Great Intro- By Saint, Upliftthem Blog

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Friday, August 04, 2006 THE GREAT INTRO- into "UPLIFTHEM" blog The Great Intro!!! The Great Intro!!! "Caste & Casteism is a deliberate creation of a group of anti-social people of ancient Indian Society. Further cherished, upheld and practiced by the modern anti-social Indians. Casteism is so rooted in Indians families, their society and the entire nation that it is a major road block for India to move forward or civilize from ancient world. Even after 3000-5000 years, this vicious brahmincal made varna/caste pathology utterly failed the society to civilize to like and love fellow humans in the modern cities of India, and absolutely failed the villages and smaller towns to collapse with discrimination and killing of innocent humans (24/7-365 days) in the name of caste and casteism. First, it is a barbaric social order & filthy culture of hindu society, it is inhuman and against human rights. Second, caste is a filthy human practice, the mind & heart that houses caste is enormously corrupted, disabled from human civilization. Third, it is dangerous to a true civil society in India and to the world. This rabid casteistic hindu's do not leave this caste shit back home when they migrate to another country, they go spread this barbaric thoughts about cow loving and human hateredness (hindu's hate and cause severe damages to Dalits family, properties and kill Dalits every single day). Unbelievably, even in developed countries like UK caste discrimination against Dalits have been reported recently, so imagine how dangerous the hindu’s mentality, why don't these hindu's grow up to be humans". So, What is the truth about caste creation?: About 2000-3000 years ago, some illiterate lunatics & bunch of self-centered, megalomaniacal Indians proclaimed themselves as the pure and powerful creation of god, and rest of the Indians are born filthy and unfit to be do godly things (whatever crap is god worshiping and godly things according to their dogma's at that time). So, they made a survival tool for themselves but by the expense of the whole nation and other fellow humans and most importantly the original inhabitants of India (today called by several terms and names, such as Dalits, untouchables, all these words are coined to popularize the braminical, megalo maniacal caste kit). Misuse of people: People were enormously god fearing, one can ridiculously tap this god fearing features of Indians for any filthy and manipulative purposes. So, this caste kit/device was used to put forward religious and god fearing rules that only brahmins are fit to worship and be close to god, an obvious survival usIng domination via their minds, with domination and usage of discriminatory rules, it was easy to create divisions among Indians, especially the native Indians (the native Dravidas, Adi's and Tribals). Such a kit or social device was powerfully used to subjugate, dominate the original inhabitants of the Indian lands too, so they grabbed the lands that belong to aboriginals. The intruders "so called brahmins", used this survival kit on day to day basis to manipulate the people of all types, all over India (different states, different regions), since India is such a vast and heterogeneous society with numerous languages, numerous physical variations by look, color and stature, these features became super handy to caste creators to further divide them into hundreds of castes.

Social Chaos due to Varna: Once a social structure like the above was established, it was easy to form a political power system based on those divisive, selfish and introvert idealism in mind. Then everything movable, immovable in the land, water and air can be manipulated to their benefits as the holders of power and nation. So first of all, Who gave them such power??, the caste system they devised was the sole lender of Power. Everyone else is under their mercy, because they even made it to practice that they are the privileged and pure creation of god. (....lunatics!). We are talking about an ancient social chaos in the name of caste that was created some 3000 years ago. Over the centuries, little change had occurred if at all there was any change in this casteism in India. Now, the casteism took a very different shape, size and color in the modern India but caste system and casteism is absolutely live and practiced by the majority of Indians, horribly, more by the educated people. Are they educated?. Immmm…good question to ask?. The Unfathomable: How did they get away by doing what they did in ancient times in ancient India? and, how do they get away in what they were doing until today?. Very good question!!??. Power structure in the form of money, political power and goondaism are all became the heart and soul of casteistic people, inherited to their own people from one generation to another. Ironically, the suppressed, oppressed original Indians (the dalits and Adivasis) remain poor, downtrodden and continued this to their next generation, until after the India's Independence about 5-6 decades ago. It is during this period, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, the messiah of the Dalits, the great hero of the oppressed fought with dedication to change the Indian society. He wanted to annihilate the caste system and social pathology completely. He brought enormous change into these downtrodden peoples lives in India. (More about Dr.B.R.Ambedkar's work will be described later in this intro). Whatever Happened to Dalits: How and why this people let such things to happen for centuries, there are several reasons, but let's dissect out a few. In most cases, the Dalits were passive, submissive, god fearing, very hard working, innovative, down to earth and they are kind of people who believe in respecting fellow human beings (of course, there were always rebels, warriors, hero's, intellects, creators and all sorts, but not enough in number to make radical changes). So with the advent of brahminical, casteistic devices and enormous manipulative powers, the good natured Dalits were manipulated and betrayed, once got into this strong god believing behaviors and practices, they became slaves of the highest order. They could not get out of this pathological caste system. Also, because of these Dalits inherent great qualities and traits, because of their lack of aggressiveness and less assertive in nature, they were easily subjected to manipulations and continued upon by the Indian scoundrels (by both those who were originated in India and by those who have been migrated to India from some different continents) several centuries ago. In the beginning era of casteism, the Dalits and Adivasis were looted of their own precious and plentiful lands, their lands were forcefully grabbed by casteistic barbarians, they were kicked out of their own homes, after loosing lands and homes, they lived under the mercy of caste people, Dalits were made to serve the manipulators as slaves. Such a terroristic and goondaistic activity has been going on for several centuries, and significantly, it is taking place even today. The misery of temples:

During the same period, the so called self proclaimed god's people (Brahmins) came out with this barbaric belief system to create and sustain god fear in all divisions of people of India. First they established temples (thousands and millions of temples), then they made idols of gods and goddesses along with hindu religion and religious teachings and preaching’s. I am quite sure that the god fearing nature of humans can be very easily manipulated to a greater extent to divide the people into several sub sects and jobs can be assigned based on what their skin color, assertive nature, aggressive nature and similar such traits, these things probably also played a secondary role in the manipulators hand to enforce the caste system successfully. In the archaic literature and in the modern literature's, incredibly manipulated, doctored, pseudo theories about castes and religions are circulating all over. Most of them are written by the casteistic liars and morons. So, whether it is an ancient scripture or today’s news papers and books, the truth is buried and lies are spread that god created people from mouth and named them as brahmins, this and that, are all bullshits. The filthy Theory: The theories they postulate that the god created people from his head to toe, based on which part of god's body a person was born, he or it became the the basis for caste is one of the most lunatic belief a human being will ever accept...............but sadly and ironically everyone believed and lived with this classification....and it persists, exists and continues today...... Based on this, it is beyond doubt that India never really civilized. Why do I say so? Because of the lack of the following, in a civilized society, there must be freedom, freedom of speech, rights and equal rights to everyone; justice and equal justice to everyone. Education, and Equal educational avenues, equitable job opportunities to everyone. None of this can be seen in India to satisfy the constitutional drafts that were created after caste bloodshed and, after the struggles and continued fight by Dalit leader Dr.B.R. Ambedkar and other Dalit revolutionist leaders who relentlessly, tirelessly fought against this caste system. Good things or justifications against caste atrocities were rare, it might occur randomly here and there in some parts of India in a very minuscule level. What makes me to say so!?. 24/7 365 days Daltis are attacked: Look at the following links and thousands and thousands of recent news, there are caste classes, murders, looting's, rapes against Dalits and Adivasis. In one of the recent Dalit cases where an innocent woman was rapped, beaten and paraded naked, this lady later became a legendary and powerful woman among Dalits. As this lady became a rebel and took the power in her own hands, she taught a great lesson to the casteistic mofu..s!!!. It is our powerful "Poolan Devi's" case, which is still in our memories that happened just in the late 80s a decade ago from today. There are thousands of such cases reported and recorded every single day. Police and legal system in India are like the fence eating the grass story, most of the police and lawyers are basically from the so called upper caste group, how can you expect justice from the same casteistic people, instead the fence eats everything. There are occasionally good things happen and justice occurs, I can’t completely rule out good things are not happening, what is so great about a rare good

incident when a whole lot of bad things take ordinary humans lives to the drain. Hindu's are hard wired: Here is the best example about why India is not civilized, most of the human rights activists, NGOs organizations and individuals who help those Dalits and Adivasis are westerners (mostly Americans) and some of them are from Europe and other nations. The local Hindu Indians are either very rare to see helping the Dalits, because they would rather make plans to kill the Dalits, they are so out of this civilized world, how can we expect them to protect fellow humans. If there are any hindu Indians serving Dalits, it will be just a tiny number and one can easily count them, they are the rarest of good humans in India, who come out of the rabbit shit hole of casteism to embrace and help the poor and needy, only a few of them who serve or work for the upliftment of these downtrodden people. Villages are terribly backwards: Here is another example, there is segregation of living areas, people do not share water and separate water system for castes, Dalits and Adivasis in some areas are succumbed to this age old barbaric caste system and are humiliated to an extent to drink filthy water where animals defecate!? (Did you watch the recent 60 minutes, where Christina Amannpur was filming in India to capture the real life, sad saga of Dalits and Adivasis drinking water from filthy water resources that runs along with lots of human and animal shits mixed up in it. The CBS 60min on Dalits: Did you see the outrageous human scavengers?, And the human scavengers removing human shit......Wow, is this a nation, is this a human society, are these Hindus are human beings in the first place to see their own fellow human suffer in such filthy and menial jobs, if they are humans and want shit cleaning jobs to be done by humans, then why not this jobs are equally distributed to all types of people instead of forcing only the dalits to do?, is this a religion?). (The most astounding literature's like the Ramayana, Mahabharata and the much more astounding Constitution of India was written by Dalits, the constitution of India was written by Dr.Ambedkar, a scholar, great orator, lawyer, social activist, great human rights activist, intellect, a doctorate from the famous Columbia University). Over the last 3000 years including right this very moment, original and real Indian people of the great Indian lands (the Dalits and Adivasis) have been suppressed, oppressed, tortured, raped, murdered, houses burned and they are humiliated beyond words can express. None of the governments took any stringent measures to control such human rights violation, in addition to the people, the politicians and governmental officials also been part of this neglect, deliberate violation of human rights. The police system and legal system too was responsible for their inefficient and callous handling of the feudal religious monopoly by Hindu Indians. What Now: In the recent years however, Dalits are increasingly upraising and fighting in all directions including in the modern writings and literature against Dalit atrocities and Dalits are working on their own to straightening up things by showing their solidarity and capabilities. Three thousand years of slavery and human violation left the most part of India (villages, towns and some cities)

underdeveloped, poor and unhealthy living standards that is not known to outsiders and city dwellers, on the news and at the international political level only few good things and hi-fi buildings were shown, deep inside, it is just a underdeveloped and dark nation mainly due to this caste stupidity and other possible reasons can be discussed later. Watch the following video to learn how a barbaric structure of society and small population of the society (so called upper castes) humiliate the majority of original Indians into these filthy conditions. Then you decide yourself how advanced India is??? IT IS THE BARBARIC hINDU INDIANS, PUSHED THE DALITS TO THIS SAD CONDITION...!? NOW, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT, JUST HELP THE FELLOW DALITS, OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN INDIA, BY ANY MEANS YOU THINK IS POSSIBLE. JOIN THIS HUMANIZING EFFORT OF GOOD AMBEDKARITES, WHO WILL CERTAINLY GOING TO STRAIGHTEN UP OUR SOCIETY. Jai Bheem Saint See the following videos Posted by Founder & Editor, Saint at 8/04/2006 01:18:00 PM 0 comments Labels: Ambedkarites, caste system, castes, Dalits, divisive hindus, gita, great intro, Intro, manu, varna

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