Green Visions Brochure 2009

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  • Pages: 25

spring summer autumn 2009

Dernečište - Mountain Visočica

Your guide to responsible travel in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Giving Som ething Bac On all o k f Gre

Green Visions Welcome to Green Visions. We invite you to join our pioneer movement towards socially responsible tourism development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Green Visions has forged a new path in this sector with a harmonized approach to sustainable social and economic growth. Our philosophy is based on the principles of social enterprise: benefiting the common good and walking lightly on the earth. Our commitment to the preservation and promotion of the cultural and natural heritage of these ancient lands and its people gives added purpose for treating yourself to an unforgettable nature based holiday.

Our tours and development projects provide you, our guest, with an authentic and organic experience of the majestic Dinaric highlands whilst providing local communities with vital social, spiritual and economic support to maintain their traditional lifestyles. One of the vital aspects of this support is the training and education of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s youth. Green Visions is dedicated to creating long term, viable solutions in the eco tourism field for one of the region’s most vulnerable populations. Your visit helps us to the help them. Our friendly, laid back and professional service is what we pride ourselves on. Be rest assured that your trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina with Green Visions will not only be a safe, fun, and fascinating one but a holiday that will do as much for the communities you visit as it will for you! You can now make online reservations for your trips and accommodation at

CHECK US OUT! *insightful heritage trips *easy or challenging day and multiday treks in Sutjeska National Park *stunning cross country mountain biking trips along the ancient highland caravan routes *adrenalin soaked rafting adventures on one of Bosnia’s world class rivers *summer outdoor adventure and volunteer camps for youth


Your friends at Green Visions

Raketnica Canyon

In an ever changing world, the need for harmony amongst man and nature and between ecology and economy has never been greater. Our goal as Bosnia’s leading social business in the travel and sustainable development sector is to achieve that balance. The new traveler must be mindful of one’s impact on the environment they visit as well as contributing to the economic well being of local communities. At Green Visions, we strive to create ‘the perfect world’ for ecologically and socially minded travelers.

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Our Walking Trips Green Visions offers guided tours in three levels of difficulty; Green Walks, Green Hikes, and Green Adventures. Our tours are custom designed to your liking and range from oneday trips to five-day adventure trips. We take into consideration your physical disposition, interests and preferences when designing the tours. Because of our knowledge of the terrain, we are able to offer many variations on each of the tours in our repertoire. No matter what your interests or physical condition, we will be able to take you to a place that will return you healthier mentally, physically and spiritually. You may choose a group tour or hire a private guide for a more intimate trip. Our one and two-day trips are specially planned literally week by week to offer the most comfortable and attractive time to see each area. Our two to five-day guided walks and hikes take you through beautiful rugged mountain ranges, with rare endemic flowers, trees and medicinal plant life.


- Tranquil walks through untouched wild nature - Scale Bosnia and Herzegovina’s highest peak, Mt. Maglić @ 2,386m. - Wander through Perućica, one of Europe’s last remaining medieval forests - Dip into the clear waters of the Rakitnica and Neretva rivers - Beautiful walks throughout the heart of the pristine wilderness of the Central Dinaic Alps


Durmitor National Park - Montenegro


Introduction .......................................................................... Our Walking Trips ................................................................ Skakavac Waterfall Hike .................................................... Lukomir Highland Village Walk ......................................... Franciscan Monastery And Medieval Fortress Walk ...... King Karadjordjević’s Hunting Trail .................................. Sutjeska National Park Hike ............................................. Seven Watermills And Cascades Walk ............................ Neretva Rafting ................................................................... Tara River Rafting ............................................................... Sutjeska National Park Adventure ................................... Bjelašnica Highland Tour ................................................... Enchanted Prokosko Lake Adventure .............................. Central Dinaric Alps Hiking, Biking And Rafting Adventure . Bjelašnica Mountain Village Tour ..................................... Sutjeska National Park ..................................................... Cultural Heritage Trips ........................................................ Sarajevo City Tour ............................................................... Mostar & Blagaj City Tour .................................................. Sarajevo & Mostar City Break ........................................... Mountain Biking .................................................................. Accommodation .................................................................. Youth ..................................................................................... What U Need To Know .......................................................

2 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46



Giving Som ething Bac We follo k was

Sacred Garden

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We’ll take a 20 minute drive by public bus due north from Sarajevo to the village of Nahorevo, named after a German (Nahor) who was a shepherd hundreds of years ago in this neatly tucked valley. From the foothills below Seven Sources we’ll begin a medium-level Green Hike along a mountain road to the top of the waterfall. Skakavac is the largest continual flowing waterfall in Bosnia and Herzegovina @ 98 meters. A soothing break and some tea or coffee awaits us here before we head down through thick Beech forests to the base of


the waterfall. Here awaits us a fantastic view of water, mist and forest. We wind our way back through the forest to the village, and perhaps down to the hunting lodge for an ice cold drink and some locally produced fresh young cheese. This hike offers great cool walking during the hot summer months through pine and beech forests. The area is our backyard full of beautiful waterfalls, views of Sarajevo, medieval gravestones, wildlife....a truly amazing place in nature so close to Sarajevo.

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FACTFILE Date: Every Monday and Thursday and by request Category: Green Walk (medium difficulty) Total Walking Hours: 4 to 5 Price: 25EUR (4 group minimum) Departure Time: 08:00 AM Departure Place: Sebilj water fountain (pigeon square) and the Sutjeska Bus station opposite the American Embassy Estimated Time of Return: 18:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots are recommended/ sturdy walking shoes, day pack, 1 litre of water, packed lunch, rain gear, sun hat and camera. What is Included: One English speaking, fully- equipped and experienced guide. What is not Included: Public transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, lunch and snacks.


Oasis of





After an hour and a half drive through Bjelašnica’s hinterlands we arrive in Lukomir, Bosnia’s highest and most isolated mountain village at 1,469 meters. The medieval traditional lifestyles of the Dinaric highlanders are still practiced here, providing a unique window into old Europe´s ancient past. Traditional dress, the occasional turban and fez are still worn and go hand in hand with the more contemporary bliss’ of everyday life, electricity and running water. On the edge of the village you will be treated with a rare view of Rakitnica Canyon which drops 800m below and of neighbouring Obalj

Date: Every Tuesday and Friday and by and Visočica Mountains. We will introduce you to the villagers and heir fascinating lifestyles. It is a truly unique oportunity to find out firsthand from the villagers how they live in this beautiful but dfficult environment. After a short walk through the village, we hike along Obalj’s side to the 40 meter Peruće Waterfall. After cooling ourselves off at Peruće we return to Gornji (upper) Lukomir for a traditional homemade lunch prepared by our hosts. FYI, there is also a Donji (lower) Lukomir, long since abandoned by villagers due to the destructive effects of avalanches in this region.

At the end off the day you will also be presented with an opportunity to see and/or purchase local handicraft. We also organize overnight stays and a 7 hour circular hike around Lukomir for those of you interested in experiencing village life, seeing several villages and the Rakitnica canyon. Contact us for more information.


Category: Green Walk (medium difficulty) Total Walking Hours: 3

Price: 40EUR (5 group minimum) Departure Time: 09:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo

Estimated Time of Return: 18:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots are

recommended/ sturdy walking shoes, day pack, 1 litre of water, rain gear, sun hat and camera. What is Included: Transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, lunch and snacks, one English speaking, fully- equipped and experienced guide. Please contact us if you need any equipment.

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Lukomir Vilage - Mountain Bjelašnica

Giving Som ething Bac Green k Visio


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Bobovac - Kraljeva Sutjeska



After a little more than an hour’s ride from Sarajevo we’ll pass through the colorful outskirts of the ancient village of Kraljeva Sutjeska. Rich in natural wonders, such as the deep riverbed of Bukovica, Bobovac has long been a natural oasis which still retains its untainted and pure mysticism. We’ll begin our trek from the ancient village of Kraljeva Sutjeska… home of the centuries old Franciscan Monastery, Sveti Ivo (Saint John’s). We’ll follow the picturesque valley of Bukovica Stream, where the

ancient beechwood forest will cool our walk with its soothing shade. Deeper into the valley we’ll gently ascend on a well maintained trail to the steep ridge to reach the ruins of the 14th century citadel “Bobovac”, one of the last residence of the Bosnian kings Tvrtko II and Tomas. We’ll pay a visit to the remains of the ancient fortress situated on a steep limestone rock. This would be our lunch spot…high in the hills and well protected. We’ll return from the way we came and veering off in the village we’ll take a

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short walk to the Franciscan Monastery that served this area in the middle ages, well before the Ottoman’s conquered this region. It’s a cultural heritage site of Bosnia and Herzegovina and we’ve put in a special request to open the doors for you on this afternoon. So don’t miss this one. We also offer homestay accommodation in the village for those interested in experiencing authentic village life. Contact us for more information.

FACTFILE Date: Every Wednesday and by request Category: Green Walk (medium difficulty) Total Walking Hours: 3.5 Price: 40EUR (5 group minimum) Departure Time: 09:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in


Estimated Time of Return: 18:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots are

recommended/ sturdy walking shoes, day pack, 1 litre of water, rain gear, sun hat and camera. What is Included: Transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, lunch and snacks, entrance fee to the monastery, one English speaking, fullyequipped and experienced guide. Please contact us if you need any equipment.


In the


footsteps of a

This is a great magical tour climbing through the ancient forests of Čvrsnica Mountain to Žljeb...all the while trekking on King Karadjordjević’s old hunting trails. A hunting hut was built near the top for the King because he so fancied the rich wildlife the area had to offer. He‘s long passed now, but his trail is very much alive and we’ve been enjoying it for years. We’ll hike through a canpoy beech-tree forest starting from the valley of Diva Grabovica. It’s a fairly sharp climb at times but truly stunning and refreshing. The trail head leads us to several natural springs,


so water is nema problema. Do bring a water bottle to fill for our final ascent though.

We’ll climb 2.5 hours before reaching our destination, and do our famous lunch on a perch overlooking the largest rock face on the Balkan Peninsula @ over 1,000 meters. The peaks of Čvrsnica tower around us in every direction from this point. Mali and Veliki Medvjed sprout out in front, rock walls to our right, and the rocky peaks of Čvrsnica highest points just behind us. This will be a great way to spend the day; spectacular views with a refreshing hike fit for a king and treat

yourself as such, you won’t be disappointed, we promise. We also offer more strenuous day and multiday trips that include via ferata style hiking with ascents ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 meters. Contact us for more information.

FACTFILE Date: Every Wednesday and by request Category: Green Hike (medium difficulty) Total Walking Hours: 4 to 5 Price: 40EUR (5 group minimum) Departure Time: 08:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in


Estimated Time of Return: 19:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots are

recommended/ sturdy walking shoes, day pack, 1 litre of water, rain gear, sun hat and camera. What is Included: Transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, lunch and snacks, one English speaking, fully- equipped and experienced guide. Please contact us if you need any equipment.

Zli Potok - Mountain Čvrsnica

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The Yosemite

of southeast



Descent From Maglić



This day we’re off far into the Sutjeska National Park. After a two hour drive from Sarajevo, we arrive in the deep and picturesque canyon of Sutjeska River. Today we veer off to Dragoš Saddle...take a peak at the Skakavac waterfall deep in Perućica’s valley. We will walk around the forest. It’s thick, and teeming with endemic flora. From here we’ll walk on to Prijevor for more incredible views of this majestic park. Maglić, Zelengora and Volujak will tower around us....many have compared the experience

FACTFILE Period: Every Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and by request

to Yellowstone National Park. At the edge of the forest we ascend down towards for the Glacier Lake Trnovačko, which is set in the middle of a huge amphitheater of rocky peaks, at 1,500 meters. The weather permitting we enjoy an icy cold swim (only for the very fit) and tasty lunch stretching your necks to get a glance at Bosnia’s highest peaks all around you. After lunch we head back to civilization enjoying the soft glow of the setting sun above Zelengora and Maglić, Bosnia’s highest peak.

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Category: Green Hike (low to medium


Total Walking Hours: 3 hours Price: 45EUR (5 group minimum) Departure Time: 08:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up

anywhere in Sarajevo Estimated Time of Return: 20:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots are recommended/ Sturdy walking shoes, day pack, 1 litre of water, rain gear, fleece, sun hat and camera. Bring swimming gear in case you want to swim. What is Included: Transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, lunch and snacks, one English speaking, fully- equipped and experienced guide, and admission to the National Park. Please contact us if you need any equipment.


The Land


of Legends

Another fab green walk in our repertoire. From the traditional style Bosnian Mosque in the village of Umoljani we’ll trek to the Seven watermills and their beautiful water source used for centuries as energy to grind wheat into flour. We hug the ridge until Rakitnica Canyon (this is the far north end while the Neretva Canyon is the far south end) awesomely opens up before us. After a 20 minutes of an uphill we reach the Cascades of Studeni Potok. Here, at certain times of the year, the stream falls 400 meters into the canyon below.

Following the stream up we hit Studeni Polje (Fields) and the serpent like formations of Studeni Potok (Stream). Here we’ll have a super view of Obalj and the long flat valley of Studeni Polje (Fields). En route we’ll find quite a few sources where we can drink our fill. The shepherd’s summer village of Gradina is just up the road and a hop-skip and a jump from the Mosque in the village where we started our trip. It’s an extremely pleasant walk and not an overexerting one. The views and cool breezes coming off of Visočica and Treskavica

are guaranteed to rid your mind of the stresses of the previous week and give you a great start for the next one. And if that is not enough we will end the day with a stroll among century old Stećci (mediaeval Christian tombstones) perched on a gentle flowing hill just below Umoljani. We also organize a 2 to 4 day trips around the village including a beautiful hike to Lukomir, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s highest inhabited village. Please contact us for more information.

FACTFILE Date: Every Friday and by request Category: Green Walk (medium difficulty) Total Walking Hours: 3 to 4 Price: 40EUR (5 group minimum) Departure Time: 09:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo

Estimated Time of Return: 18:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots are

recommended/ sturdy walking shoes, day pack, 1 liter of water, rain gear, sun hat and camera. What is Included: Transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, lunch and snacks, one English speaking, fully- equipped and experienced guide. Please contact us if you need any equipment.

Mountain Visočica

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Date: Every day and by request Category: Rafting (class 2-4, depending on


the level of the water and the season) Total Activity Hours: 3 to 4 hours rafting Price: 40EUR with your own transport and 60EUR with our transport (minimum group of 6 persons) Departure Time in Konjic: 09:00 AM Estimated Time of Return: 18:00 PM What ro Bring: sneakers or sandals for in the water, 1 liter of water, hat, sun block, fleece, rain gear, towel, change of clothes, camera. What is Included: breakfast(1x), lunch(1x), safety gear, wet suit, insurance, and certified rafting skippers. What is not Included: transport from Sarajevo to Konjic and back.

The Neretva river is the emerald of Herzegovina flowing over 100 kilometers from its source into the Adriatic sea. In the upper canyon, where Green Visions partners operate, are some of the most exciting rafting in Europe. Expect Deep canyon walls, endemic flora and fauna, and a wild & pristine ambiance that only the Neretva can provide. Our modernly equipped team are ready to guide first timers or old pros on a wonderful white water adventure. This is a trip doable by all. The water is very calm during late summer, and the trip provides ample opportunity to enjoy the canyon and its unique flora and fauna.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is well known for its white water rafting adventures. So well known that the 2009 World Rafting Championships will be held on two of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s best rivers. We offer professionally guided rafting tours on four beautiful whitewater rivers. Whether you’re a novice or a pro, the crystal clear waters of our rivers and the pristine landscapes will thrill and dazzle you.

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Period: Every day and by request Category: Class II-IV / low to high difficulty

The ´Four Rivers´ -- Neretva, Vrbas, Una and Tara rank among Europe’s best for class II - IV.


Neretva River


The Tara is one of the four beautiful whitewater rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina that offer professionally guided rafting tours. Tara river ranks among Europe’s best for class II - IV. This river will pleasantly surprise you with its stunning wilderness and unforgettable landscapes. Our skippers from Highlandertim are certified by the International Rafting Federation. A jewel amongst the world’s natural heritage spots the Tara River boasts the largest canyon in Europe. The river follows the border with Montenegro, and is 140 kilometers of natural wonder. The 1,300 meter canyon

has created some of the best rafting and kayaking in Europe. This oasis and protected area has a long tradition of extreme water sporting and easy family outings that can accommodate a wide range of outdoor enthusiasts. While you can arrive on the morning of the rafting trip we suggest that you head for Foča the afternoon before the trip, and overnight on the banks of the Tara river. In that case our package includes accommodation for one night in one of our bungalows in the canyon, as well as dinner and breakfast.

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depending on the season and level of the river

Total Activity Hours: 3 to 5 hours rafting Price: 45 Euro / 65 Euro if staying overnight Departure Time in Foča: 09: 30 AM or

16:00 PM if you spend the night in the canyon What to Bring: t-shirt, swimming costume, sneakers or sandals for in the water, 1 liter of water, hat, sun block, fleece, rain gear, towel, change of clothes, camera. What is Included: breakfast(1), bbq lunch(1), safety gear, wet suit, insurance, and experienced rafting skippers. What is not Included: transport from Sarajevo to location and back, and extra drinks at lunch.


A nature-lovers pilgrimage


A true adventure around one of Europe’s last remaining virgin forests, combined with great hiking on the lush green slopes of Zelengora mountain range. Exquisite views of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s rugged border, and climb Maglić, the highest peak in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Sutjeska National Park

Day one:


After a two-hour drive through eastern Republika Srpska canyons and forests we’ll pass into BiH’s oldest National Park. Not far from there we’ll venture up a mountain dirt road to the heart of the park – Zelengora. At Donje Bare we’ll park the vehicle and take a short walk and leave our packs at the newly rebuilt mountain hut at Donje Bare. The lake of Donje Bare is lined with thick forest to one side and open mountain meadows to the other. We’ll pass her on

our way to Planinica Peak at 1780 m. It’s no coincidence that we’ve chosen the Pyramid Peak as our destination. From here the highest peak of BiH tower above…Maglić at 2,386 meters, Volujak’s rock face barrier, and the 1200-meter deep canyon of the Sutjeska River. We’ll return via Gornje Bare to the hut to complete the fantastic four-hour hike.

Day two:

We offer two options for today. A strenuous hike up to Maglić and a leisurely hike to Trnovačko Lake. Today the drive to Perućica medieval forest will take us a little more than 45 minutes. The park is a true gem in terms of the wildlife and large number of endemic plants. The park also includes Bosnia and Herzegovina’s highest and impressive mountain Maglić, named after the thick fog that

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often surround its rocky peak. We will briefly stop at Dragoš Sedlo with its colorful view of the one of two remaining medieval forests in Europe - Perućica. Jumping out from eternity, we are graced by a lonely waterfall “Skakavac” plunging itself 75 meters down into the dark spruce and beech forest of Perućica. Here we will split up the group into those who are interested in a strenuous 3 hour hike up to Maglić at 2,386 meters and those opting for a easy 2 hour hike to Trnovačko lake. At the end of the day we will all meet up again at the Trnovačko Glacier Lake, which is set in the middle of a huge amphitheater of rocky peaks, at 1,500 meters. After a well deserved break we find our way back to the vehicle and return to Sarajevo completely amazed by what we’ve done and the natural beauty we’ve encountered.

FACTFILE Date: 23 may; 6 june; 27 june; 11 july; 08

aug; 22 aug; 12 sep; 26 sep; 10 oct; 24 oct and by request Category: Green Hike (medium and high difficulty) Total Walking Hours: day one - 5 hours, day two Maglić 9 hours, or Trnovačko Lake 3 to 4hours Price: 105 EUR (11-15 participants), 135 EUR (5-10 participants) Departure Time: 08:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo Estimated Time of Return: 20:00 PM What to Bring: hiking boots are essential, pocket knife, sun glasses, sun cream, 1 liter of water, personal hygiene kit, fleece/jumper, swimming gear, towel, rain gear, change of clothes (e.g. dry socks, T-shirt& underwear, trousers), and a small backpack. What is Included: Transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, breakfast(1x), lunch(2x), dinner(1x) and snacks, accommodation in Hotel Mladost, admission to the National Park and Perućica forest, one fully-equipped and experienced guide. Please contact us if you need any equipment. What is Not Included: fishing license and drinks at the hotel.






the ancient

Day one:

From the traditional style Bosnian Mosque in the village of Umoljani, we’ll trek to Seven Mills and the beautiful source used for centuries as energy to grind wheat into flour. We hug the ridge until Rakitnica Canyon opens up before us. After 10 minutes of going uphill, we reach the Cascades of Studeni Potok. Here, at certain times of the year, the stream falls 400 meters into the canyon below. Following the stream up we hit Studeni Fields and the serpent like formations of Studeni Stream. En route, we’ll find quite a few sources where we can drink our fill. From the Studeni Fields we hike along Obalj’s side to the 40 meter Peruce Waterfall. All along, you will be treated by sweet views and cool breezes coming off of Visočica and Treskavica. After cooling


caravan routes

Date: 09 may; 16 may; 20 june; 04 july; 25

ourselves off at Peruće we begin our gentle ascent (200 m) to Gornji (upper) Lukomir. Lukomir is Bosnia’s highest village at 1,469 meters, with its ancient stecci (medieval tombstones) where villagers stick to the “old way” of doing things. You have arrived at the end of the world.

Day two:

In the early morning hours we depart Lukomir and make our way towards the interior of Bjelasnica. Along the way we meet the occasional shepherd with his sheep grazing on the steep slopes of Bjelašnica. After an hour and a half we begin our gradual climb to Greda, a beautiful pass in between Krvavac (Bjelašnica’s second highest peak 2,062m.) and Debela Brda (1,987m). Here we are treated to today’s prize, views of: Bjelašnica’s highest

peaks, Treskavica, Visočica, Zelengora, Jahorina....While walking through soft mountain grass we wind our way down to Visin source a true life saver in the warm months of summer. Leaving the source behind we again begin to climb only to be surprised after hours of empty mountainous terrain by arriving at a beautiful summer village of Stanari and Green Visions’ mountain hut. After a well deserved break we find our way back to the vehicle and return to Sarajevo completely amazed by what we’ve done and the natural beauty we’ve encountered. This adventure is one of the best Bosnia and Herzegovina has to offer, traditional villages, old water mills, stunning views of canyon Rakitnica, a waterfall, high mountain terrain, beautiful views, and the chance to reconnect with nature.

july; 05 aug; 15 aug; 29 aug; 19 sep; 26 sep; 03 oct; 17 oct and by request Category: Green Hike (medium difficulty) Total Walking Hours: day one - 4 hours, day two – 6 hours Price: 95 EUR (11-15 participants), 110 EUR (5-10 participants) Departure Time: 09:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo Estimate Time of Return: 19:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots recommended/Sturdy walking shoes, sleeping bag, flash light, pocket knife, sun glasses, sun cream, 1,5 liter of water, personal hygiene kit, fleece/jumper, rain gear, towel, change of clothes (e.g. dry socks, T-shirt& underwear, trousers), 60 to 70 liter backpack. What is Included: transport from Sarajevo to location and back, accommodation in mountain hut or tent depending on availability, coffee or tea, breakfast(1x), lunch(2x), dinner(1x) and snacks, one fullyequipped and experienced guide. Please contact us if you need any equipment.

Stećci - Mountain Bjelašnica

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Glacier Lake



Giving Som ething Bac Togethe k r wit

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FACTFILE Date: 30 may; 13 june; 16 july; 03 aug; 27 aug; 05 sep and by request

Category: Green Hike (medium difficulty)


Krstac Peak - Mountain Vranica



Vranica Mountain (2,112m), is central Bosnia’s largest mountain range located just outside of the famous old gold town of Fojnica. We’ll drive (1,5 hours) to Jezernica mountain hut situated in the beautiful, thick pine forests of Vranica. Crystal clear streams will accompany us on our entire trip. From Jezernica we’ll drive up to Prokoško Glacier Lake at 1,635m. Leaving the forest onto the Alpine meadows of Vranica’s highlands we’ll find Prokoško Glacier Lake nested in a valley of traditional Katuni’s (Bosnian


Hours: day one - 5-6 hours, day two – 8 hours Price: 100 EUR (11-15 participants), 120 EUR (5-10 participants)

Shepherd’s Huts). From the lake the Fojnička River cascades 800 meters below. It’s a fabulous sight. Here we’ll break for lunch at one of the katuni’s and feast on some traditional highland foods. After exploring the area around the lake we’ll continue up and gently climb 400 meters to Ločika Peak (2,107m) and Krstac - with one of the most phenomenal views in all of Bosnia. From this peak we can see almost the entire central Bosnian mountain range and on a clear day all the way to the northern Herzegovina

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On our second day we explore one of the ancient shepherd trails connecting Prokoško lake with the surrounding villages. The area is known for its wild cranberry, blueberries, porcini mushrooms and wildlife. This 8 hour walk can best be described as a ridge hike with very few steep inclines. A 12 kilometer beautiful flower laiden mountain meadow walk. After a long day on this gentle giant we reach Brusnica with its numerous shepherd huts - our final destination .

Departure Time: 09:00 AM
Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo

Time of Return: 19:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots recommended/

Sturdy walking shoes, sleeping bag, flash light, pocket knife, sun glasses, sun cream, 1,5 liter of water, personal hygiene kit, fleece/jumper, rain gear, towel, change of clothes (e.g. dry socks, T-shirt& underwear, trousers), 60 to 70 liter backpack. What is Included: transport from Sarajevo to location and back, accommodation in traditional sheppard’s hut, coffee or tea, breakfast(1x), lunch(2x), dinner(1x) and snacks, one fully-equipped and experienced guide. Please contact us if you need any equipment.


Via Dinarica FACTFILE


Mountain Vranica



A great combination of hiking, biking on Bjelašnica and Visočica Mountain ranges and rafting through the Neretva Canyon. Come with us to Bjelašnica’s hidden highland villages, and enjoy a rare view of the emerald of Herzegovina flowing over 100 kilometres from its source into the Adriatic sea. Expect deep canyon walls, endemic flora and fauna, and a wild & pristine ambiance that only the Neretva can provide. You MUST be fit for this one and it requires some biking experience!

(1469m) and Umoljani with Its 7 traditional watermills. Overnight in mountain hut or tent depending on availability. Day two: Full day biking in the Bjelašnica and Visočica mountains down to Konjic town. Swimming in the Neretva river. Transfer to Boračko Lake, with magnificent views of the Prenj peaks. Overnight in bungalow on Boračko lake. Day three: Full day white water rafting experience on the Neretva. Late lunch in Konjic and transfer back to Sarajevo.

taken on the way. The trails are not well maintained and not well marked. The paths are often rough and stony underfoot. The walk involves steady ascents and descents (maximum 300 meters).


Walking Conditions:

The rafting includes 4 hours of rafting through 23 km of unspoilt canyon. you will be provided with all necessary safety gear, and a wet suit.

Day one: Start Sarajevo. Transfer to Babin do, the Olympic skiing slopes (1288m); full day walk visiting Lukomir, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s highest village

This trek includes a one day walk through moderate terrain, where you will need to carry a day backpack. We will walk between 4 to 5 hours, with a picnic lunch

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Biking Conditions:

A full day of Mountain biking over 50 to 70km of rough mountain paths. You will be provided with good quality mountain bikes as well as enjoy the company of your experienced guide.

Rafting Conditions:

Date: 13 jun; 04 july; 31 july; 04 sept and by request Category: Hike (medium difficulty), Biking(medium difficulty), Rafting Class 2 - 4 rapids Total Activity Hours: Day one - 5 hours hiking; Day two - 5 hours biking and Day three - 4 hours rafting Price: 190EUR (11-15 participants), 235EUR (5 -10 participants) Departure Time: 09:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo Estimated Time of Return: 18:00 PM What to Bring: In addition to your “normal” summer walking clothes, you will need the following: Walking shoes, sneakers for biking, sandals for rafting, sleeping bag, flash light, 1 liter of water, hat, sun block,small wash kit, towel, swimming costume, fleece, rain gear, 50 to 70 liter backpack, pocket knife, change of clothes, and camera. What is Included: transport from Sarajevo to location and back, accommodation (mountain hut, tent and cosy bungalows on Boračko Lake), transport of gear to Konjic, all meals (breakfast on day 2 & 3, lunch on day 1,2 & 3, and dinner on day 1 & 2), one/two fully equipped and experienced mountain, biking, rafting guides, mountain bike, helmet, rafting and safety gear. Please contact us if you need any equipment. What is Not Included: Extra drinks in Umoljani, Boračko Lake and Konjic.


A window


to our

Day one:

This hike offers it all, traditional villages, old water mills, stunning views of canyon Rakitnica, a waterfall, and a good long hike on the first day of this incredible adventure. All in all this is a great hike in the hinterlands of Bjelašnica. From the Studeni Fields we hike along Obalj’s side to the 40 meter Peruće Waterfall. All along, you will be treated by sweet views and cool breezes coming off of Visočica and Treskavica. After cooling ourselves off at Peruće we begin our gentle ascent (200 m) to Gornji (upper) Lukomir. Lukomir is Bosnia’s highest village at 1,469 meters, with its ancient stećci (medieval tombstones) where villagers stick to the “old way” of doing things.



Day two:

In the early morning hours we depart Lukomir and make our way towards the interior of Bjelašnica. Along the way we meet the occasional shepherd with

FACTFILE FACTFILE Date: 21 may; 24 june; 18 july; 27 aug; 17

his sheep grazing on the steep slopes of Bjelašnica. After an hour and a half we begin our gradual climb to Greda, a beautiful pass in between Krvavac (Bjelašnica’s second highest peak 2,062m.) and Debela Brda (1,987m). Here we are treated to today’s prize, views of: Bjelašnica’s highest peaks, Treskavica, Visočica, Zelengora, Jahorina. We again begin to climb only to be surprised after hours of bare mountainous terrain by arriving at a beautiful summer village of Stanari and today’s final destination, Green Visions’ mountain hut.

Day three:

Today you will wake up with views of Hranisava’s phenomenal peak…it towers up at over 1,900 meters from the small valley of where our mountain hut is located. After breakfast we trek up to Lokvanjsko Lake…a tiny lake perched high in the mountains surrounded by high altitude alpine pines called ‘kleka’. Here

we will have lunch in the quiet surroundings of the hut. We will return back to Stanari using the “back way” via Ljeljen and Krošnje, an abandoned summer settlement (1,650 m.) at the foot of Krvavac.

Day four:

On the last day we hike from our hut through a pine and beech wood forest up to the Gate of Wind where you will be either pleasantly greeted by a warm gentle Bjelašnica breeze, or a variation of its rugged ever piercing south wind. From here we traverse up to a small Shepherd’s hut (at 1,620 meters). From this point we begin our steep 60 minute climb to the top of Hranisava (1,953 meters) with its mountain hut (the highest in Bosnia). From the top we’ll hike down to another hut Podgradina hidden in a sweet valley of thick pines and blooming summer flowers. The trail leads us to the village of Ljubovčići (700m), our final destination .

sep; 08 oct and by request

Category: Green Hike (medium difficulty) Total Walking Hours: day one: 4 hours

/ day two: 5 to 6 hours / day three: 5 to 6 hours / day four: 6 to 7 hours Price: 190 EUR (11 to 15 participants) 225 EUR (5 to 10 participants), Departure Time: 09:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo Estimated Time of Return: 19:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots are recommended/Sturdy walking shoes, sleeping bag, flash light, pocket knife, sun glasses, sun cream, 1 liter of water, personal hygiene kit, fleece/jumper, rain & swimming gear, towel, change of clothes (e.g. dry socks, T-shirt& underwear, trousers), 60 to 70 liter backpack. What is Included: transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, breakfast(3x), lunch(4x), dinner(3x) and snacks, one fully-equipped and experienced guide, accommodation in basic mountain hut and tent. Please contact us if you need any equipment.

Options: We also offer 3 and 5 day trips on Bjelašnica with or without camping. Please contact us for more information, prices and departure dates.

Umoljani - Mountain Bjelašnica

Book now


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The adventure

Giving Som ething Bac Our eff k orts

of your life

SUTJESKA NATIONAL PARK MULTI DAY HIKING ADVENTURE This adventure is one of the best Bosnia and Herzegovina has to offer, Perućica old growth forest, Maglić Bosnia’s highest peak, several high mountain lakes, dramatic views, and the chance to reconnect with nature.

After a short break we start our hike down to the various lakes of Zelengora. From Štirinsko Lake we head back after a long day to Orlovačko lake for a swim and early dinner.

Day one:

Today the drive to Perućica medieval forest will take us a little more than 45 minutes. The park is a true gem in terms of the wildlife and large number of endemic plants. The park also includes Bosnia and Herzegovina’s highest and impressive mountain Maglić, named after the thick fog that often surround its rocky peak. We will leave our car behind at a viewpoint Dragoš Sedlo with colorful view of the one of two remaining medieval forests in Europe - Perućica. Jumping out from eternity, we are graced by a lonely waterfall “Skakavac” plunging itself 75 meters down into the dark spruce and beech forest of Perućica. Starting at the entrance of this ancient outdoor museum we disappear into the magical forest of beautiful 50 meter high spruce and beech trees. Our four to five-hour journey will be over before you know it. Impressions are bountiful, especially the cycle of life and death of 200 to 300 year old trees. We are small, young and the trip will humble all our aspirations and ambitions..... welcome to

Zelengora - National Park Sutjeska

We depart Sarajevo for Sutjeska National Park (2 hour drive). After arriving in the park we set off to the tranquil lake of Donje Bare where we walk through beech forest and open mountainous terrain to the summit of Planinica (1772m). Our next destination is Gornje Bare lake, which we reach via a difficult to navigate slippery scree and bolder covered slope(1.5hours). At the lake we will break for lunch. Below us sits quietly the serene waters of Gornje Bare’s Lake. We’ll return via Gornje Bare to the hut to complete the fantastic fivehour hike. Transfer back to the hotel in Tjentište.


Day two:

Transfer (approx 2 hours) to Orlovačko Lake in a remote and relatively unknown area of the Zelengora mountain range. From the lake we set of for Bregoč (2,029m) along an unmarked path over open grassland. You walk through a steep valley before coming to the foot of a rising ridge that leads us to the summit of Bregoč (2 hours).

Day three:

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Perućica. As the sun sets we drive back to our hotel.

Day four:

Transfer (approx 1.5 hour) to Lokva Dernečište a lonely source at 1667m, from where we start our days walk through forest and open mountainous terrain. The ascent of Maglić Mountain (2386m) will take us approximately 4 hours over poorly maintained mountain trails with steep cliffs and is by far the most demanding part of today’s hike and perhaps even during your entire stay in BiH. (Please note that this part of the trip is not for those afraid of heights!). With each step we slowly rise above the surrounding peaks scattered around the park, until at last we reach Maglić, Bosnia’s highest peak. Just the place to have our lunch with its stunning views of Montenegro and our next destination deep below with its emerald green water, Trnovačko Lake. It will take us about 3 hours to descend to Trnovačko lake, where we will have ample time to enjoy the cooling waters and humbling view of our new friends Volujak and Maglić. From the lake we hike back to Prijevor were you will be transferred back to the hotel in Tjentište.

Day five:

Transfer and return to Sarajevo.

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FACTFILE Date: 03 june; 08 july; 03 aug; 09 sep and by request

Category: Green Hike (medium difficulty)

Total Walking Hours: Day one: 5 hours / Day two:5 to 6 hours / Day three: 5 to 6 hours / Day four: 9 hours Price: 295 EUR (11-15 participants), 350 EUR (5-10 participants) Departure Time: 08:00 AM Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo Estimated Time of Return: 20:00 PM What to Bring: Hiking boots are recommended/ Sturdy walking shoes, flash light, pocket knife, sun glasses, sun cream, 1 liter of water, personal hygiene kit, fleece/ jumper, rain & swimming gear, towel, change of clothes (e.g. dry socks, T-shirt& underwear, trousers), 60 to 70 liter backpack. What is Included: transport from Sarajevo to location and back, coffee or tea, breakfast(4x), lunch(4x), dinner(4x) and snacks, one fully-equipped and experienced guide, accommodation in Hotel Mladost (2 stars). Please contact us if you need any equipment.

Options: We also offer 3, 4 and 6 day trips to Sutjeska National Park with or without camping. Please contact us for more information, prices and departure dates.


Cultural Heritage


Bosnia and Herzegovina has for over millennia been the crossroads of ancient civilizations. In no other place in Europe can one find such a magical mix of Europe and the Near East Orient. The Slavs settled this centre piece of the Balkan Peninsula in the 6th century and ever since have flourished to create the most multi-ethnic society in southern Europe. Here one will find the great mystical Byzantine traditions, the Romanesque influence rooted from the Franciscan church, the small but significant traces of the Jewish communities that settled here in the 15th century, and of course the predominant oriental flavour from the Ottoman Empire. BiH is a natural wonderland – blessed with rugged canyons, plush forests, crystal clear rivers and lakes, and a precious melange of the cultures and traditions that have evolved from this mountainous region of the Southern Alps. Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of a kind. It is a place that will stun you with her natural beauty, fascinate and inspire you with her rich cultural heritage, and touch you with her warm and genuine hospitality. Your next adventure awaits you!



Old Bridge - Mostar

- Sarajevo – the crossroads of ancient civilizations and the centre of old Ottoman life. - Kraljeva Sutjeska with its medieval royal fortress and Franciscan Monastery - Lukomir, Bosnia’s highest mountain village - Mostar - the oriental gem of Herzegovina - Beautiful samples of Ottoman architecture and design in Blagaj and Počitelj



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Baščaršija - Sarajevo



Sarajevo is a city that seems to never fail to capture the imagination. It has resiliently recovered from the horrors of the early 1990’s, which goes down in history as the longest siege in modern European history. You’ll quickly see that the Sarajevo of today has shed the ghosts of its recent past. Whether it fascinates with its rich history of Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian influences, intrigues the curious mind of the spot where Franz Ferdinand was assassinated that started WWI, awes you with its towering green surrounding mountains, or charms you with its teeming café culture and friendly hospitality…. Sarajevo is a place like home. Let us take you there.

Our team of multi-lingual guides offer the tales and history of this fascinating city. So if you’re interested in expanding your knowledge of Sarajevo...and taking a great walk through Sarajevo’s colorful past – you’ve come to the right place. We speak English - French - Swedish - German - Dutch - Russian Greek - Italian - Spanish and perhaps a few more! Our unique 2.5 hour walking tour of the old historical town, its tiny sidestreets and the cultural hub in the city centre will help you to piece together its complex and fascinating history.

Book now

Sites to see: 1. Ancient olde towne - Sarajevo’s medieval beginnings 
2.Olde Towne Hall (National Library) - 1896
 3.Brusa Bezistan (Trading Center) – Sarajevo City Museum
 4.Kazandžiluk Street - old coppersmiths at work
 5.Baščaršija (Olde Towne’s Main Square)
 6.Orthodox Church - 1539
7. Synagogue - 1581 8.Roman Catholic Cathedral 1889
 9.Svrzina House (Turkish Style house of well-known Muslim family)
 10.The story of Gazi Husref Bey - the founding of a city
 11.Latin Bridge - place of King Ferdinand’s assassination June 28, 1914

FACTFILE Period: Every day and by request Total Site Seeing Hours: 2

Price: 25 EUR (2- 3 participants), 20 EUR

(4 – 9 participants)

Departure Place: Inat House/Inat Kuća across from the National Library What to Bring: City clothes, camera What is Included: Experienced and knowledgeable city guide, entrance to all places in the program (where possible).


The magic of


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Blagaj - Ottoman house / monestery



Mostar was founded in the 15th century and will stun you with its beauty. The architecture is a precious combination of Turkish ingenuity plus Herzegovina’s and Dalmatian workmanship. We will spend the late morning and afternoon exploring Mostar. Undoubtedly, you will have heard much about this city, which was split during the conflict in the early 1990s. You will still see the scars of war, but these days Mostar is once again a warm and bustling place with a fascinating history.

Sites to see include: 1.Ancient oriental 2.Remnants of the

old town Old Bridge (being reconstructed) – 1566 3.Koski Mehmed Paša

Mosque – 1618-1619 4.Kriva Čuprija (Oblique Bridge) – 1558 5.Kujundžiluk Street - old coppersmiths street 6.Karađozbegova Mosque – 1577 7. Čardak (Watch tower) 8.Biščevića House (Traditional Turkish house with courtyard) 9.Medresa (Muslim religious secondary school) After lunch we take a short 15 minute drive to the nearby village of Blagaj. Blagaj’s highlights are the Buna Spring and the adjacent Ottoman house/monastery. The spring here is amazing. It flows out of a 200m cliff wall and single-handedly creates the Buna River. Unsurprisingly, the Ottoman sultan was impressed,

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and ordered a Tekija to be built right next to it. This 16th century house/monastery was built for the Dervish cults and is still one of the most mystical places in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Blagaj’s Old Town is worth taking a walk through. This lazy Herzegovinan town moves at a slow pace and many of its old structures are reminiscent of Ottoman days. A newly built heritage trail around the town is a rather pleasant 3045 minute walk around the town starting at the Tekija Dervish House and visiting the Velagić house built in 17th century, a beautiful example of Ottoman stone masonry. In the vicinity are also old watermills that the strong Buna River used to power.

Period: Every day and by request Total Site Seeing Hours: 4 Price: 60 EUR (5 group minimum), please

contact us for smaller groups Departure Place: We will pick you up anywhere in Sarajevo Departure Time: 08:00 AM
Estimated Time of Return: 20:00 PM What to Bring: City clothes, and camera What is Included: Experienced and knowledgeable city guide, transport, entrance to all places in the program (where possible), and lunch overlooking the Stari Most (Old Bridge).

Option: All ready in Mostar? Why not have

Sulejman our guide meet you there? In everyday life Sulejman works as an architect and has been directly involved in the restoration of the Old Town, including the Old Bridge. His insightful 2 hour city tour of the old town starts from 25 EUR per person (2 group minimum).


City Breaks




Day one: Arrival in Sarajevo, and transfer to the hotel. Sarajevo city tour. Dinner in Baščaršija. Day two: Day trip to Lukomir highland village Day three: Day trip or overnight in Mostar and Blagaj, depending on when your return flight is. Visit Mostar and Blagaj with tour of old oriental part of the city and village. Day four: Departure Sarajevo

Trip Description Day one:

Arrival in Sarajevo Your trip starts in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one of the most oriental and culturally diverse cities in Europe, Sarajevo spent over 400 years under Turkish governorship until the Austro-Hungarians arrived in the late nineteenth century. We will treat you to a 2 hour walking tour of the major historical, cultural and war sites in the city and help you to piece together its complex

Dates: 28 may; 25 june; 25 july; 13 aug; 05 sep; 01 oct and by request

and fascinating history. After our short walk we’ll have dinner in Baščaršija, the city’s beautiful old bazaar, dating from the Ottoman period.

Day two:

Traditional Lukomir High Mountain Village Lukomir is Bosnia’s highest village at 1,469 meters. Here you will have a peek into the lifestyles traditions of the Bjelašnica highlanders that have survived since ancient times. We will first visit the local villagers before heading off into the canyon to witness a waterfall and the amazing Rakitinca Canyon. Lunch will be served on a high ridge over the 800 meter drop into the canyon with stunning views of the mountains. This place and its people will leave a lasting impression on you.

Day three:

The oriental gem of Herzegovina Today we drive via Jablanica

to Mostar. We’ll spend the afternoon and evening exploring Mostar, the former oriental trading center of Herzegovina, situated on the Neretva River. After Mostar we travel to the nearby village of Blagaj. Blagaj’s highlights are the Buna Spring and the adjacent Ottoman house/ monastery. The spring flows out of a 200m cliff wall and single-handedly creates the Buna River. Unsurprisingly, the Ottoman sultan was impressed, and ordered a tekija to be built right next to it. After exploring this sleepy Herzegovina town we will return to Mostar for the evening.

Day four:

Sarajevo and departure home Today, we’ll drive back to Sarajevo. Depending on your departure time you’ll have time for some last minute shopping or sightseeing, before we take you to the airport for your flight home.

Category: Cultural heritage trip Total Walking Hours: day one - 2 hours, day two – 2 to 3 hours, day three - 3 hours

Price: 260eur (11-15 participants),

300eur (5-10 participants) Departure Place: Sarajevo What to Bring: In addition to your “normal” summer walking clothes, we suggest you bring along the following: good comfortable walking shoes, 1 to 2 liters of water carrying capacity, waterproof jacket, fleece/jumper, warm hat and gloves; warm trousers; shorts; small wash kit, towel, swimming costume, hat, sunblock and torch, camera and a small backpack. What is Included: Transport from Sarajevo tolocation and back, coffee or tea, breakfast (3x), lunch (2x), dinner (1x) and snacks, accommodation in Pension Kandilj or Hotel Hayat, Sarajevo (both with en suite bathrooms), entrance fees during the city tours, one fullyequipped and experienced guide. What is Not Included: drinks during meals.

Book now

Sarajevo - National Museum

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DIRT ROADS, SINGLE TRACK AND FREE RIDE Mountain biking in BiH is a relatively new sport with only a small circle of dedicated bikers. This has its advantages - we have thousands of kilometers of trails that are developed so mountain bikers can RIDE FREE! Mountain bikers have complete access to dozens of highland trails that meander through the regions most beautiful mountainous areas with little for no limitations. Most mountain bike trails are ancient highland caravan routes that connected mountain communities - offering not only challenging routes but well kept ones as well. The best bike trails are located in the heart of Central Dinaric Alps, not


far from the capital Sarajevo. The northwest frontiers, particularly around the town of Bihać also have well groomed and marked biking trails and has ideal terrain for road biking. We organize both easy and strenuous mountain biking trips on paved and dirt roads as well as offering single track and free ride options in the mountains around Sarajevo. Don’t want to travel with your bike and gear, or left them at home? Nema Problema - We have everything from bikes to helmets and clothing to put you on your way to an unforgettable biking adventure.

Book now

Dates: Every day and by request
 Prices: Our daily guided trips start from

50 Euro, with rental of our quality GT bikes starting from as low as 15 Euro per day. Trip Category: A-easy, B-moderate, C-Strenuous, D-demanding Tracks: *paved, **dirt/gravel, ***single track, ****free ride Departure Place: Sarajevo What to Bring: Warm clothes, wind breaker, rain gear, your regular biking or hiking clothes, small backpack (about 20-30 litres), 1-2 liters of water, sunglasses, sun block, and camera. We recommend you bring extra energy drinks or energy bars with you.

Suggested itineraries:

Lukomir Highland Village - B/C** Skakavac Waterfall - B/C** Prokosko Lake - Central Bosnia’s Highest Lake - B/C** Sarajevo Olympic Mountain and War Route C** (B**/****) Sutjeska National Park - C***







Supported by


In 2008 Green Visions became a local partner of World Hotel Link (, a global network of travel Web sites catering to independent and responsible travelers. WHL. travel aims to bring small and medium sized accommodation and tour providers into the e-marketplace. Unique to whl. travel are its local partners (That’s us :), who serve as vital on-site lifelines to travelers looking for an oftenmissing personal touch in online services not to mention supporting family owned and operated B&B’s and homestays that offer great benefits to local communities. focuses (albeit not exclusively) on providing independent travelers with access to smaller accommodations and tour operators in developing countries and emerging

markets where it can really make a difference. As a result, Green Visions is now able to offer you online hotel/ accommodation and tours/ activities booking, making it even easier for you to book and pay for your holiday online. What makes this program so unique is that we can now provide small family run B&B’s and hotels, particularly in and around Sarajevo, with the possibility to market and sell their product to a wider public. We have also started to assist various communities develop their own homestay and B&B programs. As we develop these further you will find more and more of these local village accommodations made available through our website:

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Pansion Kandilj Bistrik (potok) 12a 71000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina tel: +387 33 572 510 fax: +387 33 572 511 gsm: +387 63 714 222

[email protected] [email protected]

Mošćanica 13, Stari Grad 71000 Sarajevo +387 62 333 547




w w w. m o te l - s u n c e - p o d ve l e z . c o m


Supported by


In the past 3 years, Green Visions has been organizing safe and fun educational outdoor adventure activities for children and youth. We wanted to show both foreign and local children, youth, their parents, educational and tourism organization that Bosnia is ideal for such activities as summer camps, outdoor adventure courses, educational activities in nature and youth hostels. Our day and multi day trips for schools and universities have all been well received, confirming our belief that there exists enormous potential in this area. Our focus on children and youth has gotten on new meaning especially since youth unemployment is at an all time high in BiH. Disillusioned by the current state of affairs,

more and more young people are leaving BiH to countries with higher living standards. While we do not believe that only financial benefits determine the quality of life, we admit that our country’s economic situation is in a pretty abysmal state. We also know that we can positively contribute to increasing the opportunities that responsible tourism has to offer to young people and their families. We have therefore together with the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) started a youth tourism development network “ The open travel network” to address issues of unemployment, lack of training and education, certification and standards,

limited government support to the youth tourism sector, inadequate marketing, and limited access to international youth tourism markets. Our three year project will create a network consisting of both private and non governmental organizations interested in generating income in the area of responsible youth tourism.
 Green Visions is a member of the Reisenetz (www.reisenetz. org), youth travel network based in Germany and organizes class excursions, volunteer camps, outdoor adventure programs that are rewarding and fun. For more information please contact us at [email protected].

MOTEL SUNCE Smajkići Village, Podvelež 22 kilometres from Mostar ph: +387 (0)36 560 082 [email protected]

B&B DIVAN M.M.Baseskije br. 54 OLD TOWN, Sarajevo Tel/fax: +387 33 238677 [email protected]

WHAT U NEED TO KNOW... Passports and Visas

All nationalities require a full passport that must be valid for 6 months beyond the intended length of stay. It is your responsibility to have the correct personal documents and to obtain your own visa, if one is necessary, in accordance with the regulations of the country you are to visit. The information offered below is to help you with that process. We are not responsible for the actions of local immigration and customs officials, whether at points of entry or otherwise, and any subsequent effects. At the time of writing visas are not required by Swedish Nationals or other EU passport holders. Other nationalities should check with the relevant embassies.

Vaccinations and Health

There are no compulsory vaccinations required, however we recommend that hepatitis A, Tetanus and Polio vaccinations are up to date. Please consult your doctor or vaccination center for up to date information.

Extra Expenses and Spending Money

We recommend that you allow up to 7.5 EUR for lunch and 10 EUR for dinner in Bosnia and Herzegovina, however this amount will vary according to where and what you choose to eat. Although not customary in Bosnia you can leave a 10% tip as a sign of your appreciation.


Travel Insurance

You must be insured if you participate in one of our trips. Please check with your insurance agent if your policy covers Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Essential Equipment and Clothing

In addition to your “normal” summer walking clothes, we suggest you bring along the following: rucksack of about 30 or 60 liters depending on the duration of your trip, 1 to 2 liters of water carrying capacity, waterproof jacket, fleece/jumper, good walking boots and gaiters, warm hat and gloves; warm trousers; shorts; small wash kit, towel, swimming costume, hat, sunblock and torch and camera.

Bookings and Enquiries

Email: [email protected] Web: If you have an inquiry and would like to speak to us personally please call us on +387 33 717290 or use our Skype id: greenvisions


You can pay us either online ( via our new partnership with WHL or via international bank transfer.

By bank transfer

Raiffeisen Bank d.d., Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo Branch, Danijela Ozme 3 IBAN : BA391610600000786457 Name of Beneficiary: Green Visions d.o.o. Address: Radnicka bb, Sarajevo

100 EUR per person secures reservation for one of our multi day trips, Full payment must then be received within 4 weeks of start date. Guests making international bank transfers must accept all bank charges from their end (OUR). Cancellation fees will be incurred as follows •Up to 4 weeks before start date loss of deposit •4 up to 2 weeks before start date - loss of 50% of total price •2 weeks or less - loss of 100% of price Student Discounts: We give a 5% discount on all of our trips to students.

Travel safety

Bosnia and Herzegovina is contrary to what a lot of people believe a safe and friendly country. Your and our staff’s safety is of paramount importance to us and we go to great lengths. We would not run any holiday that we did not consider reasonably safe.

Our Trip Categories Green Walks

A green walk is an easy walk. If you like to wander around in nature without exhausting yourself, green walks are just the thing for you. No long strenuous climbs, nor steep descents. We will bring you to areas that are easily accessible, safe, fun and beautiful. Each green walk takes you about 2 hours of walking in each direction. No special equipment is needed other than a pair of sturdy walking shoes and a day-pack.

Green Hikes

Green hikes are trips involving a range of terrain. Those participating need to be in good health and enjoy walking 4 to 6 hours a day. It is not rare that you climb 1,000 meters through difficult terrain under Bosnia’s blistering summer and autumn sun. Our hikes are demanding, but in return you will see a part of Bosnia few have seen. If you love hiking, sleeping outdoors, exploring new areas and meeting people who share your excitement about nature, then we recommend you join us on a green hike.


All in country transport is included during your trip. We travel by small vehicles and minivans with space for up to 15 passengers. The main roads are in principle good, but in places very windy. It is on the various mountain roads that you will at times experience a bumpy and slow ride.


Generally we include meals where there is no alternative place to eat, if you have a choice of 3 or 4 restaurants in a town then we don’t include the meal. Drinks are not included in the meales. Whenever we are in the mountains we provide you with breakfast, a picnic lunch and dinner. Vegetarian and special diets can be catered for, but options are limited throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina – please inform the office of any specific requirements upon booking.

Group, Staff and Support

Our team of local English speaking guides are experienced

mountaineers with first hand knowledge of the land, the people and their traditions. Due to the effects of the previous war, mountain guide accreditation and training programs all but disappeared. However, Green Visions, has its own in-house training program in Partnership with the mountain rescue service Klub Spasavalaca 2000 to ensure your safety. We are also actively involved in the re-establishment of a high quality mountain guide training program for the country. One or two English speaking mountain/culture guides will accompany you throughout the trip.

Mine Awareness

As most of us know (and if you don’t you should) Bosnia is host to many land mines. They have polluted the countryside and cities all along former lines of confrontation. YES, they are a concern and NO, we take no risks. Green Visions has extensive knowledge of mined areas and continues to liaise with the Mine Action Center (MAC), local military officials, local communities in areas of question, and mountaineering associations throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Everyone of Green Visions’ trails have been trekked and checked by our guides. Gray areas with inaccurate info are automatically ruled out. One of our co founders is a geographer and urban planner for Bosnia and Herzegovina and has extensive knowledge of mined areas and former lines of confrontation -literally down to the meter. Fortunately for all of us, many gorgeous mountains are safe to visit. Our staff is well-

rehearsed in mine awareness but this skill will not be necessary on any of our trips.

Responsible Tourism Policy

Tourism can be a real help to local communities, providing income, positive cultural exchanges and a financial incentive to protect their natural environment. Ours is a ‘total approach’ to responsible tourism, covering everything from the way we plan and operate our trips to the practices of Green Visions as a company. Green Visions trips are designed to allow a high degree of economic benefit to the local communities; we buy local produce, eat local food and use local services, thus ensuring that as much money as possible is retained within the local economies and the host communities. With our responsible tourism policy we are continually reassessing our holidays, trying at all times to ensure that they are socially, economically and environmentally sound.

Klub Spasavalaca 2000

Mountain Rescue Services Mošćanica 6 71000 Sarajevo Tel: +387 (0)33 241262 Mobile: +387 (0)61 911911

NEW HORIZONS car rental company 387 33 210 177 [email protected] Kralja Tvrtka no. 2 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina


“Pod Lipom”

Important Note - Please Read

The information in this brochure is given in good faith, and covers the average range of conditions likely to be found on this trip.

Adress: Prote Bakovića 6, Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 440 700

Radnicka bb 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 (0)33 717290 Tel/Fax:+387 (0)33 717291 Mobile: +387 (0)61 213278 Email: [email protected] Web: Skype id: greenvisions

Tourism Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Email: [email protected] Website:

Your Travel Agent

Green Visions can assume no responsibility for any possible errors or misprints.; Concept and design by: Munever Salihović; Photographs provided by: Hajrudin Klipo, Munever Salihović, Sebastien Venuat, Samer Hajrić, Tim Clancy, Green Visions

Green Visions

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