Guide For Meditating For Health.docx

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  • Words: 2,351
  • Pages: 28
Question 1: What do you mean by good health and what does it mean to have a disease? Answer: Everything in this universe has a certain frequency / vibrations. Example of various frequencies: Fresh Foods 20-27 Hz Fresh Herbs 20-27 Hz Dried Foods 15-22 Hz Dried Herbs 15-22 Hz Processed/Canned Food 0 HZ In the same way, every human being has a body frequency (vibration) unique to him. The average frequency of the human body is 62-72 Hz. Every cell in your body resonates with this frequency. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. Check out these very interesting findings: Human Body: Very High Spiritual Frequencies above 90MHZ Genius Brain Frequency 80-82 MHz Brain Frequency Range 72-90 MHz Normal Brain Frequency 72 MHz Human Body 62-78 MHz Human Body: from Neck up 72-78 MHz Human Body: from Neck down 60-68 MHz Thyroid and Parathyroid glands are 62-68 MHz Thymus Gland is 65-68 MHz Heart is 67-70 MHz Lungs are 58-65 MHz Liver is 55-60 MHz Pancreas is 60-80 MHz Colds and Flu start at: 57-60 MHz Disease starts at: 58 MHz Candida overgrowth starts at: 55 MHz Receptive to Epstein Barr at: 52 MHz Receptive to Cancer at: 42 MHz Death begins at: 25 MHz

Conclusion: If our body has a vibrational frequency of 62-78 MHz we become healthy. If it is lower we may subject our body to various diseases. The reverse is also true. If “Somehow” we are able to raise

our body frequency then we should eventually get better as every cell of our body decides to vibrate at higher frequencies. This is how healing happens as the vibrations of a particular diseased organ or the entire body is raised higher and the disease automatically disappears. Reference:

Question 2: What may cause body vibrations to reduce lower than normal frequencies of 62 MHz – 72 MHz may be our next curious question? Answer: Some of us reduce our vibrations by indulging in bad food habits which might take a toll over a long period of time. If we take fresh and good food grown organically which have high frequency then again, it improves our own frequencies. Sattvik food like (Cows milk, Ghee, Bananas) have good frequencies. Overally processed food have lower frequencies. Some of us reduce our vibrations due to some prominent emotions. Like for example, if our predominant feeling is that of fear or anger or self-pity or worry about money or the future then again, these negative emotions bring down our body frequency. In the book by Annie Besant “Thought Forms” she has depicted how each thought forms looks in the subtle world. The feeling of “anger” is like that of spokes of a wheel, sharp and pointed. This spoke can make holes in the protective aura of our being. In a similar fashion all other negative traits, bring our energy down. See picture below.

Positive emotions like joy, happiness, peace, contentment, being generous etc, raises our vibrations.

Question 3: What is our Aura? What is the relationship between health and aura? An aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object. A healthy and vibrant aura around protects our body and keeps us in a high vibrations. The size and color aura of each person or thing varies based on the person. Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly. Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed, but can be changed by our conscious intent. Above facts have been observed by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last 50 years.

The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Also, aura is our spiritual signature. Colors and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have VERY special meanings. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear. It is ESPECIALLY important to check the aura of any religious leader, "spiritual teacher", "master" or a "guru". Such a person should have a clearly defined yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are MUCH better on your own.

Children and the Aura: Very young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally. Infants frequently look ABOVE a person in

front of them. When they don't like the color of the aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their parent's aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does. Children have much cleaner and stronger auras than most of adults, who are usually completely enslaved by the materialistic world and suppress their Nature by following superficial examples.

Aura Colors: Different colors of aura mean different things. There are temporary colors, like your aura may turn red, when you are angry. But your predominant aura color may be yellow which may reflect that your very optimistic. The frequency of the color matches the various vibrations, with red at a lower vibration and violet at the higher end, which is usually the color of humans with very high vibrations.

Size of the aura Apart from the color of the aura being different for different people, based on their inner state of being, the size of the aura is also of significance. The aura can be from about a feet to hundreds of feet. The aura of a person is an extension of himself. So when we are in the vicinity of others, we get a feel of that person, as we will be in their aura. This is how we “sense” others even without speaking. For example, just standing next to a person, we may instantly feel good or repulsive, without even speaking a word. When we speak to a very positive, high energy person who has a good aura , we feel good as we absorb energy from their aura. At the same time, if we happen to speak to a person, who is constantly cribbing,

is angry or depressed, just speaking to them even for a few minutes we feel tired or low ourselves. This is because energy drains from our body. It is possible to increase the size of aura by meditation.

Question 4: What is our subtle system and what is the relationship with health?

The human subtle system comprises of Three Nadis and Seven Chakras (plexuses).

Three Nadis : 

Left Sympathetic Nervous System is called the Ida Nadi and is connected to the right side and back of the brain. The two left and right channels cross at the Agnya Chakra level. This channel looks after our emotional life and our past. It is the channel, which creates our past. Whatever is present today becomes past tomorrow. The sub-conscious mind receives information from this channel. The subconscious mind has an age-old collective subconscious mind beyond it. Everything that was in the past since creation resides dormant in the collective subconscious. This collective subconscious has all that is dead in the evolutionary process collected and stored. Whatever that is dead or gone out of the subconscious mind goes out into the collective

subconscious mind. 

Right Sympathetic Nervous System is called the Pingala Nadi, which crosses Ida Nadi at Agnya Chakra level. It is connected with the left side and the front of the brain. On the right hand side there is the supra-conscious mind, which creates our future. Whenever we think about our future it is recorded on the right hand side, and it also has a collective supra-conscious, which has got all that is dead, which happened due to over-ambitious, futuristic personalities, aggressive animals or plants. The above two left and right channels cross at the Agnya Chakra level.

Parasympathetic Nervous System is called the Sushumna Nadi, through which the Kundalini passes to pierce through the 'Fontanelle bone area' (Little fountain or Brahmarandhra) to enter into the subtle energy of the all-pervading power. This is how the actualization of SelfRealization (Baptism) takes place. First the hands feel at the fontanelle bone area and on the fingertips the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. The hands are steady, they do not shake, they look normal but the seeker feels the ripples of the cool breeze. For the first time he feels the existence of the all-pervading power.

Seven Chakras: Chakras are the energy centers in our body. The word “chakra” means “wheel”. We have seven main chakras and each chakra is located on a plexus (center of a network of nerves). These energy centers are responsible for keeping our spiritual, physical and mental aspects in balance. This subtle system is the same in every human. What is different is how we use it and with what quality. Each chakra is also related to organs in our body. If one or more chakras are not functional then we experience certain problems in the organs connected to those chakras. Therefore for good health, we must ensure the chakras are healthy. The various chakras and their locations in our body, and also the organs they are associated with are given below.

Question 5: If our health depends on the state of our subtle body, chakras, and body frequency, how do I go about improving it? The answer to the above question is meditation. When we meditate the life force or parama chaithanya or cosmic energy or prana energy, enters our body and nourishes all our subtle system, chakras, thereby increasing our body frequency and aura size.

Question 6: What is meditation? Meditation is to consciously bring down the brain wave frequency from its active state (Beta – above 14 cycles per second) to Alpha (7 and 14 cycles per second). The electrical impulses emitted continuously by the brain keep changing in frequency depending on the activity involved in. This is measured by equipment called EEG in cycles per second. Alpha is a brainwave frequency between 7 and 14 cycles per second. This is a level between sleep and wakefulness. While functioning at this level, apart from the usual left brain activity, our right brain also gets activated. This makes a person's thinking very powerful, very intuitive and very creative. This level connects us with our subconscious and helps us to access the amazing powers lying dormant there. At this state the prana energy enters every chakra and energy center. Any problem at the chakra level and its associated organs gets rectified automatically.

Question 7: How many times and how long do I need to meditate? There is no upper limit to the number of times or the length of the meditation. But to have an effect, at least 5 minutes, two times per day (once morning and once evening) will help.

Question 8: How do I get to the meditative state? Meditation is to become thoughtless while relaxing your body. You can gently close your eyes and sit in lotus position on ground or on a chair. Breathing slowly and deeply, a few times, can help relax the body.

Question 9: If I have never meditated, how do I begin my first meditation? If you have never meditated then you can try the following.

Light Channeling Technique

   

Imagine an ocean of Light above you. Imagine the Light descending and filling up your body. Experience the Love and Peace of the Light for a minute. Then, imagine the Light spreading around gradually to your home, locality, country and the whole world.

The video of how light channeling can be done is available. This light which enters our body begins healing.

After doing light channeling for some time do the steps given in the chart to get into a thoughtless state :



Oh!, God Please Clear My Left Channel. Repeat 3 Times in your Mind


Oh!, God Please Clear My Right Channel. Repeat 3 Times in your Mind


Oh!, God I am the Spirit. Repeat 12 Times in your Mind


Oh!, God I forgive Everyone & Myself. Repeat 3 Times in your Mind


Oh!, God Please Give me myself Realization. Repeat 7 Times in your Mind & Press palm on top of head & Rotate Clockwise.

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Close your eyes & do the step for 10 minutes morning & evening keeping this chart in front. 2. You can sit comfortably at any place. 3. No rules and regulation regarding time, food, dress, place, etc.

4. Benefits include Safety, Stress Free Life, Health, Happiness & Balanced Life for all Ages, Caste, Creed & Religions 5. For further guidance please contact Priya/ Deepthi

Mobile 99 722 00 288 or mail: [email protected] Web Site :

Question 10: How do I make my meditation really affective? You can visit a center close to you, where channels in your body can be partially cleared by seniors. This can help immensely. Once a few channels open up, you can continue to meditate at home or visit the centers weekly so that the energy centers can get cleared by regular practice.

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