Intermediate Part II Problem: Take three numbers from user and print the greater number e.g. No1 is 12, No2 is 26, No3 is 92. Output: No3 is greater which is 92. #include
#include <stdio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int no1,no2,no3; printf("Enter the 1st no: "); scanf("%d",&no1); printf("Enter the 2nd no: "); scanf("%d",&no2); printf("Enter the 3rd no: "); scanf("%d",&no3); if(no1==no2&&no1==no3) printf("\n All Numbers are Equal"); else if(no1>no2&&no1>no3) printf("\n 1st Number is greater which is: %d",no1); else if(no2>no1&&no2>no3) printf("\n 2nd Number is greater which is: %d",no2); else if(no3>no1&&no3>no2) printf("\n 3rd Number is greater which is: %d",no3); else if(no1==no2&&no1>no3) printf("\n 1st and 2nd numbers are Equal but Greator than 3rd"); else if(no1==no3&&no1>no2) printf("\n 1st and 3rd numbers are Equal but Greator than 2nd"); else if(no2==no3&&no2>no1) printf("\n 2nd and 3rd numbers are Equal but Greator than 1st"); getch(); } Click the link below to see more examples URL: E-Mail: [email protected] Farhan: 03008855006