Guide To Your Best Year Teaching With Smart K-12 Goal Setting Methods

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STOP Crying in the A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

HOTLINKed eBook Series (Video’s, Articles, and Other Tools)

LaRon A. Carter

A Former US Marine and Veteran K – 12 Education Behavioral Strategist

web: email: [email protected] phone: 206.350.2650 © 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


Do your students send you home in tears? Sometimes it’s our own kids, and other

Stop Crying in the Restroom the eBook is

times it’s other people’s kids that send us

loaded with active hot links to blog post,

into a crying spiral. I normally don’t allow

teaching resources, and inspiring videos

kids that much authority over my

by credible teachers from: TED, PBS’s

emotions, but I am in touch with my

Tavis Smiley, Zig Ziglar and many more

feelings and at times extremely emotional

[click links or copy and paste work cited

about things I’m passionate about. And


believe me when I say, “Teaching is at the top of that list.”

I guarantee you will enjoy teaching again after applying my system for clearly

If you find yourself crying behind the

identifying the problem, developing

scenes or have ran into someone crying in

specific actions for your goals, and

the restroom because their

learning how to monitor your results.

world is out of control, give them a copy of this FREE eBook. Then make their day by encouraging them to

Your students will be empowered to learn and your boss will brag about your classroom management style. Now that

become the leader they were created to

should stop a few tears or hire me and I’ll

be. There’s going to be more tears over

bring the tissue.

the years, they just don’t have to be connected to classroom management issues.

LaRon Carter, The Guest Teacher

This is the highly reprinted FREE eBook inspired by the Asphalt Check Stressed Out K – 12 Education Blog Series. Carter is licensing this eBook under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 3.0 I wrote this series as a guide for those struggling to maintain or regain control of their classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds but just about any profession will benefit from it. Please share this by email, post on your blog, or link it often so teachers can get back to doing what they LOVE . . . Teaching. © 2009

* Problem Solving System Poster,

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter

If you don’t get anything else out of this eBook, get this: PGA

2 3

Create a Goal that targets a specific problem.

Develop an Action plan that will drive home success.

Golden Tissue . . .


Clearly identify a classroom Problem that had you crying in the past.

“Focus on the goal, not the task. See it happening, not how to get it done.” Star Trek Voyager, Episode

© 2009


Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods



LaRon A. Carter

volume content

STEP 1 Envision Your Problem Solving Mission Call to Action, 66 Pursuit of Mission, 11

STEP 2 The Big Idea Behind Creating Goals Clearly Defined Goals, 17 Focused Goals, 22

STEP 3 Being SMART About Your Goals Specific Goals, 27 Measurable Goals, 32 Action Based Goals, 36 Realistic Goals, 40 Time Based Goals, 43 Stressed Out K – 12 Education Series, 47

© 2009


Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Effective Goal Setting for Any Teacher on a Mission

"A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations." Patricia Neal

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter

STEP 1 Envision Your Problem Solving Mission


Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Call to Action

"When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it." W. Clement Stone


LaRon A. Carter


The Question Discovering your life’s mission could mean a lifetime of research and development. Would you agree? At 30, I sold my highly successful window cleaning company to become a full-time substitute teacher. I know it sounds crazy, right? Shortly after that I answered the call to work with students no one else wanted to teach, it became my life long mission, and at 33 I went back to college and earned a certification to teach K – 12 students diagnosed with emotional challenges. One of my biggest hurdles teaching students suffering from sexual, emotional, and physical abuse is that these types of self-esteem beat downs make it extremely hard to rebuild the way they think about themselves and what they have to offer the world. For many of them it is a daily struggle to survive let alone think of a reason not to end it all. My assignment at that moment in time is to help my students discover a reason why they should keep coming to school, turning in homework, and acting like they really give a damn about living in hell on earth. At that point things can get out of control and send the best of us to the restroom screaming, “What’s the purpose?” Surly, I am not the only one wondering why all my enthusiasm and its burning desire to teach fall short when I need to succeed the most. When I’m failing miserably and

Photo Credit by bobster1985 of Hubert Humphrey, Civil Rights Pioneer, 1948 5

© 2009

everything looks chaotic, I need an answer to, “Why am I here?”

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


The Statement In some of my previous blog post I shared

In this eBook series (V2.0 – 2.8) I’ll

tips on how making accurate observations

explore how creating[2] clearly defined and

can be the start of turning you into a power

measurable goals leads to a teacher with

teacher. If you have ever wanted more

a purposeful life mission. Regaining

from your performance or looked for

control of your classroom begins with

solutions to your classroom management

regaining control of your purpose.

problems, sit down and write a well-written

Throughout this small book I will share real

mission statement, it will define and

life applications of how effective goal

measure your success, the results may

setting has worked for me. My hope is

even make you look like a genius.

that you help me turn this into a real conversation by extending this dialog to


Elizabeth Gilbert author of Eat, Pray,

your colleagues next door or the neighbor

Love, spoke at TED on nurturing

down the street. Maybe you have a friend

creativity. In a very funny and personal

or family member that needs this system

way she shares the radical idea that,

in their life. I believe getting back to the

instead of the rare person "being" a

basics of running your program will dry up

genius, all of us "have" a genius. She

some of those tears and cut back on all

poses the question, “Why not think this

the extra tissue being used in restrooms

way?” Why not think differently about

across America . . . If anything it should

releasing your genius to help discover

make a bunch of us tree huggers happy,

your mission? W. Clement Stone

(my poke at telling an eBook joke).

wrote, "When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it."

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


The Call to Action Maybe you are pulling your hair out, as a new teacher, looking for ways to regain control of your classroom. If so, you’re balding like me and should start thinking of how you would want your program to run if everything were perfect. Like you haven’t already, right? Discover your mission, write it down, and walk it out. What I will attempt to do in this section is light up the idea of designing a classroom environment that shines with possibility.[3] Here’s what you do. • Dust off that Philosophy Statement (and anything else you have) from those 400/500 Level College of Education intern courses. Edit your old mission statement where necessary. Be sure it fits into the real world of teaching, as you know it today. Lets not waist time if you can’t find it, simply start over. • Listen to the voice of change. Make adjustments in how you define your purpose so that you’re less self-serving and more giving to others. Chances are you have done your homework and genuinely put some time into understanding yourself and how you can best serve your students and their families. You do understand that you are serving an entire family when you serve a student, don’t you? Ok, we’ll pick that conversation up later. But for now I want to show you some love for

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

making it this far. If no one has told you


LaRon A. Carter


Problem Solving Action

lately, “I appreciate you devoting your career to serving all those other people’s

Go to this link and download my personal

bad kids. I appreciate all that you do to

classroom mission statement[4] and guide.

make a difference in your student’s life

I hope it kick-starts new ideas about who

even though they send you to the

you are and where you can lead your

restroom crying sometimes. I love you for

students. In the next eBook section I’ll

that and there’s nothing that you can do

break down how this all works in your

about it. And when life seems to be


Golden Tissue . . .

getting the best of you, remember what my

“Your mission will never aim you in the wrong direction. He’ll leave that call up to you.” The Guest Teacher

© 2009

grandmother would tell me, ‘It ain’t that deep,’ baby. You’ll make it.” HOTLINKS [1]



[4] [5]

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Personal note on your call to action . . . Hopefully, this new eBook series helps you re-gain the confidence needed for carrying out your mission to teach those you serve in K – 12 classrooms. Remember [it ain’t that deep], the problems you have plus the actions you take to resolve them equal the results you get [or not]. Apply this goal-setting guide to your teaching game plan and recover your passion to do what’s inside of you, Teacher. Blessings of Peace, Love, and Happiness, LaRon P.S. Remember to flush after using the restroom.

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter



Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Pursuit of a Mission

"Hey don’t let someone tell you. . . You can’t do something. Not even me. All right."

Christopher Gardner


LaRon A. Carter


More Questions What smacks me upside the head [like that funny V8 commercial] is that if our mission in life is important enough to require years of refinement, why then don’t we spend more time studying the idea of purpose? I mean what’s the reason you are here reading this eBook? Why do you even desire correcting your behavioral management problems when your closest family and friends are telling you, “You’ll never be able to teach those kids?” Have you figured out the purpose behind your mission? Do you really understand what you are pursuing? What is your purpose for wanting to teach in the first place? And if that’s the case why have you allowed yourself and others to talk you out of it? There is simply no better person than you for carrying out your mission.

Mount up! Many teachers have given up on their dream in less than three years on the job because they lacked purpose. I am a highly trained US Marine. I understand mission and the purpose behind carrying one out. And trust me when I say, “When you find a purpose for Photo Credit by dbking of Chris Gardner author, Pursuit of Happyness [5]

your life that is bigger than you, all of hell’s forces will come against you carrying out that mission successfully.” As a Marine I was better equipped to carry out a mission under two basic conditions. First, I was not sent out for battle until I passed extreme training. Secondly, I didn’t deploy without the armor and equipment needed to carry out my job. Like soldiers, teachers are also better equipped for battle after training for specific conditions of the

© 2009

assigned environment. But, our universities and colleges of education are sending

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


teachers out to fight academic battles

dream, you got to protect it. You want

without the full armor needed to carry out

something – go get it. Period.”

the best practices for leaving no child

Are you willing to pursue your mission until


it is complete? In the words of record mogul and Hip Hop Legend Kevin Lyles,[2]

Here at Empowering Basics University

“Make it happen.”

(EBU) I train and equip you with the helmet of individual educational planning,

The Genius In Us

the flap jacket of cultural understanding, the belt of student protection, boots to help

We must think differently about how to

you through hostile situations, the shield of

produce winning outcomes for the goals

faith for your unbelief, your weapons which

we’re chasing after. For most of us that

are street smarts from personal life

means thinking differently about the

lessons, and the word of God’s wisdom

creative genius I spoke about in Stop

that can only be gained from playing far

Crying in the Restroom volume section

above the pavement.

V2.0 (Elizabeth Gilbert, TED Talk). Our creative genius is not only on the line, but

Hang in here with me for a minute, will

our students depend on our genius.

you? Have you ever wondered how long

As a matter of fact they probably won’t

you’ll be in this career? Are you unhappy

even show up if we haven’t found our

because you just can’t seem to grab

creative genius. You know what I mean.

classroom discipline by the ears?

For a student to be absent is one thing.

Understanding the problems of any

But, for a student to be physically present

classroom management challenge will

in class and somewhere else mentally

outline a strategy for how you solve it?

because the teacher doesn’t have his stuff


Listen to what Chris Gardner wrote in the movie Pursuit of Happyness, “You got a

© 2009

together is a federal crime – so to speak.

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


Back to the Basics Before you begin planning for next semester or next year’s core curriculum objectives, you will need to create clearly defined goals. Dorit Sasson[3] says, “Teachers start the new year thinking that by writing a long list of goals, they are putting themselves in charge. But committing to a long list is not realistic and it is a sure recipe to even quicker burnout, which in the long run does not help you achieve anything.” Need I remind you that if you are not clear about what you want out of yourself, you’ll be opening up the doors to a stressed filled teaching experience from the minute the bell rings. Get ready. When I sat down to create goals on my first teaching assignment I really didn’t fully understand what I was doing. I was just fortunate enough to have more success than failures from the goals I had created. The success behind those goals allowed me to teach with less stress and more confidence. I saw it this way, being able to experience behavioral management success leveraged my lesson-planning ability so that my pacing wasn’t thrown off. Can you see how these two worked together in creating a less stressful classroom environment? The bottom line on any job is productivity. Basically, reducing stress by using the best methods affects the bottom line. Creating measurable goals that clearly address core problems sets you up for being productive. Regardless of what we set goals for, whether personal or professional, following a universal system and mastering it makes life more beautiful all around. Here are 5 Key

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Steps to Achieving Your Goals. These


LaRon A. Carter


Problem Solving Action

are the very steps I’ve been using in my life long before classroom teaching.

Take 20 minutes and review the video and blog links above. Then go deeper into

Decide on most important goals and

what goal setting is about[4] before we

make them measurable.

investigate why mission statements are


Attach your goals to a timeline.

important in the upcoming eBook V2.2.


Build your team of advisors.


Stay focused. Don’t get distracted.


Complete your projects, reflect, and

Golden Tissue . . .


“ If you have any doubt in you're ability to walk in unwavering faith today ~ Shhh, be still and listen. You've already won!” The Guest Teacher

© 2009

make adjustments before moving onto the next clearly defined goal. HOTLINKS [1]





Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

A personal note on pursuing your mission . . . Pursuing your mission is a journey like no other, because all of your experiences along the way are clumped together as part of the preparation process. Those experiences define who you are and how you handle [little] people that get in the way of reaching your goals. Learning to create goals and developing strategies to achieve them guides us toward our life mission. We should be able to successfully walk right into a chance of a lifetime when it shows up. The secret is to prepare for opportunities that don’t exist. Don’t let someone tell you. . . You can’t do it – You just might believe them. Big Things Await You, LaRon P.S. Check for tissue before sitting down, you may need it.

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter


Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Effective Goal Setting for Any Teacher on a Mission

"High expectations are the key to everything" Sam Walton

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter

STEP 2 The Big Idea Behind Creating Goals


Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Clearly Defined Goals

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."

Zig Ziglar


LaRon A. Carter


Danger Zone, No Goal Ahead How dangerous is not having goals? Extremely. Well, lets say not having clearly defined goals and an effective action plan for your goals is extremely dangerous. According to 27-year teaching veteran Laura Candler[1] of, “Academia is finally recognizing that academics aren’t the only road to future success. Often it’s the nonacademic curriculum that’s most helpful in preparing students for life.” Many times your colleagues will approach projects with cookie cutter strategies and some will create lesson plans out of plain old ignorance. But the smarter teacher operates in a less stressed learning environment because she understands how teaching methods work. She gets help with her Individual Educational Plan (IEP) and seeks to understand her purpose behind delivering lessons to each student she serves based on his or her learning style.

Fundamental Basics Not to say you need an IEP team meeting on every issue or special certification (although Photo Credit by johnthecone of Madison World Champions 2008[8]

it would make you extremely valuable in a pink slip take over), but you do want to develop skill sets for meeting the basic needs of your students. You are more than able to develop extraordinary skills for meeting your student’s needs by following some of the concepts and ideas covered here in the Stop Crying in the Restroom eBook series. Follow this PGA Formula: 1) Clearly identify a classroom problem that had you crying in the past, 2) Create a goal that targets a specific problem, 3) Think through an action that will drive home success.

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


Listen for Clues

Get the most out of your students

Elizabeth Gilbert[2] was on point in her

Tavis Smiley, [5] talks about getting the

description of thinking differently

most out of your subject in an interview by

about creative genius. Don’t be

doing your homework (know the back

afraid to think outside the box

story) and having natural

when working on your lesson

conversations in

plans. Of course you should

what he calls listening

always have the final decision

generously. Be a generous

of what goals to pursue in your program.

listener of your student’s life stories as you follow specific details that can help you set some really

In a cool video I found Zig Ziglar[3] reiterates that we choose to accomplish our goals, but to achieve your goals takes

meaningful goals. Details of their story will provide critical information needed to get the most out of your students.

a proven formula and aggressive action. And if you know the formula it really

Understanding details not only reduces

doesn’t matter what the goal is, you can’t

classroom management stress, it also

loose. Don’t hesitate on getting valuable

paves a way for your career

input from your department, your students,

accomplishments. Here’s where effective

and to a certain degree from their

student interviewing techniques are

immediate family for important goal

extremely important for achieving your

setting[4] ideas, it could make all the

goals. Deciding on the most important

difference. Your team may just have the

goals may be radically different from what

winning formula for your classroom goal

you originally had in mind once you gather

setting success.

specific detailed information from your students and their families.

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


Think of it as the student being on loan. Your goal is to help the parents get their child across the finish line, preferably in first place. The way I see it, you have two options. One you can be an agent for change. Or be regularly stressed out and crying in the restroom from doing what realistically isn’t working for you. Listen to what your students are saying and watch great things happen as a result of picking up on their clues.

Case Study Kendra Van Wagner[7] reports in her article, Breakfast and Learning, a study conducted by Harvard researchers found that students who ate breakfast were "…significantly more attentive in the classroom, earned higher grades in math, and had significantly fewer behavioral and emotional problems.” I was facilitating Profound Impact vs. Stress and Frustration Workshops[6] at a Michigan Education Association conference recently when a group of new school employees mind mapped ideas for their mission statement. The group identified things like student achievement and an inviting environment as their #1 mission statement goals. However, after further investigation (through mock student and family interviews) we discovered for their case study student nutritional needs first thing in the morning made a stronger case for being their number one educational goal. Can you see how it maybe a more effective goal to feed children before meaningful learning happens? This is the kind of investigative conversations that will help you to get clear on which goals are most important at that time and space. I have learned the hard way that reality is relative to what the person is going through, not necessarily what I’ve experienced in the past. We have discovered that if you haven’t experienced a situation you may not be able to activate the buttons for solving the problem. Realistically, helping someone else to solve © 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter

their own problems involves persuading them to change their perspective to another reality set of actions.

Problem Solving Action Identify your top three goals according to importance of being able to manage your classroom. Then verify their importance with a mentor that genuinely advocates putting children first. In the next eBook (V2.3) I’ll shine a light on why setting dates

Golden Tissue . . .

on measurable goals are so important.

“Don’t let your reality overshadow the real problems, because you weren’t really listening.” The Guest Teacher

© 2009










Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

A personal note on your clearly defined goals . . . Zig Ziglar’s words of wisdom will live far beyond his years here on earth. He helps us to see what’s most important in life doesn’t he? All of us want to be recognized for our achievements whether we admit it or not. Somewhere along the way I believe what we’ve become will be more important than the goals achieved. Learn to listen generously whenever having a conversation with your students or their families. Your street credibility (what people are saying about you outside the classroom) will gain stock value after demonstrating an ability to listen from the heart. Generously. Become Your Biggest Achievements, LaRon P.S. A simple, but poignant rule, the better you listen the better you’re going to teach.

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter



Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Focused Goals

“People often procrastinate because they don’t have a clear picture of what’s important. And knowing what’s important involves knowing where they’ve been, where they are now, and where they are headed.” Ken Blanchard and Steve Gottry, The On-Time On-Target Manager


LaRon A. Carter


Steep Curves Ahead In volume 2.2 I wrote, “In the next eBook section I’ll shine light on why setting dates for measurable goals are so important.” Here it is. Acclaimed authors and business coaches Ken Blanchard and Steve Gottry wrote, “People often procrastinate because they don’t have a clear picture of what’s important. And knowing what’s important involves knowing where they’ve been, where they are now, and where they are headed.” Well, if there was ever any doubt as to the importance of eliminating procrastination, unbelief, and distractions as it pertains to clearly defined goals this is it. Don’t be distracted from what’s most important, no matter what the case may be. Stay focused. Over the last couple of weeks of this writing project I missed important deadlines –it was do to distractions, missed valuable appointments –distracted, and just yesterday lost a contract because I did not respond in a timely manner to a phone call to confirm a “done deal” –costly distractions. Here me when I say stay focused on your goals.

Faith, More Than a Word Life sometimes opens windows that blow in all kinds of stuff from the outside, but we must be resilient. We have to press through the challenges that would otherwise knock us down and take our focus off of the goal. At the end of each television and radio Photo Credit by Laura Padgett of Astronomical Clock [6]

broadcast, talk show host Tavis Smiley[1] encourages his listeners to, “Keep The Faith” [2a] ([2b] Tavis, I couldn’t have said it better. Faith is our ability to weather storms with a peaceful spirit. Faith should be the foundation

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


for achieving goals bigger than you; it’s

unknown, but Peter F. Drucker[4]

confidence in the mist of doubt. Stand firm

considered the top management thinker of

on this instruction and don’t be distracted.

his time outlined a system that was very similar to SMART objectives while

Procrastination Kills

discussing objective-based management in his classic 1954 seminal work, "The

On the other hand, procrastination is an

Practice of Management."

Golden Tissue . . .

evildoer all by itself. Procrastination

“Being smart isn’t always making the right choices. It’s also making a decision to quickly change a previously poor choice.” The Guest Teacher

doesn’t need any help from us although

Smart is an acronym for:

we seem to be more than willing to assist

S – specific

in its wicked ways of shredding our goals

M – measurable

to pieces. Procrastination is one of the

A – action based and adjustable

chief distracters we can put on our payroll.

R – realistic and reachable

And, trust me procrastination will cost you.

T – time oriented or time based

So, rather than give in to its cry for pay increase let’s investigate systems that

Forbes describes rose action planning as:

break the harness of procrastination and

R – rationale.

it’s ability to eat up timelines leading to our success. Send procrastination to the

given purpose? O – objective.

unemployment office.

What are 3 – 5 things I must do to meet my rationale

The System of Goals

this year? S – strategy.

What must I do

I have had the privilege of studying under

each day/week to

some great teachers in my lifetime. One

satisfy my


of them is Dr. David C. Forbes Jr. who taught me to create SMART goals and

© 2009

What is my God

objective? E – evaluation.


ROSE action plans, both of which were

look into patterns of

passed onto him from other teachers.

track record toward

The first use of the term SMART is

my goals

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

When coached correctly both S.M.A.R.T.


LaRon A. Carter


Problem Solving Action

and R.O.S.E. systems have been instrumental in making my goals and

How has procrastination really messed up

dreams happen. Over the next few Stop

your goals in or outside of the classroom?

Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]:

Re-write your goals using the S.M.A.R.T.

A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching K –

and R.O.S.E. systems. I have created a

12 With SMART Goal Setting Methods

template from notes of Dr. David C.

volume sections I will commit to sharing

Forbes Jr. teaching’s that will help to

the very best goal-setting strategies that I

produce extraordinary results here:

know. :63081[5]

We both know any goal worth going after will inevitably be tested for structural flaws. Even our intent will undergo stress tests for authenticity. So, don’t even think about giving up on your goals to become the very best teacher you can be without embracing the journey in its entirety. You’ve got your work cut out for you. Together, faith, confidence, and focused goals produce winning outcomes. HOTLINKS [1]

© 2009







Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

A personal note on your focused goals . . . Ken Blanchard and Steve Gottry instruct us as to what’s important by knowing where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you are headed. This simple system can be complicated for some of us depending on the roads we’ve taken in life. But, don’t be discouraged by the journey. Look to the future, you now have a formula for success that can simplify all of that drama from the past. Use the S.M.A.R.T. and R.O.S.E. goal setting systems to become your biggest achievements. Be smart and smell the roses along the way, LaRon P.S. If what you leave behind doesn’t smell like roses, open the windows and spray something. Don’t just walk away, I’m right behind you.

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter


Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Effective Goal Setting for Any Teacher on a Mission

"Goals are the guidepost along the road that make a compelling vision come alive." Ken Blanchard and Fred Finch, Leading at a Higher Level

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter

STEP 3 Being SMART About Your Goals


Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Specific Goals

"Education is too important to be left solely to the educators."

Francis Keppel


LaRon A. Carter


Can You Be More Specific? Reference the case of Jeremy below (Asphalt Check: Teaching Basics 1.1)[1]. The 3rd grader that was getting kicked out of school for repeatedly being late. I interviewed his teachers, paraprofessionals, the principal, main office staff, Jeremy, and finally his big brother J.R. before having a conversation with the boy’s grandfather. All in an effort to keep one child from being left behind, so to say. Interview as a Practiced Conversation After pulling the young guy off to the side of his opened classroom door I confirmed, “Things just don’t go the way we planned sometimes, huh?” His eyes gave him away. I hadn’t noticed them before. There wasn’t much there. His stare was part detached and part sleepy. I could tell by the crusty corners of his eyelids. A sign he wasn’t being monitored before leaving for school.

Photo Credit by Shoofly1 [6] 7 years, minus 2 days

Not really sure why I asked if he had any older brothers or sisters there at school. But asking that question became standard inquiry for the rest of my career. Jeremy responded, “My older brother comes by to pick me up after school.” So I asked, “Where is he coming from when he meets you here?” Jeremy said, “He gets out early from middle school.” Aha! (Joseph A. Almeida)[2] Acceptable Solicitation “What does everyone call him,” I asked. Jeremy perked up and said with a giggle, “He’s J.R.” Now, it was on. I’ll surprise J.R. by calling him by his name of endearment and inspire him to rise to the occasion with a little flattery. 3:23 pm rolled around and J.R. was posted right where Jeremy said he’d be. (Dakarai I. Aarons)[3]

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Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods Mr. C: “Whatup J.R.? You know this kid? I’ve been impressed with the way he carries himself around here. Now I see it’s pretty obvious where he gets it from.” (After a favorable introduction by Jeremy – J.R was acceptably solicited for me to be on his team and I needed him to post up in the paint while I drove the ball up the court. Being likable wins fans to your cause and scores big time.) “I need a favor from you.” J.R.: “What’s good?”

“Upon graduating from Georgetown University, I felt an obligation to continue teaching, formally this time, with Teach for America, an organization that allows the nation's top college graduates to teach in lowincome communities to change the trajectory of students' lives with an excellent education.” Joseph A. Almeida

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Mr. C: “I need for you to suit up with this big brother thing and start getting little man up in the morning. Can you handle that?” J.R.: “For sure.” Mr. C: “I also need for you to bring him with you and drop him off here on you way to school. I figure he can get his eat on and chill in my classroom, maybe do some of that pass due homework from all those tardies he’s been getting.”


LaRon A. Carter


Super Star Service! As it turns out they where living with a widowed grandfather who had gone back to working third shift to provide for the boys. I guess Pops was making it home between J.R. leaving for school and Jeremy waking up. Pops was elderly and often exhausted from working at the plant. Most often he didn’t realize that his grandson was still in bed until long after school started. The whole thing was driving a wedge between the student, the teacher, and administration. A basic case of missed communication, primarily the school’s for not connecting with Jeremy’s family. Look for opportunities to service the customer throughout the day. Discover the areas needing service and connect[4] the power sources before getting all stressed out over basic problem solving situations. You are a Customer Service Super Star. (The National Council on Teacher Quality)[5].

Setting specific goals to meet the student’s needs are extremely important to building trust and credibility with your students and ultimately their family. Go back and review Purpose Teaching: Clearly Defined

J.R.: “No problem Mr. C., I got you.”

Goals (V2.2) you’ll see how workshop

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


attendees discovered that for their case study “student nutritional needs” being met made a stronger case for being the number one goal. In mock interviews we had to listen to the data and what it was saying about the community. We made student behavioral observations and listened to what the family was saying about learning in their neighborhoods, particularly in a suffocating economy.

Goals You Make Happen

Golden Tissue . . .

Think about it. The ‘S’ in S.M.A.R.T. goal systems (V2.3) stands for specific. Great

“Don’t forget to focus on your mental, physical, and spiritual well being, otherwise those you care about will pay for it.” The Guest Teacher

success never follows vague ideas. Can you hear failure in this goal? I will help all my students to succeed. That’s a really broad goal, right? A more specific goal is written like this: I will create small teams of support groups with each student’s caretakers to help monitor and reinforce my lessons and other instructions. By soliciting the help of others, you reduce the personal stress of trying to be a super teacher all by yourself. One of the important questions I’d ask my students each new marking period was, “What is the purpose of going to school?” My students almost always respond with, “To get an education – To get a job” – And an occasional, “To keep my parents happy.” Is it any wonder why students aren’t producing quality work? They aren’t clear on any specific academic goals. Communicate specific goals to your students in your mission statement. Identify specific characteristics and personal values that carry enough weight to breathe life into your goals. Help your students understand the value of applying themselves to produce a quality education from the inside out. Help them set goals that will produce highly intelligent, highly paid for problem-solving technicians employers are seeking to fill the ranks of their workforce with.

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Goals Student Make Happen


LaRon A. Carter


and I will complete all missed assignments immediately and put together a study

Students that have specific goals no

group of my peers if needed.

longer enter the classroom with blinders on. Listen to your students for details.

For those with challenges of making the grade, write goals like this: I will monitor

For those with challenges of following

my grades weekly. I’ll have conversations

the wrong crowd, write goals like this: I

with my teachers for understanding how to

will surround myself with people that are

get the most out of his/her assignments. I

smarter than me and can hold me

will prepare for nothing less than an “A”

accountable to achieving my goals.

grade and ask for extra credit because I’m worth it (refer to V2.7 realistic goals).

For those with challenges of starting/finishing homework, write goals

Problem Solving Action

like this: I will keep all assignments in my organizer and begin working on them as

By now you probably have re-wrote your

soon as I get home while eating my snack.

specific classroom goals using S.M.A.R.T. and R.O.S.E. systems. Review those

For those with challenges of attendance,

goals and investigate how adjusting them

write goals like this: I will miss no more

to meet specific needs of your students

than one day of school this marking period

and their situation will make a difference in your classroom management style.



[3] ination=

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Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

A personal note on your specific goals . . . Jeremy’s case turned out really cool for everyone involved. He got administration off his back. His big brother stepped up his game responsibly. And Jeremy’s selfesteem rebounded from all the extra time spent catching up on his past due work. Specific goals require focused attention. Focused attention demands our sensitivity to students needs. Being sensitive is only a description of what we are capable of doing the action is responsive. To being specific in your goals and focused on the students, LaRon P.S. Above all, realize that your personal success precedes classroom success.

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter



Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Measurable Goals

"Action is the real measure of intelligence."

Napoleon Hill


LaRon A. Carter


Commit to the Process Before looking closer at the science of goals, I need you to commit. Commit to staying the course and eliminating the very idea of procrastination. Basically I’m asking you to move your feet. As a new teacher you will face obstacles that may send you home in tears, screaming all the way up the Lodge Freeway. So, cry it out, but commit to clearly identifying the problems and creating aggressive action plans to make significant changes in the way you deal with classroom issues. Don’t just stand there waiting for something to happen or worst than that looking the other way as if you don’t see that elephant dropping those damn turds all over the place. One thing I had to realize early on was creating effective goals could not be accomplished by cramming the night before like some of us did in undergrad. You’re literally in the real world now and half stepping will kill your career by strangulation. The business of building undeniable confidence to achieve your goals begins with understanding what’s most important. I can’t say it enough. You must identify what’s most important for your students and for you. Sometimes that can only be achieved through extensive interviews with a bunch of people, as mentioned in previous Stop Crying eBook volumes. (Tavis Smiley in SCR eBook V2.2 )


Photo Credit by Marvin L 365.031 Same Old Day..

Measure Against a Known The next step after creating specific goals is to make them measurable against something you already know the measurement of. What am I talking about? I mean to make your goals along side of things with size, depth, and volume like a calendar, a grade book, or

© 2009

previous accomplishments. Sometimes you may need to measure against someone

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter

else’s goals just to get started. I have to caution you to use comparison goal setting with a dose of maturity though. There are too many unknowns on that playground. You can get sucked into somebody else’s school employee drama real easy. But if you have to measure that way to gauge an idea of what you’re up against, have at it create tailored goals to meet your own professional needs. Basically, you’re wasting time writing goals if you haven’t added a measurable clause. Measuring your outcome is the only way to know where you stand. I know you already know this, but sometime we forget the basics. Allow me to engage you. Suppose you have a goal to increase customer services provided to your students in the area of teacher to parent network, a measurable goal looks like this: 1) I will increase my telephone calls with parents by 50% this week [Texting or Direct Message Tweeting is acceptable in moderations. Ear–to–ear and face–to– face contacts are most effective for © 2009

establishing working relationships in

Golden Tissue . . .

for a quick minute then back off and

"With many readers brilliancy of style passes for affluence of thought; they mistake buttercups in the grass for immeasurable mines of gold under ground." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


PGA Formula #1

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

.50 X 4 contacts = 2 That’s 4 contacts + 2 more calls for 6 this week


LaRon A. Carter


between social network platforms. I don’t

You may not want to add them onto your

recommend social media use ONLY for

Facebook network. LMBO. Be creative

establishing trusted and credible

and increase your goals effectively by

networking connections].

making them measurable. It always helps to have someone hold you accountable.

2) Now if last week your connect rate was

Be focused and consistent. Keep

8 household contacts out of a total of 200

increasing your productivity and keep the

students your goal will be:

faith as Smiley would say.

PGA Formula #2

I will add 4 extra contacts onto the current

.50 X 8 contacts = 4 That’s 8 contacts + 4 more calls for 12 this week

8 contacts to equal 12 household contacts

The next eBook 7 of 9 or V2.6 is a must

for this week.

download. I call it Action Based Goals and it is loaded with valuable links that will help

You should have some success with that

taking action to reach you goals easier. I

goal so carry it over to the next week (3).

suspect you will want to pass it around to other teachers on a mission to inspire

3) I will add 6 extra contacts onto the 12 to

those they serve.

equal 18 household contacts for week.

PGA Formula #3

Problem Solving Action

.50 X 12 contacts = 6 That’s 12 contacts + 6 more calls for 18 this week

Keep this going until you’re at a rate of about three contacts a day and they don’t

Write measurable details to your goals.

have to all be phone calls. Some of the

Journal how adding measurable details to

contacts can be emails, text messages,

specific goals will enhance your focus of

tweets, or old school face-to-face

seeing whether you’re on track or not?

connections. HOTLINKS [1]

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

A personal note on your measurable goals . . . Napoleon Hill has always been one of my favorites on face value as he has been in the back-story of his life. But at the end of the day you’ve got to give the man his props. He said, “Action is the real measure of intelligence.” Dissect what you read, what you’ve read, and what you will read in the future for gaining better understanding about how to take action of what you trust is wise counsel. Then pass the experience onto some other learned soul. Paying it forward is the true measure of gratitude, LaRon P.S. As a man thinks about it it is his faith actions that create the real of it all.

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter



Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Action Based Goals

"A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all." Georges Bernanos


LaRon A. Carter


Rubber Meets the Road I’ve grown to love this part of goal setting. Don’t just stand there. You have to do something. Action based goal setting is where the rubber meets the road. When I created Empowering Basics University 20 years ago I didn’t understand how important taking actions were for me to produce the results I desired the most. I didn’t know any better. I was young and just made things happen. If I could think it, it was in motion within minutes. I don’t move as fast as I used to, however actions remain the foundation for my company’s three-step problem-solving model called PAR (problems + actions = result)[1]. George Bernanos said, “A thought which does not result in and action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all.”

PAR Technology I like to put it this way. The problems you have plus the actions you take equal the results you get. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. Master it and then teach this to your students. Lead by example. The results of your actions will be the yardstick for measuring your goals. (Note: Run your ideas by department head before taking action.) Photo Credit by ~*Leah*~ [2] 153/365 Storm Clouds

Here’s how it works. One of my goals may be to bring students and parents together with the community leaders in order to network people who would not otherwise be connected. Social and economic disconnect may have been a problem in the past. The task of networking is orchestrated by specific actions. The actions might be a familiar method practiced in the past based on the dynamics of the group or your strategies may look brand new to the participants. The specifics of each situation may call for a different

© 2009

method of action. The key here is to take action. Don’t be afraid of doing a combination of different methods in order to produce desired results.

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Be the Change Agent


LaRon A. Carter


Video Conferences Services work better.

One thing I’ll do after interviewing

everyone involved is to find an existing social networking platform that could be an

You can blog it or vlog it, it doesn’t

extension of what’s already in place. And


making it happen for little or no cost is

always the plan. I might start with

emailing a white paper link or Tweet a

report from my File Social account:

And if you want to really shine try

conference call recording for others to listen to at their own convenience.

But, it doesn’t stop there. I might send an

audio file.

Yep, you can video record a call as well.

Or I might even send a short video link to introduce my cause.

Broadcast your events by email.

If your strength is Power Point send it.

Now if you really want to maximize your

efforts Tweet it (Join us on Twitter at and join or

© 2009

Conference Call Services work really

create a Linkedin group

well. (This social platform is

great for teacher groups) Some of my

Linked in groups are Teachers Lounge,

Teachers Networking Group, Technology

Golden Tissue . . .

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

"Your networking relationship actions have potential to build community operating systems better than Google." The Guest Teacher


LaRon A. Carter


Integration in Education, Useful Web Tools

Google Dan Hollings (@dholings on

for Parents & Teachers, and Ypulse he’s a great

Networking For Youth Media & Marketing

resource for learning about Twitter


Facebook has some cool teacher groups

I use all of these services in one way or

as well. A few Facebook groups I’ve

another because I like quality FREE Stuff!

joined would be Autism Awareness, Fix

By the time this goes to print a few of these

Special Education and Inclusion,

application clients will probably figured out

Children's Band Books, Talking Special

how to monatize or have gone out of

Education Law And Advocacy, Special

business. Either way there will always be

Education Law, Department of Special

free stuff out there to use. Click around on

Education, Technology And Special

the links at to see

Education, Special Ed Teachers Rock,

how I’ve used them and email me if you

and one of my personal favorite up and

have any questions,

coming Facebook group I started K12Live,

[email protected]

Twitter’s most exclusive single account dedicated to K – 12 Educators using

Problem Solving Action

Twitter (click Following of friends to find EDUPPL).

What systems are you currently using to achieve your goals? Take a closer look at

Try these client tools for networking:

your newly revised goals and identify

areas that fall short of the success you

deserve. Use the PAR Worksheet and Poster (cited work below)1 to make changes in how you will approach creating actions that support those specific goals.


© 2009



Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

A personal note on your action based goals . . . Georges Bernanos said it well eh, "A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all." Isn’t that what the essence of this entire eBook series has been all about? Thinking through your goals and taking bold action that measure up to successful outcomes. Go for it. Go for it. Just do it already. I’ve got your back! To your no limit attitude for success, LaRon P.S. Never cry alone. The company you keep could make all the difference.

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter



Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Realistic Goals

“Focus on the goal, not the task. See it happening, not how to get it done.” Star Trek Voyager


LaRon A. Carter


Reality Check Realistic goals can play on your intelligence. Reality is reality for the person who thinks it’s real. You know what I mean? My reality may not be yours and visa versa. So I’m not really sure just how real I can keep this post, but I’ll give it a shot in under 400 words. Correct me if I’m wrong, but usually one of a few things will happen when attempting to set realistic goals. One possibility is that you stand a real good chance of talking yourself out of a goal that sounds too big for your God given abilities. “I mean He’s still working with me, right? So I couldn’t possibly pull that one off,” you might say. Remember the story of Jesus turning water into wine? Didn’t he tell his mom that it wasn’t his time when she did the mother thing saying, “My son can do anything, follow his instructions?” You get the idea.

Order Your Steps Secondly, we can set goals out of sequence and stumble over our feet trying to get out of the starting blocks. I call it out of sequence others may call it setting your goals too high. Accusing someone of setting goals too high doesn’t make since if you’re teaching Photo Credit by Porcelaingirl° {renovating her life} [1] who have lost a magic wand?

students the sky is the limit. Or maybe you’re teaching them to achieve anything they can conceive. All of it can be contradictory if the goals don’t produce desired results. Students watch what you do and they believe what you say.

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


Golden Tissue . . .

No Fear

NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, [a]the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

Another reoccurring situation that happens

problems. By directing your energy onto

far more often than we admit is the reality

the vision of accomplishing your goals you

of other people talking you out of your

reduce the stress factor. By reducing

goals. I set a few rules here. Caution

your stress you will allow the universe to

those that have not done what you are

guide you onto a course that has been

attempting to do. Caution the haters. You

properly sequenced for win-win outcomes.

know, those that are afraid too the point of

It’s just not realistic to focus on anything

sabotaging your success. And if you’ve


done your home work assembling your dream team of mentors networked to

Oh well, I tried to keep it under 400 words

guide you up the field you are in there.

– Guess I talked myself out of it.

Here’s the deal. You and I both need a

Problem Solving Action

dose of confidence in being bold when undertaking projects that have daunting

Journal about some of the goals you have

task attached to them. A word of advice is

not been able to achieve because you

to focus on the goal. Tasks have a

yourself or someone else has talked you

tendency to build up into overwhelming

out of them?

challenges that can cradle buckets of

achieving your goals in a realistic

tears. And if you’re not careful innocent

sequence verses how realistic your goals

challenges can turn into unnecessary

sound to someone who doesn’t share your

Write about the reality of

vision for greatness. Hebrews 11.1 AMP


© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

A personal note on your realistic goals . . . Rarely will a movie based on a great TV show be as good as its series. Then there are those film writers and directors that defy the odds to produce a film project that measure’s beyond universal limits. Such is the case of the Star Trek movie directed by J.J. Abrams. What a surprising twist into the plot of this epic filmmaking journey. Trekkies never saw it coming. Neither will your adversaries see your vision until you make their unrealistic interpretation of your goals real. Here’s to your paramount movie goal making rave. . . really, LaRon P.S. Don’t believe the fact of your goals if real fact [truth] is telling you something different.

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter



Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Time Based Goals

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." Robert H. Goddard


LaRon A. Carter


Lets’ Go! Get out there ahead of the pack. Timed based goals are the only way to go when it comes to being accountable for your classroom success. Time out for making a goal that isn’t measurable. That doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible. Outlining your goals on a clearly defined timeline is a major part of assessing your performance even if you have to adjust the dates or measurements later. I’m just keeping it real with you. You can start developing your lesson plan strategy or whatever else your shooting for without disciplined timelines and end up with a lot of unnecessary tears from stress. Failed attempts to meet rushed deadlines and spinning your wheels trying to create forward movement aren’t worth it. The students suffer the most and you look silly not operating on a timeline.

Start the Clock You’re fooling yourself to have goals like this, “My goal is to replace poor learning behaviors with rich and exciting strategies for growth and development,” without identifying when all this is to take place. Try restructuring your goal to, “I will leverage good classroom behaviors by immediately reviewing the rules and procedures at the beginning of class. It takes no longer than 60 seconds to manage[1] a negative behavior Photo Credit by Chris Breeze [2] Another Group Shot

once your infrastructure has been built. One well-structured minute for rewarding positive behaviors will create a more productive learning environment. Include a point system that keeps the student fully aware of what’s going on with their progress. It’s all about taking that one extra minute to make sure your people know what theirs goals are. (Ken Blanchard - Extra Minute Manager

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


K.I.M (Keep It Moving)

Go Get’m

Don’t skip the fundamental steps for goal

Scientist and self contained rocket fuel

setting. Design your goals the way an

pioneer Robert H. Goddard believed, "It is

architect drafts his building plans. First, he

difficult to say what is impossible, for the

has the vision in his head. Next he

dream of yesterday is the hope of today

sketches the ideas onto paper. Then he

and the reality of tomorrow." Goddard

drafts the blueprints to scale. After that he

began drafting rocket designs as an early

may cut out a model. Before any building

teen having to abandon some of those

takes place you better believe he will test

wild ideas but never loosing movement in

the soil for foundation strength. Your

time toward his goal of assisting travel into

timeline like the architect’s is critical to

outer space. All of our post secondary

project managing the events needed to

training and combined life experiences

complete the goal on time or ahead of

have prepared us for more than we


realize. It’s when life issues throw a wicked curve ball and we swing away that

Build your plan for building trust and

we discover what we’re made of.

credibility with your students and their

© 2009

families over time. Be specific about it

This project has turned out to be far more

though. Set measurable goals that are

than I could have expected. After

action based (SCR eBook 7 of 9 or V2.6)

hundreds of revisions Stop Crying in the

and realistic (SCR eBook 8 of 9 or V2.7).

Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to

If you don’t pursue timelines properly you

Your Best Year Teaching With SMART

won’t really appreciate the concept nor will

K12 Goal Setting Methods has grabbed

you be able to produce consistent win-win

my attention at a time that I needed it

results. I once heard someone say,

most. During the writing of this book I

“There’s time to get it right the first time, if

found myself homeless, bankrupt,

you don’t believe that then you won’t have

divorced, and for the first time in my life at

time to do it over.” If you can believe that

47 standing before a judge fighting for my

then you are playing to win.

domestic rights. My life has been affected

Golden Tissue . . .

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

"Being the headmaster of your learning village requires faith in a PhD., MD. (Physically Demanding, Mental Dogma) The Guest Teacher


LaRon A. Carter

by its message to inspire you by having to

copy of this FREE eBook. Then make

assess my own goals. Thank God for

their day by encouraging them to become

having spent intimate time with Him and

the leader they were created to be.

the methods outlined on these pages. If

There’s going to be more tears over the

you haven’t read the entire eBook, go

years, they just don’t have to be

back and read it. Then click on the HOT

connected to classroom management

Links in the notes. I used this book to rise


up from the bottom, without all the tears, to let you know you can stop crying in the

The entire eBook can be read in about 30

restroom to, it ain’t that deep.

minutes. I recommend spending a weekend to review all of the articles, blogs

Problem Solving Action

and videos hot linked throughout this eBook. However, I must admit going

What timelines have you set your goals

through the method of writing your goals

into? Are they specific? Are they

and assembling them in such a way that

measurable? Are they action based and

you understand them enough to gain

realistic? Are they sequenced properly?

support of others will take considerably

Regain control of classroom management,

more time in order to complete your

successful goal planning, and your destiny

mission. Don’t delay, get started today by

to do great things that will extend far

staying focused on the goal not the task,

beyond the neighborhoods of those you

and build confidence to teach what others

serve. This can be your best year

dare to achieve by taking one successful

teaching. But, if you find yourself crying

measurable step at a time. When life try’s

behind the scenes or have ran into

to beat you down remember the words of

someone crying in the restroom because

my grandmother, “It ain’t that deep, Baby.”

their world is out of control, give them a

Carter’s got your back, cousin; it’s time to make it happen.


© 2009



Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

A personal note on your timed based goals . . . Life is crazy at times we know that, right? What we don’t know is what will happen when we dig deep down inside our being and grab hold of the stuff placed inside us to achieve far more than we think we are capable of. Bring out your very best each day you set a goal to teach those assigned to your class. Sure there will be times when you want to kick one or two out into the hallway. But before you do consider what chaos that kid might be living in and decide what role you want to play in it. You might find yourself saying, “It ain’t that deep!” To success beyond your wildest dreams, Carter, LaRon Carter P.S. If it takes an entire village to raise a child, what neighborhood is it?

© 2009


LaRon A. Carter


Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

Stressed Out K – 12 Education Series


LaRon A. Carter



Observations, Tips, and Real Life Applications for Paving Classroom Potholes Quickly

Are You Stressed Out?

A Real Teacher’s Discussion of Situations Needing Simple Solutions in Sometimes Complex Circumstances

In this new series: Stressed Out K – 12 Education, we don’t wait for the “What If We Set Up Teachers for Success Discussion?” [1] I will cover classroom issues surrounding special needs, at-risk behaviors, student – teacher and teacher – parent relationships, and much more as it relates to reducing stress created from broken educational systems,

LaRon Carter, news delivery guy @K12Live on Twitter

narrow minded thinking of difficult colleagues, and the headaches of someone else’s undisciplined kids.

Respect Gone Wild One of the things I get asked a lot from new classroom teachers is, “How do I get my students back on track once I have lost their respect?”[2] The cry is always the same, “Their behavior is really stressing me out.”[3] Whenever this happened to me I’d get this panic feeling in my stomach that made me want to take off running down the hallway and out of the building. There are common reasons why this may have happened to you if you are new to teaching or if you have been around a few years, but lost your footing. Capturing kids hearts may be the goal[4].

Regain Traction Throughout this series I will cover situations and details that help identify both circumstances and methods to attack the problems. Together we will bring your classroom management[5] full circle, putting you back in the pilots seat as lead teacher in charge of your classroom. I intend to help put your feet back on the ground so you can © 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


gain more traction[6] from all that hard work

to your adorable students in disguise. And

being put into those lesson plans. You

finally, roll with the punches. Yeah, I know

have more control than you realize.

students are throwing harder punches at an earlier age nowadays. You need to

Where Did My Focus Go?

change some things if you are ever going to stop crying in the restroom because

When you first recognize things getting out

someone’s kid told you he was going to

of control do what we are taught to do

kick your ass after school. Taking

when we discover our clothes are burning.

punches better be part of your training if

Stop, drop, and roll. Stop doing whatever

you plan on being Queen Bee of the

you are doing, it’s not working anyway.

playground. Show up each morning

What’s going on with your physical state?

playing to win, your pursuit of classroom

Have you stopped breathing? Take deep

happiness depends on it[8]. You just need

breaths when feeling like you’re losing

someone to remind you that you call the

control or turning blue. Drop all distracting

shots around here.

attention getters and be present. Sometimes thoughts of life issues bigger than the classroom rob us of giving our undivided focus[7]. With a little practice of the methods covered in this series you will regain focus on the things most important HOTLINKS

© 2009










Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter


The title, Stop Crying in the Restroom, has been created as a metaphor for allowing controllable situations like classroom management and student behaviors being the cause of sequestering emotional well being. By all means find your favorite place to cry and let the tears flow, even if it’s alone in a restroom. Hopefully friends that have your back will be close by to pass the tissue. I’d like to be one of them.

SCR Contest Winner and Photo Credit by

© 2009

Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods


LaRon A. Carter

About the author LaRon A. Carter is an education thought leader and behavioral management strategist graduate from Eastern Michigan University. The program he developed helps you to gain understanding of what it takes to succeed and how to help others uncover the greatness inside of them. During his twenty year teaching experience he has empowered individuals and organizations to become better problem solvers for themselves and visionary leaders for those they serve. Carter is a former US Marine and veteran K – 12 special Carter is a former US Marine and veteran K – 12 special education teacher for emotionally education teacher for emotionally challenged students. He is challenged students. He is available for guest teaching seminars, conference workshops, and available for guest teaching seminars, conference workshops, and keynote speaking. Currently he’s directing the development of a teen problem solving Internet keynote speaking. Currently he’s directing the development of a community, called Street Teacher, in the laboratories of Empowering Basics University. teen problem solving Internet community, called Street Teacher, in the laboratories of Empowering Basics University.

© 2009


“When your confidence has fallen and you can’t get your students inspired. Send them to me . . . ”


help young people and those that serve them discover the genius inside to change success blocking behaviors with simple problem solving methods for winning the fight against school drop out and economic decline. Hire The Guest Teacher so that I can help you help them stay focused. Stay confident . . . Take action and win,

LaRon Carter, The Guest Teacher Photo Credit by Made Whole Media, LLC

Author of Stop Crying in the Restroom [it ain’t that deep]: A Guide to Your Best Year Teaching With SMART K12 Goal Setting Methods

My Blog “Asphalt Check” My Center of Information Carter is available to Guest Teach [email protected] phone: 2 0 6 . 3 5 0 . 2 6 5 0

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