Green Marketing

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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment Of the requirements of the Graduate Degree in BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONOURS) J D BIRLA INSTITUTE at the JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY at KOLKATA

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Researcher’s Name: ____RUCHIKA MOHTA______________________ Student ID No. (If applicable): __BBA832075___________________________ Researcher’s Statement: This project has been prepared on green marketing. The project is a part of my curriculum of 6th semester. It has been a great source of learning, along with a good experience and training session with the organization.

Any organisation manager or representative who is empowered to give consent may do so here: Name: __MR. MAHESHWAR RAUT_________________________________ Position/Title: ____MANAGER_______________________________ Organisation Name: ____BICCO AGRO PRODUCTS PVT. LTD.________ Location: _1, BRITISH INDIA STREET, KOLKATA______________________ Anonymity must be offered to the organisation if it does not wish to be identified in the research report. Confidentiality is more complex and cannot extend to the markets of student work or the reviewers of staff work, but can apply to the published outcomes. If confidentiality is required, what form applies?

[] No confidentiality required [] Masking of organisation name in research report [ ] No publication of research report

Signature: _MR. MAHESHWAR RAUT_____

Date: _2ND JULY, 2008___


The contribution of my Faculty at J.D. Birla Institute of Management (Affiliated to Jadavpur University) has made this project possible. I owe a debt of gratitude to many people. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude towards Prof [Dr.] Suman K. Mukerjee for inculcating such a project in the academic syllabus which has immensely helped me to develop my creative abilities. I am also grateful to Mrs. Dipa Mitra, the Faculty Coordinator of my project, for providing encouragement and for the valuable interactions I have had with her. Her valuable and appropriate inputs helped me to complete my paper successfully. I am also thankful to Mr. Maheshwar Raut of Bicco Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. for his continuous support and cooperation. Finally, I would like to thank our Learning Resource Centre Coordinators. Their support and coordination in providing study material has helped tremendously to make the project informative and comprehensive.


The topic for the internship project is green marketing and the organizational objectives. This project was undertaken from the organization Bicco Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. The firm is engaged in the production, trading and exporting of bio-chemicals, bio-fertilizers and pesticides. The term at the organization will start from 14th of May and ends on 4th of July. Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science and medicine. It is a technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use. The project will incorporate the study of how the organization is implementing biotechnology to serve organizational needs and take care of the environment. This project will help in gaining insights into the various alternatives available that can be put to use in manufacturing pesticides, chemicals and fertilizers. India is an agricultural based economy. Thus use of pesticides and fertilizers is very essential. Thus biotechnology will take care of the agriculture sector as well as the environment.


Page Number Acknowledgements Abstract 1. Introduction 1 2. Literature Review 2 3. Research Methodology 6

3.1 Introduction to Research Methodology 6 3.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research and Data Gathering 6 3.3 Data Analysis 7 4. Problem Statement (Case) 13 5. Results 14 5.1 Findings 14 5.2 Experiences after Return 15 5.2.1 Work Life 15 5.2.2 Social Life 15 5.2.3 Company Support 15 5.2.4 Individual Coping Strategies 15 5.3 Recommendations 16 6. Conclusion 17

7. Executive Summary 19 Annexure Bibliography

1. INTRODUCTION The basic definition of green marketing has been misunderstood by majority. Green marketing is not restricted to the promotion or advertising of products with environmental characteristics. Green marketing incorporates modification in the product,








encompassing definition green marketing is: Green or Environmental Marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs, such that satisfaction of these needs and wants occur, with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment.[1]

Environment Protection along with achieving organizational goals and objectives is the top priority of all the firms. This ensures a sustainable and all round development. The main objective will be to analyze and draw conclusions about the alignment of biotechnology and herbal products with that of the company’s activities. Ultimately green marketing looks at how marketing activities utilize these limited resources, while satisfying consumer wants, both of individuals and industry, as well as achieving the selling organization’s objectives. BICCO AGRO PRODUCTS PVT. LTD. is a pioneer in India in the development and production of unique biological inputs for enhancing sustainable productivity of agricultural, plantation, horticultural crops, and for human welfare. Bicco emphasizes the utilization of plant derived natural products as core materials in the development of plant nutrients, plant growth hormones, herbal inputs and beverage product like tea of their importance in human health. The company's core principle is optimal utilization of natural resources in the production of eco-friendly products that would help in improving plant and human health. This environment consciousness is the key to the success of the Bicco Group backed by its strong Research and Development Unit. In brief, Bicco is

poised for a period of rapid growth with major investments in research with a commitment to environment, ecology and human health. Bicco's R & D Unit has been formally approved by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) of the Government of India in recognition of its contributions to the development of natural products of agricultural and human importance.

2. LITERATURE REVIEW Cateora Graham, in International Marketing, has drawn a parallel line between green marketing and product development. The author has sited a variety of examples where the importance of green marketing has been laid focus on. Green marketing is a term used to identify concern with the environmental consequences of a variety of marketing activities. It very evident from the author’s research and examples the packaging and solid waste rules are burdensome but there are successful cases of not only meeting local standards but also being able to transfer this approach to other markets.


Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller in Marketing Management has initiated the topic by discussing about the relevance of green marketing in the past few decades and has also discussed the explosion of environmentally friendly products. However, according to the author from the branding perspective green marketing programs have not been very successful. Marketers tried and failed with green sales pitches over the last decade because of certain obstacles which the movement encountered. The consumer behaviour is such that most consumers appear unwillingly to give up the benefits of other alternatives to choose green products.


Along with definitions from different sources, the authors Debraj Dutta and Mahua Dutta, of Marketing Management, have given an explanation of what is green marketing. According to the authors green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities including the modification of product, production process and packaging. The authors have also discussed a few literature sources that have

focused on green marketing and its relevance in today’s era. It was evident that the possible reasons because of which organizations engage in green marketing.


K.K.Shrivastava & Sujata Khandai, the author of Consumer Behaviour in Indian Context, has discussed green marketing legislation in association with the multinational corporations. These face a growing variety of legislation designed to address environmental issues. Global concern for the environment extends beyond industrial pollution, hazardous waste disposal and rampant deforestation to include issues that focus directly on consumer products. [5]

Kenneth E. Clow & Donald Baack the authors of Integrated Advertising, Promotion




According to the authors the

marketers need to be aware of the threats and opportunities associate with four trends in the natural environment namely shortage of raw materials, increased cost of energy, increased pollution levels and the changing roles of government. New regulations hit certain industries very hard and also that consumers often appear conflicted about the natural environment. [6]

Jacquelyn A. Ottman the author of Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation, has explained green marketing from an organizational standpoint, environmental considerations should be integrated into all aspects of marketing new product development and communications and all points in between. According to the author environment should be balanced with primary customer needs. The so-called "green consumer" movements in the U.S. and other countries have struggled to reach critical mass and to remain in the forefront of shoppers' minds. The lack of consensus by consumers, marketers, activists, regulators, and influential people has slowed the growth of green products. [7]

According to the American Marketing Association (Wikipedia), green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe. Thus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as

modifying advertising. It could be concluded that defining green marketing is not a simple task where several meanings intersect and contradict each other; an example of this will be the existence of varying social, environmental and retail definitions attached to this term. As we know that the emerging greenhouse gas reduction



potentially catalyze





environmental, economic, and quality-of-life benefits. The Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), for example, enables trading between industrial and developing nations, providing a framework that can result in capital flows to environmentally beneficial development activities. [8]

Prof. Sanjit Kumar Dash author of Green Marketing: Opportunities & Challenges has mentioned that all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchange intended to satisfy human needs or wants such that satisfying of these needs and wants occur with minimal detrimental input on the national environment. The evolution of green marketing involves (three phases) from this article. First phase was termed as "Ecological" green marketing, and during this period all marketing activities were concerned to help environment problems and provide remedies for environmental problems. Second phase was "Environmental" green marketing and the focus shifted on clean technology that involved designing of innovative new products, which take care of pollution and waste issues. Third phase was "Sustainable" green marketing. It came into prominence in the late 1990s and early 2000. [9]

In the Strategic Marketing and Green Marketing, the Green Imperative is impossible to ignore, and companies are scrambling to understand how to develop business models that are more sustainable. After an objective analysis of all product, process, and policy issues associated with your company as well as performing an assessment of your current marketing strategy, we can develop a comprehensive sustainability and corporate responsibility strategy to increase ROI. The organization will then become more efficient through environmental and social







differentiation, as well as enhance your brand image in the marketplace.



In accordance with the Strategic Marketing - Brand Development and Green marketing the brand image is derived from marketing strategy. We can develop the brand identity and mold the company's image within the framework of the strategic marketing plan. This strategy and design teams develop the marketing

communications materials around maintaining a positive, distinctive, and consistent brand image in the marketplace.


The American Wind Energy Association has associated green marketing with wind energy. Green marketing can improve the environmental profile of the U.S. electricity supply if marketers sell a power product that includes a substantial fraction of wind, geothermal, biomass (including landfill gas) and/or solar resources. The generation of power from these renewable resource technologies produces few or no air emissions, no carbon. They will be most vulnerable in competitive markets and can most benefit from consumer support. While "green" is difficult to define, and arguments can be made that natural gas and large hydropower are less environmentally harmful than coal, oil, and nuclear power, green-customer demand is unlikely to exceed the supply of large, existing quantities of gas and hydro resources. [12] Anja Schaefer from the The Open University (BBC) has mentioned that green marketing is there in a sizeable market segment of green consumers who are willing to pay a little more for environmentally friendly products from environmentally friendly companies. Producers and retailers will react to this green demand and environmentally friendly practices will be pushed through the supply chain. Green marketing dates back several decades now, with specialist manufacturers and retailers such as Ben and Jerry’s, the Body Shop and so forth, leading the way. [13]

Green Marketing and Social Networks have discussed the problems related to the idea of greening the world through marketing. The article has discussed that organizations are not running charities and their main objective should be to align their own objectives with that of the protection of the environment. And if it is really delivered the environmental goods will deliver positive results for the organization. The programme already lists quite a few problems with the various environmental targets and actions described by retailers. [14]











Political Spectrum provides a different approach towards green marketing from this article. The author says that the green marketers are challenged to efficiently









behaviors. Marketing Green’s mission is to provide industry professionals with practical strategic marketing advice on how to build green brands and motivate

mass market adoption of more sustainable products. Today, there is a common perception that Democrats are more pro-environment than Republicans.


Green marketing and biotechnology (Wikipedia) has provided a relationship between. Biotechnology is often used to refer to genetic engineering technology of the 21st century however the term encompasses a wider range and history of procedures for modifying biological organisms according to the needs of humanity, going back to the initial modifications of native plants into improved food crops through artificial selection and hybridization. With the development of new approaches and modern techniques, traditional biotechnology industries are also acquiring new horizons enabling them to improve the quality of their products and increase the productivity of their systems. Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science and medicine.



3.1 Introduction to Research methodology Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English lays down the meaning of research as “a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”. According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions

and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

3.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research and data gathering Primary data will be collected by means of preparing a questionnaire and getting it filled by a large sample space. These questionnaires will help in drawing conclusions about the case. Secondary data will be gathered from the company documents, books, internet sites, articles and journals on green marketing. Any new information that could be a source of good learning will be given prime importance. The main objective of this research will be to analyze and draw conclusions about the alignment of biotechnology and herbal products with that of the company’s activities.

Primary and secondary data so collected will be analyzed with the help of various statistical tools. These tools will be of two basic forms: tabular and graphical presentation. Under the graphical presentation, tools such as pie-charts, histograms, line graphs, bar diagrams etc. will prove to be handy.

With the help of the primary and secondary data so collected, along with the various statistical tools, an analysis will be performed. A conclusion will be drawn based on this analysis. These tools will thus provide a water tight conclusion for the case so framed.


The data that has been collected is mainly of two types: Primary and Secondary. This data was classified, compiled and analyzed to reach a definite conclusion. The data has been presented in the form of tables and figures in the annexure along with a theoretical explanation. Primary data has been presented in Annexure1 and secondary data in Annexure2.

The primary data has been mainly assimilated from the questionnaires for the purpose of reaching a consensus about the case. The questions have been framed with the primary motive of leading to the case. The entire questionnaire can be divided into three basic parts:

  

Organization based questions Economy based questions Environment based questions

The options so framed helped in capturing a broad and self sufficient view of all the individuals. The main motive was to collect the data in an unbiased fashion, analyze the data so collected and draw a conclusion.

The secondary data was gathered from the company documents, books, internet sites, articles and journals on green marketing. Any new information that was a source of good learning was given prime importance.

The sample space of the primary data was 85. This facilitated the process of obtaining answers from a variety of individuals, who provided a wide range of answers. Thus the questionnaires provided an unbiased variety of answers which in turn helped in reaching a definite conclusion.


THE AGE GROUP AND OCCUPATION THAT WAS TARGETED Annexure1: table 5.1(a) & 5.1(b) and figure 5.1(a) & 5.1(b) Green marketing is a relatively new concept. Hence the age group which was targeted started from 18 years to 50 years and above. The questionnaire provides

a widespread outlook, as the percentage of people questioned was almost equally distributed among all the age groups. Majority of respondents belonged to the age group of 18 to 25 years with 26% (Fig 5.1(a)).

The occupation of individuals mainly comprised of students, service, business and others. Others included mainly homemakers, retired individuals etc. Similar to the age group category, the percentage distribution in this category was almost equally distributed. Majority of individuals belonged to the service class (Fig 5.1(b)).

AWARENESS ABOUT THE TERM “GREEN MARKETING” Annexure1: table 5.2 & figure 5.2 Green or Environmental Marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, such that satisfaction of these needs and wants occur, with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment. Green marketing, as it is known, is a new ‘term’ that has been incorporated in the various fields of management. This was very evident from the data collected. Nearly 45% that is 40 out of 85 individuals were unaware of the term ‘green marketing’. In order to overcome this problem the next question comprised of the definition of green marketing. AWARENESS ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF “GREEN MARKETING” Annexure1: table 5.3 & figure 5.3 This question explained the concept of green marketing in layman’s language. Such a question was incorporated; to obtain answers for the subsequent ‘green marketing’ related questions. The figure clearly shows that nearly 89% of the total numbers of individuals were aware of the concept of green marketing. The respondents could provide insights into the topic as well. This data explicitly showed that although people are not aware of the term ‘green marketing’ but they do possess knowledge about the concept, methods and activities involved in green marketing. Thus only 11% of the total sample space had little knowledge about green marketing. HINDRANCES FOR ADOPTING GREEN MARKETING AT ORGANIZATION LEVEL

Annexure1: table 5.4 and figure 5.4(a) & 5.4(b) Time, cost and complex procedures could be the three broad hindrances that prevent an organization from adopting green marketing. Time factor is associated with the long gestation period which green marketing might take, to deliver positive results. Allocating a separate fund for environment friendly activities can also prevent the organization from adopting the same. Last but not the least complex and long drawn procedures could also be a source of problem. According to the data so collected, majority people i.e. 40 out of 85 (Fig 5.4 (a)) opted for complex procedures as a hindrance, with 35% opting for cost factor and remaining 18% opting for time factor (Fig 5.4(b)). This clearly shows that the long gestation period is not the biggest hindrance for the organization, willing to adopt green marketing. FINANCIAL BENEFITS FROM GREEN MARKETING Annexure1: table 5.5 & figure 5.5 This question aimed at obtaining an answer that whether green marketing can generate profits for the firm. Correct implementation of green marketing involves high costs and expenditures by the organization. Hence this question was incorporated to reach a consensus of sorts; that whether at all green marketing is a lucrative option for the firm, apart from benefiting the environment. Nearly 68% of the total sample space gave a positive answer and stated that green marketing, if implemented in the proper fashion, can financially benefit the organization in the long run. However 32% of the individuals believed that green marketing involves high costs and will not generate profits in the long run.

GESTATION PERIOD OF GREEN MARKETING Annexure1: table 5.6 & figure 5.6 After having considered the cost factor, it was now important to consider time factor. The main purpose of this question was to know that whether green marketing can deliver positive results in the short run or in the long run. The two

broad options were less than 6 years or more than 6 years. 64% of the total sample space (54 out of 85) believed that green marketing can benefit the organization in the short run (less than 6 years). However 36% opted for more than 6 years. After having posed questions related to the organization, it was important to focus on the economy which comprises of many small organizations along with the agriculture sector. Environmental issues have also been an issue of great concern with global warming and carbon emissions posing a threat to the existence of life on earth. Bicco Agro Products Pvt. Ltd., along with using biotechnology to implement green marketing, manufactures pesticides and fertilizers that are essential for the agriculture sector. Thus along with biotechnology, the neem based products, will take care of the agriculture sector as well as the environment. The following questions aimed at providing a broader outlook to the adoption of green marketing. These questions discussed the association of green marketing with the economy and the environment. PERFORMANCE OF THE AGRICULTURE SECTOR IN INDIA Annexure1: table 5.7 & figure 5.7 Indian economy is an agriculture based economy. Agriculture sector has been suffering to a great extent due to various reasons such as: Poor monsoons, lack of proper infrastructure, lack of proper knowledge, use of out dated techniques of farming, improper resource allocation etc. Various measures were undertaken in the form of the 5 year plans. However these efforts to improve the performance of the agriculture sector were not completely successful. The poor performance of the agriculture sector was further validated by the data collected. Nearly 78% of the total number of individuals questioned believed that the agriculture sector is lagging behind to a great extent. However 13% did not have a clear picture about the agriculture scenario and 9% believed that the agriculture sector has been performing up to the mark.


Increased fund allocation, good quality pesticides and fertilizers, educating the farmers, good infrastructural facilities etc. are some of the options for giving a strong push to the agriculture sector. Majority of individuals (44%) opted for educating the farmers. Indian farmers are not completely aware of the new and good techniques of growing crops. Hence Government can take efforts in this direction. Percentage distribution for the remaining options was almost equal. Thus providing good irrigation facilities to overcome the problem of monsoons, good quality fertilizers that can provide nutrients to the soil etc. are the possible solutions for overcoming the problems of the agriculture sector. THREAT TO THE ENVIRONMENT Annexure1: table 5.9 & figure 5.9 The various sources of threat to the environment could be the wastes from manufacturing units, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, carbon emissions, improper disposal etc. Nearly half the number of individuals opted for improper disposal as the most serious threat to the environment with 23 opting for manufacturing units and 17 for automobiles and vehicles. GREEN MARKETING AS A PROTECTION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Annexure1: table 5.10 & figure 5.10 This was a question that aimed at drawing a parallel line between green marketing and environment protection. 55 people said that green marketing can facilitate the process of environment protection. However 7 were against the notion and 23 people were of a mixed opinion. SUGGESTIONS FOR PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT This was a qualitative question with a variety of view points. All individuals were asked for measures that can be undertaken to protect the environment today as well as tomorrow. Majority of individuals suggested that a proper waste disposal technique can prove to be very beneficial. Along with that a check on the carbon emissions, generation of pollution etc. were other significant suggestions. Some respondents also suggested recycling and reuse of waste material as a possible solution. Last but not the least proper legal framework could be set up by the government authorities that can act as a watchdog for the purpose of environment protection.

AN ALL ENCOMPASSING VIEW ABOUT THE FUTURE OF GREEN MARKETING Annexure1: table 5.11 & figure 5.11 The most important question of the questionnaire aimed at obtaining a poll about the benefits of green marketing in the long run, to the organization, economy and the environment. This question focused on the outcome of adopting green marketing. Majority of individuals (72%) were of the opinion that green marketing will deliver positive results for the organization, the economy and the environment. However 18% believed that green marketing can benefit only the organization.

SECONDARY DATA R&D EXPENSES AND TESTING EXPENSES FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS Annexure2: table 5.12 and figure 5.12(a) & 5.12(b) The main source of secondary data was the company documents. The figure clearly shows the expenditure on Research and development and the testing charges. R&D has shown a consistent trend with highest in the year of 2005 (Fig 5.12(a)); however there have been fluctuations in the testing charges and was nil in the year of 2005 (Fig 5.12(b). The company incurred R&D in the field of biotechnology and on neem based herbal plants. The testing charges were however incurred only on biotechnology.

CONCERN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Annexure2: figure 5.13 This figure shows the variety of reasons why individuals do not incorporate the necessary steps in their daily lives, to protect the environment. In other words the pie chart mainly represents the issues that prevent individuals and organizations to go ‘green’. Research shows that lack of convenience, lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of interest are some of the reasons due to which individuals do not adopting green marketing strategies. BELIEFS ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL MESSAGING BY COMPANIES Annexure2: figure 5.14 The table shows the percentages for different view points, about the company’s strategies of displaying messages regarding their products and services being environment friendly. Consumers today are much more concerned about climate change than they were even one year ago. Moreover, they are expecting their favorite brands not only to share their concern but to take action (or enable their consumers) to mitigate it. The statements are all encompassing and self explanatory.


“Adoption of green marketing delivering positive results for the organization, despite its long gestation period.”

Green marketing helps in understanding the ways and means by way of which, activities can be performed by focusing on the environment as well as the needs of the consumers and the organization.

Environment protection along with achieving organizational goals and objectives is one of the top priorities of all the firms. Thus green marketing may have the credential to benefit the economy and the environment on a large scale and the organization on a small scale.


5.1 FINDINGS The term green marketing has gained importance in the recent past. However the concept of indulging in environment friendly activities has been quite old. Before adopting green marketing, organizations have to take into consideration a lot of factors










implementation of green marketing can result in financially benefiting the organization. Thus a break even can be reached between the cost of implementation and the profits thus generated. This breakeven, however can be established in the short run of less than seven years. Indian economy is an agriculture based economy. Agriculture sector has been suffering to a great extent due to various reasons such as: Poor monsoons, lack of proper infrastructure, lack of proper knowledge etc. Increased fund, imparting knowledge to farmers, good irrigation facilities – a combination of these can help in improving the agriculture sector. Maximum threat to the environment is posed by improper waste disposal, automobiles and vehicles and manufacturing units. However adoption of green marketing can definitely contribute to the protection of the environment. Proper waste disposal, a check on the carbon emissions, recycling and reuse of waste material and a proper legal framework could be set up by the government authorities for the purpose of environment protection.


5.2.1 Work life The organization is well structured and each area of work is clearly divided. I was a part of the Research and Development department. The working environment was formal. The organization is well equipped and provides an atmosphere conducive for work. 5.2.2 Social Life The members of the organization had inter as well as intra department communications. This communication was of great help at every stage of the project. Most of the communication was related to business and not pleasure. 5.2.3 Company support The company provided with all the necessary support required to help in successful completion of the project. The project was carefully scrutinized and approved at every stage with complete guidance from the more experienced. 5.2.4 Individual Coping Strategies The organization provided with the necessary support as a result of which it was not required to develop strategies to cope as an individual. But a sense of patience during the course of this project was essential.

5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS The environment consciousness is the key to the success of the Bicco Group backed by its strong Research and Development Unit. After having analyzed the primary and secondary data, the following recommendations can be made to the organization:

 A proper balance of the time factor, cost factor and complex procedures can help the firm in being successful in its implementation of biotechnology for the production of herbal products.

 The organization may try and create more awareness about the benefits of herbal and neem based products as compared to the harmful chemicals that are used for the same purpose.

 Biotechnology is a relatively new field with very few organizations indulging in the same. Thus the firm should organize and strategize all its activities keeping in mind the newness of biotechnology and the benefits it is capable of offering.

 Indian agriculture sector can improve with the support of good infrastructural facilities such as fertilizers, irrigation facilities, herbal pesticides etc. the organization can aim at providing these necessities to

the agriculture sector. Such a transaction will benefit, though in a small way, both the organization as well as our primary sector.

 Last but not the least the organization can also spread its operations outside the nation where awareness about green marketing and biotechnology is much more as compared to India.


The term green marketing has gained importance in the recent past. However the concept of indulging in environment friendly activities has been quite old. Before adopting green marketing, organizations have to take into consideration a lot of factors such as time, cost, complex procedures and others.

Correct implementation of green marketing can result in financially benefiting the organization. Thus a break even can be reached between the cost of implementation and the profits thus generated. This breakeven, however can be established in the short run of less than seven years.

Indian economy is an agriculture based economy. Agriculture sector has been suffering to a great extent due to various reasons such as: Poor monsoons, lack of proper infrastructure, lack of proper knowledge etc. Increased fund, imparting knowledge to farmers, good irrigation facilities – a combination of these can help in improving the agriculture sector.

Maximum threat to the environment is posed by improper waste disposal, automobiles and vehicles and manufacturing units. However adoption of green marketing can definitely contribute to the protection of the environment. Proper

waste disposal, a check on the carbon emissions, recycling and reuse of waste material and a proper legal framework could be set up by the government authorities for the purpose of environment protection.

LIMITATIONS OF THE PROJECT The project has been completed with reference to primary and secondary data. Green marketing is a term that has gained importance in India very recently. However it was used in other nations as well. Thus impact of green marketing and the procedures followed by other nations have not been covered in this project.

In case, more time had been allotted, efforts taken by the governments of different nations could have been discussed. Such as the Kyoto Protocol, global warming etc.


The topic for my internship project is green marketing and the organizational objectives. This project was undertaken from the organization Bicco Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. The firm is engaged in the production, trading and exporting of bio-chemicals, bio-fertilizers and pesticides. Green or Environmental Marketing consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs, such that satisfaction of these needs and wants occur, with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment.

Primary data was collected by means of preparing a questionnaire and getting it filled by a large sample space. These questionnaires helped in drawing conclusions about the case. Secondary data was gathered from the company documents, books, internet sites, articles and journals on green marketing. With the help of the primary and secondary data so collected, along with the various statistical tools, an analysis will be performed. These tools provided a water tight conclusion for the case so framed.

The analysis that was performed clearly revealed that green marketing is capable of benefiting the organization, economy and the environment despite its long gestation period. Increased fund, imparting knowledge to farmers, good irrigation facilities – a combination of these can help in improving the agriculture sector. Maximum threat to the environment is posed by improper waste disposal, automobiles and vehicles and manufacturing units. However adoption of green marketing can definitely contribute to the protection of the environment.

The organization may try and create more awareness about the benefits of herbal and neem based products as compared to the harmful chemicals that are used for the same purpose. Biotechnology is a relatively new field with very few organizations indulging in the same. Thus the firm should organize and strategize all its activities keeping in mind the newness of biotechnology and the benefits it is capable of offering.

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