Gsm Network Optimization

  • June 2020
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GSM NETWORK OPTIMIZATION Motorola Lifecycle Services

To stake out a leadership position in today’s marketplace, network operators need to deliver outstanding levels of network quality and performance. End-users won’t tolerate poor call performance, and neither can you. Motorola’s Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) Network Optimization Service is a multi-vendor solution that delivers the competitive edge you need for virtually any network, with any equipment configuration. With this innovative service, our advanced software tools and portfolio of real-time statistical modeling techniques, Motorola can help you clearly differentiate your network quality from competitors. With over 80 GSM supply contracts worldwide, Motorola’s expertise provides an unmatched GSM Network Optimization Service. You’ll know how and where you can improve—based not on spot testing or theoretical reviews, but on fast, reliable data about actual performance. You’ll be able to fine-tune your network, maximizing capacity and reducing associated costs while you enhance call quality. Ultimately, you’ll gain more loyal and pleased customers and a healthier bottom line.

THE POWER TO MAKE YOUR FUTURE Network quality of service continues to be a key differentiator in the race for subscribers. You must meet expectations for outstanding performance for every user, on every call. Do it at a reasonable cost and you can achieve a true competitive edge. Motorola’s GSM Network Optimization Service allows you to achieve levels of network performance unattainable by virtually any other means. It’s a dramatic advancement over traditional optimization methods, allowing you to see a precise, up-to-date picture of your entire network rather than simply checking suspected trouble spots. The results are faster response to performance issues, better quality across your network, lower operating costs, and more efficient use of your capital and hardware resources.

FAST AND ACCURATE NETWORK OPTIMIZATION Using measurement data generated by real subscribers as well as the traditional network data sources, the GSM Network Optimization Service gives you the tools you need for hardware optimization, analysis of performance statistics, database analysis, call trace analysis, and frequency planning optimization. Now you can collect data from your entire network—no matter which vendors’ equipment you use—and improve performance across the board. Motorola expertise and automated analysis also means you get results with significantly shorter cycle times. TOTAL NETWORK COVERAGE Because Motorola’s GSM Network Optimization Service collects data from the entire network, you are not restricted to data from drive-test routes. By using actual subscriber data rather than data from test routes, the service helps you optimize your network for the majority of users, not just those who make calls from the tested areas. IMPROVED CUSTOMER SATISFACTION An optimized network performs better—and subscribers notice the difference. So you can achieve higher customer satisfaction by reducing the number of dropped calls, thereby reducing churn and increasing customer loyalty. LOWER COST OF OWNERSHIP With Motorola’s GSM Network Optimization, data are collected automatically from your network, substantially reducing the dependency on drive-testing and your associated costs. Accurate results the first time mean the network can carry the maximum erlangs at all times, so your network can operate at peak efficiency. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM MOTOROLA’S GSM NETWORK OPTIMIZATION SERVICE The GSM business model is changing. Competition for subscribers is fierce. Subscribers have more choices than ever before about which wireless service to use. To attract, maintain and move subscribers to high-value services such as data, network operators must provide unprecedented quality of service. Higher quality will be achieved only through fast and accurate network optimization, arming the operator with: • Efficient spectrum utilization to meet capacity demands • Optimal frequency allocation to ensure good call quality • Accurate neighbor topologies to ensure smooth handovers and call distribution

Typically, networks are optimized immediately after commissioning, after major expansions or after a new frequency plan is deployed. The traditional approach requires several teams of field personnel to drive pre-defined routes making calls. Each call is investigated and any potential problem is resolved. Most network operators rely on such “drive-testing,” even though the approach is slow and expensive. Worse, the network is really only optimized for subscribers who use the same routes as the drive-test teams. Subscribers have grown to depend on their wireless phones and, increasingly, use them in place of fixed telephony service. So the radio environment of more and more originating calls is changing. For example, calls from a high-rise building may be exposed to interference from distant macro-cellular base stations. Drive-testing alone cannot optimize the network for access from these locations. Analysis of standard Operation and Maintenance Center – Radio (OMC-R) generated statistics can help but generally lacks the detail needed to achieve the optimum configuration. This is particularly true in urban locations or areas of terrain likely to cause complex radio propagation. Motorola’s GSM Network Optimization Service uses advanced techniques to harvest the measurement reports from actual mobile traffic. By applying advanced statistical techniques, Motorola experts can deliver fast and accurate recommendations to help operators of mature networks fine-tune frequency planning, network topology, hot spot detection and antenna set-up. HOW WE WORK Motorola’s GSM Network Optimization is a multi-vendor solution, designed to use data from any network, regardless of composition. Data are typically gathered over a full network usage cycle, typically one calendar week, in order to capture cyclic traffic changes caused by subscribers using their phones in different locations during working hours, in the evenings and on the weekends. The different loading patterns generated by the traffic variations caused by users changing locations are

also considered as critical input to the optimization frequency planning process. Because analysis is largely automated, results will typically be available within one week of data collection. Timely analysis allows even fast-expanding networks to be maintained in a high performance state. Likewise, rapid iterations on small sections of the network allow new and expanded sites to be optimized quickly. The end result of network degradation during expansion is minimized. REAL CASE DEPLOYMENT OF 2G MULTI-VENDOR OPTIMIZATION SERVICE Recently, a major European operator needed to enhance their system performance levels in order to successfully ‘pass’ a regulator audit. Performance targets were given to Motorola that had to be met or exceeded. Key amongst these targets was the Dropped Call Rate. The graph shows the effect of Motorola’s GSM Network Optimization Service on this metric. The results are dramatic, showing a 37% reduction in dropped calls. MOTOROLA’S GSM NETWORK OPTIMIZATION METHODOLOGY HARDWARE ANALYSIS

• Analysis of potential hardware problems in the network not detected by ‘normal’ fault management methods PERFORMANCE STATISTICS

• Analysis of performance statistics, with standard graphical information sheet for each cell • Analysis of potential hardware problems in the network not detected by ‘normal’ fault management methods DATABASE ANALYSIS

• Investigation of inconsistent default settings • Analysis of efficient use of assigned spectrum • Correct implementation of features CALL TRACE ANALYSIS

• Detects problems with antenna tilts • Detects problems with Base Transceiver Subsystem (BTS) output power FREQUENCY PLANNING OPTIMIZATION

• Re-definition of handovers and assigned frequencies

MOTOROLA’S GSM NETWORK OPTIMIZATION SERVICE FEATURES • Clearance of faults not identified by normal fault management methods • Identification of specific network problems such as poor handover performance • Carrier to Interference (C/I) matrix • Recommended changes to neighbor list to ensure appropriate cell handovers • Recommended changes to BTS power output and antenna tilts • Recommended frequency planning for fixed, Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH), and hopping carriers MAKE YOUR MOVE TO OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE Let Motorola’s GSM Optimization Service provide you with the right tools and people to improve network quality of service and to help differentiate yourself from the competition. We’ll include specific details on corrective actions, and we’ll work with you on formulating and implementing the right solution.


MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. ©Motorola, Inc. 2003.


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