Great Indian Developer Summit

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  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Great Indian Developer Summit @Bangalore Want to know the current trends in JAVA? Were you looking for some amazing mind-blowing innovative ideas [I got two at least ;)], I think it’s the right conference to attend, now I wish I could have attended all the four days of the summit. Here is a quick snap shot of the presentations and my (personal) comments about the presentation/ presenter. Presentation

Computing in the Cloud

Speaker Craig McClanahan

Comments  

Introducing REST: The Starbucks Example

Jim Webber

  

COBOL in the 21st Century : Blending the Past with Future Opportunities

Ashish Masand

RESTful? What's a RESTful? Craig McClanahan

Excellent introduction Craig is currently working on the Cloud API of SUN, this presentation really covers his thoughts on various possible issues that are to be addressed in Cloud. The advantages of Cloud computing mentioned were well explained in context with SUN Could API! Very interactive presentation Started with Basics of REST and covered most aspects. It was a typical Jim presentation, covers handling various status codes, Media Types, Microformats.

Hmmm sorry no comments, author said he was not trying to sell any particular product ;), I felt he was trying to sell his whole company product stack!!! 

This was almost like a continuation of Jim’s presentation and infact more generic. Craig explained the basics of REST like URI’s, Statelessness, and Representations with examples. Explained various scalability constrains of Session based applications. Very interesting presentation

not much about implementation but excellent concepts well explained (sometimes in context with SUN Cloud API)

Building RESTful Applications with JAX-RS

Craig McClanahan

This was a continuation of RESTful presentation and more specifically with JAX-RS. Looks like even thou JAX-RS is great Craig is not very happy about its completeness, he definitely knew in and out of JAX-RS as he mentioned the are using them extensively in SUN Cloud API. One major concern which I always use to think of, especially for building a RESTful application is the Client programming, Clients here really need to be very intelligent to adapt them self based on various status codes returned, Jersey (Reference implementation of JAX-RS) seem to have client side coding support with annotations which is excellent, but this features itself is not a standard as per JSR 311, so this is something Jersey is providing as a add-on.

Crystal Reports for Java Developers

Vijay Nag

No comments again, but this was much better presentation, wish Crystal reports was a Open Source project ;)

IEEE's Initiatives for the Developer Ecosystem

Dr. Rangachar Kasturi

This was really more about IEEE certifications and their contributions.

The Next Generation of Java EE

Mike Keith

Mike is a really cool presenter, but nothing much is going to change in JEE6 in simple words all that you will see is JSF 2, JPA 2, JSTL 1.2, ETL 1.2, Servlet 3, JSP 2.2, EJB 3.1, JAX-RS, EJBLite (container). EJB 3.1 seems to have some really cool stuff as well as Servlets as both are going to support Asynchronous

Guerrilla SOA

Jim Webber

 

requests. The funny part if now you can have EJB’s in a Web Application (WAR file), (hmmm now how can I explain difference b/w appserver and a servlet engine anymore?) I at least expected to see JBI 2 or SCA to be part of JEE6 neither are part of it! This was the most funniest presentation packet with great information, it’s really nice to see the way Jim presents his thoughts and all those funny voice modulations (noise) Very interactive presentation As usual he started his guerrilla fight against WS-* (Hmm people who don’t know much about Jim must be wondering is he talking for or against SOA, the fact is he always try to explain Internet scale integration, which is not very easy to understand and achieve using WS-*) Slides were excellent with good animation effects to explain the concepts in clear. Jim’s jokes of ESB, I am sure the people who must have been working very hard on various ESB’s must be cursing him ;) My Caution about Jim’s presentations don’t get carried away by his jokes, try to extract information you are looking out for!

To summarize, it was a great day, lot of interesting concepts and well organized event, by the way some of the stalls were really interesting especially Yahoo HackLite!, Yahoo has a new mobile platform called BluePrint, guess what they already have implemented this for SlideShare check and their BOSS API looks kind of promising. Stay tuned for my tomorrows Workshops! Not sure what to expect in fact confused in deciding which one to attend especially many being in parallel , Wish they were in serial ;)

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