Group Work Peer Assessment

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  • Words: 860
  • Pages: 2
EDU525 Summer2009

Group ________ : Collaboration Peer Assessment By: ______________________________________ Successful groups contain members who are not only self-aware, but also contribute equally to the collaborative process. Using the Collaboration Rubric as your guide, place a number in the boxes under each category indicating the degree of effort on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being excellent and 1 being needs improvement. When giving someone a low score (1 or 2) in a particular category, provide a brief explanation of your reasoning in the comments section below the table. Likewise, if you feel that someone did an exceptional job (5), elaborate on the details. Do not forget to complete a self-evaluation. Total each column’s scores.

Name Attended scheduled meetings Listened well and respected other members’ ideas Came prepared for sessions Contributed ideas/shared resources Managed time effectively Possessed a positive attitude Focused on the task Able to solve problems Willing to learn new technologies Proved ownership of assignments Total Score Comments

EDU525 Summer2009

Group Collaboration Rubric In order to earn the participation portion of the project grade, each team member will complete a peer and self assessment on group collaborative effort. Evaluations will remain confidential. Scores will be averaged for the participation grade. Use the following rubric to assist you in completing the Collaboration Peer Assessment worksheet.

5 Excellent Attended scheduled meetings

4 Good

3 Average

2 Below Average

Was present and on Was present for every Missed some meetings Consistently late or time for every meeting meeting but missing from meetings occasionally late

1 Needs improvement Never attended meetings

Listened well and Always listened to and Usually listened to and Sometimes listened to Rarely listened to and Refused to consider respected other assessed other assessed other and assessed other assessed other other members' ideas members’ ideas members' ideas and members' ideas and members' ideas and members' ideas worked toward a worked toward a worked toward a compromise compromise compromise Came prepared for Always brings needed Usually brings needed Occasionally forgets Often forgets needed Never brings needed sessions materials to class or materials to class or needed materials or is materials; rarely ready materials; relies on meetings and is ready meetings and is ready not ready to work to work others to do the work to work to work Contributed ideas/shared resources

Managed time effectively

Always provides useful Usually provides Sometimes provides Rarely provides useful Never provides useful ideas and resources; useful ideas and useful ideas and ideas and resources; ideas and resources; contributes strong resources; contributes resources; contributes contributes below may refuse to good leadership skills average leadership average leadership participate; lacks leadership skills skills skills leadership skills Routinely uses time Usually uses time well Sometimes uses time well to ensure things to ensure things get well to ensure things get done on time; done on time; group get done on time; group does not have generally does not group may have to to adjust deadlines or have to adjust adjust deadlines or work responsibilities deadlines or work work responsibilities because of this responsibilities because of this person's because of this person's procrastination person's procrastination procrastination

Rarely gets things Never gets things done by deadlines; group done by deadlines; consistently has to group often has to adjust deadlines or adjust deadlines or work responsibilities work responsibilities because of this because of this person's person's procrastination procrastination

Possessed a positive attitude

Always has a positive attitude about the task

Usually has a positive attitude about the task

Rarely has a positive attitude about the task

Focused on the task

Consistently stays focused on task and what needs to be done; very selfdirected

Usually stays focused Sometimes stays on task and what focused on task and needs to be done; what needs to be usually self-directed done; somewhat selfdirected

Able to solve problems

Willing to learn new technologies

Actively looks for and Sometimes looks for suggests solutions to and suggests solutions problems to problems; refines solutions suggested by others Always eager to participate in multimedia tasks and sought help from others when necessary

Sometimes has a positive attitude and sometimes has a negative attitude about the task

Refines solutions suggested by others

Sometimes eager to Made attempt to participate in develop basic multimedia tasks and knowledge and skills in sought help from completing others multimedia tasks

Always has a negative about the task

Rarely stays focused Never focuses on the on task and what task and what needs to needs to be done; be done; lets others do rarely self-directed the work

Rarely looks for and suggests solutions to problems; rarely refines solutions suggested by others

Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems

Rarely attempts to develop basic skills and knowledge in completing multimedia tasks

Unwilling to participate in multimedia tasks

Proved ownership Took responsibility for Took responsibility for Took responsibility for Took responsibility for Shows no effort and of assignments all designated tasks, most designated tasks, some designated a few designated consistently neglected including follow up, including follow up, tasks, including follow tasks, and work personal and work reflects best and work reflects good up, and work reflects reflects below average responsibilities. effort effort average effort effort

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