Groovy In Action

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  • Pages: 18
Stephen Burrows U5184463


TMA 02 M450

Stephen Burrows U5184463 TMA 02 M450 1 Refined Title A browser-based academic report management, formatting and delivery system using Grails Framework 2 Practical Activity This section will take into account the various sources of information I have found and review what I have learned from them. I will then document how this information has been put into practice with references made to practical work that can be seen in the appendix of this document.

2.1 Information Sources In the previous TMA I documented my reading of the following sources: 1. Kroenke, David M. "Beyond the Relational Database Model." IT Systems Perspectives May 2005. IEEE Computer Society. 24 Feb. 2008. 2. Mabanza, Ntima, Jim Chadwck, and G.s.v.r. Krishna Rao. Performance Evaluation of Open Source Native XML Databases - a Case Study. Computer Science Department, University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa. Alice: Association of Computing Machinery, 2006. 1861-1865. 3. Fong, Joseph, and H K. Wong. Replicate Relational and XML Databases for Internet Computing. Computer Science Department, City University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: IEEE Computer Society, 2004. 24 Feb. 2008 4. Dietrich, Suzanne W., Susan D. Urban, Hua Ma, Yang Xiao, and Shama Patel. Exploring XML for Data Exchange in the Context of an Undergraduate Database Curriculum. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University. St. Louis: SIGCSE, 2005. 53-57. In the six weeks since submitting the last TMA I have concentrated on trying to find sources of information that cover the development of the Teacher's Report Management System (TRMS). Initially I was very much dictated by the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in how I was going to develop the TRMS. The IDE that I began using was Netbeans, which is recommended by the OU and I initially referred to a lot of the documentation they provide, the most useful of which was the following web tutorial: 5. Unknown. "Creating a Simple Web Application Using a MySQL Database." Netbeans.Org. 28 Feb. 2008 .

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The tutorial was very useful, giving step by step instructions on how to create a simple 3-tier application that connected to a database containing details of American wrestlers. It used the Java Scripting language JSP to do the middle layer processing between the database and the client. JSP is a language I'm familiar with from studying M350, however I've never enjoyed using it due to its sometimes confusing syntax. I was able to adapt the information in the tutorial and produce a basic teacher selection and information page with little difficulty and at this early stage of research I'd already made significant progress in my project schedule. However, with the feedback given from TMA01, my tutor had advised that I investigate a new web application framework called grails, which led me to reading the following source of information: 6. Oak, Harshad. "An Introduction to Groovy and Grails." Dev2dev. 25 Oct. 2006. 3 Mar. 2008 . On first reading I found both the idea of the Groovy language and rails development hard to grasp. I found Groovy confusing, I could understand the idea that one line of Groovy code could do what takes Java 3 or 4 lines, yet being used to Java coding conventions made this supposedly more simplistic coding more confusing for myself. Also, on first reading, the whole idea of rails development, where the production framework is created for you, was completely new and I couldn't understand the advantages from this introduction. It seemed that the most useful thing to do at this stage was to follow some online tutorials, the three most significant of which are detailed below: 7. Unknown. "Quick Start." Grails.Org. 6 Mar. 2008 . 8. Stratton, Andrew. "Simple Authorisation Tutorial." Grails.Org. 6 Mar. 2008 . 9. Rudolph, Jason. "Hoisting Grails to Your Legacy DB." Puts Blog.New(”Nonsense”). 20 June 2006. 7 Mar. 2008 . The “Quick Start” tutorial was very useful and I was able to install Grails and instantly create a basic prototype from the instructions given. It was easy to create the domain classes and views necessary but I had some problems, mostly due to my own lack of understanding. One of the explicit instructions was not to place your grails project in the same root directory as the installed Grails files, but this is something that I did. I also had lots of problems with the naming of my domain classes, I wanted to call one “Class” which produced conflicts, changing the name to “Group” produced more conflicts. I could not find any explanation for this but worked around it by changing the name of the domain class to “Term”. The Quick Start tutorial got me started with Grails but I was really still very confused about the benefits it gave, there was no real insight within the tutorial other than getting a basic project started with Grails. The next tutorial I found was Andrew Statton's Authorisation tutortial. This tutorial gave me

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lots of problems. The main one being that the tutorial was written for a previous version of Grails (v0.6) and I was using the current 1.1 version. There are many differences between the two, mostly with the declaration of domain classes and subsequent constraints attached to them. The tutorial was far from successful and in many ways convinced me that perhaps it would not be a good idea to proceed with Grails because it was very difficult to fix errors because error reporting in Grails is very poor. Once something went wrong I found it very hard to find a fix, whereas with the JSP tutorial I could trace and correct my errors easily. However, the final tutorial I have referenced, by Jason Randolph, was far more enlightening. As I documented in my previous TMA, I had already started work on a MySQL database that held the details of Teachers, the Classes they taught and the Students in those classes. Randolph's tutorial was written in 2006 when Grails was at version 0.4.2, so once again there was some confusion with the tutorial with regards to coding conventions, especially in domain classes and with using hibernate files, a technology I was unfamiliar with. However, one benefit of this tutorial being blog based was that readers could leave comments about the tutorial and many people had. In the comments people had amended certain parts of the tutorial so that it was up to date with the latest version of Grails. Due to this I was able to complete about 80% of the tutorial but I had difficulties in getting full CRUD functionality with the MySQL legacy database I has created. However, I found Randolph's style of explaining Grails and how it works far more insightful than the other tutorials I had read, so when I discovered he had recently written a book about Grails which was free to download, I decided that this could be a valuable resource to investigate. 10. Rudolph, Jason. Getting Started with Grails. United States of America: C4Media Inc, 2006. 2-133. This book has been an invaluable resource for me in developing my project using Grails. Rudolph takes an example project from scratch, which is a race track application allowing races and drivers to be monitored, and creates a substantial Grails project based on a 3 tier architecture. Unlike many of the quick start tutorials I had read previously, Rudolph's book takes time to explain the reasoning behind every action and most importantly, it clearly demonstrates the power and advantages of Grails and the Groovy language. One of the initial things I found fantastic about Grails was that it would create the whole MySQL database schema based upon the domain classes I had previously created. This made it much easier for me to apply one to one or one to many relationships between domain classes and it is much easier to validate the class data through the available constraints. The book is wonderfully put together, after developing a part of my project I would begin to wonder how another feature, such as a search facility, could be introduced and literally within the next few pages of the book this would be explained. I was able to work my way through the book within a couple of weeks and went from being uncomfortable and slightly mistrusting of Groovy and Grails to basically a child completely spellbound by the possibilities available and ease of which they can be applied. I believed that because of Rudolph's book I had made a lot of progress over the two weeks of working with it. It was at this point that a small problem occurred, I decided to use a plug in for the Eclipse IDE which helped with Groovy code. However there were some notes I hadn't read in the install process about using the plug in with Grails and this caused problems with

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the setting files of my Grails project which were unfortunately irreversibly broken. My work up until that point was effectively ruined and I would have to start all over again. Surprisingly, to me at the time, it took me roughly 20 minutes to recreate the project and have a 3 tiered web application running that was identical to the ruined project. At this point I was somewhat dismayed by exactly how much progress I could've made which could be replicated within 20 minutes. It was then by chance that I read the following magazine article: 11. Park, Andrew. "Keep It Simple, Stupid." Wired Mar. 2008: 124+. The article was about Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, the creators of “Ruby on Rails”, a web application framework for the Ruby programming language. Grails is very much based up Ruby on Rails and was originally called “Groovy on Rails” until Hansson requested they change the name. The article was incredibly insightful for me in explaining the philosophy behind Rails development. The fact that I could recreate the ruined project in 20 minutes validates Hansson and Fried's theory that small teams of developers should be able to build web applications in a matter of weeks using rails frameworks. The article highlights that simple blogging applications can be built in 15 minutes and popular social networking sites can be constructed within 2 weeks. After reading this article I was able to return to Harshad Oak's "An Introduction to Groovy and Grails" and fully appreciate what Grails has to offer. More recently I have purchased two books on Groovy and I am currently reading the following: 12. Konig, Dierk, Paul King, Guillaume Laforge, and Jon Skeet. Groovy in Action. New York: Manning Publications Co., 2007. 1-75. This is a very big and comprehensive guide to the Groovy programming language. The one thing I find that is hindering my progress with the Grails framework is my lack of knowledge of Groovy. Although Groovy is just a form of Java, adapted for simplicity, it does have several features that make it a better alternative to Java in certain situations. One of the main advantages Groovy provides over Java is the production and reading of XML documents. From the initial reading I have made of the book I have already discovered how easily XML files can be created through Groovy commands and how Groovy can be used to create various Microsoft Office documents.

2.2 Practical Development Appendix 1.1 shows the the code for the two Java Server Pages (index.jsp and response.jsp) that I created based on the Netbeans tutorial I followed. I was able to create a basic teacher selection tool by connecting the page to the Teacher table in the MySQL database using the JDBC driver. Appendix 1.2 shows screen shots from the resulting pages. I found the pages easy to code but was frustrated that I would need to create a new page for each action and there was no way I could introduce client side code such as JavaScript with server pages. Also, as I mentioned before, I find the amalgamation of HTML and JSP code quite confusing to read and code and find myself making constant syntactical mistakes.

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Appendix 2.1 shows various screen shots from the grails project I have developed. Screenshot 2.1.1 shows the various controllers I've created that control the use of the domain classes. Eventually this page will be redundant, the Groovy code directs the user to this page as the index page but I will change that so that a log-in page becomes the initial indexing page. But at this development stage it's an important part of the project for navigation purposes. I've included a screenshot of the “Terms” page, to show how Grails displays information by default in a style very similar to that of a database. This screenshot 2.1.2 displays 9 terms or classes that are taught by 3 different teachers. For these pages I haven't written any coding, Grails has done everything based upon the domain classes I specified. Screenshot 2.1.3 shows the first page I created beyond those automatically created by the Grails framework (create, edit, list, show). The page I created is a simple teacher log-in page. Front end elements like web pages are referred to as “views” in Grails, so I created a new view in the “Teacher” folder and adapted some code that was featured in Jason Rudolph's “Getting Started With Grails” book. Naming the view “login.gsp” (the gsp stands for groovy server page), the page requests two pieces of information, a username and a password, the page code can be seen in Appendix 2.2.1. Once they are entered and the user clicks the “Log in” button, a method within the Teacher controller which has the same name as this view (login) is activated, the code for this method can be seen in Appendix 2.2.3. It simply searches for the username and password against the information held in the database and if it is correct the user is redirected to another view “teacherlist” which is held with the Term views. The reasoning behind this is that when the teacher logs in they need to see a list of classes they are responisble for and of whom they'll need to write reports. Screenshot 2.1.4 shows the list of classes applicable to a specific teacher. The code for this is shown in Appendix 2.2.2 but is really little different to the code that is automatically generated by grails for the list view included with every domain class. What is different with this page is the controller method “teacherlist”, which can be seen in Appendix 2.2.4. This method takes the teacher's details which are held in the session,username property and finds all terms that are taught by that teacher, returning them as “termList”. You might also notice in this method that I assign a new value to “flash.message”. I have found this a useful way of experimenting with code and being able to see what values are being passed. In this example I'm just confirming that the teacher's name is what I intended it to be. Finally, Screenshot 2.1.5 shows the adapted report entry form. Adapting this was very easy, just a matter of altering the tags within the report form. It cannot be seen on the screenshot, but I have added a small checkbox to the form which allows the teacher to indicate when the form is fully completed. This will eventually be an important element for indicating to the administrative users which of the reports are complete and ready to be sent. The process of a teacher using the system will be to log-in to the system, see a list of the classes they teach, select a class, select a student and then complete the report of that student. At the moment I would estimate the development of this procedure is 80% completed.

3 Review and Reflection

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3.1 Ways of Working Factors that I have found efficient and effective: 

Making versions of my project. Sometimes I have had unexpected problems with the project caused by third party sources such as IDEs. I have recently started versioning my project by creating a copy of the project files after significant progress has been made so that any future progress is protected from unforeseen problems by rolling back the project to the last working version. This has given me more confidence to experiment with code and different IDEs which aid my progress. Using the Grails Framework has made my work on this project much easier. In many ways it seems as if Grails was designed for projects like mine, three tier applications which can be easily built by small development teams. This combined with the excellent XML features of Groovy have made it easy for me to find the solutions to the requirements of my project all under one roof.

Factors that I have prevented me from making progress: 

Groovy error handling is very poor, meaning that when a mistake is made with Groovy code, be it semantical or logical, it is very difficult to trace the source of this error. With experience I am getting better at analyzing the error reports but on many occasions I have been unable to trace back my steps and correct the error. Making versions of the project, as mentioned before, has been a good way to overcome this problem. Keeping to the project schedule has been difficult. The three week iteration cycles have been too short for me to complete all the sub-tasks referred to in the first project schedule. A four week iteration cycle would've been more appropriate. Due to the fact that I am dealing with a an unfamiliar framework and programming language I get frequently sidetracked in trying to gather more information about these things rather than completing work on the project. For example, I have spent the last week reading Dierk Konig's “Groovy in Action” book opposed to actually working on the project. This was not part of my original project schedule. Although I am on schedule and don't foresee any problems in completing the project on time. I find the iteration cycles too small and inflexible.

3.2 Evaluating Project Management As I have already mentioned, I have found the three week iteration cycle of my project schedule at this early stage a little restrictive. Although I don't believe myself to be behind schedule, I think this cycle doesn't give me enough time during the design and implementation stage. I have included in Appendix 3 both the old project schedule (3.1) and the new, revised project schedule (3.2). The first change I made was the order of the main tasks, due to the fact I was becoming engrossed in learning Grails and Groovy, I wanted to continue with a hands on development approach, so I decided to bring forward Task 4 (Developing the Administrator Report Delivery System) to weeks 7, 8 and 9 and subsequently push back task 3 (Implementation of Document Formatting) to weeks 10, 11 and 12. I have maintained the iteration cycle for the delayed Task 3 to still be of 3 weeks because in

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researching the Groovy language I have already done much of the analysis and design work necessary for how document formatting will be implemented. After that task I have increased the iteration cycles to 4 weeks each and I have completely removed any more work on Task 1, Developing a Database. This is due to the fact that Grails handles database development and construction perfectly through the validation of classes and as far as I can see there's little if any more work required in this area. The final four weeks of the plan still look a bit disorganized but I envisage a more organized a task specific schedule will be produced by the time of the next TMA when the main work for Tasks 3 and 4 should've been completed.

3.3 Ethics The stakeholders of this project consist of the following groups:  Teaching staff of the school who will use the system and have their details included int the system's database.  Administration staff of the school who will use the system and have their details included int the system's database.  Students of the school whose details will be introduced and maintained within the system, almost all of these students will be under 18 years of age. At this point I feel it necessary to point out that the personal details of all stakeholders which I have included within this project are all fictitious and none of these people, to my knowledge, exist. Due to this I see no ethical problems with the data I am using because at this stage it is only for test purposes. If the project where ever to be implemented within the environment I have designed it for, this would change but it would be beyond the scope or time frame of this course. So, I see no need for approval from HPMEC. With regards to the future use of the report management system by stakeholders, I have identified the following legitimate interests for each stakeholder. 1. Teachers: Have no need to access personal information about the student such as address or email details. They should only be able to access the academic records of students they are teaching, have taught or are due to teach. 2. Administration Staff: Can access personal details of students, alter their details and see their academic records. A member of the Administration staff can view the academic records of a student but cannot alter them. 3. Students: They can view any personal information that has been written about them and can also see all academic records written about them by teachers.

4 Planning and Preparation 4.1 Title and Scope

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As can be seen, I have extended my project title to highlight the fact that I am using the Grails framework as the backbone of the project. I believe it has taken an important part of the development process but most importantly has become an important part in my learning process. By adopting Groovy and Grails I have gained knowledge in various new technologies, the power of which has really captured my imagination and interest. I aim to continue my reading on the Groovy language as it seems all the necessary information I require is contained within the literature about Groovy that I have purchased. This combined with various blogs and message boards which I have discovered online gives me enough sources of information to maintain my upward learning curve and knowledge of the subject. I feel certain that the project will be completed on time and already have some ideas for some “added extras” that could be incorporated into the project.

4.2 Resources Beyond what has already been specified, the main resource that I believe I haven't taken full advantage of as yet are the stakeholders in this project, most specifically members of the teaching staff and administration staff. I need to have a working prototype prepared within the next couple of weeks that can be tested by stakeholders so that I can receive some initial feedback on my project.

4.3 Future Plan I aim to have a fully working prototype of the project prepared before I start work in earnest on the document formatting task of the project. I think this is important so that I can receive feedback from stakeholders. I already have an idea of an added extra I could implement with the system. This would be a booking form for a school computer room. The school has one computer room that can be reserved by teachers for one hour at a time. There are certain rules and restrictions in place with the booking of the room but these rules are constantly broken. What's more, one needs to be at the school to be able to reserve the room, many times teachers plan lessons from home and need to factor into their lesson plan whether or not the computer room would be available for the lesson. Being able to check the booking form online would make this much easier and suitable conditions could be easily implemented into any domain class so that the rules of who can book the computer room and when can be maintained. I believe I could implement the system easily using much of the existing code.

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Appendix 1 – JSP experiments 1.1 Code 1.1.2 index.jsp <%­­      Document   : index     Created on : Feb 28, 2008, 3:34:10 PM     Author     : stephen ­­%> <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%> <%@taglib uri="" prefix="sql"%> <sql:query var="teachers" dataSource="jdbc/ReportSystem">     SELECT teacher_name as name FROM Teachers <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF­8"%>                       <meta http­equiv="Content­Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF­8">         Teacher Login Page                   

Teacher Login Page

                                                           Choose you teacher ID and enter your password                                                                                                          <strong>Select your name:<select name="teacher_name">                                                                      ${}                                                                                                            

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1.1.2 response.jsp <%­­      Document   : response     Created on : Feb 28, 2008, 11:09:43 PM     Author     : stephen ­­%> <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%> <%@taglib uri="" prefix="sql"%> <sql:query var="teachers" dataSource="jdbc/ReportSystem">     SELECT teacher_name FROM Teachers <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF­8"%>              <meta http­equiv="Content­Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF­8">         Report Entry Form                   

Report Entry Form

                     Go away             ${name}                               Hello ${name}                       

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1.2 JSP Screenshots 1.2.1 index.jsp

1.2.2 response.jsp


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Apendix 2 Grails Project 2.1 Grails Screenshots 2.1.1 Grails main page showing various controllers

2.1.2 Terms list page

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Stephen Burrows U5184463 2.1.3 Teacher log in page

2.1.4 Term list for specific teacher

2.1.5 Report entry page


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2.2.1 Login View Code

<meta http­equiv="Content­Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF­8"/> <meta name="layout" content="main" /> Log in

Please log in

          User Name:

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name='password' value='${teacher?.password}'>

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<span class="button">

2.2.2 TeacherList View Code              <meta http­equiv="Content­Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF­8"/>         <meta name="layout" content="main" />         Teacher's Term List                                <span class="menuButton">Home                          <span class="menuButton">Log  out             ${session.username}         

Term List





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Teacher Reports Status

2.2.3 Login Controller Code def login = { if (request.method == "GET") { session.username = null } else { def teacher =  Teacher.findByUsernameAndPassword(params.username,params.password) if (teacher) { session.username = teacher.username redirect(controller:'term',action:"teacherlist") } else { flash['message'] = 'Please enter a valid username and password' } } }

2.2.4 TeacherList Controller Code def teacherlist = {      def teacher = new Teacher()      teacher = Teacher.findByUsername(session.username)      flash.message = "help ${}" render(view:'list', model:[ termList: Term.findAllByTeacher(teacher) ]) }

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Apendix 3 3.1 Previous/Old Project Schedule Week Task Number Task Description 1 Developing a Database 1.1 Analysis of different types of databases

1.2 Design of the database 1.3 tables need to be created and populated

1.4 creating views of sets of

required data and producing small Java classes

2 Developing the Teacher's Report Management System 2.1 Analysis of user needs and

report format 2.2 Design of the report entry form 2.3 provide possible users prototypes to examine 2.4 The system will be tested and evaluated









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x x

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x x x



x x x






x x













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x x x x







x x

relational databases and formatting it into XML 3.2 Design of an appropriate XML schema 3.3 Implementation of the DTD, schema and XSLT style sheet

x x x



Evaluation of created documents

4 Developing the Administrator Report Delivery System 4.1 Analysis of user requirements 4.2 Design of the system 4.3 Implementation of the code 4.4 testing by the developer and

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x x x



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x x x

x x

5 Applying Secure Access Features to the System


5.1 Analysis of secure internet



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x x




facilities 5.2 Design of a secure user login page


5.3 Implementation of the code 5.4 Evaluation of secure services TMA 01 TMA 02 TMA 03 ECA

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3 Implementation of Document Formatting 3.1 Analysis of extracting data from



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3.2 Revised/New Project Schedule Week Task Number Task Description 1 Developing a Database 1.1 Analysis of different types of databases

1.2 Design of the database 1.3 tables need to be created and populated 1.4 creating views of sets of required data and producing small Java classes

2 Developing the Teacher's Report Management System 2.1 Analysis of user needs and

report format 2.2 Design of the report entry form 2.3 provide possible users prototypes to examine 2.4 The system will be tested and evaluated










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4 Developing the Administrator Report Delivery System 4.1 Analysis of user requirements 4.2 Design of the system 4.3 Implementation of the code 4.4 testing by the developer and


x x


Evaluation of created documents



x x

relational databases and formatting it into XML 3.2 Design of an appropriate XML schema 3.3 Implementation of the DTD, schema and XSLT style sheet


x x



x x




x x x x




5 Applying Secure Access Features to the System


5.1 Analysis of secure internet



facilities 5.2 Design of a secure user login page


5.3 Implementation of the code 5.4 Evaluation of secure services TMA 01 TMA 02 TMA 03 ECA

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3 Implementation of Document Formatting 3.1 Analysis of extracting data from


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