Fuel Cell on Renewable Energy It is already known before, that renewable energy contribution on the total energy supply for average country is just 6% from another main energy supplier such as , coal and oil power plant. Basically there are solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and the last but not least is fuel cell. Even there are another energy source that will be discussed. But , right now the highest efficiency of the energy source of all renewable energy technology is the fuel cell energy source. Fuel cells (FCs) are electrochemical devices capable of converting the chemical energy of a fuel (usually hydrogen, but also hydrocarbons and alcohols) into electricity and heat. Positive characteristics such as high efficiency, low pollutant emissions, and few maintenance requirements motivated a strong interest in this technology during the last decades, with R&D activities on different FC types and applications going on around the world. In this chapter, after an introduction regarding the general features of the technology and the main development focuses, a particular attention is devoted to the types that currently dominate the market and the research: the polymer electrolyte membrane FCs and the solid oxide FCs. The corresponding sections present the state of the art of these
Figure 1. Fuel cell schematics
technologies, together with the technical targets for future developments, as well as existing and prospective applications[]. Enzymatic and microbial biofuel cells differ vastly in terms of their volumetric size (cm 3 to m 3 ), power density output (μW to mW) and their targeted applications
(small- to large-scale). Another important consideration lies in the cost of the biocatalyst, which ranges from low-cost bacteria or yeast cells, for MFCs, to the higher cost of purified wild-type and engineered enzymes for EFCs. MFCs have been successfully employed as long-term powergenerating systems, for example, for self-powered sensors placed in "hostile" environments or remote locations. The differential is, fuel cell is a renewable energy that he introduce to us and the main point is the catalysts on the middle phase that makes oxygen and hydrogen process faster than natural electrolysis[1]. The market entry of new technology is dependent on the tech that adopted by consumers. This is no different for fuel cell vehicle whose market entry is dependent on early adopters purchasing or lease the vehicle. All new technologies that purchased by these consumers are currently posed with the choice of purchasing a fuel cell vehicle or a variety of other alternate fuel vehicle, including battery electric vehicle[2]. For fuel cell to be commercially successful they need to carve out their ow niche in the automotive market, something which may prove challenging in the face of strong BEV market growth. the result of study suggest that FCV may appeal to consumers who live in homes where the cannot recharge an electric car or install their own charger. Fuel cell vehicle still have several challenge in overcome on the market, including the lack of hydrogen refueling stations and a lack of fuel cell vehicle models to choose[2]. The opportunity for fuel cell to replace the energy shortage on every level should be placed on to something potential. We just cannot use fuel cell to replace main energy supply for our house electricity, for now it is still cannot be done. But, we hope in the future, the renewable energy should be fully replace the combustion method energy.
Reference [1]
S. Cosnier, A. J. Gross, F. Giroud, and M. Holzinger, “Beyond the hype surrounding biofuel cells : What ’ s the future of enzymatic fuel cells ?,” Curr. Opin. Electrochem., vol. 12, pp. 148–155, 2018.
S. Hardman and G. Tal, “ScienceDirect Who are the early adopters of fuel cell vehicles ?,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, vol. 43, no. 37, pp. 17857–17866, 2018.
Image Reference Figure.1 Fuel cell schematic https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hoda_Jafarizadeh2/publication/268811074/figure /fig6/AS:295442089824258@1447450291358/Schematic-representation-of-a-solidoxide-fuel-cell-SOFC-2.png