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The Green Trapezoid

High Priest Venger As’Nas Satanis The Cult of Cthulhu TOMES

In this Issue

Cult of Ct hu lh u O ath As I walk into the moonless night, I shall do what benefits the Old Ones and Their spawn; whatever is fruitful, righteous, and pleasurable is the way. As I bow before the green onyx altar, I shall respect and honor the Cult of Cthulhu along with its members and vision. As I grow stronger, so does the Cult. As the Cult grows stronger, so do I.

Submissions Wanted! Send your contributions to: [email protected] • • • • • •

As I Awaken from my fitful slumber, I summon the Ancient Things from the blackest abyss, for They are the purest distillation of myself. Our struggles will allow us to evolve into what we must become. The Emerald Kingdom of Great Cthulhu is at hand.

• • • •

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Editor, Cora’Sahn


The Cult of Cthulhu

JUNE 2009 “I am the way. I am the darkness. I am the hidden God. Primordial forces once enjoyed the gilded pleasures which are dangled in front of us day in and day out. Eventually our demon fathers were expelled from this dimension by the lesser gods of the earth. Many cultures have a name for this "creator" who is really nothing more than the architect of our prison. Some call it the All, demiurge or Yahweh. It is the wicked, slavering, oozing shells or vestiges of the Formless Black Essence, also known as the Great Old Ones, who Cultists pay homage to. We are the sorcerers who demand what is rightfully ours! First, a Cultist must have the right preparation, then the right mindset, and finally he must put forth the right effort. To know, to be, and to do. This is what's important and is the only path to conquering our most formidable opponent: our own selves.”

The Cult of Cthulhu Objective Cthulhu Exchange Cult Member Poetry & Prose Ask a Cultist

THE CULT OF CTHULHU CTHULHU’S LHU S OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER The Cult of Cthulhu Objective By Cora’Sahn,Wizard of the Terrible Darkness If you are interested in joining The Cult of Cthulhu, one must ask themselves: What is the Cult of Cthulhu Objective? You may find yourself on the official CoC forum looking for answers. The forum is a useful site to ask questions about the Cult, its theology and to converse with fellow cultists. I posed this very question on the board in October 2008 trying to solidify what it is we are all working towards. I was also attempting to determine if CoC members were on the same page, as well as closely examine the vision of Venger Satanis, its founding father and High Priest. I believe it’s important to be prepared in order to answer questions posed by potential cult members and the media. I had some ideas of my own, but how was I to determine if my personal vision was meeting the objective? What of other cult members? What had they envisioned for the cult as well as their role in it? I could only post my ideas up for examination as well as open dialogue with other members. This was a great opportunity for Venger to examine our thoughts, as well as his own to determine if there were some areas which could use some tweaking to effectively communicate his ideas. Are we understanding what it is he is proposing in his books, essays and articles? Have we understood his communication in the forum? Only time would tell. Forum: Topic: 70&page=3


Liber A:O Venger As'Nas Satanis 2009

Artwork by Sorrow King


In Trenches Dark Corners Thoughts in the Dark

(continued, Cult of Cthulhu Objective) With more than 1000 members on the forum, the responses came in few and far between. Was it that the whole of the membership was lurking in the shadows waiting to examine what their fellow cultists had to say? Why were the responses coming in from the most active members? Why are only a select group active and on a regular basis? What prevents the remaining membership from being active? Perhaps we are not on the same page. I posed the following questions to the membership, the listed answers were those posted by a junior member. Venger seemed to agree with these answers; however I believe they only provoked more questions. Q&A Q: What is the ultimate goal of the CoC? A: To devour all things and create perfections in all forms. In practical application, how does one devour all things? This leaves a lot to examine, as well as interpret. Personally, when I consider ‘devouring’ something I imagine a feasting frenzy. I can only assume this was intended to mean that in order to create ‘perfections’ we must assimilate, or gobble up as much information as possible. This synchronizes well with ‘Ia Ia!’ as ‘I Hunger’. Then we move on to the ‘perfection’ aspect of the statement. What is perfect? How does one perfect something? I can’t help but see how highly subjective this statement is. What one man sees as flawed, another may see as perfection. Perhaps its intention is to communicate that what each cultists imagines is perfect, he or she should assimilate as much knowledge and experience as possible to reach his/her own goal for perfection. The main focus of the COC is to selfexamine, this statement provokes the reader to closely examine the statement, as well as themselves to seek answers to rising questions. Will the answer change? I’d imagine it would with the evolution of thought, but does that mean it changes the COC objective? I don’t think it does. The COC is unique in that it does not require conformity to ideas, and individualism is fostered rather than stifled. If the objective becomes so obscure that there is no universal answer – how can we be certain what the objective is? I think the answer is fairly simple but at the same time complex. If each of us holds our own ideas about what we are striving for, but they follow a common theme – there doesn’t leave much room for conflict within the organization itself. We can agree with our fellow cultists as well as Venger Satanis; we are all right, and we are all wrong. Some where in the eldritch chaos, comes organization of thought. Q: What makes the CoC unique? A: It holds a fascination that other groups seem to lack. Perhaps it has to do with it being based on a modern day mythology that still invokes awe and fear, as opposed to others that are effectively bastardized versions of previous religions. Everyone needs stories and characters, some people are happy with the generic, some feel the need for something more than that. The CoC provides it. How can we formulate what other groups lack? Just because a specific group does not appeal to my personal pallet does not mean it does not hold the interest of other people. If it has membership, obviously there is a fascination with it. Perhaps it does have more to do with the modern mythology created by H.P. Lovecraft. There’s no question that those of use who enjoy the stories as well as the symbolism those stories represent hold similar interests. We use terror as a catalyst for personal growth and development, but are we terrified? Horror and SciFi is not for everyone. There are countless people in my life that have questioned my tastes in movies, reading material, and personal aesthetic. I’ve been labeled everything from psychotic to a sociopath. Perhaps it’s true in some regard. Why do I enjoy such carnage, while others reject it entirely? Why do I find solace in dark places, when the people around me seek light? What is the fascination with the macabre? I believe what makes us unique, is that we share similar interests in what others find grotesque. Q: What contributions does the CoC make in human development? A: The Cult offers power back into the hands of men and women, if they are willing to accept the enormous responsibility that power holds. There are so many different reasons why people aren't making the most of themselves and their abilities and the CoC gives some of them a glimpse behind the black curtain, and offers a tentacle to those who want to see what else is back there. Power? What power specifically? The power over our own lives, power in motion to realize our full potential - is this the answer? Far too often the abilities of human beings are credited to outside sources. What about what we can do? What about all of our amazing accomplishments as a species thus far? Have we reached our full potential or are we just scratching the surface? How did we lose power to begin with? Who took it from us? Did we know we had in the first place? We forget ourselves, without close examination of our own thoughts and ideas how can we know for sure who, where, what, why, and how of our own lives? We seem to look outside before we look in.

. We are dreaming, but not about ourselves but some illusion we’ve built for ourselves. What the CoC offers its members is a constant reminder to selfexamine, to commit it to muscle memory so we don’t forget ourselves. If we remember ourselves, we grow and develop. Into what exactly? Why, what ever we aspire to become! Who is running the show from behind the curtain? It is us, but we’ve forgotten. We see the mad conductor, the Cthulhu if you will, running things and when we look upon this image in our minds – we see something other than ourselves. We have deluded ourselves for so long, that it’s manifested itself into something foreign to us. The CoC is the tentacle tipped finger, tapping us on the shoulder to remind us – awaken and remember! Q: Are a 'cult', and 'cult theologies essential in seeing its goal manifest? A: Yes and no. No in the sense that it has been said and requested many times that we should try and attract people who will perhaps find the group beneficial, and in doing so we would be, I suppose, taking part in attempting to awaken as many people as possible. Which would still be possible with a different name, different theologies etc. And Yes in that the CoC by its very nature must be made up of select individuals. But rather than select them, it is they who select the Cult. There are hooks to catch people interested in Lovecraft, Satanism, The fourth way, Magick, or those that are simply drawn to the darker aspect, whether in art, writing, music etc. Not all of them will bite, but those that do, will truly latch on. And those that are squeamish/disgusted/apprehensive/stupid will get hung up on the colour of the door and not even get inside. The Cult itself has built in defense mechanisms, but they only operate in the minds of those who are not welcome in the first place. The name Cult of Cthulhu itself is enough to put most of them off Now we are getting somewhere. Should we be actively seeking out people to awaken them? Is that our goal? I don’t think it is. We go to the cult; the cult doesn’t come to us. It is our uniqueness that attracts us to the cult. There are some people who are content to sleep, and have no desire to be awakened. Once we get here, then what? What keeps us interested, what is the fascination? I believe it’s the cult mentality, as well as cult-like theologies. Taking the firm stance that ‘the cult is the way’, ‘I am the Way’, ‘I am your Salvation’ – does it remind you of anything? Christianity is among the largest surviving cults in the entire world. Why do you think that is? What gives it momentum? Promises, promises, promises… But does it deliver? T he most devout believers would say that it does. Do we deliver? The vast majority of the CoC membership would agree that we do. Consider how passionate some of its members are about the organization, its ideas and even protecting its founding father. If that’s not cultish, I don’t know what is. Q: In what regard is Venger Satanis, a 'cult' leader? A: In the same regard that Jesus was a cult leader. Which leads me to this answer provided by a junior member, Venger Satanis a modern day Jesus? Perhaps in some regard he is. Jesus had a lot of ideas that appealed to the people. How did his word spread so quickly with such archaic forms of communication? His apostles. His followers. Now ask yourselves this, have you been acting apostle? How many times has it been suggested within the organization that members need to reach out to others and awaken them from their slumber? How many times have you thought about sharing the CoC theologies with people you know? It’s not so far off the mark, is it? Q: In what regard are you a follower? You are a follower aren't you? Isn't that what cult leaders do? Lead followers? A: There is a difference between leading, and leading followers. A high priority is placed upon thinking for yourself and behaving according to your own ethics and morality. It is an odd situation in that we are one group, yet we are all working individually also. We are all leaders, if we so choose. But first we have to learn to lead ourselves. So, the bottom line is – until you learn to lead, you must follow. Venger Satanis is our guide, where is he leading us? Where would you like to be led? Even if he’s leading you to leadership, you are following. Yes, we are individuals and follow our own moral compass but we also recognize when we don’t have all of the necessary information, and are drawn to people that have additional insights. Is admitting that you are a follower so difficult? I’m a Modern Satanist, and I can be honest with myself to say yes, in some regard I am following. I bow my head to VS for his efforts, not as a sign of submission or servitude but in mutual admiration. We both strive for the same things. I strive for understanding, greatness, and wisdom. I don’t allow counter-productive pride to stand in my way. I am confident enough in myself, my abilities and my position in this world to know – I sure could use a friendly reminder to self-examine, to remember myself. I am human; therefore I err and often forget. This is why I’m constantly kicking myself in the ass, “There I go again repeating those patterns!”. I can not move forward, past them if I keep forgetting. The COC theology has philosophical value to anyone interested in true growth and development as a human animal. What is the objective of the Co CoC?

To remember ourselves.

How will we get there?

Commitment to ourselves.

Where can we obtain the necessary necessary tools?

From any and all sources; no sphere of knowledge is off limits, to include our involvement in a cult centered on remembering.

Of course, I could be wrong. I’ve often been wrong. By all means, challenge my ideas – push me over the event horizon. I will fall into myself, and re-examine my ideas; this is what gives my life meaning.Copyright 2009, CS

The Diversity of the Cult of Cthulhu Membership Cthulhu Exchange You decide to join The Cult of Cthulhu, but what are you joining precisely? What will it be line to interact with other members, with there be conflict of thought? Is there in-fighting? What’s the consensus when there is a disagreement among members? Can we agree to disagree? Based in my own personal experience, there is diversity as well as adversity. Do we learn and grow by always agreeing with each other? If a cultist pours his thoughts out on to the forum, I’d imagine he’d want honest commentary, he wants feed-back. In lieu of our objective to constantly examine ourselves; do we really want to be told what we want to hear? Surely not. I expand and grow by having my ideas examined by an outside party. If I take the time and effort to post a topic for examination I want feedback, something with depth. Responses like ‘cool’ or ‘nice post’ do nothing for me but serve as acknowledgements that you see that I have posted something, but did you take the time to read it? Did you take the time to consider my ideas for yourself? Do you agree or disagree? Can you build on this idea? Can you help me build on it? What purpose does it serve for an organization to have an internet forum in the first place? There is plenty out there in terms of entertainment, but isn’t the CoC forum more than that? Aren’t its members more than that? Recently I posted a thread on the use of the mythos characters as archetypes to represent complex ideas. This article serves as a demonstration of how members interact on the forum, how they can examine the theology more closely and the purpose the forum serves to its members.

Yog-Sothoth: The imagery of this creature is bubbling goo, glowing - charged with the power of the Old Ones. Even though it is the master of all time and space, it resides outside the universe, like a veil. It knows all; sees all - to invoke this creature may drive you to madness, a push off the edge into the abyss. Yog-sothoth is the gate. Passing through to unconsciousness. It's not uncommon to 'forget' what occurred while acting as this creature. There's all this focus on 'consciousness', higher consciousness, unified consciousness - but not enough on unconsciousness. Having experienced a brief death myself, as well as comatose for 3 months, while the body 'sleeps' - there is much to be had in the dark corners of your mind. While it's not possible to achieve physical unconsciousness (aside nearly killing yourself), it's possible to explore the unconscious mind (Schelling)/Freud). Transcendental states would be quite useful in that exploration. Being able to achieve this state on command during ritual, is my goal.”

Exchange between user Dzepxich and Cora’Sahn:

----Start Discussion---Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Thread Started on Apr 21, 2009, 8:00am » Cora’Sahn: “Cthulian idealism has been touch and go for me since high school. When Venger Satanis formed the Cult of Cthulhu in 2005 - it rekindled my interest. It's not only based in the Cthulhu mythos, but a fusion of Fourth Way, Satanism, a dash of Buddhism, Humanism and the diversity of it's members. I'm drawn to specific archetypes, Azathoth as my primary, Cthulhu secondary and Yog-Sothoth. I guess it could be conceived as my own holy trinity. Consciousness, Sub-Consciousness and Unconsciousness. Out of the darkness, lurks that which can never be truly known, or understood. Azathoth: All seeing, all powerful, all knowing - a tentacled blob with the great eye. I tend to see it as the beginnings. The first life on this planet formed in the depths of the ocean, I'd imagine this spark of life would be this creature. When I formed my grotto 'Azathoth 1919' I did an in-depth study into the symbolism, and how other cultists perceive it. Scholars tend to believe that it's a fusion of Azazel and Thoth, which would make Azathoth a mad alchemist, keeper of wisdom. I believe Azathoth is chaos, this appeals to my chaosist leanings. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." Azathoth serves as the catalyst in ritual and spiritual alchemy. Consciousness. Cthulhu: The madness incarnate. He with the power to awaken the old ones. The great priest; pure terror. C'thulhu fhtagn...he waits. Cthulhu in ritual, is the mad conductor, emergence of this creature is similar to the monster archetype. When invoking Cthulhu, it is deeply connected to music, chant and the fantasies of Arabia. Subconsciousness. There are aspects of Cthulhu that are natural, which don't require a lot of psycho-drama, gnosis in the depths of the mind comes forward.

dzepxich Full Member Joined: Oct 2007 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #6 on Apr 22, 2009, 8:19pm » I disagree with the description of Yog-Sothoth. In all of HPL's writing, YS is described as glowing globes, floating in the air, and that's what I experienced when communing with it. Also, the phrase "master of time and space" is not quite right either, HPL says that YS is coterminal with all space and time, that it exists simultaneously at every point of space/time that we experience, obviously it exists in a 5th or higher dimension. Yog-Sothoth is the gate and the key to the gate. Madness is a common result when any unprepared person comes in contact with any of the Mythos beings.

Cora'Sahn Senior Member Joined: Jan 2008 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #7 Yesterday at 6:28am » Apr 22, 2009, 8:19pm, dzepxich wrote: This is my own personal interpretation, based on reading all of the stories. If you could provide some excerpts from the specific stories - that would be extremely helpful. I'm always open to constructive criticism of my ideas. By all means, critique it. It will only help me in putting together a better quality article.

Cult of Cthulhu Mailing Address: Cult of Cthulhu Darrick Dishaw 3523 Swansee Ridge Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Cora'Sahn Senior Member Joined: Jan 2008 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #8 Yesterday at 6:42am » Imagination called up the shocking form of fabulous Yog-Sothoth — only a congeries of iridescent globes, yet stupendous in its malign suggestiveness. —H. P. Lovecraft, "The Horror in the Museum" Yog-Sothoth is an Outer God and is coterminous with all time and space yet is supposedly locked outside of the universe we inhabit. Its cosmic nature is hinted at in this passage from "Through the Gates of the Silver Key" (1934) by Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price. It was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self — not merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence's whole unbounded sweep — the last, utter sweep which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike. It was perhaps that which certain secret cults of earth have whispered of as YOG-SOTHOTH, and which has been a deity under other names; that which the crustaceans of Yuggoth worship as the Beyond-One, and which the vaporous brains of the spiral nebulae know by an untranslatable Sign... Yog-Sothoth knows all and sees all. To "please" this deity could bring knowledge of many things. However, like most beings in the mythos, to see it or learn too much about it is to court disaster. Some authors state that the favor of the god requires a human sacrifice or eternal servitude. Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where they shall break through again. He knows where they have trod earth's fields, and where they still tread them, and why no one can behold them as they tread. —H. P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror"

To me, the manifestation as unconnected iridescent globes is an exact description of how an entity from a higher dimension would look when perceived by an entity limited to our currently "known" 4d space. The nuclear chaos described by HPL sounds a lot like the modern idea in physics of the "quantum foam" which underlies and gives rise to our universe. The "bubbling goo" is one way of describing the quantum foam. I'm sure that my preconceptions and ideas about YS had an influence on my experiences with it. My first encounter with YS was very benevolent & enlightening. It started as about a dozen points of light which quickly swelled to large globes, about 12 ft across. I could not perceive a connection between the globes, but I "knew" that they were all part of one being. The energy coming off "it" was almost overwhelming, but before I was damaged by it, YS "shielded" itself with a "curtain" of leaves around each globe. The "shielding" cut down on the energy output tremendously, and allowed me to interact with YS without being damaged. I don't believe that YS is actually "locked out" of our dimensions, I think it's more a case of it having to limit itself severely to manifest here, so does not do it often. Cora'Sahn Senior Member Joined: Jan 2008 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #10 Yesterday at 11:26am » Thanks, this gives me an idea of what you mean. Yes, I agree that how each of us perceives these beings, is true and quite right. I also think from a more scientific approach; hence my evolution/de-evolution stance on the creation of these things as well as how we perceive them. I often look at how people paint, draw, sculpt, or manifest these beings - how does this imagery come to pass? What makes it so? Why does one perceive it one way, and another perceives it that way.

The Lurker at the Threshold This is the name given to Yog-Sothoth in August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft's novel The Lurker at the Threshold. In the story, Alijah Billington describes Yog-Sothoth's appearance as: ...great globes of light massing toward the opening, and not alone these, but the breaking apart of the nearest globes, and the protoplasmic flesh that flowed blackly outward to join together and form that eldritch, hideous horror from outer space, that spawn of the blankness of primal time, that tentacled amorphous monster which was the lurker at the threshold, whose mask was as a congeries of iridescent globes, the noxious Yog-Sothoth, who froths as primal slime in nuclear chaos beyond the nethermost outposts of space and time!” Are bubbles not orbs or globes? I have this imagery based on my own understanding of how these creatures came to be, as well as tied to human evolution. If out of the cosmic sludge Yog-Sothoth arises, I imagine bubbling goo and eventually these bubbles descend into space. Glowing with the cosmic power it was created from. I don't see it as pure 'light' and I'm not entirely sure what you manifest in your own mind. Perhaps you could elaborate a bit? I do agree that Yog-Sothoth is also the key- and I did not address that in my short description; which is why I said I wanted to build upon this post (which was tied to my Ecstasia class and the use of Archetypes) and write a feature article. dzepxich Full Member Joined: Oct 2007 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #9 Yesterday at 9:58am » First of all, I've got to say that any imagery that works for you is "right". I have a very "scientific" approach to these subjects, and that doesn't work for everybody.

Azathoth is a perfect example of this. I've seen many renditions which just appear as one large eye with something growing off of it, while others create a beast with many eyes. dzepxich Full Member Joined: Oct 2007 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #11 Yesterday at 12:06pm » I love to see people’s renditions of the Mythos beings myself. I visualize Azathoth as a multi-dimensional fractal, continual explosion of energy. Azathoth is the "driving force" which causes the quantum foam to "bubble". As the "blind, idiot god", Azathoth is the mindless, unselfconscious force which strives "to be". Azathoth came into being at the same moment as our universe (each separate universe would have its "own" Azathoth) and is the driving force of the "Big Bang", which is still happening. I wouldn't put any eyes in an image of Azathoth myself; I think it is called "blind" because it doesn't have any.

Cora'Sahn Senior Member Joined: Jan 2008 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #12 Yesterday at 12:42pm » Which is why I use Azathoth as the catalyst. I'm thinking the eye doesn't actually 'see' but represents the blindness. What better way to represent an idiot god, but by placing a non-working eye in the center of it? At least, that's the way I See it. dzepxich Full Member Joined: Oct 2007 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #13 Yesterday at 2:12pm » That's cool; I can see how a "blind" eye reinforces the concept. I interpret the "idiot" description as meaning "mindless", that is, not having awareness of "self". To me, Azathoth is an unthinking force, just a "will" to "be", a more impersonal form of a universal "life force", which is responsible for the existence of "matter" in our universe. To continue the analogy, Azathoth is the body, YS is the "mind", SN is the reproductive urge, N is the "soul" or the "subconscious" (assuming the Gods have a unity of conscious mind, therefore their "subconscious" exists "outside" of them, as a separate entity.) Cthulhu represents, to me, one of the first beings to become "trans-human" (trans-squid?), to achieve Transcendental Illumination, and leads other consciousness to the same goal.

Cora'Sahn Senior Member Joined: Jan 2008

Interesting. See to me, Cthulhu is the way towards the gate; but even being directed 'where to go' or 'how to get there' doesn't grant passage through. YS knocks you unconscious - working as the key, introduces the unconscious mind. Through YS you walk through your own mind, but are not guaranteed to remember yourself. It's easy to get lost, or only remember flashes. This I associate with my death experience. I was only heart dead, not brain dead for 3.5 minutes; yet I can only remember flashes. While comatose, again; only a 'sense' of having been in this state; a momentary interruption of life. After having walked through the gate, and returned - "We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming..." Cora'Sahn Senior Member Joined: Jan 2008 Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #15 Today at 7:23am » I think we should use this exchange for the newsletter. It will give potential members an idea of how cultists use these symbols, as well as interaction between other members. ----End Discussion----

So there you have it, an exchange between two cultists, both sharing similar ideas but using them differently. I had requested that dzepxich briefly summarize his ideologies for the readership, this is what he came up with: dzepxich Full Member Joined: Oct 2007 Gender: Male Location: Gulf of Mexico Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #19 on Apr 25, 2009, 10:52am »

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Re: Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, Unconsciousness « Reply #14 Today at 6:56am » Yeah, I think it's pretty cool myself. I'd like to sculpt my own rendition of this creature. I don't see it as mindless per say, but more chaotic. There is no need for an eye to see, because the 'senses' carry it - hence why I associate it with consciousness. Acting as the catalyst, it sparks the momentum to move. Move where and to what? That remains to be seen. Azathoth just starts shit up, and I utilize other archetypes as 'steps' (either forward or back - depending). Quote: To continue the analogy, Azathoth is the body, YS is the "mind", SN is the reproductive urge, N is the "soul" or the "subconscious" (assuming the Gods have a unity of conscious mind, therefore their "subconscious" exists "outside" of them, as a separate entity.) Cthulhu represents, to me, one of the first beings to become "trans-human" (trans-squid?), to achieve Transcendental Illumination, and leads other consciousness to the same goal.

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All experience is subjective, the area where peoples' subjective experience overlap is what is called "reality". There is no "supernatural", supernatural is a word that is used to describe the parts of the natural world that we don't understand yet. Direct experience is the best teacher. One can spend years in study of a subject, but true "knowing" comes from practice. The most useful question to ask of any ritual, philosophy or theory is "Does it work?".

I can’t help but identify that he and I share similar ideas; though we may have disagreed in-part about how each of use perceives these symbols. On one hand there is diversity as well as similarity, and on the other there is adversity in how we accept these ideas for ourselves. I don’t require that dzepxich see things the way I do, I only ask that he consider my ideas and offer feedback for me to examine. In order to understand each other we open dialogue, we ask questions and have ideas clarified for consideration. Then, consider it. Through understanding, we can relate to one another; we are social animals. Human psychology is a focal point of the Cult of Cthulhu; and as such, in our self-examination process, we should be able to step back from ourselves to examine our own interactions with other humans. What are you joining precisely? An organization whose membership believes in its objective; and we are taking over. Ia Ia Cult of Cthulhu! Cora’Sahn, Wizard of the Terrible Darkness

Copyright 2009

OPINION POLL Cult tv programming: would cult members be willing to actively create Lovecraftian and/or cult content? Pros? Cons? Write to: [email protected] *Contributions will be published in the next Green Trapezoid Newsletter

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In Trenches

Dark Corners Cora’Sahn, Wizard of the Terrible Darkness

Shaz'rahjeem, Wizard of the Terrible Darkness The stale air fills my lungs. I feel the thickened smog shift around me, pressing against my face like hands. Slowly clambering through the air circulating amongst its own horridness, still even with the foulest stench to choke on I can’t escape the hunger. Great walls of tormenting disdain entrench me, lording over the bestial slave captivated by the prison. A penetrating darkness sifts along through my chasm. It moves itself as though caring ad good spirits are it’s only in habitants. Perhaps it is so ignorant to itself the shapeless prison has danced before it the darkness’s own masquerade. The golden brown light darts shadows across its face. “Did we not show you,” hissing and stern it warns. “The white snow has fallen on the crystal rock. Dance you spirit of the tool and craft for you limbs of its lie” Now stands another, hidden by the shadow and fog. It croaks dark words. They seem to jump across the smoky air thinning it out. “Wade through servant,” these toneless words vibrate deep through the chasm. “Ghosts have fallen into clouds for the stars would be pleased for it to never twinkle into being such as you. Gods of the faithless hope full tumble into pits even deeper than yours. Yet here you relax in the heartless mother of all your breaths. And here you choke in the blood filled womb of crushing reality. We perform a service in your mindless scar. We feed that hunger and nourish that machine. We waltz and dance of love for we are your lovers. We truly hate to see you weep. These truths are a foot in this house of suns” The second shadowy figure moves forward. His being doesn’t seem to move, if in fact you could call it a being. It croaks out its lessons. “Cursed is the flicker of your tongue. Heretical is your road. There is a barb in the steel and it collects records of your treason to our collectors. We stampede across the porcelain white of your beast’s snout. These flavours taste of prophecy.” “I know what game you play,” I cry. It becomes darker still the gully can’t hold forever. The thinning haze that once stood as choking dense fog has now all but disappeared. The glowing blackness of our goddess sky has filled the void left. It is a beautifully simple presence whispering to me of timeless understanding. Yet unknown is the cluster of horrors that truly lie in these special places. These vistas of sheeting fabric, stitched together and woven into a hope full but pain soaked world. “You shapeless oppressors are born of lies. Reach for my feet as I swallow this starry alien you have nothing of. And watch now and then as we pass over you. The weight of your sleep drags you down. But the Gnostic wings of the aware will leave them soaring. Your thoughtless obedience, despite its prominence, will get you none but ignorant suffering. And so to you I declare, suffer in your subservient unawareness and leave me to shift in my trench.” “Leave you to your trench,” pipes a new voice. One that would seem should echo off the chasm’s walls. This voice is one that rolled through the air almost as musical call. “You should scrape away the folly of this lie. I speak to your reality in truth and honest inquisition into your well being. So please hush your rebellion. We shall harbour your progress and dreams.” “Were it that you new them,” this I wish I hadn’t mumbled. This is wish I could cry so piercingly that the moon rang with its chords. Copyright, 2009

Artwork by Madguten

From dark corners I creep...from unconscious state's sleep. From dark corners I crawl... rising slowly, but I fall. From dark corners I climb...and I'm running out of time. From dark corners I keep...once awake but I sleep. From dark corners I forget...but my fate is not set. From dark corners I awake, to be alive. From dark corners I rise...flying high into the sky. From dark corners it calls...and I answer, and I fall. From dark corners I the sludge, passing days. From dark corners I the darkness, in the land. From dark corners it will, I cannot wake. From dark corners I sleep...I forget, and it keeps.

Thoughts in the Dark Cult Member, Khaemwese To feel the night Blossoming around me To feel the night Enveloping my soul To feel the night As it transcends me To feel the night As I draw new life to me To feel the night As I draw new insights To feel the night Is to be reborn Copyright 2009 Copyright 2009

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