
  • November 2019
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centering and grounding

violet flame is a grounded energy, so it responds best when a good earth connection is made, a bit like a plug. if the earth wire is connected then the energy is controlled not to go off in other directions. unlike a plug, unearthed violet flame wont do damage though.

to centre we can use simple visualisation, the japanese meditation technique of gassho, or run energy though our haric line to our tan tien. the haric line is a narrow energy channel of about 7 or 8mm (1/3rd inch) width that runs in the front of our bodies and through our auric and etheric fields, allowing connection from the celestial realms to the core of the earths heart. the line starts about a metre above our heads.

the haric line sets and holds our intentions, corresponding to life task and deeper spiritual purpose, our reason to incarnate. there are 3 points along this line, the first of which is above our heads and funnels into our being our individuality and spiritual reasons. if we follow the line down to our chest, 3 inches below our neck we come to the second point, which is an expandable diffuse light carrying our longings and passions to accomplish our great goals, if you like, our heart's desires. the final point is the hara, or tan tien, well known to martial artists as the point from which our energy is transmitted.

the tan tien is located below the navel and is our bodies centre of gravity. it is in the region of the sacral chakre but is not usually synonymous with it. awareness of this point centres us. imagining it as a pivotal joint and moving around as if jointed there will bring it into awareness. you can then run energy both up and down the haric line, although i find it easier to start with running up and down the line to earth first and when i feel the tan tien filling with energy then i try to move the line upwards and connect to the celestial realms. some times the energy gets stuck running though my body, and i bring in energy from above and try to run it through the block in both directions at once. although this makes a good clear channel for energy work its not necessary to do this for centering.

for more information on this i recommend reading chapter 17 of 'light emerging' by barbara brennan.

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