Guidelines Earth 2009

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Images from Nasa / Hubble / other associated groups and individuals / and most importantly from the cosmos


Guidelines of Life

Earth edition, year 2009 Gregorian

3 Location, Time, Event Born, you were

~60% of your body mass is water ~10% is your living DNA ~6% is foreign living DNA (virus, bacteria, etc.) ~24% is "filler materials" (nutrients, bones, hair etc.)

Eyes / Ears / Nerves write memories to the mind You remember, and then you move and act Consume and absorb molecules Good molecules (time proven as good for your DNA by your culture) Bad molecules (drugs, bad food additives or processing techniques, etc.) Too many or too few Every detail matters (molecular structure) Cycles Day

Heart beat



When consuming, a body in motion will tend to stay in motion...if you consume some junk food/drink (drugs for your taste buds), due to a desire to just get a little taste sensation, it will stimulate you to want more junk during that day, and possibly into the next day depending upon how late you consumed. Drinking water is good.

Atomic Bonds Molecular Bonds A Soul bonded to DNA

If you consume pure one day, your body chemistry will adjust and you will enjoy consuming pure, often the same day, but certainly the next day; it is that simple.

The most important things in life? Food/water/consumption, proper moving, healthy sleep and emotions and love. Every molecule matters, since the body absorbs food on the molecular level. Thus, when a process alters those molecules from their natural state, like irradiation or GM food or chemical additives, it can affect you, and certainly hurt you.

Good - feel good consistently, natural, live healthy and long, wisdom, The right amount of things Bad - Quick fix...feel bad later, stupid, excessive

Don't Hurt Others

Be Nice to people. It is good to be accurate and strict when you train people to be strong, but if you go too far, and do something that is not nice on a fundamental level, they may hate you and may even seek to destroy you...thus your group effort was not so strong was it

Driving Forces



Soul force

Doomsday Technology


For 101 years ** Danger **

Directed Energy


Weather Control


Honesty A New World

Mind Control Secrets Secret Labs



Push The human species has branched through time to produce genetic and cultural diversity within the different environments of the planet Earth. The cultures develop synergistically with human DNA and embed survival wisdom and knowledge that supports the health of the people. Cultures are continuously improved through time. This guidebook has been written because the human species has crossed a critical line of technology and is about to transform globally. A small group of dominant humans have enslaved most people of the world with deception for many thousands of years; this happens on many planets. This guide is a tool to help you embrace the world of honesty

Any life you imagine can become true, in an honest world New life continues and changes by mating, or cell division, or seeds

Knowledge is power. And that is why the worlds' best knowledge is not published knowing what to move, when to move, where to move - anything can be accomplished

Your day and your entire life can be affected by words that you hear. Those words might be true, or they might be deception - but either way, they can affect the decisions you make for your entire life.

People work together because the effort of many is greater than the effort of one, so people form groups that work together in a group effort. Human cultures are a group effort. Thousands of natural cultures supported unique human DNA within the different environments of the Earth. About 7,000 years ago, a group of humans learned the power of lying and herding human beings just as shepherds herd cattle. Two techniques to destroy natural cultures are conquer or corrupt. Physically conquer and leave alive only those that can be re-educated and enslaved. Infiltrate and corrupt the men / women / children with brainwashing and/or bad molecules. Long ago, human livestock (slaves) were held as captive workers, and, as needed, they would be tortured or killed as an example to the others. People were put on display; impaled on posts, hung on crosses, etc… but that was the old they crucify people on the virtual media cross. The tyrant class learned something: Slaves that think they are free produce more. The same is true for farm animals; give them a bit more freedom, and more food is produced. The key is to tune-in societal systems & media for just the right balance of perceived freedom and captivity.

1. The Oligarchy class 2. The Corrupted class 3. The Brainwashed class 4. Natural people

Despite the efforts of the tyrants/oligarchy to homogenize everyone into the first 3 categories, natural people have persisted through time by growing natural foods and herbs for their health and well being. Natural people are the default state of being when there is no influence from the oligarchy

I use the terms "oligarchy class" and "tyrant class" interchangeably. The point is, it's a global network of oligarchs and they form a class of human being that are acting as tyrants behind the scenes; not adhering to the same laws as you

Germs are the "boogie man" the oligarchy use to take away your natural right to provide yourself with food. Food must go through their "government approved" processing first

Two people discover a new ability, technique or technology, and they decide not to tell anybody Thus, a secret group is formed

Sometimes secret groups are exposed, and it may be a big news story or scandal etc... Successful secret groups are those you still don't know about...because nobody talked, or they successfully corrupted or killed everyone who might

The tyrant class of human are born into their positions. As needed, a buffer class, like Hollywood stars, musicians, athletes, politicians, others, are raised up to give the appearance of an honest and free society

The galaxy and beyond make the Earth seem like nothing

The oligarchy always prepare two major sides to any issue that people can join; like republican or democrat...right or left. Both sides are corrupt and not total truth, but both sides have aspects of truth embedded into them. Sometimes the right side is psychologically fulfilled in an election, and other times the left side; all part of the gradual process of changing society according to the will of the tyrant class They approve or "green light" which experts can speak in the media and politics. The experts can be from any of the class categories; they just need to be saying the right things for today's agenda Many of the corrupted class are told they are members of the oligarchy, but they are not actually included. This is all part of the game to brainwash and herd along the buffer management; a special class of human to provide a buffer between the ignorant mass and the Tyrants. Buffers can come from any of the first 3 categories

If you are multi-ethnic, you have ancestry from two or more different cultures. As pictured in the tree, sometimes you may join another branch's culture, and this is called genetic drift. Other times a new branch with a new culture will be formed. Your optimized life will use your parent's cultures as a guide. You can gather with others of similar heritage, and easily gather knowledge through time to discover the best lifestyles and molecules to promote the happiest, most fulfilling state of being for your DNA, and you can pass this vital knowledge down to your children. That's what a culture is

s e h c n a r b y l e e r f A N D

The following will be difficult for many to understand. Control of people is achieved using keywords that cause Pavlovian reactions, very similar to the Pavlov dog experiment. The media preaches keyword programming to you daily, and your minds are programmed.Words will elicit "emotional dribble" from your mind, and the truth is suppressed. For example, the word "racist" is used to destroy diversity and natural cultures. You are "all one" in the sense of you are all DNA with a soul upon planet Earth...but that does not mean you should accept the destruction of global human diversity by homogenizing together into a global collective ruled by the banking / media / political tyrant class

All DNA diversifies (branches) symbiotically or synergistically with the environment through time. Human DNA does so via cultures. The synergy is on both the molecular and the macro scale. Thus, as with all other life throughout the universe, there will be optimized diets, lifestyles, and natural or medical remedies for the different branches of DNA. There is always a lot of genetic overlap, and optimized consumption, remedies and lifestyles can be very similar and certainly the same for different cultures. They can also be different

y t i s r e v i d s e t a e r c d n A t i s t n e v e r p e c r o f g n i v i r d a s s e l n u

If different cultures have their own central knowledge bases, from which life and happiness emanate, then those people are not ruled by the tyrant class. This is why the tyrants develop endless brainwashing techniques to destroy natural cultures The oligarchy forces you into a "multiculture" to destroy your life compass, and thus you turn to the olicharchy's media arm for guidance, and many lives are destroyed. Look at the troubled teens...and cultural compass The oligarchy promotes the mixing of different cultures with each other to cause the kids to be devoted to the oligarchy's systems; media, financial industry, politics, universal medical care. They don't want you to gather into a group effort to establish a healthy cultural knowledge base that can care for all aspects of your lives, including medical healthcare. They want you to have to turn to their universal, global, are their property, and they will take care of you

Do not use the terms "Black" or "White;" those terms are corrupt. People are much more specific than that, like "highlander of Scotland," for example. Brainwashing is where hate comes from, not DNA. Hate is also generated when somebody or something hurts you Driving force techniques to control people include:

The Evil Nebula Brainwashing Deception / Lying Money Corruption Media / Politics Murder "Random act of violence" Feed them bad molecules Genocide and war "Accidental death" Threat blackmail / extortion Fear "Suicide" "Natural death" "Natural Disaster" "Accident" Release bad germs or chemicals ambient energy manipulation

For the items in quotes above, techniques exist to make it look like that type of event has happened, but in reality, a technology (like directed energy or chemicals) was used to make it look that way. All but the "Natural Disaster" and energy manipulation techniques have been used for thousands of years. The technology to manipulate weather, or incite earthquakes or volcanoes, is a result of directed energy technology worked on by Nicola Tesla and others a hundred years ago. A completely separate world of technology has been developed secretly. Global Warming is plausible deniability deflecting attention away from the use of this technology, and nature is plausible deniability for use of strategic biological releases to hurt people, cattle, bees, crops, etc... Directed energy has also made it easier to conduct "random acts of violence" or terrorism as a person's mind can be wirelessly pushed with thoughts and emotions by directed energy signals...eventually leading to the desired action. Politicians can be directly influenced with directed energy to make the "right decisions." The hands of these high tech terrorists remain clean, as nobody suspects such technology has been thoroughly developed in secret labs (because it remains unpublished) and is being used by the wealthiest people in the world to maintain their wealth and control over their human livestock

Take a break

Exist in the now that is around you. Discard the virtual reality in your brain. The brain is a great tool for storing memories, then, as you encounter things in the now, the brain informs you of danger, or useful knowledge to help you on your way.

What are you thinking now? Perhaps you are thinking, "conspiracy theory." The oligarchy has trained you to think this. They use a very simple brainwashing technique that was recently illuminated in episode 1 of the Fall 2009 American television show "The Office." In that show, Michael found out that Stanley was having an affair, and you all know that Michael can't keep a secret. Michael proceeded to tell several people in the office that Stanley was having an affair. Jim then informed Michael that this information could really ruin Stanley's life. So, Michael then explained to the camera that, "You can't un-tell something, but you can spread a bunch of false rumors such that, at the end of the day, everything is dismissed as false." Michael utilized this strategy and it worked...however...Michael ended up calling Stanley's wife and telling her anyway, and then Stanley destroyed Michael's car. There are many untrue conspiracy theories on the internet...these guidelines are one gem that is true.

There are no coincidences... I'm going to talk about the television show "V." This film, along with some others, has been telling you the truth about your world. It exposes how infiltration at the highest levels of government, FBI, etc... can make what you think is your own group effort, an alien forces group effort. This is EXACTLY how the oligarchy operates on the planet Earth. "V" Episode 1: Just before the interview with the news anchor Chad Decker, the Queen of the V's, Anna, says: "Just be sure not to ask any questions that would portray us in a negative light." Mr. Decker is taken back and does not agree, so Anna says that the interview is over, Decker says wait, and then Anna says: "We can't be seen in a negative light." "This interview would elevate your career, wouldn't it Mr. Decker?" "Don't you want to elevate your career?" Mr. Decker gives in and agrees to Anna's request. At the beginning of the interview, the first words out of the Queen's mouth are: "Thank you Chad, and please feel free to ask anything and everything, I'm here to discuss all topics without reserve." Mr. Decker looks uncomfortable after she says this, but he proceeds to elevate his career. The leader of the rebels talks about how the V's caused the worlds' problems with their agent infiltrators, then positioned themselves as the savior...This is what the real world oligarchy do.

"V" Episode 3: "V" Episode 2: "I can't control what our government does, but I can, and do influence public opinion." Public opinion guides what the government does. Thusly, this simple statement is revealing how the media controls the government; how this form of democracy is corrupt.

Mary Faulkner's husband was killed in a military jet when the V's first arrived on the planet Earth, and she quickly became the face of the protest movement. Anna speaks with her right hand man and says: "She's becoming the face of the protest movement. Give me as much information on Mary Faulkner as you can. I want to know everything about her; her dead husband, her child, her family. We have to stop this now." The V's plant an agent to carry out a false flag, hate motivated assassination attempt upon Anna's right hand man in order to gain sympathy from the public. Anna talks to the V counsel and says: "Today is a historic day. Though we continue to gain ground in diplomatic areas, we must not underestimate the importance of popular opinion among humanity. Opinions can easily change. Monitor them, and if necessary, shape those opinions within your territories. By doing so, we can stop any resistance before it starts."

"V" Episode 4: Anna promotes a "vitamin shot" that will prolong life by preventing cancer etc... Ryan, a 5th column "V," helps the FBI agent and the Priest to find the truth. The truth: The "vitamin shot" is OK, but the human flu vaccine will be contaminated with a bioweapon by the V's. The FBI agent says, "The media bombards us with stories of epidemics, pandemics, so we run out to get a shot, to protect ourselves. That's what the V's are counting on; our predictability, our human nature."

Knowledge is THE most powerful thing in the world. All technology is the knowledge of HOW TO MAKE IT. If terrible things are happening behind the scenes, and the media does not publish it, then you don't care because you don't KNOW. For example, consider the following statement that you can look up online: "In Pulitzer Alley, one gold-framed plaque has been taken down for what the New York Times calls "restoration". It honours Walter Duranty, a 1932 winner. But, after a series of complaints, the citation will be amended, to note questions about his failure to cover the famine in the Soviet Union that year." The "famine" they are referring to was the 1932-1933 intentional genocide of Ukrainians that killed about 6 million. The Soviet leadership engineered the genocide using the military to withhold food. Notice, even today, the media uses euphemistic language ("famine" implying "natural" famine) when discussing it, clearly still trying to minimize/cover-up the crime.

The oligarchy create ideologies for people to follow. Often, these ideologies lead to a lot of killing as one ideology clashes with another. The oligarchy positions itself to avoid the conflicts. Sometimes the oligarchy "purge" within their own group; it's all about knowledge and who can be trusted to lie…yeah, I just said "trusted to lie;" quite a conflict of morality there. Obviously, they run the media; they must, in order to retain power; to control what knowledge goes to the people. Members of the Obama administration have been identified as openly Maoist/Marxist, as discovered by some honest news journalists. A principal of communism is infiltration - pretending you are something that you are not until everyone is in position to implement the revolution. Same is true of Islam; it is written into their guidebook to infiltrate, so they do it. Christianity does not have infiltration written into their guidebook; they honestly tell you their plans. Infiltrate, tear down family and culture, revolution, purge the "excessively aware" middle class - 30 million dead - then reprogram the livestock, like a software upgrade…till the next purge. Drugs, junk foods, brainwashing, unnatural sexual activities (porn, etc.); anything that works is utilized. For example, Hong Kong was leased to the British Empire, and it was then used for the secret purpose of distributing opium to the Chinese, and this then cleared the way for communism. Of course, the Chinese figured this out after the fact, and it is certainly possible this was a Chinese "change-of-face" by the Buddhist Dragon to ultimately defeat the oligarchy.

Here is some evidence taken from news stories: * 1. Around June 2009, Jane Burgermeister files a lawsuit in the USA involving the production of a bioweapon in the Ukraine: “There is proof many organizations — World Health Organization, UN as well as vaccine companies such as [removed] and [removed] — are part of a single system under the control of a core criminal group, who give the strategic leadership, and who have also funded the development, manufacturing and release of artificial viruses in order to justify mass vaccinations with a bioweapon substance in order to eliminate the people [or military] of the USA, and so gain control of the assets, resources etc of North America.” 2. August 14, 2009 Joseph Moshe in LA, pursued by the FBI for "making threats" against the white house. There were other reports that he called into a radio talk show telling of a bioweapon in the Ukraine. 3. November 15, 2009: A terrible new virus that suddenly the Ukraine...that apparently ENABLES H1N1 to destroy the lungs, quote: "The receptor binding domain change, D225G, was in four of four sequence from fatal cases, raising concerns that the 2,3 alpha specificity of D225G drove the H1N1 to the lungs and the total destruction."* If you understand probability, you understand that coincidences like this are highly improbable, and thus are planned events. Nature is a great plausible deniability...blame it on nature. These "coincidences" are laced throughout history, but since the oligarchy are in power, they can easily squash and suppress genuine investigation. EVENT, TIME, LOCATION. Secret energy technology...and the desire to keep it suppressed using the evil HUGE in the spook world (CIA types). Following is a fascinating series of events: * 1. Watercar Japan, Reuters: June 13, 2008 2. Later on June 13, 2008: 6.9 quake hits honshu japan - a warning to the Japanese to not release this energy technology. 3. Even later on June 13, 2008: "random" 3 hour Power outage in Washington DC 4. June 14, 2008: Tim Russert dies of "natural" causes. Was he going to report something?: 5. About the same day, Exxon announces they are leaving the retail gas industry

All planets reach a point in their technological development beyond which the beings of the planet have the capacity to destroy themselves with technology. Your planet passed that point about 100 years ago. Nuclear, biological, and chemical are very bad, but they are not the worst. Those 3 are publicized in order to deflect international research away from the most dangerous stuff.

What if the terrible wars and genocides that have happened during your 1900s were implemented to prevent the extinction of all people upon the planet Earth? Perhaps to prevent the spread of knowledge, that, in the wrong hands, could end all human life? This sounds unbelievable, certainly, and there is no doubt that the oligarchy could have pursued a completely different path - as many other planets have without all the wars and genocides - BUT THEY WERE NOT INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO SEE THOSE PATHS. Their ancient, ethnocentric views of themselves and the world prevented awareness of the more beautiful and enlightened paths. The world they had created UP TO THE POINT of opening Pandora's technology box, caused them to quickly scramble in their attempt to avoid a technological doomsday. Perhaps they could not see how to transition to a better global order based upon safe development of this technology, so they continued to walk the path they were already quite skilled at; brainwashing, corrupting, war, genocide. The tyrant class of planet Earth are, to put it simply, mentally challenged in comparison to the wisdom of the universe. Yes, it is true. The oligarchy, THEM, the global elite, the "illuminati," the tyrant class, the evil bankers, the media elite, TPTB, the secret society etc.... are but dummies herding along their even dumber human livestock.

It is quite sad, and pathetic, from my perspective.

Driving forces dictate what will happen. Unfortunately, the world really is organized with specially trained assassin groups that strategically remove what the oligarchy decide are "problem people." Well…what proof is there that this awesome technology exists? If it is decided to pursue honesty, proof will be shown to you. If you learn of the technology that is available, you will sit down, and just stare into the nothing; euphoria. You will move forward into an amazing new world of exploration into space and the Earth. You will quickly create cities like the ones you've seen on the "science fiction" films, or develop amazing natural communities at one with the land, strategically using technology to assist the symbiotic relationship. What you perceive as reality upon the planet Earth today will quickly become labeled as "The Deceptive Dark Ages" of humanity. There will be a slow, careful transition away from the deception, to a world where you can fulfill your potential into the void of the known and the unknown cosmos. BUT, there must be an absolute control over the development and use of this very dangerous technology, always. People that strive for doomsday, either to fulfill their religious predictions, or simply because they "feel bad," cannot gain knowledge of actual doomsday technology - common sense. Therefore, there will be absolute control over the dissemination of the sensitive knowledge. How this control manifests is up for discussion, but it certainly involves a physical place where The other option is the deceptive global order that the knowledge is kept, and people that are responsible you have now; look at the evil nebula…that is the world for keeping that knowledge intact and secret. that you have right now. Do you like that? Knowledge Having multiple "companies/governments" really is power. "Doomsday" knowledge is the power to create that keep this knowledge increases the risk physics reactions that may kill everyone on the planet. That that it gets into the wrong hands, so, knowledge can't freely spread, even in an honest world, but specific perhaps one central place is the way amazing technology applications can proceed if a central order is in place to do it. It could be a company, that will prevent a doomsday religion or people that "feel bad" from gaining and the best people from the doomsday knowledge, building a doomsday machine, and then pushing a many different cultures doomsday button. Below are general guidelines for a global order that can allow local work for that cultural freedom and diversity in harmony with a strong central, global order. These are company. just SOME thoughts…anything and everything not mentioned here is, of course, fair game for discussion as you try to work out how to best implement an honest world. 1. Ethnocentrism, racism and brainwashing will be illegal globally, and they will be very clearly defined. Racism and ethnocentrism mean to hurt other natural groups using your own groups' ethnic effort. This is what the oligarchy is still doing to you today, and they have been doing it for thousands of years. Who do you think delivered the African slaves to America? That's right...the oligarchy arranged it. 2. The most fundamental rule of the universe is, "Do not hurt other people." 3. The level of global government, and perhaps also a special global company, has the very important task of preventing technological doomsday, and all systems of the Earth will have that prime directive embedded into them. 3a. This "global company" would likely need to be the most powerful entity on the Earth…protecting this knowledge is not a game. It is not something that can fail, ever. The global government could be what keeps the eyes of the people upon that company; but they work together, always. The company would have powerful agents to ensure proper knowledge distribution. People of the Earth, you need to understand something: This company already exists. The fundamental difference between the deceptive world and the honest one is that you will know it exists, and you'll know why something like this must exist.

4. Government will have levels and most decisions will be made at the family and community level: a. Individual b. Family c. Local Community: Could be a few square miles or more, and generally, these groups will be culturally homogeneous if they so choose. d. City: a group of communities. Often, these will be a collection of many cultures, but not always. e. County: A group of cities f. State: A group of counties g. Region: A group states 5. The focus of governmental power is h. Country: A group of regions bottom up. Every individual in the i. Continent: A group of countries world can rise up to the level of global j. Global government government and global company if h. Global company they are good enough. It's entirely a meritocracy; ability is what matters. 6. Local communities will "terraform" the land to support their cultural heritage. Many will produce food in their yards, or local farmlands, and people will often trade locally. 7. Less than 10% (a goal) of the economic activity is channeled through the government each year (TAX), and it is the goal to always keep that as small as possible. Where the rest of the money (human effort) goes is decided upon by individuals, not a government. There may be a community project, or a technology initiative, etc. In today's deceptive order, the reason the oligarchy arranges for severe deficit spending, which creates a huge debt, is to eventually raise taxes, even more, in order to solve a "financial crisis" that they engineered. 8. Everything happens from the community level up. If a hundred people want to start a project, they put their savings in and make it so. 9. There is fluid communication up and down the tree of government. All can participate daily because it can be divided into groups of around ten. For example, a local Community with 10,000 people has one person at the top of communication, and that person communicates down to 10, then each of those 10 communicate with 10, and so on till all members of the group are included. You can rise to the top position by working your way up one level at a time… but, it actually does not matter who is in the top position, because your voice is heard at the bottom. The best thoughts rise to the top, always. This works well in a corruption free world where people are genuinely working together rather than lobbying their hidden agenda. 10. Elections are easily corruptible when media brainwashing determines the will of the people. That problem will no longer exist in an honest world, so if people want to use elections they can…up to you. People will not reside in their positions for a long time. It will be a function of how capable a person one level below them is. Discussions will happen, and leaders will be displaced frequently. If you want to understand how many levels there are, just take the number 10 to the power of 10; that is 10 billion people. So, at any given time, you are but ten levels away from the top government position upon planet Earth. 10a. The global company is different. To work within this company, you must be a "wise sage" of planet Earth. The exact rules of entry are up for discussion, but ZERO infiltration is tolerated. The agenda is to protect the world's knowledge, and disseminate it properly. No ethnocentrism will exist. This is the most difficult part of the honest world, because all people who think that an "end of times" is coming or wish to conquer the world with their belief, due to their upbringing, cannot be members of this company, BUT they can rise up the government levels to observe the company.

11. There is continuous improvement and discussion, and since brainwashing and corruption don't exist, you will find that people do come to similar conclusions after clear and honest discussion. If there is significant disagreement on something, a new community can be formed so a group can enjoy whatever specific thing they wish to explore during this life…total freedom. 12. There is always free and open discussion of possible corruption, conspiracy, secret societies, oligarchy's, infiltration, or anything like that. Anyone that tries to dismiss such inquiry as "paranoia" or "conspiracy theory" is suspect as a conspirator. Playground name-calling tactics are not allowed. 13. Money represents human effort, and with an endless supply of money (human effort) from their global plantation, the world is a playground for the oligarchy. The solution is to have a minimum and maximum pay for hourly work, for all people, based upon performance each month, and this range will take into consideration the real differences between people and their ability to contribute to a company. Differences include youth or experience, natural ability, and effort. All people from the top to the bottom of the company will be paid hourly within this range. The multiple between the minimum and maximum will vary per company, but it certainly could be as high as 15X. 14. There is no "progressive taxation." It's flat and honest - less than 10% is a goal. Taking a large % of people's human effort (money) and channeling that through governmental decision filters, socialism for example, takes freedom away from people. Communism is the pure form of this type of slavery. Cultures are the centralized order that guide people, not governments. 15. Wanting to be rich is exactly the same as wanting to have slaves, because money enables you to control what another human being does with their time. When you consider the multiple of 15X, and consider that a person earning full-time 2X can afford a small home and vehicle, 15X is quite a home. Concentrating TONS of money into the hands of individuals is one fundamental cause of corruption. One corrupt argument goes like this: The best entrepreneurs and innovators will not be motivated to create if they can't earn unlimited money. This line of thought comes from the world of deception. The motivation to earn 15X the minimum and maintain it is a HUGE motivation. Combine this with the simple motivation to make the world a better place. 15a. "Free markets" are engineered to bubble such that everything is overpriced, people are indoctrinated to want more, more, more, and then people must get loans to exist (mortgage, etc.). Interest then flows to the oligarchy from their livestock. To give an appearance of legitimacy, a smaller percentage of the interest goes to common people who have their savings in bonds or banks etc. As you all know, the housing bubble recently popped, and people with mortgages decided that it was better to foreclose and have bad credit than be up-side-down in a loan. What did the oligarchy do? They legislated the tax payer to buy the crap mortgages…do you still think you are free? In an honest world, houses should cost less and less through time as people learn to build more efficiently.

16. Insurance can happen at the local or regional level. A group of 10,000, for example, can put their money into a fund each month, and they are all from the same culture and community, so they help each other to consume well and avoid costly mistakes. When there is an accident, no problem, the funds are there. 16a. If a person decides to be irresponsible and consume molecules that hurt the body, or just overeat, the insurance pool can remove them. Those irresponsible people have to join an insurance pool from a bigger region with others that like to abuse themselves...or just not get insurance. If they get sick, or even die, it was their choice. However, healthcare won't cost nearly as much as it does today - the corrupt, deceptive global order causes higher prices for everything. Also, there is a lot of secret healthcare technology that will be made public in a honest global order, including significant anti-aging technology. 16b. In an honest world there are no advertisements or brainwashing to consume bad molecules. It really is a person's choice to badly consume, and they are not free to be a burden to others due to their own fully cognizant choice. 16c. Most fundamentally, culture itself is healthcare for people, because it is the daily driving force for proper consumption and moving, and happiness, and love. You all know that proper consumption prevents most healthcare problems. "Universal Healthcare" falls in line with the deceptive global order agenda, because it does not encourage you to live a healthy culture, or care about you or your children's unique cultural DNA, and every molecule matters with healthcare; For Example: a unique dosage or better acting molecule (herb, drug, etc.) for your phenotypes. The different cultures of the world will share their healthcare knowledge, and most of it will cross-benefit, but it is the outlying details unique to a culture that make it a HIGH QUALITY system for that culture. Do you want a "universal system" that forces you into the same global mold, and does not provide you a cultural driving force to live healthy? Or a high quality system that pays attention to the lifestyles and specific genetic trends of your unique group? The livestock merely need to THINK they are getting good care. 17. There were six reasons people immigrated in the past: 1. Natural seasonal migration of their ancient culture. 2. They were being suppressed/abused within their own countries; refugees. 3. They wanted to ethnocentrically use and abuse the people of the host country into which they were immigrating. 4. To find work, labor. 5. To leech off the system. 6. Because they wanted to live in a different place. Items #2 and #3 will not happen any more. Item #4 and #5 will not happen any more because all local regions will be healthy and thriving. Item #1 is fully supported for the people that naturally like to do that. For item #6, there will be island communities with your culture in most parts of the world, so you can move to most regions Every company on the Earth strives to produce of the world without much paperwork. If there's an a high quality product with the least amount of overpopulation issue in a community, then you energy input (money input). If all of the oligarchy's cannot move there, obviously, but you can visit. livestock are "the same," then your behavior is more You can move into any community in the predictable; the manipulation that works for one person, world that says "Yes." If you decide to works for all people. This minimizes the amount of energy the breed with a different culture than oligarchy must exert to manipulate ALL of their livestock. When your own, you will thrive with a there are many different kinds of people, with different behaviors and culture and community that reactions to things, then it requires more energy input to get a financial yield supports your child's out of their livestock…so homogenizing is good. To this end, the oligarchy are DNA. All children of striving to impose complete genetic drift (homogenization) upon all the people of the the Earth deserve world. This is the final stage of destroying families, cultures, community, and diversity, proper cultural to maximize the harvest (human effort, money) from their global plantation. They achieve support this with a simple brainwashing trick: They make you think that you are "supporting diversity," for their but, in reality, you are ending human diversity by homogenizing. DNA

You are pure energy, like the images on this document, and you direct the flow of your energy through time.

Hello. How are you? I know what you want

You want a beautiful world to frolic in with your family and friends each day

You want love with a mate...true love felt from your soul to another's as you live experiences together

A world where all the people of the Earth make the world continuously better with every passing day using all the worlds' best knowledge

A world without.....the secrets You were born a is not your fault Be what you want my friend. Be it each day as you move through this world and interact with people. Every step, breath, thought, sound, and heart beat Life and death are not a mystery Where were you before you were conceived? Where will you be when you die? The answers: When you die, you will be in the same general condition you were in just before you were conceived, so, relax, you have already been there. nature - or - god whichever way you prefer to think about it

Listed here are only some of the religions, philosophies, or cultural spiritualities that have existed along with approximate age:

Naturalism - forever (Includes the thousands of natural Earth cultures)

Celtic Druidism - 6,000 Asatru - many thousands of years Egyptian Pyramids - 5,000+ Judaism - 4,000 Hinduism - 3,500 Greek mythology - 3,000+ Buddhism / Jainism / Taoism / Confucianism - 2600 Christianity - 2000 Mayan - 1800 Islam - 1,400 Feudalism - 100s to 1000s of years Socialism - 100s to 1000s Capitalism - 1000 Sikhism - 500 Communism - 100s Fascism - 80 Scientology - 50 All of these spoken and written words try to explain Jedi-ism - 30 your existence and express how you should live.

Thoughts of the afterlife remain the realm of belief, and belief is, by definition, not known. You can imagine and believe as you will, but you are not free to try and conquer the world, or a continent, or region, or city, or neighbor with that belief. The afterlife... that is AFTER your LIFE. Focus your energy on your life and your culture. FYI: Did you know that the oligarchy can monitor your prayers, and strategically fulfill some of them using their secret knowledge/technology advantage?

Nature has existed forever...without one spoken or written word

Words and money can be useful tools for people, and they can become dishonest and corrupt

Communicate not always with words but with how you look from how you move and consume

through time

Which way the world goes really does depend upon how the oligarchy decide to steer it. You don't have much intellectual capacity to change it, simply because the oligarchy's media steers your minds, they have an enormous secret technology advantage over you, and they have a cohesive, secret group effort, while you are mostly divided individuals. However, you can have discussions with people who are able to listen, and there is a tipping point beyond which the mainstream media can't ignore it. The media managers then choose their next move. They can either paint it positively or negatively - it is entirely their choice and they will do so in relative unison to make people think it is so. Choose your destiny. Create a groundswell of support from the souls of human DNA throughout the world, discussing the true nature of life in this realm If the change to honesty happens, it will be a slow transition; change by attrition, perhaps. It will be announced, of course, but the change of your day to day life would occur in a very natural way, not quickly and confused. Companies would simply begin to change the products they design and build, and they would switch to a min/max hourly pay scale for all. One day, you may find yourself working side by side with a member of the "old oligarchy." They are just people...just happened to be born into their positions; you could have been born into that group as well; I mean, who decides which souls get bonded to which DNA?

This is the world you were all born into. Tyrants...see the path that is here. You have been working on your perfect world of deception for a long time; and some of you still want to see it come to fruition. The world of honesty is a better world. Try it. You might discover that you really like it. I am here to help. Honesty or deception... Which way will YOU push? Movie review, 2012: The film rental shelves of the Earth continue to provide evidence of how the oligarchy have herded their human livestock into different virtual fields, all leading to the same place… a single global government (granted, there must be global control over the very real doomsday technology, but how you get there is open for creative discussion). In the movie 2012, the tyrant class is not portrayed at all, because in the real world, they can easily leave the planet with space ships that already exist, and they can go to existing off Earth facilities to survive a tectonic shift. What this movie does illuminate is how the oligarchy view their livestock. The writers of the movie do not tell the common people the world is going to tectonically shift until it is too late for those people to build their own damn ships, so they can possibly survive the event. There are a huge number of MUCH smaller ship designs that could survive this event, and people will build them if they know that the choice is: 1. Die, 2. Build the damn ships. The oligarchy's movies always portray that "people would panic" if told the truth. Well, I would hope so, and that panic will get them off their brainwashed, couch potato asses, and they will actually go build something that will help them survive. The tyrants don't want to show you an awakening event in a movie…it might actually wake you up when you go see the movie; indeed it would.

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