Guideline On Seed Voucher Program

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A brief guideline On Seed distribution through voucher program

Jibon-O-Jibika Project Homestead Food Production Program Helen Keller International, Bangladesh

17 March 2009 /opt/pdfcoke/conversion/tmp/scratch7/20131040.doc

Seed distribution through voucher program In Jibon-O- Jibika project, SO-1 activities have been implementing in 11 sub-district of Barisal divisions (Barisal, Patuakhali and Bhola). From the beginning of the program, seed or other inputs have been distributed to the beneficiaries by direct seed distribution mechanism.Based on mid term program evaluation recommendation by TANGO International, it was decided to implement the seed voucher program for distribution of seed among the J&J project strategic objective-1 beneficiaries. In this regard decision was taken by the program management wing that the voucher program will be implemented among 3rd group beneficiaries who will get seed support from Homestead Food Production Program. In each upazilla 200 beneficiaries included for seed distribution through voucher program in summer season. So, 10 VMFs 3 rd group beneficiaries will be selected for accomplishing the program. From each VMF 20 HH will be selected. Total 2200 HH will get summer seed through voucher system among 26400 SO-1 project beneficiaries. HKI already gathered technical expertise about seed voucher program by implementing voucher program in two upazilla among 3000 beneficiaries. By utilization the knowledge and skill HKI technical team prepared a guideline and mechanism for voucher program implementation. Voucher Program: A voucher is a bond which is worth a certain monetary value and which may only be spent for specific reasons or on specific goods. Examples of voucher can be- seed voucher, food voucher, housing voucher etc. And by voucher program we mean it is a mechanism by which a relief material can be reached to the beneficiaries as per their choice. It is an excellent method for introducing improved goods to its client who basically need it. Objectives of voucher program: • • •

To create awareness of alternative seed sources and varieties To give the access to receive the vegetables seed as per their choice To provide an opportunity for beneficiaries to share ideas and information among themselves and/or with the seed sellers, extension staff present at the spots.

Advantages of voucher program: • • • • • • •

Voucher program present a means by which beneficiaries access agriculture inputs that are adapted to the local conditions, of their preference, and meet their immediate needs Seed quality is left to the judgment of the program beneficiaries Voucher program are an open and transparent process Voucher program support local crop/seed production exercises by offering a ready market for the commodity Voucher program is planned and implemented in a short period of time Communities are actively involved with this program Voucher program strengthen and stimulate linkages and information sharing among farmers, local vendors or other technical staff.


Steps of voucher program: 1. Beneficiary selection Presently all the homestead food production program beneficiaries in Jibon-O-Jibika project are not entitling for seed support. Only the 3rd group’s members are entitled for seed support. In this regard decision taken to implement the recommended seed voucher program in mid term evaluation, 3rd group member of 10 VMF in each upazilla will be selected for seed voucher program. 2. Voucher package fixation The beneficiaries are getting seed input support from the project which was fixed in the project budget. The package of summer season seed for the 3rd group household is taka 30 which is the fixed package for seed voucher program. 3. Vendor selection and agreement The seed voucher program will have to be publicized in advance to the people so that maximum vendor or traders can come forward to participate in the bid and the vendors or traders can be well aware of the role they would have to play in making seeds available to beneficiaries at the right time and place. Actually it was initially difficult to attract potential traders to come forward to this program due to small package, scattered beneficiaries, distances of the distribution spots, but subsequently they realized that the vouchers may potentially increase their sales. However the seed vendors or traders who will be selected for this program must be brought under an agreement. The criteria are set out for vendor selection for this program may be as follows. • • • • • •

Ownership of valid trading license but not mandatory Possession of adequate seed stocks during voucher exchange in the project areas Ability to provide adequate and quality seed to beneficiaries. Seeds that will be sold at these spots should meet the optimum purity, germination rates and packaging etc Willingness to notify beneficiaries about the prices of seed varieties by posting a price list in the trader’s stall Willingness to provide information to the concern office or persons as and when requested Willingness to receive payments as per official system

The selected seed vendors are required to enter into a legally binding contract with LNGO. Sharing with other vendors, failure to supply needed seed in right time, exchanging vouchers with any other things except seeds or exchange low quality etc will entail a punishment. The punishment may be loss of the contract or financial penalty etc may be the ultimate penalty on any of the vendors. (Specimen is attached at the end) 4. Distribution spot/outlet selection The LNGO project staff along with HKI technical team will select the spot for exchanging seed voucher which will be convenient for all beneficiaries of the surrounding areas. The HKI technical team will monitor and put any suggestions if required for better and smooth handling of the activities. The list of spots will be finalized at least 7 days prior to voucher distribution. /opt/pdfcoke/conversion/tmp/scratch7/20131040.doc

5. The Logistics of voucher program The actual implementation of the voucher program involves agreement of seed vendors, distribution of vouchers, counting of vouchers, exchanging vouchers and monitoring seed exchange etc. Depending on the number of beneficiaries the entire process of a spot can take a couple of days. The extension workers will warn the beneficiaries on the dangers and implications if they will found to have sold or exchanged the vouchers for cash or food or any other misappropriation of the voucher. The other logistics required for this purpose are as follows: Voucher coupons develop and print The LNGO will develop the voucher coupon with the technical assistance of HKI technical team. In this connection HKI may provide a specimen of a coupon that can be followed by the NGO. The coupon will be included with- value of coupon, time of validity, name and address of vendors to redeem voucher, issue date, serial number etc. It will be such a type so that no duplication can be occurred. The coupon must be on hand in well ahead of the distribution date. Muster roll Two master rolls will be field up during seed voucher distribution and exchange. It will be an informative format which will include name of beneficiary, address, description of purchased seed(s), price of seed(s), and the signature of seller, purchaser etc. The sample muster rolls format will be provided by HKI technical team and LNGO will print it as required. (Specimen is attached at the end) Banner: The spots where seeds will be available for the beneficiaries must be included with a banner. The banner will contain logos of all involved organizations. It will be included with project name, activity name, name of spot, date/duration of voucher exchange, vendors identity or any other things as may be required. However a sample of banner will be provided by HKI technical team and the concern PNGOs will print it as required nos. (Specimen is attached at the end) 6. Voucher distribution mechanism The voucher program for each chosen site will start with an orientation before a couple of days of the exchanging date. The orientation will be done in small groups to sensitize the HH on what voucher is, what its function is or how to redeem it. The objectives of the voucher program will be reviewed there and the use of the seed vouchers will be described. HH members will also be sensitized to buy different varieties by analyzing their land quality and own practices. After orientation program in small group extension worker of LNGO will be distributed the voucher by receiving signature of the HH in the voucher distribution master roll. In any cases somebody could not give signature than she/he will provide thumb impression. 7. Seed ensuring at outlets The PNGO will take proper initiatives on ensuring seed availability at all outlets at least 1 day before of the voucher exchanging day is started. In this regard vendor selection and agreement will have to be ensured in well ahead of time. Post-agreement regular follow up will be urgent in terms of vendors procurement process follow up, quality of seeds as per specimen preserved, packet quality, varieties and flow of supply etc. The concern PNGO is responsible for this follow up but HKI technical team will assist them if needed. /opt/pdfcoke/conversion/tmp/scratch7/20131040.doc

8. Voucher redeeming mechanism Voucher will be redeemed to the contracted vendor as mentioned in the coupon. The vendor will exchange seeds of equal value to the beneficiaries. The beneficiary will decide which vegetables variety and what quantity she/he will receive within the value of the voucher. The vendor will collect and preserve the voucher coupons for submitting as a bill. The vendor will always keep transparency as well as necessary records, signature in master roll etc for proper documentation. The fraction amount after exchanging the voucher may be redeemed by some open item seed. Signature of the beneficiaries need to be cross check with voucher distribution master roll and voucher exchanging master for identifying the same beneficiaries coming for exchanging the seed voucher. 9. Vendor payment The vendor’s payment procedure will be clearly specified in the agreement letter. So as per specification the payment will be made by PNGO. 10. Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring is an important thing for voucher program. As so many stake holders will be involved in the total process and still beneficiaries are not well known about it so intensive follow up and monitoring will be required. During distribution and during exchanging of vouchers these two are important times for close monitoring and supervision. The monitoring will be focused on the following issues• • • • •

Seed procurement by vendor Voucher distribution by extension worker Seed flow ensuring at outlets Seed purchase by beneficiaries Procedures maintained by vendors during voucher exchange

Extension worker of PNGO will monitor and supervise these types of activities. HKI technical team will also assist in the total monitoring process. 11. Reporting on voucher program After accomplishing the seed voucher program PNGO will provide a report on the over all activities of voucher program.


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