
  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 4

1. The competition is open to all YFC member s. 2. There should be one entr y per Clust er . All clusters should confirm their entry

with the lyrics of the song on or before Augus t 2 0, 2 00 8. of 8-1 0 member s. One point will be deducted from the total score for every person in excess and/or in deficiency of the provision. 4. Entr ies must also be com posed of MIXE D singer s – brother s and sis ter s (there should be more th an 1 sister/brother in a group). Clusters that will not comply will automatically face disqualification. 5. It can be a medley or an original composition as long as it will not exceed the time allotted. All renditions MUST be i n a capell a. 6. Use of body pa rts to produce music is encouraged to enhance the performance. 7. Use of any other music al inst rument s is no t a llo wed . Delegations that will not comply will automatically face disqualification. 8. Lyri cs shoul d be wholes ome an d not sexu ally sugges tiv e or vulga r. LOVE songs ar e highly rec ommended. The song should be LIVEL Y, MODERN , an d UPBE AT. 9. The song rendi tion sho uld no t exceed fiv e (5) minut es. There will be a one-minute grace period for entrance and another minute for the exit. 10. Cos tume must be decen t an d proper for the per form ance. The CREATIVES COMMITTEE deserves the right not to allow the performance of a group due to costume technicalities. 11. The decisions of the judges are final and irrevocable.

3. Eac h grou p must be com posed

NO TE: It is the group’s responsibility to signify their presence one hou r bef ore the event sta rts and to show up at least an hou r bef ore their pl aying time . All competing groups should regist er at exactly 8 am . Groups who will not comply will risk point deductions.

CRITER IA FOR JUDGI NG MUSICAL REND IT ION … …… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ….60% Voice Quality and Intonation 20% Harmony 15% Arrangement and Vibrancy 15% Dynamics 10% SHO WM AN SHIP … ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……….30% Stage Presence 15% Synchronization and Movements 10% Costume/Props 5% MESS AGE AN D CONTE NT … …… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……1 0% TOT AL … …… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… 100% IMPORT AN T: MEMBERS AND HOUSEHOLD HEADS ARE GIVEN HIGHER PRIORITY WHEN CHOOSING THE PARTICIPANTS FOR THE CREATIVE COMPETITIONS.PARTICIPATION OF SERVICE TEAM (CHAPTER HEADS and CLUSTER HEADS) IN ANY COMPETITION IS NOT ALLOWED. NO TE: For inquiries and information regarding the COMPETITIONS GUIDELINES, please contact the following: JASSON Rubite (09159713267), ARMIE Adato (09174784493) and/or CHRISTIANE Quijano (09154453543)

CREA TIV E COMPET ITIO NS GU IDEL INES B A ND CO M PETITION DYN AMICS 1. The competition is open to all YFC m embe rs. 2. There should be one entr y per Clust er . All clusters should confirm their entry with the lyrics of the song on or before Augus t 2 0, 2 00 8. 3. The number of band membe rs ma y range from 5 to 8 pe rsons (instrumentalists and singers combined). One point will be deducted from the total score for every person in excess or in deficiency of this provision. Eac h band will be all owed to pla y tw o songs (NO T medleys, pref era bly LOVE SONGS ). a. One song must be sung according to the song’s original arrangement. b. The second song is a contest piece that will be given by the Creatives Committee. All bands are required to perform the contest piece in a di f ferent genre . (e.g. “My Heart Will Go On” sung in punk). 4. Presenta tion should not exce ed 12 minut es (incl uding soun d check) . One point will be deducted from the total score for every minute or fraction thereof in excess or in deficiency of the time allotted. 5. The band’s look, which includes costumes of singers and band members, must be decent and proper. 6. All ampli fier s, voc al mic rophones and set of dr ums will be provided as part of the sound system. The competing bands must provide for themselves additional instruments and other gadgets in excess need of what the Organizers will be providing, if necessary. 7. To avoid song re pe ti tion , a “fir st come, first ser ve” rule will be ap plied . In case of duplication, band/s concerned will be notified immediately by the Creatives Committee in order to change their song. NO TE: All competing bands are expected to signify their presence one hou r bef ore the event st ar ts an d to sho w up at leas t an hou r bef ore thei r pla ying time; all bands should regis ter at exac tly 8 am . Bands who will not comply will risk point deductions. II . CRITER IA FOR JUDGI NG 6 0% Con test pie ce 4 0% Choice piece 100% Total AB ILIT Y TO ENT ERT AI N … ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………. 20% Ability to choose and arrange order of songs That build up excitement among the audience 5% Audience impact/ stage presence/ confidence Ability to make people stop and stay 5% Rapport with the audience/ showmanship 10% SKILL …… …… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… … 50% Creativity (ability to deviate from the songs original Style to create their unique version) 20% Band (instrumental arrangement and harmony) 15% Singers (vocal arrangement and/or quality) 15% CON TEN T … ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… …… 15% Lyrics of songs 10% Clarity of Lyrics 5% BA ND CHARA CTER…… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ….. 15 % (B and look , a cti ons, spiels are of Chris tian cha ra cter ) Band look 10% Exciting spiels 5% TOT AL … …… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… …. 1 00 % IMPORT AN T: MEMBERS AND HOUSEHOLD HEADS ARE GIVEN HIGHER PRIORITY WHEN CHOOSING THE PARTICIPANTS FOR THE CREATIVE COMPETITIONS.PARTICIPATION OF SERVICE TEAM (CHAPTER HEADS and CLUSTER HEADS) IN ANY COMPETITION IS NOT ALLOWED. NO TE: For inquiries and information regarding the COMPETITIONS GUIDELINES, please contact JASSON Rubite (09159713267), ARMIE Adato (09174784493) and/or RAZIL Labro (09174708908)




1. The competition is open to all YFC member s. 2. There should be one entr y per Clus ter. All Clusters should confirm their entry on or before Augus t 2 0, 2 00 8. **Not e: all groups are required to submit a copy of their music on a CD (each should contain only 1 copy of music and should be clearly labeled) not later than Aug ust 24 20 08 , non compliance of this requirement may suffer from point deductions. 3. Each dance group must be compose d of 8-1 2 member s. One point will be deducted from the total score in excess or in deficiency of this provision. 4. Ent ries must als o be comp osed of MI XED dance rs – brother s and sis ter s (there should be more than 1 sister/brother in a group). Regions that will not comply will automatically face disqualification. 5. Dance ty pe shall be mode rn- con tempo ra r y an d/or combina tion of this AND tr ad iti onal/c lassi c dance types as long as they are expressed in the character and vibrancy of today’s youth. (Ballet & cultural will not be considered unless they are mixed with and danced to contemporary pop and youth culture styles of dance and music—hip hop, techno, etc.) 6. The competition will showcase the groups’ prepared dance. Maximum time for per forman ce is fiv e (5) mi nu tes incl uding ent ran ce and exit. Time starts once group enters stage and ends after its exit. Three points will be deducted from the total score for every minute or fraction thereof in excess of the allotted time. 7. Mo vements shou ld not be vulg ar or se xual ly suggesti ve. 8. Cos tumes mus t be decent an d prope r for the dance . The CREATIVES COMMITTEE reserves the right not to allow the performance of a group due to costume technicalities. 9. Music should be wholesome and lively. Sublimin al, sexu ally sugges tiv e, and vul ga r lyri cs/lang ua ge will not be all owed . (E .g. Peac hes and Cre am, Se x Bomb , Too Close, etc. ) Non-compliance with the guideline will result in disqualification. NO TE: All competing dance groups are expected to signify their presence one hour bef ore the event st ar ts and to sho w up at leas t an hour bef ore thei r pla ying time ; all groups shou ld regist er at exactly 8 am . Groups who will not comply will risk point deductions. CRITER IA FOR JUDGI NG C HOREOGRAPHY … ……… ……… ……… …….……… ……… ……… ……… ……… 50 % Originality / Creativity 25 % Production Values, Character, & Attitude 25 % SHO WM AN SHIP … ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… 30 % Audience Impact 5% Energy, Vibrancy and Execution 15 % Coordination 10 % COSTUM E AN D APPE ARANC E .…… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………..20 % Stage Presence 10 % Wholesome Appeal 10 % T OTAL …… ………..………… ……… ….………… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………. 1 00 % IMPORT AN T: MEMBERS AND HOUSEHOLD HEADS ARE GIVEN HIGHER PRIORITY WHEN CHOOSING THE PARTICIPANTS FOR THE CREATIVE COMPETITIONS.PARTICIPATION OF SERVICE TEAM (CHAPTER HEADS and CLUSTER HEADS) IN ANY COMPETITION IS NOT ALLOWED.

NO TE: For inquiries and information regarding the COMPETITIONS GUIDELINES, please contact JASSON Rubite (09159713267), ARMIE Adato (09174784493) and/or PJ Gacula (09052567117)

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