Greenhouse Budget 2008-2009a

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 352
  • Pages: 4

U of S HortClub Greenhouse Budget (Fall 2008 - Winter2009)



Phase I - Construction Home Depot Home Depot Stokes seed Home Depot Consolidated Turf Equipment Barrier 60 gal (Used)

Date 14/10/08 14/10/08 20/10/08 20/10/08 20/10/08 20/10/08

Panarama Pizza 23/10/08 Home depot 26/10/08 Tim Horton 26/10/08 Terralink Hort 28/10/08 Canadiantire 29/10/08 Rona 29/10/08 Home depot 29/10/08 Early Farm and Garden 29/10/08 Subway 30/10/08 Panarama Pizza 30/10/08 Early Farm and Garden 01/11/08 The Professional Gardener 27/10/08 Southern Drip Irrigaion + shipping 16/11/08 Home depot 16/11/08 Fertilizer tank (2 tank) used 16/11/08 Return the injector 17/11/08 Home depot 20/11/08 New injector from Southern Drip Irrigation 20/11/08 Home depot 22/11/08 Home depot 24/11/08 New injector delivery 25/11/08 Home depot 30/11/08 Home depot 30/11/08 Early Farm and Garden 05/12/08 Home Depot 06/12/08 Phase II- Operation

Early Farm and Garden Saskatoon Co-op Home center Canadian Tire U of S book store Superstore Page 1

13/12/08 13/01/09 30/01/09 2/2/2009 12/2/2009


Canadian Tire Income - Herb sale SuperStore Coop Book-store Black Black Walmart Walmart

Page 2

13/02/09 12/2/2009 8/3/2009 11/3/2009 14/03/09 14/03/09 15/03/09 17/03/09





735.15 321.17 178.76 333.89 638.8 6 tanks 80 Return 113.87 Pizza 90.54 Need to cut back next time Tools 47.32 Donut 10.98 Pepper Seeds + Bean seeds 227.69 Fertilizer 10-52-10 6.08 Tools 20.68 Tools 105.75 Herb Seeds 50.13 Sub 32.8 Pizza 49.08 Zucchini Seeds 17.64 Tomato hooks 178.76 Injector Irritations 729.9 Irrigation tubes 280.19 Fertilizer Tanks 40 Used water tank Return the injector 8.28 Shipping Tools 12.05 Injector Irritations 135.98 Injector can handle chemical (acid) Valve 45.76 80.67 22.9 PVC tee 30.06 Union 4.94 Fertilizer 416.39 Expensive 6.75 Return Saw to Home depot 75.9 Seeds for herb sale 14.66 Insert Tee for water line 19.75 Maintainance work C-L-R 15.9 Precipitate build up in the injector Gloves 8 Latex gloves Lunch bag for herb sale volunteers 25.42 Page 3


Stepstool for maintenance work Lunch bag for herb sale Insert tee and wrench T-shirt Gifts for greenhouse members Gift for greenhouse members Photos Photos


16.49 Saved $10 445.00 25.42 24.39 60 21.88 8.76 11.49 10.04


Page 4

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