventrilo PG-13. Once again, keeping the Ventrilo as friendly for all guild members as possible is something that we strive for so no one has to risk getting into any trouble for using the Ventrilo.

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8. Final Notes The above was a fairly complete list of all of the rules, policies, and procedures that Eternal Legends will use in nearly any situation that pertains to a PvE raiding guild. In the event any confusion arose from any part of this set of rules, please contact either Nubiest or Sagerauru in-game for a further explanation. As long as the above set of rules is followed properly, Eternal Legends will turn out to be a successful raiding guild where we will all have fun getting the raids done while still keeping a serious attitude on constant progression through the newest raid content.

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